DARPE: Search Results
Entry No. D1213

J.Kasagi1,H.Harada1,T.Murakami1,K.Yoshida1, H.Tachibanaki1,T.Inamura2
Tokyo Inst.of Technology, Tokyo1
Cyclotron Lab., Inst. of Phys.+ Chem. Res., Saitama2
Physics Letters,Section B176(1986)307


Click on the data number to see the plot. Or select the box to plot multiple data.
DataFilePhysical quantitiesReaction(s)Energies
1 * LIFE
LIFE: Life time
98MO(16O,4*N)110SN; between 72 and 76 MEV
2 * LIFE
LIFE: Life time
98MO(16O,4*N)110SN; between 72 and 76 MEV
3 * LIFE
LIFE: Life time
98MO(16O,4*N)110SN; between 72 and 76 MEV
4 * LIFE
LIFE: Life time
98MO(16O,4*N)110SN; between 72 and 76 MEV
5 * LIFE
LIFE: Life time
100MO(16O,4*N)112SN; between 72 and 76 MEV
6 * LIFE
LIFE: Life time
100MO(16O,4*N)112SN; between 72 and 76 MEV
7 * LIFE
LIFE: Life time
100MO(16O,4*N)112SN; between 72 and 76 MEV
8 * LIFE
LIFE: Life time
100MO(16O,4*N)112SN; between 72 and 76 MEV
9 * BE-2
98MO(16O,4*N)110SN; between 72 and 76 MEV
10 * BM-1
98MO(16O,4*N)110SN; between 72 and 76 MEV
11 * BE-2
98MO(16O,4*N)110SN; between 72 and 76 MEV
12 * BM-1
98MO(16O,4*N)110SN; between 72 and 76 MEV
13 * BE-2
98MO(16O,4*N)110SN; between 72 and 76 MEV
14 * BE-2
98MO(16O,4*N)110SN; between 72 and 76 MEV
15 * BM-2
98MO(16O,4*N)110SN; between 72 and 76 MEV
16 * BM-1
100MO(16O,4*N)112SN; between 72 and 76 MEV
17 * BE-2
100MO(16O,4*N)112SN; between 72 and 76 MEV
18 * BM-1
100MO(16O,4*N)112SN; between 72 and 76 MEV
19 * BE-2
100MO(16O,4*N)112SN; between 72 and 76 MEV

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