DARPE: Search Results
Entry No. D1573

T.Nakamura1, S.Shimoura1, T.Kobayashi2, T.Teranishi1, K.Abe3, N.Aoi1, Y.Doki1, M.Fujimaki2, N.Inabe2, N.Iwasa4, K.Katori3, T.Kubo2, H.Okuno1, T.Suzuki2, I.Tanihata2, Y.Watanabe2, A.Yoshida2, M.Ishihara1,2
Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo1
Inst.of Physical and Chemical Res. (RIKEN2
Osaka Univ., Osaka3
Physics Letters,Section B331(1994)296

Coulomb dissociation of a halo nucleus 11Be at 72A MeV

Click on the data number to see the plot. Or select the box to plot multiple data.
DataFilePhysical quantitiesReaction(s)Energies
DSIGMA/DE: dsigma/dE #1; EXC-ENGY-EMT: Excitation energy of outgoing particle #2
PB(11BE,11BE)PB; 72.0 MEV/A
DSIGMA/DE: dsigma/dE #1; EXC-ENGY-EMT: Excitation energy of outgoing particle #2
12C(11BE,11BE)12C; 72.0 MEV/A
BE-L: B(E lambda); EXC-ENGY-EMT: Excitation energy of outgoing particle #2
(PB(11BE,11BE)PB, 12C(11BE,11BE)12C); 72.0 MEV/A
4 *DATA130) DATA231)
PB(11BE,11BE)PB; 72.0 MEV/A
PB(11BE,N,10BE)PB; 72.0 MEV/A
PB(11BE,N,10BE)PB; 72.0 MEV/A
7 *DATA146) DATA247)
PB(11BE,N,10BE)PB; 72.0 MEV/A
8 *COS-CM52) DATA153)
COS-CM: Cosine in c.m. system
PB(11BE,N,10BE)PB; 72.0 MEV/A

25) dB(E1)/dE (dipole strength distribtuion) [e**2fm**2]
30) Impact parameter b. b is related to the scattering angle classical Coulomb head-on collision
31) dsigma/b [mb/fm]
35) Scattering angle theta of the c.m. of 10Be+n system
36) Mean values of longitudinal momentum of 10Be in the rest frame of incident 11Be
40) Scattering angle theta of the c.m. of 10Be+n system
41) Mean values of longitudinal momentum of neutron in the rest frame of incident 11Be
46) Scattering angle phi of 10Be in 11Be rest frame
47) dsigma/dphi [b/rad]
52) Cosine of scattering angle theta of 10Be in 11Be rest frame
53) dsigma/dcos(theta)
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