DARPE: Search Results
Entry No. D1613

Y.Kondo1, Y.Sugiyama2, Y.Tomita2, Y.Yamanouchi2, H.Ikezoe2, K.Ideno2, S.Hamada2, T.Sugimitsu3, M.Hijiya3, H.Fujita4
Japan Atomic Research Institute (JAERI2
Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka3
Physics Letters,Section B365(1996)17

Airy minimum crossing theta(cm)=90 deg at E(lab)=124 MeV for the 16O+16O system

Click on the data number to see the plot. Or select the box to plot multiple data.
DataFilePhysical quantitiesReaction(s)Energies
MOTT-RATIO: Cross section ratio to Mott cross section #1; THTC: Scattering angle theta in c.m. system #4
16O(16O,16O)16O; 124 MEV
MOTT-RATIO: Cross section ratio to Mott cross section #1; THTC: Scattering angle theta in c.m. system #4
16O(16O,16O)16O; 145 MEV
3 *INC-ENGY-LAB FLAG17) RC DATA118) DATA219) DATA320) DATA421) DATA522) DATA623) DATA724) DATA825) DATA926)
INC-ENGY-LAB: Incident energy in lab. system #3; RC: Radius of pot. of Coulomb type #10
16O(16O,16O)16O; between 124 and 145 MEV

12) Cross section ratio to Mott scattering
15) Cross sectin ratio to Mott scattering
18) VR
19) RR
20) AR
21) WV
22) RV
23) AV
24) WS
25) RS
26) AS
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