DARPE: Search Results
Entry No. D1746

Y.Fujita1, H.Akimune2, I.Daito2, H.Fujimura2, M.Fujiwara2, M.N.Harakeh3, T.Inomata1, J.Janecke4, K.Katori1, A.Tamii5, M.Tanaka6, H.Ueno1, M.Yosoi5
Osaka Univ., Osaka1
Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka Univ, Osaka2
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI4
Kyoto Univ.5
Kobe Tokiwa Junior College, Kobe6
Physical Review, Part C, Nuclear Physics59(1999)90

Mirror-symmetry structure of A=27, T=1/2 nuclei studied through strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions

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DataFilePhysical quantitiesReaction(s)Energies
EXC-ENGY-FINAL: Excitation energy of final state #2; TRNSN-STRGTH: Transition strength
27AL(3HE,T)27SI; 150 MEV/A

10) Gamow-Teller transition sterngth, B(GT)
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Last update of this script: April 12, 2006. Contact address: darpe-admin@jcprg.org