DARPE: Search Results
Entry No. D1780

T.Suzuki1, Y.Ogawa2, M.Chiba3,4, M.Fukuda2, N.Iwasa3, T.Izumikawa5, R.Kanungo4, Y.Kawamura1, A.Ozawa4, T.Suda4, I.Tanihata4, S.Watanabe1, T.Yamaguchi4, Y.Yamaguchi1,4
Niigata Univ., Niigata1
Osaka Univ., Osaka2
Tohoku Univ., Sendai3
Inst.of Physical and Chemical Res. (RIKEN4
Niigata Univ., Niigata5
Physical Review Letters89(2002)012501

Momentum distribution of 15B fragments from the breakup of 17B

Click on the data number to see the plot. Or select the box to plot multiple data.
DataFilePhysical quantitiesReaction(s)Energies
9BE(17B,15B)X; 70 MEV/A
XSECTN: Cross section #1
9BE(17B,15B)X; 70 MEV/A

19) Longitudinal momentum in the projectile rest frame
20) Distribution of 15B longitudinal momentum in the resolution (14MeV/c in 1 sigma)
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Last update of this script: April 12, 2006. Contact address: darpe-admin@jcprg.org