DARPE: Search Results
Entry No. D1825

S.Shimoura1, A.Saito2, T.Minemura3, Y.U.Matsuyama2, H.Baba2, H.Akiyoshi3, N.Aoi4, T.Gomi2, Y.Higurashi2, K.Ieki2, N.Imai4, N.Iwasa5, H.Iwasaki1, S.Kanno2, S.Kubono1, M.Kunibu2, S.Michimasa1, T.Motobayashi2, T.Nakamura6, H.Sakurai4, M.Serata2, E.Takeshita2, S.Takeuchi2, T.Teranishi1, K.Ue1, K.Yamada2, Y.Yanagisawa3, M.Ishihara3, N.Itagaki4
Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo1
Inst.of Physical and Chemical Res. (RIKEN3
Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo4
Tohoku Univ., Sendai5
Tokyo Inst.of Technology, Tokyo6
Physics Letters,Section B560(2003)31

Isomeric 0+ state in 12Be

Click on the data number to see the plot. Or select the box to plot multiple data.
DataFilePhysical quantitiesReaction(s)Energies
COUNTS: Count number; PHIL: Scattering angle phi in lab. system
9BE(18O,12BE)X; 100 MEV/A
EXC-ENGY: Excitation energy (of the final state) #2; J-PTY-FINAL: J/parity in final state; J-PTY-INITL: J/parity in initial state
9BE(18O,12BE)X; 100 MEV/A
COUNTS: Count number; ENGY-GAMMA: Energy of gamma-ray #5
9BE(18O,12BE)X; 100 MEV/A

17) azimuthal angular correlation for 2.1-MeV and 0.14-MeV gamma-rays.
24) Counts/5keV
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