DARPE: Search Results
Entry No. D1830

J.K.Ahn1, H.Akikawa1, J.Arvieux2, B.Bassalleck3, M.S.Chung1, H.EnYo1, T.Fukuda4, H.Funahashi1, S.V.Golovkin5, A.M.Gorin5, Y.Goto1, M.Hanabata6, T.Hayakawa7, A.Ichikawa1, M.Ieiri4, K.Imai1, M.Ishino1, H.Kanda1, Y.D.Kim8, Y.Kondo1, E.N.Kozarenko9, I.E.Kreslo9, J.M.Lee10, A.Masaike1, S.Mihara1, K.Nakai7, K.Nakazawa6, K.Ozawa1, A.Sato7, H.D.Sato1, K.S.Sim11, T.Tabaru1, F.Takeutchi12, P.Tlusty13, H.Torii1, K.Yamamoto1, S.Yokkaichi1, M.Yoshida1
Kyoto Univ.1
Laboratoire National SATURNE, Gif-sur-Yvette2
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM3
High Energy Accelerator Res. Org. (KEK4
Tokyo University of Science, Noda, Chiba7
Natl.Seoul Univ., Seoul8
Joint Inst.for Nucl.Res., Dubna9
Yonsei Univ., Seoul10
Korea Univ., Seoul11
Inst. of Nucl. Phys. of Czech Acad. Sci., Rez u Prahy13
Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Physics Res., Sect.A457(2001)137

Active target-detector with scintillating fibers for hyperon-proton scattering

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DataFilePhysical quantitiesReaction(s)Energies
DSIGMA/DOMEGA: dsigma/dOmega #1; THTC: Scattering angle theta in c.m. system #4

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Last update of this script: April 12, 2006. Contact address: darpe-admin@jcprg.org