DARPE: Search Results
Entry No. D1834

Y.Fujita1, Y.Shimbara1, I.Hamamoto2, T.Adachi1, G.P.A.Berg3, H.Fujimura3, H.Fujita1, J.Gorres4, K.Hara3, K.Hatanaka3, J.Kamiya3, T.Kawabata3, Y.Kitamura3, Y.Shimizu3, M.Uchida5, H.P.Yoshida3, M.Yoshifuku1, M.Yosoi5
Osaka Univ., Osaka1
Lund Univ.+ Tech.Univ.2
Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka Univ, Osaka3
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN4
Kyoto Univ.5
Physical Review, Part C, Nuclear Physics66(2002)044313

M1 and Gamow-Teller transitions in T=1/2 nuclei 23Na and 23Mg

Click on the data number to see the plot. Or select the box to plot multiple data.
DataFilePhysical quantitiesReaction(s)Energies
EXC-ENGY: Excitation energy (of the final state) #2; TRNSN-STRGTH: Transition strength
23NA(3HE,T)23MG; 140 MEV/A

16) The GT transition strength (B(GT))
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Last update of this script: April 12, 2006. Contact address: darpe-admin@jcprg.org