DARPE: Search Results
Entry No. D1861

S.Yamaguchi1, Y.Fujino1, S.Nagata1, H.Kaneko2, K.Hashimoto2, M.Hirabayashi2
Tohoku Univ., Sendai1
Tohoku Univ., Sendai2
Nuclear Instrum.and Methods in Physics Res.218(1983)598

Analysis of hydrogen in corrosion product films on amorphous alloy using the elastic recoil detection technique

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DataFilePhysical quantitiesReaction(s)Energies
DSIGMA/DOMEGA: dsigma/dOmega #1; INC-ENGY-LAB: Incident energy in lab. system #3
1H(4HE,4HE)1H; between 2.000E+00 and 2.920E+00 MEV
DSIGMA/DOMEGA: dsigma/dOmega #1; INC-ENGY-LAB: Incident energy in lab. system #3
1H(4HE,4HE)1H; between 1.949E+00 and 3.052E+00 MEV
DSIGMA/DOMEGA: dsigma/dOmega #1; INC-ENGY-LAB: Incident energy in lab. system #3
1H(4HE,4HE)1H; between 2.434E+00 and 2.982E+00 MEV

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