DARPE: Search Results
Entry No. D1890

N.Kudomi1, M.Komori2, K.Takahisa1, S.Yoshida1, K.Kume3, H.Ohsumi4, T.Itahashi1
Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka Univ, Osaka1
National Inst.of Radiological Sciences, Chiba2
Wakasa Wan Energy Res.Center, Tsuruga, Fukui3
Physical Review, Part C, Nuclear Physics69(2004)015802

Precise measurement of the cross section of 3He(3He,2p)4He by using 3He doubly charged beam

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DataFilePhysical quantitiesReaction(s)Energies
INC-ENGY-CM: Incident energy in c.m. system #3; XSECTN: Cross section #1
3HE(3HE,2*P)4HE; between 31.2 and 45.3 KEV
ASTR-SFCTR: Astrophysical S-factor; INC-ENGY-CM: Incident energy in c.m. system #3
3HE(3HE,2*P)4HE; between 31.2 and 45.3 KEV

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