DARPE: Search Results
Entry No. D1977

T.Ishimatsu1, T.Nakashima1, N.Kato1, S.Morita2
Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka1
Tohoku Univ., Sendai2
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan17(1962)1189

90 deg- excitation functions for the 14N(d,alpha)12C ground-state and first excited state reactions

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DataFilePhysical quantitiesReaction(s)Energies
DSIGMA/DOMEGA: dsigma/dOmega #1; INC-ENGY-LAB: Incident energy in lab. system #3
14N(D,ALPHA)12C; between 1.102E+00 and 3.108E+00 MEV
DSIGMA/DOMEGA: dsigma/dOmega #1; INC-ENGY-LAB: Incident energy in lab. system #3
14N(D,ALPHA)12C; between 1.103E+00 and 3.113E+00 MEV

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