DARPE: Search Results
Entry No. D1991

T.Nakamura1, A.M.Vinodkumar1, T.Sugimoto1, N.Aoi2, H.Baba3, D.Bazin4, N.Fukuda2, T.Gomi2, H.Hasegawa3, N.Imai5, M.Ishihara2, T.Kobayashi6, Y.Kondo1, T.Kubo2, M.Miura1, T.Motobayashi2, H.Otsu6, A.Saito7, H.Sakurai2, S.Shimoura7, K.Watanabe6, Y.X.Watanabe5, T.Yakushiji6, Y.Yanagisawa2, K.Yoneda2
Tokyo Inst.of Technology, Tokyo1
Inst.of Physical and Chemical Res. (RIKEN2
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI4
High Energy Accelerator Res. Org. (KEK5
Tohoku Univ., Sendai6
Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo7
Physical Review Letters96(2006)252502

Observation of strong low-lying E1 strength in the two-neutron halo nucleus 11Li

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DataFilePhysical quantitiesReaction(s)Energies
DSIGMA/DOMEGA: dsigma/dOmega #1; THTC: Scattering angle theta in c.m. system #4
PB(11LI,11LI)PB; 69.7 MEV/A
DSIGMA/DE: dsigma/dE #1; EXC-ENGY-EMT: Excitation energy of outgoing particle #2
PB(11LI,11LI)PB; 69.7 MEV/A
SIGMA: Total cross section #1
PB(11LI,11LI)PB; 69.7 MEV/A
EXC-ENGY-EMT: Excitation energy of outgoing particle #2; TRNSN-STRGTH: Transition strength
PB(11LI,11LI)PB; 69.7 MEV/A

22) Excitation energy of 11Li measured from 9Li-2n threshold
23) Breakup cross sections
30) Excitation energy of 11Li measured from 9Li-2n threshold
31) Differential transition strength dB(E1)/dE(rel) in e**2 fm**2/MeV
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