DARPE: Search Results
 /* NRDF D1756 Data No.13                                             */
 /* Bibliography                                                      */
 TITLE=/ Neutron yields from thick C, Al, Cu, and Pb targets
         bombarded by 400 MeV/nucleon Ar, Fe, Xe and 800 MeV/nucleon Si
         ions /;
 PURPOSE=/ To perform a systematic study to measure the double
           differential neutron yields from thick targets of C, Al, Cu,
           and Pb bombarded by various heavy ions having energies of
           100 to 800 MeV/nucleon using HIMAC. /;
      Y.UWAMINO'3', A.FUKUMURA'4');
      /* '1' Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center */
 RCTS=(C(40AR,N)X, 27AL(40AR,N)X, CU(40AR,N)X, PB(40AR,N)X,
       C(56FE,N)X, 27AL(56FE,N)X, CU(56FE,N)X, PB(56FE,N)X,
       C(132XE,N)X, 27AL(132XE,N)X, CU(132XE,N)X, PB(132XE,N)X,
       C(28SI,N)X, CU(28SI,N)X);
 /* '5' Neutron energy spectrum */
 /* '6' Neutron yield */
 /* '7' Thick target differential multiplicity of neutron with
    respect to angle integrated over partial angular range */
 /* Experimental Conditions                                           */
 /* 2002-02-28 : Compiled+Checked, R.Suzuki + sK */
 /* 2004-04-23 : Altered, N.Otuka. MLT in SF6 replaced by PY */
 /* 2008-01-30 : Altered, N.Otuka. EDE addded under METHOD */
 /* '8' (The enrichments of targets are not given in the reference.
        But compiler asked T.Kurosawa.) */
 /* '9' Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba (HIMAC) */
 /* '10' The mass numbers of projectile nuclei are not given in
        the reference. But compiler asked NIRS staff. */
 /* '11' The beam intensities were maintained at 100,000-1,000,000
         particles per pulse. */
 /* '12' Plastic scintillator (NE102A) was used as the delta-E
         counter and the beam pick-up counter. */
 /* '13' Liquid scintillator (NE213) was used as the E counter. */
 /* '14' To measure the energy of neutron */
 /* '15' To eliminate charged particles */
 /* '16' The energy resolutions of measured neutron spectra are at
         maximum about 20% for about 2000 MeV neutrons of highest
         energy at 0 degree and 7.5 degree, about 20% for about 1000
         MeV neutrons of highest energy at 15 degree and 30 degree, and
         about 40% for about 600 MeV neutrons of highest energy at 60
         degree and 90 degree, which were produced by 800 MeV/nucleon
         Si ions. */
 CALB-DET=/ Each E counter was calibrated with a 60Co Gamma-ray source.
 EFCN-DET=/ The neutron detection efficiencies were calculated with the
            Monte Carlo code of Cecil et al. for all energy ranges.
            Reference is R. A. Cecil, B. D. Anderson, and R. Madey,
            Nucl. Instrum. Methods 161, 439 (1979). /;
 /* 2007-10-25 : Altered, N.Otuka. Superseded by data with new
    analysis */
 /* '54' Neutron energy spectrum */
 /* '55' HIC calculation [H.W.Bertini, et al. Oak Ridge National
         Laboratory Report No. ORNL-TM-4134, 1974 (unpublished).] */
 /* '56' Phenomenological hybrid analysis by the moving source
         model. */
 /* Descriptive Parameters                                            */
 /* '17' The statistical uncertainties vary in a range of 2 to 5 %
         for the low- to medium-energy (5-400 MeV) region of the
         spectra and increase to about 30% at the highest energies. */
 NORM=/ The total normalization uncertainty is 15%. /;
 /* Data Table                                                        */
 0 11.7625 0.022008
 0 13.021 0.025589
 0 14.4065 0.028136
 0 15.9445 0.030404
 0 17.644 0.020823
 0 19.519 0.023107
 0 21.606 0.030019
 0 23.9255 0.011280
 0 26.4985 0.017779
 0 29.345 0.014327
 0 32.4835 0.013779
 0 35.93 0.018218
 0 39.769 0.016566
 0 44.028 0.013553
 0 48.7555 0.023130
 0 53.975 0.023569
 0 59.7355 0.013718
 0 66.2055 0.018023
 0 73.4795 0.024701
 0 81.4395 0.020807
 0 90.124 0.030453
 0 99.7845 0.036925
 0 110.515 0.050441
 0 122.41 0.046566
 0 135.555 0.089055
 0 150.02 0.082375
 0 166.555 0.10397
 0 185.435 0.13838
 0 206.25 0.14734
 0 229.035 0.17912
 0 253.74 0.23248
 0 281.86 0.21613
 0 313.69 0.25070
 0 347.775 0.28824
 0 386.425 0.24396
 0 429.795 0.33092
 0 479.125 0.31956
 0 534.475 0.37247
 0 597.515 0.32146
 0 667.965 0.38262
 0 747.965 0.22588
 0 836.305 0.16217
 0 935.28 0.060350
 0 1061.01 0.018676
 0 1200.35 0.0054690
 0 1357.65 0.0033349
 0 1567.1 0.0014717
 0 1796.85 0.00072370
 7.5 7.369 0.034929
 7.5 8.1543 0.032027
 7.5 9.0193 0.051190
 7.5 9.97915 0.052500
 7.5 11.04 0.038024
 7.5 12.2115 0.029019
 7.5 13.5155 0.024506
 7.5 14.965 0.031506
 7.5 16.5735 0.042358
 7.5 18.354 0.047532
 7.5 20.3195 0.044087
 7.5 22.4805 0.069044
 7.5 24.8885 0.034699
 7.5 27.5625 0.035214
 7.5 30.5345 0.041090
 7.5 33.8195 0.036470
 7.5 37.45 0.029142
 7.5 41.532 0.035098
 7.5 46.0105 0.042025
 7.5 50.913 0.030777
 7.5 56.379 0.039953
 7.5 62.467 0.028254
 7.5 69.2375 0.037403
 7.5 76.752 0.038664
 7.5 85.07 0.040745
 7.5 94.2445 0.048146
 7.5 104.316 0.059908
 7.5 115.79 0.052304
 7.5 128.835 0.060277
 7.5 143.135 0.048225
 7.5 158.685 0.078311
 7.5 176.36 0.072786
 7.5 196.34 0.067015
 7.5 217.835 0.097679
 7.5 242.175 0.089732
 7.5 269.49 0.10810
 7.5 300.505 0.11699
 7.5 335.335 0.12133
 7.5 374.94 0.11533
 7.5 419.325 0.14995
 7.5 469.76 0.11568
 7.5 525.92 0.14624
 7.5 589.335 0.10714
 7.5 658.895 0.092402
 7.5 736.075 0.068185
 7.5 832.85 0.028488
 7.5 938.48 0.018406
 7.5 1055.13 0.011119
 7.5 1206.05 0.0028171
 7.5 1366.35 0.00074805
 7.5 1536.75 0.00058145
 7.5 1761.9 0.00028746
 15 6.5446 0.056089
 15 7.23585 0.045592
 15 8.0035 0.059081
 15 8.8546 0.048233
 15 9.79595 0.045323
 15 10.834 0.055261
 15 11.9945 0.052688
 15 13.288 0.037757
 15 14.705 0.041477
 15 16.2785 0.036160
 15 18.0175 0.042466
 15 19.9395 0.041544
 15 22.0985 0.035110
 15 24.4675 0.026688
 15 27.062 0.029533
 15 29.9535 0.039930
 15 33.172 0.031522
 15 36.7505 0.030327
 15 40.7215 0.046326
 15 45.1165 0.044746
 15 49.964 0.038125
 15 55.2875 0.032766
 15 61.3385 0.037637
 15 68.2005 0.037067
 15 75.723 0.037557
 15 83.907 0.045246
 15 93.1775 0.039757
 15 103.626 0.043922
 15 114.875 0.046570
 15 127.56 0.042411
 15 141.75 0.058224
 15 157.765 0.057946
 15 175.665 0.058131
 15 195.86 0.050425
 15 218.36 0.077797
 15 243.675 0.059298
 15 271.7 0.064565
 15 303.025 0.057606
 15 337.27 0.077148
 15 375.01 0.081908
 15 420.845 0.057505
 15 470.76 0.071019
 15 525.56 0.056377
 15 593.325 0.040713
 15 666.08 0.043881
 15 744.59 0.031534
 15 843.225 0.022054
 15 971.53 0.0063668
 15 1108.45 0.0075027
 30 3.9505 0.042649
 30 4.36745 0.048988
 30 4.8314 0.048822
 30 5.34605 0.050078
 30 5.9167 0.047063
 30 6.5469 0.044229
 30 7.2417 0.035288
 30 8.0138 0.037278
 30 8.8704 0.033456
 30 9.8189 0.029284
 30 10.866 0.026280
 30 12.0175 0.026890
 30 13.3005 0.025370
 30 14.7255 0.025503
 30 16.31 0.022685
 30 18.0625 0.022951
 30 20.0005 0.023461
 30 22.1795 0.023272
 30 24.573 0.022598
 30 27.197 0.020505
 30 30.1245 0.022024
 30 33.3875 0.020856
 30 37.0195 0.021292
 30 41.055 0.019126
 30 45.527 0.019336
 30 50.4665 0.019710
 30 55.9005 0.017870
 30 61.8465 0.018604
 30 68.591 0.018416
 30 76.2175 0.016950
 30 84.5255 0.019127
 30 93.9505 0.017297
 30 104.591 0.018476
 30 116.065 0.018196
 30 129.025 0.018442
 30 143.55 0.017224
 30 159.985 0.016922
 30 178.395 0.018118
 30 199.22 0.018638
 30 222.49 0.020085
 30 248.765 0.017003
 30 277.955 0.020101
 30 310.72 0.015727
 30 346.7 0.017617
 30 386.57 0.015135
 30 435.295 0.0088343
 30 488.715 0.0097083
 30 547.865 0.0072319
 30 621.735 0.0038064
 30 701.91 0.0029395
 30 789.665 0.0016136
 30 901.775 0.00059957
 30 1019.09 0.00039370
 30 1141.2 0.00026187
 30 1298.3 0.00018736
 30 1509.95 3.7493e-05
 60 3.9759 0.076891
 60 4.39915 0.074811
 60 4.8658 0.071151
 60 5.3871 0.062424
 60 5.9677 0.064409
 60 6.60335 0.053865
 60 7.30885 0.042032
 60 8.08775 0.043198
 60 8.94735 0.037112
 60 9.91135 0.032463
 60 10.993 0.029871
 60 12.177 0.030160
 60 13.4695 0.029135
 60 14.905 0.026021
 60 16.496 0.031011
 60 18.2555 0.029304
 60 20.1955 0.030663
 60 22.4015 0.027588
 60 24.9055 0.026731
 60 27.6665 0.023168
 60 30.6945 0.022682
 60 33.9915 0.023839
 60 37.718 0.021978
 60 41.9105 0.018894
 60 46.4325 0.019415
 60 51.519 0.017761
 60 57.198 0.018773
 60 63.5855 0.015759
 60 70.706 0.015231
 60 78.703 0.012967
 60 87.5855 0.014130
 60 97.5235 0.011143
 60 108.49 0.012431
 60 120.67 0.010117
 60 135.18 0.0083905
 60 151.21 0.0081487
 60 169.05 0.0056423
 60 188.45 0.0054910
 60 209.655 0.0048279
 60 235.115 0.0030819
 60 262.46 0.0032298
 60 291.925 0.0021468
 60 327.515 0.0013816
 60 371.33 0.00069299
 60 418.07 0.00060840
 60 467.985 0.00044948
 60 529.8 0.00027989
 60 608.5 0.00015076
 60 690.42 8.0105e-05
 60 774.865 7.4930e-05
 60 882.065 3.2332e-05
 60 1023.55 3.3655e-05
 90 3.34725 0.014078
 90 3.70395 0.020036
 90 4.099 0.017207
 90 4.53545 0.018799
 90 5.0159 0.019477
 90 5.55185 0.015981
 90 6.1477 0.016753
 90 6.81075 0.013467
 90 7.54535 0.011764
 90 8.35915 0.010582
 90 9.25515 0.0097294
 90 10.2401 0.0094090
 90 11.3415 0.0089790
 90 12.573 0.0083904
 90 13.9485 0.0075822
 90 15.483 0.0071706
 90 17.1925 0.0073047
 90 19.0925 0.0076361
 90 21.199 0.0067496
 90 23.526 0.0071694
 90 26.0835 0.0058933
 90 28.8795 0.0060181
 90 32.046 0.0049182
 90 35.618 0.0049029
 90 39.498 0.0046484
 90 43.882 0.0035167
 90 48.806 0.0032909
 90 54.084 0.0032027
 90 60.001 0.0024090
 90 66.5745 0.0024480
 90 73.9275 0.0017780
 90 82.061 0.0015954
 90 91.1185 0.0013618
 90 101.853 0.00085722
 90 113.77 0.00057608
 90 127.105 0.00048696
 90 141.77 0.00044723
 90 157.995 0.00031940
 90 177.45 0.00015770
 90 198.775 6.1406e-05
 90 222.305 0.00011526
 90 250.855 3.8813e-05
 90 281.86 4.9472e-05
 90 315.725 2.5488e-05
 90 357.255 1.6317e-05
 90 401.36 2.5120e-05
 90 448.21 5.4929e-06