Hokkaido University Nuclear Reaction Data Centre (JCPRG)
EXFOR Compilation Tool
CHEX, ORDER and XTRACT have been developed by Victoria McLane (NNDC) and maintained by Viktor Zerkin (IAEA-NDS). XDOMINO has been developed by Shuji Yamaguchi (JCPRG). JANIS Trans Checker is maintained by Nicolas Soppera (NEA DB). EXFOR Converter System is maintained by Viktor Zerkin (IAEA-NDS).
  1. input
  2. order output
  3. chex output
  4. janis output
  5. SF3 check output
  6. X4+ output
  7. xtract output
  8. flag output
    (for altered entry only)
  9. lowercase output
    (for processing of UPPER CASE entry only)