GSYS is the system in order to digitize the data on the figure such as experimental data on the printed matter.
- Install Java Runtime Environment Ver. 1.4 or later,
which is available at
- Right-click "Download", and save the target as "Gsys2.jar".
- If the obtained file is named as "", must change it to "Gsy2.jar" (from Young-Ouk Lee, KAERI-NDEL, Thanks!).
- Windows: Double-click "Gsys2.jar",
otherwise type "java -jar Gsys2.jar" after DOS command prompt.
- UNIX (Linux, FreeBSD etc.): Type "java -jar Gsys2.jar"
- Please use this system at your own risk.
- It is not allowed to use this system for any kind of business purpose.
Copyright © 2005-2006 by Ryusuke SUZUKI
Copyright © 2005 by Koji Arai.