Reaction Code Dictionary

Integral cross sections, general

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(CUM),SIG(Cross section (uncertain if cumulative)) (Cross section, uncertain if cumulative)
(CUM),SIG/RAT(Cross section ratio (uncertain if cumulative))
(CUM)/M+,SIG(Cross section,incl.isom.trans.,uncert.if cum) (Cross section, including formation of the product nucleus via isomeric transition, uncertain if cumulative)
(CUM)/M-,SIG(Cross section excluding isomeric transition, uncertain if cumulative)
(M),INT(, unc. if iso.trans. incl.) (Cross section integral over incident energy, uncertain if isomeric transition included)
(M),RI(Resonance integral (uncert.if isom.trans. incl.))
(M),SIG(Cross section (uncert.if isomeric trans. incl)) (Cross section, including/excluding formation via isomeric transition regarded by compiler as uncertain)
,DA,*,4PI(Angular distribution of particle spec. * 4pi)
,DA,,4PI(Differential c/s d/dA * 4pi)
,INT(Cross-section integral over incident energy)
,INT,,RAB(*abun.(nat)/abun.(nucl.of 1st term)) (Cross section integral over incident energy times natural isotopic abundance divided by abundance of target of first term of REACTION sum)
,INT,,RTE(Cross-section integral over inc. energy*sqrt(E)) (Cross section integral over incident energy * root(E) )
,INT/DA,,4PI(4pi * integral over of ang. distr.) (4 pi * integral over incident energy of angular distribution)
,IPA(Diff.cs integrated over partial angular range)
,IPA,*(Diff.cs int.over part.ang.range of part. spec.) (Differential cross section integrated over partial angular range of particle specified)
,RI(Resonance integral)
,RI,,LIM(Resonance integral for limited energy range)
,RI,,RNV(Resonance integral, non 1/v part)
,RI,,RNV/LIM(Resonance int., non 1/v, limited energy range)
,RI,,RV(Resonance integral, 1/v part)
,RYL(Reaction yield)
,SGV(Thermonuclear reaction rate) Spectrum-averaged, always used with the modifier 'MXW'.
,SIF(Self-indication function)
,SIF,,TMP(Self-indication function at other than room tmp.)
,SIG(Cross section) Independent formation of product nucleus assumed but not explicitly stated by author
,SIG,*+*(Cross section for particle pair)
,SIG,,D4PI(Cross section divided by 4pi)
,SIG,,DMN(Cross section divided by target mass number)
,SIG,,HYD(Cross section of hydrogen in hydride molecule)
,SIG,,RAB(Cs * abund.(nat)/abund.(nuclide of 1st term)) (Cross section times natural isotopic abundance, divided by abundance of target of first term of REACTION sum)
,SIG,,RES(Cross section at resonance)
,SIG,,RES/RTE(Cross section * square root(E) at resonance)
,SIG,,RNV(Cross section, non 1/v part)
,SIG,,RTE(Cross section * root(E))
,SIG,,RV(Cross section, 1/v part)
,SIG,,SFC/RES(S-factor at resonance)
,SIG,,SS(Spin-spin cross section)
,SIG,,TMP(Cross section at other than the room temperature)
,SIG,,TT(Cross section for thick target)
,SIG,,TTA(Cross section in thin target approximation)
,SIG,ER(Unspec. evap. resid. production cross section)
,SIG,ER,SFC(S-factor for unspecified evaporation residue)
,SIG,G(Gamma-production cross section)
,SIG,G,RES(Gamma-production cross section at resonance)
,SIG/RAT(Cross section ratio)
,SIG/RAT,,RES(Cross section ratio at resonance)
,TRN,,TMP(Transmission at other than the room temperature)
BA,SIG(Bound-atom cross section)
BA/COH,SIG(Bound-atom coherent cross section)
BIN,SIG(Binary fission cross section)
BIN/TER,SIG/RAT(Binary/ternary cross section ratio)
CN,SIG(Cross section, compound nucleus contribution)
COH,SIG(Coherent cross section)
CON,SIG(Production cross section for continuous gammas)
CUM,INT(Cumulative cross-section, int.over inc. energy)
CUM,SIG(Cumulative cross section) (Cumulative cross section, including formation of product nucleus via radioactive decay and isomeric transition)
CUM,SIG,,RAB(Cum.Cs * abund.(nat)/abund.(nucl.of 1st term)) (Cumulative cross section times natural isotopic abundance, divided by abundance of target of first term of REACTION sum)
CUM,SIG/RAT(Cross section ratio, cumulative)
CUM/(M),SIG(Cumulative cross sect.(uncert.isom.trans. incl.)) (Cumulative cross section, but including/ excluding formation of product nucleus via radioactive decay and isomeric transition regarded by compiler as uncertain)
CUM/M-,SIG(Cumulative cross section, excluding isom. trans.) (Cumulative cross section, including formation of product nucleus via radio- active decay, but excl.isomeric transition)
DI,SGV(Thermonuclear reaction rate, direct int. contr.) (Thermonuclear reaction rate, direct interaction contribution)
DI,SIG(Cross section, direct interaction contribution)
DI,SIG,,SFC(S-factor, direct interaction contribution)
DIS,SIG(Production cross section for discrete gammas)
DL,SIG(Cross section of delayed products)
DL,SIG,N(Delayed-neutron emission cross section)
DL/GRP,SIG(Cross sect.of delayed prod.f.gvn.half-life grp.) (Cross section of delayed products for given half-life group)
DL/GRP,SIG,N(Del.neutron emiss.cs for given half-life group)
EM,SIG(Emission cross section) (Emission cross section excluding elastic scattering)
EXL,SIG(Cross section including excitation to low-lying levels)
FA,SIG(Free-atom cross section)
FA/COH,SIG(Free-atom coherent scattering cross section)
FA/INC,SIG(Free-atom incoherent scattering cross section)
FIS,SIG(Partial cs due to high-energy fission)
INC,SIG(Incoherent scattering cross section)
L-,SIG(Cross section excluding quasi-metastable state production)
L-,SIG,,SFC(S-factor excluding quasi-metastable state production)
LON,SIG,,DSP(Cs diff.(longit.spins, parallel - antiparallel))
M+,RI(Resonance integral, including via isomer. trans.) (Resonance integral, including formation of the product nucleus via isomeric transition)
M+,SIG(Cross section, incl. form. via isomeric trans.) (Cross section, including formation of the product nucleus via isomeric transition)
M+,SIG,,RAB(Cs * abund.(nat)/abund.(nucl.of 1st term) including isomeric transition) (Cross section times natural isotopic abundance, divided by abundance of target of first term of REACTION sum including isomeric transition)
M+,SIG,,SFC(S-factor including isomeric transition)
NUM,SIG(Cs for production of N product particles)
NUM,SIG,*(Cs for production of N product particles spec.)
PAR,SGV(Partial thermonuclear reaction rate) Spectrum-averaged, always used with the modifier 'MXW'.
PAR,SIG,G,RAB(*abun.(nat)/abun.(nucl. 1st term)) (Partial cross section times natural isotopic abundance, divided by abundance of target of first term of REACTION sum)
POT,SIG(Potential scattering cross section)
SEQ,SIG(Cross section for specified reaction sequence) (Partial cross section for specified sequence of outgoing particles)
SPL,SIG(Partial cross section due to spallation)
TER,SIG(Ternary fission cross section)
TER/BIN,SIG/RAT(Ternary/binary cross section ratio)
TRS,SIG,,DSP(Cs diff.(transv.spins, parallel - antiparallel))
UNW,INT(Unweighted prod.cs integral over incid. energy) (Production cross section integral, not weighted by outgoing particle multiplicity)
UNW,SIG(Unweighted production cross section) (Production cross section, not weighted by multiplicity of outgoing particle)

Integral cross sections, partial

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CN/PAR,SIG(Partial cross section, compound nucleus contrib) To be used only when partial cross section leaving the residual nucleus in specific level is split into direct-interaction and compound-nucleus contributions
CN/PAR,SIG,,RES(Part. c/s, compound nucleus resonance)
CN/SEQ/PAR,SIG(Partial cross section, spec.seq.,comp.nuc. contr) (Partial cross section for specified sequence of outgoing particles, compound nuclear contribution)
DI/PAR,SIG(Partial cross section, direct interact. contrib.) To be used only when partial cross section leaving the residual nucleus in specific level is split into direct-interaction and compound-nucleus contributions
EM/PAR,SIG(Partial emission cross section) (Partial emission cross section excluding elastic scattering)
EP,SIG(Cross section for electric polarity given) (Electric multipole component of cross section for polarity specified)
EP,SIG,,SFC(S-factor for electric polarity given) (S-factor for electric multipole component of cross section for polarity specified)
EP/PAR,INT(Integral c/s over inc.en.for electr.polar. given) (Electric multipole component of partial cross section integral over incident energy for polarity specified)
EP/PAR,SIG(Partial cross section for electric polar. given) (Electric multipole component of partial cross section for polarity specified)
EP/PAR,SIG,,SFC(S-factor for electric polarity given, partial)
ISP,SIG(Cross section, partial for intermediate product) (Cross-section, partial with respect to secondary energy of intermediate product)
ISP/PAR,SIG(Cross section, partial for final and intermediate products) (Cross-section, partial with respect to secondary energy of final and intermediate products)
MP,SIG(Cross section for magnetic polarity given) (Magnetic multipole component of cross section for polarity specified)
PAR,DA,*,4PI(Partial diff.particle em.cross section d/dA*4pi) (Diff.partial particle emission cs * 4pi)
PAR,DA,,4PI(Partial diff. cross section d/dA * 4pi)
PAR,INT(Cs integral over incident energy f.given level)
PAR,INT/DA(Integral over of partl.ang distr.) (Integral over incident energy of partial angular distribution)
PAR,INT/DA,*(Integral over inc.en. of partl.ang distr. part.) (Integral over incident energy of partial angular distribution of part.spec.)
PAR,INT/DA,*,4PI(4pi*integral over of ang.distr. part.) (4 pi * integral over incident energy of partial angular distribution of part.spec.)
PAR,INT/DA,,4PI(4pi * integral over inc.en. of partl.ang. distr.) (4 pi * integral over incident energy of partial angular distribution)
PAR,IPA(Par.diff.cs integrated over partial ang. range)
PAR,IPA,*(Par.diff.cs integr.ov.part.ang.rang,f.part. spec.)
PAR,SIG(Partial cross section)
PAR,SIG,*(Partial cross section for particle specified)
PAR,SIG,*+*(Partial cross section for particle pair)
PAR,SIG,,RES(Partial cross section at resonance)
PAR,SIG,,RTE(Partial cross section * square root(E))
PAR,SIG,,SFC(S-factor for partial reaction)
PAR,SIG,G,RES(Partial gamma-production cross section at resonance)
PAR/CON,SIG(Prod.cs for continuous gammas of given en. range)
PAR/CUM,SIG(Partial cumulative cross section)
PAR/CUM,SIG,G(Partial cumulative gamma production cross section)
PAR/DIS,SIG(Prod.cs for discrete gammas of given en. range)
SEQ/PAR,SIG(Partial cross section, specified reaction seq.) (Partial cross section of the partial cs specified by sequence of outgoing particles)

Thick target yields

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(CUM),TTY,,EOB(EOB thick target yield, uncertain if cumulative)
(CUM),TTY,,PHY(Physical thick target yield, unc. if cumulative)
(M),TTY,,EOB(EOB thick target yld., unc. if isom.trans. incl.) (End-of-bombardment thick/thin target yield, uncertain if isomeric transition included)
(M),TTY,,PHY(Physical thick targ.yld.,unc.if isom.trans. incl.)
(M),TTY,,SAT(Saturat.thick targ.yld., unc.if isom.trans. incl.) (Saturation thick/thin-target yield, uncertain if isomeric transition included)
,MLT,*,TT(Thick target multiplicity of particle specified)
,MLT,,TT(Multiplicity for thick target,no.part./inc. ) (Outgoing particle or radiation multiplicity for thick target, no. of particles per incident projectile)
,MLT,,TT/CH(Multiplicity for thick target per elect. charge)
,MLT/DA,,TT/CH(Part.mult.f.thick targ.d/dA per electric charge)
,MLT/DA,G,TT(Gamma multiplicity for thick target d/dA)
,MLT/DA/DE,,TT(Particle multiplicity f.thick target d2/dA/dE)
,MLT/DA/DE,,TT/CH(Part.mult.f.thick targ.d2/dA/dE per elec. charge)
,MLT/DE,,TT(Particle multiplicity f.thick target d/dE)
,MLT/DE,,TT/NPD(Particle multipl.f.thick target d/dE prob. dist.) (Particle multiplicity for thick target d/dE normalized to probability distribution)
,MLT/IPA/DE,,TT/NPD (Mult.f.thick tar.d2/dA/dE in.ov.ang.ran. pro.dis.) (Multiplicity d2/dA/dE for thick target integrated over angular range normalized to probability distribution)
,PY,,TT(Prod.yield for thick target,no.of nucl. /inc.)
,PY,,TT/CH(Thick target product yield per electric charge)
,PY/DA,,TT(Diff.product yield d/dA for thick target) (Differential product yield for thick target with respect to angle of outgoing particle)
,PY/DA,,TT/CH(Thick target prod. yld. d/dA per electric charge)
,PY/DA/DE,,TT(Double-diff.product yield for thick target)
,PY/DA/DE,,TT/CH(Thick d/dA/dE per electric charge)
,PY/DE,,TT(Diff.product yield d/dE for thick target)
,PY/DE,,TT/NPD( d/dE f.thick target prob. dist.) (Energy differential product yield for thick target normalized to probability distribution)
,PY/IPA,,TT(Prod.yield d/dA f.thick target,int.ang. range) (Differential product yield for thick target with respect to angle of outgoing particle, integrated over angular range)
,PY/IPA/DE,,TT(Prod.yield d/dA/dE f.thick target,int.ang. range) (Double differential product yield for thick target integrated over angular range)
,TTY,,(PHY)(Thick/thin-target yield, unc. if physical) (Thick/thin-target yield, uncertain if it is physical yield)
,TTY,,EOB(End-of-bombardment thick/thin-target yield)
,TTY,,PHY(Physical thick/thin-target yield)
,TTY,,SAT(Saturation thick/thin target yield)
,TTY/DEN,,PHY(Physical thick incident energy)
CUM,TTY,,(PHY)(Cumulative thick target yield, unc. if physical)
CUM,TTY,,EOB(EOB thick target yield, cumulative)
CUM,TTY,,PHY(Physical thick/thin-target yield, cumulative)
CUM,TTY,,SAT(Cumulative saturation thick target yield)
CUM,TTY/DEN,,PHY(Cum.physical thick target inc. energy)
M+,TTY,,(PHY)(Thick target yld.,incl.iso.tran.,unc.if physical) (Thick target yield including isomeric transition, uncertain if physical)
M+,TTY,,EOB(EOB thick target yield, incl.isomeric transition)
M+,TTY,,PHY(Physical thick target yield incl.isomeric trans.)
M+,TTY,,SAT(Saturation thick target yld.incl.isomeric trans.)
M+,TTY/DEN,,PHY(Phys.thick tran.) (Physical thick target yield differential by incident energy including formation by partial feeding via isomeric transition)
PAR,MLT,*,TT(Partial multiplicity of part.spec.f. thick targ.)
PAR,MLT,,TT(Partial thick target multiplicity)
PAR,MLT,,TT/CH(Partial thick target mulit. per electric charge)
PAR,MLT,G,TT/CH(Ptl.thick target gamma mult.per electric charge)
PAR,PY,,TT(Partial product yield for thick target)
PAR,PY,,TT/CH(Partial product yield for thick target per electric charge)

Special quantities

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,ALF(Capture-to-fission cross section ratio) ===reaction (N,ABS)
,ALF,,RES(Capture-to-fission (alpha) ratio at resonance)
,ALF,,TTA(Capture-to-fission yield ratio) alpha in thin target approximation
,ETA(Neutron yield (Eta)) REACTION(SF3) is NON (or ABS below (n,n') threshold)
,ETA,,RES(Eta at resonance)
,KER(Kerma factor)
,MLT(Multiplicity of outgoing particle)
,MLT,*(Multiplicity of particle specified)
,MLT,,RES(Multiplicity at resonance)
,MLT,G,RES(Average particle multiplicity at resonance)
,MLT/DA(Particle multiplicity d/dA)
,MLT/DE(Particle multiplicity d/dE)
,NU(Total neutron yield (nu-bar))
,NU,,RES(Total Nu-bar at resonance)
,NU/DA/DE,LF+HF/N(Diff. prompt neutron mult. d/dA(lf+hf)/dE(n)) (Differential prompt fission neutron multiplicity with respect to outgoing angle between light and heavy fission fragment and energy of neutron)
,NU/DA/DE,N+*F/N(Diff. prompt neut.mult.d/dA(n+frag.spec. )/dE(n))
,NU/DE(Diff. fiss. neutron multiplicity d/dE(n))
,NU/DE,,RRE(Diff. fiss. neutron square root(E)) (Differential fission neutron multiplicity with respect to outgoing neutron energy relative to square root(E))
,PN(Delayed neutron emission probability)
,PN/DE(Energy spect.of del.neutrons spec. prec.) (Energy spectrum of delayed neutrons emitted by specific precursor)
DL,NU(Delayed neutron yield)
DL/CUM,NU(Cumulative delayed neutron yield) (Cumulative delayed neutron yield from an individual precursor, including formation of product nucleus via radioactive decay and isomeric transition)
DL/GRP,NU(Delayed neutron yield for given half-life group)
DL/GRP/PAR,NU(Partial del.neutron yld.for gvn half-life group)
DL/IND,NU(Independent delayed neutron yield) (Independent delayed neutron yield from an individual precursor)
ISP/PR/FRG,NU(Multiplicity of prompt neutrons from frag. spec., (Multiplicity of prompt neutrons from fragment specified, partial for intermediate product)
NUM,NU(Probability for emission of N neutrons)
NUM,PN(Probab.for the emission of N delayed neutrons)
PAR,DA/DA(Partial double diff.cross section d2/dA/dA) (Partial double-diff. cross section with respect to 2 angles referring to 2 outgoing particles) = To be used only when it is obvious to which particles the angles refer.
PAR,DA/DA,*/*(Partial double diff.cross sect. d2/dA(*)/dA(*))
PAR,DA/DA,*/*+*(Partl.ang.correlation, relative angle)
PAR,DA/DA,*/*,NCP(Partial angular correlation, non-coplanar)
PAR,KER(Partial kerma factor)
PAR,MLT(Partial multiplicity)
PAR,MLT,*(Partial multiplicity of particle specified)
PAR,MLT,*,RES(Partial multiplicity of part.spec. at resonance)
PAR,MLT,,RES(Partial multiplicity at resonance)
PAR,MLT/DA(Partial multiplicity d/dA)
PAR,MLT/DA,*(Partial multiplicity d/dA for particle specified)
PAR,MLT/DA,,TT/CH(Ptl.thick target mult. d/dA per electric charge)
PAR,MLT/DA,G,TT/CH(Ptl.thick targ.gam.mult.d/dA per electric chrg.)
PAR,NU(Partial neutron yield)
PAR,PN(Partial delayed neutron emission probability)
PAR,PY/DA(Partial diff.product yield d/dA)
PAR,PY/DA,,TT(Partial diff.product yield d/dA for thick target) (Partial differential product yield for thick target with respect to angle of outgoing particle)
PAR,PY/DA,,TT/CH( for thick targ.per e. chrg.)
PAR,PY/IPA,,TT( d/dA for thick targ.,int.ang. range)
PR,NU(Prompt neutron yield (nu-bar))
PR,NU,,RES(Prompt Nu-bar at resonance)
PR,NU/DA(Diff.prompt.neut.mult.d/dA(n)) (Differential prompt fission neutron multiplicity with respect to outgoing angle of neutron)
PR,NU/DA,,RSD(Diff.prompt.neut.mult.d/dA(n) rel. to 90 deg) (Differential prompt fission neutron multiplicity with respect to outgoing angle of neutron relative to 90 deg)
PR,NU/DA,N+*F(Diff.prompt neut.mult.d/dA(n+frag. specified)) (Differential prompt fission neutron multiplicity with respect to outgoing angle between neutron and fragment specified)
PR,NU/DA/DE,,RS0(Diff.prompt.neut.mult.d/dA/dE rel. to 0 deg) (Differential prompt fission neutron multiplicity with respect to outgoing angle and energy of neutron relative to 0 deg)
PR,NU/DA/DE,N+*F/N(Diff.prompt neut.mult.d/dA(n+frag.spec. )/dE(n)) (Differential prompt neutron multiplicity with respect to angle between neutron and fission fragment specified and energy of neutron)
PR,NU/DE(Energy spectrum of prompt fission neutrons)
PR,NU/DE,,MXD(Prompt Maxw.distr.of giv. temp) Temperature is coded under KT-NRM.
PR,NU/DE,,NPD(Prompt fission neutron spectrum in probability)
PR,NU/DE,,RRE(Prompt neut.spect. relative to square root(E)) (Differential prompt fission neutron multiplicity with respect to outgoing neutron energy relative to square root(E))
PR,NU/TKE(Prompt neut.mult.for a given tot.kin. energy) (Prompt neutron multiplicity for a given total kinetic energy)
PR/FRG,NU(Multiplicity of prompt neutrons from the fragment specified)
PR/FRG,NU,HF(Mult. of prompt neutrons from the heavy fragment) (Multiplicity of prompt fission neutrons emitted from the heavy fragment)
PR/FRG,NU,LF(Mult. of prompt neutrons from the light fragment) (Multiplicity of prompt fission neutrons emitted from the light fragment)
PR/FRG,NU/TKE(Mult.of pr.neut.from the given TKE) (Multiplicity of prompt fission neutrons emitted from the fragment specified at a given total kinetic energy)
PR/NUM,NU(Probability for emission of N prompt neutrons)
PR/PAR,NU(Partial prompt neutron yield (nu-bar))
PR/PAR,NU/DA(Part.diff.prompt neut.mult.d/dA)
PR/TER,NU(Prompt nu-bar for ternary fission)
PR/TER,NU/DA,N+*F(Diff.prompt neut.mult.d/dA(n+frag.spec.), ter.fis) (Differential prompt fission neutron multiplicity with respect to outgoing angle between neutron and fragment specified for ternary fission)
PRE/PR,NU(Prompt neutron multiplicity for a given primary fragment)
PRE/PR/FRG,NU(Multiplicity of prompt neutrons from the primary fragment specified)
SEC/PR,NU(Prompt neutron multiplicity for a given secondary fragment)
SEQ/PAR,DA/DA,*/*(Partial ang.correl.of spec.part.,spec.reac. seq.)

Special quantities for scattering

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,AMP(Scattering length)
,RAD(Potential scattering radius)
BA,AMP(Bound-atom scattering length)
BA/COH,AMP(Bound-atom coherent scattering length)
BA/INC,AMP(Bound-atom incoherent scattering length)
BA/PAR,AMP(Partial bound-atom scattering length)
COH,AMP(Coherent scattering length)
COH/IM,AMP(Coherent scattering length (imaginary part))
FA,AMP(Free-atom scattering length)

Product yields

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,MLT/DA/DE(Particle multiplicity d2/dA/dE)
,PY(Product yield)
,PY/DA(Differential product yield d/dA) (Differential product yield with respect to angle of outgoing particle)
,PY/DA/DE(Differential product yield d/dA/dE) (Differential product yield with respect to angle and energy of outgoing particle)
CUM,PY(Cumulative product yield) Includes formation of product nucleus via radioactive decay and isomeric transition.
CUM,PY,,TT(Cumulative product yield for a thick target)
NUM,PY(Probab.for the production of N reaction products)
PAR,PY(Partial product yield)

Angular distributions, general

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,DA(Differential c/s with respect to angle)
,DA,*(Angular distribution of particle specified)
,DA,*+*(Angular distribution of particle pair specified)
,DA,*+FF,RSD(Ang.distr.of spec.part.vs.fiss.frag.,rel.90 deg.)
,DA,*,RS(Angular distribution of part.spec. * 4pi/Sigma)
,DA,*,RSD(Angular distr. of particle specif. rel. 90 deg.)
,DA,*,RTH(Diff. cs d/dA for Ruth. scatt.)
,DA,*,TT/RSD(Ang.distr.of part.specif.rel.90deg.f.thick targ.)
,DA,,MOT(Differential cs d/dA Mott scattering) (Angular distribution, relative to relativistic scattering by point nucleus (Mott scattering))
,DA,,RES(Differential cross section d/dA at resonance)
,DA,,RS(Differential c/s d/dA * 4pi/Sigma)
,DA,,RS/TMP(Differential c/s d/dA * 4pi/Sigma at other than room temperature)
,DA,,RS0(Differential c/s d/dA relative to 0 deg.) (Angular distribution, diff.sig/sig(0deg))
,DA,,RSD(Differential c/s d/dA relative to 90 deg.) (Angular distribution, diff.sig/sig(90deg))
,DA,,RTH(Differential cs d/dA Rutherf.scatt.) (Angular distribution, relative to scattering by point nucleus (Rutherford scattering)) (Differential cs, coeff. for a sum in power of sine**2 )
,DA,,TMP(Diff.cross section d/dA at other than room temp.)
,DA,,TT(Diff.cross section d/dA for thick target)
,DA,FF,RSD/RES(Ang.distr.of fiss.fragm. rel. to 90 deg. at res.) (Angular distribution of fission fragments relative to 90 deg. at resonance)
,DA/TYA,P(Diff.cross sect. with Treim.-Yang angle) (Diff.cross section, Treiman-Yang distribution for plane defined by incident projectile and outgoing proton)
,INT/DA(Integral over of ang. distr.) (Integral over incident energy of angular distribution)
,INT/DA,,RES(Integral over of ang. dist. at res.)
,INT/DE,RSD(Integr.over incid.en., of spectrum of res. nucl.) (Integral over incident energy of energy spectrum of residual nucleus)
CN,DA(Differential c/s d/dA, compound nucleus contrib) (Diff.partl.cs,compund-nucleus contributn)
CUM,DA,,RSD(Diff.c/s d/dA relative to 90 deg., cumulative)
DI,DA(Differential c/s d/dA,direct interaction contr.) (Diff.partl.cs,direct-interactn contributn)
EM,DA(Particle emission angular distribution) (Differential emission cross section excluding elastic scattering)
EXL,DA(Angular diff. cross section including excitation to low-lying levels)) (Angular differential cross section including excitation to low-lying levels)
PRE,DA,FF,RSD(Angular distribution of primary fission fragment relative to 90 deg)
PRE,DA,LF(Angular distribution of primary light fission fragment)
SEQ,DA,*(Angular dist. of part.spec.,specif.reaction seq.) (Diff.cs with respect to part.spec., for partial reaction specified by sequence of outgoing particles)
TER,DA,*(Ang. distr. of particle specif.,ternary fission)
TER,DA,*,RSD(Angular distr. alphas rel 90 deg.,ternary fiss.)
TER,DA,N(Ang. distr. of fission neutrons,ternary fission)

Angular distributions, partial reactions

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DI/PAR,DA(Partial diff. c/s d/dA,direct interaction contr)
EM/PAR,DA(Particle emission partial diff. c/s d/dA) (Differential partial emission cross section excluding elastic scattering)
EP,DA(Partial diff. c/s d/dA for electric polar. given) (Electric multipole component of diff.cross section for polarity specified)
ISP,DA(Differential cross section d/dA, partial for intermediate product)
NN/PAR,DA,,NSF(Non-spin-flip probability (1-S(nn))*partial d/dA)
NN/PAR,DA,,SF(Spin-flip probability S(nn)*partial d/dA)
PAR,DA(Partial differential cross section d/dA)
PAR,DA,*(Partial angular distr. of particle specified)
PAR,DA,*+*(Partial angular distr. of particle pair)
PAR,DA,*,RAB(Partial ang.dist.of particle specified*abun.(nat)/abun.(nucl. 1st term)) (Partial angular distribution of the specified particle times the natural isotopic abundance divided by the abundance of the target of the first term of the REACTION sum)
PAR,DA,*,RS(Partial diff. cross section d/dA * 4pi/Sigma of particle specified)
PAR,DA,*,RSD(Partial diff. c/s d/dA 90 deg.) (Diff.partial cross section for prod.of part.spec., rel. to value at 90 degrees)
PAR,DA,,RES(Partial diff. cross section at resonance)
PAR,DA,,RS(Partial diff. cross section d/dA * 4pi/Sigma)
PAR,DA,,RS/TT(Partial diff. cs d/dA * 4pi/Sigma f.thick target)
PAR,DA,,RS0(Partial diff. c/s d/dA relative to 0 deg.) (Partial cross section, diff.sig/sig(0deg))
PAR,DA,,RSD(Partial diff. cross section d/dA rel. to 90 deg)
PAR,DA,,RTH(Partial diff. cs d/dA Rutherf.scatt. )
PAR,DA,,SFC(Partial angular differential S-factor)
PAR,DA,,TST(Partial diff. cs * total spin transfer)
PAR,DA,,TT(Thick-target angular distr., partial reaction)
PAR,DA,G,RES(Partial diff. cross section d/dA at ressonance) (Partial differential cross section with respect to angle of gamma at resonance)
PAR/CUM,DA(Partial angular distribution, cumulative)
PAR/ICL,DA(Partial diff. c.s. d/dA uncor. for other channels emit.the same part.) (Partial differential cross section d/dA uncorrected for other channels emitting the same particle)
PAR/ICL,DA,*(Partial diff. c.s. d/dA(*) uncor. for other channels emit. same part.)
PAR/ICL,DA,,4PI(Part.diff. c.s. d/dA uncor. for other channels emit.the same part. *4pi) (Partial differential cross section d/dA uncorrected for other channels emitting the same particle * 4pi)
PAR/L-,DA,G(Ang.diff.c.s..of dis.gammas excl.transition from quasi-metastable state) (Angular differential cross section of discrete gammas excluding transition from quasi-metastable state)
SEQ/PAR,DA,*(Partial ang.distr.of spec.part.,spec.reac. seq.) (Diff.partial cs with respect to specified particle, for partial reaction specified by sequence of outgoing particles)

Fitting coefficients

skip none nocommon close 

,DA,*,COS(Coeff. of cosine expansion for particle specif.) (Angular distr. of particle specified, cosine-coeff. of the form d-Sig/d-Omega = a(0) + Sum( a(L)cos**L ))
,DA,*,COS/RS(Cos.coef.4pi/Sig d/dA=Sum(2L+1)a(L)cos**L) Angular distr. of particle specified, cosine-coeff. of the form 4pi/Sig d-Sig/d-Omega = 1+Sum(a(L)cos**L))
,DA,*,COS/RSD(Cos.coef. (d/dA)/(d/dA90deg)=1+Sum(a(L)cos**L)) (Angular distr. of particle specified, cosine-coeff. of the form (d-Sig/d-Omega)/(d-Sig/d-Omega at 90 deg) = 1 + Sum( a(L)*cos**L ) )
,DA,*,LEG(Leg.coef. d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)*P(L)) for part. spec.) (Angular distr. of particle specified, Legendre coeff. of the form d-Sig/d-Omega = a(0) + Sum( a(L)*P(L) ))
,DA,*,LEG/RS(Legendre coef. 4pi/Sig d/dA=1+Sum(a(L))) (Differential cs with respect to specified particle, Legendre coeff. of the form 4pi/Sig d-Sig/d-Omega = 1 + Sum( a(L)P(L)))
,DA,*,LEG/RSD(Leg.coef. d/dA=1+Sum(a(L))rel.90deg f.spec. part.) (Differential cs with respect to specified particle, Legendre coeff. of the form (d-Sig/d-Omega)/(d-Sig/d-Omega at 90 deg) = = Sum(a(L)*P(L)))
,DA,*,LEG/RSL(Leg.coef.4pi/Sig d/dA=1+Sum((2L+1)a(L)P(L))) (Angular distr. of particle specified, Legendre coeff. of the form 4pi/Sig d-Sig/d-Omega= 1+Sum((2L+1)a(L)P(L)))
,DA,*,S2T(Sine**2 coef. d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)sin**2(L*Theta))) (Angular distr. of particle specified, coefficients of the form d-Sig/d-Omega = a(0) + a(1)*sin**2(Theta) + a(2)*sin**2(2*Theta))
,DA,*,S2T/RS0(Coef.d/dA 0deg=1+Sum(a(L)sin**2(L*Theta)))
,DA,*,S2T/RSD(Coef.d/dArel. 90deg=a(0)+Sum(a(L)sin**2(L*Theta)))
,DA,,COS(Cosine coef. d/dA = a(0)+Sum(a(L)cos**L)) (Diff.cs, cosine-coeff. of the form d-Sig/d-Omega = a(0) + Sum( a(L)cos**L ))
,DA,,COS/1K2(Cosine coef. k**2 d/dA = Sum(a(L)cos**L)) (Diff.cs, cosine-coeff. of the form k**2 d-Sig/d-Omega = Sum(a(L)*cos**L) )
,DA,,COS/RS(Cosine coef. 4pi/Sig d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)cos**L)) (Diff.cs, cosine-coeff. of the form 4pi/Sig d-Sig/d-Omega = 1+Sum(a(L)cos**L))
,DA,,COS/RSD(Cosne coef. (d/dA)/(d/dA, 90deg)=Sum(a(L)cos**L)) (Diff.cs, cosine-coeff. of the form (d-Sig/d-Omega)/(d-Sig/d-Omega at 90 deg) = Sum ( a(L)cos**L ))
,DA,,CS2(Cos coef. d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)*sin**2*cos**L)) (Diff.cs, fitting coeff. of the form d-Sig/d-Omega = a(0) + a(1)*sin**2(Theta) + a(2)*sin**2(Theta)*cos(Theta) + a(3)*sin**2(Theta)*cos**2(Theta) )
,DA,,LEG(Legendre coef. d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)*P(L))) (Diff.cs, Legendre coeff. of the form d-Sig/d-Omega = a(0) + Sum( a(L)*P(L) ))
,DA,,LEG/1K2(Legendre coef. k**2 d/dA=Sum(a(L)*P(L))) (Diff.cs, Legendre coeff. of the form k**2 d-Sig/d-Omega = Sum ( a(L)*P(L) ))
,DA,,LEG/2L2(Legendre coef. d/dA=1/2Sum((2L+1)a(L)*P(L))) (Diff.cs, Legendre coeff. of the form d-Sig/d-Omega = (1/2)Sum((2L+1)*a(L)*P(L)))
,DA,,LEG/4PI(Legendre coef. 4pi d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)*P(L)))
,DA,,LEG/RS(Legendre coef. 4pi/Sig d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)*P(L))) (Diff.cs, Legendre coeff. of the form 4pi/Sig d-Sig/d-Omega = 1 + Sum( a(L)P(L)))
,DA,,LEG/RS0(Leg.coef. (d/dA)/(d/dA, 0deg)=Sum(a(L)*P(L))) (Diff.cs, Legendre coeff. of the form (d-Sig/d-Omega)/(d-Sig/d-Omega at 0 deg) = Sum ( a(L)*P(L) ))
,DA,,LEG/RSD(Leg.coef. d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)) rel.90deg.) (Diff.cs, Legendre coeff. of the form 4pi/Sig(90deg) d-Sig/d-Omega = = 1 + Sum(a(L)*P(L)))
,DA,,LEG/RSL(Leg.coef. 4pi/Sig d/dA=Sum((2L+1)a(L)*P(L))) (Diff.cs, Legendre coeff. of the form 4pi/Sig d-Sig/d-Omega=Sum((2L+1)a(L)P(L)))
,DA,,LEG/RTH(Leg.coef.(d/dA)/(d/dA)Ruth. =a(0)+Sum(a(L)*P(L))) (Legendre coefficients of the ratio of the differential cross section to Rutherford scattering differential cross section)
,DA/DE,,LEG/RS(Legendre coeff. d2/dA/dE'=Sum(a(E', L)*P(L)))
EM,DA,,LEG(Leg.coef.d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)*P(L)) for emis. c/s)
EM,DA,,LEG/RSL(Leg.coef. for fit to (4pi/Sig)d/dA emission c/s) (Differential emission cross section excluding elastic scattering, Legendre coeff.of the form 4pi/Sig d-Sig/d-Omega=Sum((2L+1)a(L)P(L)))
EM,DA/DE,,LEG/RSL(Leg.coef. for fit to double-diff.emission cs) (Double-differential emission cross section excluding elastic scattering, Legendre coeff.of the form 4pi/Sig d2-Sig/d-Omega/dE'= Sum((2L+1)a(E',L)P(L)))
EXL,DA,,LEG(Leg.coef. d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)*P(L)) incl. exciation to low-lying levels) (Angular differential cross section including excitation to low-lying levels of the form d-Sig/d-Omega = a(0) + Sum( a(L)*P(L) ))
PAR,DA,*,COS(Cosine coefficient for fit to partial d/dA of particle specified) (Diff.partial cross section for particle specified, cosine-coefficient of the form d-Sig/d-Omega = a(0) + Sum( a(L)cos**L ))
PAR,DA,*,COS/RSD(Ptl.cos coef(d/dA)/(d/dA, 90deg)=Sum(a(L)cos**L) of particle specified) (Diff.partial cross section for particle specified, cosine-coeff. of the form (d-Sig/d-Omega)/(d-Sig/d-Omega at 90 deg) = Sum ( a(L)cos**L ))
PAR,DA,*,LEG(Leg.coef. for fit to partialparticle em. d/dA) (Diff.partial cross section for particle production, Legendre coeff.of the form d-Sig/d-Omega = a(0) + Sum( a(L)*P(L) ))
PAR,DA,*,LEG/RS(Leg.coef.partl.4pi/Sig d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)P(L))) (Angular differential partial cross section for particle specified in Legendre polynomials in the form 4pi/Sig d-Sig/d-Omega = 1 + Sum(a(L)*P(L)))
PAR,DA,*,LEG/RSD( a(L)P(L)) (Diff.partial cross section for prod.of part.specif., Legendre coeff.of the form 4pi/Sig(90deg) d-Sig/d-Omega = 1 + Sum(a(L)*P(L)))
PAR,DA,,COS(Cosine coef. for fit to partial d/dA) (Diff.partial cs, cosine-coeff.of the form d-Sig/d-Omega = a(0) + Sum( a(L)cos**L ))
PAR,DA,,COS/RS(Partl.cos coef.4pi/Sig d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)cos**L))
PAR,DA,,COS/RSD(Ptl.cos coef(d/dA)/(d/dA, 90deg)=Sum(a(L)cos**L)) (Diff.partial cs, cosine-coeff. of the form (d-Sig/d-Omega)/(d-Sig/d-Omega at 90 deg) = Sum ( a(L)cos**L ))
PAR,DA,,LEG(Legendre coef. for fit to partial d/dA) (Diff.partial cs, Legendre-coeff.of the form d-Sig/d-Omega = a(0) + Sum( a(L)*P(L) ))
PAR,DA,,LEG/1K2(Partial to k**2 d/dA=Sum(a(L)*P(L))) (Diff.partial cs, Legendre-coeff.of the form k**2 d/dA=Sum(a(L)*P(L)))
PAR,DA,,LEG/2L2( to partl d/dA=1/2Sum(2L+1)a(L)P(L)) (Diff.partial cs, Legendre-coeff.of the form d-Sig/d-Omega = (1/2)Sum((2L+1)*a(L)*P(L)))
PAR,DA,,LEG/4PI(Partial Legendre coef. 4pi d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)*P(L)))
PAR,DA,,LEG/RS( partl.4pi/Sig d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)P(L))) (Diff.partial cs, Legendre-coeff.of the form 4pi/Sig d-Sig/d-Omega = 1 + Sum(a(L)P(L)))
PAR,DA,,LEG/RS0(Leg.coef. fit to partial (d/dA)/(d/dA, 0deg)) (Diff.partial cs, Legendre-coeff.of the form (d-Sig/d-Omega)/(d-Sig/d-Omega at 0 deg) = Sum(a(L)*P(L)) )
PAR,DA,,LEG/RSD(Par.Leg.coef(4pi/Sig, 90deg)d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)P(L))) (Diff.partial cs, Legendre-coeff.of the form 4pi/Sig(90deg) d-Sig/d-Omega = 1 + Sum(a(L)*P(L)))
PAR,DA,,LEG/RSL(Partl.Leg. coef(4pi/Sig)d/dA=Sum((2L+1)a(L)P(L))) (Diff.partial cs, Legendre-coeff.of the form 4pi/Sig d-Sig/d-Omega=Sum((2L+1)a(L)P(L)))
PAR,DA,,S2T(Coef.partial d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)sin**2(L*theta))) (Diff.partial cross section, sine**2 form d-sig/d-Omega = a(0)+a(1)*sin**2(theta) +a(2)*sin**2(2*theta)) (Diff.partial cs, coeff. for a sum in power of sine**2 )
PR,DA,N,LEG/RS(Leg.coef.4pi/Sig d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)P(L)),pr neuts.) (Angular distr.of prompt fission-neutrons, Legendre coefficients of the form 4pi/Sig d-Sig/d-Omega = 1+Sum( a(L)P(L) ))

Polarization of outgoing particles

skip none nocommon close 

,FM/DA,,AL1(Leg.coef.of 1st kind for spin-pol.prob. * d/dA) (Product of spin-polarization probability and diff.cross section,coeff.of associated Legendre functions of the first kind)
,POL(Spin-polarization probability) of outgoing particles
,POL,*(Spin-polarization probability of particle spec.)
,POL/DA(Spin-polarization probability d/dA) (Differential spin-polarization probability with respect to angle of emission)
,POL/DA,*(Diff. spin-polariz. prob. d/dA of part. specified) (Differential spin-polarization probability of specified particles with angle of emission)
,POL/DA,*,ANA(Analyzing power for particle specified)
,POL/DA,*,ASY(Asymmetry of polarized particles specified)
,POL/DA,*,ASY/PP(Asymmetry parallel/perpend of particle specified)
,POL/DA,*,VAP(Vector anal.power, iT(11) for particle specified)
,POL/DA,,ANA(Analyzing power)
,POL/DA,,ANA/LEG(Anal.power,Leg.coef. d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)*P(L))) (Analyzing power,Legendre coeff.of the form d-Sig/d-Omega = a(0) + Sum( a(L)*P(L) ))
,POL/DA,,ASY(Asymmetry of polarized particles)
,POL/DA,,ASY/PP(Asymmetry as a fn. of inc.parallel/perpend. )
,POL/DA,,ASY/PP/RES ( a fn. of inc.parallel/ res.)
,POL/DA,,LEG(Legendre coef. for fit to spin-pol. probability) (Differential spin-polarization probability, Legendre coefficients)
,POL/DA,,SRF(Spin rotation function, Q)
,POL/DA,,VAP(Vector analyzing power, iT(11))
,POL/DA/DA,*/*,ANA(Analyzing power d2/dA(*)/dA(*))
,POL/DA/DA/DE,*,ANA (Analyzing power dA1/dA2/dE f.particle specified)
,POL/DA/DA/DE,*/*/*+*,ANA (Anal.power dA1/dA2/dE(rel.energies))
,POL/DA/DA/DE,*/*/*,ANA (Analyzing power dA1/dA2/dE1 f.particles spec.)
,POL/DA/DA/DE,,ANA(Analyzing power dA1/dA2/dE1 for 2 particles)
,POL/DA/DA/DP,*/*+*/*+*,VAP (Vector analyzing power d/dA(*)/dA(*+*)/dp(*+*))
,POL/DA/DE( angle and energy) (Differential spin-polarization probability with respect to angle and energy of outgoing particles)
,POL/DA/DE,*(Double-diff.spin-pol.probab.f.particle specified)
,POL/DA/DE,*,ANA(Analyzing power dA/dE for particle specified)
,POL/DA/DE,*,VAP(Vect.anal.power,iT(11)/dA(*)/dE(*), f.part. spec.)
,POL/DA/DE,*/*,ANA(Anal.power d2/dA/dE for specified particle pair)
,POL/DA/DE,,ANA(Analyzing power / dE)
,POL/DA/DE,,ASY(Asymm.of polarized angle and en.) (Asymmetry of polarized particles with respect to angle and energy of outgoing particles)
,POL/DA/DE,,TST(Total spin transfer angle and energy) (Total spin transfer with respect to angle and energy of outgoing particles)
,POL/DA2/DE2,*/*(Polarization d/dA1(*)/dA2(*)/dE1(*)/dE2(*))
,POL/DA2/DE2,*/*,ANA (Analyzing power d4/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*)/dE(*))
,POL/DT,,ANA(Anal. power with respect to 4-momentum transfer)
20,POL/DA,*,TAP(Tensor anal. power, T20 for particle specified)
20,POL/DA,,TAP(Tensor analyzing power, T20)
20,POL/DA/DA/DE,*/*/*+*,TAP (Tensor anal. power, T20/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*+*))
20,POL/DA/DE,*,TAP(Tensor analyzing power, T20/dA(*)/dE(*))
20/PAR,POL/DA,*,TAP (Tensor anal. power, T20, partial f.part. spec.)
20/PAR,POL/DA,,TAP(Tensor analyzing power, T20, partial)
21,POL/DA,*,TAP(Tensor anal. power, T21 for particle specified)
21,POL/DA,,TAP(Tensor analyzing power, T21)
21,POL/DA/DE,*,TAP(Tensor analyzing power, T21/dA(*)/dE(*))
21/PAR,POL/DA,*,TAP (Tensor anal.power, T21,partl.for part.spec. )
21/PAR,POL/DA,,TAP(Tensor analyzing power, T21, partial)
22,POL/DA,*,TAP(Tensor anal. power, T22 for particle specified)
22,POL/DA,,TAP(Tensor analyzing power, T22)
22,POL/DA/DE,*,TAP(Tensor analyzing power, T22/dA(*)/dE(*))
22/PAR,POL/DA,*,TAP (Tensor analyzing power, T22,partl.for part. spec.)
22/PAR,POL/DA,,TAP(Tensor analyzing power, T22, partial)
31,POL/DA,,TAP(Tensor analyzing power, T31)
31/PAR,POL/DA,,TAP(Tensor analyzing power, T31, partial)
32,POL/DA,,TAP(Tensor analyzing power, T32)
32/PAR,POL/DA,,TAP(Tensor analyzing power, T32, partial)
33,POL/DA,,TAP(Tensor analyzing power, T33)
33/PAR,POL/DA,,TAP(Tensor analyzing power, T33, partial)
40/PAR,POL/DA,,TAP(Tensor analyzing power T40, partial)
EM,POL/DA/DE,P,ANA(Analyzing power dA/dE for proton emission)
EXL,POL/DA,,ANA(Analyzing power including excitation to low-lying levels)
LL,POL/DA,*,ANA(Tensor analyzing power, A(zz)/dA(*))
LL,POL/DA,*,D(Spin rotation parameter, D(LL), for part. spec.)
LL,POL/DA,,ANA(Tensor analyzing power, A(zz))
LL,POL/DA,,C(Initial spin correlation parameter, C(LL))
LL,POL/DA,,D(Spin rotation parameter, D(LL))
LL,POL/DA,,K(Spin-transfer parameter, K(LL))
LL,POL/DA/DA/DE,*/*/*+*,ANA (Tensor anal.power A(LL)/dA(*)/dA(*)/d(E(rel.en.))
LL,POL/DA/DE,*,D(Doub.diff.spin rotat. param. f.part.spec. D(LL))
LL,POL/DA/DE,,ANA(Tensor analyzing power A(zz)/dA/dE)
LL,POL/DA/DE,,D(Doub.diff.spin rotation parameter, D(LL))
LL,POL/DA2/DE2,*/*,D (Spin rot.param D(LL)/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*)/dE(*)) (Spin rotation parameter D(LL)/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*)/dE(*))
LL,POL/DT,,D(Spin rot.param.D(LL),fct.of 4-mom.transfer)
LL/PAR,POL/DA,,ANA(Partial tensor analyzing power, A(zz))
LL/PAR,POL/DA,,D(Spin-rotation parameter, D(LL), partl. reaction)
LON,POL,,DSP/ASY(Spin-spin asymmetry for longitud. spin states)
LON,POL/DA,,ANA(Longitudinal analyzing power A(z))
LS,POL/DA,*,D(Spin rotation parameter, D(LS), for part. spec.)
LS,POL/DA,,ANA(Tensor analyzing power, A(zx))
LS,POL/DA,,C(Initial spin correlation parameter, C(LS))
LS,POL/DA,,D(Spin rotation parameter, D(LS))
LS,POL/DA,,K(Spin-transfer parameter, K(LS))
LS,POL/DA/DE,*,D(Doub.diff.spin rotat. param.f.part.spec. D(LS))
LS,POL/DA/DE,,D(Double-diff.spin rotation parameter D(LS))
LS,POL/DA2/DE2,*/*,D (Spin rot.param D(LS)/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*)/dE(*)) (Spin rotation parameter D(LS)/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*)/dE(*))
LS,POL/DT,,D(Spin rot.param.D(LS),fct.of 4-mom.transfer)
LS/PAR,POL/DA,,D(Spin-rotation parameter, D(LS), partl. reaction)
NL,POL/DA,,C(Initial spin correlation parameter, C(NL))
NN,POL/DA,*,ANA(Tensor analyzing power, A(yy)/dA(*))
NN,POL/DA,*,D(Spin-depolarization parameter,D(NN),f.part. spec.)
NN,POL/DA,,ANA(Tensor analyzing power, A(yy))
NN,POL/DA,,C(Initial spin correlation parameter, C(NN))
NN,POL/DA,,D(Spin-depolarization parameter, D(NN))
NN,POL/DA,,K(Spin-transfer parameter, K(NN))
NN,POL/DA/DA/DE,*/*/*+*,ANA (Tensor anal.power A(NN)/dA(*)/dA(*)/d(E(rel.en.))
NN,POL/DA/DE,*,D(Doub.diff.spin rotat. param.f.part.spec. D(NN))
NN,POL/DA/DE,,ANA(Tensor analyzing power A(yy)/dA/dE)
NN,POL/DA/DE,,D(Doub.diff.spin rotation parameter, D(NN))
NN,POL/DA/DE,,K(Doub.diff.spin transfer parameter, K(NN))
NN,POL/DA/DE,,SF(Double diff. spin-flip prob.d/dA/dE, S(nn))
NN,POL/DA2/DE2,*/*,D (Spin rot.param D(NN)/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*)/dE(*)) (Spin rotation parameter D(NN)/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*)/dE(*))
NN,POL/DT,,D(Spin rot.param.D(NN),fct.of 4-mom.transfer)
NN/PAR,POL/DA,*,ANA (Tensor analyzing power A(yy)/dA(*), partial)
NN/PAR,POL/DA,,ANA(Partial tensor analyzing power, A(yy))
NN/PAR,POL/DA,,D(Spin-depolarization param., D(NN), partl. react.)
NN/PAR,POL/DA,,K(Spin-transfer parameter, K(NN), partl. reaction)
NN/PAR,POL/DA,,SF(Spin-flip prob. S(nn) for partial reaction)
PAR,FM/DA,,AL1/RS(4pi/Sig polar. * d/dA Leg.coef.of 1st kind) (Product of spin-polarization probability and partial differential cross section, coefficients of associated Legendre functions of the first kind * 4pi/Sigma)
PAR,POL,G(Polarization for gamma-ray specified)
PAR,POL/DA(Diff. spin-polarization prob.for partial react.) (Differential spin-polarization probability with respect to angle of emission, for partial reaction)
PAR,POL/DA,*+*,ASY(Asymmetry for given particle pair)
PAR,POL/DA,*,VAP(Vect.anal.power,partl.react.,iT11 for part. spec.)
PAR,POL/DA,,ANA(Partial analyzing power)
PAR,POL/DA,,ANA/LEG (Ptl.Anal.power,Leg.coef. d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)*P(L))) (Partial analyzing power, Legendre coefficients of the form d-Sig/d-Omega = a(0) + Sum( a(L)*P(L) ))
PAR,POL/DA,,ANA/TT(Partial analyzing power for thick target)
PAR,POL/DA,,ASY(Partial asymmetry of polarized particles)
PAR,POL/DA,,ASY/PP(Partial asymmetry, inc. parallel/perpendicular)) (Partial asymmetry, incident projectile parallel/perpendicular to reaction plane)
PAR,POL/DA,,TST(Partial total spin transfer angle)
PAR,POL/DA,G(Diff. polarization for gamma-ray specified d/dA)
PAR,POL/DA,N+A(Diff.spin-polar.prob.for partial react., rel.ang.) (Differential spin-polarization probability with respect to rel.angle specified partiles, partial reaction)
PAR,POL/DA/DA,*/*,ANA (Partial analyzing power d2/dA(*)/dA(*))
PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,*/*/*,ANA (Partial analyz.power dA1/dA2/dE1 for part. spec.)
PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,,ANA (Partial analyz.power dA1/dA2/dE1 f. 2 particles)
PAR,POL/DA/DE,*/*,ANA (Partial analyz.power d2/dA(*)/dA(*))
SL,POL/DA,*,ANA(Tensor analyzing power, A(xz)/dA(*))
SL,POL/DA,*,D(Spin rotation parameter, D(SL), for part. spec.)
SL,POL/DA,,ANA(Tensor analyzing power, A(xz))
SL,POL/DA,,C(Initial spin correlation parameter, C(SL))
SL,POL/DA,,D(Spin rotation parameter, D(SL))
SL,POL/DA,,K(Spin-transfer parameter, K(SL))
SL,POL/DA/DA/DE,*/*/*+*,ANA (Tensor analyzing power A(xz)/dA1/dA2/dE)
SL,POL/DA/DE,*,D(Doub.diff.spin rotat. param.f.part.spec., D(SL))
SL,POL/DA/DE,,D(Double-diff.spin rotation parameter D(SL))
SL,POL/DA2/DE2,*/*,D (Spin rot.param D(SL)/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*)/dE(*))
SL,POL/DT,,D(Spin rot.param.D(SL),fct.of 4-mom.transfer)
SL/PAR,POL/DA,,ANA(Partial tensor analyzing power, A(xz))
SL/PAR,POL/DA,,D(Spin-rotation parameter, D(SL), partl. reaction)
SS,POL/DA,*,ANA(Tensor analyzing power, A(xx)/dA(*))
SS,POL/DA,*,D(Spin rotation parameter, D(SS), for part. spec.)
SS,POL/DA,,ANA(Tensor analyzing power, A(xx))
SS,POL/DA,,C(Initial spin correlation parameter, C(SS))
SS,POL/DA,,D(Spin rotation parameter, D(SS))
SS,POL/DA,,K(Spin-transfer parameter, K(SS))
SS,POL/DA/DA/DE,*/*/*+*,ANA (Tensor analyzing power A(xx)/dA1/dA2/dE)
SS,POL/DA/DE,*,D(Doub.diff.spin rotat.param.f.part.spec., D(SS))
SS,POL/DA/DE,,ANA(Tensor analyzing power A(xx)/dA/dE)
SS,POL/DA/DE,,D(Double-diff.spin rotation parameter D(SS))
SS,POL/DA2/DE2,*/*,D (Spin rot.param D(SS)/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*)/dE(*))
SS,POL/DT,,D(Spin rot.param.D(SS),fct.of 4-mom.transfer)
SS/PAR,POL/DA,*,ANA (Tensor analyzing power A(xx)/dA(*), partial)
SS/PAR,POL/DA,,D(Spin-rotation parameter, D(SS), partl. reaction)
TRS,POL,,DSP/ASY(Spin-spin asymmetry for transverse spin states)
TRS,POL/DA,,ANA(Transverse vector analyzing power, A(x))
TRS,POL/DA/DA/DE,*/*/*+*,ANA (Transverse vector analyzing power, A(x)/dA1/dA2/dE(relative energies))

Outgoing energy spectra

skip none nocommon close 

,DA/DE,,4PI(Double diff.cross section d2/dA/dE * 4pi)
,DE(Energy spectrum of outgoing particles)
,DE,*(Energy spectrum of particle specified)
,DE,*+*(Energy spectrum of correlated particles specif.)
,DE,*+*+*(Energy spectrum of correlated particles specif.)
,DP(Diff. cross section with respect to linear mom.)
,DT(Diff.c/s with respect to 4-mom.transfer squared) (Differential cross section with respect to 4-momentum transfer squared of outgoing particles)
,SPC(Gamma spectrum)
,SPC,,TT(Gamma spectrum for thick target)
,SPC/DA(Gamma spectrum as function of angle)
2,DE(Energy spectrum of 2nd secondary particle) if 2 or more identical particles are emitted
DI,DE(En.spectrum of outg.partl.,dir.interact. contr.)
DL,SPC(Intensity of delayed gammas)
DL/GRP,NU/DE(Energy spectrum for specific delayed neut. group)
EM,DE(Particle emission energy spectrum) (Particle emission energy spectrum, excluding elastic scattering)
LP,DP(Diff.cs longit.secondary momentum) (Differential cross section with respect to longitudinal secondary linear momentum)
LP,IPA/DP(Cs,int.over ang. range)
LP,IPA/DP,*(Cs, par.spe.)
LP,IPA/DP,*/*(Diff.cs d/dA(*)/dp(*) integrated over ang. range)
LP/PAR,DP(Partial diff. cross section w.r.t. longitudinal linear momentum)
PAR,DE(Spectrum of outgoing particles for specif. level)
PAR,DE,*(Spectrum of particle specified for specif. level)
PAR,DE,*+*(Partial energy distr. of particle pair)
PAR,DP,*+*(Diff.cs sec.momentum of particle pair) (Differential cross section with respect to secondary linear momentum of particle pair)
PAR,SPC(Partial gamma spectrum)
PR,DE,N(Diff.cs.with respect to pr.fiss.neutron energy)
PR,SPC(Intensity of prompt fission gammas)
PRE,DE,*F(Energy spectrum of primary fission frag. specif.)
PRE,DE,LF+HF(Sum of prim.fragm.en.,total kin.en. spectrum) (Sum of primary light and heavy fragment energies, total kinetic energy spectrum)
TER,DE,*(Energy spectr.of particle specif.,ternary fiss.)
TP,DP(Diff.cs transv.secondary momentum) (Differential cross section with respect to transverse secondary linear momentum)
TP/PAR,DP(Part.Diff.cs transv.sec.momentum) (Partial Differential cross section with respect to transverse secondary linear momentum)

Double differential data

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,DA/DA(Double diff. cross section d2/dA/dA) (Double-diff. cross section with respect to 2 angles referring to 2 outgoing particles) ===To be used only when it is obvious to which particles the angles refer
,DA/DA,*/*(Angular correlation betw.specified particles)
,DA/DA,*/*+*(Double diff. cross section d2/dA(*)/dA(*+*))
,DA/DA,A/A+A,NCP(Ang.correl.betw.alphas,rel.angle, non-coplanar)
,DA/DA,P+P(Angular correlation of protons (rel. angle))
,DA/DE(Double diff.cross section d2/dA/dE)
,DA/DE,*(Double diff.cross sect. d2/dA/dE of part. spec.)
,DA/DE,*,RSD(Double diff.cs d2/dA/dE of part.spec.rel. 90deg.) (Double differential cross sectionsle with respect to particle specified relavive to the value at 90 deg.)
,DA/DE,*/*(Double diff.cross sect. d2/dA(*)/dE(*))
,DA/DE,*/*+*(Double diff.cross sect. d2/dA(*)/dE(*+*))
,DA/DE,,RSD(Double diff.cross sect. d2/dA/dE 90 deg.)
,DA/DE,,TMP(Double diff.cs.d2/dA/dE at other than room temp.)
,DA/DE,,TST(Total spin transfer * d2/dA/dE)
,DA/DP(Diff.cs dAngle/d(lin.momentum))
,DA/DP,*(Double diff. cross section d2/dA(*)/dp(*))
,IPA/DE(Double-diff.cs integr.over partial ang. range)
,IPA/DE,*+*(d/dA(*+*)/dE(*+*) int.over part.ang.range)
,IPA/DE,G(Double-diff.gamma cs integr.over part.ang. range)
,IPA/DE,RSD(Double-diff.cs part.ang. range)
,IPA/DP(Double-diff.cs d2/dp/dA int.over part.ang. range)
,IPP/DA(Double-diff.cs d2/dp/dA int.over range)
DI,DA/DE(Double diff. c/s d2/dA/dEdir.interaction contr) (Double-diff. cross section, direct interaction contribution)
EM,DA/DE(Double diff. emission cross section, d/dA/dE) (Double-diff.emission cross section excluding elastic scattering)
EM,DA/DE,P(Double diff. proton emission cross section)
ICL,DA/DE,*/*(d2/dA(*)/dE(*)uncor.for oth.chan.emit.same part.) (Double-differential cross section d2/dA(*)dE(*) uncorrected for other channels emitting the same particle)
ICL,IPA/DE,*/*(d2/dA(*)/dE(*) (Double-differential cross section d2/dA(*)dE(*) uncorrected for other channels emitting the same particle, and integrated over the angular range)
LL,DA/DE,,SF(Spin-flip probability S(LL)*d2/dA/d(E))
NN,DA/DE,,NSF(Non-spin-flip probability (1-S(nn))*d2/dA/dE)
NN,DA/DE,,SF(Spin-flip probability S(nn)*d2/dA/dE)
PAR,DA/DE(Partial double diff.cross-section) (Partial double-diff. cross section for specific level of residual nucleus) =Note= In this case 'PAR' refers to a specific level, and not to a specific energy group of outgoing particles.
PAR,DA/DE,*/*(Part.double diff.cross-section d2/dA(*)/dE(*))
PAR,IPA/DE,*+*(Par.d/dA(*+*)/dE(*+*) int.over part.ang. range)
PR,DA/DE(Double differential spectra of prompt fission particles)
SEQ,DA/DE(Double-diff.cs for spec. reaction seq.) (Double-diff.cs for partial reaction specif. by sequence of outgoing particles)
SS,DA/DE,,SF(Spin-flip probability S(SS)*d2/dA/d(E))
TER,DA/DE,*(Double-diff.cs d2/dA/dE of part.spec.,tern. fiss.)

Triple differential data

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,DA/DA/DE,*/*+*/*(Triple diff.cross section d3/dA(*)/dA(*+*)/dE(*))
,DA/DA/DE,*/*/*(Triple diff.cross section d3/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*))
,DA/DA/DE,*/*/*+*(Triple diff.cs d3/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(rel.en. *-*)) (Triple-diff. cross section with respect to angles and relative energies of specified particles)
,DA/DA/DE,*/*/*,NCP (Triple diff.cs.d3/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*), non-coplanar)
,DA/DA/DE/DE,P/P/P/RSD (Quadruple diff.cs d4/dA(p)/dA(p)/dE(p)/dE(res))
,DA/DA/DP,*/*+*/*+* (Triple diff cs dA(*)/dA(*+*.)/dP(*+*)) (Triple differential cross section d2/dA(*)/dA(*)/dP(*+*))
,DA/DE/DE,*/*/*(Triple diff.cross section d3/dA(*)/dE(*)/dE(*))
,DA2/DE2,*/*(Quadruple diff.cs d4/dA(*)/dE(*)/dA(*)/dE(*)) (Quadruple-diff. cross section with respect to 2 angles and 2 energies of part.specified)
PAR,DA/DA/DE(Partial triple diff.cross-section) (Partial triple-diff. cross section for specific level of residual nucleus with respect to 2 angles and secondary energy of outgoing particles) =Note= In this case 'PAR' refers to a specific level, and not to a specific energy group of outgoing particles.
PAR,DA/DA/DE,*/*/*(Par.triple diff.cross sect. d3/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*))
PAR,DA/DA/DE,*/*/*+* (Par.triple diff.cross sec. d3/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*+*)) (Partial triple differential cross sections with respect to angles and relative energies of specified particles)
SEQ,DA/DA/DE,N/T/RSD (Triple-df.cs d3/dA(n)/dA(t)/dE(rsd),spec.r. seq.) (Triple diffential cross sections for angles of neutron and triton and energy of residual nucleus specified by sequence of outgoing particles)
SEQ,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P(Triple-diff.cs d3/dA(p)/dA(p)/dE(p),spec.r. seq.) (Triple differential cross sections for angles of two protons and energy of proton specified by sequence of outgoing particles)

Fission fragment data

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(CUM),FY(Fission-product yield (uncertain if cumulative)) (Fission product yield, uncertain if cumulative)
(CUM),FY,,FRC(Fractional fission product yield (uncertain if cumulative))
(SEC),AKE,*F(Average kinetic energy of fission fragments (uncertain if secondary))
(SEC),AKE,LF+HF( of light and heavy fission fragment unc.if secondary) (Average total kinetic energy of light and heavy fission fragments, uncertain if secondary)
(SEC),ZP(Most prob. charge of fiss.fragm., post-n-emiss.uncertain if secondary)
,AP(Most probable mass of fission products) for a given element
,AP,*F(Most probable mass of fragment specified)
,AP,*F,RES(Most probable mass of fragment reson.)
,FY,G(Fission gamma yld for fission fragment specified)
,FY/DA/DE,*+*F/*(Diff.fis.yield d/dA(*+frag.spec.)/dE(*))
,KE(Kinetic energy of reaction product)
,KE,*(Kinetic energy of product specified)
,KE,,TT(Kinetic energy of reaction prod.for thick target)
,KE,LF+HF(Total kin. energ.of light/heavy frag.pair spec.) (Average total kinetic energy of light and heavy fission fragments specified)
,KEM(Temperature of Maxw. dist. of reaction product)
,KEP,HF(Most probable of heavy fragments)
,KEP,LF(Most probable of light fragments)
,ZP(Most probable charge of fission products) for a given mass
,ZP,HF(Most probable charge of heavy fragments)
,ZP,LF(Most probable charge of light fragments)
BIN,AKE,FF(Average kinetic energy of binary fission frag.)
BIN/TER,DA/RAT,FF(Binary/ternary differential fiss.frag.dist. d/dA) (Binary/ternary ratio of fission fragment angular distributions)
BIN/TER,FY/RAT(Binary/ternary fission product yield ratio)
CHG,FY(Total element yield of fission products)
CHG,FY/DE(Total element fiss. yield of diff.d/d(frag. en.)) (Total element yield of fission products, differential with fragment kinetic energy)
CHG/TER,FY(Total element yield of,ternary fiss.)
CHG/TER/CRN,FY(Total element yield of ternary fission product pair specified)
CHN,FY(Total chain yield of fission products)
CHN,FY/DE(Total chain yield, en)) (Total chain yield of fission products, differential with fragment kinetic energy)
CHN,SIG(Total chain yield cross section f. fiss. products)
CUM,FY(Cumulative fission-product yield) Includes formation of product nucleus via radioactive decay and isomeric transition.
CUM,FY,,FRC(Fractional cumulative fission product yield) Ratio of cumulative fission product yield to chain yield of fission product
CUM,FY/RAT(Cumulative fission-product yield isom. ratio) Includes formation of product nucleus via radioactive decay and isomeric transition.
DL/GRP,KE(Kin.ene.of half-life grp.)
FIS,AKE,FF( of fragments of high energy fiss)
IND,FY(Independent fission-product yield)
IND,FY,,FRC(Fractional independent fission product yield) Ratio of independent fission product yield to chain yield of fission product
IND,FY,,RES(Independent fission-product yield at resonance)
IND,FY/DE(Diff.indep. fission product yield d/d(frag. en.)) (Independent fiss.fragment yield, differential with fragment kinetic energy)
IND,FY/RAT(Independent fission-product yield ratio) (Independent fiss.fragment yield, isomeric ratio)
IND/CRN,FY(Indep. fiss.-prod. yld. for frag. pair specified) (Independent fission-product yield for fragment pair specified)
IND/TER,FY(Independ.fission-prod.yield for ternary fission)
IND/TER/CRN,FY(Independ.fission-prod.yield for fragment pair specified, ternary fiss.) (Independent ternary fission product for fragment pair specified in ternary fission)
ISP/IND,FY(Independent fission-product yield partial for intermediate products)
ISP/PRE,AKE,LF+HF(Ave. Tot. kin. energy of primary fragm., partial for intermediate prod.) (Average total kinetic energy of primary fragments, partial for intermediate product)
ISP/PRE,FY(Pre-neutron-emission fission yield, partial for intermediate product)
ISP/PRE,KE(Kinetic energy of spec.primary fragm., partial for intermediate prod.)
ISP/PRE,KE,LF+HF(Tot. kin. energy of spec.primary fragm., partial for intermediate prod.) (Total kinetic energy of primary fragments specified, partial for intermediate product)
ISP/SEC,AP,*F(Most probable mass of frag. specified, partial for intermediate product) (Most probable mass of fragment specified, partial for intermediate product)
ISP/SEC,FY(Post-neutron-emission fission yield, partial for intermediate product)
ISP/SEC,KE(Kinetic energy of, partial for (Kinetic energy of post-neutron-emission product specified, partial for intermediate product)
NUM,FY(Probability for production of N fis. particles)
NUM,FY,*(Probability for production of N fis. part. spec.)
PAR,AP,HF(Most prob.mass of heavy fragm.f.given excit.en.)
PAR,FY/DA,*+*F(Par.diff.fiss.yields d/dA(*+fis.frag. specified))
PAR,FY/DE,LF/HF( at given light and heavy fragm. en.) (Fission product yield at given light and heavy fragment energy)
PAR,KE(Kinetic energy of reaction prod.f.given en. grp.)
PAR,ZP(Most probable charge, for given)
PAR/CHN,FY(Total chain yield of excit.en.)
PAR/IND,FY(Ind.fission yield for given)
PAR/PRE,FY(Primary fragm.fission yield for given exc. energ)
PAR/PRE,FY,G(Partial yield of gammas vs. prim. fragment mass) (Partial yield of fission gammas from both fragments as a function of primary fragment mass)
PR,FY(Yield of prompt fission particles)
PR,FY,G(Prompt fis.gamma yields for fis.frag. specified) (Prompt fission gamma yields for fission fragment specified)
PR,FY/DE(Energy spectrum of prompt fission particles)
PR,FY/TKE(Yield of promopt fission particles at given TKE)
PR,KE( averaged for prompt prod. specified)
PR,KE,N(Av.kin.energ.of prompt ntr.f.fis.frag. specified) (Average total kinetic energy of prompt neutron for fission fragment specified)
PR,KE/DA,N/N+LF(Av.kin.energ.of neut., fn.of ang(n+light frag.))
PR,KE/TKE,N( averaged for prompt neutron v.s. TKE) (Prompt fission neutron energy for a given total kinetic energy and specified product)
PR,KEM(Temp.of Maxwell.distr.of prompt prod. specified) (Temperature of Maxwellian distribution of prompt products specified)
PR/PAR,FY(Partial yield of prompt fission particles)
PR/PAR,FY,G(Prompt fiss.gam.yld.for spec.frag.& gamma energy)
PR/PAR,KE(Kinetic energy of prompt reac. products, partial)
PRE,AKE,FF(Average kinetic energy of primary fragment) (Average kinetic energy of primary fission fragments)
PRE,AKE,HF(Average kinetic energy of primary heavy frag.)
PRE,AKE,LF(Average kinetic energy of primary light frag.)
PRE,AKE,LF+HF(Average total kin. energy for prim.fiss. frag.) (Average total kinetic energy for primary fission fragments)
PRE,AP(Most prob.mass of fiss.fragm., pre-n-emission)
PRE,AP,*F(Most prob.mass, pre-n-emission of frag. specif.)
PRE,AP/DA,FF(Centr.of mass dist.of,dep.on angle) (Centroids of mass distribution of primary fission fragments as function of angle)
PRE,FY(Primary fission-product yield)
PRE,FY/DE(Primary fission-product yield d/d(kinetic en.)) (Primary fission-product yield differential with fragment kinetic energy)
PRE,FY/DE,*F(Primary fragm.fission yield d/dE(fragm. spec.)) (Primary light fragment fission yield differential with kinetic energy of fragment specified)
PRE,FY/DE,G(Energy spectrum of gammas vs. prim. frag. mass) (Energy spectrum of gammas from both fragments as a function of primary fragment mass)
PRE,FY/DE,LF+HF(Diff. primary fission product yield w.r.t. total kinetic energy)
PRE,KE(Kinetic energy of primary fission fragments spec.)
PRE,KE,G(Pre-neutron emiss.fiss.gamma energy)
PRE,KE,LF+HF( of primary fission fragments spec.)
PRE,KEP,*F(Most probable kin.en.of primary fiss.fragm. spec.)
PRE/PR,KE,*(Kinetic energy of prompt particle specified for a given primary fragm.)
PRE/PR/FRG,FY,G(Prompt fission gamma yield from the primary fragment specified)
PRE/TER,AKE,*F(Av. kin. energy of primary fission frag. specified from ternary fission) (Average kinetic energy of primary fission fragment specified from ternary fission)
PRE/TER,AKE,LF+HF(Av. tot. kin. energy of primary fission fragments from ternary fission) (Average total kinetic energy of primary fission fragments from ternary fission)
PRE/TER,AP,*F(Most probable mass of prim.frag.spec. ternar.fis.)
PRE/TER,FY(Primary-fission prod.yield, ternary fission)
PRV,AKE,*F(Provisional average kinetic energy of fragment specified)
PRV,AKE,LF+HF(Provisional average total kinetic energy)
PRV,AP,HF(Most prob.provisional mass for heavy frag.) (Most probable provisional mass for heavy fragments)
PRV,AP,LF(Most prob.provisional mass for light frag.) (Most probable provisional mass for light fragments)
PRV,FY(Fission product yield for a provisional mass specified)
PRV,FY/DE,LF+HF(Diff. provisional fission product yield w. r.t. total kinetic energy)
PRV,KE(Provisional kinetic energy)
PRV,KE,LF+HF(Total kinetic energy of fission fragments, provisional mass specified)
QTR,FY(Fission-product yield, quaternary fission)
QTR,KE(Kinetic energy for quaternary fission)
SEC,AKE,*F(Average of post-neut-emission frag.) (Average kinetic energy of pre-delayed- neutron emission fission fragments)
SEC,AKE,LF+HF( for post-neutr-em.frag.) (Average total kinetic energy for post- neutron-emission fission fragments)
SEC,AP(Most prob. mass of fiss.fragm., post-n-emiss.)
SEC,AP,*F(Most prob. mass of post-n-emiss. frag. specif.)
SEC,FY(Post-neutron-emiss.fission-prod.yld.(mass yield)) (Pre-delayed-neutron fission-prod.yield)
SEC,FY/DE(Post-neutron-emisson fission yield d/dE(KE)) (Post-neutron emission fission yield differential with fragment kinetic energy)
SEC,FY/DE,*F(Secondary fragm.fission yield d/dE(fragm. spec.)) (Secondary light fragment fission yield differential with kinetic energy of fragment specified)
SEC,FY/DE,LF+HF(Diff. secondary fission product yield w.r. t. total kinetic energy) (Post-neutron emission fission yield differential with fragment total kinetic energy)
SEC,KE(Kinetic energy of post-n-emiss.product. specified) (Average kinetic energy of post-neutron- emission product specified)
SEC,KE,LF+HF(Tot.kin.energ.of lig./ frag.pair) (Total kinetic energy of post-neutron- emission light and heavy fission fragment pair specified)
SEC,KEP,*F(Most of post-n-emiss. frag. spec.)
SEC,KEP,LF+HF(Most of post-n-emiss. frag.)
SEC,ZP(Most prob. charge of fiss.fragm., post-n-emiss.)
SEC/TER,AKE,*F( of post-neut-emiss.frag.,ter. fis.) (Average kinetic energy of post-neutron emission fragment specified for ternary fission)
SEC/TER,AKE,LF+HF(Av.tot.kin.ene.of post-neut-emiss.frag., ter.fis.) (Average total kinetic energy of post-neutron emission fragments for ternary fission)
SEC/TER,KE,*F(kin.energ.of post-neut-emission frag., ternary fis.) (Kinetic energy of post-neutron emission fragment specified for ternary fission)
TER,AKE,*F(Avg. kin.en. of fragment specif., ternary fiss.)
TER,AKE,LF+HF(Avg. kin.en.sum f.light and heavy frag., tern.f.)
TER,AP(Most probable mass of ternary fiss. frag.) (Most probable mass of fission fragments from ternary fission for a given element)
TER,AP,*F(Most prob. mass of ternary fission frag. specif.) (Most probable mass of the fragment specified in ternary fission)
TER,FY(Fission-product yield, ternary fission)
TER,FY,*(Yield of specified particle from ternary fission)
TER,FY,,RES(Fission-product yield, ternary fission at resonance)
TER,FY,LCP(Light-charged-particle yield, ternary fission)
TER,FY/DA(Diff. fission yield dY/dA for tern. fission)
TER,FY/DA,*+*F(Diff. fission yield dY/dA(*+frag.spec.), ter.fis.)
TER,FY/DA/DE(Diff. fission yield dY/dA/dE for tern. fission)
TER,FY/DA/DE,*+*F/* (Diff.fis.yield d/dA(*+frag.spec.)/dE(*), ter.fis.)
TER,FY/DE(Diff. fission yield dY/dE for tern. fission) (Differential fission product yield dY/dE for ternary fission)
TER,FY/DE,*F(Ternary fission fragm.yield d/dE(fragm. spec.)) (Ternary fission fragment yield differential with kinetic energy of fragment specified)
TER,FY/DE,A(Diff.fiss.alph.yield dY/dE corr.w.fragment) (Differential fission alpha yield dY(a)/dE correlated with A and/or Z of ternary fission fragment)
TER,KE(Kinetic energy for ternary fission)
TER,KE,*(Kinetic energy for ternary fiss. prod. specified)
TER,KE/TKE(Kinetic energy for ternary fission v.s. TKE)
TER,KEP(Most probable kinetic energy of ter. fis. prod.)
TER,KEP,*(Most probable of spec.)
TER,KEP,A(Most probable of ternary fission alp)
TER,ZP,*F(Most prob. charge of ternary fission frag. spec.) (Most probable charge of the fragment specified in ternary fission)
TER/PAR,FY(Partial fission yield in ternary fission)
TER/PAR,KE,N(Kin.ene.of prod.lev.spec. tern.fis.) (Average kinetic energy of neutrons associated to product in a specific level in ternary fission)

Resonance parameters

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,AG,,AA(Adler-Adler symmetry coefficient)
,AH,,AA(Adler-Adler asymmetry coefficient)
,ARE(Resonance area)
,D(Average level spacing)
,EN(Resonance energy)
,EN,,AA(Adler-Adler resonance energy)
,J(Spin J)
,L(Momentum L)
,PHS,,VGT(Vogt relative phase)
,SPC,,RES(Gamma spectrum at resonance)
,STF(Strength function)
,SWG(Statistical weight factor g) To be coded with reaction (N,0).
,WID(Resonance width)
,WID,,2AG(2ag * resonance width)
,WID,,2G(2g * resonance width)
,WID,,4AG(4ag * resonance width)
,WID,,AA(Adler-Adler Nu)
,WID,,AG(ag * resonance width)
,WID,,G(g * resonance width)
,WID,,RM(Reich-Moore resonance width)
,WID,,RM/2G(2g * Reich-Moore resonance width)
,WID,,RM/G(g * Reich-Moore resonance width)
,WID,,RM/S0(Reich-Moore res. width * tot.peak cross sect.)
,WID,,RM/SQ/G(g * Reich-Moore resonance width squared)
,WID,,S0(Resonance width * total peak cross section)
,WID,,SQ(Resonance width squared)
,WID,,SQ/G(g * resonance width squared)
,WID,,SQ/S0(Resonance width squared * tot.peak cross section)
,WID,,VGT(Vogt resonance width)
,WID,,VGT/2G(2g * Vogt resonance width)
,WID/RED(Reduced width)
,WID/RED,,2AG(2ag * reduced width)
,WID/RED,,2G(2g * reduced width)
,WID/RED,,4AG(4ag * reduced width)
,WID/RED,,AG(ag * reduced width)
,WID/RED,,G(g * reduced width)
,WID/RED,,RM(Reich-Moore reduced resonance width)
,WID/RED,,RM/2G(2g * Reich-Moore reduced resonance width)
,WID/RED,,RM/G(g * Reich-Moore reduced resonance width)
,WID/RED,,RMT(R-matrix reduced resonance width)
,WID/RED,,RMT/AMP(R-matrix reduced width amplitude)
,WID/RED,,VGT(Vogt reduced resonance width)
,WID/STR(Resonance strength)
,WID/STR,,RG(Resonance strength * (2J(i)+1)*(2J(j)+1)) (Resonance strength given as (2J+1) * * Gamma(i)*Gamma(j) / Gamma(tot))
,WID/STR,,RM(Reich-Moore resonance strength)
1,WID,,RM(Reich-Moore resonance width for channel 1)
1,WID,,VGT(Vogt resonance width for channel 1)
2,WID,,RM(Reich-Moore resonance width for channel 2)
3,WID,,RM(Reich-Moore resonance width for channel 3)
4,WID,,RM(Reich-Moore resonance width for channel 4)
EP,STF(Strength function for electr.polarity given)
MP,STF(Strength function for magnetic polarity given)
PAR,ARE(Partial resonance area)
PAR,STF(Partial strength function)
PAR,WID(Partial width)
PAR,WID,,G(g * partial width)
PAR,WID/RED,,RMT(R-matrix red.resonance width f.partial reaction)
PAR,WID/STR(Partial resonance strength)
PAR,WID/STR,,RG(Partial Resonance strength * (2J(i)+1)*(2J(j)+1)) (Partial resonance strength given as (2J+1)*Gamma(i)*Gamma(j)/Gamma(tot))
PRE,AKE,LF+HF,RES(Aver.tot.kin.energ.for res.)

Nuclear quantities

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,LD(Level density)
,LDP(Level density parameter)
,SCO(Spin-cut-off factor)
,TEM(Nuclear temperature)