ENTRY 13565 20120711 13841356500000001 SUBENT 13565001 20120711 13841356500100001 BIB 14 21 1356500100002 INSTITUTE (1USANTS) 1356500100003 (1USAUSA) U.S.Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. 1356500100004 REFERENCE (J,PR,80,908,195012) 1356500100005 AUTHOR (C.W.Tittle,H.Faul) 1356500100006 TITLE The thermal neutron activation cross section of silicon1356500100007 INC-SOURCE (RA-BE) Ra-Be source 1356500100008 INC-SPECT Thermal neutron distribution counted with indium foils.1356500100009 SAMPLE Pure silica sand and water 1356500100010 METHOD Sand-water mixture compared with graphite rod-water 1356500100011 mixture and with water. 1356500100012 DETECTOR (GEMUC) 1356500100013 ASSUMED (ASSUM1,6-C-12(N,G)6-C-13,,SIG,,MXW) 1356500100014 (ASSUM2,8-O-16(N,G)8-O-17,,SIG,,MXW) 1356500100015 CORRECTION Corrected for depression of thermal neutron density by 1356500100016 indium foils. 1356500100017 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Estimated from uncertainties on corrections,1356500100018 concentrations, and space integrals. 1356500100019 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from PR,80,908,1950 1356500100020 HISTORY (19930129C) 1356500100021 (20120711A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 1356500100022 Corrected according to last EXFOR rules and Dict. 1356500100023 ENDBIB 21 0 1356500100024 COMMON 3 3 1356500100025 EN-DUMMY ASSUM1 ASSUM2 1356500100026 EV B B 1356500100027 0.0253 0.0045 0.0016 1356500100028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1356500100029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 1356500199999 SUBENT 13565002 20120711 13841356500200001 BIB 3 6 1356500200002 REACTION 1((14-SI-0(N,G),,SIG,,MXW)/ 1356500200003 (1-H-1(N,G)1-H-2,,SIG,,MXW)) 1356500200004 2(14-SI-0(N,G),,SIG,,MXW) 1356500200005 MONITOR 2(1-H-1(N,G)1-H-2,,SIG,,MXW) 1356500200006 HISTORY (20120711A) SD: SF3=ABS changed to G in REACTION code 1356500200007 (14-SI-0(N,ABS) => 14-SI-0(N,G)) 1356500200008 ENDBIB 6 0 1356500200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 1356500200010 DATA 6 1 1356500200011 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2MONIT 2MONIT-ERR 21356500200012 NO-DIM PER-CENT B B B B 1356500200013 2.1 12. 0.15 0.02 0.313 0.013 1356500200014 ENDDATA 3 0 1356500200015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 1356500299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 1356599999999