ENTRY 14839 20240812 1483900000001 SUBENT 14839001 20240812 20250110 1483900100001 BIB 10 26 1483900100002 TITLE Spin assignment and statistical properties of neutron 1483900100003 resonances from 161,163Dy(n,gamma) and 167Er(n,gamma) 1483900100004 measured at the DANCE facility 1483900100005 AUTHOR (I.Knapova,S.Valenta,B.Baramsai,T.A.Bredeweg, 1483900100006 A.Couture,C.Fry,M.Jandel,J.Kroll,M.Krticka, 1483900100007 G.E.Mitchell,J.M.O'Donnell,C.J.Prokop,G.Rusev, 1483900100008 J.L.Ullmann) 1483900100009 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,106,034607,2022) 1483900100010 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.106.034607 1483900100011 INSTITUTE (3CZRCHU,1USANCS,1USATNL,1USALAS) 1483900100012 FACILITY (LINAC,1USALAS) 1483900100013 DETECTOR (SCIN) The DANCE detector consists of 160 BaF2 1483900100014 scintillation crystals forming an array with a solid 1483900100015 angle of 3.5pi. The detection efficiency for a 1-MeV 1483900100016 photon is 86% and the energy resolutions for 1- and 1483900100017 6-MeV photons are about 16 and 7%, respectively. To 1483900100018 reduce the number of neutrons scattered from the 1483900100019 sample, a 6-cm-thick 6LiH shell is placed between the 1483900100020 sample and the crystals. 1483900100021 SAMPLE All the samples in the form of self-supporting metal 1483900100022 foils were prepared at the Oak Ridge National 1483900100023 Laboratory. 1483900100024 METHOD Resonance properties were deduced from the measured 1483900100025 gamma-ray multiplicities. 1483900100026 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by A.Couture on August 22, 2024. 1483900100027 HISTORY (20240812C) BP 1483900100028 ENDBIB 26 0 1483900100029 NOCOMMON 0 0 1483900100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 1483900199999 SUBENT 14839002 20240812 20250110 1483900200001 BIB 5 12 1483900200002 REACTION 1(66-DY-161(N,0),,EN) 1483900200003 2(66-DY-161(N,0),,J) 1483900200004 ANALYSIS 1Rough estimates based on the observed position of 1483900200005 maxima. Authors analyzed spectra up to neutron energy 1483900200006 of 400 eV; above 209 eV, only resonances with firmly 1483900200007 or tentatively assigned spin are reported. 1483900200008 FLAG (1.) Tentative assignment. 1483900200009 (2.) Atlas energy listed. 1483900200010 ERR-ANALYS No information on uncertainties. 1483900200011 STATUS (TABLE,,I.Knapova+,J,PR/C,106,034607,2022) 1483900200012 Table VIII, pages 034607-11,034607-12 of 1483900200013 J,PR/C,106,034607,2022. 1483900200014 ENDBIB 12 0 1483900200015 NOCOMMON 0 0 1483900200016 DATA 4 133 1483900200017 EN-RES DATA 1DATA 2FLAG 1483900200018 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1483900200019 2.71 3. 1483900200020 3.68 2. 1483900200021 4.33 2. 1483900200022 7.74 3. 1483900200023 10.26 2. 1483900200024 10.85 3. 1483900200025 12.65 3. 1483900200026 14.31 2. 1483900200027 16.67 3. 1483900200028 18.48 2. 1483900200029 19.8 3. 1. 1483900200030 20.24 3. 2. 1483900200031 25.22 2. 1483900200032 29.04 2. 1483900200033 29.89 2. 1483900200034 29.95 3. 1483900200035 35.74 3. 1483900200036 37.71 3. 1483900200037 38.51 3. 1483900200038 43.27 3. 1483900200039 45.14 2. 1483900200040 48.8 3. 1483900200041 50.86 3. 1483900200042 51.8 2. 1483900200043 52.24 3. 1483900200044 55.19 2. 1483900200045 59.57 2. 1483900200046 61.41 2. 1483900200047 63.64 3. 1483900200048 64.6 3. 1. 1483900200049 67.55 3. 1. 1483900200050 71.5 3. 1483900200051 73.17 3. 1483900200052 77.07 2. 1483900200053 77.2 3. 1483900200054 78.09 2. 1483900200055 82.27 2. 1483900200056 85.07 3. 1483900200057 86.7 2. 1. 1483900200058 88.77 3. 1483900200059 91.12 2. 1483900200060 93.29 3. 1483900200061 95.23 3. 1483900200062 101.15 3. 1483900200063 101.45 2. 1483900200064 102.42 2. 1483900200065 104.12 3. 1483900200066 104.98 2. 1483900200067 110.50 3. 1483900200068 112.43 2. 1483900200069 113.44 3. 1483900200070 118.42 2. 1483900200071 120.51 2. 1483900200072 124.65 2. 1483900200073 127.54 3. 1483900200074 131.16 3. 1483900200075 138.38 3. 1483900200076 142.80 2. 1483900200077 144.83 3. 1483900200078 147.5 3. 1483900200079 149.42 2. 1483900200080 153.80 2. 1483900200081 156.83 2. 1483900200082 162.59 3. 1483900200083 166.60 3. 1483900200084 168.61 2. 1483900200085 170.09 3. 1483900200086 172.72 2. 1483900200087 172.90 3. 1483900200088 175.29 3. 1483900200089 176.53 2. 1483900200090 177.0 3. 1483900200091 179.05 3. 1483900200092 183.69 3. 1483900200093 184.5 2. 1483900200094 189.26 2. 1483900200095 189.55 3. 1483900200096 191.00 3. 1483900200097 192.94 3. 1. 1483900200098 194.44 2. 1483900200099 197.28 3. 1483900200100 202.81 3. 1483900200101 206.01 2. 1483900200102 208.50 2. 1483900200103 210.48 2. 1483900200104 211.97 3. 1483900200105 214.15 2. 1483900200106 224.43 3. 1483900200107 227.67 3. 1483900200108 227.72 2. 1483900200109 235.46 2. 1483900200110 236.5 3. 1483900200111 238.98 3. 1483900200112 240.77 2. 1483900200113 242.42 3. 1483900200114 245.24 3. 1483900200115 245.26 2. 1483900200116 251.77 2. 1. 1483900200117 256.81 3. 1483900200118 258.74 2. 1483900200119 261.13 3. 1483900200120 263.73 3. 1483900200121 265.62 2. 1483900200122 267.81 2. 1483900200123 275.66 2. 1483900200124 275.8 3. 1483900200125 283.55 3. 1483900200126 287.64 2. 1483900200127 288.6 3. 1483900200128 291.89 2. 1483900200129 293.64 3. 1483900200130 294.97 2. 1483900200131 299.92 2. 1483900200132 302.37 3. 1. 1483900200133 305.45 3. 1483900200134 311.75 3. 1483900200135 314.78 2. 1483900200136 315.76 3. 1483900200137 319.61 3. 1483900200138 328.68 3. 1. 1483900200139 331.31 3. 1. 1483900200140 337.31 3. 1483900200141 339.03 2. 1483900200142 343.06 2. 1483900200143 344.42 3. 1483900200144 349.53 3. 1483900200145 361.95 3. 1483900200146 378.74 2. 1483900200147 381.24 3. 1483900200148 383.05 2. 1483900200149 384.2 3. 1. 1483900200150 392.41 2. 1483900200151 396.35 2. 1483900200152 ENDDATA 135 0 1483900200153 ENDSUBENT 152 0 1483900299999 SUBENT 14839003 20240812 20250110 1483900300001 BIB 5 11 1483900300002 REACTION 1(66-DY-163(N,0),,EN) 1483900300003 2(66-DY-163(N,0),,J) 1483900300004 ANALYSIS 1Rough estimates based on the observed position of 1483900300005 maxima. The maximum neutron energy is 485 eV, and only 1483900300006 resonances with a firm spin assignment are reported 1483900300007 above 402 eV. 1483900300008 FLAG (1.) Tentative assignment. 1483900300009 ERR-ANALYS No information on uncertainties. 1483900300010 STATUS (TABLE,,I.Knapova+,J,PR/C,106,034607,2022) 1483900300011 Table IX, pages 034607-13,034607-14 of 1483900300012 J,PR/C,106,034607,2022. 1483900300013 ENDBIB 11 0 1483900300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 1483900300015 DATA 4 65 1483900300016 EN-RES DATA 1DATA 2FLAG 1483900300017 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1483900300018 1.713 2. 1483900300019 5.81 2. 1. 1483900300020 14.05 2. 1. 1483900300021 16.23 3. 1483900300022 19.65 3. 1483900300023 35.79 2. 1483900300024 50.27 3. 1483900300025 55.86 3. 1483900300026 55.89 2. 1483900300027 58.97 2. 1483900300028 66.11 3. 1483900300029 72.00 2. 1483900300030 75.48 2. 1483900300031 78.99 2. 1483900300032 86.30 3. 1483900300033 94.08 3. 1483900300034 105.88 3. 1483900300035 107.2 2. 1483900300036 113.2 3. 1. 1483900300037 120.33 3. 1483900300038 126.58 3. 1483900300039 127.46 2. 1483900300040 135.31 3. 1483900300041 143.38 2. 1483900300042 144.97 2. 1483900300043 155.02 2. 1483900300044 163.81 3. 1483900300045 169.6 3. 1. 1483900300046 177.18 3. 1483900300047 185.09 3. 1483900300048 188.95 2. 1483900300049 202.90 2. 1483900300050 205.26 3. 1483900300051 213.74 3. 1483900300052 224.15 2. 1483900300053 224.6 3. 1483900300054 233.54 3. 1483900300055 250.55 3. 1483900300056 261.13 3. 1483900300057 268.01 3. 1483900300058 274.17 2. 1483900300059 281.06 3. 1483900300060 288.85 2. 1483900300061 296.00 3. 1483900300062 297.77 2. 1483900300063 307.10 2. 1483900300064 323.08 3. 1483900300065 324.55 3. 1483900300066 326.93 2. 1483900300067 329.73 3. 1483900300068 342.86 3. 1483900300069 348.32 2. 1483900300070 368.64 3. 1483900300071 374.96 3. 1. 1483900300072 382.16 3. 1. 1483900300073 387.01 3. 1483900300074 390.44 2. 1483900300075 400.34 3. 1483900300076 411.08 3. 1483900300077 429.38 2. 1483900300078 454.84 3. 1483900300079 459.21 3. 1483900300080 465.32 2. 1483900300081 479.10 2. 1483900300082 483.55 3. 1483900300083 ENDDATA 67 0 1483900300084 ENDSUBENT 83 0 1483900399999 SUBENT 14839004 20240812 20250110 1483900400001 BIB 5 11 1483900400002 REACTION 1(68-ER-167(N,0),,EN) 1483900400003 2(68-ER-167(N,0),,J) 1483900400004 ANALYSIS 1Rough estimates based on the observed position of 1483900400005 maxima. All resonance structures were analyzed up to 1483900400006 energy 285 eV, and firm and tentative spin 1483900400007 assignments are presented up to 670 eV. 1483900400008 FLAG (1.) Tentative assignment. 1483900400009 ERR-ANALYS No information on uncertainties. 1483900400010 STATUS (TABLE,,I.Knapova+,J,PR/C,106,034607,2022) 1483900400011 Table X, pages 034607-14,034607-15 of 1483900400012 J,PR/C,106,034607,2022. 1483900400013 ENDBIB 11 0 1483900400014 NOCOMMON 0 0 1483900400015 DATA 4 78 1483900400016 EN-RES DATA 1DATA 2FLAG 1483900400017 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1483900400018 0.460 4. 1483900400019 0.584 3. 1483900400020 5.994 3. 1483900400021 7.93 4. 1483900400022 9.39 3. 1483900400023 20.23 4. 1483900400024 22.02 3. 1483900400025 26.24 3. 1483900400026 27.42 4. 1483900400027 32.89 4. 1483900400028 37.59 4. 1483900400029 39.43 3. 1483900400030 42.23 3. 1483900400031 50.19 3. 1483900400032 53.4 3. 1483900400033 53.8 4. 1483900400034 59.96 3. 1483900400035 62.07 4. 1483900400036 62.78 3. 1483900400037 69.43 4. 1483900400038 74.37 4. 1483900400039 75.77 4. 1483900400040 79.29 3. 1483900400041 85.42 3. 1483900400042 91.2 4. 1483900400043 94.6 3. 1483900400044 94.8 4. 1483900400045 97.5 4. 1483900400046 98.2 3. 1483900400047 107.6 3. 1483900400048 112.9 4. 1483900400049 115.6 3. 1483900400050 128.3 3. 1. 1483900400051 131.4 4. 1483900400052 131.6 3. 1483900400053 142.3 4. 1483900400054 142.9 4. 1. 1483900400055 150.5 4. 1483900400056 153.18 3. 1483900400057 157.8 3. 1483900400058 159.4 4. 1483900400059 162.2 4. 1483900400060 165.1 4. 1483900400061 166.8 3. 1483900400062 168.5 3. 1483900400063 176.8 4. 1483900400064 178.5 4. 1483900400065 184.7 4. 1483900400066 191.3 4. 1483900400067 196.0 3. 1. 1483900400068 209.9 3. 1483900400069 210.3 4. 1483900400070 217.2 4. 1483900400071 223.3 4. 1483900400072 228.6 3. 1483900400073 229.1 4. 1483900400074 230.1 4. 1483900400075 235.5 3. 1483900400076 237.9 4. 1483900400077 238.7 3. 1483900400078 249.1 3. 1. 1483900400079 249.4 4. 1. 1483900400080 258.2 4. 1483900400081 263.3 4. 1483900400082 274.5 3. 1483900400083 279.9 4. 1483900400084 282.5 4. 1483900400085 297.6 3. 1. 1483900400086 309.5 3. 1483900400087 327.2 4. 1. 1483900400088 331.6 3. 1. 1483900400089 335.1 4. 1. 1483900400090 343.3 4. 1483900400091 346.5 3. 1. 1483900400092 355.5 3. 1483900400093 358.1 4. 1483900400094 363.7 4. 1483900400095 368.3 4. 1483900400096 ENDDATA 80 0 1483900400097 ENDSUBENT 96 0 1483900499999 SUBENT 14839005 20240812 20250110 1483900500001 BIB 4 22 1483900500002 REACTION 1(66-DY-161(N,0),,D) 1483900500003 2(66-DY-163(N,0),,D) 1483900500004 3(68-ER-167(N,0),,D) 1483900500005 ANALYSIS Authors determined average resonance spacing for both 1483900500006 pure spin for lower and higher spins, and mixed-spin 1483900500007 sequences assuming that the probability distribution 1483900500008 of the number of subthreshold resonances due to 1483900500009 Porter-Thomas fluctuations is known. 1483900500010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) the optimum statistic proposed by Dyson 1483900500011 and Mehta allows spacing determination with the 1483900500012 relative uncertainty of 4/(SQRT(2PI))/N for pure and 1483900500013 4/pi/N ~ 1.27/N for mixed-spin sequences of two spins 1483900500014 if the level positions follow the predictions of GOE. 1483900500015 In practice, the uncertainties based on experimental 1483900500016 data must be larger due to uncertainty related to the 1483900500017 sequence completeness. 1483900500018 STATUS (DEP,14839002) 1483900500019 (DEP,14839003) 1483900500020 (DEP,14839004) 1483900500021 (TABLE,,I.Knapova+,J,PR/C,106,034607,2022) 1483900500022 Table VII, page 034607-11 of 1483900500023 J,PR/C,106,034607,2022. 1483900500024 ENDBIB 22 0 1483900500025 NOCOMMON 0 0 1483900500026 DATA 6 1 1483900500027 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2DATA 3DATA-ERR 31483900500028 EV EV EV EV EV EV 1483900500029 2.15 0.05 6.39 0.24 3.86 0.121483900500030 ENDDATA 3 0 1483900500031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 1483900599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 1483999999999