ENTRY 20711 20120708 22342071100000001 SUBENT 20711001 20120708 22342071100100001 BIB 14 33 2071100100002 INSTITUTE (2GERMNZ) Institut fuer Kernchemie of the University 2071100100003 of Mainz. 2071100100004 (1USALAS) 2071100100005 REFERENCE (J,CJC,61,665,1983) final publication. 2071100100006 (P,MAINZ-75,113,197606) 2071100100007 REL-REF (M,13097001,A.C.Wahl+,J,PR,126,1112,1962) For 2071100100008 experimental method. 2071100100009 AUTHOR (H.Meixler,K.Wolfsberg,H.O.Denschlag) 2071100100010 TITLE Fractional cumulative yields of isotopes of krypton 2071100100011 and xenon in 249Cf(n(th),f) and 250Cf(sp.f) 2071100100012 FACILITY (REAC,2GERMNZ) .No details given. 2071100100013 INC-SOURCE Neutron flux of 3 x 10**10 n/cm2/s 2071100100014 SAMPLE .0.7mg of U-235. 2071100100015 .10microg of Cf-249. 2071100100016 .both in teflon containers, covered by a 2mm thick 2071100100017 layer of magnesium-stearat and filter paper. 2071100100018 METHOD (CHSEP) Stearat-method by A.C.Wahl et al.,Phys.Rev,126.2071100100019 DETECTOR (GELI) 2071100100020 PART-DET (DG) Identification by characteristic gamma-lines. 2071100100021 COMMENT .No details given for analysis, corrections and 2071100100022 errors. 2071100100023 STATUS (TABLE) .Data taken from CJC,61,665,1983 2071100100024 (SPSDD,21686001) 2071100100025 HISTORY (19770223C) 2071100100026 (19771114E) 2071100100027 (19790530A) Subents 3 and 4 deleted, see EXFOR 20878 2071100100028 (19790626E) 2071100100029 (19800808E) 2071100100030 (20120708D) SD: Entry deleted. Duplication with 21686. 2071100100031 Updated to new date formats,lower case. corrections 2071100100032 according last EXFOR rules and Dict. Ref. on PR,126 2071100100033 moved to REL-REF. Ref. MAINZ-76 was corrected: 2071100100034 (76->75). Ref. on Can.J. of Chem. was added. 2071100100035 ENDBIB 33 0 2071100100036 NOCOMMON 0 0 2071100100037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2071100199999 NOSUBENT 20711002 20120708 22342071100200001 NOSUBENT 20711003 20120708 22342071100300001 NOSUBENT 20711004 20120708 22342071100400001 ENDENTRY 4 0 2071199999999