ENTRY 22972 20130203 22342297200000001 SUBENT 22972001 20130203 22342297200100001 BIB 16 51 2297200100002 TITLE .AMS measurement of the neutron capture cross-section 2297200100003 209Bi(n,gamma)210mBi 2297200100004 AUTHOR (C.Stan-Sion, A.Letourneau, H.Reithmeier, V.Lazarev, 2297200100005 M.Enachescu, E.Nolte) 2297200100006 INSTITUTE (2GERMUN) Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Faculty 2297200100007 of Physics, Garching, Germany. C.Stan-Sion (Corres- 2297200100008 ponding author. E-mail address: cstansio@ph.tum.de), 2297200100009 H.Reithmeier, V.Lazarev, E.Nolte 2297200100010 (2FR SAC) CEA-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, CEDEX, France. 2297200100011 A.Letourneau 2297200100012 (3RUMBUC) Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics 2297200100013 and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, Romania. 2297200100014 M.Enachescu 2297200100015 (2FR ILL) Institute Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France. 2297200100016 Experimental site 2297200100017 REFERENCE (J,NIM/B,259,739,2007) Main reference, data are given 2297200100018 REL-REF (M,22918001,A.Letourneau+,J,ANE,33,377,2006) Analysis 2297200100019 details 2297200100020 (I,,H.Reithmeier+,J,NIM/B,239,273,2005) Details of 2297200100021 measurements 2297200100022 FACILITY (REAC,2FR ILL) High flux reactor for sample 2297200100023 irradiation 2297200100024 (VDGT,2GERMUN) Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator for 2297200100025 mass spectrometry measurements 2297200100026 INC-SOURCE (REAC) PF1 channel of the Laue-Langevin high flux 2297200100027 reactor having ultracold neutrons. 2297200100028 INC-SPECT .Maxwellian neutron spectrum with temperature 30 K. 2297200100029 Neutron beam was collimated by B4-C aperture 2 mm 2297200100030 in diameter, 5 mm thick. Neutron flux was 2297200100031 <2.34+-0.06>E+13 neutron/cm2/sec. 2297200100032 METHOD (AMS) Accelerator mass spectrometry 2297200100033 (TOF) Time-of-Flight for accelerator mass separation,2297200100034 flight base is 3 m 2297200100035 (STTA) Stack target irradiation 2297200100036 (ACTIV) Auxilary activation method for neutron flux 2297200100037 determination 2297200100038 PART-DET (G,83-BI-209,83-BI-210-M) 2297200100039 MONITOR (27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60,,SIG) For neutron flux measuring2297200100040 DETECTOR (IOCH) Frish-Gridded ionisation chamber for Bi210m+ 2297200100041 ions detection. 2297200100042 .Faraday cup for Bi209+ ions. 2297200100043 SAMPLE .Pure metallic bismuth sample in the form of small 2297200100044 pellets of 15 milligram weight enclosed in sealed 2297200100045 quartz-capillary of 3 mm diameter. Capillary were 2297200100046 placed in AL container, each time together with a 2297200100047 <7,58+-0.01 milligram> foil of AL-0.01% 59Co alloy. 2297200100048 ANALYSIS .Cross section were determined from Bi210m/Bi209 ratio 2297200100049 determination 2297200100050 STATUS (COREL,22918001) 2297200100051 HISTORY (20071015C) SM 2297200100052 (20130203U) SD: Vol. of the ref. NIM/B,289 corrected 2297200100053 ENDBIB 51 0 2297200100054 NOCOMMON 0 0 2297200100055 ENDSUBENT 54 0 2297200199999 SUBENT 22972002 20071015 21882297200200001 BIB 3 6 2297200200002 REACTION (83-BI-209(N,G)83-BI-210-M,,SIG,,MXW) 2297200200003 REL-REF (D,,A.BORELLA+,C,2004SANTA,,648,2004) Also in - 2297200200004 .Ref.Neut.Act.Lib, (RNAL),NDS-IAEA, Sept. 2000 2297200200005 .A.Letourneau et al., 11th InterN.Symp. on Capture 2297200200006 Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy ..., 2-6 Sep, Prague 2002 2297200200007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified 2297200200008 ENDBIB 6 0 2297200200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 2297200200010 DATA 3 1 2297200200011 KT DATA DATA-ERR 2297200200012 K MB MB 2297200200013 30. 21.3 0.9 2297200200014 ENDDATA 3 0 2297200200015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 2297200299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 2297299999999