ENTRY 23791 20230809 2379100000001 SUBENT 23791001 20230809 20250110 2379100100001 BIB 16 51 2379100100002 TITLE 179Ta(n,gamma) cross-section measurement and the 2379100100003 astrophysical origin of the 180Ta isotope 2379100100004 AUTHOR (R.Garg, S.Dellmann, C.Lederer-Woods, C.G.Bruno, 2379100100005 K.Eberhardt, C.Geppert, T.Heftrich, I.Kajan, 2379100100006 F.Kaeppeler, B.Phoenix, R.Reifarth, D.Schumann, 2379100100007 M.Weigand, C.Wheldon) 2379100100008 INSTITUTE (2UK EDG,1USAMSU,2GERFRK,2GERMNZ,2SWTPSI,2GERKFK, 2379100100009 2UK BIR) 2379100100010 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,107,045805,2023) 2379100100011 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.107.045805 2379100100012 FACILITY (REAC,2GERMNZ) 2379100100013 INC-SOURCE (REAC) 2379100100014 INC-SPECT Thermal fluence Epithermal fluence 2379100100015 (10**14 cm**-2) (10**14 cm**-2) 2379100100016 Det. 1 No Cd 56.77 +- 1.39 2.62 +- 0.08 2379100100017 Cd 0.28 +- 0.04 2.60 +- 0.03 2379100100018 Det. 2 No Cd 56.25 +- 1.40 2.64 +- 0.08 2379100100019 Cd 0.28 +- 0.04 2.56 +- 0.03 2379100100020 Avg. No Cd 56.49 +- 1.31 2.63 +- 0.08 2379100100021 Cd 0.28 +- 0.04 2.58 +- 0.03 2379100100022 SAMPLE The 179Ta sample of 47 ng or 1.58E14 atoms was produced2379100100023 via 180Hf(p,2n) reaction on a metallic Hf foil. 2379100100024 METHOD (ACTIV,CADMB,GSPEC,STTA) 2379100100025 DETECTOR (HPGE) Two identical HPGe detectors D1 and D2 placed 2379100100026 at distances d1 and d2 from the source holder, 2379100100027 respectively. 2379100100028 MONITOR ((MONIT1)21-SC-45(N,G)21-SC-46,,SIG) 2379100100029 ((MONIT2)21-SC-45(N,G)21-SC-46,,RI) 2379100100030 ((MONIT3)40-ZR-94(N,G)40-ZR-95,,SIG) 2379100100031 ((MONIT4)40-ZR-94(N,G)40-ZR-95,,RI) 2379100100032 ((MONIT5)40-ZR-96(N,G)40-ZR-97,,SIG) 2379100100033 ((MONIT6)40-ZR-96(N,G)40-ZR-97,,RI) 2379100100034 ((MONIT7)79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2379100100035 ((MONIT8)79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,RI) 2379100100036 MONIT-REF ((MONIT1)V1001149,S.F.Mughabghab,B,NEUT.RES,,,2006) 2379100100037 ((MONIT2)V1001150,S.F.Mughabghab,B,NEUT.RES,,,2006) 2379100100038 ((MONIT3)V1001377,S.F.Mughabghab,B,NEUT.RES,,,2006) 2379100100039 ((MONIT4)V1001378,S.F.Mughabghab,B,NEUT.RES,,,2006) 2379100100040 ((MONIT5)V1001380,S.F.Mughabghab,B,NEUT.RES,,,2006) 2379100100041 ((MONIT6)V1001381,S.F.Mughabghab,B,NEUT.RES,,,2006) 2379100100042 ((MONIT7)V1002484,S.F.Mughabghab,B,NEUT.RES,,,2006) 2379100100043 ((MONIT8)V1002486,S.F.Mughabghab,B,NEUT.RES,,,2006) 2379100100044 DECAY-DATA (73-TA-180-G,8.15HR,DG,93.3,0.0451) 2379100100045 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The uncertainties on the final cross-section 2379100100046 values were calculated from the standard error 2379100100047 propagation of the following uncertainties on fluence 2379100100048 (relative uncertainties in % from Table 1) and 2379100100049 tantalum activation values: 2379100100050 (ERR-1) gamma-ray intensity 2379100100051 STATUS (TABLE,,R.Garg+,J,PR/C,107,045805,2023) Table IV 2379100100052 HISTORY (20230809C) VS 2379100100053 ENDBIB 51 0 2379100100054 COMMON 9 6 2379100100055 ERR-1 MONIT1 MONIT2 MONIT3 MONIT4 MONIT5 2379100100056 MONIT6 MONIT7 MONIT8 2379100100057 PER-CENT B B B B B 2379100100058 B B B 2379100100059 3.55 27.16 12.0 0.0498 0.265 0.02292379100100060 5.15 98.67 1550.0 2379100100061 ENDCOMMON 6 0 2379100100062 ENDSUBENT 61 0 2379100199999 SUBENT 23791002 20230809 20250110 2379100200001 BIB 3 24 2379100200002 REACTION (73-TA-179(N,G)73-TA-180-G,,SIG) detector D1 2379100200003 ERR-ANALYS Relative uncertainties on the following variables: 2379100200004 (ERR-2) thermal fluence No Cd 2379100200005 (ERR-3) thermal fluence Cd 2379100200006 (ERR-4) epithermal fluence No Cd 2379100200007 (ERR-5) epithermal fluence Cd 2379100200008 (ERR-6) counts in the 93 keV peak sample No-Cd 2379100200009 (ERR-7) counts in the 93 keV peak sample with Cd 2379100200010 (ERR-8) absolute detection efficiency 2379100200011 (ERR-9) number of 179Ta atoms in the sample No-Cd 2379100200012 (ERR-10) number of 179Ta atoms in the sample with Cd 2379100200013 (ERR-11) correction for decay during activation time 2379100200014 No-Cd 2379100200015 (ERR-12) correction for decay during activation time 2379100200016 with Cd 2379100200017 (ERR-13) correction for decay during waiting period 2379100200018 No-Cd 2379100200019 (ERR-14) correction for decay during waiting period 2379100200020 with Cd 2379100200021 (ERR-15) correction for decay during measurement time 2379100200022 No-Cd 2379100200023 (ERR-16) correction for decay during measurement time 2379100200024 with Cd 2379100200025 STATUS (COREL,23791004) data from detector D2 2379100200026 ENDBIB 24 0 2379100200027 NOCOMMON 0 0 2379100200028 DATA 18 1 2379100200029 EN DATA ERR-T ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2379100200030 ERR-5 ERR-6 ERR-7 ERR-8 ERR-9 ERR-10 2379100200031 ERR-11 ERR-12 ERR-13 ERR-14 ERR-15 ERR-16 2379100200032 EV B B PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2379100200033 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2379100200034 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2379100200035 0.0253 965. 63. 2.45 3.05 14.32379100200036 1.15 1.22 5.44 2.29 2.55 2.582379100200037 0.58 0.58 0.30 0.30 0.02 0.052379100200038 ENDDATA 9 0 2379100200039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 2379100299999 SUBENT 23791003 20230810 20250110 2379100300001 BIB 3 24 2379100300002 REACTION (73-TA-179(N,G)73-TA-180-G,,RI) detector D1 2379100300003 ERR-ANALYS Relative uncertainties on the following variables: 2379100300004 (ERR-2) thermal fluence No Cd 2379100300005 (ERR-3) thermal fluence Cd 2379100300006 (ERR-4) epithermal fluence No Cd 2379100300007 (ERR-5) epithermal fluence Cd 2379100300008 (ERR-6) counts in the 93 keV peak sample No-Cd 2379100300009 (ERR-7) counts in the 93 keV peak sample with Cd 2379100300010 (ERR-8) absolute detection efficiency 2379100300011 (ERR-9) number of 179Ta atoms in the sample No-Cd 2379100300012 (ERR-10) number of 179Ta atoms in the sample with Cd 2379100300013 (ERR-11) correction for decay during activation time 2379100300014 No-Cd 2379100300015 (ERR-12) correction for decay during activation time 2379100300016 with Cd 2379100300017 (ERR-13) correction for decay during waiting period 2379100300018 No-Cd 2379100300019 (ERR-14) correction for decay during waiting period 2379100300020 with Cd 2379100300021 (ERR-15) correction for decay during measurement time 2379100300022 No-Cd 2379100300023 (ERR-16) correction for decay during measurement time 2379100300024 with Cd 2379100300025 STATUS (COREL,23791005) data from detector D2 2379100300026 ENDBIB 24 0 2379100300027 NOCOMMON 0 0 2379100300028 DATA 18 1 2379100300029 EN-MIN DATA ERR-T ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2379100300030 ERR-5 ERR-6 ERR-7 ERR-8 ERR-9 ERR-10 2379100300031 ERR-11 ERR-12 ERR-13 ERR-14 ERR-15 ERR-16 2379100300032 EV B B PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2379100300033 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2379100300034 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2379100300035 0.5 1905. 167. 2.45 3.05 14.32379100300036 1.15 1.22 5.44 2.29 2.55 2.582379100300037 0.58 0.58 0.30 0.30 0.02 0.052379100300038 ENDDATA 9 0 2379100300039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 2379100399999 SUBENT 23791004 20230810 20250110 2379100400001 BIB 2 2 2379100400002 REACTION (73-TA-179(N,G)73-TA-180-G,,SIG) detector D2 2379100400003 STATUS (COREL,23791002) data from detector D1 2379100400004 ENDBIB 2 0 2379100400005 NOCOMMON 0 0 2379100400006 DATA 3 1 2379100400007 EN DATA ERR-T 2379100400008 EV B B 2379100400009 0.0253 939. 57. 2379100400010 ENDDATA 3 0 2379100400011 ENDSUBENT 10 0 2379100499999 SUBENT 23791005 20230810 20250110 2379100500001 BIB 3 6 2379100500002 REACTION (73-TA-179(N,G)73-TA-180-G,,RI) detector D2 2379100500003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-2) thermal fluence No Cd 2379100500004 (ERR-3) thermal fluence Cd 2379100500005 (ERR-4) epithermal fluence No Cd 2379100500006 (ERR-5) epithermal fluence Cd 2379100500007 STATUS (COREL,23791003) data from detector D1 2379100500008 ENDBIB 6 0 2379100500009 NOCOMMON 0 0 2379100500010 DATA 7 1 2379100500011 EN-MIN DATA ERR-T ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2379100500012 ERR-5 2379100500013 EV B B PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2379100500014 PER-CENT 2379100500015 0.5 2125. 180. 2.49 3.03 14.32379100500016 1.17 2379100500017 ENDDATA 6 0 2379100500018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 2379100599999 SUBENT 23791006 20230810 20250110 2379100600001 BIB 4 9 2379100600002 REACTION (73-TA-179(N,G)73-TA-180-G,,SIG,,AV) 2379100600003 ANALYSIS The average value calculated using the average 2379100600004 fluence and tantalum activation. 2379100600005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-2) thermal fluence No Cd 2379100600006 (ERR-3) thermal fluence Cd 2379100600007 (ERR-4) epithermal fluence No Cd 2379100600008 (ERR-5) epithermal fluence Cd 2379100600009 STATUS (DEP,23791002) data from detector D1 2379100600010 (DEP,23791004) data from detector D2 2379100600011 ENDBIB 9 0 2379100600012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2379100600013 DATA 7 1 2379100600014 EN DATA ERR-T ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2379100600015 ERR-5 2379100600016 EV B B PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2379100600017 PER-CENT 2379100600018 0.0253 952. 57. 2.32 3.04 14.32379100600019 1.16 2379100600020 ENDDATA 6 0 2379100600021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 2379100699999 SUBENT 23791007 20230810 20250110 2379100700001 BIB 4 9 2379100700002 REACTION (73-TA-179(N,G)73-TA-180-G,,RI,,AV) 2379100700003 ANALYSIS The average value calculated using the average 2379100700004 fluence and tantalum activation. 2379100700005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-2) thermal fluence No Cd 2379100700006 (ERR-3) thermal fluence Cd 2379100700007 (ERR-4) epithermal fluence No Cd 2379100700008 (ERR-5) epithermal fluence Cd 2379100700009 STATUS (DEP,23791003) data from detector D1 2379100700010 (DEP,23791005) data from detector D2 2379100700011 ENDBIB 9 0 2379100700012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2379100700013 DATA 7 1 2379100700014 EN-MIN DATA ERR-T ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2379100700015 ERR-5 2379100700016 EV B B PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2379100700017 PER-CENT 2379100700018 0.5 2013. 148. 2.32 3.04 14.32379100700019 1.16 2379100700020 ENDDATA 6 0 2379100700021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 2379100799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 2379199999999