ENTRY 30055 20080215 31253005500000001 SUBENT 30055001 20080215 31253005500100001 BIB 11 18 3005500100002 INSTITUTE (3INDMUA) 3005500100003 REFERENCE (J,NP,47,473,196307) Full information 3005500100004 AUTHOR (H.S.Hans, R.K.Mohindra) 3005500100005 TITLE A study of protons from In-115 and Au-197 with 14.8 MeV3005500100006 incident neutrons 3005500100007 FACILITY (CCW) 3005500100008 INC-SOURCE (D-T) D(t,n)He4. 3005500100009 METHOD (COINC) Triple coincidence method 3005500100010 DETECTOR (TELES,PROPC,CSICR) Telescope consisted of two propor- 3005500100011 tional counters in coincidence with a CsI(Tl) scintil- 3005500100012 lation counter plus a proportional counter in antico- 3005500100013 incidence. 3005500100014 (HORBU) Neutron intensity monitored with Hornyak button3005500100015 MONITOR Energy calibration from recoil proton spectrum 3005500100016 from elastic scattering of neutrons in polyethylene. 3005500100017 PART-DET (P) Protons 3005500100018 CORRECTION Proton spectra corrected for absorption losses due to 3005500100019 target thickness. 3005500100020 ENDBIB 18 0 3005500100021 NOCOMMON 0 0 3005500100022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 3005500199999 SUBENT 30055002 20080215 31253005500200001 BIB 8 19 3005500200002 REACTION (49-IN-115(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,DA) 3005500200003 SAMPLE Metal In-115 target was 32.8 mg/cm2 thick and 3005500200004 3cm in diameter. 3005500200005 METHOD Target was 12cm from neutron source. 3005500200006 COMMENT Data given is from private communication and is incon- 3005500200007 sistent with Nucl.Phys.47,473(1963),Fig.3 and data 3005500200008 derived by compiler from fig.1. However data from all 3005500200009 sources fall within error bars of fig.3 3005500200010 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from H.S.Hans,March 1967 3005500200011 (DEP,30055007) data may be derived from entries 3005500200012 30055.007-010 within limits noted in last comment above3005500200013 HISTORY (19670830C) Compiled into Dastar-00228 3005500200014 (19710526T) Transformed from Dastar to EXFOR 3005500200015 CORRECTION No correction in addition to use of an electronic 3005500200016 blocking circuit was made for possible contamination 3005500200017 of spectrum by (n,d) deuterons below 8 MeV. 3005500200018 ERR-ANALYS Estimated angular spread is +- 17 degrees 3005500200019 errors vary from 10-20% in the measured values 3005500200020 from forward to back angles. 3005500200021 ENDBIB 19 0 3005500200022 COMMON 4 3 3005500200023 EN E-MIN E-MAX ANG-RSL 3005500200024 MEV MEV MEV ADEG 3005500200025 14.8 5.0000E+00 7.0000E+00 1.7000E+01 3005500200026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3005500200027 DATA 2 4 3005500200028 ANG-CM DATA 3005500200029 ADEG MB/SR 3005500200030 0.0000E+00 6.0000E-01 3005500200031 4.5000E+01 5.5000E-01 3005500200032 1.0500E+02 5.0000E-01 3005500200033 1.3500E+02 4.3000E-01 3005500200034 ENDDATA 6 0 3005500200035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 3005500299999 SUBENT 30055003 20080215 31253005500300001 BIB 8 19 3005500300002 REACTION (49-IN-115(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,DA) 3005500300003 SAMPLE Metal In-115 target was 32.8 mg/cm2 thick and 3005500300004 3cm in diameter. 3005500300005 METHOD Target was 12 cm from neutron source. 3005500300006 COMMENT Data given is from private communication and is incon- 3005500300007 sistent with Nucl.Phys.47,473(1963),Fig.3 and data 3005500300008 derived by compiler from fig.1. However data from all 3005500300009 sources fall within error bars of fig.3 3005500300010 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from H.S.Hans,March 1967 3005500300011 (DEP,30055007) Data may be derived from entries 3005500300012 30055.007-010 Within limits noted in last comment above3005500300013 HISTORY (19670830C) Compiled into Dastar-00228 3005500300014 (19710526T) Transformed from dastar to EXFOR 3005500300015 CORRECTION No correction in addition to use of an electronic 3005500300016 blocking circuit was made for possible contamination 3005500300017 of spectrum by (n,d) deuterons below 8 MeV. 3005500300018 ERR-ANALYS Estimated angle spread is +- 17 degrees 3005500300019 errors vary from 10-20% in the measured values 3005500300020 from forward to back angles. 3005500300021 ENDBIB 19 0 3005500300022 COMMON 4 3 3005500300023 EN E-MIN E-MAX ANG-RSL 3005500300024 MEV MEV MEV ADEG 3005500300025 14.8 7.0000E+00 9.0000E+00 1.7000E+01 3005500300026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3005500300027 DATA 2 4 3005500300028 ANG-CM DATA 3005500300029 ADEG MB/SR 3005500300030 0.0000E+00 5.0000E-01 3005500300031 4.5000E+01 4.0000E-01 3005500300032 1.0500E+02 3.8000E-01 3005500300033 1.3500E+02 3.2000E-01 3005500300034 ENDDATA 6 0 3005500300035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 3005500399999 SUBENT 30055004 20080215 31253005500400001 BIB 8 20 3005500400002 REACTION (49-IN-115(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,DA) 3005500400003 SAMPLE Metal In-115 target was 32.8 mg/cm2 thick and 3005500400004 3cm in diameter. 3005500400005 METHOD Target was 12 cm from neutron source. 3005500400006 COMMENT Data given is from private communication and is incon- 3005500400007 sistent with Nucl.Phys.47,473(1963),Fig.3 and data 3005500400008 derived by compiler from fig.1. However data from all 3005500400009 sources fall within error bars of fig.3 Except for 3005500400010 zero-degree point as derived from fig.1. 3005500400011 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from H.S.Hans,March 1967 3005500400012 (DEP,30055007) Data may be derived from entries 3005500400013 30055.007-010 Within limits noted in last comment above3005500400014 HISTORY (19670830C) Compiled into Dastar-00228 3005500400015 (19710526T) Transformed from dastar to EXFOR 3005500400016 CORRECTION No correction in addition to use of an electronic 3005500400017 blocking circuit was made for possible contamination 3005500400018 of spectrum by (n,d) deuterons below 8 MeV. 3005500400019 ERR-ANALYS Estimated angle spread is +- 17 degrees 3005500400020 errors vary from 10-20% in the measured values 3005500400021 from forward to back angles. 3005500400022 ENDBIB 20 0 3005500400023 COMMON 3 3 3005500400024 EN E-MIN ANG-RSL 3005500400025 MEV MEV ADEG 3005500400026 14.8 9.0000E+00 1.7000E+01 3005500400027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3005500400028 DATA 2 4 3005500400029 ANG-CM DATA 3005500400030 ADEG MB/SR 3005500400031 0.0000E+00 7.0000E-01 3005500400032 4.5000E+01 5.9000E-01 3005500400033 1.0500E+02 3.9000E-01 3005500400034 1.3500E+02 3.9000E-01 3005500400035 ENDDATA 6 0 3005500400036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 3005500499999 SUBENT 30055005 20080215 31253005500500001 BIB 8 19 3005500500002 REACTION (79-AU-197(N,P)78-PT-197,,DA/DE) 3005500500003 SAMPLE Metal Au-197 target was 45.3 mg/cm2 thick and 3005500500004 3cm in diameter. 3005500500005 METHOD Target was 4.5 cm from neutron source. 3005500500006 CORRECTION No correction in addition to use of an electronic 3005500500007 blocking circuit was made for possible contamination 3005500500008 of spectrum by (n,d) deuterons below 9 MeV. The (n,np) 3005500500009 contribution was found negligible. 3005500500010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information available 3005500500011 Angular resolution is +-30 degrees (private communica- 3005500500012 tion). 3005500500013 COMMENT Data read from large scale graph received from the 3005500500014 author because original numerical values not available.3005500500015 STATUS (CURVE) data from H.S.Hans,March 1967.See comment above3005500500016 HISTORY (19670912A) Read from graph by HDL, checked by AL 3005500500017 (19671227C) Compiled into Dastar-00234 3005500500018 (19710526T) Transformed from Dastar to Exfor 3005500500019 In 2008 data were digitized once more, but not changed 3005500500020 in the Entry, they are in the range of uncertainties. 3005500500021 ENDBIB 19 0 3005500500022 COMMON 3 3 3005500500023 EN ANG-CM ANG-RSL 3005500500024 MEV ADEG ADEG 3005500500025 14.8 0.0000E+00 3.0000E+01 3005500500026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3005500500027 DATA 3 16 3005500500028 E-CM DATA DATA-ERR 3005500500029 MEV MB/SR/MEV MB/SR/MEV 3005500500030 4.6000E+00 6.2000E-02 6.0000E-03 3005500500031 5.2000E+00 1.5000E-02 4.0000E-03 3005500500032 5.8000E+00 2.0000E-03 6.0000E-03 3005500500033 6.5000E+00 4.2000E-02 6.0000E-03 3005500500034 7.2000E+00 2.0000E-03 4.0000E-03 3005500500035 7.9000E+00 1.2000E-02 4.0000E-03 3005500500036 8.5000E+00 2.4000E-02 5.0000E-03 3005500500037 9.2000E+00 5.9000E-02 6.0000E-03 3005500500038 9.9000E+00 6.7000E-02 6.0000E-03 3005500500039 1.0600E+01 1.1500E-01 7.0000E-03 3005500500040 1.1300E+01 1.3000E-01 8.0000E-03 3005500500041 1.2000E+01 1.3400E-01 1.0000E-02 3005500500042 1.2600E+01 1.3600E-01 1.0000E-02 3005500500043 1.3300E+01 1.1100E-01 8.0000E-03 3005500500044 1.3900E+01 6.3000E-02 7.0000E-03 3005500500045 1.4500E+01 2.7000E-02 5.0000E-03 3005500500046 ENDDATA 18 0 3005500500047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 3005500599999 SUBENT 30055006 20080215 31253005500600001 BIB 4 7 3005500600002 REACTION (49-IN-116(0,0),,LDP) 3005500600003 COMMENT Quantity compiled is parameter a in formula 3005500600004 W(U)=C*exp(2*((a*U)**0.5)) 3005500600005 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Nucl.Phys.47,473(1963),Table 2. 3005500600006 (DEP,30055009) Obtained from backward angle spectra 3005500600007 given in entries 30055.009 And 30055.010. 3005500600008 HISTORY (19711122C) Compiled into Exfor 3005500600009 ENDBIB 7 0 3005500600010 NOCOMMON 0 0 3005500600011 DATA 1 1 3005500600012 DATA 3005500600013 1/MEV 3005500600014 6.9800E+00 3005500600015 ENDDATA 3 0 3005500600016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 3005500699999 SUBENT 30055007 20080215 31253005500700001 BIB 8 16 3005500700002 REACTION (49-IN-115(N,X)1-H-1,,DA/DE) 3005500700003 SAMPLE Metal In-115 target was 32.8 mg/cm2 thick and 3 cm 3005500700004 in diameter. 3005500700005 METHOD Target was 12 cm from neutron source. 3005500700006 CORRECTION No correction in addition to use of an electronic 3005500700007 blocking circuit was made for possible contamination 3005500700008 of spectrum by (n,d) deuterons below 8 MeV. 3005500700009 ERR-ANALYS Estimated angular spread is +-17. degrees. 3005500700010 (DATA-ERR) It was read from graph by compiler and was 3005500700011 assumed symmetric within reading uncertainty. 3005500700012 STATUS (CURVE)Data read from fig 1.A in Nucl.Phys.47,473(1963)3005500700013 fig.1. 3005500700014 COMMENT Numerical data requested from author. 3005500700015 HISTORY (19711125C) Read from graphs by JRL 3005500700016 In 2008 data were digitized once more, but not changed 3005500700017 in the Entry, they are in the range of uncertainties. 3005500700018 ENDBIB 16 0 3005500700019 COMMON 3 3 3005500700020 EN ANG-CM ANG-RSL 3005500700021 MEV ADEG ADEG 3005500700022 14.8 0.0000E+00 1.7000E+01 3005500700023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3005500700024 DATA 3 15 3005500700025 E-CM DATA DATA-ERR 3005500700026 MEV MB/SR/MEV MB/SR/MEV 3005500700027 5.2000E+00 3.1500E-01 2.5000E-02 3005500700028 5.7000E+00 3.2000E-01 2.5000E-02 3005500700029 6.4000E+00 2.9000E-01 2.0000E-02 3005500700030 7.0000E+00 2.8500E-01 2.0000E-02 3005500700031 7.7000E+00 2.4500E-01 2.0000E-02 3005500700032 8.4000E+00 2.2000E-01 1.5000E-02 3005500700033 9.0000E+00 2.0000E-01 1.5000E-02 3005500700034 9.7000E+00 2.1000E-01 1.5000E-02 3005500700035 1.0400E+01 1.8000E-01 1.5000E-02 3005500700036 1.1100E+01 1.5000E-01 1.5000E-02 3005500700037 1.1700E+01 1.6000E-01 1.5000E-02 3005500700038 1.2500E+01 1.4000E-01 1.5000E-02 3005500700039 1.3100E+01 1.1500E-01 1.5000E-02 3005500700040 1.3800E+01 1.1000E-01 1.5000E-02 3005500700041 1.4500E+01 3.0000E-02 1.0000E-02 3005500700042 ENDDATA 17 0 3005500700043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 3005500799999 SUBENT 30055008 20080215 31253005500800001 BIB 8 16 3005500800002 REACTION (49-IN-115(N,X)1-H-1,,DA/DE) 3005500800003 SAMPLE Metal In-115 target was 32.8 mg/cm2 thick and 3 cm 3005500800004 in diameter. 3005500800005 METHOD Target was 12 cm from neutron source. 3005500800006 COMMENT Numerical data requested from author. 3005500800007 STATUS (CURVE)Data read from fig 1.A in Nucl.Phys.47,473(1963)3005500800008 fig.1. 3005500800009 CORRECTION No correction in addition to use of an electronic 3005500800010 blocking circuit was made for possible contamination 3005500800011 of spectrum by (n,d) deuterons below 8 MeV. 3005500800012 ERR-ANALYS Estimated angular spread is +-17. degrees. 3005500800013 (DATA-ERR) It was read from graph by compiler and was 3005500800014 assumed symmetric within reading uncertainty. 3005500800015 HISTORY (19711125C) Read from graphs by JRL 3005500800016 In 2008 data were digitized once more, but not changed 3005500800017 in the Entry, they are in the range of uncertainties. 3005500800018 ENDBIB 16 0 3005500800019 COMMON 3 3 3005500800020 EN ANG-CM ANG-RSL 3005500800021 MEV ADEG ADEG 3005500800022 14.8 4.5000E+01 1.7000E+01 3005500800023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3005500800024 DATA 3 15 3005500800025 E-CM DATA DATA-ERR 3005500800026 MEV MB/SR/MEV MB/SR/MEV 3005500800027 5.2000E+00 2.9000E-01 2.0000E-02 3005500800028 5.8000E+00 2.8000E-01 2.0000E-02 3005500800029 6.4000E+00 2.4500E-01 2.0000E-02 3005500800030 7.1000E+00 2.4000E-01 2.0000E-02 3005500800031 7.8000E+00 2.2000E-01 1.5000E-02 3005500800032 8.5000E+00 1.8500E-01 1.5000E-02 3005500800033 9.1000E+00 1.9000E-01 1.5000E-02 3005500800034 9.7000E+00 1.5500E-01 1.5000E-02 3005500800035 1.0400E+01 1.5000E-01 1.5000E-02 3005500800036 1.1300E+01 1.4000E-01 2.0000E-02 3005500800037 1.2000E+01 1.1000E-01 1.5000E-02 3005500800038 1.2700E+01 8.0000E-02 1.5000E-02 3005500800039 1.3400E+01 7.0000E-02 1.5000E-02 3005500800040 1.4100E+01 4.0000E-02 1.0000E-02 3005500800041 1.4800E+01 1.0000E-02 3005500800042 ENDDATA 17 0 3005500800043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 3005500899999 SUBENT 30055009 20080215 31253005500900001 BIB 8 16 3005500900002 REACTION (49-IN-115(N,X)1-H-1,,DA/DE) 3005500900003 SAMPLE Metal In-115 target was 32.8 mg/cm2 thick and 3 cm 3005500900004 in diameter. 3005500900005 METHOD Target was 12 cm from neutron source. 3005500900006 COMMENT Numerical data requested from author. 3005500900007 STATUS (CURVE)data read from fig 1.B in Nucl.Phys.47,473(1963)3005500900008 fig.1. 3005500900009 CORRECTION No correction in addition to use of an electronic 3005500900010 blocking circuit was made for possible contamination 3005500900011 of spectrum by (n,d) deuterons below 8 MeV. 3005500900012 ERR-ANALYS Estimated angular spread is +-17. degrees. 3005500900013 (DATA-ERR) It was read from graph by compiler and was 3005500900014 assumed symmetric within reading uncertainty. 3005500900015 HISTORY (19711125C) Read from graphs by JRL 3005500900016 In 2008 data were digitized once more, but not changed 3005500900017 in the Entry, they are in the range of uncertainties. 3005500900018 ENDBIB 16 0 3005500900019 COMMON 3 3 3005500900020 EN ANG-CM ANG-RSL 3005500900021 MEV ADEG ADEG 3005500900022 14.8 1.0500E+02 1.7000E+01 3005500900023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3005500900024 DATA 3 16 3005500900025 E-CM DATA DATA-ERR 3005500900026 MEV MB/SR/MEV MB/SR/MEV 3005500900027 4.7000E+00 2.8000E-01 2.0000E-02 3005500900028 5.3000E+00 2.8000E-01 2.0000E-02 3005500900029 6.0000E+00 2.5000E-01 2.0000E-02 3005500900030 6.6000E+00 1.9500E-01 1.5000E-02 3005500900031 7.3000E+00 2.1000E-01 2.0000E-02 3005500900032 8.0000E+00 1.6000E-01 1.5000E-02 3005500900033 8.7000E+00 1.3000E-01 1.5000E-02 3005500900034 9.3000E+00 1.1500E-01 1.5000E-02 3005500900035 1.0100E+01 1.1000E-01 1.5000E-02 3005500900036 1.0600E+01 1.0000E-01 1.5000E-02 3005500900037 1.1500E+01 9.0000E-02 1.5000E-02 3005500900038 1.2000E+01 6.0000E-02 1.5000E-02 3005500900039 1.2700E+01 6.0000E-02 1.5000E-02 3005500900040 1.3400E+01 3.0000E-02 1.0000E-02 3005500900041 1.4200E+01 2.0000E-02 3005500900042 1.4800E+01 1.5000E-02 3005500900043 ENDDATA 18 0 3005500900044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 3005500999999 SUBENT 30055010 20080215 31253005501000001 BIB 8 16 3005501000002 REACTION (49-IN-115(N,X)1-H-1,,DA/DE) 3005501000003 SAMPLE Metal In-115 target was 32.8 mg/cm2 thick and 3 cm 3005501000004 in diameter. 3005501000005 METHOD Target was 12 cm from neutron source. 3005501000006 COMMENT Numerical data requested from author. 3005501000007 STATUS (CURVE)Data read from fig 1.B in Nucl.Phys.47,473(1963)3005501000008 fig.1. 3005501000009 CORRECTION No correction in addition to use of an electronic 3005501000010 blocking circuit was made for possible contamination 3005501000011 of spectrum by (n,d) deuterons below 8 MeV. 3005501000012 ERR-ANALYS Estimated angular spread is +-17. degrees. 3005501000013 (DATA-ERR) It was read from graph by compiler and was 3005501000014 assumed symmetric within reading uncertainty. 3005501000015 HISTORY (19711125C) Read from graphs by JRL 3005501000016 In 2008 data were digitized once more, but not changed 3005501000017 in the Entry, they are in the range of uncertainties. 3005501000018 ENDBIB 16 0 3005501000019 COMMON 3 3 3005501000020 EN ANG-CM ANG-RSL 3005501000021 MEV ADEG ADEG 3005501000022 14.8 1.3500E+02 1.7000E+01 3005501000023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3005501000024 DATA 3 14 3005501000025 E-CM DATA DATA-ERR 3005501000026 MEV MB/SR/MEV MB/SR/MEV 3005501000027 5.4000E+00 2.4000E-01 2.0000E-02 3005501000028 6.0000E+00 2.2500E-01 1.5000E-02 3005501000029 6.7000E+00 1.9000E-01 1.5000E-02 3005501000030 7.3000E+00 1.8500E-01 1.5000E-02 3005501000031 8.0000E+00 1.6000E-01 1.5000E-02 3005501000032 8.7000E+00 1.3500E-01 1.5000E-02 3005501000033 9.4000E+00 1.2000E-01 1.5000E-02 3005501000034 1.0000E+01 9.0000E-02 1.5000E-02 3005501000035 1.0800E+01 9.0000E-02 1.5000E-02 3005501000036 1.1500E+01 7.5000E-01 1.5000E-02 3005501000037 1.2200E+01 6.0000E-02 1.5000E-02 3005501000038 1.2900E+01 5.0000E-02 1.0000E-02 3005501000039 1.3600E+01 2.5000E-02 1.0000E-02 3005501000040 1.4300E+01 2.0000E-02 3005501000041 ENDDATA 16 0 3005501000042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 3005501099999 ENDENTRY 10 0 3005599999999