ENTRY 30373 20090104 31343037300000001 SUBENT 30373001 20090104 31343037300100001 BIB 12 27 3037300100002 INSTITUTE (3RUMBUC) 3037300100003 REFERENCE (J,JNE,24,245,197009) 3037300100004 (J,RRP,15,339,197003) Other exp. Exfor 30372. 3037300100005 (J,SCF,24,(2),165,197202) Thesis(Mateiciuc) in Romanian3037300100006 (J,RRP,12,(10),907,196710) Different exp. EXFOR 30020. 3037300100007 AUTHOR (V.Mateiciuc,L.Aldea,M.Constantinescu,S.Dobrescu, 3037300100008 T.Stadnicov) 3037300100009 TITLE Doppler effect of 6.24 eV resonance in Sb-121. 3037300100010 FACILITY (CHOPF) Fast chopper, detail see St.Cerc.Fiz.,24(1972) 3037300100011 165 (thesis). Liquid nitrogen cryostat. 3037300100012 INC-SOURCE (REAC) Reactor, VVR-S. 3037300100013 SAMPLE Natural antimony (BDH), thickness of 6.693E-4 atom/b. 3037300100014 Powdered Sb and Al was mixed and pressed at 150 kg/cm2.3037300100015 The sample at -liquid nitrogen and room temperature-. 3037300100016 METHOD (TOF) Time of flight, path = 25 m in vacuum. 3037300100017 Transmission measurement at liquid nitrogen and at 3037300100018 room temperature. 3037300100019 The background was measured using thick samples of 3037300100020 Ag and Sb. 3037300100021 DETECTOR (SCIN) 4 crystal scintillators, NE-401, with photo- 3037300100022 multipliers M12FS-100. (See thesis). 3037300100023 PART-DET (N) Neutrons. 3037300100024 COMMENT Typical transmission curve at room and liquid 3037300100025 temperature are given, together with the curve by the 3037300100026 theoretical gas model. 3037300100027 HISTORY (19770203C) KO. 3037300100028 (20090115A) BIB section updated 3037300100029 ENDBIB 27 0 3037300100030 NOCOMMON 0 0 3037300100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 3037300199999 SUBENT 30373002 20090104 31343037300200001 BIB 5 12 3037300200002 REACTION 1(51-SB-121(N,TOT),,WID) 3037300200003 2(51-SB-121(N,EL),,WID,,2G) 3037300200004 3(51-SB-121(N,G),,WID) 3037300200005 ANALYSIS (AREA) Area analysis. 3037300200006 The resonance parameters were calculated using the 3037300200007 values on the center of the transmission. 3037300200008 COMMENT The values for the 6.24 eV resonance in this paper 3037300200009 are in good agreement with those in Rev.Roum.Phys.,12, 3037300200010 (1967)907,(EXFOR 30020.003,.005,.006). 3037300200011 STATUS (TABLE) Data from J.Nucl.Energy,24(1970)245. 3037300200012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors depend on the errors of 3037300200013 transmission and the shape of the resolution function. 3037300200014 ENDBIB 12 0 3037300200015 COMMON 1 3 3037300200016 EN-RES 3037300200017 EV 3037300200018 6.2400E+00 3037300200019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3037300200020 DATA 6 1 3037300200021 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2DATA 3DATA-ERR 33037300200022 MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV 3037300200023 8.1000E+01 9.0000E+00 2.0000E+00 7.0000E-01 7.9000E+01 9.0000E+003037300200024 ENDDATA 3 0 3037300200025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 3037300299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 3037399999999