ENTRY 33074 20141115 31673307400000001 SUBENT 33074001 20141115 31673307400100001 BIB 11 23 3307400100002 TITLE Energy and angular distribution of alpha particles 3307400100003 from the 23Na(n,a)20F reaction induced by 14 MeV 3307400100004 neutrons 3307400100005 AUTHOR (O.N.Kaul) 3307400100006 INSTITUTE (3INDSAH) 3307400100007 REFERENCE (J,NP,33,177,1962) 3307400100008 PART-DET (A) 3307400100009 SAMPLE Ilford nuclear plates with Sodium Acetate 3307400100010 DETECTOR (PLATE) Ilford 200 microns plate nuclear emulsions 3307400100011 (LONGC) To monitor neutron yield, foil activation was 3307400100012 also used(neutron detection and foil activation are 3307400100013 complementary to each other) 3307400100014 (TRD) The neutron flux was also determined from 3307400100015 recoil proton track analysis 3307400100016 METHOD Scanning was accomplished by a Zeiss opton microscope 3307400100017 having a magnification of (8 x 100), as usual; 3307400100018 processing was done by the usual temperature method 3307400100019 using low PH 6.6 amidol developer. For the hot stage 3307400100020 20 min and 17 degree Celsius were selected as the 3307400100021 suitable time and temperature. 3307400100022 INC-SOURCE (D-T) 200 keV deuteron beam on ZrT 3307400100023 FACILITY (CCW,3INDSAH) 3307400100024 HISTORY (20141115C) BL 3307400100025 ENDBIB 23 0 3307400100026 COMMON 1 3 3307400100027 EN 3307400100028 MEV 3307400100029 14. 3307400100030 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3307400100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 3307400199999 SUBENT 33074002 20141115 31673307400200001 BIB 2 2 3307400200002 REACTION (11-NA-23(N,A)9-F-20,,DA) 3307400200003 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.2 of Nuclear Physics,33(1962)177 3307400200004 ENDBIB 2 0 3307400200005 NOCOMMON 0 0 3307400200006 DATA 3 18 3307400200007 ANG-CM-MIN ANG-CM-MAX DATA-CM 3307400200008 ADEG ADEG MB/SR 3307400200009 0. 10. 29.98 3307400200010 10. 20. 24.00 3307400200011 20. 30. 13.97 3307400200012 30. 40. 9.87 3307400200013 40. 50. 7.95 3307400200014 50. 60. 5.93 3307400200015 60. 70. 6.90 3307400200016 70. 80. 9.92 3307400200017 80. 90. 7.89 3307400200018 90. 100. 6.92 3307400200019 100. 110. 8.89 3307400200020 110. 120. 11.94 3307400200021 120. 130. 15.87 3307400200022 130. 140. 17.97 3307400200023 140. 150. 23.96 3307400200024 150. 160. 24.82 3307400200025 160. 170. 25.77 3307400200026 170. 180. 26.95 3307400200027 ENDDATA 20 0 3307400200028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 3307400299999 SUBENT 33074003 20141115 31673307400300001 BIB 3 3 3307400300002 REACTION (11-NA-23(N,A)9-F-20,,SIG) 3307400300003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties 3307400300004 STATUS (TABLE) Text (p181) of Nuclear Physics 33(1962)177 3307400300005 ENDBIB 3 0 3307400300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 3307400300007 DATA 2 1 3307400300008 DATA DATA-ERR 3307400300009 MB PER-CENT 3307400300010 185. 15. 3307400300011 ENDDATA 3 0 3307400300012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 3307400399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 3307499999999