ENTRY 40789 20130705 41614078900000001 SUBENT 40789001 20130705 41614078900100001 BIB 12 28 4078900100002 INSTITUTE (4RUSICP) Yampolsky=Yampol'skiy 4078900100003 REFERENCE (J,ZET,40,743,196103) Main Reference, Data are Given 4078900100004 (J,JET,13,520,1961) English Translation of Zet 40 4078900100005 743 4078900100006 AUTHOR (V.L.Glagolev,P.A.Yampol'skiy) 4078900100007 TITLE Investigation of (N,2N) reactions leading to the 4078900100008 formation of isomers. 4078900100009 INC-SOURCE (D-T) T-Zr target was bombarded by D2+ ions. 4078900100010 FACILITY (ACCEL) Accelerating tube at 500 kV 4078900100011 METHOD (ACTIV) 4078900100012 DETECTOR (NAICR) NaI(Tl) with FEU-C photomultiplier. 4078900100013 Gamma-rays registration efficiency was defined by 4078900100014 Cs-137, Nb-95, Nb-92, Zn-65 sources. 4078900100015 MONITOR (29-CU-63(N,2N)29-CU-62,,SIG) 4078900100016 ADD-RES (DECAY) Na-24m half-life was defined in reaction 4078900100017 Al-27(n,a)Na-24m to be 18.3+-0.6 msec. 4078900100018 ERR-ANALYS Estimated uncertainty of activity definition. 4078900100019 HISTORY (19840808T) Converted from Entry 80238, 80385 4078900100020 Institute code corrected 4078900100021 (19861208U) Isomeric states in SAN 002, 003 corrected. 4078900100022 Institute code corrected 4078900100023 (19970724U) Energy moved to SAN 001 4078900100024 BIB-information corrected 4078900100025 (20010323U) Date corrected 4078900100026 (20010323U) Last checking has been done. 4078900100027 (20130705A) M.M. Subent 005 was added. 4078900100028 EN-RSL-HW value was corrected. 4078900100029 BIB and COMMON information was added. 4078900100030 ENDBIB 28 0 4078900100031 COMMON 4 3 4078900100032 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT MONIT-ERR 4078900100033 MEV MEV B B 4078900100034 14.7 0.25 0.62 0.04 4078900100035 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4078900100036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 4078900199999 SUBENT 40789002 20130705 41614078900200001 BIB 5 9 4078900200002 REACTION (39-Y-89(N,2N)39-Y-88-L1,,SIG) 4078900200003 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-88-L1,14.MSEC,DG,240.) 4078900200004 ERR-ANALYS Errors not regarded 4078900200005 STATUS (TABLE) Text of abstract,page 743 and text,page 744 of 4078900200006 J,ZET,40,743,1961. 4078900200007 HISTORY (19970724U) Energy moved to SAN 001. ERR-ANALYS added 4078900200008 (20010323U) Last checking has been done. 4078900200009 (20130705A) M.M. DATA-MAX -> DATA-MIN . 4078900200010 39-Y-88-M -> 39-Y-88-L1 . 4078900200011 ENDBIB 9 0 4078900200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 4078900200013 DATA 1 1 4078900200014 DATA-MIN 4078900200015 B 4078900200016 4.E-01 4078900200017 ENDDATA 3 0 4078900200018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 4078900299999 SUBENT 40789003 20130705 41614078900300001 BIB 7 15 4078900300002 REACTION (41-NB-93(N,2N)41-NB-92-M,,SIG) 4078900300003 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-92-M,10.D,DG,940.) 4078900300004 Decay scheme for Nb-92m and Nb-92g from book of 4078900300005 B.S.Dzhelepov, L.K.Peker, Radioactive nuclei decay 4078900300006 schemes, USSR academy of science, Moscow-Leningrad,19584078900300007 was used. 4078900300008 SAMPLE Metal Np plates. 4078900300009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors are not specified 4078900300010 STATUS (TABLE) Text of abstract,page 743 and text,page 744 of 4078900300011 J,ZET,40,743,1961. 4078900300012 COMMENT Of compiler M.M. In abstract c-s value is given as 4078900300013 0.53+-0.6 b . 4078900300014 HISTORY (19970724U) Energy moved to SAN 001 4078900300015 ERR-ANALYS keyword added 4078900300016 (20010323U) Last checking has been done. 4078900300017 ENDBIB 15 0 4078900300018 NOCOMMON 0 0 4078900300019 DATA 4 1 4078900300020 DATA DATA-ERR ERR-HL ERR-EDD 4078900300021 MB MB D MEV 4078900300022 5.6E+02 6.E+01 0.3 0.01 4078900300023 ENDDATA 3 0 4078900300024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 4078900399999 SUBENT 40789004 20130705 41614078900400001 BIB 5 8 4078900400002 REACTION (83-BI-209(N,2N)83-BI-208-L,,SIG) 4078900400003 DECAY-DATA (83-BI-208-L,2.6MSEC,DG,880.) 4078900400004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors are not specified 4078900400005 STATUS (TABLE) Text of abstract,page 743 and text,page 744 of 4078900400006 J,ZET,40,743,1961. 4078900400007 HISTORY (19970724U) Energy moved to SAN 001.Monit heading 4078900400008 deleted, ERR-ANALYS keyword added 4078900400009 (20010323U) Last checking has been done. 4078900400010 ENDBIB 8 0 4078900400011 NOCOMMON 0 0 4078900400012 DATA 4 1 4078900400013 DATA DATA-ERR ERR-HL ERR-EDD 4078900400014 B B MSEC MEV 4078900400015 0.66 0.12 0.1 0.02 4078900400016 ENDDATA 3 0 4078900400017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 4078900499999 SUBENT 40789005 20130705 41614078900500001 BIB 5 8 4078900500002 REACTION (82-PB-208(N,2N)82-PB-207-M,,SIG) 4078900500003 DECAY-DATA (82-PB-207-M,0.81SEC,DG,1040.) 4078900500004 ADD-RES (COMP) Exp.data are compared with theoretical 4078900500005 calculations - for Pb-208(n,2n) reaction 4078900500006 STATUS (TABLE) Text of abstract,page 743 and text,page 744 of 4078900500007 J,ZET,40,743,1961. 4078900500008 HISTORY (20130705C) Subent was moved from Subent 41253.002 , 4078900500009 BIB information was added 4078900500010 ENDBIB 8 0 4078900500011 NOCOMMON 0 0 4078900500012 DATA 3 1 4078900500013 DATA DATA-ERR ERR-HL 4078900500014 B B SEC 4078900500015 1.7 0.3 0.02 4078900500016 ENDDATA 3 0 4078900500017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 4078900599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 4078999999999