ENTRY A0415 20210720 A098A041500000001 SUBENT A0415001 20210720 A098A041500100001 BIB 12 27 A041500100002 TITLE Comparison between the ground state transitions of the A041500100003 sub-coulomb deuteron stripping reactions on 6-Li A041500100004 AUTHOR (K.Czerski, G.Ruprecht, H.Bucka, P.Heide) A041500100005 INSTITUTE (2GERTUB) Institut fuer Strahlungs- und Kernphysik A041500100006 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,621,119,1997) A041500100007 REL-REF (M,A0406001,K.Czerski+,J,PR/C,55,1517,1997) A041500100008 Main details of experimental set-up. A041500100009 FACILITY (CCW,2GERTUB) A041500100010 SAMPLE Thin 6-Li-F target (10 ug/cm2 on a 10 ug/cm2 carbon A041500100011 backing). The target thickness corresponded to an A041500100012 energy loss of 2-3 keV for deuterons and to 10-20 keV A041500100013 for the measured 7-Li and 7-Be recoil nuclei. A041500100014 DETECTOR (SIBAR) 100 mm2 PIPS-detector being placed at an A041500100015 angle of 150 degrees with respect to the beam in 10 A041500100016 cm distance from the target. A041500100017 METHOD (BCINT,SITA,EXTB) A041500100018 COMMENT By means of recoil nuclei spectroscopy the A041500100019 6-Li(d,p0)7-Li and 6-Li(d,n0)7-Be mirror reactions A041500100020 have been measured for deuteron energies between 65 andA041500100021 135 KeV. The results have been compared with A041500100022 theoretical calculations including effects of the A041500100023 isospin mixed subthreshold resonance state in 8-Be. A041500100024 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A041500100025 HISTORY (20020710C) A041500100026 (20021217U) Last checking has been done. A041500100027 (20210720U) SD: Corrections in all Subents. Author's A041500100028 name corrected. A041500100029 ENDBIB 27 0 A041500100030 NOCOMMON 0 0 A041500100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 A041500199999 SUBENT A0415002 20210720 A098A041500200001 BIB 5 8 A041500200002 REACTION (3-LI-6(D,P)3-LI-7,PAR,SIG,,SFC) A041500200003 ANALYSIS (INTAD) Astrophysical S-factors have been determined A041500200004 assuming an isotropic angular distribution for 6- A041500200005 Li(d,p0)7-Li and 6-Li(d,n0) 7-Be reactions at A041500200006 deuteron energies below 200 keV. See REL-REF. A041500200007 REL-REF (M,T0134001,A.J.Elwyn+,J,PR/C,16,1744,1977) A041500200008 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.2 from Nucl.Phys.,A621(1997)119 A041500200009 HISTORY (20210720U) SD: EN-ERR -> EN-ERR-DIG; ERR-T ->DATA-ERR.A041500200010 ENDBIB 8 0 A041500200011 COMMON 2 3 A041500200012 EN-ERR-DIG E-LVL A041500200013 PER-CENT KEV A041500200014 0.9 0. A041500200015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A041500200016 DATA 3 8 A041500200017 EN DATA DATA-ERR A041500200018 KEV B*MEV B*MEV A041500200019 63.9 21.2 1.2 A041500200020 74.9 20.7 1.2 A041500200021 84.5 19.4 1.2 A041500200022 95.3 17.5 1.1 A041500200023 105.6 18.3 1.1 A041500200024 115.4 17.7 1.3 A041500200025 125.3 16.5 1.1 A041500200026 136.2 17.2 1. A041500200027 ENDDATA 10 0 A041500200028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 A041500299999 SUBENT A0415003 20210720 A098A041500300001 BIB 5 9 A041500300002 REACTION ((3-LI-6(D,N)4-BE-7,PAR,SIG)// A041500300003 (3-LI-6(D,P)3-LI-7,PAR,SIG)) A041500300004 EN-SEC (E-LVL-DN,3-LI-7) A041500300005 (E-LVL-NM,4-BE-7) A041500300006 CORRECTION Recoil nuclei yields were corrected for the different A041500300007 center-of-mass solid angles A041500300008 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.3 from Nucl.Phys.,A621(1997)119 A041500300009 HISTORY (20210720U) SD: EN-ERR -> EN-ERR-DIG; ERR-T ->DATA-ERR;A041500300010 E-EXC2 -> E-LVL-DN; E-EXC1 -> E-LVL-NM. A041500300011 ENDBIB 9 0 A041500300012 COMMON 3 3 A041500300013 EN-ERR-DIG E-LVL-DN E-LVL-NM A041500300014 PER-CENT KEV KEV A041500300015 0.7 0. 0. A041500300016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A041500300017 DATA 3 8 A041500300018 EN DATA DATA-ERR A041500300019 KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM A041500300020 64.3 1.06 7.E-02 A041500300021 73.9 1.02 6.E-02 A041500300022 83.6 1.01 4.E-02 A041500300023 94.7 1.15 6.E-02 A041500300024 104. 1. 4.E-02 A041500300025 114.3 1.14 9.E-02 A041500300026 123.7 1.1 7.E-02 A041500300027 134.5 1.16 9.E-02 A041500300028 ENDDATA 10 0 A041500300029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 A041500399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 A041599999999