ENTRY A1164 20190711 A092A116400000001 SUBENT A1164001 20190711 A092A116400100001 BIB 9 15 A116400100002 TITLE Scattering of protons from tritium at low energies. A116400100003 AUTHOR (Yu.G.Balashko,I.Ya.Barit,Yu.A.Goncharov) A116400100004 REFERENCE (C,59LONDON,,619,1959) A116400100005 (J,ZET,36,1936,1959) A116400100006 (J,JET,9,1378,1959) English transl. of ZET,36,1936 A116400100007 INSTITUTE (4RUSLEB) A116400100008 FACILITY (VDG,4RUSLEB) EG-2 A116400100009 SAMPLE Gas target A116400100010 DETECTOR (PROPC) A116400100011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertaintiesA116400100012 HISTORY (19820303C) Compilation produced by Arzamas RFNC-VNIIEFA116400100013 (19990220U)CNPD: corrected 4-dig. year and lower cases.A116400100014 (20190711A) SD: Major corrections in the Subents. A116400100015 Authors' names updated according to the publication A116400100016 in the JET,9,1378. A116400100017 ENDBIB 15 0 A116400100018 NOCOMMON 0 0 A116400100019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 A116400199999 SUBENT A1164002 20190711 A092A116400200001 BIB 3 6 A116400200002 REACTION (1-H-3(P,EL)1-H-3,,DA,,RTH) A116400200003 STATUS (CURVE) fig.1 from A116400200004 Zhur.Eksperim.Teor.Fiz.Vol.36(1959)1936 A116400200005 HISTORY (20190711A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. A116400200006 Data were re-digitized (wrong dataset was digitized - A116400200007 data from another publ. see A1209002). A116400200008 ENDBIB 6 0 A116400200009 COMMON 2 3 A116400200010 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG A116400200011 KEV NO-DIM A116400200012 0.2 0.0014 A116400200013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A116400200014 DATA 4 9 A116400200015 ANG-CM EN DATA DATA-ERR A116400200016 ADEG KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM A116400200017 119.67 48.9 1.0387 0.1051 A116400200018 119.67 118.0 1.1442 0.1052 A116400200019 119.67 176.9 1.3723 0.1205 A116400200020 89.83 55.6 1.0047 0.0728 A116400200021 89.83 117.8 0.9560 0.0747 A116400200022 89.83 176.5 1.1811 0.0785 A116400200023 58.10 52.5 0.9810 0.0780 A116400200024 58.10 117.5 1.0481 0.0663 A116400200025 58.10 176.3 0.9784 0.0702 A116400200026 ENDDATA 11 0 A116400200027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 A116400299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 A116499999999