ENTRY B0059 20011220 0000B005900000001 SUBENT B0059001 20011220 0000B005900100001 BIB 7 20 B005900100002 TITLE Cu-65(P,PN)Cu-64 Excitation Function in the Energy B005900100003 Range 13-25 MeV B005900100004 AUTHOR (R.COLLE, R.KISHORE, J.B.CUMMING) B005900100005 INSTITUTE (1USABNL) B005900100006 Chemistry Department B005900100007 REFERENCE (J,JIN,38,23,1976) B005900100008 METHOD (EXTB,BCINT,STTA,SITA,EDEG) B005900100009 Both Single Foils and Stacks of Three to Six Foils B005900100010 Were Used For the Irradiations. B005900100011 REL-REF (N,B0057001,R.COLLE+,J,PR/C,9,1819,1974) B005900100012 Details of the Experimental Method. B005900100013 (R,,L.C.NORTHCLIFFE+,J,ND/A,7,233,1970) B005900100014 (R,,C.F.WILLIAMSON+,R,CEA-R-3042,1966) B005900100015 The Energy Degradation was Calculated According to B005900100016 These Tables. B005900100017 HISTORY (19770128C)Lakw B005900100018 (19940630A) Some Corrections have Been Included by B005900100019 CAJAD B005900100020 (19971123A) Reaction Line and Err-Analys are Corrected.B005900100021 (20011010U) Last checking has been done. B005900100022 ENDBIB 20 0 B005900100023 NOCOMMON 0 0 B005900100024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 B005900199999 SUBENT B0059002 20011220 0000B005900200001 BIB 8 21 B005900200002 REACTION (29-CU-65(P,X)29-CU-64,,SIG,,,EXP) Shielded. B005900200003 RAD-DET (29-CU-64,DG) B005900200004 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-64,12.70HR,DG,1345.8,0.0048) B005900200005 FACILITY (VDGT,1USABNL) B005900200006 SAMPLE Foils of Natural Copper, Purity Higher Than 99.8%, B005900200007 Thicknesses 5 to 15 Mg/Cm**2 (SEE B0057) B005900200008 DETECTOR (GELI) B005900200009 ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) Energy Uncertainty - B005900200010 The Energy Errors Given (ABOUT 0.1 MEV) Include the B005900200011 Uncertainties in the Beam Energy, in the Energy Loss B005900200012 Calculations For Each Absorber and Target, and the B005900200013 Energy Straggling.Corrections For Energy Resolution DueB005900200014 To the Finite Target Thicknesses were Negligible. B005900200015 (ERR-T) Data Uncertainty - B005900200016 The Errors of the Cross Sections Include Uncertainties B005900200017 From Peak Analyses (INCLUDING COUNTING STATISTICS) B005900200018 And Decay Curve Analyses (3 TO 12%), Absolute Detector B005900200019 Efficiencies (ABOUT 5%), Gamma-Ray Abundance (4.2%), B005900200020 Target Thicknesses (<1%) And Current Integration B005900200021 (ABOUT 1%). B005900200022 ADD-RES (COMP) B005900200023 ENDBIB 21 0 B005900200024 NOCOMMON 0 0 B005900200025 DATA 4 19 B005900200026 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T B005900200027 MEV MEV MB MB B005900200028 13.02 0.13 5.9 1.4 B005900200029 13.07 0.12 8.7 0.6 B005900200030 13.21 0.12 11.1 0.9 B005900200031 13.52 0.09 15.9 1.9 B005900200032 15.45 0.09 90.8 8.5 B005900200033 16.2 0.15 132. 20. B005900200034 16.64 0.12 163. 23. B005900200035 16.81 0.11 153. 22. B005900200036 16.97 0.09 169. 20. B005900200037 18.48 0.09 234. 16. B005900200038 18.85 0.19 227. 24. B005900200039 19.86 0.11 276. 34. B005900200040 20. 0.09 264. 32. B005900200041 21.51 0.09 322. 25. B005900200042 22.49 0.19 348. 30. B005900200043 22.62 0.18 350. 26. B005900200044 23.24 0.13 346. 29. B005900200045 23.51 0.09 358. 34. B005900200046 25.02 0.09 392. 26. B005900200047 ENDDATA 21 0 B005900200048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 B005900299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 B005999999999