ENTRY C1103 20170922 C171C110300000001 SUBENT C1103001 20170922 C171C110300100001 BIB 6 7 C110300100002 TITLE 16O(p,alpha0)13N cross-section measurements C110300100003 AUTHOR (A.V.Nero,A.J.Howard) C110300100004 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,210,60,1973) C110300100005 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(73)90503-4 C110300100006 INSTITUTE (1USACAL) C110300100007 FACILITY (VDGT,1USACAL) ONR-CIT tandem accelerator. C110300100008 HISTORY (20170922C) BP C110300100009 ENDBIB 7 0 C110300100010 NOCOMMON 0 0 C110300100011 ENDSUBENT 10 0 C110300199999 SUBENT C1103002 20170922 C171C110300200001 BIB 8 25 C110300200002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,A)7-N-13,PAR,SIG) C110300200003 SAMPLE Targets were produced by evaporating WO3 of natural C110300200004 isotopic constitution onto arrays of 0.5 mm thick C110300200005 tantalum blanks The mass density deposited was C110300200006 measured to be 4.0 mg/cm2 by a crystal-oscillator C110300200007 thickness monitor system. C110300200008 DETECTOR (NAICR) 7.6 x 7.6 cm NaI(Tl) crystals. C110300200009 METHOD (ACTIV,COINC) The targets were irradiated with the C110300200010 proton beam for periods comparable to the 13N C110300200011 half-life. After bombardment, the targets were C110300200012 transformed to an off-line annihilation spectrometer C110300200013 which counted coincidence pulses between two NaI(Tl) C110300200014 crystals. C110300200015 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The cross-section scale is estimated to be C110300200016 uncertain by 15% owing to the uncertainty in C110300200017 determination of the absolute oxygen content of the C110300200018 targets and to the uncertainty in the value of the C110300200019 spectrometer efficiency. C110300200020 COMMENT Authors say that in their opinion the cs to higher C110300200021 levels of N-13 are negligible in the energy range C110300200022 considered and therefore they used the partial cs to C110300200023 the ground state to determine the (total) reaction C110300200024 rate. C110300200025 DECAY-DATA (7-N-13,10.0MIN,AR) C110300200026 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1, page 62. C110300200027 ENDBIB 25 0 C110300200028 COMMON 2 3 C110300200029 DATA-ERR E-LVL C110300200030 PER-CENT MEV C110300200031 15.0 0.0 C110300200032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C110300200033 DATA 3 26 C110300200034 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR C110300200035 MEV MB MB C110300200036 6.343 0.26 0.08 C110300200037 6.460 1.54 0.14 C110300200038 6.579 2.52 0.22 C110300200039 6.697 3.58 0.30 C110300200040 6.815 4.98 0.35 C110300200041 6.932 7.17 0.50 C110300200042 7.049 7.99 0.57 C110300200043 7.167 14.9 0.57 C110300200044 7.285 13.1 1.0 C110300200045 7.402 18.9 1.0 C110300200046 7.520 101.0 5.0 C110300200047 7.637 43.4 3.0 C110300200048 7.725 28.6 1.5 C110300200049 7.873 48.8 3.0 C110300200050 7.991 28.6 1.9 C110300200051 8.107 41.1 2.6 C110300200052 8.225 12.8 1.0 C110300200053 8.342 13.2 1.3 C110300200054 8.460 12.8 1.0 C110300200055 8.698 6.08 0.56 C110300200056 8.838 6.08 0.44 C110300200057 8.930 6.89 0.50 C110300200058 9.147 8.07 0.62 C110300200059 9.399 25.9 1.9 C110300200060 9.647 31.8 2.7 C110300200061 9.882 33.6 3.5 C110300200062 ENDDATA 28 0 C110300200063 ENDSUBENT 62 0 C110300299999 SUBENT C1103003 20170922 C171C110300300001 BIB 5 16 C110300300002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,A)7-N-13,,SGV) C110300300003 METHOD The reaction rate for the 160(p,alpha)13N was C110300300004 calculated as an average over the Maxwell-Boltzmann C110300300005 distribution of the product of cross section and C110300300006 velocity. C110300300007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The major source of uncertainty appears to C110300300008 be associated with the experimental cross sections. C110300300009 The assigned uncertainty for reaction rate C110300300010 determination is 20%. C110300300011 COMMENT Authors say that in their opinion the cs to higher C110300300012 levels of N-13 are negligible in the energy range C110300300013 considered and therefore they used the partial cs to C110300300014 the ground state to determine the (total) reaction C110300300015 rate. C110300300016 STATUS (DEP,C1103002) C110300300017 (TABLE) Table 2, page 65. C110300300018 ENDBIB 16 0 C110300300019 COMMON 1 3 C110300300020 DATA-ERR C110300300021 PER-CENT C110300300022 20.0 C110300300023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C110300300024 DATA 2 5 C110300300025 KT-K DATA C110300300026 K9 CM3/S/MOL C110300300027 3.0 2.34E-27 C110300300028 3.5 8.89E-26 C110300300029 4.0 1.38E-24 C110300300030 4.5 1.17E-23 C110300300031 5.0 6.44E-23 C110300300032 ENDDATA 7 0 C110300300033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 C110300399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C110399999999