ENTRY C1590 20171004 C168C159000000001 SUBENT C1590001 20171004 C168C159000100001 BIB 9 17 C159000100002 TITLE Production and separation of non-carrier-added C159000100003 86Y from enriched 86Sr targets C159000100004 AUTHOR (M.A.Avila-Rodriguez,J.A.Nye,R.J.Nickles) C159000100005 INSTITUTE (1USAWIS,1USAEMY) C159000100006 REFERENCE (J,ARI,66,9,2008) C159000100007 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAWIS) Low energy proton only cyclotron C159000100008 CTI RDS 112, 12 MeV, 20 muA. C159000100009 DETECTOR (HPGE) Radionuclidic composition and impurities C159000100010 determined using calibrated high purity Ge detector C159000100011 METHOD (CHSEP,ACTIV) C159000100012 SAMPLE SrCO3 sample isotopically enriched (97%) in 86Sr. C159000100013 8mm diameter (25-60mg) with height of C159000100014 100-300 micrometer, wraped in 15 micrometer Al foil C159000100015 (38-SR-86,ENR=0.97) C159000100016 HISTORY (20071119C) compiled by S.H. C159000100017 (20171003A) TS+On. Major revisions in 002. C159000100018 See also CP-D/933. C159000100019 ENDBIB 17 0 C159000100020 NOCOMMON 0 0 C159000100021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 C159000199999 SUBENT C1590002 20171004 C168C159000200001 BIB 5 7 C159000200002 REACTION (38-SR-CMP(P,X)39-Y-86,,TTY,,SAT) SrCO3 C159000200003 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-86-G,14.7HR) C159000200004 CRITIQUE By compiler: C159000200005 Explained as saturation yields in the table caption C159000200006 but as EOB yields in the table heading. C159000200007 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from Tab. 1 C159000200008 HISTORY (20171003A) TS+On. REACTION(SF1,SF8) revised. C159000200009 ENDBIB 7 0 C159000200010 COMMON 1 3 C159000200011 EN C159000200012 MEV C159000200013 11.0 C159000200014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C159000200015 DATA 2 5 C159000200016 THICKNESS DATA C159000200017 G/CM-SQ MCI/MUA C159000200018 0.05 20.2 C159000200019 0.07 20.0 C159000200020 0.078 23.1 C159000200021 0.108 26.7 C159000200022 0.117 27.4 C159000200023 ENDDATA 7 0 C159000200024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 C159000299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C159099999999