ENTRY C2914 20231113 C291400000001 SUBENT C2914001 20231113 20240816 C291400100001 BIB 10 30 C291400100002 TITLE Charge-asymmetry effects in the reaction 2H(4He,3He)3H C291400100003 AUTHOR (E.E.Gross,E.Newman,M.B.Greenfield,R.W.Rutkowski, C291400100004 W.J.Roberts, A.Zucker) C291400100005 INSTITUTE (1USAORL) C291400100006 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,5,602,1972) C291400100007 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.5.602 C291400100008 FACILITY (ISOCY,1USAORL) C291400100009 INC-SOURCE The beam was focused at the target position to a spot C291400100010 about 3 mm wide and 9 mm high with an angular C291400100011 divergence of +/-0.3 degrees. C291400100012 DETECTOR (TELES,SI,NAICR) A conventional deltaE-E telescope C291400100013 consisting of a 322-mu-m Si passing detector and a C291400100014 2-cm-thick NaI stopping detector for the 82.1-MeV C291400100015 alpha-beam data. A 3000-mu-m thick Si detector was C291400100016 used in place of the NaI for the 64.3- and 49.9-MeV C291400100017 alpha-beam data. The check run involving a 41.0-MeV C291400100018 deuteron beam incident upon a 4He target required the C291400100019 use of an 87-mu-m Si passing detector. The thinner C291400100020 detector was also required for angles greater than 70 C291400100021 degrees c.m. for the run with a 49.9-MeV alpha-beam. C291400100022 SAMPLE The target consisted of a 7.8-cm-diam gas cell with a C291400100023 2.5-mg/cm2 Be entrance window and a 2.l-mg/cm2 Havar C291400100024 exit foil. Most of the data were taken with the gas C291400100025 cell filled with 300 Torr of 99.9% enriched deuterium C291400100026 gas cooled to 77 K. Check runs were also made with C291400100027 the gas cell filled with 300 Torr of deuterium at 294 KC291400100028 and with 800 Torr of 99.9% helium at 77 K. C291400100029 (1-H-2,ENR=0.999) C291400100030 ADD-RES (POT) DWBA analysis. C291400100031 HISTORY (20230404C) OG C291400100032 ENDBIB 30 0 C291400100033 NOCOMMON 0 0 C291400100034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 C291400199999 SUBENT C2914002 20231113 20240816 C291400200001 BIB 3 5 C291400200002 REACTION (1-H-2(A,T)2-HE-3,,DA) C291400200003 ERR-ANALYS No information on source of uncertainties. Relative C291400200004 errors are smaller than the size of the points (about C291400200005 of 3%). C291400200006 STATUS (CURVE,,E.E.Gross+,J,PR/C,5,602,1972) Figs.1-3 C291400200007 ENDBIB 5 0 C291400200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 C291400200009 DATA 3 61 C291400200010 EN ANG-CM DATA-CM C291400200011 MEV ADEG MB/SR C291400200012 49.9 33.414 2.277E-01 C291400200013 49.9 38.538 2.672E-01 C291400200014 49.9 44.324 3.448E-01 C291400200015 49.9 50.116 4.357E-01 C291400200016 49.9 56.240 5.744E-01 C291400200017 49.9 62.380 7.183E-01 C291400200018 49.9 65.451 7.990E-01 C291400200019 49.9 69.560 8.797E-01 C291400200020 49.9 73.676 9.483E-01 C291400200021 49.9 76.751 1.044E+00 C291400200022 49.9 86.044 1.103E+00 C291400200023 49.9 91.906 1.105E+00 C291400200024 49.9 101.238 1.029E+00 C291400200025 49.9 104.360 9.667E-01 C291400200026 49.9 111.651 8.180E-01 C291400200027 49.9 115.475 7.368E-01 C291400200028 49.9 122.087 6.040E-01 C291400200029 49.9 128.372 4.646E-01 C291400200030 49.9 133.946 3.848E-01 C291400200031 64.3 35.634 1.013E+00 C291400200032 64.3 43.185 9.726E-01 C291400200033 64.3 47.318 8.951E-01 C291400200034 64.3 51.103 8.411E-01 C291400200035 64.3 54.905 7.345E-01 C291400200036 64.3 59.035 6.831E-01 C291400200037 64.3 63.161 6.487E-01 C291400200038 64.3 67.934 7.288E-01 C291400200039 64.3 72.673 9.583E-01 C291400200040 64.3 77.398 1.342E+00 C291400200041 64.3 83.522 1.657E+00 C291400200042 64.3 88.972 1.942E+00 C291400200043 64.3 92.743 1.943E+00 C291400200044 64.3 97.902 1.808E+00 C291400200045 64.3 102.743 1.498E+00 C291400200046 64.3 108.294 1.118E+00 C291400200047 64.3 112.817 8.344E-01 C291400200048 64.3 117.315 6.915E-01 C291400200049 64.3 122.117 6.849E-01 C291400200050 64.3 125.881 7.074E-01 C291400200051 64.3 129.974 7.781E-01 C291400200052 64.3 134.074 8.293E-01 C291400200053 64.3 137.834 8.747E-01 C291400200054 64.3 145.373 8.853E-01 C291400200055 82.1 32.162 1.122E+00 C291400200056 82.1 38.533 1.877E+00 C291400200057 82.1 44.909 2.310E+00 C291400200058 82.1 51.999 1.682E+00 C291400200059 82.1 58.738 9.953E-01 C291400200060 82.1 65.833 5.514E-01 C291400200061 82.1 73.619 1.075E+00 C291400200062 82.1 81.760 2.095E+00 C291400200063 82.1 87.781 2.694E+00 C291400200064 82.1 93.805 2.636E+00 C291400200065 82.1 100.185 2.165E+00 C291400200066 82.1 108.698 1.099E+00 C291400200067 82.1 116.857 5.223E-01 C291400200068 82.1 123.582 8.831E-01 C291400200069 82.1 130.307 1.543E+00 C291400200070 82.1 136.682 2.073E+00 C291400200071 82.1 143.416 1.722E+00 C291400200072 82.1 149.800 1.076E+00 C291400200073 ENDDATA 63 0 C291400200074 ENDSUBENT 73 0 C291400299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C291499999999