ENTRY D4051 20060731 D048D405100000001 SUBENT D4051001 20060731 D048D405100100001 BIB 13 48 D405100100002 TITLE Formation of high spin isomers Fe-52-m and Fe-53-m in D405100100003 He-3 particle induced nuclear reactions on Cr-52 D405100100004 AUTHOR (A.Fessler, S.M.Qaim) D405100100005 INSTITUTE (2GERJUL) D405100100006 REFERENCE (J,RCA,72,121,1996) main reference D405100100007 (J,ARI,25,535,1974),experimental details by R.WeinreichD405100100008 (J,ARI,31,223,1980),experimental details by R.WeinreichD405100100009 (J,RCA,57,1,1992) experimental details by H.Piel et al.D405100100010 (J,RCA,65,207,1994) details of sample preparation D405100100011 and data-err analysis by A.Fessler et al. D405100100012 FACILITY (CYCLO,2GERJUL), CV 28 cyclotron Juelich D405100100013 SAMPLE Cr was deposited electrolytically on Au(10micron) foilsD405100100014 with thickness of 10 - 20 mg/cm2. Chemical purity was D405100100015 checked by atomic absorption spectrometry (97+-3%) D405100100016 25 samples were prepared D405100100017 100 and 250 micron thick Al and 20 micron Ti foils wereD405100100018 used as monitor and energy degrader foils supplied by D405100100019 Goodfellow. (Purity 99.9%) D405100100020 METHOD (ACTIV,EXTB,STTA,GSPEC,CHSEP) D405100100021 excitation function was measured via the D405100100022 activation technique using stacked foil targets. D405100100023 several stacks, each containing 1 electroplated Cr D405100100024 sample and some Ti foils were irradiated for 1-5 min D405100100025 at low 50-300 Na beam of He-3 particles. D405100100026 the beam current was determined using faraday cup as D405100100027 well as via the nat-Ti(He-3,x)V-48 monitor reaction. D405100100028 the two values were in 5 % agreement. Al foils were D405100100029 used to decrease the primary beam energy. The energy D405100100030 degradation was calculated according to williamson D405100100031 et Al. (Tables of range and stopping power of chemical D405100100032 elements for charged particles of energy 0.5 To 500 MeVD405100100033 ,rapport CEA-R-3042 1966). Chemical separation was D405100100034 applied to measure the short lived Fe-52-m isotope. D405100100035 the usual gamma-spectrometry was applied to measure theD405100100036 radioactivity. D405100100037 nuclear data were taken from E. Browne,R.B.Firestone, D405100100038 Table of radioactive isotopes, ed. V.S.Shirley, D405100100039 Wiley, 1986, New York. D405100100040 MONITOR (22-TI-0(HE3,X)23-V-48,,SIG) D405100100041 MONIT-REF (,R.WEINREICH+,J,ARI,31,223,1980) D405100100042 DETECTOR (HPGE) D405100100043 ANALYSIS (AREA) D405100100044 STATUS (TABLE) data were taken from table 1.of Radiochim.Acta D405100100045 vol. 72., pp. 121-125, 1996. D405100100046 (APRVD) approved by S. Takacs 29/11/96. D405100100047 HISTORY (19961026C) D405100100048 (19961129U) D405100100049 (20060730A) BIB section upgrated D405100100050 ENDBIB 48 0 D405100100051 NOCOMMON 0 0 D405100100052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 D405100199999 SUBENT D4051002 20060731 D048D405100200001 BIB 4 14 D405100200002 REACTION 1(24-CR-0(HE3,X)26-FE-52-M,IND,SIG) D405100200003 2(24-CR-0(HE3,X)26-FE-53-M,IND,SIG) D405100200004 RAD-DET 1(26-FE-52-M,DG) D405100200005 2(26-FE-53-M,DG) D405100200006 DECAY-DATA1(26-FE-52-M,45.9SEC,DG,929.,1.0) D405100200007 2(26-FE-53-M,2.58MIN,DG,701.17,0.986, D405100200008 DG,1011.,0.85, D405100200009 DG,1328.,0.86) D405100200010 ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) see last reference in subentry 001 D405100200011 (ERR-T) details in A.Fessler+,J,RCA,65,207,94 D405100200012 -counting statistics for Fe-52m 15% D405100200013 -peak area analysis 15% D405100200014 the uncertainty in cross section varies from 25% to D405100200015 50% with decreasind projectile energy. D405100200016 ENDBIB 14 0 D405100200017 NOCOMMON 0 0 D405100200018 DATA 6 17 D405100200019 EN EN-ERR DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2D405100200020 MEV MEV MB MB MB MB D405100200021 35.3 0.86 1.8 0.35D405100200022 34.2 0.90 0.24 0.06 D405100200023 32.6 0.29 2.4 0.45D405100200024 32.5 0.41 0.24 0.06 D405100200025 31.1 0.50 2.6 0.50D405100200026 30.8 0.24 0.15 0.05 D405100200027 29.5 0.60 3.0 0.55D405100200028 29.2 0.35 0.08 0.04 D405100200029 26.8 0.41 3.5 0.60D405100200030 25.4 0.20 5.0 0.75D405100200031 21.3 0.50 6.6 1.00D405100200032 20.5 0.29 6.0 0.80D405100200033 18.3 0.35 5.0 0.70D405100200034 16.0 0.41 4.5 0.70D405100200035 15.4 0.24 3.2 0.65D405100200036 12.5 0.29 1.9 0.40D405100200037 11.7 0.35 0.4 0.10D405100200038 ENDDATA 19 0 D405100200039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 D405100299999 SUBENT D4051003 20060731 D048D405100300001 BIB 6 16 D405100300002 REACTION 1(24-CR-0(HE3,X)26-FE-52-M/T,,SIG/RAT) D405100300003 2(24-CR-0(HE3,X)26-FE-53-M/T,,SIG/RAT) D405100300004 RAD-DET 1(26-FE-52-M,DG) D405100300005 2(26-FE-53-M,DG) D405100300006 (26-FE-53-G,DG) D405100300007 DECAY-DATA1(26-FE-52-M,45.9SEC,DG,929.,1.0) D405100300008 2(26-FE-53-M,2.58MIN,DG,701.17,0.986, D405100300009 DG,1011.,0.85, D405100300010 DG,1328.,0.86) D405100300011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) see last reference in subentry 001. D405100300012 (EN-ERR) see last reference in subentry 001. D405100300013 COMMENT in calculation of the isomeric cross section ratio for D405100300014 the Fe-52m,g pair the cross section for Fe-52g D405100300015 formation was taken from the work of A.Fessler et al. D405100300016 Rad. Chim. Acta. 65,207,1994. D405100300017 REL-REF (R,D4013001,A.FESSLER+,J,RCA,65,207,1994) D405100300018 ENDBIB 16 0 D405100300019 NOCOMMON 0 0 D405100300020 DATA 6 14 D405100300021 EN EN-ERR DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2D405100300022 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM D405100300023 35.3 0.86 0.11 0.020D405100300024 34.2 0.90 0.048 0.014 D405100300025 32.6 0.29 0.12 0.020D405100300026 32.5 0.41 0.048 0.014 D405100300027 31.1 0.50 0.13 0.020D405100300028 30.8 0.24 0.036 0.012 D405100300029 29.5 0.60 0.13 0.020D405100300030 29.2 0.35 0.022 0.011 D405100300031 25.4 0.20 0.12 0.020D405100300032 21.3 0.50 0.11 0.020D405100300033 21.1 0.60 0.09 0.015D405100300034 18.3 0.35 0.07 0.012D405100300035 15.4 0.24 0.07 0.010D405100300036 12.5 0.29 0.04 0.008D405100300037 ENDDATA 16 0 D405100300038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 D405100399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 D405199999999