ENTRY E1138 20080131 E051E113800000001 SUBENT E1138001 20080131 E051E113800100001 BIB 12 26 E113800100002 TITLE Measurement of the depolarization parameter K(y',y) in E113800100003 p-2H elastic scattering at Ep=65 MeV E113800100004 AUTHOR (M.Nakamura, H.Sakaguchi, H.Ogawa, M.Yosoi, T.Ichihara,E113800100005 N.Isshiki, M.Ieiri, Y.Takeuchi, P.Schwandt, E113800100006 S.Kobayashi, H.Sakamoto, T.Noro, H.Ikegami) E113800100007 INSTITUTE (2JPNKTO) Department of Physics E113800100008 (2JPNTSU) Institute of Physics E113800100009 (2JPNOSA) Research Center for Nuclear Physics E113800100010 REFERENCE (J,PL/B,188,(1),21,198704) E113800100011 Main reference. See also TITLE and AUTHOR. E113800100012 (J,MSK/A,37,(3),36,1989) M.Nakamura, Numerical data E113800100013 PART-DET (P) E113800100014 INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 200 nA. E113800100015 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is CD2. E113800100016 - Physical-form of target is solid. E113800100017 - Target-thickness is 18.7 mg/cm**2. E113800100018 - Target is self supported. E113800100019 METHOD (DSCAT) Second scattering by carbon foils E113800100020 FACILITY (CYCLO,2JPNOSA) Research Center for Nuclear Physics E113800100021 DETECTOR Solid angle of detector is 2.1 msr. E113800100022 (MAGSP,MWPC) To momentum analyze and detect scattered E113800100023 proton E113800100024 (MWDC,SCIN) To detect double scattered protons E113800100025 (Polarimeter MUSASHI) E113800100026 ADD-RES (COMP) Faddeev method E113800100027 HISTORY (20070319T) On. Converted from NRDF D1138 E113800100028 ENDBIB 26 0 E113800100029 COMMON 2 3 E113800100030 EN E-RSL E113800100031 MEV KEV E113800100032 65. 90. E113800100033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E113800100034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 E113800199999 SUBENT E1138002 20080131 E051E113800200001 BIB 4 6 E113800200002 REACTION (1-H-2(P,EL)1-H-2,NN,POL/DA,,D) E113800200003 EN-SEC ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and proton in E113800200004 center of mass system E113800200005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E113800200006 STATUS (TABLE) Data (Fig.3, p24 in main reference) taken from E113800200007 Table 6, p59 in MSK/A E113800200008 ENDBIB 6 0 E113800200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 E113800200010 DATA 3 6 E113800200011 ANG-CM DATA DATA-ERR E113800200012 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM E113800200013 22.8 0.9085 0.0342 E113800200014 28.8 0.9149 0.0064 E113800200015 34.8 0.8879 0.0211 E113800200016 41.4 0.8563 0.0199 E113800200017 46.6 0.8563 0.0199 E113800200018 52.4 0.8185 0.0159 E113800200019 ENDDATA 8 0 E113800200020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 E113800299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 E113899999999