ENTRY F0099 20200424 F076F009900000001 SUBENT F0099001 20200424 F076F009900100001 BIB 9 17 F009900100002 TITLE Neutron-gamma angular correlation studies from the F009900100003 reaction 9Be(d,ngamma)10B F009900100004 AUTHOR (J.B.Garg,N.H.Gale,J.M.Calvert) F009900100005 INSTITUTE (2UK MAN) F009900100006 REFERENCE (J,NP,37,319,1962) F009900100007 SAMPLE The target was a Bradner foil of beryllium about F009900100008 300 mu-g/cm2 thick supported on the a gold backing of F009900100009 sufficient thickness F009900100010 METHOD (TOF) F009900100011 FACILITY (CYCLO,2UK MAN) F009900100012 DETECTOR (NAICR,SCIN) Time-of-flight spectrometer consisting of F009900100013 a NaI scintillator for the detection gamma-rays and F009900100014 liquid scintillator for the detection of neutrons. F009900100015 HISTORY (19840503C) F009900100016 (19971212A) Modified the record REACTION in SANs F009900100017 (19990407A) CNPD: corrected 4-dig. year F009900100018 (20200424A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. F009900100019 ENDBIB 17 0 F009900100020 NOCOMMON 0 0 F009900100021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 F009900199999 SUBENT F0099002 20200424 F076F009900200001 BIB 4 8 F009900200002 REACTION (4-BE-9(D,N)5-B-10,PAR,DA,,REL) F009900200003 No explanation of relative units is given F009900200004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) From graphic bars (statistical) F009900200005 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 5 from Nucl.Phys.,37(1962)319 F009900200006 HISTORY (19990507U) Reaction code corrected. F009900200007 (20200424A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. F009900200008 EN-SEC deleted. ANG-ERR -> ANG-ERR-D. ERR-ANALYS, F009900200009 STATUS updated. DATA-ERR -> ERR-S. F009900200010 ENDBIB 8 0 F009900200011 COMMON 3 3 F009900200012 EN EN-ERR ANG-ERR-D F009900200013 MEV PER-CENT ADEG F009900200014 3.3 2.0 0.6 F009900200015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F009900200016 DATA 4 19 F009900200017 E-LVL ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR F009900200018 MEV ADEG ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS F009900200019 3.58 4.7 0.897 0.059 F009900200020 3.58 23.3 1.081 0.085 F009900200021 3.58 28.3 1.088 0.076 F009900200022 3.58 38.3 1.069 0.068 F009900200023 3.58 48.0 0.932 0.059 F009900200024 3.58 60.3 0.820 0.059 F009900200025 3.58 70.1 0.691 0.051 F009900200026 3.58 81.4 0.477 0.042 F009900200027 3.58 102.1 0.440 0.085 F009900200028 3.58 118.7 0.394 0.059 F009900200029 3.58 130.9 0.257 0.042 F009900200030 3.58 157.5 0.210 0.025 F009900200031 5.16 5.2 0.746 0.059 F009900200032 5.16 27.2 0.994 0.050 F009900200033 5.16 48.4 0.746 0.050 F009900200034 5.16 69.3 0.330 0.050 F009900200035 5.16 99.0 0.174 0.042 F009900200036 5.16 114.7 0.145 0.042 F009900200037 5.16 138.8 0.107 0.050 F009900200038 ENDDATA 21 0 F009900200039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 F009900299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 F009999999999