ENTRY F0108 20200504 F077F010800000001 SUBENT F0108001 20200504 F077F010800100001 BIB 9 14 F010800100002 TITLE The 5.11 and 5.16 MeV levels of 10B F010800100003 AUTHOR (P.J.Riley,D.W.Braben,G.C.Neilson) F010800100004 INSTITUTE (1CANALA) F010800100005 REFERENCE (J,NP,47,150,1963) F010800100006 FACILITY (VDG,1CANALA) 2 MeV in conjunction with a fast neutron F010800100007 time-of-flight spectrometer. F010800100008 SAMPLE Target were prepared by evaporating by beryllium metal F010800100009 onto platinum sheet, containing 50mu-g/cm2 of berylliumF010800100010 METHOD (TOF) Flight path of 2 m F010800100011 DETECTOR (SOLST) The gamma radiation was detected in a 7.6cm by F010800100012 7.6cm NE102 phosphor. F010800100013 HISTORY (19821116C) F010800100014 (19990407U) CNPD: corrected 4-dig. year and lower casesF010800100015 (20200504A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. F010800100016 ENDBIB 14 0 F010800100017 NOCOMMON 0 0 F010800100018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 F010800199999 SUBENT F0108002 20200504 F077F010800200001 BIB 4 7 F010800200002 REACTION (4-BE-9(D,N)5-B-10,PAR,DA,,REL) F010800200003 No explanation of relative units is given F010800200004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) From graphic bars (statistical) F010800200005 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 4 from Nucl.Phys.,47(1963)150 F010800200006 HISTORY (20200504A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. F010800200007 ANG-ERR -> ANG-ERR-D. EN-SEC deleted. ERR-ANALYS, F010800200008 STATUS updated. DATA-ERR -> ERR-S. F010800200009 ENDBIB 7 0 F010800200010 COMMON 2 3 F010800200011 EN ANG-ERR-D F010800200012 MEV ADEG F010800200013 1.9 0.5 F010800200014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F010800200015 DATA 4 24 F010800200016 E-LVL ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S F010800200017 MEV ADEG ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS F010800200018 5.11 0.0 27.37 1.25 F010800200019 5.11 6.7 25.70 1.11 F010800200020 5.11 12.0 22.65 1.11 F010800200021 5.11 17.9 17.52 1.24 F010800200022 5.11 24.0 15.85 0.97 F010800200023 5.11 29.9 10.31 0.97 F010800200024 5.11 36.3 7.95 1.11 F010800200025 5.11 41.9 4.90 1.24 F010800200026 5.11 46.6 4.48 0.97 F010800200027 5.11 53.6 3.50 1.11 F010800200028 5.11 58.3 1.69 1.38 F010800200029 5.11 70.3 2.50 1.11 F010800200030 5.16 0.1 14.99 1.11 F010800200031 5.16 6.0 14.70 1.11 F010800200032 5.16 11.8 15.53 1.11 F010800200033 5.16 18.3 15.52 1.53 F010800200034 5.16 24.1 14.81 1.67 F010800200035 5.16 30.0 15.22 1.95 F010800200036 5.16 36.1 13.82 1.95 F010800200037 5.16 42.0 10.48 1.53 F010800200038 5.16 47.8 10.89 1.94 F010800200039 5.16 53.2 5.18 2.22 F010800200040 5.16 59.0 11.56 2.08 F010800200041 5.16 70.2 9.18 2.64 F010800200042 ENDDATA 26 0 F010800200043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 F010800299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 F010899999999