ENTRY F1101 20180913 F069F110100000001 SUBENT F1101001 20180913 F069F110100100001 BIB 7 11 F110100100002 TITLE Interaction of deuterons with O-16 and Ni-58. F110100100003 AUTHOR (S.Mayo,J.E.Testoni) F110100100004 INSTITUTE (3ARGCNE) F110100100005 REFERENCE (J,NP,36,615,1962) F110100100006 #doi:10.1016/0029-5582(62)90487-X F110100100007 FACILITY (SYNCY,3ARGCNE) F110100100008 METHOD (BCINT) F110100100009 (PHD) F110100100010 HISTORY (20101207C) F110100100011 (20180913U) SD: Small corrections in all Subents. F110100100012 ERR-ANALYS updated in Subents 002,003. F110100100013 ENDBIB 11 0 F110100100014 NOCOMMON 0 0 F110100100015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 F110100199999 SUBENT F1101002 20180913 F069F110100200001 BIB 7 18 F110100200002 REACTION (8-O-16(D,EL)8-O-16,,DA,,RTH) F110100200003 DETECTOR (TELES,CSICR) The detecting system consisted of a F110100200004 telescope formed by a vertical slip 4 mm wide and a F110100200005 circular back aperture 4 mm in diameter spaced 150 mm F110100200006 apart from the slit together with a 5 mm thick CsI(Tl) F110100200007 scintillation crystal mounted on a 6097B-EMI F110100200008 photomultiplier tube. F110100200009 SAMPLE An oxygen gaseous target was used. The gas target F110100200010 chamber consisted of a thin polyethylene bag filled F110100200011 up to a pressure of 4 mm of mercury over the F110100200012 atmospheric pressure with commercially pure oxygen. F110100200013 INC-SPECT Energy resolution was 2.5 to 3%. F110100200014 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error ranged from 5 to 50% including F110100200015 those arising from background subtraction F110100200016 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.1 from Nucl.Phys.36(1962)615 F110100200017 HISTORY (20180913U) SD: METHOD moved to Subent 001. Error rangeF110100200018 from DATA-ERR in ERR-ANALYS deleted. COMMENT deleted F110100200019 (info moved to INC-SPECT). F110100200020 ENDBIB 18 0 F110100200021 COMMON 3 3 F110100200022 EN ANG-ERR-D ERR-DIG F110100200023 MEV ADEG PER-CENT F110100200024 26.3 0.1661 0.0057 F110100200025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F110100200026 DATA 3 20 F110100200027 ANG-CM DATA DATA-ERR F110100200028 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM F110100200029 10.918 4.9951 0.24753 F110100200030 16.958 6.3882 0.31707 F110100200031 22.324 6.3733 0.31633 F110100200032 27.942 2.7935 0.10481 F110100200033 33.91 0.69415 3.029E-02 F110100200034 39.321 2.0469 0.11428 F110100200035 45.593 1.7855 0.13148 F110100200036 50.683 1.4344 7.986E-02 F110100200037 55.65 3.6303 0.15842 F110100200038 61.002 9.2453 0.40417 F110100200039 66.031 10.347 0.7014 F110100200040 71.198 10.128 0.56464 F110100200041 76.936 9.7857 0.60503 F110100200042 87.759 12.252 0.75657 F110100200043 92.48 16.604 1.0227 F110100200044 97.185 21.657 1.5947 F110100200045 102.31 19.144 0.95017 F110100200046 106.64 15.681 1.5216 F110100200047 116.6 5.7388 0.5237 F110100200048 131.11 12.979 1.9821 F110100200049 ENDDATA 22 0 F110100200050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 F110100299999 SUBENT F1101003 20180913 F069F110100300001 BIB 6 12 F110100300002 REACTION (28-NI-58(D,EL)28-NI-58,,DA,,RTH) F110100300003 DETECTOR (SCIN) The detecting system consisted of an F110100300004 anthracene scintillation crystal thick enough to stop F110100300005 the proton group mounted on a 6079B -EMI F110100300006 photomultiplier tube; the solid angle of detection F110100300007 was 1.92*10**(-4) sr. F110100300008 SAMPLE (28-NI-58,ENR=0.9998) A 99.98% enriched Ni-58 foil. F110100300009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total error ranged from 4 to 35% F110100300010 including those arising from background subtraction F110100300011 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.1 from Nucl.Phys.36(1962)615 F110100300012 HISTORY (20180913U) SD: METHOD moved to Subent 001. Error rangeF110100300013 from DATA-ERR in ERR-ANALYS deleted. F110100300014 ENDBIB 12 0 F110100300015 COMMON 3 3 F110100300016 EN ANG-ERR-D ERR-DIG F110100300017 MEV ADEG PER-CENT F110100300018 27.5 0.1427 0.0126 F110100300019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F110100300020 DATA 3 23 F110100300021 ANG-CM DATA DATA-ERR F110100300022 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM F110100300023 14.839 0.59397 2.618E-02 F110100300024 20.333 0.29695 2.031E-02 F110100300025 25.009 0.45275 1.995E-02 F110100300026 30.93 0.32667 1.64E-02 F110100300027 35.649 8.861E-02 4.989E-03 F110100300028 41.249 0.31396 1.572E-02 F110100300029 46.313 0.48164 2.418E-02 F110100300030 51.807 0.24079 1.209E-02 F110100300031 57.091 3.541E-02 3.255E-03 F110100300032 61.683 0.15628 3.931E-03 F110100300033 66.617 0.26409 1.49E-02 F110100300034 71.576 0.18945 1.409E-02 F110100300035 77.131 5.73E-02 4.94E-03 F110100300036 81.813 6.538E-02 6.401E-03 F110100300037 87.355 0.11628 9.337E-03 F110100300038 91.862 0.13615 7.684E-03 F110100300039 97.207 0.13218 9.038E-03 F110100300040 101.91 0.11506 7.175E-03 F110100300041 107.28 6.46E-02 5.561E-03 F110100300042 112.05 3.424E-02 3.348E-03 F110100300043 121.63 8.434E-02 5.27E-03 F110100300044 131.53 0.10357 1.014E-02 F110100300045 141.24 0.16998 1.365E-02 F110100300046 ENDDATA 25 0 F110100300047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 F110100399999 SUBENT F1101004 20180913 F069F110100400001 BIB 6 11 F110100400002 REACTION (28-NI-58(D,INL)28-NI-58,PAR,DA) F110100400003 DETECTOR (SCIN) The detecting system consisted of an F110100400004 anthracene scintillation crystal thick enough to stop F110100400005 the proton group mounted on a 6079B -EMI F110100400006 photomultiplier tube; the solid angle of detection F110100400007 was 1.92*10**(-4) sr. F110100400008 SAMPLE (28-NI-58,ENR=0.9998) A 99.98% enriched Ni-58 foil. F110100400009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Relative errors F110100400010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.2 from Nucl.Phys.36(1962)615 F110100400011 HISTORY (20180913U) SD: METHOD moved to Subent 001. STATUS, F110100400012 SAMPLE updated. F110100400013 ENDBIB 11 0 F110100400014 COMMON 4 3 F110100400015 EN E-LVL ANG-ERR-D ERR-DIG F110100400016 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR F110100400017 27.5 1.45 0.3678 0.0566 F110100400018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F110100400019 DATA 3 18 F110100400020 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR F110100400021 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR F110100400022 14.159 17.621 1.6383 F110100400023 18.978 13.354 0.9696 F110100400024 24.891 6.0604 0.65197 F110100400025 29.793 5.0033 0.46808 F110100400026 35.066 6.5874 0.68541 F110100400027 40.192 4.1425 0.4848 F110100400028 45.889 2.6334 0.33435 F110100400029 50.452 1.493 0.18389 F110100400030 60.901 1.2674 0.15046 F110100400031 65.871 1.0963 0.13374 F110100400032 70.668 0.82506 0.11702 F110100400033 76.617 0.41915 0.13368 F110100400034 81.43 0.36521 0.1171 F110100400035 86.733 0.19386 0.13376 F110100400036 92.067 0.42373 0.15043 F110100400037 96.705 0.2529 0.1336 F110100400038 102.18 0.11486 0.15041 F110100400039 106.82 7.777E-02 0.13365 F110100400040 ENDDATA 20 0 F110100400041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 F110100499999 SUBENT F1101005 20180913 F069F110100500001 BIB 6 11 F110100500002 REACTION (28-NI-58(D,P)28-NI-59,PAR,DA) F110100500003 DETECTOR (SCIN) The detecting system consisted of an F110100500004 anthracene scintillation crystal thick enough to stop F110100500005 the proton group mounted on a 6079B -EMI F110100500006 photomultiplier tube; the solid angle of detection F110100500007 was 1.92*10**(-4) sr. F110100500008 SAMPLE (28-NI-58,ENR=0.9998) A 99.98% enriched Ni-58 foil. F110100500009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Relative errors F110100500010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.3 from Nucl.Phys.36(1962)615 F110100500011 HISTORY (20180913U) SD: METHOD moved to Subent 001. STATUS, F110100500012 SAMPLE updated. F110100500013 ENDBIB 11 0 F110100500014 COMMON 4 3 F110100500015 EN E-LVL ANG-ERR-D ERR-DIG F110100500016 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR F110100500017 27.5 0. 0.1805 0.0064 F110100500018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F110100500019 DATA 3 19 F110100500020 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR F110100500021 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR F110100500022 9.6494 12.163 0.56962 F110100500023 9.6653 13.466 0.67089 F110100500024 14.587 7.7063 0.41772 F110100500025 19.9 3.2753 0.18987 F110100500026 19.902 3.4652 0.21519 F110100500027 25.138 3.0088 0.16456 F110100500028 25.142 3.2746 0.20253 F110100500029 30.126 2.6411 0.17721 F110100500030 30.252 2.7297 0.1519 F110100500031 31.857 1.3244 F110100500032 35.229 1.4885 0.12658 F110100500033 40.338 0.79169 F110100500034 45.329 0.71511 F110100500035 50.444 0.58789 F110100500036 55.559 0.38471 F110100500037 60.675 0.33344 F110100500038 70.659 0.26889 F110100500039 81.015 6.506E-02 F110100500040 91.124 1.316E-02 F110100500041 ENDDATA 21 0 F110100500042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 F110100599999 SUBENT F1101006 20180913 F069F110100600001 BIB 7 16 F110100600002 REACTION (8-O-16(D,P)8-O-17,PAR,DA) F110100600003 DETECTOR (TELES,CSICR) The detecting system consisted of a F110100600004 telescope formed by a vertical slip 4 mm wide and a F110100600005 circular back aperture 4 mm in diameter spaced 150 mm F110100600006 apart from the slit together with a 5 mm thick CsI(Tl) F110100600007 scintillation crystal mounted on a 6097B-EMI F110100600008 photomultiplier tube. F110100600009 SAMPLE An oxygen gaseous target was used. The gas target F110100600010 chamber consisted of a thin polyethylene bag filled F110100600011 up to a pressure of 4 mm of mercury over the F110100600012 atmospheric pressure with commercially pure oxygen. F110100600013 INC-SPECT Energy resolution was 2.5 to 3%. F110100600014 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Relative error F110100600015 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.4 from Nucl.Phys.36(1962)615 F110100600016 HISTORY (20180913U) SD: METHOD moved to Subent 001. STATUS F110100600017 updated. COMMENT deleted (info moved to INC-SPECT). F110100600018 ENDBIB 16 0 F110100600019 COMMON 4 3 F110100600020 EN E-LVL ANG-ERR-D ERR-DIG F110100600021 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR F110100600022 26.3 0. 0.2224 0.0549 F110100600023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F110100600024 DATA 3 13 F110100600025 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR F110100600026 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR F110100600027 10.009 48.569 1.7676 F110100600028 15.601 38.917 1.8182 F110100600029 21.193 29.366 1.2626 F110100600030 26.668 21.128 0.95958 F110100600031 32.133 11.375 0.75756 F110100600032 37.627 6.1171 0.60605 F110100600033 42.764 3.8896 0.45454 F110100600034 48.298 4.9445 0.40403 F110100600035 53.696 4.3329 0.45435 F110100600036 64.126 4.6756 0.40411 F110100600037 74.54 2.5942 0.4041 F110100600038 84.59 2.6343 0.40405 F110100600039 94.881 0.85601 0.40406 F110100600040 ENDDATA 15 0 F110100600041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 F110100699999 SUBENT F1101007 20180913 F069F110100700001 BIB 7 16 F110100700002 REACTION (8-O-16(D,P)8-O-17,PAR,DA) F110100700003 DETECTOR (TELES,CSICR) The detecting system consisted of a F110100700004 telescope formed by a vertical slip 4 mm wide and a F110100700005 circular back aperture 4 mm in diameter spaced 150 mm F110100700006 apart from the slit together with a 5 mm thick CsI(Tl) F110100700007 scintillation crystal mounted on a 6097B-EMI F110100700008 photomultiplier tube. F110100700009 SAMPLE An oxygen gaseous target was used. The gas target F110100700010 chamber consisted of a thin polyethylene bag filled F110100700011 up to a pressure of 4 mm of mercury over the F110100700012 atmospheric pressure with commercially pure oxygen. F110100700013 INC-SPECT Energy resolution was 2.5 to 3%. F110100700014 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Relative errors F110100700015 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.4 from Nucl.Phys.36(1962)615 F110100700016 HISTORY (20180913U) SD: METHOD moved to Subent 001. STATUS F110100700017 updated. COMMENT deleted (info moved to INC-SPECT). F110100700018 ENDBIB 16 0 F110100700019 COMMON 4 3 F110100700020 EN E-LVL ANG-ERR-D ERR-DIG F110100700021 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR F110100700022 26.3 0.872 0.1036 0.0102 F110100700023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F110100700024 DATA 3 13 F110100700025 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR F110100700026 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR F110100700027 11.09 10.52 0.2875 F110100700028 16.363 3.431 0.23851 F110100700029 21.659 1.2294 0.16252 F110100700030 27.089 3.4902 0.21245 F110100700031 32.523 5.9136 0.27503 F110100700032 37.59 4.412 0.1751 F110100700033 43.166 3.2479 0.2125 F110100700034 48.231 1.6713 0.12501 F110100700035 53.456 1.2572 0.1625 F110100700036 63.96 2.2666 0.15024 F110100700037 74.528 1.2509 0.16245 F110100700038 84.76 1.5103 0.1375 F110100700039 94.597 1.0698 0.22516 F110100700040 ENDDATA 15 0 F110100700041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 F110100799999 SUBENT F1101008 20180913 F069F110100800001 BIB 5 14 F110100800002 REACTION (8-O-16(D,EL)8-O-16,,DA) F110100800003 telescope formed by a vertical slip 4 mm wide and a F110100800004 circular back aperture 4 mm in diameter spaced 150 mm F110100800005 apart from the slit together with a 5 mm thick CsI(Tl) F110100800006 scintillation crystal mounted on a 6097B-EMI F110100800007 photomultiplier tube. F110100800008 SAMPLE An oxygen gaseous target was used. The gas target F110100800009 chamber consisted of a thin polyethylene bag filled F110100800010 up to a pressure of 4 mm of mercury over the F110100800011 atmospheric pressure with commercially pure oxygen. F110100800012 INC-SPECT Energy resolution was 2.5 to 3%. F110100800013 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.1 from Nucl.Phys.36(1962)615 F110100800014 HISTORY (20180913U) SD: METHOD moved to Subent 001. STATUS F110100800015 updated. COMMENT deleted (info moved to INC-SPECT). F110100800016 ENDBIB 14 0 F110100800017 COMMON 1 3 F110100800018 EN F110100800019 MEV F110100800020 26.3 F110100800021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F110100800022 DATA 2 21 F110100800023 ANG-CM DATA-CM F110100800024 ADEG MB/SR F110100800025 11.24 5.142E+03 F110100800026 16.85 1.954E+03 F110100800027 22.45 674. F110100800028 28.03 121. F110100800029 33.58 15.1 F110100800030 39.11 25.2 F110100800031 44.61 13.3 F110100800032 50.07 6.8 F110100800033 55.49 11.8 F110100800034 60.88 20.8 F110100800035 66.21 17.8 F110100800036 71.5 13.4 F110100800037 76.75 10.2 F110100800038 81.93 7.5 F110100800039 87.07 8.4 F110100800040 92.15 9.3 F110100800041 97.18 10.6 F110100800042 102.15 8. F110100800043 107.07 5.8 F110100800044 116.75 1.7 F110100800045 130.88 2.9 F110100800046 ENDDATA 23 0 F110100800047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 F110100899999 SUBENT F1101009 20180913 F069F110100900001 BIB 5 10 F110100900002 REACTION (28-NI-58(D,EL)28-NI-58,,DA) F110100900003 DETECTOR (SCIN) The detecting system consisted of an F110100900004 anthracene scintillation crystal thick enough to stop F110100900005 the proton group mounted on a 6079B -EMI F110100900006 photomultiplier tube; the solid angle of detection F110100900007 was 1.92*10**(-4) sr. F110100900008 SAMPLE (28-NI-58,ENR=0.9998) A 99.98% enriched Ni-58 foil. F110100900009 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.1 from Nucl.Phys.36(1962)615 F110100900010 HISTORY (20180913U) SD: METHOD moved to Subent 001. F110100900011 STATUS, SAMPLE updated. F110100900012 ENDBIB 10 0 F110100900013 COMMON 1 3 F110100900014 EN F110100900015 MEV F110100900016 27.5 F110100900017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F110100900018 DATA 2 24 F110100900019 ANG-CM DATA-CM F110100900020 ADEG MB/SR F110100900021 10.3 1.422E+04 F110100900022 15.5 2.616E+03 F110100900023 20.67 422. F110100900024 25.83 268. F110100900025 30.97 99.6 F110100900026 36.09 14.2 F110100900027 41.25 29.9 F110100900028 46.38 29.1 F110100900029 51.5 10.1 F110100900030 56.59 1.1 F110100900031 61.69 3.4 F110100900032 66.77 4.3 F110100900033 71.83 2.4 F110100900034 76.88 0.6 F110100900035 81.92 0.5 F110100900036 86.94 0.7 F110100900037 91.95 0.8 F110100900038 96.94 0.6 F110100900039 101.92 0.5 F110100900040 106.88 0.2 F110100900041 111.83 0.1 F110100900042 121.69 0.2 F110100900043 131.5 0.2 F110100900044 141.25 0.3 F110100900045 ENDDATA 26 0 F110100900046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 F110100999999 ENDENTRY 9 0 F110199999999