Jump: [TOP] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] [D0]
1)採録・チェック・査読 (Compiler. Checker. Review) 済:採録/チェック/査読が一通り済んだ 了:査読の結果が反映され確認された。 (従って「了」は3者に同時につけられる) |
2)グラフ (Graph) 請:著者に請求中 生:著者から数値入手 礼:著者礼状作成済 ◯:リード済み 無:論文に掲載 |
3)変換 (Convert) 整数:出版後月数 了:Trans(最終版)送信済み |
■Progress ■Urgent ■Delayed ■Prelim ■Converted ■Retroactive ■Duplication |
D/E | Reference | Title | Compiler | Checker | Read Data | Convert | Out | Comments | ||
D2800 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
2803 | EPJ/CS239(2020)20006 | Isotope-production cross sections of residual nuclei in proton- and deuteron-induced reactions on 93Zr at 50 MeV/u | Obata | All | 52 | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2802 | PR/C110(2024)064601 | Investigation of entrance-channel barrier distribution and charged-particle emission in the 51V+159Tb reaction | All | 1 | N | E | [RIKEN] | |||
2801 | PL/B858(2024)139081 | Production of neutron-rich nuclei in the vicinity of 78Ni: Fragmentation reactions of unstable 81Ga and 82Ge beams | All | 3 | N | E | [RIKEN] | |||
D2700 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
2800 | PR/C110(2024)044611 | Inclusive 7Be production cross section in the 8B+208Pb system at the Coulomb barrier | All | 3 | N | E | [RIKEN] | |||
2799 | PR/C110(2024)044314 | Optical model potentials for deuteron scattering off 24Mg, 28Si, 58Ni, 90Zr, 116Sn, and 208Pb at ≈100 MeV/nucleon | Suzuki | All | 3 | N | E | |||
2798 | NIM/B559(2025)165579 | Activation cross sections of 7Li-induced reactions on natTi: Implications for monitor reactions | Aikawa (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E151) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2797 | PTEP2024(2024)093D03 | Production Cross-Sections of Residual Nuclides from 93Zr + p at 27 MeV/nucleon | Obata | All | 4 | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2796 | PRL133(2024)012501 | Precise Spectroscopy of the 3n and 3p Systems via the 3H(t,3He)3n and 3He(3He,t)3p Reactions at Intermediate Energies | Suzuki (finished) | All (finished) | 6 | N | E | |||
2795 | PR/C110(2024)014619 | Photoneutron cross section measurements on 208Pb in the giant dipole resonance region | Obata (finished) | All (finished) | 6 | N | E | [K entry] | ||
2794 | PR/C110(2024)014607 | Investigation of total reaction cross sections for proton-dripline nuclei 17F and 17Ne on a proton target | Suzuki (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E151) | N | E | ||
2793 | RPC226(2025)112272 | Activation cross-sections of proton-induced nuclear reactions on natural zinc in the energy range of 4–30 MeV | Otsuka (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E151) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2792 | ARI213(2024)111486 | Activation cross sections of alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural rhenium up to 50 MeV | Obata (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E151) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2791 | PL/B827(2022)136953 | A first glimpse at the shell structure beyond 54Ca: Spectroscopy of 55K, 55Ca, and 57Ca | Suzuki (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E151) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2790 | JRN333(2024)1479 | Production and chemical separation of 229Pa toward observation of γ rays of 229mTh | Obata (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E151) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2789 | EPJ/A60(2024)195 | Isomer production studied with simultaneous decay curve analysis for alpha-particle induced reactions on natural platinum up to 29 MeV | Nikaido (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E151) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2788 | PL/B855(2024)138828 | Spectroscopy of deeply bound orbitals in neutron-rich Ca isotopes | Suzuki (finished) | All (finished) | Obtained | (E151) | N | E | [RIKEN] Numerical data received on Dec. 25, 2024. | |
2787 | PR/C109(2024)054302 | 10C + α elastic scattering: A study of the proton-rich 14O nucleus and α clustering | Nikaido/Aikawa (finished) | All (finished) | Digitized | (E151) | N | E | [RIKEN] See erratum (PR/C110(2024)029903(E)). | |
2786 | PR/C109(2024)044602 | Giant dipole resonance photofission and photoneutron reactions in 238U and 232Th | Obata (finished) | All (finished) | To be requested | 9 | N | E | [K entry] | |
2785 | NIM/B554(2024)165441 | Activation cross sections of 7Li-induced reactions on natCu for monitor reactions | Aikawa (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E150) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2784 | NIM/B549(2024)165299 | Measurement of nuclide production cross sections for GeV-region proton-induced reactions on natMg, natSi, natFe, natCu, and natZn | Suzuki (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E151) | N | E | ||
2783 | PR/C109(2024)044313 | Production of new neutron-rich isotopes near the N = 60 isotones 92Ge and 93As by in-flight fission of a 345 MeV/nucleon 238U beam | Obata (finished) | All (finished) | Obtained | (E151) | N | E | [RIKEN] Numerical data received on June 19, 2024. | |
2782 | NIM/B552(2024)165348 | Excitation functions of the α-particle-induced reactions on natCr up to 50 MeV | Suzuki/Obata (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E148) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2781 | NIM/B550(2024)165315 | Activation cross sections of α-particle-induced reactions on scandium in the energy range of 22–51 MeV | Obata/Suzuki (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E145) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2780 | PR/C109(2024)014617 | Photoneutron emission cross sections for 13C | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | Obtained | 12 | N | E | [K entry] Numerical data received on July 2, 2024. | |
2779 | PRL131(2023)212501 | Validation of the 10Be Ground-State Molecular Structure Using 10Be(p,pα)6He Triple Differential Reaction Cross-Section Measurements | Suzuki/Obata (finished) | All (finished) | Obtained | (E148) | N | E | [RIKEN] Numerical data recieved on June 4, 2024. | |
2778 | PRL131(2023)242501 | Observation of the Exotic 0+2 Cluster State in 8He | Suzuki/Obata (finished) | All (finished) | Obtained | (E146) | N | E | [RIKEN] Numerical data received on June 26, 2024, and to be replaced. | |
2777 | JNST61(2024)261 | Experimental study of photoneutron spectra from tantalum, tungsten, and bismuth targets for 16.6 MeV polarized photons | Obata (finished) | All (finished) | To be requested | 11 | N | E | [K entry] | |
2776 | JNST61(2024)230 | Double-differential cross sections for charged particle emissions from α particle impinging on Al at 230 MeV/u | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | Obtained | (E146) | N | E | Numerical data received on June 17, 2024. | |
2775 | PL/B848(2024)138384 | Search for the 6α condensed state in 24Mg using the 12C+12C scattering | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | Obtained | (E146) | N | E | Numerical data recieved May 30, 2024. Additional data in the second reference (doctoral dissertation) should be compiled. | |
2774 | PTEP2023(2023)121D01 | Studying the impact of deuteron non-elastic breakup on 93Zr + d reaction cross sections measured at 28 MeV/nucleon | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | Obtained | (E142) | N | E | [RIKEN] Data received on 2024/3/14. | |
2773 | JAEA-C-2023-001(2024)80 | Measurement of heavy nuclide production cross-section for natPb irradiated with several GeV protons | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | Obtained | (E142) | N | E | Data received on 2024/2/25. | |
2772 | ARI206(2024)111221 | Alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural silver in the 10–50 MeV energy range: Production of 111In, 110mIn and 109Cd | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E142) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2771 | JPS/CP33(2021)011047 | Measurement of Nuclide Production Cross-Sections of natFe for 0.4–3.0 GeV Protons in J-PARC | Aikawa (finished) | All | Obtained | (E141) | N | E | ||
2770 | EPJ/CS239(2020)06004 | Measurement of nuclide production cross section for lead and bismuth with proton in energy range from 0.4 GeV to 3.0 GeV | Aikawa (finished) | All | Obtained | (E141) | N | E | ||
2769 | NIM/B545(2023)165153 | Measurement of nuclide production cross sections for proton-induced reactions on natTi and 93Nb at 0.8 and 3.0 GeV | Aikawa (finished) | All | Obtained | (E141) | N | E | ||
2768 | JAEA-Research 2021-014 | Measurement of Nuclide Production Cross-sections in High-energy Proton-induced Spallation Reactions at J-PARC | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E141) | N | E | ||
2767 | Varrenna(2003) | Multifragmentation Induced by Light Heavy-Ions with GeV Energy | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | To be digitized | 229 | N | E | See Memo CP-D/1095. | |
2766 | EPJ/A49(2013)98 | Fragmentation cross-section of 600 A MeV Si14+ ions in thick polyethylene target | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E142) | N | E | See Memo CP-D/1095. | |
2765 | NP/A334(1980)127 | Preequilibrium α-particle emission in heavy-ion reactions | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | Digitized | (E142) | N | E | See Memo CP-D/1095. Related data in D/E1389. | |
2764 | PR/C83(2011)034909 | Fragmentation of 14N, 16O, 20Ne, and 24Mg nuclei at 290 to 1000 MeV/nucleon | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E142) | N | E | See Memo CP-D/1095. | |
2763 | PR/C64(2001)024902 | Fragmentation cross sections of 600 MeV/nucleon 20Ne on elemental targets | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E142) | N | E | See Memo CP-D/1095. | |
2762 | RM34(2001)297 | Total charge-changing and partial cross-section measurements in the reaction of 110 MeV/u 12C with paraffin | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E142) | N | E | See Memo CP-D/1095. | |
2761 | NP/A853(2011)124 | Measurement of the fragmentation of Carbon nuclei used in hadron-therapy | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E142) | N | E | See Memo CP-D/1095. | |
2760 | RCA111(2023)589 | Incomplete fusion reaction producing Pa nuclides in the 232Th + 7Li reaction | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E141) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2759 | PR/C108(2023)025804 | New experimental constraint on the 185W(n,γ)186W cross section | Suzuki (finished) | All (finished) | Digitized/To be requested | 17 | N | E | [K entry] | |
2758 | NIM/B544(2023)165107 | Neutron-production double-differential cross sections of natPb and 209Bi in proton-induced reactions near 100 MeV | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | Obtained | (E141) | N | E | ||
2757 | PTEP2023(2023)093D01 | Experimental study of (p, 2p) reactions at 197 MeV on 12C, 16O, 40,48Ca, and 90Zr nuclei leading to low-lying states of residual nuclei | Aikawa (finished) | All | Obtained | (E140)->(E141r) | N | E | Numerical data updated (E141r). | |
2756 | NIM/B543(2023)165093 | Activation cross sections of deuteron-induced reactions on natural rhenium up to 23-MeV | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E139) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2755 | PR/C107(2023)064317 | Photodisintegration cross section of 4He in the giant dipole resonance energy region | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | No | 19 | N | E | [K entry] | |
2754 | APJ839(2020)126 | Astrophysical S(E) for the 9Be(p, d)8Be and 9Be(p, α)6Li Reactions by Direct Measurement | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | Digitized (MA, 2023/10/4) | (E139) | N | E | ||
2753 | PL/B843(2023)138025 | Level structures of 56,58Ca cast doubt on a doubly magic 60Ca | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E139) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2752 | PL/B843(2023)138038 | Intruder configurations in 29Ne at the transition into the island of inversion: Detailed structure study of 28Ne | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E139) | N | E | [RIKEN] The uncertainty information was given by the author (2023/7/21). | |
2751 | JRN318(2018)569 | Measurement of the excitation function of 96Zr(α,n)99Mo for an alternative production source of medical radioisotopes | Watanabe (finished) | All (checked) | Obtained | (E138) | N | E | ||
2750 | PRL130(2023)172501 | Multiple Mechanisms in Proton-Induced Nucleon Removal at ~100 MeV/Nucleon | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | Digitized | (E138) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2749 | EPJ/CS284(2023)01033 | Nuclide production cross sections in proton-induced reactions on Bi at GeV energies | Otsuka (finished) | Watanabe (finished) | Obtained | (E138) | N | E | ||
2748 | NIM/B540(2023)210 | Activation cross sections of proton-induced reactions on manganese up to 30 MeV | Aikawa (finished) | All | No | (E138) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2747 | JKPS73(2018)265 | Study of 19F Levels with Ex = 6.7 - 7.7 MeV by the 15N+α Scattering Experiment | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | Digitized | (E138) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2746 | JNST60(2023)435 | Measurement of 107-MeV proton-induced double-differential thick target neutron yields for Fe, Pb, and Bi using a fixed-field alternating gradient accelerator at Kyoto University | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | Obtained | (E139) | N | E | ||
2745 | PL/B836(2023)137629 | Unbound states in 17C and p-sd shell-model interactions | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | Digitized/Requesting (MA, 2023/10/4) | (E139) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2744 | PR/C106(2022)054002 | Spin correlation coefficient for proton-3He elastic scattering at 100 MeV | Watanabe (finished) | Aikawa (finished) | Obtained | (E138) | N | E | ||
2743 | PRL129(2022)212502 | Discovery of 39Na | Watanabe (finiched) | Aikawa (finished) | Obtained | (E138) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2742 | NIM/B536(2023)11 | Measurement and calculation of isomeric cross section ratios for the natW(3He, x)184m,gRe reactions | Watanabe (finished) | Aikawa (finished) | No | (E138) | N | E | ||
2741 | NIM/B539(2023)95 | Activation cross sections of alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural tungsten for osmium and rhenium radionuclides | Aikawa (finished) | All | No | (E137) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2740 | NAT/C13(2022)7193 | Breakup of the proton halo nucleus 8B near barrier energies | Aikawa (finished) | All | Obtained | (E137) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2739 | NIM/B536(2023)30 | Production cross sections of terbium and gadolinium radioisotopes from the deuteron-induced reactions on natural gadolinium up to 24 MeV | Watanabe | All | No | (E136) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2738 | ARI192(2023)110621 | Activation cross sections of proton-induced reactions on natural platinum up to 30 MeV | Aikawa (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E136) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2737 | CJP77(2022)1145 | Measurement of cross sections for charge pickup by 40Ar on elemental targets at 500 MeV/n | Watanabe | All | (E136) | N | E | |||
2736 | NP/A1025(2022)122493 | The total and the partial charge-changing cross sections of 40Ar fragmentation on elemental targets at 500 A MeV | Watanabe (finished) | All | (E136) | N | E | |||
2735 | NIM/B530(2022)23 | Activation cross sections of deuteron-induced reactions on natural chromium up to 24 MeV | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E136) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2734 | NIM/B530(2022)18 | Activation cross sections of alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural lanthanum up to 50 MeV | Watanabe (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E136) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2733 | PR/C106(2022)014617 | Charge-changing cross sections for 42-51Ca and effect of charged-particle evaporation induced by neutron-removal reactions | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E136) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2732 | PR/C105(2022)034301 | Border of the island of inversion: Unbound states in 29Ne | Aikawa (finished) | All (finished) | Digitized | (E150) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2731 | NIM/B527(2022)17 | Measurement of nuclide production cross sections for proton-induced reactions on Ni and Zr at 0.4, 1.3, 2.2, and 3.0 GeV | Otsuka (finished) | All | Obtained | (E136)->(E140r)->(E141r) | N | E | Numerical data (002) updated (E140r). Secondary reference added (E141r). | |
2730 | PR/C104(2021)064610 | Production of the most neutron-deficient Zn isotopes by projectile fragmentation of 78Kr | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E136) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2729 | ARI187(2022)110345 | Production cross sections of samarium-153 and -145 via alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural neodymium | Aikawa (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E136) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2728 | ARI184(2022)110204 | Production cross sections of 52Mn in alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural vanadium | Aikawa (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E136) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2727 | JRN305(2015)903 | A windowless gas target for low-energy 4He (12C, 16O) gamma experiment: improvement to reduce 16O backgrounds | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E136) | N | E | |||
2726 | JRN323(2020)921 | Measurements of the excitation functions of radon and astatine isotopes from 7Li-induced reactions with 209Bi for development of a 211Rn–211At generator | Aikawa (finished) | All | Obtained | (E135) | N | E | ||
2725 | PR/C105(2022)L021602 | Angular momentum transfer in multinucleon transfer channels of 18O + 237Np | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | 35 | N | E | To be merge of 2680? | ||
2724 | PRL127(2022)172701 | Advancement of Photospheric Radius Expansion and Clocked Type-I X-Ray Burst Models with the New 22Mg(alpha,p)25Al Reaction Rate Determined at the Gamow Energy | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E135) | N | E | |||
2723 | NIM/B512(2022)102 | Measurement of neutron energy spectra of 345 MeV/u 238U incidence on a copper target | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E135) | N | E | |||
2722 | NIM/B515(2022)1 | Production cross sections of 47Sc via alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural calcium up to 29 MeV | Aikawa (finished) | All | (E135) | N | E | |||
2721 | KPS59(2011)1916 | Measurement of high energy neutron induced cross sections for chromium | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E135) | N | E | |||
2720 | APP/B48(2017)473 | Nuclear structure of 15,16C via reaction cross-section measurements | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | Digitized | (E138) | N | E | ||
2719 | NIM/B511(2022)30 | Measurement of nuclide production cross sections for proton-induced reactions on Mn and Co at 1.3, 2.2, and 3.0 GeV | Otsuka | Otsuka | (E135) | N | E | |||
2718 | NSTP4(2014)574 | Shin | All | N | E | |||||
2717 | PTEP2021(2021)093D01 | Search for alpha condensed states in 13C using alpha inelastic scattering | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E134) | N | E | |||
2716 | NP/A1016(2021)122317 | Measurement of cross sections for charge pickup by 12C on elemental targets at 400 MeV/n | Shin (finihsed) | All (finished) | (E134) | N | E | |||
2715 | NIM/B508(2021)29 | Activation cross sections of proton-induced reactions on praseodymium up to 30 MeV | Aikawa (finished) | All (finished) | (E135) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2714 | RCA109(2021)453 | Preparation of a carrier free 124Sb tracer produced in the Sn (p, n) reaction | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E134) | N | E | |||
2713 | PRL126(2021)252501 | Pairing Forces Govern Population of Doubly Magic 54Ca from Direct Reactions | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E135) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2712 | NIM/B317(2013)756 | Production cross section measurements of radioactive isotopes by BigRIPS separator at RIKEN RI Beam Factory | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E135)->(E139r) | N | E | [RIKEN] Merged with E2554 for Xe data. Ca data is indepnedent of E2645. Data (uncertainty of Mg isotopes) received from T.Kubo. | |
2711 | PR/C84(2011)051305 | High-resolution (3He,t) reaction on the double-beta decaying nucleus 136Xe | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | 158 | N | E | |||
2710 | NP/A834(2010)470c | Distinction between proton-neutron density distribution of halo nuclei at the nuclear surface via reaction cross sections | Shin (finished) | All | (E134) | N | E | |||
2709 | PR/C104(2021)014607 | Investigation of the isoscalar response of 24Mg to 6Li scattering | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E134) | N | E | |||
2708 | PL/B819(2021)136411 | Candidates for the 5alpha condensed state in 20N | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E134) | N | E | |||
2707 | APP/B48(2017)461 | Reaction cross section for 13-15B and one-neutron halo in 14B* | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E134) | N | E | |||
2706 | NST58(2021)252 | Measurement of double-differential thick-target neutron yields of the C(d,n) reaction at 12, 20, and 30 MeV | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E135) | N | E | |||
2705 | PR/C103(2021)064318 | Spectroscopy of 33Mg with knockout reactions | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E135) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2704 | PR/C103(2021)064308 | First spectroscopic study of 63V at the N=40 island of inversion | Zhao (finished) | All | (E135) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2703 | ARI176(2021)109826 | Activation cross section measurement of alpha-particle induced reactions on natural neodymium | Aikawa (finished) | All | (E135) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2702 | RM126(2019)106125 | Fragmentation of 400 A MeV carbon ions on Cu target | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | (E134) | N | E | |||
2701 | PL/B810(2020)135804 | Evolution of the dipole polarizability in the stable tin isotope chain | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | 51 | N | E | To be merged of E2677 | ||
D2600 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
2700 | NIM/B499(2021)1 | The formation of isomeric pair in the natTi(3He,x)44m,gSc reactions: Effect of spin cut-off parameter on the isomeric ratio | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | 42 | N | E | To be merged with D/E2627 and to be removed. | ||
2699 | PL/B814(2021)136072 | Three-body breakup of 6He and its halo structure | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | Digitized | (E150) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2698 | PL/B814(2021)136108 | First spectroscopic study of 51Ar by the (p,2p) reaction | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | (E135) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2697 | NIM/B499(2021)46 | Production cross sections of dysprosium, terbium and gadolinium radioisotopes from the alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural gadolinium up to 50 MeV | Aikawa (finished) | All (finished) | (E135) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2696 | PR/C103(2021)044001 | Proton-3He elastic scattering at intermediate energies | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E134) | N | E | |||
2695 | NIM/B487(2021)38 | Double differential cross sections of neutron production by 135 and 180 MeV protons on A-150 tissue-equivalent plastic | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | (E135) | N | E | |||
2694 | NIM/A989(2021)164965 | Energy and angular distribution of photo-neutrons for 16.6 MeV polarized photon on medium–heavy targets | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (K021) | N | E | [K entry] | ||
2693 | NIM/B498(2021)23 | Activation cross sections of deuteron-induced reactions on praseodymium up to 24 MeV | Aikawa (finished) | All (finished) | (E135) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2692 | PL/B816(2021)136210 | The structure of low-lying 1-states in 90,94Z from (alpha,alpha'gamma) and (p,p'gamma) reactions | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | 45 | N | E | |||
2691 | PR/C103(2021)035809 | Neutron transfer studies on 25Mg and its correlation to neutron radiative capture processes | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E134) | N | E | |||
2690 | PR/C103(2021)031302 | Observation of the near-threshold intruder 0− resonance in 12B | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | (E134) | N | E | |||
2689 | PR/L126(2021)082501 | Quasifree Neutron Knockout Reaction Reveals a Small s-Orbital Component in the Borromean Nucleus 17B | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E135) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2688 | PR/C103(2021)024309 | Low-lying electric and magnetic dipole strengths in 207Pb | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | (K021) | N | E | [K entry] | ||
2687 | PL/B813(2021)136045 | Insight into the reaction dynamics of proton drip-line nuclear system 17F+58Ni at near-barrier energies | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | (E135) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2686 | PR/C103(2021)015801 | Experimental study of the Γp1/Γp0 ratios of resonance states in 8Be for deducing the 7Be(n,p1)7Li∗ reaction rate relevant to the cosmological lithium problem | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | 48 | N | E | |||
2685 | PR/C102(2021)064615 | Experimental studies of the two-step scheme with an intense radioactive 132Sn beam for next-generation production of very neutron-rich nuclei | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | (E135) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2684 | EPJ/CS239(2020)20012 | Study of the Li(d, xn) reaction for the development of accelerator-based neu-tron sources | Otsuka | All | (E131)->(E133r) | N | E | |||
2683 | NDS163(2020)109 | IAEA Photonuclear Data Library 2019 | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | Obtained | (K021)->(K022r) | N | E | [K entry] The (g,nx) data received on 2023/10/26. References (1st: NDS, 2nd: PR/C) were updated. | |
2682 | ARI168(2021)109448 | Production cross sections of 45Ti in the deuteron-induced reaction on 45Sc up to 24 MeV | Aikawa (finished) | All (finished) | (E135) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2681 | NIM/A983(2020)164582 | Thick target neutron yields from LiF, C, Si, Ni, Mo, and Ta bombarded by 6.7 MeV/u deuterons | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E132)->(E140r) | N | E | METHOD, ANALYSIS (001) deleted/added (E140r). | ||
2680 | PR/C102(2020)054610 | Measurement of fission-fragment mass distributions in the multinucleon transfer channels of the 18O + 237Np reaction | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | (E131) | N | E | |||
2679 | NIM/B483(2020)33 | Measurement of thick target neutron yield at 180° for a mercury target induced by 3-GeV protons | Shin (finished) | All (finisshed) | (E132) | N | E | |||
2678 | UTTAC50(1985)38 | Measurement of analyzing powers and cross sections for the reaction 3He(d,p)4He in the forward angular region | Otsuka (finisehd) | (E131) | N | E | ||||
2677 | PR/C102(2020)034327 | Electric and magnetic dipole strength in 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 124Sn | Zhao (finished) | All (finisehd) | 52 | N | E | |||
2676 | PR/C102(2020)024625 | Production of 266Bh in the 248Cm(23Na,5n)266Bh reaction and its decay properties | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E132) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2675 | PTEP2020(2020)093D02 | Experimental study of (p, 2p) reactions at 392 MeV on 12C, 16O, 40Ca and 208Pb nuclei leading to low-lying states of residual nuclei | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E132)->(E140r) | N | E | ANG-SEC, Heading (002-057) added/modified (E140r). | ||
2674 | RPC224(2024)111999 | Excitation functions of helion-induced nuclear reactions on natural copper up to 55 MeV | Otsuka (finished) | All | (E131) | N | E | Main reference (RPC224(2024)111999) published and to be replaced. | ||
2673 | PR/C101(2020)064609 | Reexamination of isoscalar giant resonances in 12C and 93Nb through 6Li scattering | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | (E131) | N | E | |||
2672 | PRL124(2020)222504 | Two-neutron halo is unveiled in 29F | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E132) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2671 | PRL124(2020)212502 | How different is the core of 25F from 24Og.s.? | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | (E131) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2670 | PRL124(2020)212503 | Halo structure of the neutron-dripline nucleus 19B | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E132) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2669 | NP/A994(2020)121663 | Energy dependence of total reaction cross sections for 17Ne on a proton target | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E132) | N | E | |||
2668 | ARI152(2019)11 | Experimental study of fast-neutron production and moderation foraccelerator-based BNCT system | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E132) | N | E | |||
2667 | NSTP6(2019)171 | Measurement of activation cross sections of aluminum for protons with energies between 0.4 GeV and 3.0 GeV at J-PARC | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | (E131)->(E140r) | N | E | Numerical data (003) updated (E140r). | ||
2666 | EPJ/A55(2019)87 | MITA: A Multilayer Ionization-chamber Telescope Array for low-energy reactions with exotic nuclei | Shin | All | 66 | N | E | |||
2665 | NST55(2018)955 | Proton-induced activation cross section measurement for aluminum with proton energy range from 0.4 to 3 | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | (E131) | N | E | |||
2664 | ARI137(2018)250 | Excitation functions of proton- and deuteron-induced nuclear reactions on natural iridium for the production of 191Pt | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E132) | N | E | |||
2663 | NP/A970(2018)366 | Measurement of the antiproton–nucleus annihilation cross-section at low energy | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | (J011) | N | E | [J entry] | ||
2662 | JRN314(2017)1947 | Production of iodine radionuclides using 7Li ion beams | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E136) | N | E | |||
2661 | PRL119(2017)222501 | Role of Multichance Fission in the Description of Fission-Fragment Mass Distributions at High Energies | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | (E131) | N | E | |||
2660 | JNM307-311(2002)1715 | Experimental studies on the neutron emission spectrum and induced radioactivity of the 7Li(d,n) reaction in the 20–40 MeV region | Tada (finished) | All | N | E | To be deleted | |||
2659 | PRL125(2020)012501 | Sequential Nature of (p,3p) Two-Proton Knockout from Neutron-Rich Nuclei | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | (E135) | N | E | The previously assigned paper was merged in D/E2616. The entry number is available. | ||
2658 | EPJ/A56(2020)51 | Gamow–Teller strength distributions of 116Sb and 122Sb using the (3He, t) charge-exchange reaction | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | Obtained | (E128) | N | E | ||
2657 | NIM/B470(2020)15 | Measurement of thick target neutron yields from 7 MeV/u alpha incidence on 209Bi | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | Obtained | (E128) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2656 | PRL124(2020)102501 | Swelling of Doubly Magic 48Ca Core in Ca Isotopes beyond N = 28 | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | (E130) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2655 | PR/C101(2020)034314 | Shell structure of the neutron-rich isotopes 69,71,73Co | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E127) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2654 | NIM/B471(2020)13 | Production cross sections of 169Yb by the proton-induced reaction on 169Tm | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E127) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2653 | NIM/B472(2020)59 | Activation cross section measurement of the deuteron-induced reaction on yttrium-89 for zirconium-89 production | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E127) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2652 | NIM/B470(2020)1 | Excitation functions of deuteron-induced nuclear reactions on erbium in the energy range of 4–24 MeV | Otsuka (finished) | All | (E126) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2651 | NIM/A953(2020)163158 | Low-energy-threshold detector for measuring proton spectra at several tens of MeV using Bragg curve spectroscopy | Otsuka (finished) | All | (E126) | N | E | |||
2650 | NIM/B469(2020)42 | Production cross sections of thulium radioisotopes for alpha-particle induced reactions on holmium | Otsuka (finished) | All | (E126) | N | E | |||
2649 | 2004SANTA(2004)884 | Experimental studies on particle and radionuclide production cross sections for tens of MeV neutrons and protons | Tada (finished) | All | N | E | ||||
2648 | ARI159(2020)109095 | Production cross sections of 68Ga and radioactive by-products in deuteron-induced reactions on natural zinc | Aikawa (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E127) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2647 | JPJ14(1959)117 | Yield and angular distributions of protons from 19F(d,p)20F and 19F(d,p)20F* | Shin | All | To be digitized | 791 | N | E | ||
2646 | PRL124(2020)022501 | Fragmentation of single-particle strength around the doubly magic nucleus 132Sn and the position of the 0f 5/2 proton-hole state in 131In | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E128) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2645 | PRL123(2019)212501 | Location of the neutron dripline at Fluorine and Neon | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | Obtained | (E126)->(E139r) | N | E | [RIKEN]Data recieved from T.Kubo on 2020.04.23. Entry revised (DATA-ERR -> ERR-S) according to the author. | |
2644 | PRL123(2019)142501 | Quasifree neutron knockout from 54Ca corroborates arising N=34 neutron magic number | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | Obtained | (E130) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2643 | PRL121(2018)242501 | Dominance of tensor correlations in high-momentum nucleon pairs studied by (p,pd) reaction | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | No | 74 | N | E | ||
2642 | PR/C100(2019)054322 | Neutron quadrupole transition strength in 10C deduced from the 10C(alpha,alpha) measurement with the MAIKo active target | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | (E128) | N | E | |||
2641 | PR/C100(2019)044605 | Isotope production in proton-, deuteron-, and carbon-induced reactions on 93Nb at 113 MeV/nucleon | Aikawa (finished) | All (finished) | Obtained | (E126) | N | E | [RIKEN] Data recieved from Mr.Nakano on 2020.3.10. | |
2640 | PR/C100(2019)034605 | Gamma-ray strength function for barium isotopes | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | (K021) | N | E | [K entry] | ||
2639 | PR/C100(2019)024615 | Measurement of gamma rays from giant resonances excited by the 12C(p,p) reaction at 392 MeV and 0 degrees | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E132) | N | E | |||
2638 | PR/C100(2019)024602 | Elastic scattering for the 8B and 7Be + 208Pb systems at near-Coulomb barrier energies | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | (E131) | N | E | |||
2637 | PR/C98(2018)015804 | The (6Li,6Li*[3.56MeV]) reaction at 100 MeV/u as a probe of Gamow-Teller transition strengths in the inelastic scattering channel | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E132) | N | E | |||
2636 | PR/C97(2018)024607 | Nuclear resonant scattering experiment with fast time response: Photonuclear excitation of 201Hg | Shin | All | 83 | N | E | [K entry] | ||
2635 | PR/C97(2018)014601 | Systematic analysis of inelastic alpha scattering off self-conjugate A=4n nuclei | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E129) | N | E | |||
2634 | PL/B800(2020)135071 | Shell evolution of N = 40 isotones towards 60Ca: First spectroscopy of 62Ti | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E127) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2633 | PL/B797(2019)134843 | Structure of 13Be probed via quasi-free scattering | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E129) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2632 | NIM/B449(2019)62 | Thick target neutron yields from 100- and 230-MeV/nucleon helium ions bombarding water, PMMA, and iron | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | N | E | ||||
2631 | JRPR41(2016)344 | Measurement of neutron production double-differential cross-sections on carbon bombarded with 430 MeV/nucleon carbon ions | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | (E130) | N | E | |||
2630 | NIM157(1978)567 | Activation yield curves of photonuclear reactions for multielement photon activation analysis | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | (K021) | N | E | [K entry] | ||
2629 | NIM/B461(2019)15 | Activation cross sections of dysprosium-157,159 and terbium-160 radioisotopes from the deuteron-induced reactions on terbium-159 up to 24 MeV | Ichinkhorloo (finished) | All (finished) | (E124) | N | E | |||
2628 | NIM/B445(2019)26 | Influence of light output calibration on neutron energy spectrum unfolding up to 300 MeV using liquid organic scintillator | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | Obtained | (E128) | N | E | ||
2627 | NIM/B445(2019)69 | Excitation functions of helion-induced nuclear reactions on natural titanium up to 55 MeV | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | (E130)->(E150r) | N | E | Secondary reference (NIM/B499(2021)1) added. | ||
2626 | PRL122(2019)162503 | Prominence of pairing in inclusive (p,2p) and (p,pn) cross sections from neutron-rich nuclei | Shin (finished) | All (finished) | (E129) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2625 | PRL121(2018)132501 | Extraction of the Landau-Migdal parameter from the Gamow-Teller giant resonance in 132Sn | Zhao (finished) | All | Obtained | (E128) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2624 | PR/C99(2019)034306 | In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of 136Te at relativistic energies | Zhao (finished) | All (finished) | 69 | N | E | [RIKEN].Excluded from final TRANS.E124. Solve question on target excitation! | ||
2623 | PR/C99(2019)011302(R) | Spectroscopy of strongly deformed 32Ne by proton knockout reactions | Tada (finished) | All (finished) | (E124) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2622 | PR/C99(2019)014312 | Nuclear structure of 76Ni from the (p,2p) reaction | Tada | All | 72 | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2621 | PL/B795(2019)356 | Inclusive cross sections for one- and multi-nucleon removal from Sn, Sb, and Te projectiles beyond the N = 82 shell closure | Tada (finished) | All (finished) | 67 | N | E | [RIKEN] To be merged of 2557. E2557: Obtained. This data: To be requested. | ||
2620 | PL/B785(2018)441 | Shape coexistence and isospin symmetry in A = 70 nuclei: Spectroscopy of the Tz = −1 nucleus 70Kr | Tada (finished) | All (finished) | (E135) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2619 | NP/A734(2004)337 | Two-proton halo in 17Ne | Tada (finished) | All (finished) | (E124) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2618 | ARI154(2019)108874 | Production cross sections of ytterbium and thulium radioisotopes in alpha-induced nuclear reactions on natural erbium | Aikawa (finished) | All (finished) | (E124) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2617 | NIM/B458(2019)21 | Excitation function measurement for zirconium-89 and niobium-90 production using alpha-induced reactions on yttrium-89 | Aikawa (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E124) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2616 | PR/C101(2020)064623 | Spallation and fragmentation cross sections for 168 MeV/nucleon 136Xe ions on proton, deuteron, and carbon targets | Aikawa (finished) | All (finished) | Obtained | (E124)->(E129) | N | E | [RIKEN] Numerical data received on 2019.7.11; Finalized data received on 2020.6.3. | |
2615 | PR/C99(2019)024609 | gamma-ray strength function for thallium isotopes relevant to the 205Pb-205Tl chronometry | Otsuka (finished) | All (finished) | (K019) | N | E | [K entry] | ||
2614 | PR/C98(2018)054619 | Photoneutron cross sections for Ni isotopes: Toward understanding (n,g) cross sections relevant to weak s-process nucleosynthesis | Otsuka (finished) | All (finished) | (K019) | N | E | [K entry] | ||
2613 | PR/C98(2018)054310 | Verification of detailed balance for gamma absorption and emission in Dy isotopes | Otsuka (finished) | All (finished) | (K019) | N | E | [K entry] | ||
2612 | PR/C93(2016)064302 | Low-energy enhancement in the gamma-ray strength functions of 73,74Ge | Otsuka (finished) | All (finished) | (K019) | N | E | [K entry] | ||
2611 | RLE39(2011)445 | Photonuclear Reaction of Iodine-129 with Laser-Compton Scattering Gamma-Rays Using Nd:YVO4 Laser and Electron Storage Ring | Ichinkhorloo (finished) | All (finished) | Requsted (No response?) | 163 | N | E | [K entry] | |
2610 | NIM/B453(2019)15 | Activation cross sections of alpha-induced reactions on natural ytterbium up to 50 MeV | Aikawa (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E124) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2609 | NAT569(2019)53 | 78Ni revealed as a doubly magic stronghold against nuclear deformation | Ichinkhorloo (finished) | All (finished) | (E124) | N | E | |||
2608 | NIM/B449(2019)99 | Activation cross sections of alpha-particle induced nuclear reactions on natural palladium | Aikawa (finished) | All (finished) | (E124) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2607 | A-INS-1994(1994)19 | Effect of angular momentum in the low-energy fission of actinides | Tada | Fig.1: No data, Fig.2: To be digitized | (E135) | N | E | |||
2606 | JMSJ23(1975)127 | Production of 53Mn by 52Cr (d,n) reaction | Tada (finished) | Otsuka (finished) | (E123) | N | E | |||
2605 | RCA29(1981)57 | Yield of 14O for the reactions 14N(p,n)14O, 12C(3He,n)14O and 12C(a,2n)14O | Tada (finished) | Otsuka (finished) | (E123) | N | E | |||
2604 | PR/C98(2018)014616 | Low-lying states in 12Be using one-neutron transfer reaction | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | (E124) | N | E | |||
2603 | INDC(JPN)47(1979)68 | Mass yield curve of 232Th fission induced by 80 MeV alpha-particle | Tada (finished) | Otsuka (finished) | (E123)->(E140r) | N | E | REFERENCE (001) modified (E140r). | ||
2602 | RCA80(1998)171 | Sudden Changes in the Characteristics of GDR Fission of 238U around the Critical Energy for Nuclear Phase Transition | Tada (finisehd) | Otsuka (finished) | (K019) | N | E | [K entry] | ||
2601 | JIN28(1966)679 | 650-MeV photofission yields for uranium | Tada (finished) | Otsuka (finished) | (K019) | N | E | [K entry] | ||
D2500 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
2600 | NSE111(1992)368 | Product Yields of 235U, 238U, 237Np, and 239Pu by Photofission Reactions with 20-, 30-, and 60-MeV Bremsstrahlung | Tada (finished) | Otsuka (finished) | (K019) | N | E | [K entry] | ||
2595 | PTEP2019(2019)013D02 | Coulomb breakup reactions of 93,94Zr in inverse kinematics | Aikawa (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E124) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2594 | NIM/A920(2019)22 | Measurement of neutron-production double-differential cross sections of natC, 27Al, natFe, and natPb by 20, 34, 48, 63, and 78 MeV protons in the most-forward direction | Tada (finished) | Otsuka (finished) | Obtained | (E123) | N | E | Asking author proof (2018/1/21). | |
2593 | EPRC71(2015)197 | Measurement of double differential neutron yields from thick aluminum target irradiated by 9 MeV deuteron | Otsuka (finished) | No | (E120) | N | E | |||
2592 | ARI144(2019)47 | Production cross sections of Mo, Nb and Zr radioisotopes from α-induced reaction on natZr | Aikawa (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E121) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2591 | NSTP4(2014)582 | Measurement of double differential neutron yields from thick carbon target irradiated by 5-MeV and 9-MeV deuterons | Otsuka (finished) | No | (E120) | N | E | |||
2590 | SCP69(1975)63 | Studies of 14N-, 12C-, 11B-induced reactions on 90Zr and 92-100Mo at energies above the coulomb barrier | Tada (finished) | Otsuka (finished) | (E121) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2589 | NIM/B436(2018)217 | Activation cross sections of deuteron-induced reactions on niobium up to 24 MeV | Aikawa (finished) | All (finished) | (E118)->(E137r) | N | E | |||
2588 | PTEP2018(2018)021D01 | Exclusive quasi-free proton knockout from oxygen isotopes at intermediate energies | Ichinkhorloo (finished) | All (finished) | (E124) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2587 | PTEP2016(2016)083D01 | Asymmetry dependence of reduction factors from single-nucleon knockout of 30Ne at ∼ 230 MeV/nucleon | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | (E124) | N | E | [RIKEN] See E2530. | ||
2586 | PRL121(2018)022501 | Discovery of 60Ca and implications for the stability of 70Ca | Ichinkhorloo (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E121) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2585 | PRL120(2018)172501 | Excitation of the isovector spin monopole resonance via the exothermic 90Zr(12N,12C)reaction at 175MeV/u | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | Obtained | (E124) | N | E | [RIKEN] Numerical data received from Dr. Noji (2019/1/11). | |
2584 | PR/C97(2018)044315 | Inelastic scattering of neutron-rich Ni and Zn isotopes off a proton target | Ichinkhorloo (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E121) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2583 | PR/C97(2018)015802 | First measurement of 30S + α resonant elastic scattering for the 30S(α,p)reaction rate | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | (E121) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2582 | PR/C96(2017)064001 | Complete set of deuteron analyzing powers from d p elastic scattering at 190 MeV/nucleon | Ichinkhorloo (finished) | All (finished) | Requested | Exist? | N | E | [RIKEN] See also 2nd ref., FBS58(2017)48. Numeridal data requested by Ichinkhorloo on 2018/11/9. | |
2581 | ACCAPP17(2017) | Cross section measurement in J-PARC for neutronics of the ADS | Tada (finished) | All (finished) | (E117) | N | E | |||
2580 | PTEP2018(2018)053D01 | Proton elastic scattering at 200 A MeV and high momentum transfers of 1.7-2.7 fm-1 as a probe of the nuclear matter density of 6He | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | (E117) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2579 | RI26(1977)74 | Production of 123I by bombarding a natural Tellurium target with alpha and 3He particles | Tada (finished) | All (finished) | To be digitized | 579 | N | E | Duplication of EXFOR B0165(B0165 will be deleted) | |
2578 | NIM/B427(2018)91 | Activation cross sections of α-induced reactions on natZn for Ge and Ga production | Tada (finished) | All (finished) | (E117) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2577 | RPR42(2017)16 | Measurement of gamma-ray yield from thick Carbon target irradiated by 5 and 9 MeV deuterons | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | (E124) | N | E | |||
2576 | PRL120(2018)152505 | Spectroscopy of pionic atoms in 122Sn(d,3He) reaction and angular dependence of the formation cross sections | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | (E117) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2575 | NIM/B426(2018)13 | Production cross sections of deuteron-induced reactions on natural palladium for Ag isotopes | Tada (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E117) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2574 | NIM/B426(2018)18 | Activation cross sections of alpha-induced reactions on natIn for 117mSn production | Aikawa (finished) | All (finished) | No | (E117) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2573 | NP/A119(1968)449 | Elastic and inelastic scattering of 34.4 MeV alpha particles by 58Ni and 60Ni | Baba (finished) | All (finished) | Digitized | (E126) | N | E | ||
2572 | NP/A194(1972)259 | Level structure of 54Mn from the 54Cr(p,n gamma) reaction | Ichinkhorloo (finished) | All (finished) | (E124) | N | E | |||
2571 | PL/B502(2001)1 | Structure of the 11/2- analog state in 91Nb populated by the 90Zr(alpha,t) reaction | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | To be requested | 286 | N | E | 2nd Ref.: AHP/N13(2001)21 | |
2570 | NP/A349(1980)125 | High-spin states of 1f-2p shell odd-odd nuclei excited by (alpha,d) reactions | Tada (finished) | All (finished) | Digitized | (E126) | N | E | ||
2569 | JPJ48(1980)1797 | Excited states of 4He observed in the 4He(alpha,alpha d)2H reaction at 119 MeV | Ichinkhorloo (finished) | All (finished) | (Digitized by Ichinkhorloo) | (E124)->(E140r) | N | E | Heading, ANG-SEC (003) modified/added (E140r). | |
2568 | SCR8(2018)2570 | Measurement of nuclear reaction cross sections by using Cherenkov radiation toward high-precision proton therapy | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E115)->(E118r) | N | E | To be revised (CP-Memo for a new journal code is required.) | |
2567 | NP/A176(1971)178 | The (alpha,t) reaction on medium-weight odd-mass nuclei (II). 59Co | Tada (finished) | All | (E135) | N | E | |||
2566 | JPJ27(1969)1380 | B11 + alpha →alpha + alph + Li7 reaction at 28.5 MeV | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | (Digitized by Jagjit) | (E135) | N | E | RCM | |
2565 | JPJ25(1968)901 | Single particle strength of collective 3- state in medium mass nuclei | Tada (finished) | All (finished) | (E135) | N | E | |||
2564 | JPJ25(1968)301 | Inelastic alpha-particle scattering on copper 65 at 29 MeV | Tada (finished) | All (finished) | (E118) | N | E | |||
2563 | JIN43(1981)1727 | Production of 119mSn by alpha particle bombardment of 116Cd and its carrier-free separation | Saito (finished) | All (finished) | (E113)->(E140r) | N | E | Numerical data (002) updated (E140r). | ||
2562 | JPJ87(2018)014203 | Observation of new neutron-rich isotopes among fission fragments from in-flight fission of 345 MeV/nucleon 238U: search for new isotopes conducted concurrently with decay measurement campaigns | Jagjit (finished) | All (finieshed) | (E112) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2561 | JPJ87(2018)014202 | Identification of new neutron-rich isotopes in the rare-earth region produced by 345 MeV/nucleon 238U | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | (E112) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2560 | PTEP2017(2017)083D01 | Neutron production cross sections for (d,n) reactions at 55 MeV | Murata, Saito (finished) | All (finished) | Requested(No response?) | 89 | N | E | ||
2559 | PRL119(2017)182503 | Test of the Brink-Axel Hypothesis for the Pygmy Dipole Resonance | Tada (finished) | All (finished) | To be requested | 90 | N | E | ||
2558 | PRL118(2017)252501 | Electric Dipole Polarizability of 48Ca and Implications for the Neutron Skin | Ichinkhorloo (finished) | All (finished) | Requested(No response?) | (E135) | N | E | ||
2557 | PRL118(2017)202502 | Gamma Decay of Unbound Neutron-Hole States in 133Sn | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | To be requested | (E117)->(E126r) | N | E | [RIKEN] Data to be replaced by the numerical data from the author. Data from PL/B795(2019)356 to be added. | |
2556 | PR/C96(2017)044604 | Photoneutron cross-section measurements in the 209Bi(g,xn) reaction with a new method of direct neutron-multiplicity sorting | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | (K020)->(K021r) | N | E | [K entry] REACTION should be revised manually. | ||
2555 | PR/C96(2017)044316 | Low-lying dipole strength in 52Cr | Tada (finished) | All (finished) | (K020) | N | E | [K entry] | ||
2554 | PR/C96(2017)034604 | Discovery of new isotopes 81,82Mo and 85,86Ru and a determination of the particle instability of 103Sb | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | (E113) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2553 | PR/C96(2017)034328 | In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of 35Mg via knockout reactions at intermediate energies | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | (E118) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2552 | PR/C96(2017)024310 | High-j neutron excitations outside 136Xe | Ichinkhorloo (finished) | All (finished) | To be checked | 89 | N | E | ||
2551 | PR/C96(2017)021303(R) | Investigating neutron-proton pairing in sd-shell nuclei via (p,3He) and (3He,p) transfer reaction | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | (E113) | N | E | |||
2550 | PR/C96(2017)014604 | Cross sections and analyzing powers for (p->,np) reactions of 2H, 6Li and 12C at 296 MeV | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | All(finished) | (E124) | N | E | |||
2549 | PR/C95(2017)051601(R) | Observation of new neutron-rich Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu isotopes in the vicinity of 78Ni | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | (E112) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2548 | PR/C95(2017)055805 | New measurement of the 8Li(a,n)11B reaction in a lower-energy region below the Coulomb barrier | Murata, Saito (finished) | All (finished) | (E113) | N | E | |||
2547 | PR/C95(2017)054316 | Search for weak M1 transitions in 48Ca with inelastic proton scattering | Ichinkhorloo (finished) | All (finished) | 92 | N | E | Marge into E2503 | ||
2546 | PR/C95(2017)044616 | Repulsive three-body foce and channel-coupling effects via 12C+12C scattering at 100A MeV | Ichinkhorloo (finished) | All (finished) | (E135) | N | E | To be merged to E2494 | ||
2545 | PR/C94(2016)054602 | Astrophysical S factor for the 6Li(d,a)4He and 6Li(d,p0/p1)7Li reactions and their astrophysical implications | Ichinkhorloo (finished) | All (finished) | (E118) | N | E | |||
2544 | PL/B772(2017)398 | First measurement of coherent double neutral-pion photoproduction on the deuteron at incident energies below 0.9 GeV | Ichinkhorloo (finished) | All (finished) | Obtained | (K021) | N | E | [K entry] | |
2543 | PL/B769(2017)503 | Single-neutron knockout from 20C and the structure of 19C | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | (E116) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2542 | JPJ86(2017)085001 | Decay Measurement of 283Cn Produced in the 238U(48Ca,3n) Reaction Using GARIS-II | Ichinkhorloo (finished) | All (finished) | (E112) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2541 | CJP54(2016)314 | Fragmentation cross sections of 788A MeV 28Si on carbon and polyethylene targets | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | (E116) | N | E | J,PPRC,80,46,2015 | ||
2540 | EPJ/CS146(2017)11029 | Investigation of the 27Al(d,x)24Na nuclear reaction for deuteron beam monitoring purpose | Otsuka (finished) | All | (E124) | N | E | |||
2539 | PTEP2017(2017)093D03 | Study of proton and deuteron induced spallation reactions on the long-lived fission product 93Zr at 105 MeV/nucleon in inverse kinematics | Aikawa(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E109)->(E121r) | N | E | [RIKEN] Numerical data received on 2017.1.30; Secondary reference EPJ/CS146(2017)03012 added | |
2538 | JPJ86(2017)034201 | Study of the Reaction 48Ca + 248Cm → 296Lv* at RIKEN-GARIS | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | (E113) | N | E | |||
2537 | NIM/B403(2017)51 | Study of deuteron-induced nuclear reactions on natural tungsten for the production of theranostic 186Re via AVF cyclotron up to 38 MeV | Otsuka (finished) | All (finished) | (E113) | N | E | |||
2536 | NIM/B399(2017)34 | Excitation functions of alpha particles induced nuclear reactions on natural titanium in the energy range of 10.4-50.2 MeV | Otsuka (finished) | All (finished) | (E113) | N | E | |||
2535 | PRL118(2017)052701 | Time-Reversal Measurement of the p-Wave Cross Sections of the 7Be(n,a)4He Reaction for the Cosmological Li Problem | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | Obtained | (E118) | N | E | ||
2534 | PR/C95(2017)044307 | Effect of the nuclear medium on a-cluster excitation in 6Li | Ichinkhorloo (finished) | All (finished) | (K020) | N | E | |||
2533 | ARI125(2017)23 | Production cross sections of 169Yb and Tm isotopes in deuteron-induced reactions on 169Tm | M.Saito (finished) | All (finished) | (E113)->(E137r) | N | E | |||
2532 | PL/B768(2017)387 | Observation of isoscalar and isovector dipole excitations in neutron-rich 20O | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | (E113) | N | E | |||
2531 | NP/A961(2017)142 | Investigations of charge-changing processes for light proton-rich nuclei on carbon and solid-hydrogen targets | Ichinkhorloo (finished) | All (finished) | (E113) | N | E | |||
2530 | PL/B767(2017)58 | Intruder configurations in the ground state of 30Ne | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | (E113) | N | E | |||
2529 | NST54(2017)529 | Development of the high-energy neutron fluence rate standard field in Japan with a peak energy of 45 MeV using the 7Li(p,n)7Be reaction at TIARA | Ichinkhorloo (finished) | All (finished) | (E113) | N | E | |||
2528 | PL/B766(2017)11 | Experimental investigation of a linear-chain structure in the nucleus 14C | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | (E113) | N | E | |||
2527 | PR/C94(2016)064620 | Elastic scattering and breakup of 11Be on deuterons at 26.9A MeV | Ichinkhorloo (finished) | All (finished) | Obtained | (E126) | N | E | ||
2526 | PR/C94(2016)064604 | Charge-changing cross-section measurements of 12–16C at around 45A MeV and development of a Glauber model for incident energies 10A–2100A MeV | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | (E113) | N | E | |||
2525 | NST54(2016)253 | Measurement of thick-target gamma-ray production yields of the 7Li(p, p')7Li and 7Li(p, g)Be reactions | Ichinkhorloo (finished) | All (finished) | (E116) | N | E | |||
2524 | NIM/A842(2016)62 | Systematic measurement of double-differential neutron production cross sections for deuteron-induced reactions at an incident energy of 102 MeV | Jagjit (finished) | All (finished) | Obtained | (E118) | N | E | Secondary reference EPJ/CS146(2017)11027 | |
2523 | PR/C93(2016)064325 | Effect of ground-state deformation on isoscalar giant resonances in 28Si | Aiganym(finished) | All(finished) | Requesting(No response?) | N | E | |||
2522 | PL/B761(2016)412 | Interaction cross section study of the two-neutron halo nucleus 22C | Jagjit(finished) | All(finished) | (E107) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2521 | PL/B761(2016)125 | Fission fragments mass distributions of nuclei populated by the multi nucleon transfer channels of the 18O+232Th reaction | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | 101 | N | E | ||
2520 | PR/C94(2016)014614 | High energy-resolution measurement of the 82Se(3He,t)82Br reaction for double-beta decay and for solar neutrinos | Aiganym(finished) | All(finished) | Requesting | (E116) | N | E | ||
2519 | PL/B760(2016)482 | Are there nuclear structure effects on the isoscalar giant monopole resonance and nuclear incompressibility near A~90? | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E114) | N | E | ||
2518 | PTEP2017(2017)021D01 | Spallation reaction study for the long-lived fission product 107Pd | Aikawa, Ebata(finished) | All | Obtained | (E108) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2517 | RM50(2013)56 | Projectile fragmentation of 471 A MeV 56Fe in polyethylene carbon and aluminum targets | Jagjit, Ichinkholroo(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E114)->(E143r) | N | E | Add J,APP/B,43,1769,2012 | |
2516 | PR/C93(2016)065802 | First direct measurement of the 11C(a p)14N stellar reaction by an extended thick-target method | Kimura(finished) | All(finished) | (E112) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2515 | PR/C93(2016)061301 | New neutron-deficient isotopes from 78Kr fragmentation | Aiganym(finished) | All(finished) | (E107) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2514 | PR/C93(2016)055803 | Probing astrophysically important states in the 26Mg nucleus to study neutron sources for the s process | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | All(finished) | To be requested | (E124) | N | E | ||
2513 | PR/C93(2016)044324 | Deformation effects on isoscalar giant resonances in 24Mg | Aiganym(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E114) | N | E | ||
2512 | PRL116(2016)162501 | New Isotopes and Proton Emitters–Crossing the Drip Line in the Vicinity of 100Sn | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E114) | N | E | ||
2511 | ARI114(2016)104 | Production cross-sections of radio nuclides from a-induced reactions on natural copper up to 50MeV | Otsuka(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E107) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2510 | NSTP4(2014)657 | Characterization of quasi-monoenergetic neutron source using 137, 200, 246 and 389 MeV 7Li(p,n) reactions | Aiganym(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E114) | N | E | 137, 200 MeV data only. See E2490. Numerical data received on 2015/11/30. | |
2509 | PR/C92(2015)035205 | Measurement of absorption and charge exchange of pi+ on carbon | Kimura(finished) | All(finished) | Table | (J011) | N | E | [J entry] | |
2508 | SCP52(1976)145 | Detection and Identification of 8Be Nuclei with a Position Sensitive Detector and a Counter Telescope | Saito(finished) | Otsuka(finished) | (E103) | N | E | [RIKEN] Entry approved by T.Motobayashi. | ||
2507 | PRL116(2016)162501 | New Isotopes and Proton Emitters-Crossing the Drip Line in the Vicinity of 100Sn | Ebata/Aikawa(finished) | All(finished) | (E107) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2506 | PR/C92(2015)015805 | First application of the Trojan horse method with a radioactive ion beam: Study of the 18F(p,a)15O reaction at astrophysical energies | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | All(finished) | (E108) | N | E | [RIKEN] See O2274, to be superseded. | ||
2505 | PR/C93(2016)044607 | Experimental study of the knockout reaction mechanism using 14O at 60 MeV/nucleon | Aiganym(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E114) | N | E | ||
2504 | PR/C93(2016)044306 | Mapping the deformation in the "island of inversion": Inelastic scattering of 30Ne and 36Mg at intermediate energies | Ichinkhorloo (finished) | All(finished) | (E106) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2503 | PR/C93(2016)041302 | Electromagnetic M1 transition strengths from inelastic proton scattering: The cases of 48Ca and 208Pb | Aiganym(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E124)->(E140r) | N | E | See E2558. Digitized from Phys.Rev.C.95(2017)054316. (2019.04.04); Heading (Unit), ANG-SEC (009) modified/added (E140r). | |
2502 | PR/C93(2016)034623 | Elastic scattering and breakup of 11Be on protons at 26.9A MeV | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | All(finished) | (E105)->(E135r) | N | E | |||
2501 | NP/A946(2016)104 | Measurement of proton-induced target fragmentation cross sections in carbon | Saito(finished) | All(finished) | (E105) | N | E | |||
D2400 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
2500 | PRL116(2016)052501 | Candidate Resonant Tetraneutron State Populated by the 4He(8He,8Be) Reaction | Aiganym(finished) | All(finished) | (E105) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2499 | PR/C92(2015)064323 | Photodisintegration of 9Be through the 1/2+ state and cluster dipole resonance | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | All(finished) | (K016) | N | E | Numerical data received on 2016/4/22 | ||
2498 | NST5(1968)22 | Neutrons from Thick Target Beryllium (d,n) Reactions at 1.0 MeV to 3.0 MeV | Saito(finished) | Aikawa(finished) | (E105) | N | E | |||
2497 | NST53(2016)475 | Measurement of the 77Se(g,n) cross section and uncertainty evaluation of the 79Se(n,g) cross section | Ebata(finished) | All(finished) | (K016) | N | E | |||
2496 | PR/C93(2016)025801 | Proton capture cross sections on neutron-magic 144Sm at astrophysically relevant energies | Saito/Aikawa(finished) | All(finished) | (E102) | N | E | |||
2495 | PR/C93(2016)014613 | One-neutron removal from 29Ne: Defining the lower limits of the island of inversion | Bo(finished) | All(finished) | (E102) | N | E | [RIKEN] Numerical data received on 2016/3/10 | ||
2494 | PLB751(2015)1 | Effects of repulsive three-body force in 12C+12C scattering at 100AMeV | Aiganym(finished) | All(finished) | Digitized/Requesting | (E101)->(E108r) | N | E | ||
2493 | PLB754(2016)104 | Spallation reaction study for fission products in nuclear waste: Cross section measurements for 137Cs and 90Sr on proton and deuteron | Aikawa/Ebata(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E101)->(E120r) | N | E | [RIKEN] Numerical data received on 2016/2/24; Secondary reference EPJ/CS146(2017)09022 added. | |
2492 | NIM/B368(2016)112 | Measurements of deuteron-induced reaction cross-sections on natural nickel up to 24 MeV | Otsuka(finished) | All(finished) | No | (E101) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2491 | PRL115(2015)102501 | Nonquenched Isoscalar Spin-M1 Excitations in sd-Shell Nuclei | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E101) | N | E | Numerical data received on 2015/12/24 | |
2490 | NIM/A804(2015)50 | Characterization of high-energy quasi-monoenergetic neutron energy spectra and ambient dose equivalents of 80-389 MeV 7Li(p,n) reactions using a time-of-flight method | Aiganym(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E101) | N | E | Numerical data received on 2015/11/30 | |
2489 | 1996PRAHA(1998)465 | Measurements of activation cross sections for the neutron dosimetry at an energy range from 17.5 to 30 MeV by using the 7Li(p,n) quasi-mono-energetic neutron source | Aikawa(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E101) | N | E | Numerical data received on 2015/11/4 | |
2488 | PR/C92(2015)041302 | New findings on structure and production of 10He from 11Li with the (d,3He) reaction | Ebata(finished) | All(finished) | Digitized/Requesting | (E101) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2487 | PR/C92(2015)035801 | Measurement of the 14O(a,p)17F cross section at Ecm = 2.1-5.3 MeV | Bo(finished) | All(finished) | Digitized/Requesting | (E101) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2486 | PR/C92(2015)024614 | Energy-dependent fragmentation cross sections of relativistic 12C | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | All(finished) | No | (E105) | N | E | ||
2485 | NIM/B362(2015)151 | Excitation functions of deuteron-induced nuclear reactions on natural platinum up to 24 MeV | Otsuka(finished) | All(finished) | No | (E101) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2484 | PL/B748(2015)343 | Splitting of ISGMR strength in the light-mass nucleus 24Mg due toground-state deformation | Aiganym(finished) | All(finished) | Requesting | (E105) | N | E | ||
2483 | PR/C92(2015)014608 | Relativistic Coulomb excitation in 32Mg near 200 MeV/nucleon with a thick target | Aikawa(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E101) | N | E | [RIKEN] Numerical data received on 2015/7/30 | |
2482 | PR/C91(2015)064315 | gamma-ray spectroscopy of 19C via the single-neutron knock-out reaction | Ebata(finished) | All(finished) | No | (E099) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2481 | JRN304(2015)1077 | Production and separation of astatine isotopes in the 7Li + natPb reaction | Aiganym(finished) | All(finished) | No | (E099) | N | E | ||
2480 | PLB744(2015)7 | Low-energy electric dipole response in 120Sn | Bo(finished) | All(finished) | Requesting/Digitized | (E099) | N | E | ||
2479 | PR/C90(2014)044321 | Structure of 8Li from a reaction cross-section measurement | Imai(finished) | All(finished) | No | (E097) | N | E | Comments from Dr. M. Fukuda on data error received on 2015/5/30. | |
2478 | PR/C91(2015)015808 | Photoneutron cross sections for neodymium isotopes: Toward a unified understanding of (g,n) and (n,g) reactions in the rare earth region | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (K015) | N | E | Numerical data received on 2015/4/21 | |
2477 | PR/C91(2015)014614 | Density distribution of 8Li and 8B and capture reaction at low energy | N | E | Theoretical paper. See D/E2479. | |||||
2476 | ARI94(2014)363 | Production of 211At by a vertical beam irradiation method | Aikawa(finished) | All(finished) | Requesting | (E098) | N | E | ||
2475 | JRN303(2015)1273 | Measurement of evaporation-residue cross sections with light beams and deformed lanthanide target nuclei | Ebata(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E105) | N | E | Numerical data received on 2015/5/28 | |
2474 | NP/A929(2014)83 | Density distribution of 14Be from reaction cross-section measurements | Aiganym(finished) | All(finished) | No | (E097) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2473 | NIM/B346(2015)8 | Production cross-sections of long-lived radionuclides in deuteron-induced reactions on natural zinc up to 23 MeV | Otsuka(finished) | Aikawa(finished) | (E096) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2472 | PR/C90(2014)064616 | Photoneutron cross sections for samarium isotopes: Toward a unified understanding of (g,n) and (n,g) reactions in the rare earth region | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (K015) | N | E | Numerical data received on 2015/4/21 | |
2471 | PR/C90(2014)061305 | Evidence of halo structure in 37Mg observed via reaction cross sections and intruder orbitals beyond the island of inversion | Bo(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E097) | N | E | [RIKEN] Numerical data received on 2015/4/30 | |
2470 | PTEP2014(2014)101D03 | Inclusive spectrum of the d(pi+,K+) reaction at 1.69 GeV/c | Imai | No | 123 | N | E | |||
2469 | NIM/B343(2015)1 | Cross-section measurements of alpha + 14N elastic scattering for He beam TOF-ERDA | Aiganym(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E096) | N | E | ||
2468 | PL/B739(2014)19 | Neutron occupancy of the 0d5/2 orbital and the N=16 shell closure in 24O | Bo(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E097) | N | E | [RIKEN] Numerical data obtained on 2014/12/22 | |
2467 | JRN302(2014)759 | Deuteron-induced activation cross-sections on natural copper up to 24 MeV | Otsuka(finished) | All(finished) | (E093) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2466 | ARI90(2014)149 | Production cross sections of niobium and tantalum isotopes in proton-induced reactions on natZr and natHf up to 14 MeV | Aikawa(finished) | All(finished) | (E096)->(E143r) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2465 | RCA102(2014)211 | Production of 256Lr in the 249,250,251Cf + 11B, 243Am + 18O, and 248Cm + 14N reactions | Ebata(finished) | All(finished) | (E096) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2464 | ARI26(1975)17 | Production of 28Mg by triton and alpha-particle induced reactions | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | All(finished) | Digitized | (E097) | N | E | ||
2463 | PR/C90(2014)035805 | Elastic scattering of 25Al+p to explore the resonance structure in 26Si | Bo(finished) | All(finished) | (E093)->(E096r) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2462 | NDS119(2014)252 | Activation Cross-sections of Deuteron-induced Nuclear Reactions on Natural Titanium | Otsuka(finished) | All(finished) | (E093) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2461 | PR/C90(2014)025803 | Examination of the role of the 14O(a,p)17F reaction rate in type-I x-ray bursts | Imai(finished) | All(finished) | (E093)->(E096r) | N | E | [RIKEN] | ||
2460 | NSE124(1996)228 | Transmission Through Shields of Quasi-Monoenergetic Neutrons Generated by 43- and 68-MeV Protons -I: Concrete Shielding Experiment and Calculation for Practical Application | Aiganym(finished) | All(finished) | (E093) | N | E | |||
2459 | PL/B735(2014)387 | Excitation of giant monopole resonance in 208Pb and 116Sn using inelastic deuteron scattering | Bo/Ichinkhorloo(finished) | All(finished) | Requesting | (E105) | N | E | ||
2458 | PRL112(2014)242501 | Observation of a p-Wave One-Neutron Halo Configuration in 37Mg | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E093)->(E102r) | N | E | [RIKEN] Numerical data received on 2016/3/10 | |
2457 | NIM/B335(2014)8 | Investigation of (d,x) nuclear reactions on natural ytterbium up to 24 MeV | Otsuka(finished) | Aikawa(finished) | No | (E092) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2456 | PR/C89(2014)054307 | Quadrupole collectivity in island-of-inversion nuclei 28,30Ne and 34,36Mg | Furutachi(finished) | All(finished) | No | (E092) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2455 | PR/C89(2014)044602 | Charge-changing cross sections of 30Ne, 32,33Na with a proton target | Furutachi(finished) | All(finished) | No | (E091) | N | E | [RIKEN] Superseded some data in E2170. See E2170. | |
2454 | NIM151(1978)493 | Spectral measurements of neutrons and photons from thick targets of C, Fe, Cu and Pb by 52 MeV protons | Aiganym/Aikawa(finished) | All(finished) | Digitized | (E092) | N | E | ||
2453 | NSE83(1983)444 | Neutron Production from Thick Targets of Carbon, Iron, Copper, and Lead by 30- and 52-MeV Protons | Aiganym/Aikawa(finished) | Digitized | (E093) | N | E | See E2454 for 52-MeV data. | ||
2452 | PR/C89(2014)064007 | Complete set of deuteron analyzing powers for dp elastic scattering at 250-294 MeV/nucleon and the three-nucleon force | Ebata(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E093) | N | E | [RIKEN] See D/E2346 and PPN45(2014)190. | |
2451 | PRL112(2014)142501 | Deformation-Driven p-Wave Halos at the Drip Line: 31Ne | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E091)->(E093r) | N | E | [RIKEN] Numerical data received on 2014/5/07 | |
2450 | PR/C89(2014)024618 | Production of 262Db in the 248Cm(19F,5n)262Db reaction and decay properties of 262Db and 258Lr | Ebata(finished) | All(finished) | No | (E091) | N | E | [RIKEN] Error info. was received from the author on 2014/4/25 | |
2449 | RM59(2013)262 | Experimental study for the production cross sections of positron emitters induced from 12C and 16O nuclei by low-energy proton beams | Aikawa(finished) | All(finished) | No | (E086)->(E143r) | N | E | ||
2448 | PL/B728(2014)462 | One-neutron knockout reaction of 17C on a hydrogen target at 70 MeV/nucleon | Ebata(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E087) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2447 | PR/C88(2013)064313 | Isoscalar giant resonance strengths in 32S and possible excitation of superdeformed and 28Si + alpha cluster bandheads | Odsuren(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E087) | N | E | ||
2446 | Kakuri-report20(1987)299 | Reexamination of Monitor Reactions for Photonuclear Reaction Study | Makinaga | No | 445 | N | E | |||
2445 | PR/C88(2013)054329 | Isospin mixing of the isobaric analog state studied in a high-resolution 56Fe(3He,t)56Co reaction | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E085) | N | E | ||
2444 | PR/C88(2013)041602 | Evaporation-cost dependence in heavy-ion fragmentation | Makinaga(finished) | All(finished) | No | (E085) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2443 | PHE30(2006)22 | Elastic Transfer Reactions of 25 MeV/u 6He on 9Be Target | Furutachi(finished) | Aikawa(finished) | Digitized | (E084)->(E095r) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2442 | PHE28(2005)940 | Experimental Study of the t+t Structure in 6He | Furutachi(finished) | Aikawa(finished) | Digitized | (E084) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2441 | PL/B726(2013)178 | Testing the mutually enhanced magicity effect in nuclear incompressibility via the giant monopole resonance in the 204,206,208Pb isotopes | Aikawa(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E081) | N | E | ||
2440 | PR/C88(2013)035801 | Resonant scattering of 22Na+p studied by the thick-target inverse-kinematic method | Makinaga(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E084) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2439 | NIM/B316(2013)33 | Activation cross-sections of deuteron-induced nuclear reactions on natural iron up to 24 MeV | Otsuka(finished) | Aikawa/Makinaga(finished) | Obtained | (E084) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2438 | PR/C88(2013)024618 | Excitation functions for production of Rf isotopes in the 248Cm+18O reaction | Aikawa(finished) | All(finished) | No | (E081)->(E143r) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2437 | PR/C88(2013)024610 | Density distributions of 11Li deduced from reaction cross-section measurements | Vidya(finished) | All(finished) | No | (E081) | N | E | ||
2436 | PL/B725(2013)277 | Probing effect of tensor interactions in 16O via (p,d) reaction | Vidya(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E081->E086r) | N | E | ||
2435 | PNST3(2012)60 | Measurement of Neutron Yields from Thick Al and SUS304 Targets Bombarded by 5-MeV and 9-MeV Deuterons | Aikawa(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E080) | N | E | ||
2434 | PR/C89(2014)015804 | Investigation of the thermonuclear 18Ne(a,p) 21Na reaction rate via resonant elastic scattering of 21Na + p | Vidya(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E080)->(E092r)->(E118r)->(E122r)->(E143r) | N | E | [RIKEN] Main paper was published and must be replaced (2014.02.06). | |
2433 | PR/C88(2013)015805 | Photoneutron cross sections for Mo isotopes: A step toward a unified understanding of (g,n) and (n,g) reactions | Vidya(finished) | Makinaga(finished) | Obtained | (K014) | N | E | ||
2432 | (Duplication of D2380) | N | E | |||||||
2431 | PR/C87(2013)034303 | Alpha-resonance structure in 11C studied via resonant scattering of 7Be + alpha and with the 7Be(alpha,p) reaction | Vidya(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E081) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2430 | PR/C87(2013)051001 | Angular distributions of the vector Ay and tensor Ayy, Axx, Axz analyzing powers in the dd->3Hp reaction at 200 MeV | Vidya(finished) | Makinaga(finished) | Obtained | (E078)->(E120r) | N | E | [RIKEN] / See PAN78(2015)918. /See J,PPN/L,8,1078,2011(2018-12-07) | |
2429 | NIM/B270(2012)61 | Activation cross-sections of deuteron induced reactions on natural palladium | Obtained | ATOMKI | N | E | Only for NRDF. | |||
2428 | NIM/B269(2011)1878 | Investigation of activation cross-sections of deuteron induced reactions on manganese up to 40 MeV | Obtained | ATOMKI | N | E | Only for NRDF. | |||
2427 | NIM/B269(2011)1792 | Investigation of activation cross-sections of deuteron induced reactions on vanadium up to 40 MeV | Obtained | ATOMKI | N | E | Only for NRDF. | |||
2426 | NIM/B269(2011)1389 | Activation cross-sections of deuteron induced nuclear reactions on gold up to 40 MeV | Obtained | ATOMKI | N | E | Only for NRDF. | |||
2425 | NIM/B269(2011)405 | Experimental study of the excitation functions of deuteron induced reactions on natSn up to 40 MeV | Obtained | ATOMKI | N | E | Only for NRDF. | |||
2424 | NIM/B269(2010)263 | A crossed photon-atom beam method for absolute measurement of total photoionization cross sections on isolated metal atoms:Measurements on Ba and Eu atoms | ATOMKI | N | E | Only for NRDF. | ||||
2423 | NIM/B268(2010)2571 | Investigation deuteron-induced reactions on cobalt | Obtained | ATOMKI | N | E | Only for NRDF. | |||
2422 | NIM/B268(2010)440 | Measurement of keV-neutron capture cross-sections and capture gamma-ray spectra of 56Fe and 57Fe | ATOMKI | N | E | Only for NRDF. | ||||
2421 | NIM/B267(2009)3293 | Excitation functions for som W, Ta and Hf radionuclides obtained by deuteron irradiation of 181Ta up to 40 MeV | ATOMKI | N | E | Only for NRDF. | ||||
2420 | NIM/B267(2009)2789 | Activation cross sections of proton induced nuclear reactions on ytterbium up to 70 MeV | ATOMKI | N | E | Only for NRDF. | ||||
2419 | NIM/B267(2009)2802 | Activation cross sections on the natY(p,xn)169Lu reaction for indirect production of the therapeutic radionuclide 169Yb | ATOMKI | N | E | Only for NRDF. | ||||
2418 | NIM/B266(2008)5087 | Study of proton induced reactions on niobium targets up to 70 MeV | ATOMKI | N | E | Only for NRDF. | ||||
2417 | NIM/B266(2008)4872 | Study of activation cross sections of proton induced reactions on erbium for practical applications | ATOMKI | N | E | Only for NRDF. | ||||
2416 | CPL(2012)102301 | Inelastic Scattering of 32Mg at 190 MeV/Nucleon from a Thick Proton Target | Odsuren(finished) | Makinaga(finished) | Obtained | (E077) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2415 | JKPS59(2011)1753 | Neutron energy spectra at 180 degrees from 140 MeV proton incident reactions | Redundant | N | E | Ref. added to D/E2282. | ||||
2414 | NIM/B294(2013)475 | Measurements of cross sections for production of light nuclides by 300 MeV proton bombardment of Cu and Y | Ebata(finished) | All(finished) | No | (E081)->(E143r) | N | E | ||
2413 | PR/C86(2012)064602 | Evidence for hindrance in fusion between sulfur and lead nuclei | Vidya(finished) | Ichinkorloo(finished) | Obtained(Digitized by Vidya) | (E086) | N | E | See EPJ/A17(2011)05003. | |
2412 | PR/C86(2012)054323 | High-resolution 96Zr(3He,t)experiment and the matrix element for double-beta decay | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | Vidya(finished) | Requesting(Digitized by Ichinkhorloo) | (E105) | N | E | ||
2411 | PR/C86(2012)034608 | Fusion probabilities in the reactions 40,48Ca+238U at energies around the Coulomb barrier | Ebata(finished) | Odsuren(finished) | Obtained | (E086) | N | E | ||
2410 | PR/C87(2013)034614 | Elastic scattering of protons from 9C with a 290 MeV/nucleon 9C beam | Ebata(finished) | Makinaga(finished) | No | (E077) | N | E | ||
2409 | NIM/B300(2013)35 | Analysis of fragmentation excitation functions of lead by carbon ions up to 400 MeV/u | Vidya(finished) | Makinaga(finished) | Obtained | (E077) | N | E | ||
2408 | PR/C87(2013)024301 | Dipole strength distribution in 56Fe | Vidya(finished) | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | No | (K013) | N | E | ||
2407 | PR/C87(2013)021601(R) | Shallow and diffuse spin-orbit potential for proton elastic scattering from neutron-rich helium isotopes at 71 MeV/nucleon | Furutachi(finished) | Makinaga(finished) | Obtained | (E076)->(E090r) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2406 | JPJ82(2013)024202 | New result on the production of 277Cn by the 208Pb+70Zn reaction | Furutachi(finished) | Makinaga(finished) | No | (E075)->(E102r) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2405 | PR/C87(2013)015803 | Determination of the astrophysical 12N(p,gamma)13O reaction rate from the 2H(12N,13O)n reaction and its astrophysical implications | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained(Digitized by Furutachi) | (E075)->(E077r) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2404 | NIM/B296(2013)14 | Excitation functions of (d,x) nuclear reactions on natural titanium up to 24 MeV | Otsuka(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E073)->(E095r) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2403 | PL/C86(2012)051302 | Evidence for radiative coupling of the pygmy dipole resonance to excited states | Odsuren(finished) | Makinaga(finished) | Obtained | (K013) | N | E | Contacting to NNDC | |
2402 | PL/B718(2012)447 | Giant monopole resonance in even-A Cd isotopes, the asymmetry term in nuclear incompressibility, and the "softness" of Sn and Cd nuclei | Aikawa(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E076)->(E081r) | N | E | ||
2401 | PR/C86(2012)054604 | One- and two-neutron removal reactions from the most neutron-rich Carbon isotopes | Furutachi(finished) | All(finished) | Requesting(Digitized by Furutachi) | (E075) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
D2300 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
2400 | NSTS2(2002)393 | Light charged-particle production in proton-induced reactions on 12C, 27Al, 58Ni, 90Zr, 197Au, and 209Bi at 42 and 68 MeV | Otsuka(finished) | Aikawa(finished) | Obtained | (E073) | N | E | ||
2399 | PR/C79(2009)011302 | Persisitent decoupling of valence neutrons toward the dripline: Study of 20C by gamma spectroscopy | Furutachi(finished) | Vidya(finished) | No | (E092) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2398 | PR/C78(2008)024306 | Large proton contribution to the 2+ excitation in 20Mg studied by intermediate energy inelastic scattering | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | Tsubakihara(finished) | No | (E092) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2397 | RI34(1985)537 | 55Mn(p,4n)52Fe反応による52Feとミルキングによる52mMnの生産 | Furutachi(finished) | Tsubakihara | Digitizing(Digitized by Odsuren) | (E098) | N | E | ||
2396 | ARI42(1991)297 | Production of 95mTc with proton bombardment of 95Mo | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | Odsuren | (Digitized by Ebata) | (E098) | N | E | ||
2395 | RI27(1978)631 | 天然亜鉛のα,3He照射による67Ga, 68Gaの製造 | Tsubakihara(finished) | Digitizing(Digitized by Mererut) | (E098) | N | E | To be merged with B0135 (Appl. Radiat. Isot. 29 (1978) 615) | ||
2394 | PL23(1966)586 | Excitation functions for the formation of 7Be in 3He particle induced reactions on C, N, O, F, Mg, Al and Si | Vidya(finished) | Aikawa(finished) | Digitizing | (E120)->(E144) | N | E | ||
2393 | JPJ16(1961)367 | Angular distributions and excitation functions of the Be9(d,p)Be10 ground-state reaction | Tsubakihara(finished) | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | Digitizing | (E115) | N | E | ||
2392 | ARI41(1990)57 | Production of 29Al by the 26Mg(alpha,p)29Al reaction and its tracer use | Imai(finished) | All(finished) | Digitizing | (E091)->(E125r) | N | E | ||
2391 | PRL109(2012)182501 | Well developed deformation in 42Si | Vidya(finished) | All(finished) | No | (E073) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2390 | PR/C86(2012)044603 | High resolution (3He,t) experiment on the double-beta decaying nuclei 128Te and 130Te | Odsuren(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained (Digitization by Furutachi exists) | (E115) | N | E | ||
2389 | PR/C86(2012)044309 | High-resolution 100Mo(3He,t)100Tc charge-exchange experiment and the impact on double-beta decays and neutrino charged-current reactions | Tsubakihara(finished) | All(finished) | Requesting(Digitized by Furutachi) | (E076) | N | E | ||
2388 | JPJ81(2012)103201 | New result in the production and decay of an isotope, 278 113, of the 113th element | Aikawa(finished) | All(finished) | No | (E073) -> (E110r) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2387 | NIM/A690(2012)10 | Measurements and Monte Carlo calculations of forward-angle secondary-neutron-production cross-sections for 137 and 200 MeV proton-induced reactions in carbon | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E115) | N | E | ||
2386 | NIM/B286(2012)238 | Projectile fragmentation of 388 A MeV 20Ne in polyethylene, carbon and aluminum targets | Furutachi(finished) | All(finished) | No | (E115)->(E144) | N | E | Add J,CPH/C,36,37,2012 and J,CNST,30,186,2019. See Memo CP-D/1095. | |
2385 | PR/C86(2012)014316 | Total and partial photoneutron cross sections for Pb isotopes | Odsuren(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (K013)->(K015r) | N | E | ||
2384 | PRL109(2012)022501 | N=16 spherical shell closure in 24O | Furutachi(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E073) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2383 | PR/C86(2012)014304 | The (3He,t) reaction on 76Ge, and the double-beta-decay matrix element | Tsubakihara(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained (Digitization by Furutachi exisits) | (E115) | N | E | ||
2382 | PRL108(2012)262503 | Identification of the beta+ Isovector Spin Monopole Resonance via the 208Pb and 90Zr(t,3He) Reactions at 300 MeV/u | Aikawa(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E072)->(E083r) | N | E | [RIKEN], ANG1-CM -> ANG-CM, corrected by hand | |
2381 | PRL108(2012)262501 | Separation of Pigmy Dipole and M1 Resonances in 90Zr by a High-Resolution Inelastic Proton Scattering Near 0 deg | Furutachi(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E120) | N | E | ||
2380 | PR/C85(2012)064606 | Complete sets of polarization transfer observables for the 208Pb(p,n) reactions at 296 MeV and Gamow-Teller and spin-dipole strengths for 208Pb | Vidya(済) | All(済) | 生 | (E072) | N | E | ||
2379 | PR/C85(2012)061301(R) | Gamow-Teller transition strengths in the intermediate nucleus of the 116Cd of the 116Cd double-beta decay by the 116Cd(p,n)116In and 116Sn(n,p)116In reactions at 300 MeV | Tsubakihara(finished) | All(finished) | Obtained | (E126) | N | E | ||
2378 | PRL108(2012)222501 | Hindered proton collectivity in 28S: possible magic number at Z=16 | Odsuren(済) | All(済) | 生 | (E072) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2377 | EPJ/A48(2012)65 | Quasi-elastic scattering of the proton drip line nucleus 17F on 12C at 60 MeV | 合川(済) | All(済) | 無 | (E070) | N | E | ||
2376 | JP/G39(2012)065102 | Knockout reaction induced by 6He at 82.3 MeV/u | Vidya(済) | All(済) | 生 | (E072) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2375 | PR/C85(2012)034313 | Isobaric analog resonances of the N=21 nucleus 35Si | 古立(済) | All(済) | 生 | (E070) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2374 | PR/C85(2012)041304R | Pygmy dipole resonance in 208Pb | Tsubakihara(finished) | All(finished) | No | (E120) | N | E | ||
2373 | JPJ80(2011)094202 | Resonant photonuclear reactions for isotope transmutation | Makinaga(finished) | All(finished) | No | (K016)->(K017r) | N | E | ||
2372 | PR/C85(2012)045802 | Experimental study of resonant states in 27P via elastic scattering of 26Si+p | 古立(済) | Odsuren | 生 | (E070) | N | E | ||
2371 | PR/C85(2012)024611 | Production of 265Sg in the 248Cm(22Ne,5n)265Sg reaction and decay properties of two isomeric states in 265Sg | 合川(済) | All(済) | 無 | (E069)->(E146r) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2370 | PL/B707(2012)46 | Recoil proton tagged knockout reaction for 8He | Vidya(済) | 古立(済) | 生 | (E069)->(E072r) | N | E | ||
2369 | PR/C85(2012)015805 | Strong 25Al + p resonances via elastic proton scattering with a radioactive 25Al beam | Odsuren(済) | 椿原 | 請/読取 | (E069)->(E090r) | N | E | ||
2368 | PL/B707(2012)357 | Interaction cross sections for Ne isotopes towards the island of inversion and halo structures of 29Ne and 31Ne | Vidya(済) | 山本(済) | 請 | (E069) | N | E | ||
2367 | KPS59(2011)1725 | Measurement of Deuteron Induced Thick Target Neutron Yields at 9 MeV | Vidya(済) | 古立(済) | 生 | (E070)->(E075r)->(E088r)->(E090r) | N | E | 数値データ受領(2012.1.19)/数値データ追加受領(2014.2.25) | |
2366 | KPS59(2011)1676 | Measurement of Energy-angular Neutron Distribution for 7Li, 9Be(p,xn) Reaction at EP = 70 MeV and 11 MeV | Odsuren(済) | 椿原(済) | 生 | (E070) | N | E | ||
2365 | PR/C84(2011)064617 | Deuteron-production double-differential cross sections for 300- and 392-MeV proton-induced reactions deduced from experiment and model calculation | Vidya(済) | 古立(済) | 生 | (E070) | N | E | ||
2364 | PR/C84(2011)064315 | One- and two-neutron removal reactions from 19,20C with a proton target | Vidya/Odsuren(済) | 椿原(済) | 生 | (E069) | N | E | 数値データ提供依頼(2012.2.7) | |
2363 | PR/C84(2011)055805 | Photoneutron cross sections for 118-124Sn and the g-ray strength function method | Ichinkhorloo(済) | 牧永 | (K012) | N | E | |||
2362 | PR/C84(2011)054308 | Candidate for the 2+ excited Hoyle state at Ex ~ 10 MeV in 12C | Redundant | N | E | Data added to D/E2157. | ||||
2361 | PL/B706(2011)134 | The 71Ga(3He,t) reaction and the low-energy neutrino response | Vidya/Odsuren(済) | 古立 | 請 | (E072)->(E077r) | N | E | See Phys. Rev. C 91, 034608 (2015). | |
2360 | JPJ80(2011)094201 | Production and Decay Properties of 264Hs and 265Hs | 椿原(済) | 山本(済) | 無 | (E069) | N | E | ||
2359 | PR/C84(2011)035808 | Resonance states in 27P using Coulomb dissociation and their effect on the stellar reaction 26Si(p,gamma)27P | 山本(済) | 椿原(済) | 無 | (E072) | N | E | [RIKEN] | |
2358 | JAERI-M91-170(1991)137 | Measurements of neutrons generated by deuterons incident on thick Li targets | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | 生 | (E070) | N | E | ||
2357 | JPJ80(2011)084201 | Screening Potential of 6Li(d,alpha)4He and 7Li(p,alpha)4He Reactions in Liquid Lithium | Vidya/Odsuren(済) | 古立 | 生 | (E070) | N | E | ||
2356 | PR/C84(2011)024604 | Analyzing power in elastic scattering of 6He from a polarized proton target at 71 MeV/nucleon | Redundant | N | E | Ref. added to D/E2287. | ||||
2355 | PRL107(2011)062502 | Complete Electric Dipole Response and the Neutron Skin in 208Pb | Devi(済) | 牧永(済) | 請/読取済 | (E069)->(E083r) | N | E | 数値データ提供依頼(2011.11.14) | |
2354 | PL8(1964)330 | Elastic and inelastic p - alpha collisions at 55 MeV | Devi(finished) | Ichinkhorloo/All(finished) | Digitized | (E087)->(E144) | N | E | ||
2353 | RM45(2010)856 | Fragmentation of 370 MeV/n 20Ne and 470 MeV/n 24Mg in light targets | Odsuren(済) | 椿原(済) | 請/読取済 | (E069) | N | E | 20Ne(NIRS分)のみ採録(24Mg(JINR, Dubna)分はA0900として採録)/数値データ提供依頼(2011.11.29) | |
2352 | PR/C84(2011)014614 | Complete set of polarization transfer observables for the 16O(p,n)16F reaction at 296 MeV and 0 degrees | Yamamoto(finished) | Aikawa(finished) | Obtained | (E067)->(E074r) | N | E | Numerical data received(2011.11.29) | |
2351 | PR/C84(2011)014308 | High-resolution study of the 9Be(3He,t)9B reaction up to the 9B triton threshold | Makinaga(finished) | Kato(finished) | Obtained | (E115) | N | E | Data Obtained(2011.11.8) | |
2350 | NP/A864(2011)1 | Nuclear reactions of 19,20C on a liquid hydrogen target measured with the superconducting TOF spectrometer | 古立(済) | 片山(済) | 無 | (E067) | N | E | ||
2349 | PRL107(2011)032502 | Scaling of Charge-Changing Interaction Cross Sections and Point-Proton Radii of Neutron-Rich Carbon Isotopes | 椿原(済) | 合川(済) | 無 | (E067) | N | E | ||
2348 | NST48(2011)1017 | Measurement of 76Se and 78Se (g,n) Cross Sections | 牧永(済) | 合川(済) | 無 | (K011) | N | E | 著者校正済(2011.7.19) | |
2347 | PR/C83(2011)064318 | The 150Nd(3He,t) and 150Sm(t,3He) reactions with applications to double beta decay of 150Nd | 合川(済) | 古立(済) | 芦澤(済)請 | (E067) | N | E | 150Nd(3He,t)のみ(RCNP実施分)採録/数値提供依頼(2011.10.21) | |
2346 | PR/C83(2011)061001 | Three nucleon force effects in intermediate-energy deuteron analyzing powers for dp elastic scattering | Odsuren(済) | 合川(済) | 生 | (E067) | N | E | 数値データ受領(2011.9.24)/著者校正済(2011.9.26) | |
2345 | PR/C82(2010)027305 | Nuclear structure study of 19,21N nuclei by gamma spectroscopy | Ichinkhorloo(済) | 松本(済) | 無 | (E067) | N | E | ||
2344 | PR/C81(2010)044315 | Spectroscopic factors and strength distributions for the deeply bound orbitals in 40Ca obtained from the (p,2p) reaction at 392 MeV | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | Aikawa(finished) | Obtained | (E115) | N | E | ||
2343 | PR/C29(1984)1307 | Neutron and photon production from thick targets bombarded by 30-MeV p, 33-MeV d, 65-MeV 3He and 65-MeV alpha isons: Experiment and comparison with cascade Monte Carlo calculations | Tsubakihara(20110615->20110702 finished) | Matsumoto->Furutachi->Aikawa | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E085)->(E092r) | N | E | Photon flux to be compiled. | |
2342 | NST48(2011)834 | Photoneutron Cross Section for Au Revisited: Measurements with Laser Comptopn Scattering gamma-Rays and Data Reduction by a Least-Squares Method | 牧永(20110615->20110620 済) | 松本(済) | 無 | (K011) | N | E | 著者校正済(2011.7.7) | |
2341 | NIM/A644(2011)59 | Measurement of neutron-production double-differential cross-sections on carbon bombarded with 290-MeV/nucleon carbon and oxygen ions | 古立(20110615->20110620 済) | 椿原(済) | 生 | (E067) | N | E | 数値データ取得(2011.7.22)/著者校正済(2011.9.2) | |
2340 | KPS59(2011)2035 | Spectrum measurement of neutrons and gamma-rays from thick H2O-18 target bombarded with 18 MeV protons | 山本(済) | 椿原(済) | 生 | (E067) | N | E | 数値データ受領(2011.10.4) | |
2339 | KPS59(2011)1805 | Fragment DDX measurement of proton induced reactions on light-medium nuclei for energy range from reaction threshold to a few hundred MeV | 合川(済) | 牧永(済) | 生 | (E067)->(E071r) | N | E | ||
2338 | NSTP1(2011)102 | Measurement of proton-production double differential cross section from 290 MeV/u 12C incidence on Carbon at Forward Angle | 松本(済) | 古立(済) | 芦沢(済) | (E066) | N | E | ||
2337 | EPJ/A47(2011)9 | Nuclear-charge polarization at scission in proton-induced fission of 233U | Odsuren(済) | 牧永(済) | 生 | (E066)->(E144) | N | E | データ(一部)受領済(2011.5.6)/数値データ提供再依頼(2011.10.18)/要修正(From IAEA, 2011.10.31)(REACTION, MONITOR) | |
2336 | JPJ47(1979)1747 | Study of elastic(pi-,p) and coherent(pi-C) cross-section at 40 GeV/c usingpropane(C3H8) bubble chamber | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | 541 | N | E | ||||
2335 | JPJ46(1979)1403 | Photoproduction of positive and negative pions from protons in the energy range from 710 MeV to 950 MeV | No | 548 | N | E | [K entry] | |||
2334 | JPJ45(1978)1085 | Photoexcitation of the 7310-keV level in 120Sn and the 6517-keV level in 117Sn | No | 555 | N | E | [K entry] | |||
2333 | JPJ45(1978)1 | Photoproduction of negative pions from carbon in the energy range between 510 MeV and 750 MeV | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | [K entry] | N | E | ||||
2332 | JPJ42(1977)1049 | Experimental study of inclusive reaction 12C(g,pi-) at 44.2 degrees | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | 574 | N | E | [K entry] | |||
2331 | JPJ41(1976)1445 | 12C(tau,d)13N reaction at 81.4 MeV | 山本(済) | 古立(済) | 芦澤(済) | (E066) | N | E | ||
2330 | JPJ41(1976)361 | The (3He,3He),(3He,3He') and (3He,a) reactions on 12C at 82.1 MeV | Aiganym(finished) | All(finished) | Digitized by Ashizawa/Nakagawa/Ebata | (E103) | N | E | ||
2329 | JPJ40(1976)1537 | Four-body breakup process through the (3He,3H) reaction on 9Be | 山本(済) | 合川(済) | 芦澤(済) | (E066) | N | E | ||
2328 | JPJ40(1976)1531 | Photoproduction of charged pions from nuclei by 250-MeV bremsstrahlung | Digitizing | 583 | N | E | [K entry] | |||
2327 | PR/C83(2011)034612 | Quasielastic scattering of 6He from 12C at 82.3 MeV/nucleon | 山本(済) | 椿原/古立(済) | 芦澤(済) | (E066) | N | E | ||
2326 | PR/C83(2011)034306 | Alpha resonance structure in 11B studied via resonant scattering of 7Li+alpha | 椿原(済) | 山本(済) | 生 | (E069)->(E111r)->(E144) | N | E | 数値データ取得(2012.1.13) | |
2325 | PL/B697(2011)459 | 14Be(p,n)14B reaction 69 MeV in inverse kinematics | 古立(済) | 松本(済) | (E066) | N | E | |||
2324 | PR/C83(2011)034602 | Production and decay prpperties of the 1.9-s isomeric state in 261Rf | 椿原(済) | 古立(済) | (E066)->(E146r) | N | E | |||
2323 | JNM417(2011)1267 | Experimental studies of deuteron-induced activation reactions in IFMIF accelerator structural elements | 合川(済) | 山本(済) | 生 | (E069)->(E144) | N | E | ||
2322 | JNM417(2011)1284 | Experimental studies of neutron emission spectra in Li(d,xn) reactions for IFMIF | 合川(済) | 山本(済) | 生 | (E069) | N | E | ||
2321 | JPJ38(1975)954 | Elastic and inelastic scattering of 14N and 12C projectiles by 12C and 28Si | Odsuren(finished) | Tsubakihara(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2320 | JPJ38(1975)299 | Photoproton cross section for 19F | Makinaga(finished) | Vidya(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | 599 | N | E | [K entry]再読取値と入替済。要再送信 | |
2319 | JPJ37(1974)1191 | The multi-step process in the 12C(3He,a)11C reaction | Vidya(finished) | Furutachi(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2318 | JPJ37(1974)17 | Photoprotons from 27Al | Odsuren(済) | 牧永(済) | 芦澤(済) | (K012) | N | E | ||
2317 | JPJ36(1974)18 | Recoil proton polarization and differential cross section in eta-meson photoproduction at 890 MeV | No | 612 | N | E | ||||
2316 | JPJ35(1973)330 | Photoprotons in giant resonance region for 31P | Vidya(finished) | Makinaga(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (K013) | N | E | ||
2315 | JPJ35(1973)315 | Emission of photoneutrons from 29Si at photon energies up to 13 MeV | Odsuren(済) | 牧永(済) | 芦澤(済) | (K011) | N | E | ||
2314 | No | N | E | |||||||
2313 | JPJ33(1972)1482 | One-Proton coupled L=0 and 2 transitions in the 141Pr(p,t) reaction | Vidya(finished) | Furutachi(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2312 | JPJ33(1972)871 | Measurement of the spin correlation parameters Ayy and Azz of proton-proton scattering at 47.5 MeV | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | All(finished) | No | (E092) | N | E | ||
2311 | N | E | ||||||||
2310 | JPJ33(1972)298 | Elastic and inelastic scattering of alpha-particles from even mass molybdenum isotopes | Vidya(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | ||
2309 | JPJ32(1972)1466 | The 54Fe(p,d) 53Fe reaction at 52 MeV | Odsuren(finished) | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2308 | JPJ32(1972)1169 | Experimental investigation of the 91Zr(p,t)89Zr reaction at 51.7 MeV | Vidya(finished) | Makinaga(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | Comment from Furutachi(Mar.27.2013) | |
2307 | JPJ32(1972)886 | A detailed study of low-lying levels of 184W by means of the (d,p) reactions | Vidya(finished) | Tsubakihara(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2306 | JPJ32(1972)869 | On the photonuclear reactions of 27Al | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | 633 | N | E | ||||
2305 | N | E | ||||||||
2304 | JPJ31(1971)1589 | 91Zr(p,t)89Zr reaction at 51.7 MeV | Vidya(finished) | Aikawa(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | Redundant | N | E | Ref. added to D/E2308. | |
2303 | JPJ31(1971)12 | Fission of U and Th by gamma rays from 200 MeV to 1150 MeV | Vidya(済) | 牧永(済) | 芦澤(済) | (K012) | N | E | ||
2302 | JPJ30(1971)1523 | Study of (d,a) reactions on 40Ca and 40Ar | Odsuren(finished) | Tsubakihara(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E119) | N | E | ||
2301 | JPJ30(1971)1217 | Elastic and inelastic scattering of protons on 14N in the energy region of 10 to 15 MeV. I. Experiment | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | Yamamoto(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E119) | N | E | ||
D2200 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
2300 | JPJ30(1971)910 | Elastic scattering of carbon and nitrogen ions | Odsuren(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | ||
2299 | JPJ30(1971)595 | Photoproduction of two neutral pions from hydrogen near threshold | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | Makinaga(finished) | No | (K013) | N | E | ||
2298 | NIM/A420(1999)218 | Development of a quasi-monoenergetic neutron field using the 7Li(p,n)7Be reaction in the 70-210 MeV energy range at RIKEN | Ichinkhorloo(済) | 大塚(済) | 生 | (E067) | N | E | will replace EXFOR O0658 / 数値データ取得 (2011.7.15) | |
2297 | NIM/A629(2011)43 | Quasi-monoenergetic neutron energy spectra for 246 and 389 MeV 7Li(p,n) reactions at angles from 0 to 30 degrees | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | Otsuka(finished) | Obtained | (E066)->(E074r) | N | E | ||
2296 | NSE111(1992)391 | Measurement of Neutron Activation Cross Sections of Energy up to 40MEV Using Semimonoenergetic p-Be neutrons | Odsuren(済) | 牧永(済) | 芦澤(済) | (E068r) | N | E | ||
2295 | PR/C82(2010)064610 | g-ray strength function method and its application to 107Pd | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 生 | (K010) | N | E | ||
2294 | JPJ16(1961)1807 | Photoprotons from Silicon and Phosphorus | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 芦澤(済) | (K010) | N | E | ||
2293 | NST47(2010)618 | Study on Effective Average (g,n) Cross Section for 89Y, 90Zr, 93Nb, and 133Cs and (g,3n) Cross Section for 99Tc | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 無 | (K010) | N | E | ||
2292 | EPJ/A46(2010)157 | Proton resonance elastic scattering in inverse kinematics on the medium heavy nucleus 68Zn | 牧永(済) | 古立(済) | 生 | (E066) | N | E | ||
2291 | PR/C82(2010)044611 | Neutron density distribution of 204,206,208Pb deduced via proton elastic scattering at Ep=295MeV | 牧永(済) | 松本(済) | 請 | (E066) | N | E | ||
2290 | PR/C82(2010)044309 | Density distribution of 17Ne and possible shell-structure change in the proton-rich sd-shell nulei | 松本(済) | 牧永(済) | 無 | (E066) | N | E | ||
2289 | PR/C82(2010)034604 | Proton-production double-differential cross sections for 300-MeV and 392-MeV proton-induced reactions | 椿原(済) | 松本(済) | 生 | (E066r) | N | E | ||
2288 | PR/C82(2010)025807 | High-precision(p,t) reaction to determine 25Al(p,g)26Si reaction rates | 古立(済) | 牧永(済) | 請 | (E065) | N | E | ||
2287 | PR/C82(2010)021602 | Analyzing power for proton elastic scattering from the neutron-rich 6He nucleus | Makinaga(finished) | Furutachi(finished) | Requesting(Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E065)->(E076r) | N | E | ||
2286 | CPL27(2010)092501 | Elastic Scattering of 6He+p at 82.3MeV/nucleon | 椿原(済) | 松本(済) | 生 | (E065) | N | E | ||
2285 | CNPR26(2009)104 | pi0 photoproduction on deuteron for photon energies from 0.6 to 1.15 GeV | 大塚(済) | 牧永(済) | 生 | (K010) | N | E | ||
2284 | NP/A746(2004)113 | Direct measurement of the astrophysical reaction 14C(a,p)17F | 大塚(済) | 椿原 | ○ | (E065) | N | E | Also NP/A738(2004)411 | |
2283 | PR/C82(2010)014609 | Energy-dependent charge-changing cross sections and proton distribution of 28Si | 椿原(済) | 松本(済) | 無 | (E064) | N | E | ||
2282 | NIM/A620(2010)484 | Measurements and Monte Carlo calculations of neutron production cross-section at 180 degrees for the 140MeV proton incident reactions on carbon, iron, and gold | 松本(済) | 椿原(済) | 生 | (E064)->(E076r) | N | E | ||
2281 | AIP-1238(2010)211 | Direct measurement of 4He(12C,16O)g reaction at KUTL | Ichinkhorloo(済) | 大塚(済) | 無 | (E065) | N | E | ||
2280 | PR/C81(2010)064606 | Search for 7H in 2H+8He collisions | 古立(済) | 椿原(済) | 無 | (E064) | N | E | ||
2279 | JPJ29(1970)815 | The High Excited Levels of 27Al | Furutachi(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | ||
2278 | JPJ28(1970)1107 | Excited States in 40Ar from Inelastic Alpha-Particle Scattering | Tsubakihara(finished) | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E119) | N | E | ||
2277 | JPJ28(1970)1101 | Excited States in 27Al from the Reaction 26Mg(p,p)26Mg | Vidya(finished) | Aikawa(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E119) | N | E | ||
2276 | JPJ28(1970)291 | A Nuclear Structure Study of 141Pr and 143Pm Using the (3He,d) Reaction on 140Ce and 142Nd | Vidya(finished) | Aikawa(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E119) | N | E | ||
2275 | JPJ27(1969)1087 | The 91Zr(p,p') Reaction at 14.52 MeV | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | Aikawa(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E119) | N | E | ||
2274 | (Duplication of D3) | No | N | E | ||||||
2273 | JPJ26(1969)1335 | Triton-Induced Reactions on 12C | Vidya(finished) | Makinaga(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E078) | N | E | ||
2272 | JPJ26(1969)1078 | Quasi-Free Scattering in the Reaction Be9(p,pa)He5 at 55MeV | Furutachi(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | ||
2271 | JPJ26(1969)853 | Low-Lying States of 9Be Studied by the 7Li(3He,p)9Be Reaction | Odsuren(finished) | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E119) | N | E | ||
2270 | JPJ25(1968)953 | A Study of the Nuclear Structure of 46Ti by the 45Sc(3He,d) Reaction | Vidya(finished) | Tsubakihara(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E119) | N | E | ||
2269 | PR/C91(2015)034608 | Precision evaluation of the 71Ga(nue,e-) solar neutrino capture rate from the (3He,t) charge-exchange reaction | Tada (finished) | Otsuka (finished) | (E120)->(E150r) | N | E | |||
2268 | JPJ25(1968)36 | j-Forbidden(d,p) Stripping Reactions on C12, O16 and Mg24 | Vidya(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E119) | N | E | |||
2267 | JPJ25(1968)21 | Breakup of Deuteron by Impact of Alpha Particle and Deuteron | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | Aikawa(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E119) | N | E | ||
2266 | JPJ25(1968)14 | Scattering of 34.4-MeV Alpha Particles by the Tin Isotopes | Aikawa(finished) | Tsubakihara(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E119) | N | E | ||
2265 | JPJ25(1968)1 | Single- and Multi-Nucleon Transfer Reactions Induced by Oxygen Ions on Boron 10 and 11 | Tsubakihara(finished) | Odsuren(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E119) | N | E | ||
2264 | JPJ24(1968)1203 | Disintegration of Li7 and Li6 by 29.4MeV Alpha-Particles | Tada | All | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E123)->(E143r) | N | E | ||
2263 | JPJ24(1968)1167 | Level Structure of 118Sn from a 119Sn(p,d) Reaction | Vidya(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | ||
2262 | JPJ24(1968)677 | Elastic Scattering of Oxygen Ions by Boron 10 and 11 | Tsubakihara(finished) | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2261 | JPJ24(1968)667 | Quasi-Free a-a Scattering in Be9 and C12 at 37MeV | Odsuren(finished) | Aikawa(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2260 | JPJ24(1968)422 | Elastic Scattering of Tritons by 16O | Vidya(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | ||
2259 | JPJ23(1967)911 | Inelastic Scattering of Alpha Particles by Be9 at 28.5MeV | Furutachi(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | ||
2258 | JPJ23(1967)895 | Compound-Nucleus Cross Sections Far below the Coulomb Barrier | Tada (finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E121) | N | E | |||
2257 | JPJ23(1967)673 | 89Y(p,p') Reaction at 14.71MeV | Odsuren(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | ||
2256 | JPJ23(1967)147 | Energy Spectra of Inelastic Scattering of 28.4-MeV Alpha Particles | Tsubakihara(finished) | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2255 | JPJ22(1967)685 | Excitation of Spin-Flip States of Light Nuclei in Inelastic Scattering of Alpha Particles | Furutachi(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | ||
2254 | JPJ21(1966)2462 | Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of Deuterons from Be9, C12, N14 and O16 at 14MeV | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | Tsubakihara(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103)->(E145r) | N | E | ||
2253 | JPJ21(1966)2445 | Two-Particle States Excited by The (a,d) Reactions on s-d Shell Nuclei | Tada (finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E121) | N | E | |||
2252 | JPJ21(1966)2115 | Low Energy (p,n) Reaction on 55Mn and the Low-Lying Excited States of 55Fe | Furutachi(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | ||
2251 | JPJ21(1966)2110 | Proton Widths of Excited States in 29P by the 28Si(3He,d)29P Reaction | Vidya(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | ||
2250 | JPJ21(1966)413 | Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of 28.4-MeV Alpha Particles by Sn, Cd, Ag, Cu and Ti* | Vidya(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | ||
2249 | JPJ20(1965)2118 | An Experimental Survey of Nuclear Reactions Induced by 57MeV Protons Part II(p,d) Reactions | Odsuren(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | ||
2248 | JPJ20(1965)1967 | (a,d) and (a,t) Reactions on Be9, F19, and Al27 at 28.6MeV | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | ||
2247 | JPJ20(1965)1544 | Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of 22.2MeV Alpha Particles from Some Medium-Weight Nuclei | Vidya(finished) | Aikawa(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2246 | JPJ20(1965)475 | Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of 28.5MeV Alpha-Particles from O16, Ne20, Mg24 and Si28 | Furutachi(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | ||
2245 | JPJ20(1965)190 | Symmetric and Asymmetric Fission of 238U Induced by Helium Ions | Tsubakihara(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | No | (E100) | N | E | ||
2244 | JPJ20(1965)1 | Elastic and Inelastic Scatterings of Polarized Protons from Be9 and Al27 | Odsuren(finished) | Aikawa(finished) | No | (E103) | N | E | ||
2243 | JPJ19(1964)2004 | Elastic and Inelastic Collisions of 55MeV Proton with 4He | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100)->(E144) | N | E | ||
2242 | JPJ19(1964)1809 | Fission of Uranium-238 Induced by 55MeV Proton | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | Odsuren(finished) | (Digitized by Saito) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2241 | JPJ19(1964)147 | Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of 28.5MeV Alpha Particles by Medium-Weight Nuclei | Vidya(finished) | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2240 | (Duplication of D2167) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | N | E | ||||||
2239 | JPJ18(1963)620 | The (a,p) Reactions on Light and Medium-Weight Nuclei | Vidya(finished) | Odsuren(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2238 | JPJ18(1963)477 | Structure of Giant Resonance in the P31(p,g) Reaction | Ebata(finished) | Odsuren(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | J,JPJ,18,599,1963(Also exists Cross sections) | |
2237 | JPJ17(1962)1817 | An Experimental Survey of Nuclear Reactions Induced by 57MeV Protons, Part I | Odsuren(finished) | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2236 | JPJ17(1962)1526 | Protons from Several Elements Bombarded with 30-MeV Alpha Particles | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | Odsuren(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E119) | N | E | pending (Q-value for natural target) | |
2235 | JPJ17(1962)1319 | Differential Excitation Functions for Alpha Particle and Proton Groups from the Deuteron Induced Reactions on F19 | Ebata(finished) | Vidya(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2234 | JPJ17(1962)729 | Scattering and Polarization of 57-MeV Protons | Vidya(finished) | Odsuren(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2233 | JPJ17(1962)19 | Angular Distributions of the Alpha Particles from the (p,a) Reactions on Na23 and K39 at 6.9~7.3MeV | Ebata(finished) | Odsuren(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2232 | JPJ17(1962)9 | Elastic Scattering of Protons from B11, Al, P, Co and Cu from 6 to 7.4MeV | 松本(済) | 古立(済) | 芦澤(済) | (E066) | N | E | ||
2231 | JPJ16(1961)2378 | Angular Distributions of Alpha-particles from F19, Al27 and P31 bombarded with Protons | Ebata(finished) | Odsuren(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2230 | JPJ16(1961)2118 | (d,a) Reactions on O16, N14 and C12 by 14.7MeV Deuterons | Meruert(finished) | Vidya(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103)->(E143r) | N | E | ||
2229 | (Duplication of D2166) | N | E | |||||||
2228 | JPJ16(1961)1849 | Angular Distribution for the N14(d,p)N15 Ground State Reaction | Vidya(finished) | Odsuren(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2227 | JPJ16(1961)1529 | The N14(d,a)C12 Ground-State Reaction in the Energy Range of Deuteron from 1.5 to 3.0MeV | Meruert(finished) | Vidya(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2226 | JPJ16(1961)1091 | Angular Distribution of (a,p) Reactions in Some Light Nuclei | Ebata(finished) | Vidya(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2225 | JPJ16(1961)1077 | He3-Alpha Scattering | Vidya(finished) | Odsuren(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2224 | JPJ16(1961)1056 | Inelastic Scattering of Deuterons from C12, Mg24 and Ni60 | Ebata(finished) | Vidya(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2223 | JPJ16(1961)598 | The Reaction Mg25(d,p)Mg26 in the Energy Range of Deuterons from 1.5MeV to 3.0MeV | 松本(済) | 牧永(済) | 芦澤(済) | (E064) | N | E | ||
2222 | JPJ16(1961)157 | On the Protons from the N14(d,p)N15 Reaction | Vidya(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | ||
2221 | JPJ16(1961)133 | Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of Protons from Carbon Nucleus from 6.5 to 16 MeV | Tada | All | To be digitized for excitation function. | 767 | N | E | ||
2220 | JPJ15(1960)1741 | (d,a) Reactions on Some Light Nuclei | Vidya(finished) | Ichinkhorloo(finished) | (digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2219 | JPJ15(1960)930 | On the Alpha-particles from the N14(d,a)C12 Ground State Reaction | Meruert,Vidya(finished) | Makinaga(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2218 | JPJ15(1960)760 | Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of Protons from N, Ne, Mg, Si, S and A in the Energy Range from 7.6MeV to 14.2MeV | Vidya(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E119) | N | E | |||
2217 | JPJ15(1960)749 | Protons from the p+d Breakup Reaction at Proton Energies at 14MeV and 10MeV | Chiba/Hatakeyama(finished) | Aikawa(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E085) | N | E | Please use new read data set(Ashizawa) | |
2216 | JPJ15(1960)741 | The Reactions Li7(p,n)Be7, B11(p,n)C11 and Al27(p,n)Si27 at 8 to 14MeV | 合川(済) | 古立(済) | Dunaeva(済) | (E067) | N | E | ||
2215 | (Duplication of D2165) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | N | E | ||||||
2214 | JPJ15(1960)550 | Differential Cross Sections for the Reaction C12(d,p)C13 in the Energy Range of Deuterons from 15- to 20-MeV | Vidya(finished) | Ebata(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E103) | N | E | ||
2213 | JPJ15(1960)361 | Differential Cross Sections for the N14(d,p)N15 Ground State Reactioon at the Deuteron Energy of 16MeV | Mikami/Kawamura(finished) | Aikawa(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E085) | N | E | ||
2212 | (Duplication of D2038) | No | N | E | ||||||
2211 | JPJ14(1959)1255 | Scattering of Protons by Silicon and Sulphur | Vidya(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | ||
2210 | JPJ13(1958)777 | Angular Distribution of Protons Inelastically Scattered from Si28 and Mg24 | Furutachi(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | ||
2209 | JPJ13(1958)771 | Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of Protons from Neon | Furutachi(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | Use new digitized data(by Ashizawa) | |
2208 | JPJ13(1958)541 | Gamma Rays from the Proton Bombardment of Silicon | Ebata(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | ||
2207 | JPJ13(1958)237 | Angular Distribution of Protons Inelastically Scattered from Mg24 | Furutachi(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | Use new digitized data (by Ashizawa) | |
2206 | JPJ13(1958)231 | Elastic Scattering of 5.7MeV Protons from Fe, Cr and Ti | Furutachi(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | ||
2205 | JPJ12(1957)561 | Elastic Scattering of 5.7 MeV Protons from Ni and Cu | Furutachi(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | ||
2204 | JPJ11(1956)1 | On the Neutrons from the N14(d,n)O15 Reaction | Furutachi(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | ||
2203 | JPJ9(1954)447 | The Angular Distribution of Protons from the C12(d,p)C13 Reactions | Furutachi(finished) | Kawai/Otsuka(finished) | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E100) | N | E | ||
2202 | JPJ5(1953)571 | Energy Spectra of Charged pi-mesons Produced in Carbon, Aluminum and Copper at 90 degrees to a 345MeV Proton Beam | Tada | All | (Digitized by Ashizawa) | (E123) | N | E | ||
2201 | NP/A122(1968)97 | Mechanism of the reaction 24Mg(d,p)25Mg from 2 to 4 MeV | Ichinkhorloo(済) | 大塚(済) | 芦澤(済) | (E065) | N | E | ||
D2100 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
2200 | JPJ79(2010)073201 | Identification of 45 New Neutron-Rich Isotopes Produced by In-Flight Fission of a 238U Beam at 345MeV/nucleon | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 無 | (E065) | N | E | ||
2199 | NST47(2010)367 | Measurement of the 80Se(g,n) Cross Section Using Laser-Compton Scattering g-rays | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 生 | (K008) | N | E | ||
2198 | JPJ28(1970)537 | Study of the Excited States in 4He through the 4He(g,p)3H Reaction | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 芦澤(済) | (K009) | N | E | ||
2197 | JPJ26(1969)607 | The Energy and the Angular Distributions of 16O(g,p)15N Reaction | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 芦澤(済) | (K010) | N | E | 再読み取りデータを使用する事(芦澤) | |
2196 | JPJ25(1968)664 | Photoprotons from 23Na, 31P, 32S, 40Ca, 55Mn and 56Fe | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 芦澤(済) | (K010) | N | E | 再読み取りデータを使用する事(芦澤) | |
2195 | JPJ20(1965)1321 | Photoreactions in 28Si Nucleus by Monochromatic Gamma-Rays | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 芦澤(済) | (K010) | N | E | ||
2194 | JPJ20(1965)1313 | Photoproduction of Deuterons from Carbon at Several Hundred MeV | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 無 | (K011) | N | E | ||
2193 | JPJ19(1964)1999 | Photoprotons from Fluorine and Carbon | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 芦澤(済) | (K009) | N | E | ||
2192 | JPJ19(1964)1800 | Photoproduction of Positive Pions from Carbon Nuclei | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 芦澤(済) | (K011)->(K012r) | N | E | 再読み取りデータを使用する事(芦澤) | |
2191 | JPJ19(1964)427 | Investigation of Nuclear Reactions Induced by High Energy Bremsstrahlung | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 芦澤(済) | (K010)->(K022r) | N | E | ||
2190 | JPJ18(1963)1353 | Photo Neutron Cross Sections in 23Na and 28Si | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 芦澤(済) | (K009) | N | E | ||
2189 | JPJ18(1963)599 | Photoneutron Reaction of 32S | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 芦澤(済) | (K009) | N | E | ||
2188 | JPJ18(1963)17 | Nuclear Elastic Scattering of Photons near the Partial Threshold Energy (II) | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 芦澤(済) | (K009) | N | E | ||
2187 | JPJ17(1962)1681 | Cross Sections of 35Cl(g,n)34Cl and 32S(g,n)31S Reaction | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 芦澤(済) | (K009) | N | E | ||
2186 | JPJ17(1962)1673 | On the Study of 31P(g,n) and 32S(g,n) Reaction | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 芦澤(済) | (K009) | N | E | ||
2185 | JPJ17(1962)1672 | Structure of Giant Resonance in 27Al(g,p) Reaction | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 芦澤(済) | (K009)->(K011r)->(K012r) | N | E | 再読み取りデータを使用する事(芦澤) | |
2184 | JPJ16(1961)1841 | Reaction 16O(g,p)15N by 20.5 MeV | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 芦澤(済) | (K009)->(K011r)->(K012r)->(K022r) | N | E | 再読み取りデータを使用する事(芦澤) | |
2183 | JPJ16(1961)1657 | Nuclear Elastic Scattering of Photons near the Particle Threshold Energy (I) | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 芦澤(済) | (K009) | N | E | ||
2182 | JPJ15(1960)1128 | Structure of Giant Resonance in 27Al(p,g) Reaction | Ichinkhorloo(済) | 大塚(済) | 芦澤(済) | (E065) | N | E | ||
2181 | JPJ14(1959)1649 | Photoneutron Cross Sections for 107Ag, 92Mo, and 90Zr | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 芦澤(済) | (K009) | N | E | ||
2180 | JPJ6(1951)66 | The Photo-disintegration of Be by the High Energy gamma-rays. | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 無 | (K009) | N | E | ||
2179 | PR/C81(2010)035801 | Photoneutron cross sections for 96Zr: A systematic experimental study of photoneutron and radiative neutron capture cross sections for zirconium isotopes | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 生 | (K008) | N | E | ||
2178 | PR/C81(2010)034309 | Isoscalar giant resonances in the Sn nuclei and implications for the asymmetry term in the nuclear-matter incompressibility | 古立(済) | 松本 | 芦澤(済) | (E064)->(E081r) | N | E | ||
2177 | PR/C7(1973)1425 | Mechanism of the reaction 28Si(d,p)29Si from 2.0 MeV to 4.2 MeV | 松本(済) | 古立(済) | (E066) | N | E | |||
2176 | JPJ78(2009)064201 | Decay Properties of 266Bh and 262Db Produced in the 248Cm + 23Na Reaction | 浅野(済) | 大塚(済) | 無 | (E064) | N | E | ||
2175 | CJP61(1983)1579 | Cross section of direct three-body breakup of 9Be for 1576-keV gamma rays | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 無 | (K007) | N | E | ||
2174 | PRL104(2010)062701 | Observation of a Large Reaction Cross Section in the Drip-Line Nucleus 22C | 牧永(済) | 古立(済) | 無 | (E063) | N | E | ||
2173 | PL/B690(2010)245 | Low-lying intruder state of the unbound nucleus 13Be | Ichinkhorloo(済) | 松本(済) | 生 | (E064) | N | E | ||
2172 | NST39(2002)329 | Production of 147Eu for Gamma-Ray Emission Probability Measurement | 牧永(済) | 松本(済) | 無 | (E064)->(E095r) | N | E | ||
2171 | PR/C80(2009)064613 | alpha cluster states in 44,46,52Ti | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | EXFOR 採録対象外 NRDF 要検討 | |||
2170 | PRL103(2009)262501 | Halo Structure of the Island of Inversion Nucleus 31Ne | 大塚(済) | 椿原(済) | 無 | (E062)->(E091r) | N | E | ||
2169 | PR/C80(2009)065802 | E1 and E2 cross sections of the 12C(alpha,0)16O reaction using pulsed beams | 大塚(済) | 古立(済) | 無 | (E062) | N | E | ||
2168 | PL8(1964)342 | EXCITATION OF UNNATURAL-PARITY STATES IN (alpha,alpha') SCATTERINGS ON 016, Ne20, Mg24 AND Si28 AT 28.5 MeV | 椿原(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E064)->(E144) | N | E | ||
2167 | JPJ18(1963)747 | (d,alpha) Reactions on 12C and 16O with Deuterons in the Energy Range from 15Mev to 20Mev | 松本(済) | 合川(済) | (E067)->(E074r) | N | E | McGowan Fileに一部数値あり - Figs.2-3, 5, 8-9 / 数値データ取得(J,BCR,43,68,1965)(2011.7.12) | ||
2166 | JPJ16(1961)1853 | (alpha,p) Reactions near Z=26 | Ichinkhorloo(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E064) | N | E | ||
2165 | JPJ15(1960)557 | Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of 11.2Mev Deuterons | 松本(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E063) | N | E | McGowan Fileに一部数値あり - Figs.3-4,12-14 | |
2164 | PR/C80(2009)055806 | gamma-ray strength function for 116,117Sn with the pygmy dipole resonance balanced in the photoneutron and neutron capture channels | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 生 | (K008r)->(K022r) | N | E | ||
2163 | NT168(2009)340 | Measurement of angular-dependent Neutron production with 140-MeV Protons | 古立(済) | 浅野(済) | 生 | (E061) | N | E | ||
2162 | PR/C80(2009)055804 | High-precision (p,t) reaction measurement to determine 18Ne(alpha,p)21Na reaction rates | 浅野(済) | 椿原(済) | 生 | (E062) | N | E | ||
2161 | PR/C80(2009)044317 | Proton decay from the isoscalar giant dipole resonance in 58Ni | 古立 | 浅野 | 生 | (E062) | N | E | ||
2160 | PR/C81(2010)054604 | Proton inelastic scattering to the dilute alpha-cluster condensed 02+ state at Ex=7.654MeV in 12C | 古立(済) | 椿原(済) | 生 | (E064) | N | E | ||
2159 | 2007TOKYO2(2007)458 | Tensor Analyzing Powers of pd Radiative Capture | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 無 | (E063)->(E090r) | N | E | 送付依頼済(2009-10-29) | |
2158 | 2007TOKYO2(2007)434 | Excitation energy dependence of fragment mass and total kinetic energy distributions in proton-induced fission of uranium isotopes | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 生 | (E063) | N | E | ||
2157 | 2007TOKYO2(2007)371 | The second 2+ state at Ex~10MeV in 12C | Ichinkhorloo(済) | 浅野(済) | 生 | (E063)->(E070r)->(E081r) | N | E | See E2362. | |
2156 | 2007TOKYO2(2007)281 | Medium effect and neutron density distribution of 16,18O observed via proton elastic scattering | Ichinkhorloo(済) | 浅野(済) | ○ | (E063) | N | E | 送付依頼済(2009-10-29) | |
2155 | J,NP/A481(1988)207 | Tensor analyzing power measurement of 1H(d,2He)n reaction at 70 MeV | 牧永(済) | 大塚(済) | 生 | (E062) | N | E | ||
2154 | PRL103(2009)032501 | Spectroscopy of 32Ne and the "Island of Inversion" | 浅野(済) | 牧永(済) | 無 | (E063r) | N | E | ||
2153 | RI25(1976)315 | アンチモンのα照射および3He照射による123Iの製造 | 牧永(済) | 浅野(済) | ○ | (E062)->(E125r)->(E141r) | N | E | Reference corrected (E141r, See Memo CP-D/1098). | |
2152 | PR/C80(2009)024319 | Polarization transfer measurements for 12C(->p,-.n)12N(g.s., 1+) at 296MeV and nuclear correlation effects | 牧永(済) | 浅野(済) | 生 | (E062) | N | E | NNDC(no number), NNDCと合意済 | |
2151 | PRL103(2009)012503 | Gamow-Teller Strength Distributions in 48Sc by the 48Cadp; nT and 48Tidn; pT Reactions and Two-Neutrino Double-Decay Nuclear Matrix Elements | 松本(済) | 浅野(済) | 無 | (E063r)->(E144) | N | E | ||
2150 | NIM/A605(2009)326 | Measurement of high energy resolution inelastic proton scattering at and close to zero degrees | Ichiko(済) | 浅野(済) | ○ | (E063)->(E090r) | N | E | ||
2149 | PR/C79(2009)061601 | Reaction cross sections at intermediate energies and Fermi-motion effect | 古立(済) | 浅野(済) | 生 | (E063r)->(E137r) | N | E | ||
2148 | PR/C79(2009)054008 | Three-nucleon force effects in the 1H(->d,->p p)n reaction at 135 MeV/nucleon | 松本(済) | 古立(済) | 生 | (E064r) | N | E | ||
2147 | PR/C79(2009)054319 | Low-lying states in 32Mg studied by proton inelastic scattering | 松本(済) | 浅野(済) | 生 | (E063r) | N | E | ||
2146 | 2008MACKIN(2008)#134 | Determination of astrophysical nuclear reaction rates using light neutron-rich RNBs | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | 生 | (E064r) | N | E | ||
2145 | EPJ/ST150(2007)37 | Elastic scattering for the system 11Be + 209Bi at Coulomb barrier energies | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | 生 | (E060) | N | E | ||
2144 | JP/G31(2005)S1517 | Coulomb dissociation experiment for explosive hydrogen burning: study of the 22Mg(p,gamma)23Al reaction | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | 生 | (E060) | N | E | ||
2143 | NP/A722(2003)484c | Production of neutron-rich isotopes by fragmentation of 80 MeV/nucleon 59Co beam | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | 生 | (E060) | N | E | 著者校正済(2009-08-23) | |
2142 | PRL102(2009)012502 | Development of Large Deformation in 62Cr | 松本(済) | 浅野(済) | 無 | (E063r) | N | E | ||
2141 | PL/B674(2009)281 | Direct proton decay of the isoscalar giant dipole resonance in 208Pb | 浅野(済) | 松本(済) | ○ | (E061) | N | E | 請求済(2009-04-08) | |
2140 | PL/B674(2009)276 | A new measurement of the astrophysical 8Li(d, t)7Li reaction | 牧永(済) | 古立(済) | 生 | (E064r)->(E074r) | N | E | ||
2139 | PR/C79(2009)035805 | Neutron capture cross section of 14C of astrophysical interest studied by Coulomb breakup of 15C | 古立(済) | 松本(済) | 生 | (E063r) | N | E | ||
2138 | JRN280(2009)199 | Production of no-carrier-added 64Cu and applicationsProduction of no-carrier-added 64Cu and applications to molecular imaging by PET and PETIS as a biomedical tracer | 牧永(済) | 古立 | 無 | (E061)->(E125r) | N | E | ||
2137 | JPJ78(2009)035003 | Production and Decay Properties of 263Hs | 浅野(済) | 古立(済) | 無 | (E059) | N | E | 断面積のみ採録(21+10-8 pb, 1.6+3.7-1.3 pb) | |
2136 | PL/B673(2009)179 | First lifetime measurement of 2+1 state in 12Be | 松本(済) | 浅野(済) | 無 | (E061) | N | E | 断面積のみ採録(74.5+/-5.8 mb, 55.0 +/- 5.3 mb) | |
2135 | PR/C79(2009)024602 | Gamow-Teller unit cross sections of the (p,n) reaction at 198 and 297 MeV on medium-heavy nuclei | 浅野(済) | 古立(済) | 生 | (E061r)->(E074r)->(E083r) | N | E | NNDC(C1669)/要修正(From IAEA, 2011.11.1)(See CP-D/718) | |
2134 | PR/C79(2009)024314 | High resolution study of isovector negative parity states in the 16O(3He,t)16F reaction at 140 MeV/nucleon | 古立(済) | 浅野(済) | 生 | (E063r) | N | E | ||
2133 | PL/B672(2009)230 | Low-lying non-normal parity states in 8B measured by proton elastic scattering on 7Be | Ichiko(済) | Asano(済) | 生 | (E059) | N | E | ||
2132 | PR/C79(2009)014602 | One-neutron removal reactions of18 Cand 19C on a proton target | 古立(済) | 松本(済) | 生 | (E063r) | N | E | ||
2131 | PR/C78(2008)067602 | Measurements of projectile-like 8Be and 9B production in 200?400 MeV/nucleon 12C on water | Ichiko(済) | Asano(済) | 無 | (E059) | N | E | ||
2130 | JRN276(2008)835 | Investigation of excitation functions of deuteron induced nuclear reactions on lead | 浅野(済) | 牧永(済) | 請 | ATOMKI | N | E | Only for NRDF. | |
2129 | NIM/A598(2009)687 | Measurements of double-differential neutron-production cross-sections for the 9Be(p,xn) and 9Be(d,xn) reactions at 10MeV | 大塚(済) | 村上(済) | 生 | (E057)->(E097r) | N | E | Numerical data received for replacement on 2015/4/30 | |
2128 | PR/C76(2007)054307 | (3He,t) reaction on the double β decay nucleus 48Ca and the importance of nuclear matrix elements | 大塚(済) | 水川(済) | 請 (2008-12-12) | (E057) | N | E | 著者からの連絡待ち | |
2127 | PRL101(2008)212503 | Decay Pattern of Pygmy States Observed in Neutron-Rich 26Ne | 大塚(済) | 松宮(済) | ○ | (E057)->(E090r) | N | E | 著者データ紛失(一部受領) | |
2126 | PR/C78(2008)054309 | Observation of high-j quasiparticle states in 249 Cm by in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy using heavy-ion transfer reactions | 吉田(済) | 大塚(済) | 無 | (E059r) | N | E | ||
2125 | PAN71(2008)1495 | Status of the Investigation of the Spin Structure of d, 3H, and 3He at VBLHE Using Polarized and Unpolarized Deuteron Beam | 浅野(済) | 大塚(済) | 請 | (E059r)->(E104r)->(E120r) | N | E | See J,PPN/L,8,1078,2011(2018-12-07) | |
2124 | PR/C78(2008)054313 | Measurement of the reaction cross section of 18C and observations of fragments from 17 Cand 18 Cat80A MeV | 古立(済) | 大塚(済) | 生 | (E057) | N | E | ||
2123 | PR/C78(2008)024607 | Cross sections and analyzing powers for (p,n)reactions on 3He and 4He at 346MeV | 古立(済) | 大塚(済) | 請 | (E057) | N | E | ||
2122 | PR/C78(2008)021304 | Persistence of the N = 50 shell closure in the neutron-rich isotope 80Ge | 古立(済) | 大塚(済) | 無 | (E057) | N | E | 著者に検出効率の補正の有無を確認 | |
2121 | 2007NICE(2007)1011 | Deuteron induced activation cross section measurement for IFMIF | Ichiko(済) | 吉田(済) | 生 | (E057)->(E072r)->(E075r)->(E079r)->(E106r)->(E137r) | N | E | c.f.E1988, 送信時E1988.003, 005, 009も同時送付 | |
2120 | PL/B666(2008)311 | Low-lying proton intruder state in 13B | 古立(済) | 浅野(済) | 生 | (E057) | N | E | ||
2119 | PR/C78(2008)014314 | Spectroscopy of 24Al and extraction of Gamow-Teller strengths with the 24Mg(3He,t) reaction at 420 MeV | 大塚(済) | 松宮(済) | 生 | (E057) | N | E | ||
2118 | PR/C78(2008)014303 | Analogs of the giant dipole and spin-dipole resonances in 4He and in alpha clusters of 6,7Li studied by the 4He,6,7Li(7Li,7Be r ) reactions | Ichiko(済) | 古立(済) | 請 | (E066r) | N | E | 11月25日再請求 | |
2117 | NIM/A593(2008)298 | Measurement of thick target neutron yields at 01 bombarded with 140, 250 and 350MeV protons | Ichiko(済) | Yoshida(済) | 生 | (E059r)->(E080r) | N | E | 要修正(2011.7.22)(TITLE: yielts -> yields) | |
2116 | JPJ77(2008)083201 | Identification of New Isotopes 125Pd and 126Pd Produced by In-Flight Fission of 345 MeV/nucleon 238U First Results from the RIKEN RI Beam Factory | 浅野(済) | 古立(済) | 無 | (E057) | N | E | 著者に導出法を確認 | |
2115 | PRL100(2008)162502 | M1 Strength for Zirconium Nuclei in the Photoneutron Channel | 大塚(済) | (光) | 生 | (K011r) | N | E | 要再送信(AIP-1120,p183追記) | |
2114 | PL/B657(2007)32 | Backward-angle photoproduction of mesons on the proton at Er=1.5-2.4 GeV | 大塚(済) | (光) | 生 | (K005) | N | E | ||
2113 | PR/C78(2008)014001 | Photoproduction of neutral kaons on a liquid deuterium target in the threshold region | 大塚(済) | (光) | 生 | (K006r) | N | E | ||
2112 | NSE160(2008)363 | Measurement of inclusive photonuclear (gamma,n) reaction cross section for 129I | 大塚(済) | (光) | 無 | (K005) | N | E | ||
2111 | PR/C79(2009)025801 | Photodisintegration of 80Se: Implications for the s-process branching at 79Se | 大塚(済) | (光) | 生 | (K006r) | N | E | ||
2110 | NIM/A592(2008)73 | Extension of energy acceptance of Bragg curve counter at the high-energy end | Ichiko(済) | Asano(済) | 生 | (E056)->(E072r)->(E090r) | N | E | 誤差は2%(電流)、立体角(5%)、標的厚(5%)を含む, PART-DET deleted by hand | |
2109 | PR/C77(2008)054611 | Complete set of polarization transfer coefficients for the 3He( p, n) reaction at 346 MeV and 0 degrees | 古立(済) | 吉田(済) | 請 | (E065r) | N | E | 要修正(004 ヘッダ欠落) | |
2108 | PR/C77(2008)044604 | Wolfenstein parameters for s1/2 proton knockout (p,2p) reactions | 吉田(済) | 古立(済) | 無 | (E056) | N | E | ||
2107 | EPJ/A36(2008)1 | A study of the proton resonant property in 22Mg by elastic scattering of 21Na + p and its astrophysical implication in the 18Ne(a,p)21Na reaction rate | Ichiko(済) | Furutachi(済 nrdf未) | 生 | (E063r) | N | E | ||
2106 | NIM/A589(2008)193 | A Bragg curve counter with an active cathode to improve the energy hreshold in fragment measurements | Ichiko(済) | Yoshida(済) | 生 | (E056) | N | E | Li, Beのデータは入れない。(c.f. D2110) | |
2105 | PR/C77(2008)044004 | Differential cross section and analyzing power of the op → ppπ0 reaction at a beam energy of 390 MeV | 吉田(済) | 浅野(済) | 無 | (E056) | N | E | ||
2104 | PR/C77(2008)034605 | Fragmentation cross sections of medium-energy 35Cl, 40Ar, and 48Ti beams on elemental targets | 古立(済) | 松宮(済) | 無 | (E056) | N | E | ||
2103 | NIM/B266(2008)709 | Measurement of thick target yields of the natS(a,x)34mCl nuclear reaction and estimation of its excitation function up to 70 MeV | 古立(済 nrdf未) | 浅野(済) | 無 | (E056)->(E125r) | N | E | ||
2102 | RCA96(2008)67 | Excitation functions for the formation of some short-lived products in proton-induced reactions on silver | 古立(済nrdf未) | 浅野(済) | 無 | (E056) | N | E | ||
2101 | PAN71(2008)1 | Study of Energy Dependence of Pion Production by Proton on Copper Target near 350 MeV | 吉田(済) | 松宮(済) | 生 | (E056) | N | E | ||
D2000 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
2100 | JPJ77(2008)025004 | Production of 186mRe by Proton Bombardment of Enriched 186W | 浅野(済) | 大塚(済) | 無 | (E055) | N | E | ||
2099 | JPJ77(2008)014201 | Complete Set of Polarization Transfer Observables for the 12Cdp; nT Reaction at 296MeV and 0゜ | 大塚(済) | 松宮(済) | 生 | (E055) | N | E | ||
2098 | PR/C77(2008)024317 | Proton elastic scattering from tin isotopes at 295 MeV and systematic change of neutron density distributions | 大塚(済) | 松宮(済) | 生 | (E055) | N | E | ||
2097 | PR/C77(2008)024307 | Gamow-Teller strength for the analog transitions to the first T = 1/2, Jπ = 3/2. states in 13C and 13N and the implications for type Ia supernovae | 吉田(済) | 大塚(済) | 生 | (E055) | N | E | ||
2096 | PL/B660(2008)320 | Unbound excited states in 19,17C | 吉田(済) | 大塚(済) | 生 | (E061r) | N | E | ||
2095 | CPL24(2007)3103 | Measurement of D(d,p)T Reaction Cross Sections in Sm Metal in Low Energy Region(10<-Ed<-20keV) | 吉田(済) | 大塚(済) | (E065r)->(E071r) | N | E | 要修正(003 ヘッダ欠落) | ||
2094 | KPI51(2007)1635 | Elastic scattering of 120-MeV alpha particles by 28Si | 大塚(済) | 古立(済) | 生 | (E055) | N | E | ||
2093 | ARI66(2008)208 | Proton-induced activation cross-sections of the short-lived radionuclides formation on molybdenum | 大塚(済) | 松宮(済) | 無 | (E055)->(E068r) | N | E | Review, but new data/要修正(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(B,LEVKOVSKIJ,,,1991 -> B,LEVKOVSKIJ,,1991) | |
2092 | PR/C62(2000)044609 | Isovector part of optical potentials studied through analog transitions in the (p,n) reaction at 35 MeV | 大塚(済) | 松宮(済) | 生 | (E055) | N | E | Request from RIPL CRP | |
2091 | JNRS8(2007)73 | Measurement of evaporation residue and fission cross section of reaction 30Si+238U at subbarrier energies | 大塚(済) | 浅野(済) | 生 | (E064r)->(E122r) | N | E | ||
2090 | ZP/A332(1989)71 | Nucleon transfer in high-ly mass-asymmetric reaction systems between 197Au and relatively light projectiles in the energy region below 10 MeV/u | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | ○ | (E055) | N | E | ||
2089 | NST34(1997)871 | Role of effective distance in the fission mechanism study by the double-energy measurement for uranium isotopes | 大塚(済) | 浅野(済) | 無 | (E055)->(E122r) | N | E | (n,f) data: EXFOR 23014 | |
2088 | PRL99(2007)202501 | Extraction of weak transition strengths via the (3He,t) reaction at 420 MeV | 大塚(済) | 松宮(済) | ○ | (E055) | N | E | ||
2087 | PR/C76(2007)055802 | Investigation of structure in 23Al via resonant proton scattering of 22Mg+p and the 22Mg(p,g)23Al astrophysical reaction rate | 大塚(済) | 浅野(済) | 生 | (E057r)->(E071r) | N | E | 要再送信 (.008)/要修正(From IAEA, 2011.9.27) (E-LVL: KEV -> MEV) | |
2086 | ARI65(2007)981 | Remote control production of an aqueous solution of no-carrier-added 34mCl- viathe 32S(a,pn) nuclear reaction | 大塚(済) | 浅野(済) | 無 | (E055)->(E125r) | N | E | ||
2085 | PR/C76(2007)044605 | Projectile fragmentation reactions and production of nuclei near the neutron drip line | 大塚(済) | 古立(済) | ○ | (E055) | N | E | 再請求(2008.06.26) | |
2084 | PR/C76(2007)044003 | Spin correlation parameter C(yy) of p+3He elastic backward scattering | 大塚(済) | 古立(済) | 無 | (E055) | N | E | 学位論文 | |
2083 | NSTS2(2002)1334 | Excitation functions of rhenium isotopes on the natW(d,xn) reactions and production of no-carrier-added 186Re | 大塚(済) | 浅野(済) | 生 | (E055) -> (E110r) | N | E | WP2007-20 | |
2082 | JRN205(1996)85 | Production method of no-carrier-added 186Re | 大塚(済) | 浅野(済) | 生 | (E055)->(E125r) | N | E | WP2007-20 | |
2081 | PL/B656(2007)38 | Study of nuclear correlation effects via 12C(p,n)12N(g.s., 1+) at 296 MeV | 大塚(済) | 浅野(済) | 生 | (E055) | N | E | ||
2080 | PRL99(2007)162503 | Isotopic dependence of the giant monopole resonance in the even-A 112-124Sn isotopes and the asymmetric term in nuclear incompressibility | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 礼 | (E050)->(E081r) | N | E | 著者校正済(2007.10.27) | |
2079 | NIM/A583(2007)507 | Reevaluation of secondary neutron spectra from thick targets upon heavy-ion bombardment | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 生 | (E050) | N | E | 著者校正済(2007.10.29), COREL:E1756, E1759, E1810 | |
2078 | PR/C64(2001)034001 | Measurement of analyzing powers of the 1H(d.3He)g reaction at 17.5 MeV | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | ○ | (E050) | N | E | ||
2077 | MPL/A18(2003)322 | Tensor anomaly in pd radiative catpture | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (E062r) | N | E | ||
2076 | NIM/A257(1987)253 | A multifoil carbon polarimeter for protons between 20 and 84 MeV | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (E050) | N | E | c.f. EXFOR F0566 | |
2075 | Private Comm. | Study of reaction mechanisms for (p,n) and (p,p') quasi elastic scattering | 大塚(済) | − | 礼 | (E050) | N | E | 学位論文 | |
2074 | RCA89(2001)703 | Radiochemical study on the mechanism of target fragmentation of Cu, Nb, Pr and Au targets induced by 12C and 40Ar projectiles | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (E050)->(E122r) | N | E | see also HIMAC-042 | |
2073 | CL5(1976)397 | Production of 61Cu by alpha- and 3He bombardments on cobalt target | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | ○ | (E050r)->(E125r) | N | E | ||
2072 | NP/B294(1987)961 | Measurement of differential cross sections for the pi- p -> pi0 n charge exchange scattering from 1969 MeV/c to 2965 MeV/c | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (J007) | N | E | ||
2071 | NP/B175(1980)1 | High-precision measurement of pi- p elastic scattering in a wide angular range at incident momenta between 2.06 and 3.48 GeV/c | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (J007) | N | E | ||
2070 | PR/C42(1990)837 | Total cross section for the gd -> pi- pp reaction between 380 and 840 MeV | 大塚(済) | (光) | 無 | (K004) | N | E | ||
2069 | NP/B247(1984)313 | Proton compton scattering at backward angles in the energy range from 400 MeV to 1050 MeV | 大塚(済) | (光) | 無 | (K004) | N | E | ||
2068 | NP/B165(1980)189 | Differential cross sections of proton compton scattering in the resonance region | 大塚(済) | (光) | 無 | (K004) | N | E | ||
2067 | NP/B141(1978)364 | Differential cross sections of proton compton scattering in the energy range betwen 450 and 950 MeV | 大塚(済) | (光) | 無 | (K004) | N | E | ||
2066 | JPJ36(1974)1499 | The total absorption cross section of 250-550 MeV photons in carbon, aluminum and copper | 大塚(済) | (光) | 無 | (K004) | N | E | ||
2065 | PR/C52(1995)1157 | The 12C(g,K+) reaction in the threshold region | 大塚(済) | (光) | ○ | (K004) | N | E | ||
2064 | PL/B651(2007)269 | Photo-production of neutral kaons on 12C in the threshold region | 大塚(済) | (光) | ○ | (K004) | N | E | ||
2063 | PL/B639(2006)429 | Photoproduction of eta-mesons off C and Cu nuclei for photon energies below 1.1 GeV | 大塚(済) | (光) | ○ | (K004) | N | E | 数値紛失連絡(20067.07.19) | |
2062 | NST44(2007)938 | Measurement of the 152Sm(g,n) cross section with laser-compton scattering gamma rays and the photon difference method | 大塚(済) | (光) | 礼 | (K007r) | N | E | 著者校正済(2007.08.10) | |
2061 | PRL80(1998)33 | High-resolution measurement of fine structure in the photoabsorption cross section of 18O | 大塚(済) | (光) | 礼 | (K007r) | N | E | ||
2060 | PL/B653(2007)173 | New candidate for an alpha cluster condensde state in 16O(a,a') at 400 MeV | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 礼 | (E062r) | N | E | ||
2059 | PR/C76(2007)014609 | Projectile fragmentation of 86Kr at 64 MeV/nucleon | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 請 | (E050) | N | E | 櫻井氏にも照会(2007.08.21) | |
2058 | PR/C76(2007)024610 | Elastic and inelastic scattering of pi+ and pi- on 12C at 995 MeV/c | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (J007) | N | E | ||
2057 | PL/B650(2007)129 | Single-particle resonance levels in 14O examined by 13N+p elastic resonance scattering | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 礼 | (E061r) | N | E | ||
2056 | NP/A791(2007)434 | Test of weak and strong factorization in nucleus-nucleus collisions at several hundred MeV/nucleon | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (E050) | N | E | ||
2055 | JPJ76(2007)045001 | Observation of second decay chain from 278-113 | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (E050) -> (E110r) | N | E | Need "-A" flag for not fully established nuclide? | |
2054 | JPJ76(2007)043201 | Experiment on synthesis of an isotope 277-112 by 208Pb+70Zn reaction | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (E050)->(E066r) | N | E | ||
2053 | PR/C75(2007)054606 | Measurements of total and partial charge-changing cross sections for 200- to 400-MeV/nucleon 12C on water and polycarbonate | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (E061r) | N | E | ||
2052 | EPJ/A31(2007)383 | Precision measurement of vector and tensor analyzing powers in elastic deuteron-proton scattering | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (E050)->(E111r) | N | E | ||
2051 | RCA95(2007)187 | Experimental determination of deuteron-induced activation cross sections of yttrium | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (E050) | N | E | ||
2050 | NSE157(2007)142 | Secondary neutron-production cross sections from heavy-ion interactions between 230 and 600 MeV/nucleon | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 礼 | (E050) | N | E | 著者校正済 (2007.08.22) | |
2049 | EPJ/A33(2007)39 | Analyzing powers Ayy, Axx, Axz and Ay in the dd->3He n reaction at 270 MeV | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (E050)->(E120r) | N | E | See J,PPN/L,8,1078,2011(2018-12-07) | |
2048 | PL/B654(2007)160 | The first 2+ state of 14Be | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 礼 | (E050) | N | E | ||
2047 | PR/C76(2007)031601 | Examining the exotic structure of the proton-rich nucleus 23Al | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 礼 | (E061r) | N | E | ||
2046 | PR/C61(2000)034309 | alpha decay of 217Th populating excited states in 213Ra | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | ○ | (E050) | N | E | ||
2045 | PL/B448(1999)180 | Evidence for particle stability of 31F and particle instability of 25N and 28O | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (E050) | N | E | ||
2044 | PTP39(1968)1361 | Phenomenological potential for d-d elastic scattering | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (E050) | N | E | ||
2043 | PR/C36(1987)1754 | Inelastic proton scattering exciting the gamma-vibrational band in deformed nuclei (152 | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (E065r) | N | E | 要再送信(all) | |
2042 | MSK/A44(2003)1 | Modification of nucleon-nucleon interactions in nuclear medium and neutron densities extracted via proton elastic scattering at intermediate energies | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (E050) | N | E | ||
2041 | NIM/A487(2002)565 | Measuring system of proton total reaction cross-sections at tandem energy region | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (E050) | N | E | ||
2040 | JPJ15(1960)1726 | Angular distributions of the reactions 59Co(p,a)56Fe at 7.7-14.1 MeV and 55Mn(p,a)52Cr at 7.6-12.9 MeV | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (E050) | N | E | ||
2039 | JPJ15(1960)1719 | Energy dependence of angular distribution of the reaction 27Al(p,a)24Mg in the energy region between 10.5 and 14.5 MeV | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (E050) | N | E | ||
2038 | JPJ15(1960)9 | Elastic scattering of 14 MeV protons by deuterons and by protons | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (E050) | N | E | ||
2037 | PR/C76(2007)021305 | Analog of the giant dipole resonance in 4He | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 礼 | (E050) | N | E | ||
2036 | ZP/A356(1996)61 | Abrupt changes of the characteristics of the proton-induced fission of 238U around 14-MeV excitation | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (E050)->(E122r)->(E143r)->(E146r) | N | E | c.f. EXFOR O0407 | |
2035 | JPJ15(1960)1164 | Elastic and inelastic scattering of protons by oxygen in the energy region of 6.9 MeV to 15.6 MeV | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (E050) | N | E | c.f.EXFOR O0445 | |
2034 | RCA68(1995)21 | Cumulative yields of short-lived Ru isotopes in the 12C- and 19F-induced fission of 233U, 235U, 238U and 237Np | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (E050) | N | E | ||
2033 | EPJ/A4(1999)157 | Elastic and inelastic scattering of 58Ni+90,94Zr | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 無 | (E050) | N | E | c.f. EXFOR O0926 | |
2032 | NP/A175(1971)177 | Mass distribution and the total fission cross section in the fission of 238U with protons of energies ranging between 13 and 55 MeV | 大塚(済) | 石塚(済) | 無 | (E050)->(E071r) | N | E | c.f. EXFOR O0193/要修正(From NEA, 2011.2.18) (MB -> B) | |
2031 | NST44(2007)1484 | On the 24Mg(t,p) reaction in the incident energy range of 1.65-3.4 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 礼 | (E053r) | N | E | 著者校正済(2006.12.09) | |
2030 | NP/A501(1981)693 | Chronium and titanium isotopes produced in photonuclear reactions of vanadium, revisited | 大塚(済) | (光) | 無 | (K003) | N | E | ||
2029 | PR/C42(1990)1545 | Barium and xenon isotope yields in photopion reactions of 133Cs | 大塚(済) | (光) | 無 | (K003) | N | E | ||
2028 | PR/C35(1987)254 | Photonuclear spallation reaction in Cu | 大塚(済) | (光) | 無 | (K003)->(K014) | N | E | ||
2027 | RCA55(1991)113 | Photospallation of complex nuclei at intermediate energies. I | 大塚(済) | (光) | 無 | (K003)->(K017r)->(K022r) | N | E | ||
2026 | RCA68(1995)27 | Rare gas isotope yields in Bremsstrahlung-induced nuclear reactions of 41K, 87Rb, 127I, 133Cs, and 139La | 大塚(済) | (光) | 無 | (K005r) | N | E | 著者校正済(2007.03.23)、要再送 (.012-016, .018-022) | |
2025 | RCA80(1998)181 | Yield measurements of 7Be and 10Be produced by photonuclear reactions at intermediate energies: Intercomparison of fragmentation processes between photon- and proton-induced reactions | 大塚(済) | (光) | 無 | (K002) | N | E | ||
2024 | NIM/B223-224(2004)807 | Yield measurements for 7Be and 10Be productions from natCu, natAg and 197Au by bremsstrahlung irradiation at E0=200 MeV | 大塚(済) | (光) | 無 | (K002) | N | E | 著者校正済(2007.05.17) | |
2023 | RCA88(2000)313 | Target-dependence of light fragment production in photonuclear reactions at intermediate energies | 大塚(済) | (光) | 無 | 礼(K002) | N | E | 著者校正済(2007.05.17) | |
2022 | RCA90(2002)371 | Photofission of 209Bi at intermediate energies | 大塚(済) | (光) | 無 | 礼(K002)->(K020r)->(K021r) | N | E | 著者校正済(2007.03.28) | |
2021 | JNRS1(2000)53 | Photofission of 197Au at intermediate energies | 大塚(済) | (光) | 無 | (K007r)->(K020r) | N | E | 著者校正済(2007.03.28) | |
2020 | PRL98(2007)102502 | Spectroscopic study of neutron shell closures via nucleon transfer in the near-dripline nucleus 23O | 大塚(済) | 吉田(済) | 礼 | (E045) | N | E | ||
2019 | NP/A578(1994)621 | Heavy-ion reactions of Cu with 135 MeV/nucleon 12C | 大塚(済) | 椿原(済) | 無 | (E045) | N | E | c.f. EXFOR A0354 | |
2018 | PL/B608(2005)206 | Excited states in neutron rich boron isotopes | 大塚(済) | 富樫(済) | 無 | (E045) | N | E | ||
2017 | PRL83(1999)1112 | Coulmb dissociation of 19C and its halo structure | 大塚(済) | 椿原(済) | ○ | (E058r) | N | E | ||
2016 | NP/A609(1996)74 | Interaction cross section and interaction radius of the 8B nucleus | 大塚(済) | 富樫(済) | 無 | (E045) | N | E | US data (1USABRK) | |
2015 | NP/A608(1996)63 | Interaction cross sections and radii of light nuclei | 大塚(済) | 椿原(済) | 無 | (E045) | N | E | US data (1USABRK) | |
2014 | NP/A583(1995)807 | Intearction cross-sections and radii of 11C and 12N and effective deformation parameters in light mirror nuclei | 大塚(済) | 富樫(済) | 無 | (E045) | N | E | US data (1USABRK) | |
2013 | PL/B334(1994)18 | Interaction cross sections and radii of the mass number A=17 isobar (17N, 17F, and 17Ne) | 大塚(済) | 富樫(済) | 無 | (E045) | N | E | US data (1USABRK) | |
2012 | PL/B287(1992)307 | Determination of the density distribution and the correlation of halo neutrons in 11Li | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | ○ | (E045) | N | E | US data (1USABRK) | |
2011 | PL/B160(1985)380 | Measurement of interaction cross sections and radii of He isotopes | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 無 | (E045) | N | E | US data (1USABRK) | |
2010 | NP/A784(2007)341 | Fragmentation cross sections of 28Si at beam energies from 290 A to 1200 A MeV | 大塚(済) | 富樫(済) | 無 | (E045) | N | E | 一部US data, NNDCと調整済み (2007.02.11) | |
2009 | PL/B645(2007)402 | Isovector effective NN interaction in 28Si(p,n)28P(6-) at 198 MeV | 大塚(済) | 富樫(済) | 礼 | (E045) | N | E | ||
2008 | NIM/A572(2007)745 | Absolute calibration of the deuteron beam polarization at intermediate energies via the 12C(d,a)10B[2+] reaction | 富樫(済) | 大塚(済) | 無 | (E045) | N | E | ||
2007 | NIM/A571(2007)743 | Magnitude factor systematics of Kalbach phenomenology for reactions emitteing helium and lithium ions | 大塚(済) | 富樫(済) | 礼 | (E056r)->(E090r)->(E122r) | N | E | ||
2006 | PR/C74(2006)064606 | Analyzing powers of polarized deuterons in low-energy 6Li(d,a)4He and 6Li(d,p0)7Li reactions in a resonance region | 富樫(済) | 大塚(済) | 無 | (E045) | N | E | ||
2005 | PR/C73(2006)034003 | New data for total 3He(g,p)D and 3He(g,pp)n cross sections compared to current theory | 大塚(済) | (光) | 無 | (K007r) | N | E | 著者校正済(2010.03.26) | |
2004 | NP/A709(2002)467 | Astrophysical reaction rate for a(an,g)9Be by photodisintegration | 大塚(済) | (光) | 礼 | (K001) | N | E | 著者校正済(2007.01.13) | |
2003 | PR/C63(2001)018801 | Photodisintegration of 9Be with laser-induced Compton backscattered gama-rays | 大塚(済) | (光) | 礼 | (K001)->(K022r) | N | E | 著者校正済(2007.01.13) | |
2002 | NST38(2001)465 | Fine structure of giant resonance in the 28Si(g,abs) reaction | 大塚(済) | (光) | 生 | (K007r) | N | E | 著者校正済(2006.12.09) | |
2001 | NST35(1998)733 | Super high resolution measurement of fine structure in the total photonuclear cross section of 13C | 大塚(済) | (光) | 生 | (K007r) | N | E | ||
D1900 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
2000 | PRL52(1984)731 | Absorption and forward scattering of antiprotons by C, Al, and Cu nuclei in the region 470-880 MeV/c | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 礼 | (J005) | N | E | ||
1999 | NIM/A257(1987)279 | A neutron polarimeter for the (p,n) reaction at Ep=50-80 MeV | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | ○ | (E042) | N | E | ||
1998 | PL/B599(2004)17 | Bound excited states in 27F | 大塚(済) | 富樫(済) | 無 | (E042) | N | E | ||
1997 | PR/C74(2006)024309 | The (t,3He) and (3He,t) reactions as probes of Gamow-Teller strength | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | ○ | (E048r) | N | E | 請求済(2006.10.13 from NNDC) | |
1996 | NIM/B184(2001)589 | Alpha beam monitoring via natCu+alpha processes in the energy range from 40 to 60 MeV | 大塚(済) | 椿原(済) | 無 | (E042)->(E068r) | N | E | 要修正(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(B,LEVKOVSKIJ,,,1991 -> B,LEVKOVSKIJ,,1991) | |
1995 | PRL97(2006)062502 | Gamow-Teller strengths in the A-14 multiplet: A challenge to the shell model | 大塚(済) | 富樫(済) | ○ | (E042) | N | E | 請求済(2006.08.14) | |
1994 | JNRS3(2002)85 | Production cross sections of 261Rf and 262Db in bombardments of 248Cm with 18O and 19F ions | 大塚(済) | 椿原(済) | 無 | (E042)->(E102r)->(E144) | N | E | ||
1993 | PR/C74(2006)014309 | Excitation of dipole resonances in 4He and in the alpha clusters of 6Li and 7Li | 大塚(済) | 富樫(済) | 礼 | (E042) | N | E | ||
1992 | EPJ/A28(2006)295 | Scattering of 11Be halo nucleus from 206Bi at Coulomb barrier | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 無 | (E042)->(E068r) | N | E | 要修正(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(A. De Rosa -> A.De Rosa (remove illegal blank)) | |
1991 | PRL96(2006)252502 | Observation of strong low-lying E1 strength in the two-neutron halo nucleus 11Li | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 礼 | (E042) | N | E | ||
1990 | PL/B638(2006)146 | Proton single-particle states in the neutron-rich 23F nucleus | 大塚(済) | 富樫(済) | 礼 | (E059r)->(E137r) | N | E | ||
1989 | NIM/A562(2006)789 | Measurement of neutron spectra produced in the forward direction from thick graphite, Al, Fe and Pb targets bombarded by 350 MeV protons | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 礼 | (E059r) | N | E | ||
1988 | NIM/A562(2006)785 | Measurements of deuteron-induced activation cross-sections for IFMIF accelerator structural materials | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 礼 | (E057r)->(E079r)->(E106r) | N | E | 要再送信(003, 005, 009) | |
1987 | EPJ/AS25(2005)255 | First experiment of 6He with a polarized proton target | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 礼 | (E052r)->(E137r) | N | E | ||
1986 | FST48(2005)1320) | Measurement of neutron emission spectra in Li(d,xn) reaction with thick and thin targets for 40-MeV deuterons | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 礼 | (E042)->(E074r)->(E149r) | N | E | 著者校正済 (2006.05.31)/REL-REF: JMM -> JNM | |
1985 | JNM329(2004)218 | Experimental studies on the neutron emission spectrum and activation cross-section for 40 MeV deuterons in IFMIF accelerator structural elements | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 礼 | (E042)->(E074r)->(E125r) | N | E | 著者校正済 (2006.05.31)/要修正(From NEA, 2011.7.18)(REFERENCE (vol.): 329 -> 329-333) | |
1984 | NIM/B247(2006)155 | Measurements of the interaction cross-sections for 14Be and 14,15B as projectiles with a new scheme at RIBLL | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 礼 | (E042) | N | E | Chinese Data (3CPRIMP) | |
1983 | PL/B637(2006)43 | "Bi-modal" isoscalar giant dipole strength in 58Ni | 大塚(済) | 富樫(済) | 礼 | (E042) | N | E | Data 6-8 読取(済) | |
1982 | PR/C73(2006)044314 | Proton inelastic scattering studies at the borders of the "island of inversion": The 30,31Na and 33,34Mg case | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 無 | (E042) | N | E | ||
1981 | NSTS4(2004)160 | Measurement of excitation functions of the proton-induced activation reactions on tantalum in the energy range 28-70 MeV | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 生 | (E044r) | N | E | ||
1980 | PL/B100(1981)232 | Strong sequential transfer processes in 0+ -> 0+ (p,t) reactions on Pb isotopes | 大塚(済) | 富樫(済) | ○ | (E046r) | N | E | 飯田学位論文 | |
1979 | PR/C73(2006)034609 | Measurements of evaporation residue cross sections for the fusion reactions 86Kr+134Ba and 86Kr+138Ba | 大塚(済) | 富樫(済) | 無 | (E041) | N | E | ||
1978 | PR/C73(2006)024603 | Secondary neutron-production cross sections from heavy-ion interactions in composite targets | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 礼 | (E041) | N | E | 著者校正済 (2006.03.14) | |
1977 | JPJ17(1962)1189 | 90 deg - excitation functions for the 14N(d,a)12C ground-state and first excited state reactions | 大塚(済) | 一瀬(済) | ○ | (E041)->(E071r) | N | E | 要修正(From IAEA, 2011.9.27) (E-LVL: KEV -> MEV) | |
1976 | JPJ17(1962)595 | Experiment on elastic scattering of protons by 18O | 富樫(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E041) | N | E | ||
1975 | JRN263(2005)539 | Production possibility of 61Cu using proton induced nuclear reactions on zinc for PET studies | 大塚(済) | 椿原(済) | 無 | (E041)->(E068r) | N | E | 著者校正済 (2006.06.14)/要修正(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(T.N. van der Walt -> T.N.van der Walt (remove illegal blank) and B,LEVKOVSKIJ,,,1991 -> B,LEVKOVSKIJ,,1991) | |
1974 | JRN255(2003)67 | Primary fragment mass-yield distributions for asymmetric fission path of heavy nuclei | 富樫(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E041)->(E122r) | N | E | Proc. | |
1973 | 2004SANTA(2004)1568 | Measurement of differential thick target neutron yields (TTY) from Fe, Cu(p,n) reactions at 35, 50, and 70 MeV | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 礼 | (E041) | N | E | Proc.Activation(医療用) | |
1972 | EPJ/A9(2000)213 | Role of multi-step processes in 16O(11B,12C)15N at 41.25 MeV | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 生 | (E063r) | N | E | ||
1971 | PL/B632(2006)485 | Study of the pionic enhancement in 16O(p,p')16O(0-,T=1) at 295 MeV | 黒河(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E041) | N | E | 著者連絡なし(2006.06.05) | |
1970 | NP/A345(1980)1 | Deuteron break-up in the fields of nuclei at 56 MeV | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | ○ | (E041) | N | E | ||
1969 | RCA93(2005)497 | Target dependence of beryllium fragment production in neutron- and alpha-induced nuclear reactions at intermediate energies | 黒河(済) | 大塚(済) | 無 | (E041) | N | E | ||
1968 | ARI34(1983)1531 | Excitation functions of Ge(p,xnyp) reactions and production of 68Ge | 椿原(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E041)->(E125r) | N | E | c.f. EXFOR R0036 | |
1967 | ARI30(1979)345 | Excitation functions for the production of 81Rb- 81mKr via the 79Br(a,2n)81Rb and the 81Br(3He,3n)81Rb reactions | 椿原(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E041)->(E125r)->(E144) | N | E | c.f. EXFOR R0029 | |
1966 | BCJ39(1966)2685 | The radioactivation analysis of semiconductor graphite for nutrogen by the 14N(p,a)11C | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | ○ | (E041) | N | E | c.f. EXFOR R0026 | |
1965 | JRN82(1984)135 | Proton activation analysis of trace impurities in purified cobalt | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | 無 | (E041)->(E125r) | N | E | c.f. EXFOR S0030 | |
1964 | JNM123(1984)972 | Induced radioactivity of component materials by 16-MeV protons and 30-MeV alpha particles | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | 無 | (E052r)->(E111r)->(E137r) | N | E | c.f. EXFOR S0032 | |
1963 | RRL44(1980)307 | Excitation functions for 3He-induced reactinos on silver | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | ○ | (E041)->(E068r)->(E071r)->(E125r) | N | E | c.f. EXFOR D4068 / 要修正(2011.8.2)(E1963.007-009, REACTION: DT -> PHY) / 要修正(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(B,LEDERER-7,,,1978 -> B,LEDERER-7,,1978) | |
1962 | NP/A736(2004)3 | Resonant structures in spin alignment in the 12C+16O inelastic scattering | 大塚(済) | 椿原(済) | 礼 | (E042) | N | E | ||
1961 | BCJ50(1977)1251 | Production of 61Cu by alpha and 3He bombardment on cobalt target | 大塚(了) | 合川(了) | ○ | (E050r)->(E125r)->(E144) | N | E | ||
1960 | PR/C73(2006)024610 | Neutron-dominant quadrupole collective motion in 16C | 大塚(了) | 鈴木(了) | 礼 | (E041r)->(E137r) | N | E | ||
1959 | JPJ74(2005)1640 | 7Li-excitation of a resonance at Ex=15.5 MeV in 208Pb | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | 礼 | (E038) | N | E | ||
1958 | PRL95(2005)162301 | Resolving the discrepancy of 135 MeV pd elastic scattering cross sections and relativistic effects | 前川(了) | 大塚(了) | ○ | (E038) | N | E | (帰国後送付 2005.11.20) | |
1957 | CPL22(2005)1370 | Measurement of the breakup cross sections in 6He+9Be reaction at 25 MeV/nucleon | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | ○ | (E059r) | N | E | 本論文公刊時に数値送付(2005.11.20) | |
1956 | NIM/B239(2005)293 | Activation cross sections of proton induced nuclear reactions on iridium | 椿原(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | × | N | E | DebrecenにてIAEAに送信! | |
1955 | NIM/B243(200l)20 | Excitation functions of long lived products in deuteron induced nuclear reactions on platinum up to 40 MeV | 椿原(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | (E038) | N | E | ||
1954 | NIM/B240(2005)625 | Investigation of the 66Zn(p,2pn)64Cu and 68Zn(p,x)64Cu nuclear processes up to 100 MeV: Production of 64Cu | 椿原(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | × | N | E | CAJaDと重複 (O1342) | |
1953 | JPJ16(1961)129 | Excitation function for the reaction 16O(a,pn)F18 | 大塚(了) | 鈴木(了) | 無 | (E038)->(E144) | N | E | McGowan file, c.f. EXFOR P0121 | |
1952 | PR/C28(1983)1840 | (p,xn), (p,pxn), and (p,2pxn) reactions for medium-mass nuclei at 12 GeV | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | (E054r) | N | E | ||
1951 | NIM/B240(2005)612 | Measurement of the cross-section of 14N(16O,alpha)26Al with AMS | 椿原(済) | 大塚(済) | 無 | (E041r)->(E143r) | N | E | ||
1950 | NP/A98(1967)209 | Elastic and inelastic scattering of 14 MeV protons from 111Cd, 112Cd and 113Cd | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | (E038) | N | E | INSJ-103 | |
1949 | JPJ22(1967)949 | The reaction 15N(p,alpha)12C in the energy range of protons from 6.70 to 15.16 MeV | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | (E045r) | N | E | ||
1948 | JPJ21(1966)2103 | Elastic and inelastic scattering of 55 MeV protons from 60Ni | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | (E038) | N | E | INSJ-74 | |
1947 | JPJ21(1966)14 | The hole state by the reactions 40Ca(p,d)39Ca, 52Cr(p,d)51Cr and 60Ni(p,d)59Ni | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | (E038) | N | E | INSJ-72,73 | |
1946 | JPJ20(1965)679 | Elastic scattering of protons from Cu63 and Cu65 in the energy range from 7.54 MeV to 14.64 MeV | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | (E038) | N | E | INSJ-68 | |
1945 | JPJ16(1961)1066 | Anomalies in the scattering of alpha particles by carbon | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | (E045r) | N | E | INSJ-61 | |
1944 | JPJ15(1960)1158 | Elastic and inelastic scattering of alpha particles by carbon | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | (E045r) | N | E | INSJ-60 | |
1943 | JPJ16(1961)583 | Angular distributions of protons from the alpha particle bombardment of B10, N14, O16 and Ne20 | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | (E045r) | N | E | INSJ-35 | |
1942 | JPJ14(1959)1260 | Angular distributions of protons from the reaction 12C(alpha,p)15N | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | (E045r) | N | E | INSJ-34 | |
1941 | NP27(1961)1 | The elastic and inelastic scattering of protons by magnesium in the energyrange from 7.3 MeV to 15.9 MeV | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | (E038) | N | E | INSJ-29, lab or c.m. ? | |
1940 | JPJ14(1959)861 | Elastic and inelastic scattering of protons from Ti, Cr, Ni, Zn and O at 8 to 14 MeV | 黒河(済) | 大塚(済) | 無 | (E054r) | N | E | INSJ-20, c.f. EXFOR O0444 | |
1939 | PR/C72(2005)041602 | Analyzing powers for exclusive 1s1/2 proton knockout from light nuclei | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | (E036) | N | E | E(recoil)=0 => E(LAS)=E(lab)-E(GR)-S(p)) | |
1938 | NP/A758(2005)158c | Study of proton resonances in 26Si and 27P by using the 25Al and 26Si radioactive ion beams | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | 礼 | (E054r) | N | E | 会議録、縦軸はc.m.で定義? | |
1937 | CPL20(2003)1034 | Measurement of one- and two-neutron transfers in reaction of 6He+9Be at 25 MeV/u | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | (E059r)->(E074r) | N | E | ||
1936 | PR/C72(2005)014606 | Proton production cross sections for reactions by 300- and 392-MeV protons on carbon, aluminum, and niobium | 一瀬(済) | 大塚(済) | 礼 | (E039r) | N | E | ||
1935 | NIM/B234(2005)375 | New cross-section data for the 66Zn(p,n)66Ga, 68Zn(p,3n)66Ga, natZn(p,x)66Ga, 68Zn(p,2n)67Ga and natZn(p,x)67Ga nuclear reactions up to 100 MeV | 椿原(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | (E036) | N | E | ||
1934 | ARI63(2005)367 | Experimental studies on excitation functions of the proton-induced activation reactions on yttrium | 椿原(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | (E044r) | N | E | ||
1933 | NP/A746(2004)330c | Measurement of the 8Li(alpha,n)11B reaction cross sections of astrophysical interest | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | 礼 | (E062r) | N | E | ||
1932 | PR/C71(2005)044611 | In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of neutron-rich boron isotopes 15,17Bvia inelastic scattering on 12C | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | 礼 | (E054r) | N | E | ||
1931 | PR/C71(2005)014604 | Quasielastic scattering of 6He on 9Be at 25 MeV/nucleon | 黒河(済) | 大塚(済) | 礼 | (E059r) | N | E | ||
1930 | AEJ2(1960)682 | (alpha,n) cross sections for 48Ti and 51V | 大塚(了) | 合川(了) | ○ | (E036) | N | E | EXFOR D4079 | |
1929 | NIM/B222(2004)364 | Formation of 60Cu and 61Cu via Co+3He reaction upto 70 MeV: production possiblity of 60Cu for PET studies | 椿原(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | (E036) | N | E | ||
1928 | NIM/B187(2002)153 | Production possibility of 60,61,62Cu radioisotopes by alpha induced reactions on cobalt for PET studies | 椿原(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | (E036) | N | E | EXFOR D4116 | |
1927 | ARI62(2005)533 | Experimental studies on excitation functions of the proton-induced activation reactions on silver | 椿原(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | (E036) | N | E | 著者校正済(2005.07.07) | |
1926 | JP/G31(2005)39 | Neutron removal reactions of 17C | 黒河(了) | 合川(了) | 無 | (E054r)->(E074r) | N | E | ||
1925 | NP/A747(2005)3 | Measurement of proton polarization in the 208Pb(d,p)209Pb reaction at an incident energy of 20 MeV | 大塚(了) | 黒河(了) | 無 | (E054r) | N | E | iT11はD1705のデータと同一(2004.12.16確認) | |
1924 | PR/C70(2004)054320 | Density distribution of 17B from a reaction cross-section measurement | 黒河(了) | 合川(了) | 無 | (E036) | N | E | ||
1923 | NIM/B226(2004)243 | Cross sections for the production of residual nuclides by high-energy heavy ions | 合川(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | (E036)->(E092r) | N | E | c.f. D1829 数値ファイルあり/Delete 7Be production cross sections due to authors' request. | |
1922 | NIM/B226(2004)473 | Activation cross-sections of light ion induced nuclear reactions on platinum: proton induced reactions | 椿原(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | (E037r)->(E144) | N | E | 著者校正済(2005.05.31) | |
1921 | ARI62(2004)73 | Activation cross-sections of long-lived products of proton-induced nuclear reactions on zinc | 大塚(了) | 椿原(了) | 無 | (E036)->(E118r) | N | E | Duplication to be withdrawn (see member935) | |
1920 | JPJ73(2004)2593 | Experiment of the synthesis of element 113 in the reaction 209Bi(70Zn,n)278-113 | 大塚(了) | 黒河(了) | 無 | (E033) -> (E110r) | N | E | 超重元素のコード化については要議論->登録済み | |
1919 | JPJ73(2004)1738 | Production and decay properties of 272-111 and its daughter nuclei | 大塚(了) | 黒河(了) | 無 | (E063r) | N | E | ||
1918 | EPJ/A21(2004)257 | Production and decay of the isotope 271Ds (Z=110) | 大塚(了) | 黒河(了) | 無 | (E039r) | N | E | ||
1917 | PL/B598(2004)47 | Measurement of the tensor analyzing power T20 in the dd -> 3He n and dd->3H p at intermediate energies and at zero degree | 大塚(了) | 黒河(了) | 無 | (E039r)->(E120r) | N | E | ||
1916 | PRL93(2004)162701 | Evidence of complete fusion in the sub-barrier 16O+238U reaction | 黒河(了) | 鈴木(了) | 礼 | (E039r)->(E068r) | N | E | 要修正(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(SF1: 92-U-0 -> 92-U-238) | |
1915 | PR/C70(2004)054606 | Coulomb and nuclear breakup of a halo nucleus 11Be | 鈴木(了) | 大塚(了) | ○ | (E064r)->(E137r) | N | E | ||
1914 | PR/C70(2004)044613 | Sigma-nucleus potential studied with the (pi-,K+) reaction on medium-to-heay nuclear targets | 大塚(了) | 合川(了) | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1913 | PR/C70(2004)034612 | The 96Mo(p,d)95Mo reaction at 50 MeV | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | 礼 | (E033) | N | E | ||
1912 | PR/C70(2004)034318 | Isovector and isoscalar spin-flip M1 strengths in 11B | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | 礼 | (E033) | N | E | ||
1911 | PR/C58(1998)116 | Nuclear structure of 17Ne by the three-neutron pickup (3He,6He) reaction | 黒河(了) | 鈴木(了) | ○ | (E033) | N | E | c.f. D1599 | |
1910 | RCA69(1995)65 | Angular-momentum effect in the fusion reaction of 141Pr with 40Ar projectiles | 大塚(了) | 黒河(了) | 無 | (E033)->(E122r) | N | E | ||
1909 | JPJ73(2004)1611 | Total spin transfer in continuum for 90Zr(p,n) reaction at 295 MeV | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | ○ | (E033) | N | E | 再請求(2005.6.27) | |
1908 | NST41(2004)953 | Recoil cross-sections of proton and deuteron by 4He at a recoil angle of 0 deg in an energy range of 5-14 MeV | 大塚(了) | 黒河(了) | 無 | (E033) | N | E | ||
1907 | PR/C70(2004)014001 | Polarization transfer measurement for 1H(d,p)2H elastic scattering at 135 MeV/nucleon and three-nucleon force effects | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | (E033) | N | E | ||
1906 | NP/A41(2004)29 | Neutron removal studies on 19C | 黒河(了) | 鈴木(了) | 礼 | (E033) | N | E | ||
1905 | PR/C70(2004)014609 | Partition of total excitation energy between fragment pairs in asymmetric and symmetric fission modes | 大塚(了) | 黒河(了) | 礼 | (E033)->(E095r)->(E149r) | N | E | ||
1904 | PR/C69(2004)064327 | Nuclear structure of the spin-isospin excited states in 13N studied via (3He,t) and (3He,tp) reactions at 450 MeV | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | 礼 | (E033) | N | E | ||
1903 | NP/A656(1999)209 | Density distribution of 8B studied via reaction cross sections | 黒河(了) | 鈴木(了) | 無 | (E033) | N | E | ||
1902 | NPA739(2004)57 | One- and two-proton removal from 15O | 黒河(了) | 合川(了) | 礼 | (E033) | N | E | ||
1901 | NP/A739(2004)3 | Study of the density distribution of 17C from reaction cross section measurement | 黒河(了) | 合川(了) | 無 | (E039r)->(E074r) | N | E | ||
D1800 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
1900 | PR/C69(2004)054609 | Pionic enhancement in quasielastic (p,n) reactions at 345 MeV | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | ○ | (E039r) | N | E | 再請求(2005.6.27) | |
1899 | PR/C69(2004)051301 | Systematics of the bimodal isoscalar giant dipole resonance | 黒河(了) | 鈴木(了) | 生 | (E061r) | N | E | ||
1898 | PR/C69(2004)044602 | Polarization transfer and spin response functions of the 2H(p,n) reaction at 345 MeV | 大塚(了) | 黒河(了) | 礼 | (E039r) | N | E | ||
1897 | PR/C69(2004)044313 | Excitations of the alpha cluster in A=6 and 7 nuclei | 大塚(了) | 石塚(了) | 礼 | (E032) | N | E | ||
1896 | PR/C69(2004)041304 | Trinucleon cluster structures in 6Li | 大塚(了) | 鈴木(了) | ○ | (E032) | N | E | 著者連絡なし(2005.6.10) | |
1895 | NP/A735(2004)329 | Subbarrier fusion in the systems 11,10Be+209Bi | 大塚(了) | 石塚(了) | 礼 | (E032) | N | E | ||
1894 | ARI60(2004)911 | Experimental studies on the proton-induced activation reactions of molybdenum in the energy range 22-67 MeV | 大塚(了) | 黒河(了) | 礼 | (E044r)->(E144) | N | E | ||
1893 | NST41(2004)399 | Measurements of differentail thick target neutron yields and 7Be production in the Li, 9Be(d,n) reactions for 25 MeV deuterons | 大塚(了) | 黒河(了) | 生 | (E032)->(E133r)->(E140r) | N | E | 著者校正済(2004.5.10) c.f.D1856; REACTION (022) modified (E140r). | |
1892 | NIM/A257(1987)189 | Status of the CYRIC neutron TOF facilities upgrade | 大塚(了) | 石塚(了) | 無 | (E032) | N | E | c.f.EXFOR C0420 | |
1891 | PR/C60(1999)047303 | Gamow-Teller transitions in the (7Li,7Be) reaction at 65A MeV | 大塚(了) | 鈴木(了) | ○ | (E032) | N | E | 著者連絡なし(2005.6.10) | |
1890 | PR/C69(2004)015802 | Precise measurement of the cross section of 3He(3He,2p)4He by using 3He doubly charged beam | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 無 | (E053r) | N | E | Data 1: Unit MB -> B | |
1889 | PR/C69(2004)034613 | One-neutron halo structure in 15C | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 生 | (E065r) | N | E | 要修正(006 ヘッダ欠落) | |
1888 | PR/C69(2004)014308 | alpha-decays of neutron-deficient americium isotopes | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 無 | (E032) | N | E | ||
1887 | PR/C57(1998)2057 | Half-life of the electron capture decaying isotope 236Am | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 無 | (E032) | N | E | ||
1886 | PR/C68(2003)064602 | Systematic study of L<=3 giant resonances in Sm isotopes via multipole decomposition analysis | 黒河(済) | 鈴木(済) | ○ | (E046r) | N | E | ||
1885 | PR/C68(2003)064305 | Half-life of 228Pu and alpha decay of 228Np | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 礼 | (E032) | N | E | ||
1884 | PR/C43(1991)1821 | Spectroscopic tool for proton-rich nuclei: The (3He,6He) reaction | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | ○ | (E040r) | N | E | Data 1-8:生、再読取了(DATA 9) | |
1883 | PR/C21(1980)1387 | Alpha-particle doorway states in 28Si | 大塚(了) | 石塚(了) | 吉野(済) | (E040r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-19) | |
1882 | NP/A414(1984)385 | Spallation of niobium by 12 GeV protons | 大塚(了) | 黒河(了) | 無 | (E032) | N | E | D943の再採録 | |
1881 | NP81(1966)322 | Excitation functions for the reactions induced by deuterons on 142Ce up to 14.2 MeV | 大塚(了) | 石塚(了) | 無 | (E032)->(E123r) | N | E | ||
1880 | NP/A352(1981)461 | Cross sections of negative-pion-induced reactions in 9Be, 12C and 19F nuclei between 0.4 and 1.9 GeV | 大塚(了) | 黒河(了) | 無 | (J003) | N | E | ||
1879 | NP/A129(1969)165 | Excitation functions for the (d,p) reactions on 96Ru, 102Ru and 104Ru | 大塚(了) | 石塚(了) | 無 | (E032) | N | E | ||
1878 | NP/A262(1976)52 | Cross sections and reaction mechanisms of (p,pxn) reactions on 208Pb in the 24-52 MeV range | 大塚(了) | 鈴木(了) | 無 | (E032) | N | E | ||
1877 | NP/A90(1967)253 | Excitation functions for proton-induced reactions of 140Ce and 142Ce up to Ep=15 MeV | 大塚(了) | 黒河(了) | 無 | (E032)->(E111r)->(E146r) | N | E | 印刷されている巻"67"は"90"の間違い | |
1876 | NP69(1965)273 | Excitation functions for the reactions induced by alpha particles on 109Ag | 大塚(了) | 黒河(了) | 無 | (E063) | N | E | D4066と重複 | |
1875 | BCJ36(1963)1225 | The production of high specific activities of tin | 大塚(了) | 黒河(了) | 無 | (E030)->(E125r) | N | E | ||
1874 | NP41(1963)275 | Excitation functions for the reactions induced by alpha particles on 107Ag | 大塚(了) | 黒河(了) | 無 | (E030) | N | E | ||
1873 | JPJ17(1962)914 | 27Al(d,alpha)25Mg reaction at 14,7 MeV | 大塚(了) | 石塚(了) | ○ | (E059r) | N | E | IAEA医療用, 再読取了 (Data 1-8) | |
1872 | JPJ17(1962)896 | (d,alpha) reactions on 19F, 20Ne, 31P and 32S at 14.7 MeV | 大塚(了) | 石塚(了) | ○ | (E040r) | N | E | IAEA医療用, 再読取了 (Data 1-16) | |
1871 | ARI25(1974)393 | Yield of 18F for various reactions from oxygen and neon | 大塚(了) | 鈴木(了) | (E040r) | N | E | IAEA医療用, 線データ, 再読取了 (Data 1-4) | ||
1870 | JPJ12(1957)841 | On the neutrons from the 14N(d,n)15O reaction - II | 大塚(了) | 鈴木(了) | ○ | (E040r) | N | E | IAEA医療用, 再読取了 (Data 1-2)/要修正(From IAEA, 2011.11.1)(See CP-D/718) | |
1869 | JPJ15(1960)2170 | The 14N(d,n)15O reaction in the energy range from 1.5- to 2.9-MeV | 大塚(了) | 鈴木(了) | ○ | (E040r) | N | E | IAEA医療用, 再読取了 (Data 1-8)/要修正(From IAEA, 2011.11.1)(See CP-D/718) | |
1868 | RI35(1986)235 | Production of pure 123I by the 127I(p,5n)123Xe -> 123I reaction | 大塚(了) | 鈴木(了) | ○ | (E030)->(E137r) | N | E | IAEA医療用 | |
1867 | ARI36(1985)481 | Excitation functions for (p,xn) and (p,pxn) reactions on natural 79+81Br, 85+87Rb, 127I and 133Cs upto Ep=52MeV | 大塚(了) | 鈴木(了) | ○ | (E040r)->(E144) | N | E | IAEA医療用, 再読取了 (Data 1-22) | |
1866 | NIM134(1976)93 | Isotope separator on-line at INS FM cyclotron | 大塚(了) | 鈴木(了) | ○ | (E040r) | N | E | IAEA医療用, 再読取了 (Data 1-3) | |
1865 | A-INS-1990(1991)35 | Production of 59,63Ni from natural Ni irradiated with protons up to Ep=40 MeV and decay of 56Ni | 大塚(了) | 鈴木(了) | ○ | (E040r)->(E068r) | N | E | IAEA医療用, 再読取了 (Data 1-4)。要修正(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(B,LANDOLT,,,1994 -> B,LANDOLT,,1994) | |
1864 | A-INS-1989(1990)32 | Production of cosmic-ray induced radionuclides, 49V and 59,63Ni from Fe, Co and Ni irradiated with protons up to Ep=40 MeV | 大塚(了) | 鈴木(了) | ○ | (E040r)->(E068r) | N | E | IAEA医療用, 再読取了 (Data 1-4)。要修正(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(B,LANDOLT,,,1994 -> B,LANDOLT,,1994) | |
1863 | NIM/B34(1988)465 | Depth profiling of lithium by use of the nuclear reaction 7Li(p,alph)4He | 大塚(済) | セルゲイ(済) | ○ | (E030) | N | E | IAEA照射分析, 線データ, IBANDLデータ採用 | |
1862 | NIM/B6(1985)533 | Depth resolution and recoil cross section for analyzing hydrogen in solids using elastic recoil detection with 4He beam | 勝間(了) | 鈴木(了) | ○ | (E030)->(E146r) | N | E | IAEA照射分析, IBANDLデータ採用 | |
1861 | NIM218(1983)598 | Analysis of hydrogen in corrosion product films on amorphous alloy using the elastic recoil detection technique | 鈴木(了) | 石塚(了) | ○ | (E040r)->(E146r) | N | E | IAEA照射分析, 再読取了 (Data 1-3) | |
1860 | JPJ20(1965)669 | The Al27(p,p)Al27 Reaction | 石塚(了) | 黒河(了) | ○ | (E040r) | N | E | IAEA照射分析, 再読取了 (Data 1-5) | |
1859 | NP7(1958)116 | The Angular Distributions of the Long-Range Alpha Particles from the Reaction F19(p,alpha0)O16 | 黒河(了) | 勝間(了) | 椿原(済) | (E040r) | N | E | IAEA照射分析, 再読取了 (Data 1,4-16)/要修正(From IAEA, 2011.11.1)(See CP-D/718) | |
1858 | NIM/A515(2003)733 | Measurement of neutrons from thick Fe target bombarded by 210 MeV protons | 大塚(了) | 鈴木(了) | 礼 | (E030) | N | E | 著者校正済(2003.12.20) | |
1857 | PL/B426(1998)257 | Strength observed in Gamow-Teller resonance plus continuum in the 27Al(p,n) reaction at 295 MeV | 大塚(了) | 石塚(了) | 礼 | (E068r) | N | E | ||
1856 | NSE146(2004)200 | Measurement of differential thick-target neutron yields of C, Al, Ta, W(p,xn) reactions for 50-MeV protons | 大塚(了) | 鈴木(了) | 礼 | (E030)->(E149r) | N | E | 著者校正済(2004.3.27) c.f.D1893 | |
1855 | ZP/A347(1993)53 | Isomeric yield ratios of fission products in the system of 24 MeV proton-induced fission of 238U | 大塚(済) | 鈴木(済) | 無 | (E025)->(E111r) | N | E | O0539(TRANS.O012)からの移行に伴う再採録+比較チェック | |
1854 | ARI42(1991)577 | Production cross sections of tritium in high energy nuclear reactions with 12 GeV protons | 大塚(済) | 鈴木(済) | 無 | (E025) | N | E | O0538(TRANS.O012)からの移行に伴う再採録+比較チェック | |
1853 | NIM/A374(1996)330 | Mass separation of neutron-rich isotopes using a gas-jet coupled thermal ion source | 大塚(済) | 鈴木(済) | ○ | (E054r) | N | E | O0747(TRANS.O013)からの移行に伴う再採録 | |
1852 | RCA84(1999)115 | Mass yield distributions in proton-induced fission of 248Cm | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 無 | (E025)->(E111r) | N | E | O0733(TRANS.O013)からの移行に伴う再採録+比較チェック | |
1851 | JRN239(1999)113 | Characteristics of binary scission configurations in proton-induced fission of actinides | 大塚(済) | 鈴木(済) | 無 | (E025) | N | E | O0699(TRANS.O013)からの移行に伴う再採録 | |
1850 | RCA76(1997)173 | Highly asymmetric mass division in low-energy proton-induced fission of 232Th and 244Pu | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 無 | (E025) | N | E | O0667(TRANS.O013)からの移行に伴う再採録+比較チェック | |
1849 | NP/A185(1972)273 | Some evidence for neutron pick-up from the interior core through the (p,d) reaction | 大塚(済) | 鈴木(済) | ○ | (E025) | N | E | O0586(TRANS.O012)からの移行に伴う再採録 | |
1848 | JIN33(1971)2731 | Nuclear charge distribution in proton-induced fission of 238U | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 無 | (E025) | N | E | O0571(TRANS.O012)からの移行に伴う再採録+比較チェック | |
1847 | JIN38(1976)1425 | Production of 7Be from proton bombardment of light elements | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | ○ | (E025) | N | E | O0565(TRANS.O012)からの移行に伴う再採録+比較チェック | |
1846 | NP/A121(1968)161 | The single-hole states in the 50 < N <= 126 shell with (p,d) reactions | 大塚(済) | 鈴木(済) | ○ | (E025)->(E122r) | N | E | O0547(TRANS.O012)からの移行に伴う再採録 | |
1845 | PR/C51(1995)1891 | Feshbach-Kerman-Koonin model analysis of preequilibrium (p,p') and (p,n) reactions at 12 to 26 MeV | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 請 | (E025)->(E149r) | N | E | O0558(TRANS.O012)とのマージ、とりあえずCAJaD数値利用 | |
1844 | ZP/A336(1990)63 | Incident energy dependence of preequilibrium (p,p') spectra | 大塚(済) | 吉野(済) | 礼 | (E025) | N | E | 著者データ(一部未着)による再採録再変換, 旧D/E1323 | |
1843 | PR/C38(1988)2531 | Alpha-particle energy spectra from the (p,alpha) reaction.... | 大塚(済) | Arifin(済) | 礼 | (E025) | N | E | 著者データによる再採録(O514), 旧D1321 | |
1842 | PR/C36(1987)1325 | Preequilibrium (p,p') spectra for nuclei around neutron number 50 | 大塚(済) | 阿部(済) | 礼 | (E025) | N | E | 著者データ(一部未着)による再採録(O504), 旧D1320 | |
1841 | PR/C35(1987)467 | Shell and odd-even effects on alpha-particle energy spectra .... | 大塚(済) | Arifin(済) | 礼 | (E025) | N | E | 著者データによる再採録再変換, 旧D/E1303 | |
1840 | PRL51(1983)1838 | Pion-Deuteron Elastic Scattering at Large Angles for Momenta from 460 to 1160 MeV/c | 鈴木(了) | 石塚(了) | 生 | (J002) | N | E | ||
1839 | PRL50(1983)400 | Confirmation of Dip-Bump Structure in Backward π- -d Elastic Scattering : Possible Evidence for Dibaryon Resonances | 大塚(了) | 石塚(了) | 生 | (J002) | N | E | ||
1838 | PL/B149(1984)321 | Measurement of the differential cross section for the reaction small pi, Greek+ + d rightwards arrow p + p at momenta between 0.48 and 1.16 GeV/c | 鈴木(了) | 黒河(了) | 生 | (J002) | N | E | ||
1837 | JNRS3(2002)7 | Most Probable Charge of Fission Products in Proton-Induced Fission of 238U and 232Th | 黒河(了) | 鈴木(了) | 礼 | (E031) | N | E | ||
1836 | ARI50(1999)389 | Excitation function measurements of 40Ar(p,3n)38K, 40Ar(p,2pn)38Cl and 40Ar(p,2p)39Cl reactions | 黒河(了) | 鈴木(了) | 無 | (E068r) | N | E | ||
1835 | PR/C67(2003)064312 | Analogous Gamow-Teller and M1 transitions in 26Mg, 26Al, and 26Si | 合川(済) | 一瀬(済) | 無 | × | N | E | 構造論文 | |
1834 | PR/C66(2002)044313 | M1 and Gamow-Teller transitions in T.1’2 nuclei 23Na and 23Mg | 合川(済) | 一瀬(済) | 無 | × | N | E | 構造論文 | |
1833 | NST40(2003)283 | Neutron-Production Double-Differential Cross Sections of Iron and Lead by 0.8 and 1.5GeV protons in the Most-Forward Direction | 一瀬(了) | 大塚(了) | 礼 | (E062r) | N | E | 著者校正済(2005.02.08) | |
1831 | NIM/B168(2000)543 | Detailed analysis of the resonant backscattering spectrum for deeply penetrating protons in carbon | 大塚(了) | Sergei(了) | 無 | (E031) | N | E | ||
1830 | NIM/A457(2001)545 | Active target-detector with scintillating "bers for hyperon}proton scattering | 一瀬(了) | 大塚(了) | 吉野(済) | (E031) | N | E | 連絡無(2004.8.29) | |
1829 | RCA91(2003)689 | Measurement and calculation of radioactivities of spallation products by high-energy heavy ions | 大塚(了) | 石塚(了) | 礼 | (E031)->(E122r)->(E149r) | N | E | 著者校正済(2004.04.13) | |
1828 | NIM/A420(1999)380 | A new method of accurate polarization measurement on isobaric analog resonance to detect parity non-conservation effect | 黒河(了) | 大塚(了) | 阿部(済) | (E040r) | N | E | 連絡無(2003.12.18),再読取了(Data 1-2) | |
1827 | NP/A724(2003)3 | Momentum distribution of 14C and 15C fragments from 16C breakup | 勝間(了) | 合川(了) | 礼 | (E041r) | N | E | ||
1826 | NIM/A389(1997)463 | High -energy p-Li neutron field for activation experiment | 大塚(了) | 黒河(了) | ○ | (E065r)->(E071r) | N | E | 要再送信(001+005)/要修正(From IAEA, 2011.9.27) (E-LVL: KEV -> MEV) | |
1825 | PL/B560(2003)31 | Isomeric 0+ state in 12Be | 黒河(済) | 鈴木(済) | 阿部(済) | × | N | E | 再読取了(Data 1,3) | |
1824 | PRL90(2003)202501 | Excitation and Decay of the Isovector Giant Monopole Resonances via the 208Pb(3He,tp) Reaction at 410 MeV | 大塚(了) | 一色(了) | ○ | (E039r) | N | E | 後日送付(2004.1.7) | |
1823 | PR/C67(2003)064612 | Cross section and induced polarization in 3He elastic scattering at 443 MeV | 富樫(了) | 勝間(了) | 礼 | (E031) | N | E | ||
1822 | PR/C67(2003)064601 | Structure of the unbound 11N nucleus by the (3He,6He) reaction | 石塚(了) | 須田(了) | 生 | (E031) | N | E | ||
1821 | PR/C67(2003)064315 | In-beam g spectroscopy of 34Si with deuteron inelastic scattering using reverse kinematics | 須田(了) | 大塚(了) | 大倉(済) | × | N | E | 再読取了(Data 1) | |
1820 | PL/B557(2003)12 | Isoscalar giant dipole resonance in 208Pb via inelastic alpha scattering at 400 MeV and nuclear incompressibility | 一瀬(了) | 合川(了) | 椿原(済) | (E040r) | N | E | Data 1-3は博論より入力, 再読取了(DATA 1,4-7) | |
1819 | PL/B551(2003)255 | Structure and decay of the s-hole state in 11B studied via the 12C(p,2p)11B reaction | 大塚(了) | 石塚(了) | 礼 | (E039r) | N | E | ||
1818 | PL/B571(2003)21 | Possibility of a two-proton halo in 17Ne | 大塚(了) | 須田(了) | 生 | (E029) | N | E | ||
1817 | PL/B549(2002)307 | Three-body dN interaction in the analysis of the 12C(p,d) reaction at 270 MeV | 富樫(了) | 前川(了) | 礼 | (E029) | N | E | ||
1816 | NP/A714(2003)3 | 100Mo(p,d)99Mo reaction at 21 MeV and directreaction analysis of the low-lying continuumspectrum | 大塚(了) | 石塚(了) | 生 | (E029) | N | E | ||
1815 | PRL90(2003)082501 | Experimental Evidence for the Existence of 7H and for a Specific Structure of 8He | 一色(了) | 石塚(了) | 生 | (E029) | N | E | E1815 002-003 SF4=RSD. | |
1814 | PR/C67(2003)014610 | Search for 21B | 鈴木(了) | 一瀬(了) | 無 | (E029) | N | E | mass number of Ta? | |
1813 | PR/C67(2003)014604 | Fragment mass distribution of the 239Pu(d,pf) reaction via the superdeformed b-vibrational resonance | 石塚(了) | 須田(了) | 礼 | (E029)->(E146r) | N | E | c.f.EXFOR21995,22650 | |
1812 | PR/C67(2003)014316 | b-decay half-lives and b-delayed neutron multiplicities of the neutron drip-line nuclei 19B, 22C, and 23N | 須田(済) | 一色(済) | ○ | × | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-8) | |
1811 | PR/C64(2001)011601 | Possible contribution of a highly excited collective state to proton-nucleus multistep interactions at 300 MeV | 大塚(了) | 黒河(了) | ○ | (E040r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-3)、本論文:1936 c.f.O0973 | |
1810 | NSE132(1999)30 | Measurements of Secondary Neutrons Produced from Thick Targets Bombarded by High-Energy Helium and Carbon Ions | 鈴木(了) | 大塚(了) | 礼 | (E059r)->(E109r) | N | E | 再読取了(Data 121-128), SPSDD E2079 | |
1809 | NIM/A430(1999)400 | Spectral measurements of neutrons, protons, deuterons and tritons produced by 100 MeV/nucleon He bombardment | 鈴木(了) | 大塚(了) | 礼 | (E029) | N | E | ||
1808 | NIM/A428(1999)454 | Characterization of a 40}90 MeV 7Li(p,n) neutron source at TIARA using a proton recoil telescope and a TOF method | 石塚(了) | 一瀬(了) | 生 | (E066r) | N | E | ||
1807 | PL/B459(1999)61 | Polarization transfer observables for proton inelastic scattering from 12C at 08 | 一瀬(了) | 一色(了) | 礼 | (E046r) | N | E | ||
1806 | PL/B394(1997)11 | Coulomb excitation of 11Be | 大塚(済) | 鈴木(済) | 礼 | (E029) | N | E | D1657/D1669重複解消, RTY in NRDF | |
1805 | PR/C66(2002)064313 | Proton single-particle strength in 19F measured via the 18O(d,n) reaction | 須田(了) | 内藤(了) | 生 | (E029) | N | E | ||
1804 | PR/C66(2002)054602 | Model-independent spin-parity determination by the (d,2He) reaction and possible evidence for a 0. state in 12B | 須田(了) | 内藤(了) | 礼 | (E059r) | N | E | ||
1803 | PL/B556(2003)27 | Study of resonance states in 12N using a radioactive ion beam of 11C | 黒河(了) | 須田(了) | 礼 | (E032r) | N | E | ||
1802 | PRL90(2003)062501 | Determination of the Subth reshold State Contributjion in 13C(Alpha ,n)16O the Main Neutron-Sourece Reaction for the s Process | 須田(了) | 合川(了) | 礼 | (E039r) | N | E | ||
1801 | PR/C66(2002)044002 | Cross section and complete set of proton spin observables in pd elastic scattering at 250 MeV | 一瀬(了) | 内藤(了) | 無 | (E044r) | N | E | ||
D1700 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
1800 | EPJ/A13(2002)411 | Gamow-Teller transitions from 58Ni to discrete states of 58Cu | 黒河(了) | 鈴木(了) | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1799 | EPJ/A14(2002)275 | Measurement of the 24Mg(p, t)22Mg reaction for the states near the 21Na + p threshold | 須田(了) | 合川(了) | 生 | (E039r) | N | E | ||
1798 | PL/B499(2001)233 | Deformation of 34Mg studied via in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy using radioactive-ion projectile fragmentation | 黒河(了) | 鈴木(了) | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1797 | PL/B515(2002)255 | Isobaric analog state of 14Be | 鈴木(了) | 黒河(了) | 生 | (E028) | N | E | E1797 002-003 SF4=RSD. | |
1796 | PL/B549(2002)58 | Compressional-mode giant resonances in deformed nuclei | 合川(了) | 一色(了) | ○ | (E045r) | N | E | Data 1-13のみ生 再読取了(DATA 15-23) | |
1795 | PL/B546(2002)48 | First measurement of the quadrupole moment in the 2+1 state of 84Kr | 黒河(了) | 石塚(了) | 無 | × | N | E | 留保(複数標的データ) | |
1793 | PL/B539(2002)40 | Gamow-Teller matrix elements in light nuclei and (p, n) cross sections at Ep = 35MeV | 一色(済) | 内藤(済) | ○ | (E065r)->(E074r) | N | E | 要修正(004 ヘッダ欠落) | |
1792 | RCA88(2000)1 | Isomeric yield rations of 134I and 136I in the proton, 12C- and 19F-induced fission of 235U, 237Np and 238U | 石塚(了) | 鈴木(了) | 無 | (E028) | N | E | EXFOR O0764(TRANS.O015) | |
1791 | NP/A709(2002)103 | Study of halo structure of 16C from reaction cross section measurement | 鈴木(了) | 黒河(了) | 無 | (E039r) | N | E | ||
1790 | PRL89(2002)142501 | Isovector Quadrupole Resonance Observed in the 60Ni(13C,13N)60Co Reaction at E/A=100Mev | 大塚(了) | 一瀬(了) | 生 | (E028) | N | E | ||
1789 | PRL89(2002)072301 | Sigma-Nucleus Potential in A=28 | 石塚(了) | 鈴木(了) | 生 | × | N | E | ||
1788 | NIM/A431(1999)521 | Measurements of neutron spectra produced from a thick lead target bombarded with 0.5- and 1.5-GeV protons | 大塚(了) | 鈴木(了) | 生 | (E028)->(E075r) | N | E | c.f.O0976 | |
1787 | NST34(1997)109 | Measurement of proton-induced helium production cross sections for aluminum and nickel below 16MeV | 大塚(了) | 黒河(了) | 無 | (E028)->(E075) | N | E | c.f.O0974 | |
1786 | PR/C66(2002)024609 | Intermediate structures in 12C(16O,12C[2+])16O studied with the g-ray recoil method | 大塚(了) | 黒河(6)(了) | 生 | (E037r) | N | E | ||
1785 | PL/B542(2002)49 | New neutron-rich isotopes, 34Ne, 37Na and 43Si, produced by fragmentation of a 64A MeV 48Ca beam | 黒河(了) | 合川(了) | 生 | (E068r) | N | E | ||
1784 | PTP104(2000)703 | A model for the 3He(d,p)4He reactin at intermediate energies | 合川(了) | セルゲイ(了) | 生 | (E028)->(E075r) | N | E | ||
1783 | PL/B533(2002)1 | ^{3}He(d,p)^{4}He reaction at intermediate energies and impulse picture of the (d,p) reactions | 合川(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | (E028)->(E071r) | N | E | 要修正(From IAEA, 2011.11.1)(See CP-D/718) | |
1782 | PL/B522(2001)227 | Large collectivity of ^{34}Mg | 合川(了) | セルゲイ(了) | 無 | (E039r)->(E071r) | N | E | 要修正(From IAEA, 2011.9.2) (E-LVL: MEV -> KEV) | |
1781 | PL/B521(2001)153 | Measurement of single and double spin-flip probabilities in inelastic deuteron scattering on ^{12}C at 270 MeV | 合川(了) | セルゲイ(了) | 生 | (E028) | N | E | ||
1780 | PRL89(2002)012501 | Momentum Distribution of ^{15}B Fragments from the Breakup of ^{17}B | 石塚(了) | 合川(了) | 生 | (E028r) | N | E | ||
1779 | PRL88(2002)142502 | Experimental Evidence of Core Modification in the Near Drip-Line Nucleus ^{23}O | 石塚(了) | 合川(了) | 生 | (E028r) | N | E | ||
1778 | PRL88(2002)042503 | Proton Energy Spectra in the Nonmesonic Weak Decay of ^{12}C and ^{28}Si Hypernuclei | 合川(済) | セルゲイ(済) | ○ | × | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 5-6) | |
1777 | PR/C65(2001)054602 | Effect of shell structure in the fusion reactions ^{82}Se+^{134}Ba and ^{82}Se+^{138}Ba | 石塚(了) | 合川(了) | ○ | (E022) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 23-24) | |
1776 | PR/C65(2001)064316 | Polarization transfer in the ^{16}O(p,p^{'}) reaction at forward angles and structure of the spin-dipole resonances | 合川(了) | 内藤(了) | 生 | (E029r) | N | E | ||
1775 | PR/C65(2001)054608 | Effects of neutron number and nuclear deformation on complete fusion of ^{60,64}Ni+^{154}Sm near the Coulomb barrier | 合川(了) | 内藤(了) | 生 | (E022) | N | E | ||
1774 | PR/C65(2001)047001 | Search for narrow dibaryon resonances by the pd->pdX and pd->ppX reactions | 合川(済) | 内藤(済) | ○ | × | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 2-3) | |
1773 | PR/C65(2001)034615 | Cross sections and polarization observables for the ^{40}Ca(p,n) reaction at 345 MeV and multistep contributions in the continuum | 合川(了) | セルゲイ(了) | 生 | (E022) | N | E | ||
1772 | PR/C65(2001)034003 | Complete set of precise deuteron analyzing powers at intermediate energies: Comparison with modern nuclear force predictions | 合川(了) | 黒河(了) | 無 | (E029r) | N | E | ||
1771 | PR/C(2001)024305 | Half-life and internal conversion electron measurements in low-lying levels of ^{125,127}Ba | 合川(済) | 黒河(済) | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1770 | PR/C65(2001)014609 | 12,13C(p, \pi^{-}^{13,14}Og.s. reactions in the D1232 resonance region | 合川(了) | 黒河(了) | ○ | (E040r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 5-18) | |
1769 | PR/C64(2001)054609 | Double-differential cross sections for the neutron production from heavy-ion reactions at energies E/A=290-600 MeV | 合川(済) | 鈴木(済) | 生 | (E039r) | N | E | ||
1768 | PR/C64(2001)047601 | Polarization transfer coefficient Kyy in the 2HNd,pO3H reaction at u.0° at very low energies | 大塚(了) | 黒河(了) | 無 | (E023r) | N | E | ||
1767 | PR/C64(2001)044302 | Spectroscopy of medium-heavy L hypernuclei via the N po,KoO reaction | 合川(済) | 黒河(済) | ○ | × | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 3-5,9) | |
1766 | PR/C64(2001)041305 | Evidence for a 3.8 MeV state in ^{9}B | セルゲイ(了) | 合川(了) | 生 | (E022) | N | E | ||
1765 | NST38(2001)363 | Measurement of Neutron-Production Double-Differential Cross Sections for Intermediate Energy Pion Incident Reaction | 鈴木(了) | 黒河(了) | 生 | (J009r)->(E068r)->(E141r) | N | E | 削除済(Informed from NEA, 2011.11.23)(Duplication of E1765 and J1765) | |
1764 | NST35(1998)329 | Measurement of Gamma-Ray Production Double-Differential Cross Sections for the Spallation Reaction Induced by 0.8,1.5 and 3.0 Gev Protons | 鈴木(了) | 黒河(了) | 生 | (E022) | N | E | ||
1763 | NST34(1997)860 | Experimental Neutron-Production Double-Differntial Cross Section for the Nuclear Reaction by 1.5-GeV \pi^{+}\pi Mesons Incident on Iron | 鈴木(了) | 石塚(了) | 生 | (E029r)->(E068r)->(E141r) | N | E | 削除済(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(Duplication of E1763 and J1763) | |
1762 | NST34(1997)529 | Measurement of Neutron-Production Double-Differential Cross Sections for Nuclear Spallation Reaction Induced by 0.8,1.5 and 3.0 GeV Protons | 鈴木(了) | 石塚(了) | 生 | (E022) | N | E | ||
1761 | NST36(1999)313 | The 12C(p,p3a) breakup reaction induced by 14,18 and 26 MeV protons | 鈴木(了) | 合川(了) | ○ | (E048r) | N | E | 再読取了 | |
1760 | NST32(1995)827 | Spallation Neutron Measurement by the Time-of-Flight Method with a Short Flight Path | 鈴木(了) | 一瀬(了) | 生 | (E022) | N | E | ||
1759 | NST36(1999)41 | Measurements of Secondary Neutrons Produced from Thick Targets Bombarded by Hegh Energy Neon Ions | 鈴木(了) | セルゲイ(了) | 生 | (E059r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 13-16), SPSDD E2079 | |
1758 | EPJ/A9(2000)153 | Yrast bands in N =91 isotones | 鈴木(済) | 黒河(済) | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1757 | NP/A686(2001)591 | Half-life of 44 Ti | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1756 | PR/C62(2000)044615 | Neutron yields from thick C,Al,Cu, and Pb targets bombarded by 400 MeV/nucleon Ar, Fe, Xe and 800MeV/nucleon Siions | 鈴木(了) | セルゲイ(了) | 生 | (E065r)->(E109r) | N | E | 要修正(043 ヘッダ欠落) | |
1755 | PRL87(2001)122502 | Dipole Excitation of a Clusters in 6 Li and 7 Li | 鈴木(了) | 伊藤(了) | ○ | (E040r) | N | E | 再読取了(Data 1-16) | |
1754 | EPJ/A9(2000)293 | DSA lifetime measurements and structure of positive-parity bands of 120 Xe | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1753 | NP/A686(2001)29 | Rotational bands of 156 Gd | 内藤(済) | 黒河(済) | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1752 | PRL87(2001)212502 | Observation of a 6(LambdaLambda)He Double hyper nucleus | 黒河(了) | 合川(了) | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1751 | PR/C64(2001)034608 | Quasielastic π-nucleus scattering at 950 MeV/c | 内藤(了) | 伊藤(了) | ○ | (J005r)->(E068r)->(E141r) | N | E | 再読取了(Data 1-30)。削除済(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(Duplication of E1751 and J1751) | |
1750 | PR/C64(2001)034607 | Measurements of double differential neutron production cross sections by 135 MeV/nucleon He, C, Ne and 95 MeV/nucleon Ar ions | 鈴木(了) | 大塚(了) | 生 | (E059r) | N | E | Data 17 deleted (CH2 data) | |
1749 | PR/C63(2001)044610 | Effects of nuclear deformation on fusion probability in the reactions of 82 Se + natCe and 76Ge + 150Nd near the Coulomb barrier | 合川(了) | 大塚(了) | 無 | (E023r) | N | E | ||
1748 | PR/C63(2001)035801 | Coulomb breakup of 7Li for nuclear astrophysics | 伊藤(了) | 大塚(了) | 生 | (E029r)->(E122r)->(E143r)->(E149r) | N | E | ||
1747 | PR/C63(2000)017601 | Isobaric analog states observed in the 58 Ni(p,d)57Ni reaction with 65 MeV polarized protons | 鈴木(了) | セルゲイ(了) | ○ | (E040r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 2-20) | |
1746 | PR/C59(1999)90 | Mirror-symmetry structure of A=27, T=1/2 nuclei studied through... | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1745 | PR/C63(2001)034618 | Elastic proton scattering from 4He at 297MeV | 合川(了) | 大塚(了) | ○ | (E044r) | N | E | ||
1744 | PL/B491(2000)8 | Low-lying intruder 1- state in 12Be and the melting of the N=8 shell closure | 黒河(了) | 鈴木(了) | 無 | (E032r) | N | E | ||
1743 | PR/C62(2000)055201 | H-dibaryon and hypernucleus formation in the E-12C reaction at rest | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-2) | |
1742 | (Duplication of D1734) | N | E | |||||||
1741 | EPJ/A9(2000)303 | New isotope 233 Am | 大塚(済) | 一瀬(済) | ○ | × | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1) | |
1740 | PR/C62(2000)014602 | Fusion of deformed nuclei in the reactions of 76Ge+150Nd and 28Si+198Pt at the coulomb barrier region | 合川(了) | 大塚(了) | ○ | (E040r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 17-20) | |
1739 | NP/A676(2000)371 | Sigma p elastic scattering in the region of 40
| 合川(済) | 明(済) | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1738 | PR/C62(2000)054603 | Sub-barrier fusion of deformed nuclei in 60Ni+154Sm and 32S+182W reactions | 明(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E040r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-19) | |
1737 | PR/C62(2000)065801 | Measurement of the 8Li(alpha,n)11B reaction and astrophysical implications | 石塚(済) | 鈴木(済) | 生 | (E039r)->(E099) | N | E | See addendum, PR/C91(2015)047602. | |
1736 | PR/C62(2000)064604 | Inclusive reaction 40Ca(p,p'x) at an incident energy of 392 MeV | 合川(了) | 大塚(了) | ○ | (E040r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-6) | |
1735 | PRL85(2000)262 | Soft Dipole Resonance in the neutron-skin nucleus 6He | 鈴木(了) | 大塚(了) | ○ | (E040r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-6) | |
1734 | PR/C62(2000)054313 | Nanosecond isomers in neutron-rich 67Cu and 64Co and a fast E3 transition in 67Cu | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1733 | PR/C62(2000)034001 | Double-pion production induced by deutron-proton collision in the incident deuteron momentum range 2.1-3.8 GeV/c | 大塚(済) | 鈴木(済) | ○ | (E021) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 4-9) | |
1732 | (Duplication of D1740) | (E021, E035r)->(E068r)->(E141r) | N | E | See D1740. 削除済(From NEA, 2011.11.23) | |||||
1731 | PRL84(2000)4052 | Asymmetry in the nonmesonic weak decay of polarized 5(Lambda)He hypernuclei | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-2) | |
1730 | EPJ/A7(2000)491 | Tensor polarization of 12C[2+1] in the 16O(13C,12C)17O reaction at 50 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 生 | (E063r) | N | E | ||
1729 | PR/C61(2000)014303 | Level structure in 143Nd | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1728 | PR/C61(2000)054004 | Lifetime measurements of medium-heavy Lambda hypernuclei | 合川(済) | 未定 | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1727 | PL/B465(1999)67 | (6Li,6He) reaction at 100 MeV/nucleon as a probe of spin-excitation strengths | 鈴木(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E040r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-6) | |
1726 | PL/B467(1999)199 | Polarization correlation coefficient for the 3He(d,p)4He reaction | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E021) | N | E | ||
1725 | EPJ/A7(2000)367 | Reaction mechanism of 6Li scattering at 600 MeV | 青木(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E040r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-10) | |
1724 | PRL84(2000)39 | Core-excited states in the doubly magic 68Ni and its neighbor 69Cu | 青木(済) | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-4,8-9) | |
1723 | PRL84(2000)5288 | Precise measurement of dp elastic scattering at 270 MeV and three-nucleon force effects | 青木(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E055r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-9) | |
1722 | PR/C61(2000)024602 | Reaction mechanism and characteristics of T20 in d+3He backward elastic scattering at intermediate energies | 青木(済) | 石塚(済) | 無 | (E029r) | N | E | ||
1721 | PL/B481(2000)7 | Quadrupole deformation of 12Be studied by proton inelastic scattering | 青木(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E040r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-2,5-6) | |
1720 | EPJ/A6(1999)119 | Lifetime measurement of the first excitedl of 64Ga | 青木(済) | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1) | |
1719 | NP/A648(1999)263 | Sigma+ p elastic scattering in the region of 300 <=p(Sigma)<= 600 MeV/c with a scintillating fiber target | 青木(済) | 大塚(済) | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1718 | PR/C59(1999)3177 | Polarization transfer and spin response functions in quasielastic (p,n) reactions at 346 MeV | 青木(済) | 大塚(済) | 生 | (E039r) | N | E | ||
1717 | NP/A644(1999)365 | Quasifree p(K-,K+)Xi- reaction in nuclear emulsion | 青木(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (J005r)->(E068r)->(E141r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-5)。削除済(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(Duplication of E1717 and J1717) | |
1716 | PRL82(1999)4775 | Measurement of proton-proton bremsstrahlung at 389 MeV | 青木(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E040r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-2) | |
1715 | PRL82(1999)3581 | Observation of an excited state in 7He with unusual structure | 青木(済) | 大塚(済) | 生 | (E026r) | N | E | ||
1714 | PR/C53(1996)1210 | Spectroscopic study of 10(Lambda)B, 12(Lambda)C, 29(Lambda)Si, 89(Lambda)Y, 139(Lambda)La and 208(Lambda)Pb by the (pi+,K+) reaction | 青木(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | × | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 2-7) | |
1713 | PR/C57(1998)1604 | Low-lying states of 56Fe | 平田(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E065r)->(E074r) | N | E | 要修正(007,021,025,029 ヘッダ欠落) | |
1712 | PRL83(1999)690 | Isovector electric monopole resonance in 60Ni | 青木(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E040r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-7,9-15) | |
1711 | PR/C56(1997)1996 | Azimuthal distribution, azimuthal correlation and reactionplane dispersion in the reaction 10.6 MeV/nucleon 84Kr on 27Al | 青木(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E040r)->(E145r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-23) | |
1710 | PRL78(1997)2317 | L=1 excitation in the halo nucleus 11Li | 合川(済) | 石塚(済) | 生 | (E037r) | N | E | ||
1709 | PR/C57(1996)2429 | High energy gamma-ray production from Be, C, and Al targets with 65 MeV 3He bombardment | 青木(済) | 合川(済) | ○ | (E040r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-15) | |
1708 | PL/B438(1998)27 | Measurement of a complete set of analyzing powers for deuteron elastic scattering from 40Ca at 270 MeV and an investigation of tensor potentials | 合川(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E037r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-7) | |
1707 | PR/C57(1998)3185 | Rescattering in knowckout reactions as manifested in 40Ca(p,p'p'') at an incident energy of 392 MeV | 青木(済) | 合川(済) | ○ | (E037r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-7) | |
1706 | NP/A634(1998)115 | Subthreshold antiproton production in pA, dA and alphaA reactions | 大塚(済) | 石塚(済) | 無 | (E044r) | N | E | ||
1705 | NP/A628(1998)547 | Deutron elastic scattering and (d,p) reactions on 208Pb at Ed=22 MeV and j-dependence of T20 in (d,p) reaction | 青木(了) | 合川(了) | 無 | (E051r) | N | E | 広田博士論文 | |
1704 | PR/C57(1998)1749 | Elastic scattering of polarized protons from 58Ni Ep=192, 295, and 400 MeV | 青木(済) | 大塚(済) | 無 | (E046r) | N | E | MSK/A | |
1703 | PR/C57(1998)3153 | Particle decays from 12B and 12N mirror nuclei | 青木(済) | 合川(済) | ○ | (E037r)) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-29) | |
1702 | PR/C58(1998)2180 | Mechanism of the forward-angle (d,pn) reacion at intermediate energies | 青木(済) | 大塚(済) | 生 | (E061r) | N | E | 要再規格化(弾性散乱データ) | |
1701 | PR/C57(1998)178 | Most probable charge of fission products in 24 MeV proton induced fission of 238U | 青木(済) | 鈴木(済) | ○ | (E031r)->(E111r)->(E145r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 4-5) | |
D1600 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
1700 | NP/A641(1998)3 | Alpha spectroscopic factors for 6Li, 7Li, 9Be and 12C from the (p,p,alpha) reaction at 296 MeV | 青木(済) | 鈴木(済) | ○ | (E043r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-19) | |
1699 | PL/B106(1981)171 | Direct extraction of the isovector deformation parameter beta(1)2 from the (p,n) reaction of 56Fe | 合川(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E037r) | N | E | ||
1698 | PL/B112(1982)206 | Excitation of the 6.41 MeV, T=1 4- state in 16F by the 16O(p,n)16F reaction | 合川(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E037r) | N | E | ||
1697 | PRL49(1982)1318 | Isovector 0+ -> 0- transition observed in the reaction 16O(p,n)16F | 合川(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E037r) | N | E | ||
1696 | NP/A410(1983)137 | M1 states in the 58Ni observed by proton inelastic scattering at 65 MeV | 合川(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E037r) | N | E | ||
1695 | NP/A456(1986)61 | A comparative study of the 13C(p,p')13C and 13C(p,n)13N reactions at Ep=35 MeV | 合川(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E037r) | N | E | ||
1694 | NP/A448(1985)205 | The 12C(d,p)13C reaction at E(d)=30 MeV and positive-parity states in 13C | 合川(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E037r) | N | E | ||
1693 | ZP/A331(1988)359 | The p+19Ne s-wave resonant state in 20Na at stellar energies | 合川(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E037r) | N | E | ||
1692 | NP/A403(1983)317 | Observation of isospin mixing for the isobaric analog state in 56Co through the 56Fe(p,n)56Co reaction | 合川(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E037r) | N | E | ||
1691 | PR/C27(1983)493 | 27Al(p,gamma)28Si and 27Al(3He,d)28Si to the stretched 11.58 MeV (6-,0) and 14.36 MeV (6-,1) levels | 合川(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E037r) | N | E | → E1691 | |
1690 | PR/C50(1994)263 | Shell-model study of 40Ca with the 56 MeV (d,p)reaction | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | 生 | (E026) | N | E | ||
1689 | JP/G18(1992)401 | Dynamics of the projectile-like fragment emission in the 40Ar+209Bi reaction at 26 MeV U-1 | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-12) | |
1688 | NP/A602(1996)327 | Search for neutron-rich Lambda hypernuclei in the (K- stopped, pi+) reaction | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1687 | NP/A607(1996)85 | Decay mechanism of a highly excited nucleus produced in the reaction 84Kr+27Al at 10.6 MeV/nucleon | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | |||
1686 | PR/C53(1996)2718 | Isospin character of low-lying states in 56Fe | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | ○ | (E065r)->(E071r) | N | E | 要修正(023-024 ヘッダ欠落) | |
1685 | PR/C53(1996)1792 | (p,d) reaction on 62Ni at 65 MeV | 合川(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E043r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-98) | |
1684 | PR/C53(1996)2142 | Magnetic moments of 17N and 17B | 合川(済) | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1683 | NP/A617(1997)45 | Scattering of radioactive nuclei 6he and 3H by protons effects of neutron skin and halo in 6He, 8He, and 11Li | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | 生 | (E026) | N | E | ||
1682 | NP/A625(1997)231 | Scalar and vector meson production and two-step processes in the (K-,K+) reaction on 12C | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1681 | PRL78(1997)1014 | Exclusive measurement of proton quasifree scattering anddensity dependence of the nucleon-nucleon interaction | 黒河(済) | 合川/大塚(済) | ○ | (E043r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-6) | |
1680 | (Duplication of D1665) | N | E | See D1665 | ||||||
1679 | PL/B394(1997)23 | GT strengths studied by (3He,t) reactions and nuclear matrixelements for double beta decays | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1678 | NP/A614(1997)71 | Quasifree processes in the 6Li breakup reactions by alpha particles | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E018)->(E147r) | N | E | ||
1677 | NP/A599(1996)417 | A new approach to a "model-independent" optical potential and its application to proton elastic scattering near the (p,n) threshold energy region | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E018)->(E122r) | N | E | ||
1676 | ZP/A358(1997)15 | Beta decays of 128Ce and 128La | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1675 | ZP/A357(1997)53 | Rotational and vibrational states in 115Te | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1674 | NP/A503(1989)161 | Joint momentum distribution of p+n in 6Li | 黒河(済) | 合川(済) | ○ | × | N | E | 論文に不明な点あり中断 | |
1673 | NP/A586(1995)20 | The 17,18O(p,n)17,18F reaction at Ep=35 MeV | 鈴木(済) | 合川/大塚(済) | ○ | (E043r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-8) | |
1672 | PR/C52(1995)1193 | Analysing powers of p+d scattering below the deuteron breakup threshold | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E018) | N | E | ||
1671 | PL/B405(1997)224 | Neutron pre-emission at the fusion of 11Li halo nuclei with Si targets | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1670 | PL/B407(1997)110 | Isobalic analog state of 11Li | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | 生 | (E032r) | N | E | c.f. D1797 | |
1669 | (Duplication of D1657) | (E068r)->(E122r) | N | E | See D1806 | |||||
1668 | (Duplication of D1670) | N | E | See D1670 | ||||||
1667 | PR/C56(1997)900 | Analog transitions in sd- and f-shell nuclei and the isovector part of optical potentials studied by the (p,n) reaction at 35 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 生 | (E056r) | N | E | ||
1666 | PR/C55(1997)1555 | Alpha-decay properties of the new neutron deficient isotope 212Pa | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1665 | PR/C55(1997)3152 | Depletion of the 2f7/2 neutron hole state in 207Pb | 勝間(済) | 合川/大塚(済) | ○ | (E043r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-12), 著者数値紛失(2003.08.19) | |
1664 | PR/C55(1997)2909 | Gamow-Teller strength of 90Nb in the continuum studied via multipole decomposition analysis of the 90Zr(p,n) reaction at 295 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E018) | N | E | ||
1663 | PR/C55(1997)1137 | Isospin and spin-orbital structures of Jpi=1+ states excited in 28Si | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1662 | PR/C56(1997)891 | Nuclear fission of neutron-deficient protactinium nuclides | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | 生 | (E026) | N | E | ||
1661 | PR/C55(1997)5 | Elastic two-neutron transfer reactions of 58Ni+60Ni and 62Ni+64Ni around the coulomb barrier | 鈴木(済) | 合川/大塚(済) | ○ | (E026) | N | E | ||
1660 | PR/C54(1996)2802 | Production and identification of new neutron-rich nuclei, 31Ne and 37Mg in the reaction 80AMeV 50Ti+181Ta | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1659 | PL/B387(1996)26 | The deformation paths in proton-induced fission of 232Th | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | ○ | (E024) | N | E | O0383(TRANS.O014)からの移行に伴う再採録 、著者数値数値否 | |
1658 | PL/B389(1996)457 | Fusion and breakup at the barrire with 11Be | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | ○ | (E043r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-9), A0564(draft)と照合済 | |
1657 | (Duplication of D1669) | N | E | See D1806 | ||||||
1656 | PL/B391(1997)261 | Experimental determination of the E2 component in the coulomb dissociation of 8B | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E018) | N | E | ||
1655 | PL/B251(1990)488 | New aspect of intermediate energy heavy ion reactions. Large spin polarization of fragments | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1654 | PR/C49(1994)3192 | Cluster structures in 10Be from the 7Li(alpha,p)10Be reaction | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E016) | N | E | ||
1653 | PR/C51(1995)2542 | pi-+12C elastic scattering above the Delta resonance | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 阿部(済) | (J002r)->(E068r)->(E141r) | N | E | 削除済(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(Duplication of E1653 and J1653) | |
1652 | ZP/A342(1992)393 | The beta decay of the new isotope 79Y | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1651 | PR/C45(1992)451 | In-plane polarization transfer in the 6Li(p,p') reaction and the effective NN interaction | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | 要修正(Data2は他人の結果) | |
1650 | PR/C46(1992)1242 | Spectroscopic study of oxygen and fluorine isotopes with the (alpha,3He) and (alpha,t) reactions on 16, 17, 18O | 鈴木(済) | 合川/大塚(済) | 請 | (E043r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-79)、積分断面積は著者の実験か? | |
1649 | JPJ60(1991)1553 | Study of a broad bump in reaction particle spectrum observed for the one-neutron pickup reactions | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | ○ | (E043r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-4) | |
1648 | PR/C46(1992)1922 | Charged particle multiplicities in heavy-ion-induced fission | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E029r) | N | E | ||
1647 | PR/C48(1993)2617 | Measurements of 10Be and 26Al production cross sections with 12 GeV protons by accelerator mass spectrometry | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | 無 | (E036)->(E143r) | N | E | O0109で既採録 | |
1646 | PR/C46(1992)961 | Neutron emission for the fusion of 40Ar+Ni, 92Mo, 122Sn reaction at E/A=26MeV | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1645 | PL/B235(1990)245 | Analysis of deuteron spectra from hadron-nucleus reactions at several GeV/c with the coalescence model | 勝間(済) | 合川/大塚(済) | ○ | (E043r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-4) | |
1644 | PRL68(1992)1283 | Measurement of the 8Li(alpha,n)11B reaction cross section at energies of astrophysical interest | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | ○ | (E043r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1)、著者データ紛失(2003.08.20) | |
1643 | PR/C46(1992)1667 | Evidence for isovector giant resonances at 2hw via the (7Li,7Be) reactions on 12C and 28SI | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1642 | PL/B259(1991)427 | Strong mutual excitation of 148Nd+20Ne | 黒河(済) | 合川/大塚(済) | ○ | (E043r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-5) | |
1641 | NP/A534(1991)478 | The (pi+,K+) reaction on 12C and 56Fe | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1640 | NP/A556(1993)307 | Anomaly in the 15N, 16O, 19F+54Fe, 56Fe fusion cross sections around the coulomb barrier energy | 勝間(済) | 合川/大塚(済) | ○ | (E068r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-8) | |
1639 | NP/A536(1992)109 | Core polarization in the 203 keV p1/2-wave neutron resonance capture by 32S | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | (n,g) data, EXFOR 22266 | ||
1638 | NP/A537(1992)153 | Level structure of 21Mg and the 20Na(p,gamma)21Mg stellar reaction rate | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E016) | N | E | ||
1637 | NP/A539(1992)441 | The 9Be(d,n)10B reaction at 25 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E016) | N | E | ||
1636 | NP/A541(1992)443 | Energy dependence of the analyzing power for the pp->pi+d reaction in the energy region 500-800 MeV | 鈴木(済) | 合川/大塚(済) | ○ | (E026) | N | E | ||
1635 | NP/A559(1993)239 | Quadrupole moment of the doubly-closed-shell-plus-one-nucleon nucleus 41Sc and its core deformation | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1634 | NP/A486(1988)669 | Study of the n p -> p p pi- reaction in the incident neutron momentum range 1.0-1.9GeV/c | 鈴木(済) | 合川/大塚(済) | ○ | (E026) | N | E | ||
1633 | NP/A485(1988)210 | ft asymmetry in A=12 mirror decay to the 12C 4.4 MeV state | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1632 | NP/A481(1988)806 | Search for proton-proton dibaryon resonances in the dp->(pp)n reaction | 勝間(済) | 合川/大塚(済) | ○ | (E026) | N | E | ||
1631 | NP/A494(1989)203 | Isomeric transitions of 211Po and 212Po and E4 effective charge | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1630 | NP/A496(1989)605 | Level structure of 124Ba | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | |||
1629 | NP/A500(1989)90 | Alpha decay properties of light einstenium isotopes | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | |||
1628 | PR/C53(1996)453 | Levels in 17C above the 16C + neutron threshold | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1627 | PL/B367(1996)60 | Measurement of the vector and tensor analyzing powers for the d-p elastic scattering at Ed=270 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E051r) | N | E | 坂本博士論文 | |
1626 | PR/C53(1996)997 | Binary decay fragment cross sections and prescission charge multiplicity in 84Kr+27Al at 10.6MeV per nucleon | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | ○ | (E043r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-9) | |
1625 | NP/A464(1987)415 | A detailed study of the 12C+16O fusion reaction at E(c.m.)=19 to 24 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E048r) | N | E | c.f. EXFOR C0414 | |
1624 | NP/A474(1987)484 | The states of 73Se populated by the beta decay of 73Br | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1623 | NP/A451(1986)233 | Nuclear magnetic resonance on oriented 99m, 101m, 102Rh and 101Pd | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1622 | NP/A473(1987)317 | Anomalous electron intensity ratio of the E0 internal conversion in the transitions of 154Gd | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1621 | (not assigned) | N | E | |||||||
1620 | NP/A456(1986)235 | Strength functions of deeply bound hole states in 111, 115, 119, 123Sn | 鈴木(済) | 合川/大塚(済) | ○ | (E043r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-6)、著者数値紛失(2003.08.19) | |
1619 | (not assigned) | N | E | |||||||
1618 | PR/C31(1985)242 | Medium energy gamma rays following radiative caputure of 50 MeVpolarized proton on 11B | 鈴木(済) | 合川/大塚(済) | ○ | (E043r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-5,7-11) | |
1617 | PR/C31(1985)1853 | Reaction p-bar + 12C to n-bar + X at 590 MeV/c | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | 無 | (E035)->(J004) | N | E | ||
1616 | (not assigned) | N | E | |||||||
1615 | NP/A436(1985)221 | Ground-state transition strengths of the (p,t) reactions for nuclei with A=23-238 | 鈴木(済) | 合川/大塚(済) | ○ | (E026) | N | E | ||
1614 | NP/A440(1985)13 | High-resolution measurement of analogue states | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | 数値読取不可 | |
1613 | PL/B365(1996)17 | Airy minimum crossing thtc=90deg at E(lab)=124 MEV for the 16O+16O system | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | 生 | (E026) | N | E | c.f. D1521 | |
1612 | PL/B307(1993)278 | Magnetic moment of short-lived beta-emitter 23Mg | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1611 | PL/B323(1994)107 | Microscopic structure of the Gamow-Teller resonance in 208Bi | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1610 | PL/B328(1994)264 | Lambda hyperon production at backward angles in the reaction 6Li(pi-,Lambda)X at 4GeV/c | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | ○ | (J006r)->(E068r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-8)。要削除(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(Duplication of E1610 and J1610) | |
1609 | PL/B335(1994)330 | Two-nucleon pion absorption in 4He at 1 GeV/c | 内藤(済) | 合川/大塚(済) | ○ | (J006r)->(E068r)->(E141r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-2)。削除済(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(Duplication of E1609 and J1609) | |
1608 | PL/B336(1994)303 | Search for parity nonconservation in the compound nucleus reaction via an isobaric analog resonance using a thick target | 内藤(済) | 合川/大塚(済) | 生 | (E026) | N | E | ||
1607 | PL/B343(1995)53 | Spectroscopy of 12Be and 13Be using a 12Be radioactive beam | 未定 | 未定 | 生 | (E026r) | N | E | ||
1606 | PL/B348(1995)29 | Coulomb dissociation reaction and correlations of two halo neutrons in 11Li | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | ○ | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1-3) | ||
1605 | PL/B351(1995)77 | Entrance channel effect on the pre-scission time of binary decay for the medium mass nuclei (mass~110) | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | |||
1604 | PL/B359(1995)39 | Search for deeply-bound pionic states using (p,2He) reactions at 390.6 MeV | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | ○ | (E026) | N | E | ||
1603 | PL/B366(1996)51 | Electric quadrupole moments of neutron-rich nuclei 14B and 15B | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1602 | PL/B365(1996)29 | Isospin decompoistion of the Gamow-Teller strength in 58Cu | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1601 | PRL74(1995)224 | Core-excited states of 12(Lambda)C hypernuclei formed in the (pi+,k+) reaction | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | ○ | (J004)->(J006r)->(E068r)->(J010r)->(E141r) | N | E | 再読取了(DATA 1)。削除済(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(Duplication of E1601 and J1601) | |
D1500 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
1600 | ZP/A353(1996)387 | The competition between fusion-fission and deeply inelastic reactions in the medium mass systems | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1599 | ZP/A353(1995)117 | Structure of 17Ne by the three-neutron pick-up (3He,6He) reaction | 鈴木(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E034) | N | E | 連絡無(2005.08.31)、要再読取(ファクター,芦(済)), グラフチェック:鈴(済), c.f. D1911 | |
1598 | PR/C51(1995)2233 | Lambda-nucleon in nuclei probed by the quasifree 12C(pi+,K+)I reaction | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1597 | PR/C53(1996)131 | alpha-cluter states above threshold energy in 44Ti | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E016) | N | E | ||
1596 | PR/C52(1995)2936 | Hypernuclear weak decay of 12(Lambda)C and 11(Lambda)B | 未定 | 未定 | 生 | × | N | E | ||
1595 | NP/A575(1994)72 | Retardation of single-particle E1 transitions from the 622 keV broad d-wave neutron resonance in 9Be | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | (n,g) data | ||
1594 | NP/A589(1995)425 | Elastic scattering of 3He particles at 450 MeV | 鈴木(済) | 大塚(済) | 礼 | (E034) | N | E | Data,3-5 の誤差を対称誤差に変更(済)、Data1,2要再読取(済,芦澤),グラフチェック+修正 大倉/鈴木(済) | |
1593 | NP/A592(1995)244 | Study of beta-delayed neutron emission of 19C | 未定 | 未定 | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1592 | JPJ36(1974)10 | Energy levels of 40Ca studied by 39K(p,alpha)36Ar reaction | 未定 | 未定 | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1591 | PR/C49(1994)1534 | 4He(4He,3He)5He(g.s.) reaction at 118 MeV, and its distoted wave Born approximation interpretation | 鈴木(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E034) | N | E | Data.2,3,4要再読取(芦澤、済)、グラフチェック+修正(大倉、鈴木、済) | |
1590 | PL/B345(1995)1 | Tensor analyzing power of the (d,2He) reaction at 270 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E027r) | N | E | ||
1589 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1588 | NP/A588(1995)510 | Breakup of 3He with 59.6 MeV vector-polarized deuterons at dp quasifree-scattering conditions | 一瀬(済) | 大塚(済)/鈴木(済) | ○ | (E034) | N | E | グラフチェック+修正 阿部/大塚/鈴木(済) | |
1587 | NP/A573(1994)1 | CDCC analysis of 22 MeV deuteron elastic scattering and (d,p) reactions on 52Cr and 206Pb | 未定 | 未定 | 無 | (E016) | N | E | ||
1586 | NP/A576(1994)387 | Single-particle states in 59Ni with 58Ni(d,p)59Ni reaction at 56 MeV and neutron-bound-state complex potentials | 鈴木(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E068r) | N | E | Data 7,9,11-13,17-19,22,23,38,39,41,42,47,61,65,67要再読取(済)、グラフチェック+修正:芦澤,黒河,鈴木(済) | |
1585 | PR/C46(1992)361 | Decay property of 20Na for the onset mechanizm of the rapid-proton process | 未定 | 未定 | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1584 | PR/C52(1995)604 | Direct proton decay from the Gamow-Teller Resonance in 208Bi | 未定 | 未定 | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1583 | PR/C41(1990)180 | Measurement of deuteron-deuteron total cross sections in the incident momentum range 1.5-4.0 GeV/c | 鈴木(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E034)->(E071r) | N | E | Transmission method : c.f. D1567/要確認(From IAEA, 2008.9.15) (SF3: TOT should be changed) | |
1582 | PR/C46(1992)616 | Energy dependence of the 6Li(alpha,2alpha)pn reaction from 77 to 119 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E016) | N | E | ||
1581 | NP/A579(1994)13 | Proton scattering off 9Be and the final-state interaction in the (e,ep) and (gamma,p) reactions on 11B | 鈴木(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E034) | N | E | グラフチェック+修正:芦沢,鈴木(済), c.f. O0395 | |
1580 | NP/A569(1994)287c | Spin-isospin resonances observed in the (d,2He) and (12C,12N) reactions at E/A=135 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E027r)->(E148r) | N | E | ||
1579 | NP/A579(1994)45 | A study of 0 deg transverse polarization transfer in (p,n) reactions from 12C, 13C and 40Ca at 80 and 50 MeV | 大塚(済) | 鈴木(済) | ○ | (E034) | N | E | グラフチェック+修正:芦沢,鈴木(済), c.f. O0789 | |
1578 | JP/GL14(1988)137 | Tensor analyzing power of the (d,2He) reaction on 12C at 70 MeV | 富樫(済) | 鈴木(済)/大塚(済) | ○ | (E059) | N | E | ||
1577 | PR/C51(1995)2592 | Coupling effects studied in the 13C(p,pn)12C and 13C(p,d)12C at Ep=35 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E027r) | N | E | ||
1576 | PRL73(1994)2680 | Coulomb dissociation of 8B and the 7Be(p,gamma)8B reaction at low energies | 黒河(済) | 大塚(済)/鈴木(済) | ○ | (E034) | N | E | グラフチェック+修正:芦澤,鈴木(済) | |
1575 | NP/A573(1994)154 | Cluster structure in 40Ca via the alpha-transfer reaction | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E016)->(E071r)->(E074r) | N | E | 要修正(From IAEA, 2011.9.27) (E-LVL: EV -> MEV) | |
1574 | PL/B326(1994)31 | Observation of 10He | 未定 | 未定 | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1573 | PL/B331(1994)296 | Coulomb dissociation of a halo nucleis 11Be at 72A MeV | 鈴木(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E034) | N | E | グラフチェック+修正:阿部,鈴木(済), c.f. D1915 | |
1572 | PL/B346(1995)9 | Large deformation of the very neutron-rich nucleus 32Mg from intermediate-energy Coulomb excitation | 未定 | 未定 | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1571 | PL/B335(1994)29 | Systematic behavior of ejectile spin polarization in the projectile fragmentation reaction | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1570 | NP/A443(1985)461 | In-beam gamma-ray study of 212Po | 未定 | 未定 | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1569 | NP/A469(1987)507 | Continuum spectra of neutrons following the 92Zr(alpha,alpha') reaction | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1568 | NP/A581(1995)21 | Fragmentation of neutron-hole strengths in 59Ni observed in the 60Ni(p,d)59Ni reactino at 65 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E016) | N | E | ||
1567 | PR/C45(1992)2926 | Measurement of d-C and d-Al total cross sections in the incident momentum range 2.0-4.0 GeV/c | 大塚(済) | 鈴木(済) | 無 | (E055r)->(E071r) | N | E | c.f. D1583/要確認(From IAEA, 2008.9.15) (SF3: TOT should be changed) | |
1566 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1565 | (Duplication of D1131) | (E041r)->(E068r)->(E141r) | N | E | See D1131. 削除済(From NEA, 2011.11.23) | |||||
1564 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1563 | NP/A577(1994)57 | The (3He,t,p) reaction: A means to study the microscopic structure of spin-isospin modes | 未定 | 未定 | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1562 | NP/A569(1994)255 | Microscopic structure of the Gamow-Teller resonance in 208Bi | 未定 | 未定 | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1561 | NP/A577(1994)43 | Spin-isospin excitations in nuclei via (3He,t) reactions at 450 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1560 | NP/A569(1994)245 | (3He,t) charge-exchange reactions at E(3He)=450 MeV, theta=0 deg | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1559 | NP/A577(1994)111 | Measurement of quasi-elastic scattering and Dnn(0 deg) with (p,n) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1558 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1557 | PL/B325(1994)308 | Strong evidence of the Coulomb breakup of the deuteron at 56 MeV | 大塚(済) | 鈴木(済) | 礼 | (E034) | N | E | ||
1556 | PR/C48(1993)95 | 40Ca(p,d)39Ca reaction at 65 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E016) | N | E | ||
1555 | PL/B297(1992)39 | Measurements of 11Li+p and 9Li+p elastic scatterings at 60 MeV | 大塚(済) | 石塚 | ○ | (E020) | N | E | ||
1554 | PL/B316(1993)38 | Experimental study of 8He+p elastic and inelastic scattering | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E016)->(E071r) | N | E | 要修正(From IAEA, 2011.11.1)(See CP-D/718) | |
1553 | PL/B314(1993)279 | Spin-flip measurements for isoscalar transitions via the 12C(d,d',gamma) reaction | 冨樫(済) | 鈴木(済) | ○ | (E034) | N | E | グラフチェック+修正:芦沢,鈴木(済) | |
1552 | PL/B311(1993)22 | Strong isomer production in fragmentation reactions | 未定 | 未定 | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1551 | PR/C47(1993)1586 | Symmetric mass-division process in nuclei with mass numbers around A(cn)=100 | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1550 | ZP/A345(1993)123 | High-spin isomeric state in 144Pm | 未定 | 未定 | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1549 | NP/A568(1994)202 | High-spin states in the odd-odd nucleus 82Y | 未定 | 未定 | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1548 | JPJ62(1993)3343 | A new high-spin isomer in 145Sm | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1547 | PR/C48(1993)2775 | Proton single-particle states in 21, 23Na through the (d,n) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E016) | N | E | ||
1546 | JPJ35(1973)1579 | The 1g9/2 neutron state in nuclei with neutron numbers between 52 and 82 | 大塚(済) | 鈴木(済) | ○ | (E034) | N | E | グラフチェック+修正:芦沢,鈴木(済) | |
1545 | NP/A118(1968)207 | (alpha,t) reaction on medium-weight odd-mass nuclei (I). 51V and 55Mn | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E027r) | N | E | ||
1544 | (Duplication of D1403) | N | E | See D1403 | ||||||
1543 | JPJ38(1975)1557 | Study of the 58Ni(d,t)57Ni reaction at 24 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E016) | N | E | ||
1542 | JPJ36(1974)336 | Ground state band members in 236U and 230Th studied with the (p,t) reaction | 冨樫(済) | 鈴木(済)/大塚(済) | ○ | (E065r) | N | E | 要修正(006 ヘッダ欠落) | |
1541 | NP/A203(1973)97 | Nuclear structure studies of the odd-N germanium isotopes with (d,p) reactions | 大塚(済) | 鈴木(済) | ○ | (E034) | N | E | グラフチェック+修正:芦澤,大塚,鈴木(済) | |
1540 | JPJ38(1975)936 | Energy levels of 60Co studied by the (d,p) reaction | 冨樫(済) | 鈴木(済) | ○ | (E034) | N | E | Data 2-7, 対称誤差に(済)、グラフチェック+修正 大倉/鈴木(済) | |
1539 | JPJ38(1975)1563 | Elastic scattering of 16O on 9Be | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E016) | N | E | ||
1538 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1537 | JPJ37(1974)1479 | 未定 | 未定 | (E016) | N | E | ||||
1536 | JPJ34(1973)5 | The elastic and inelastic scatterings of 3He from 12C at 24.0, 29.2, 34.7 and 39.6 MeV | 一瀬(済) | 鈴木(済) | ○ | (E034) | N | E | グラフチェック+修正 大倉/鈴木(済) | |
1535 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1534 | (Duplication of D153) | N | E | See D153 | ||||||
1533 | JPJ36(1974)1236 | (p,d) reactions at 52 MeV. I. 58Ni(p,d)57Ni (experiment) | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E027r)->(E074r) | N | E | 要修正(From IAEA, 2011.9.29)(REFERENCE (page): 5 -> 1236)/要再読取(Data 19) | |
1532 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1531 | NP/A237(1975)382 | Low-lying states in 95Tc studied with the 93Nb(alpha,2n gamma)95Tc reaction | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1530 | PR/C46(1992)1257 | Electromagnetic transition probabilities in the natural-parity rotational band of 155, 157Gd | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1529 | NP/A530(1991)211 | The level structure of 87Nb | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1528 | (Duplication of D98) | N | E | See D98 | ||||||
1527 | PR/C49(1994)968 | Prescission and postscission charged particle emissions from the 19F+159Tb reaction | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1526 | ZP/A338(1991)7 | Half-lives and Qbeta measurements for new nuclei of 89Tc and 89mTc | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1525 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1524 | ZP/A347(1993)41 | High-spin states in 107Sn | 未定 | 未定 | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1523 | NP/A564(1993)227 | Hole strengths and spreading widths observed in 92Mo(p,d)91Mo reaction at 65 MeV | 黒河(済) | 大塚(済)/鈴木(済) | ○ | (E034) | N | E | Data1-9要再読取,グラフチェック+修正:大塚,黒河,鈴木(済) | |
1522 | NP/A217(1973)253 | Ground-state alpha-decay of n=128 isotones 216Ra, 217Ac and 218Th | 黒河(済) | 大塚(済)/鈴木(済) | ○ | (E034)->(E102r) | N | E | グラフチェック+修正 大倉/鈴木(済) | |
1521 | PL/B312(1993)35 | Observation of Airy oscillation for the 16O+16O system at Elab=145MeV | 大塚(了) | 合川(了) | ○ | (E026) | N | E | c.f. D1613 | |
1520 | PR/C49(1994)3305 | New approach to spin assignments of intermediate structures in 12C(16O,12C[2+1]16O | 一瀬(済) | 大塚(済)/鈴木(済) | 生 | (E034) | N | E | グラフチェック+修正:大倉,鈴木(済), c.f. D1786 | |
1519 | (Duplication of D1306) | N | E | See D1306 | ||||||
1518 | NP/A239(1975)233 | Quasifree 5He+3He -> alpha+alpha reaction process in the 9Be(3He,alpha,alpha)4He reaction at E(3He)=4.0 MeV | 黒河(済) | 大塚(済)/鈴木(済) | ○ | (E034) | N | E | グラフチェック+修正:大倉,鈴木(済) | |
1517 | NP/A246(1975)76 | Measurements of proton-proton differential cross sections at 5, 7 and 8 MeV | 黒河(済) | 大塚(済)/鈴木(済) | ○ | (E034) | N | E | c.f. EXFOR A1013 | |
1516 | JPJ38(1975)308 | The level structure of 71Ge by the 71Ga(p,n)71Ge reaction | 未定 | 未定 | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1515 | PL/B323(1994)278 | Charge-exchange reaction 12C(12C,12N)12B at E/A=135 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E027r) | N | E | ||
1514 | PRL69(1992)1030 | Bose-eistein correlations in Si+Al and Si+Au collisions at 14.6A GeV/c | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1513 | PL/B291(1992)341 | Centrality dependence of K+ and pi+ multiplicities from Si+A collisions at 14.6A GeV/c | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1512 | PRL68(1992)2137 | Polarization of Lambda hyperons produced by the quasifree (pi+, K+) reaction on 12C | 鈴木(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | ? | N | E | Data 2要再読取(Sym)(芦,済), Data2(fig.4) 数値チェック(大倉(済)) | |
1511 | PR/C17(1978)2061 | States in 197Pt populated by the (d,p), (d,t) and (n,gamma) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E016) | N | E | → E1511 | |
1510 | PR/C9(1974)1168 | alpha decay of 215Fr | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1509 | NP/A263(1976)173 | Lifetimes of the firstand second excited 3/2- states in 55Co | 未定 | 未定 | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1508 | (Duplication of D137) | N | E | See D137 | ||||||
1507 | NP/A224(1974)199 | Level structure of 75Se by the 75As(p,n,gamma)75Se reaction | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1506 | JPJ44(1978)1421 | On the triaxial deformation in transition odd-A nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1505 | PL/B49(1974)37 | Anomalous L=0 transition observed in the reaction 40Ca(p,t)38Ca | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E016) | N | E | ||
1504 | (Duplication of D100) | N | E | See D100 | ||||||
1503 | JPJ44(1978)1413 | Excited states of 4He observed in the 6Li+d reaction | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E027r) | N | E | ||
1502 | NP/A551(1993)333 | Components of collective flow and azimuthal distributions in 40Ar+27Al and 40Ar+58Ni collisions below 85 MeV/u | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1501 | JPJ38(1975)601 | The h11/2 states in 90Y observed from the excitation functions for the (d,p) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E016)->(E148r) | N | E | ||
D1400 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
1500 | PRL34(1975)1533 | beta-decay asymmetries in polarized 12B and 12N and the g-parity - nonconserving weak interaction | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | |||
1499 | PRL46(1981)810 | Direct experimental evidence for strong, sequential, two step, transfer processes in allowed (p,t) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E016) | N | E | ||
1498 | PL/B264(1991)259 | Determination of the astrophysical 13N(p,gamma)14O cross section through the Coulomb dissociation method | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | ○ | (E047) | N | E | ||
1497 | PL/B233(1989)69 | Measurements of tensor analyzing powers in the 1H(d,2p)N | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | French data (2FR SAT) | ||
1496 | NP/A549(1992)1 | Quasifree scattering in the 6Li(alpha,2alpha)2H reaction at E(alpha) between 77 and 119MeV/ | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | 検出角度不明 | |
1495 | PL/B28(1969)408 | Large-angle scattering of 3He particles by 58Ni | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | ○ | (E047) | N | E | ||
1494 | NP/A256(1976)127 | High-resolution measurements of analogue states in 59, 61, 63Cu | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | ○ | (E047)->(E143r) | N | E | ||
1493 | PL/B283(1992)185 | Complex fragment distributions in 84Kr+27Al at Elab=10.6 MeV/u | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | ○ | (E056r) | N | E | ||
1492 | PL/B249(1990)8 | Disappearance of flow as a function of impact parmeter and energy in nucleus-nucleus collisions | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | French data (2FR GAN) | ||
1491 | PR/C45(1992)2933 | Global transverse energy dstributions in relativistic nuclear collisions at 14.6A GeV/c | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | US data (1USABNL) | ||
1490 | ZP/A343(1992)373 | Coulomb excitation of 154Sm | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1489 | PL/B271(1991)447 | Antiproton production in 14.6A GeV/c Si+A collisions | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | US data (1USABNL) | ||
1488 | PR/C44(1991)1611 | Forward and transverse energies in relativistic heavy ion collisions at 14.6 GeV/c per nucleon | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | US data (1USABNL) | ||
1487 | PR/D45(1992)3906 | Measurement of particle production in proton-induced reactions at 14.6 GeV/c | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | US data (1USABNL) | ||
1486 | PR/C45(1992)1220 | 14C(p,n)14N reaction at Ep=35 MeV | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | ○ | (E047) | N | E | ||
1485 | PR/C46(1992)1155 | Analyzing powers for 2H(d,p)3H at incident energies of 30, 50, 70 and 90 keV | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | ○ | (E047) | N | E | ||
1484 | NP/A546(1992)588 | (K-,K+) reaction on nuclear targets at p(K-)=1.65 GeV/c | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (J007) | N | E | ||
1483 | (Duplication of D1304) | N | E | See D1304 | ||||||
1482 | NP/A542(1992)97 | 9Be(alpha,p)12B reaction and primordial nucleosynthesis | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | ○ | (E065r) | N | E | 要修正(009 ヘッダ欠落) | |
1481 | NP/A544(1992)445 | Target rapidity proton distributions for Si+A collisions at the AGS | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | US data (1USABNL) | ||
1480 | NP/A511(1990)157 | High-spin spectroscopic study of 167Lu | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | English data (2UK UK) | ||
1479 | NP/A549(1992)327 | Gamow-Teller strength in beta-decay of 25Si | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1478 | NP/A436(1985)518 | Multiple Coulomb excitation of 167Er | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1477 | JPJ25(1968)1207 | Cross sections of the 12C(3He,p)14N reaction | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | ○ | (E047) | N | E | ||
1476 | PL/B240(1990)306 | Elastic scattering of 58Ni+64Ni near the Coulomb barrier | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | Italy data (2ITYPAD) | ||
1475 | PR/C47(1993)648 | (d,2He) reactions at E=260 MeV as a possible probe to nuclear spin-isospin excitation | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | ○ | (E047) | N | E | ||
1474 | PL/B306(1993)1 | alpha-cluster bands in 40Ca observed via the (6Li,d) reaction | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E047) | N | E | ||
1473 | PL/B302(1993)7 | Spectroscopy of neutorn halo of nucleus 11Be via the 11B(d,2He) reaciton at 70 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E047) | N | E | ||
1472 | PL/B150(1985)83 | Spin polarization of residual nuclei in (14N,alpha) reactions at 115 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | ? | N | E | ||
1471 | (Duplication of D1210) | N | E | |||||||
1470 | ZP/A321(1985)353 | Possible shape-change observed at high spin in 123Cs | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | French data (2FR ?) | ||
1469 | PL/B266(1991)264 | THe 1H(d,2p)n reactions as basis for a deuteron tensor polarimeter at intermediate energies | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | French data (2FR GRE?) | ||
1468 | PL/B268(1991)339 | Neutron halo in 11Be studied via reaction cross sections | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E047) | N | E | ||
1467 | PL/B257(1991)27 | Negative pion production in subthreshold heavy ion collisions | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1466 | PR/C41(1990)1486 | Asymmetry of spin-flip of polarized protons in the inelastic scattering to the first 2+ states of 48Ti and 50Ti | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E051) | N | E | 富沢博士論文 | |
1465 | PR/C32(1985)1539 | gamma-ray multiplicity distribution associated with massive transfer | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1464 | PR/C34(1986)2365 | Analyzing power measurements of (d,2He) reactions on light nuclei | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E047) | N | E | ||
1463 | PRL66(1991)1567 | Comparison of p+A and Si+Au collisions at 14.6 GeV/c | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | US data (1USABNL) | ||
1462 | PL/B155(1985)227 | Polarization transfer in the deuteron break-up reaction at 56 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E047) | N | E | ||
1461 | ZP/A338(1991)459 | Key resonant states in the 8Li(alpha,n)11B reaction in the inhomogeneous big bang models | 未定 | 未定 | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1460 | PRL67(1991)1982 | Coincidence measurements of (p,n) reactios at 1.5 GeV/c on C and H in the Delta excitation region | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E047) | N | E | ||
1459 | PRL56(1986)1112 | Spectroscopy with the singlet-deuteron reactino 12C(alpha,d(S=0))14N at 50 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E047) | N | E | ||
1458 | (Duplication of D769) | (E015) | N | E | See D1699 | |||||
1457 | (Duplication of D784) | N | E | See D784 | ||||||
1456 | (Duplication of D691) | (E015) | N | E | See D1698 | |||||
1455 | (Duplication of D812) | N | E | See D812 | ||||||
1454 | (Duplication of D776) | (E015) | N | E | See D1697 | |||||
1453 | JPJ49(1980)1 | Ground state transition strength for the (p,t) reaction, A=54 through A=82 | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1452 | PR/C2(1970)2181 | Study of nuclear states in 40Ca by inelastic electron scattering | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | (e,e') data | ||
1451 | PRL25(1970)874 | Excitation of the giant resonance in 12C by inelastic electron scattering | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | (e,e') data | ||
1450 | PR185(1969)1499 | Study of nuclear states in 60Ni by inelastic electron scattering | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | (e,e') data | ||
1449 | PRL22(1969)544 | Electroexcitation of the 10.8-MeV (1-:T=0) level of 12C and the 7.12-MeV (1-:T=0) level of 16O | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | (e,e') data | ||
1448 | PL/B28(1968)30 | Isobaric analogue resonances in photoproton reactions | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | (g,p) data | ||
1447 | NP/A559(1993)317 | The (gamma,p) and (gamma,alpha) reactions for 63, 65Cu in the giant dipole resonance region | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | (g,p) (g,a) data, Data 24-30数値未読 | |||
1446 | PR/C37(1988)45 | Nuclear structure of 48Ca | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E047) | N | E | ||
1445 | NP/A534(1991)367 | Low-lying intrinsic states in 173Ta | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1444 | NP/A444(1985)349 | Incomplete fusion of the 16O+27Al reaction | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1443 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1442 | PR/C40(1989)1595 | Hexadecapole strength in the region of the low-energy octupole resonance | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E015) | N | E | ||
1441 | (Duplication of D780) | (E015) | N | E | See D1696 | |||||
1440 | PR/C25(1982)678 | Observatino of 1+ state in 48Ca by hadron inelastic scattering | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E015) | N | E | ||
1439 | (Duplication of D28) | N | E | See D28 | ||||||
1438 | PR/C20(1979)569 | Comparison of gamma-ray yield functions for the 12C+24Mg and 16O+28Si reactions | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | French data (2FR STR) | ||
1437 | PR/C30(1984)820 | Nuclaer g factor of the 2972 keV isomeric state in 130Xe | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1436 | NP/A403(1983)1 | Isovector deformation parameters from the (p,n) reactions on 54, 56Fe and 58, 60, 62, 64Ni at 35 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E011) | N | E | ||
1435 | PR/C33(1986)176 | Effects of entrance channel and compound nucleus in the fusion cross sections for 28Si+28Si, 16O+40Ca, 32S+30Si, and 12C+50Cr | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | ○ | (E068r) | N | E | c.f.C0415 | |
1434 | PR/C27(1983)1454 | Nuclear structure of even lead isotopes by the (p,t) reaction | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | ○ | (E024r) | N | E | O0685(TRANS.O013)からの移行に伴う再採録 | |
1433 | PR/C30(1984)2111 | Observation of the decay of a new isotope 57Cu and its mirror transition | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1432 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1431 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1430 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1429 | NP/A462(1987)150 | Coincidence measurements of light particles and evaporation residues in the 16O+27Al fusion reaction | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | ? | N | E | ||
1428 | PR/C15(1977)1178 | Descructive interference between direct and indirect processes in (p,t) reactions on spherical vibrational nuclei and strong resemblance to that in (p,t) reactions on well-deformed nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E011) | N | E | ||
1427 | (Analysis of D1499) | N | E | See D1499 | ||||||
1426 | PR/C25(1982)1050 | Marked changes in (p,t) analyzing powers for isotopes of Zr, Mo, Ru, and Pd strong, sequential, two-step transfer processes in both (p,t) and (t,p) reactions | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E065r) | N | E | 要修正(018,020 ヘッダ欠落) | |
1425 | NP/A377(1982)163 | The (p,n) reaction on cadmium isotopes leading to the ground- and excited-state analogs | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E011) | N | E | ||
1424 | (Duplication of D1187) | (E011) | N | E | See D1692 | |||||
1423 | JPJ47(1979)1735 | Excitation of the analog state in the 54Fe(p,alpha)51Mn reaction at 21 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E011) | N | E | ||
1422 | JPJ47(1979)329 | Competition of two-steop process with spin-depedent interaction in the 14N(p,p)14N (2.31MeV) reaction at Ep=21.0 MeV | 大塚(済) | 鈴木(済) | ○ | (E047) | N | E | ||
1421 | JPJ54(1985)3660 | The 26Mg(3He,n)28Si reaction at 23.1 and 45.5 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E011) | N | E | ||
1420 | NP/A359(1981)76 | Analyzing powers for (p,d) reactions on 208Pb and 142,144Nd exciting neutron-hole states at Ep=22.0 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | (E051r) | N | E | 飯田博士論文 | ||
1419 | NP/A261(1976)223 | Excitation of 3-1, 5-1 and 7-1 states in Te isotopes A=120, 122, 124, 126, 128 with (p,t) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E011) | N | E | ||
1418 | NP/A267(1976)276 | Structure of 74Se with the (p,t) reaction at 52 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E011) | N | E | ||
1417 | PL/B249(1990)13 | Symmetric mass division process in the reactions 37Cl+68Zn and 16O+89Y | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | ? | N | E | ||
1416 | NP/A393(1983)52 | Analyzing powers and cross sections for (p,d) reactions on nuclei of N=50-82 | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E011) | N | E | ||
1415 | NP/A237(1975)260 | Elastic and inelastic scattering of 51.9 MeV protons by doubly even tellunium nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E011)->(E143r) | N | E | ||
1414 | JPJ29(1970)1 | Spin flip in the inelastic scattering of protons from 12C at energies around 13.1 MeV resonance | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E011) | N | E | ||
1413 | JPJ45(1978)367 | Proton inelastic scattering on 28,29,30Si and blocking effect in the core-excitation of 29Si | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E011) | N | E | ||
1412 | (Duplication of D1412) | (E011) | N | E | See D1695 | |||||
1411 | PR/C44(1991)1405 | Mass yield curves in low-energy proton-induced fission of 233U, 235U, 236U, 237Np, 239Pu,242Pu, 244Pu, 241Am, and 243Am | 合川(済) | 大塚(済) | 無 | (E063r)->(E125r) | N | E | O0590(TRANS.O012)からの移行に伴う再採録 | |
1410 | (Duplication of D1357) | N | E | See D1357 | ||||||
1409 | (Duplication of D1376) | (E011)->(E068r)->(E141r) | N | E | See D1376. 削除済(From NEA, 2011.11.23) | |||||
1408 | PR/C42(1990)1187 | Pre-scission 1H and 4He emissions in 16O+197Au reaction | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1407 | JPJ33(1972)881 | Inelastic scattering of protons from 100Mo and 98Mo | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E011) | N | E | ||
1406 | JPJ50(1981)3198 | Analyzing power-polarization inequality in the inelastic scattering of protons on 12C for incident energies from 22.0 to 29.0 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E051r)->(E109r) | N | E | 藤沢博士論文 | |
1405 | JPJ43(1977)755 | (3He,d) stripping to bound and unbound states in 29P | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E035r) | N | E | ||
1404 | JPJ42(1977)1 | Single- and Multi-Nucleon Transfer Reactions Induced by 14N and 12C on fp-Shell Nuclei | (E011) | N | E | |||||
1403 | PR/C45(1992)1533 | Inelastic scattering of protons, 3He, and 4He at 30 MeV/nucleon from 166Er and 176Yb and quadrupole moments of the optical potential | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E037r)->(E143r) | N | E | REFERENCE should be added | |
1402 | PRL67(1991)1082 | Relative strength (Delta S=1)/(Delta S=0)+(Delta S=1)) of isovector spin excitations in the high-lying resonance region of 12C | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1401 | NP/A242(1975)13 | Quasi-gamma bands in even-mass Xe and Ba nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
D1300 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
1400 | NP/A243(1975)143 | In-beam study of 136Ce and 138Nd isotones with N=78 | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | |||
1399 | NP/A248(1975)237 | Elastic and inelastic scattering of 52 MeV protons from 206Pd, 108Pd and 110Pd | 未定 | 未定 | (E019r)->(E122r) | N | E | |||
1398 | NP/A510(1990)173 | The band structure and triaxial shape in 118Xe | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | |||
1397 | NP/A519(1990)221 | Effects of sequential decay in nuclear element distributions of complex fragments for 86Kr+27Al at 10.6 MeV/u | 未定 | 未定 | △ | N | E | |||
1396 | PL/B105(1981)135 | Angular-momentum transfer and alignment following preequilibrium alpha-particle emission in the reactino 209Bi+14N | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 芦澤(済) | (E047) | N | E | ||
1395 | PL/B68(1977)51 | Gamma-rays from an incomplete fusion reaction induced by 95 MeV 14N | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | |||
1394 | PL/B59(1975)42 | Full recoil analysis of the elastic scattering of 16O on 19F by the core-exchange model | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 伊藤(済) | (E047) | N | E | ||
1393 | PL/B45(1983)244 | Alpha-particle decay of 218Th, a new isotope | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | |||
1392 | PL/B40(1972)543 | In-beam alpha spectroscopy of N=128 isotones. Lifetimes of 216Ra and a new isotope 217Ac | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | |||
1391 | PL/B58(1975)273 | In-beam alpha- and gmma- ray spectroscopy for 216Ra | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | |||
1390 | PR/C25(1982)909 | Correlation between angular anisotropy and fragment mass in 15 MeV proton-induced fission of 232Th | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 伊藤(済) | (E047) | N | E | c.f. EXFOR O0766 | |
1389 | PRL40(1978)694 | Statistical analysis of preequilibrium alpha-particle spectra and possible local heating | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E068r) | N | E | ||
1388 | PR/C18(1978)2457 | Intermediate structures in 12C+16O system through alpha-induced reactions on 24Mg | 未定 | 未定 | (E013r) | N | E | |||
1387 | NP/A410(1983)156 | Excited states in 216Ra | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | |||
1386 | NP/A327(1979)269 | In-beam gamma-ray study of 189, 191, 193Au | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | German data (2GERJUL) | ||
1385 | NP/A211(1973)381 | Magnetic moments of the (p1 h9/2 2) 8+ satetes in Po isotopes and of the ((p1 h9/2 2)8+ x nu p1/2 -1) 17/2- states in 209Po | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | |||
1384 | (Preprint of D1555) | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | See D1555 | ||||
1383 | (Preprint of D1644) | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | See D1644 | ||||
1382 | Niigata | Spectroscopy of the exotic nucleus 11Li via pion double charge exchange reaction 11B(pin,pip)11Li | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
1381 | Niigata? | Determination of the density distribution and the correlation of halo neutrons in 11Li | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALBL) | |||
1380 | Niigata | On the momentum distributions of fragments of 11Li and 11Be | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
1379 | (Duplication of D1694) | (E013r) | N | E | See D1694 | |||||
1378 | NP/A458(1986)523 | High spin states of 2s-1d shell nuclei excited by (alpha,d) reactions | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 芦澤(済) | (E063r)->(E148r) | N | E | ||
1377 | PR/C34(1986)909 | Actinides produced by 12C+242Pu and 16O+238U reactions | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 伊藤(済) | (E047) | N | E | c.f. EXFOR A0357 | |
1376 | PR/C45(1992)993 | Observation of the low-energy octupole resonance in 208Pb by inelastic alpha scattering | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 伊藤(済) | (E049r) | N | E | ||
1375 | PR/C45(1982)2328 | 7Li(alpha,2alpha)3H reaction from 77 to 119 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 伊藤(済) | (E047) | N | E | ||
1374 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1373 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1372 | NP/A467(1987)61 | 12C(p,n)12N and 16O(p,n)16F reactions at Ep=35 and 40 MeV: Relaiablity of the information obtained from DWBA analysis of low-energy (p,n) data | 未定 | 未定 | (E012r)->(E148r) | N | E | |||
1371 | NP/A467(1987)79 | The 31P(d,n)32S reaction at 25 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | (E012r) | N | E | |||
1370 | NP/A486(1988)77 | Pre-equilibrium process in 3He-induced reactions on 59Co, 109Ag, 181Ta and 209Bi | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 伊藤(済) | (E047)->(E147r) | N | E | c.f. EXFOR A0464 | |
1369 | NP/A486(1988)261 | Energy dependence of tensor analyzing powers in deuteron elastic scattering from 208Pb | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | 無 | (E065r) | N | E | 要修正(027,032 ヘッダ欠落) | |
1368 | NP/A472(1987)41 | Tensor interaction in elastic scattering of polarized deuterons from medium-weight nuclei near Ed=22 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E051) | N | E | 武井博士論文 | |
1367 | NP/A471(1987)520 | Mechanism of (d,a) reaction: 208Pb(d,a)206Tl and 90Zr(d,a)88Y using vector- and tensor-polarized deuterons | 大塚 | 未定 | (E051r) | N | E | 橋本博士論文 | ||
1366 | NP/A462(1987)358 | The reaction 26Mg(3He,n)28Si at 23 and 45 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | (E014r) | N | E | |||
1365 | NP/A470(1987)377 | One- and two-step processes in natural- and unnatural-parity 208Pb(p,t)206Pb reaction at Ep=22 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | (E051r) | N | E | 黒川博士論文 | ||
1364 | NP/A466(1987)109 | The reaction 12C(3He,n)14O at 45.5 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | (E012r) | N | E | |||
1363 | JPJ56(1987)1974 | Analyzing powers for (p,t) transitions to the first-excited 2+ states of medium-mass nuclei and nuclear collective motion | 大塚(済) | 未定 | (E051r)->(E143r) | N | E | 長野博士論文、LVL-NUMB要 | ||
1362 | PL/B187(1987)240 | Isovector Delta-J-pty=0- transitions observed in the (p,n) reactions on 13C, 14, 15N and the tensor part of the effective n-n interaction | 未定 | 未定 | (E012r) | N | E | |||
1361 | PR/C36(1987)1686 | 34S(p,n)34Cl reaction at 35 MeV and its microscopic distorded-wave Born approximation analysis: Stringent test of the shell model | 未定 | 未定 | (E012r) | N | E | |||
1360 | PR/C41(1990)2414 | 0 hbar-omega stretched states observed in the (p,n) reactions on 22Ne and 26Mg | 未定 | 未定 | (E027r) | N | E | |||
1359 | (Duplication of D1693) | (E020r) | N | E | See D1693 | |||||
1358 | ZP/A331(1988)53 | Evaporation residue formation competing with the fission process in the 197Au+16O, 12C reactions and fissino barriers at a specfied J window | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 伊藤(済) | (E047) | N | E | c.f. EXFOR A0474 | |
1357 | ZP/A330(1998)289 | Mass distribution of fission fragments in the 19F+197Au reaction | 未定 | 未定 | (E019r) | N | E | |||
1356 | JPJ57(1988)2976 | Low-lying excited states in 213Rn and 215Ra | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | |||
1355 | PR/C43(1991)510 | Isospin forbidden (a,d) transitions to the low-lying states in 26Al | 未定 | 未定 | (E012r) | N | E | |||
1354 | PR/C42(1990)1918 | Determination of 187Ir atomic mass by the 187Os(3He,t)187Ir reaction | 未定 | 未定 | (E012r)->(E148r) | N | E | |||
1353 | PR/C41(1990)2004 | Determination of 200Pb, 204Po, 208Rn, 212Ra and 216Th atomic masses by the 204Pb(a,8He)200Pb reaction | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E047) | N | E | ||
1352 | PL/B243(1990)29 | Analyzing power of C and Cu(p,2p) quasi-elastic scattering at 3.5 GeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 伊藤(済) | (E047) | N | E | ||
1351 | JPR/C51(1990)C6-423 | Quadrupole mixed-symmetry states in 56Fe | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 伊藤(済) | (E055r) | N | E | ||
1350 | ZP/A355(1990)203 | The effect of angular momentum coupling on the angular distribution of fission fragments | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E027r) | N | E | ||
1349 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1348 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1347 | ZP/A333(1989)379 | Energy damping feature in light heavy-ion reactions | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | △ | N | E | ||
1346 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1345 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1344 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1343 | PR/C42(1990)1279 | Spectroscopy of positive parity states in 26Mg and 26Al via the (alpha,3He) and (alpha,t) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E014r)->(E148r) | N | E | ||
1342 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1341 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1340 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1339 | ZP/A335(1990)113 | High spin structure in the odd-odd nucleus 124Cs | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1338 | PRL64(1990)847 | Kaon and pion production in central Si+Au collisions at 14.6 A GeV/c | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | US data (1USABNL) | ||
1337 | NP/A498(1989)67 | Results from the BNL E802 spectrometer for 14.5 GeV/c per nucleon silicon beams | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | US data (1USABNL) | ||
1336 | NP/A484(1988)264 | New neutron-deficient isotopes 83Nb and 85Nb | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1335 | NC/A102(1989)575 | 4-Lambda-H formation from K- absorption at rest on 4He, 7Li, 9Be, 12C, 16O and 40Ca targets | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1334 | PR/C40(1989)479 | Formation of 4-Lambda-H hypernuclei from KN absorption at rest on light nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1333 | PRL63(1989)490 | Polarizations and cross sections of Lambda hyperons produced at backward anlges in the reaction pi+12C -> Lambda+X | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (J007) | N | E | ||
1332 | (Duplication of D1332) | N | E | |||||||
1331 | NC/A102(1989)437 | Sigma hypernuclear bound state observed in stopped K- reaction on 4He | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1330 | PL/B231(1989)355 | Evidence for a bound state of the 4-Sigma-He hypernucleus | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1329 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1328 | NP/A498(1989)415 | Particle spectra near mid-rapidity sutied with Cherenkov-complex system in 14.5 AGeV Si+Au collisions | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | US data (1USABNL) | ||
1327 | NP/A498(1989)409 | Proton production from Si+Au collisions at 14.5 A*GeV | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | N | E | US data (1USABNL) | ||
1326 | ZP/A334(1989)511 | The proton threshold states in 21Mg relevant to the rp-process | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E047) | N | E | ||
1325 | NP/A499(1989)339 | Spectroscopy of 24Al through the 24Mg(p,n)24Al reactino at E(p)35 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E027r) | N | E | ||
1324 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1323 | (Recompiled as D1844) | (E029r)->(E068r)->(E141r) | N | E | See D1844. 削除済(From NEA, 2011.11.23) | |||||
1322 | (Duplication of D1397) | N | E | See D1397 | ||||||
1321 | (Recompiled as D1843) | N | E | See D1843 | ||||||
1320 | (Recompiled as D1842) | N | E | See D1842 | ||||||
1319 | PL/B199(1987)331 | Excitation of J-pi = 2+ resonances in 24Mg by the 23Na(p,12C)12C reaction | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E027r)->(E148r) | N | E | ||
1318 | NP/A510(1990)285 | Systematic enhancement for the 14C(p,t)12C reaction leading to the T=0 states | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E012r)->(E148r) | N | E | ||
1317 | NP/A514(1990)273 | The 16O(p,p') reaction at 35 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E014r)->(E147r) | N | E | ||
1316 | PR/C42(1990)457 | Density dependent interaction applied to low-multipole (p,p') and (p,n) transitions in light nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E012r) | N | E | ||
1315 | NP/A504(1989)477 | Polarization transfer measurements for the (d,p,X) reaction at E(d)=65 MeV and the reaction mechanism for the protons in the continuum | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E031r) | N | E | ||
1314 | PR/C42(1990)1935 | Existence of alpha-cluster structure in 44Ti via the (6Li,d) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E012r)->(E147r) | N | E | ||
1313 | PR/C41(1990)2421 | Experimental examination of the lowest alpha cluster states in 44Ti | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E012r) | N | E | ||
1312 | FBS7(1989)119 | Break-up of deuteron by vector-polarized deuterons at 60 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
1311 | PL/B246(1990)342 | Dominance of the direct reaction process in the 12C(7Li,7Be)12B reaction at theta(lab)=0 deg. and E(lab) >=21 MeV/A | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E014r)->(E147r) | N | E | ||
1310 | PL/B247(1990)219 | New high-spin stretched states in 208Pb observed by the (p,p') reaction | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E059r) | N | E | ||
1309 | PL/B240(1990)301 | Depolarization in p-15N elastic scattering and large tensor spin-spin interaction | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E047) | N | E | ||
1308 | NP/A510(1990)417 | Breakup of 3He by alpha particles at 119.2 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E047)->(E145r) | N | E | ||
1307 | NP/A509(1990)141 | Structure of 14C studied by the 14C(p,d)13C reaction | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E027r)->(E147r) | N | E | ||
1306 | PR/C41(1990)889 | Isomeric yield ratios in proton-, 3He-, and alpha-particle-induced reactions on 197Au | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E047)->(E068r)->(E147r) | N | E | 要修正(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(B,LEDERER-7,,,1978 -> B,LEDERER-7,,1978) | |
1305 | PR/C40(1989)2144 | Systematic analysis of mass yield curves in low-energy fission of actinides | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | ○ | (E029) | N | E | Ottoから問い合わせ(2004.03.24) | |
1304 | NP/A510(1990)518 | Statistical emission of complex fragments produced in the reactino 37Cl+68Zn | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | △ | N | E | ||
1303 | (Recompiled as D1841) | (E029r)->(E068r)->(E141r) | N | E | See D1841. 削除済(From NEA, 2011.11.23) | |||||
1302 | PR/C31(1985)1691 | Spectroscopy of the 5-, 6-, and 7- states in 68Zn via the (d,p) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | (E009)->(E071r) | N | E | 要修正(From IAEA, 2011.11.1)(See CP-D/718) | |
1301 | NP/A485(1988)304 | The nuclear structure of 83Zr | 未定 | 未定 | ○ | × | N | E | ||
D1200 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
1300 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1299 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1298 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1297 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1296 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1295 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1294 | PRL62(1989)1727 | Contribution of nucleon transfer to the elastic scatteirng of 28Si+58,64Ni near the Coulomb barrier | 未定 | 未定 | (E122r) | N | E | |||
1293 | (Duplication of D1333) | N | E | See D1333 | ||||||
1292 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1291 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1290 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1289 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1288 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1287 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1286 | PR/C39(1989)2268 | Systematics of fusion-fission time scales | 未定 | 未定 | △ | N | E | |||
1285 | PR/C39(1989)818 | Determination of 193Au and 193Hg atomic masses by the 197(a,8He)193Au reaction | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E049) | N | E | ||
1284 | NP/A501(1989)557 | alpha decay of 221Pa and 218,219Ac | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | |||
1283 | PR/C40(1989)1933 | 7+ states in 26Al observed in the 24Mg(a,d) and 25Mg(3He,d) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
1282 | PR/C39(1989)2159 | Deformed nature of the 6- states in 26Al observed by the (a,t) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
1281 | NP/A507(1990)515 | Excitation of isovector states by the (7Li,7Be) reaction on 12C and 13C | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
1280 | PL/B227(1989)204 | Excitation of spin- and isospin-flip states with the (d,d(S=0)) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
1279 | PL/B197(1987)285 | Measurement of energy emission from O+A and p+A collisions at 14.5 GeV/c per nucleon with a leacd-glass array | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USABNL) | |||
1278 | NP/A464(1987)717 | Elastic scattering of polarized deuterons from 16O at 200, 400, and 700 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR SAT) | |||
1277 | (Duplication of D1229) | (E141r) | N | E | See D1229 | |||||
1276 | NP/A488(1988)89 | The mechanism of the (12C,12N) charge exchange reaction on 12C between 30 and 100 MeV/u | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German + French data (2GERBER, 2FR GAN) | |||
1275 | NP/A479(1988)161 | Spectroscopy of hyper nuclei with stopped kaons - recent result of KEK experiment | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | |||
1274 | NP/B301(1988)525 | A study of the K0s K0s system in the reaction K- p -> K0s K0s lambda at 11 GeV/c | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USASTF) | |||
1273 | NP/B296(1988)493 | A study of K-pi+ scattering in the reaction K- p -> K- pi+ n at 11 GeV/c | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USASTF) | |||
1272 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1271 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1270 | PR/C35(1987)352 | Measurement of the vector analyzing power in pi+-d elastic scattering at 0.74 GeV/c | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (J007) | N | E | ||
1269 | PRL60(1988)780 | Observation of a nonspherical pion source in relativistic heavy-ion collisions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALBL) | |||
1268 | JPJ56(1987)1248 | Nonequilibrium light particle emission in the 140 MeV 3He and 110 MeV 4He induced reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
1267 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1266 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1265 | PL/B201(1988)573 | Evidence for two strangeonium resonances with Jpc=1++ and 1+- in K-p intearactions at 11 GeV/c | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USASTF) | |||
1264 | NP/A484(1988)125 | Coupled channel representation of the phase anomaly observed in elastic and inelastic scattering of 19F+12C | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E062r) | N | E | ||
1263 | PL/B208(1988)324 | Spin-parity determination of the phi-J(1850) from K0 p interactions at 11 GeV/c | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USASTF) | |||
1262 | PL/B206(1988)592 | Measurement of interaction cross sections using isotope beams of Be and B and isospin dependence of the nuclear radii | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E045) | N | E | US data (1USABRK) | |
1261 | PL/B201(1988)169 | Observation of the selective coupling of K* states to the K- eta channel | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USASTF) | |||
1260 | PR/D37(1988)583 | Search for structures in the p-bar p -> pi+ pi- and p-bar p -> K+ K- cross sections between 360 and 760 MeV/c | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | New analysis in another PR/D paper? | |||
1259 | PR/C38(1988)846 | Observations of hyperon-nucleus systems produced on 12C and 7Li targets using the (K-,pi+) reaction at 715 MeV/c | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USABNL) | |||
1258 | (Duplication of D1359) | N | E | See D1693 | ||||||
1257 | ZP/C38(1988)35 | Measurement of energy and charged particle emission in the central rapidity region from O+A and p+A collisions at 14.5 GeV/c per nucleon and preliminary results from Si+A collisions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USABNL) | |||
1256 | PRL60(2599)1988 | Projectile fragmentation of the extemely neutron-rich nucleus 11Li at 0.79 GeV/nucleon | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E045) | N | E | 再読取了(Data 1-2), US data (1USABRK) | |
1255 | PR/C38(1988)2026 | Forbidden (p,d) pickup to stretched states of 26Al | 未定 | 未定 | (E143r) | N | E | |||
1254 | PR/C38(1988)1229 | Production of pions and light fragments in 0.8A GeV La+La collisions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALBL) | |||
1253 | PR/C38(1988)1130 | 25Mg(3He,d)26Al to high spin states | 未定 | 未定 | (E071r) | N | E | 要修正(From IAEA, 2011.11.1)(See CP-D/718) | ||
1252 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1251 | JPJ60(1991)107 | Nuclear reactions of Ti, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn by 500-MeV protons | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E051) | N | E | c.f.EXFOR O0097 | |
1250 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1249 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1248 | RIKEN-AF-NP-82 | Energy dependence of interaction cross sections | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
1247 | RIKEN-AF-NP-81 | Measurement of reaction cross section using 11Be beam | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
1246 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1245 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1244 | RIKEN-AF-NP-89 | Anomalous slope factor of inclusive pin spectrum in 41A MeV heavy ion collision | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
1243 | PR/C28(1983)1718 | Target dependence of charge distributions in spallation reaction of medium-mass nuclei with 12 GeV protons | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E051) | N | E | c.f.EXFOR O0074 | |
1242 | PR/C38(1988)1811 | Nuclear reactions of 48Ti, 56Fe, 57Fe, 58Ni, 60Ni, 63Cu, and 65Cu by 12-GeV protons | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E051) | N | E | c.f. EXFOR A0404 | |
1241 | JPJ54(1985)3734 | Spallation and fission yields in the interactions of tantalum, tungsten, and gold with 500-MeV protons | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E051) | N | E | c.f. EXFOR O0296 | |
1240 | JPJ57(1988)2995 | Spallation of tantalum, tungsten and gold by 12-GeV protons | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E051) | N | E | c.f. EXFOR A0434 | |
1239 | NIM/A281(1989)581 | The 1H(11B,n)11C reaction as a practical low background monoenergetic neutron source in the 10 MeV region | 大塚(済) | 鈴木(済) | 生 | (E033)->(E071r) | N | E | 著者校正済(2005.06.08)/要修正(From IAEA, 2011.11.1)(See CP-D/718) | |
1238 | (Duplication of D1446) | N | E | See D1446 | ||||||
1237 | PR/C40(1989)1108 | Identification of the T=1,6- stretched state in 40Ca by inelastic proton and deuteron scattering | 未定 | 未定 | (E059r) | N | E | |||
1236 | PR/C34(1986)493 | Quadrupole and hexadecapole moments of 232Th and 238U from inelastic scattering of 65 MeV polarized protons | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E065r)->(E143r) | N | E | MSK/Aの数値は間違い。 EXFOR O0016の数値を挿入。(市原、2010-11-10) | |
1235 | PR/C37(1988)2923 | Pre-scission neutron multiplicity following the 16O+142Nd reaction | 未定 | 未定 | △ | N | E | |||
1234 | PR/C38(1988)2945 | Spectral function of the p3/2 nucleons in 6Li | 未定 | 未定 | 無 | × | N | E | ||
1233 | PR/C39(1989)1286 | Systematic behavior of octupole strengths in 46,48,50Ti | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
1232 | PR/C39(1989)873 | Elastic scattering of the unstable nucleus 7Be on 12C at 140 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
1231 | ZP/A332(1989)61 | Nucleon transfer in highly mass-asymmetric reaction systems between 197Au and relatively light projectiles in the energy region below 10 MeV/U I.target-like products | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E051) | N | E | ||
1230 | PR/C39(1989)1658 | Strength function of the d5/2 hole state in 39Ca | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
1229 | NP/A480(1988)323 | Breakup effects of 6,7Li on elastic and inelastic scattering from 12C at 18-28 MeV/nucleon | 未定 | 未定 | (E009) | N | E | |||
1228 | NP/A493(1989)1 | Target breakup in the 6,7Li(p,p) reactions | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E049) | N | E | ||
1227 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1226 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1225 | NP/A452(1986)123 | Various intermediate channels in the 12C+12C -> 12C(g.s.)+a;8Be(g.s.) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | △ | N | E | |||
1224 | PL/B99(1981)317 | Anomalous behaviour of the differential cross section dsigma/dE/dtheta in the reaction 93Nb+14N at 113, 153 and 209 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | △ | N | E | |||
1223 | NP/A441(1985)445 | The pre-equilibrium process of the 165Ho(a,x*n,y*p) reaction at E(a)=109 MeV studied by particle-gamma coincidence measurements | 未定 | 未定 | (E008) | N | E | |||
1222 | NP/A443(1985)435 | Multiple scattering effects for quasifree scattering in 3He(d,dd)1H breakup reaction | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E049) | N | E | ||
1221 | PL/B160(1985)369 | Excitation of Delta-L=1 resonances in the (p,n) reaction on 90Zr, 120Sn, 140Ce and 208Pb at Ep=41 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E049)->(E123r) | N | E | c.f. EXFOR O0802 | |
1220 | NP/A455(1986)301 | In-beam spectroscopic study of 107In | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | |||
1219 | (Duplication of D1459) | N | E | See D1459 | ||||||
1218 | (Duplication of D1464) | N | E | See D1464 | ||||||
1217 | PR/C34(1986)580 | Polarization of 12B produced in 14N-induced reactions | 未定 | 未定 | △ | N | E | |||
1216 | PR/C33(1986)392 | Level structure and electromagnetic properties in 212Ra | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | |||
1215 | (Duplication of D1435) | N | E | See 1435 | ||||||
1214 | PL/B177(1986)155 | Measurements of Kyy at 0 degree for the 2H(p,n)2P reaction at 50, 65 and 80 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E049) | N | E | ||
1213 | PL/B176(1986)307 | Enhanced E2 transitions between 9- and 8- states in 110Sn and 112Sn | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | |||
1212 | NP/A459(1986)427 | Collective vibrations in 218Ra | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | |||
1211 | PR/C31(1985)1597 | Asymmetric neutron emission in 14N+165Ho reactions at 35 MeV/nucleon | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMSU) | |||
1210 | PR/C31(1985)858 | Neutron spectra and level density parameters from the 16O+12C fusion reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USANOT) | |||
1209 | (Duplication of D1472) | N | E | See D1472 | ||||||
1208 | PR/C37(1988)2885 | Location of the low-energy isoscalar octupole resonance in 58Ni | 大塚(済) | 古立(済) | 生 | (E066r) | N | E | ||
1207 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1206 | NP/A391(1982)377 | Excitation of high-spin particle-hole states in A=28 nuclei by 27Al(a,t) and (a,3He) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | (E008)->(E140r) | N | E | REFERENCE, HISTORY (001), E-LVL (010) REACTION, LEVEL-PROP (061-070) modified (E140r). | ||
1205 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1204 | PR/C32(1985)1789 | Direct neutron decay of the giant quadrupole resonance in 92Zr and its particle-hole structure | 未定 | 未定 | △ | N | E | |||
1203 | NP/A456(1986)48 | Brekup of 4He with polarized protons at 65 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E054r)->(E145r) | N | E | Data 5要再送 (parity抜け) | |
1202 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1201 | PL/B99(1981)92 | Shell effects in the spin-orbit part of the optical potential | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E051r) | N | E | MSK/A | |
D1100 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
1200 | PR/C34(1986)2369 | Examination of the vector analyzing powers in the reaction 12C, 16O(d(pol),6Li)8Be, 12C | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E065r) | N | E | 要修正(006,010,012 ヘッダ欠落) | |
1199 | PR/C34(1986)366 | Excitation of isovector giant resonances in 27Al by heavy ion charge exchange reaction | 未定 | 未定 | (E008) | N | E | |||
1198 | PR/C23(1981)937 | High energy component of giant octupole resonance in medium and heavy mass nuclei | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E049) | N | E | ||
1197 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1196 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1195 | NP/A454(1986)237 | Excitation of M1 states in 58Ni and 60Ni by 65 MeV polarized proton inelastic scattering | 未定 | 未定 | (E008)->(E071r) | N | E | 要修正(From IAEA, 2011.9.27) (E-LVL: EV -> MEV) | ||
1194 | NP/A455(1986)413 | Optical model and folding model potentials for elastic scattering of 56 MeV polarized deuterons | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E049) | N | E | ||
1193 | PR/C33(1986)71 | 74,76,78,80,82Se by inelastic scattering of 64.8 MeV protons | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | ○ | (E035) | N | E | 数値欠損に伴う再採録 | |
1192 | NP/A425(1984)548 | Light-particle emission in the reactino of 93Nb+14N at 132, 159 and 208 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E049) | N | E | ||
1191 | NP/A394(1983)29 | Deformation parameter of 12C via 12C(a,a) and 12C(a,a a) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | (E008) | N | E | |||
1190 | PR/C28(1983)1975 | Breakup fusion of 7Li | 未定 | 未定 | △ | N | E | |||
1189 | NP/A399(1983)241 | (6Li,d) reactions on 24Mg and 26Mg at 73 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E049) | N | E | ||
1188 | PL/B163(1985)75 | 3 alpha-breakup induced dynamical polarization potential of 12C at E/A>=10 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | (E008) | N | E | |||
1187 | (Duplication of D1424) | (E007) | N | E | See D1692 | |||||
1186 | NP/A401(1983)445 | High-spin states in even-mass Xe nuclei and backbending phenomena | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | |||
1185 | PL/B127(1983)19 | Back angle elastic scattering of 12C+12C at E/A >= 10 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E049) | N | E | Data 1,2とも↓を読取後に要処理 | |
1184 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1183 | NP/A408(1983)21 | High-spin states in the direct 12,13C(a,p)15,16N reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USACLU) | |||
1182 | (Duplication of D1437) | N | E | See D1437 | ||||||
1181 | NP/A429(1984)193 | Linear momentum transfer in the reaction 232Th(14N,light particles) at 208 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E049) | N | E | ||
1180 | PL/B142(1984)130 | Measurement of the total cross section difference Delta-sigma-L(pp) in the energy range from 0.52 to 2.8 GeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR SAC) | |||
1179 | PR/C29(1984)2173 | Two-pion correlations in heavy ion collisions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USABRK) | |||
1178 | PR/C30(1984)770 | (a,d) reaction on 12C and 13C and weak coupling configurations | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USACSU) → T0403 | |||
1177 | (Duplication of D1264) | (E062r)->(E141r) | N | E | E1264と同測定 | |||||
1176 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1175 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1174 | PRL55(1985)2676 | Measurement of interaction cross sections and nuclear radii in the light p-shell region | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E045) | N | E | US data (1USABRK) | |
1173 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1172 | PL/B161(1985)52 | A spectroscopic study of 206,204Pb with the (a,6He) reaction | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E049) | N | E | ||
1171 | PL/B159(1985)90 | Magnetic substate population in 12C+12C inelastic scattering | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | |||
1170 | JPJ54(1985)2829 | Mean free paths of relativistic projectile fragments emitted from Fe-C and Fe-Pb interactions at 1.98 A-GeV | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | US data (1USALBL) | ||
1169 | PL/B156(1985)185 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR SAT, 2FR LNS) | ||||
1168 | NP/A445(1985)29 | g-factors of the ground states of 95Nb and 96Nb | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | |||
1167 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1166 | PRL55(1985)185 | Possible quasimolecular bands in 32S | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E049)->(E145r) | N | E | ||
1165 | PR/C31(1985)2168 | Production mechanism of backward energetic protons studied from two-particle correlations in 800 MeV proton-nucleus collisions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALBL) | |||
1164 | JPJ/S55(1986)732 | Vector analyzing power for two-step process in the reaction 12C(d,6Li)8Be | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
1163 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1162 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1161 | PR/C31(1985)2082 | Elastic and inelastic scattering of 12C+12C at E/A>=10 MeV and the deformation parameters | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E049) | N | E | Data 1,4は↓を読取後に要処理 | |
1160 | JPJ54(1985)2453 | Measurement of gamma-ray multiplicity emitted in the alpha-induced fission of 232Th | 未定 | 未定 | △ | N | E | |||
1159 | PL/B150(1985)416 | Measurements of high pt light fragments at cm 90 degrees in 800 A MeV C+C collisions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALBL) | |||
1158 | PR/C32(1985)975 | Pion production near mid-rapidity in high-energy heavy-ion collisions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALBL) | |||
1157 | PL/B162(1985)77 | A strong energy dependence of the analyzing power in the pp->dpi+ reaction and the question of an isovector dibaryon resonance | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR SAC) | |||
1156 | NP/A442(1985)361 | g-factors of high-spin isomeric states in 216Ra | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | × | |||
1155 | JPJ/S55(1986)730 | Vector analyzing power of polarized deuterons in the (d,6Li) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
1154 | PL/B176(1986)302 | Transfer cross sections for 28Si+58,62Ni | 未定 | 未定 | (E007)->(E122r)->(E143r) | N | E | |||
1153 | (Duplication of D1377) | N | E | See D1377 | ||||||
1152 | PR/C33(1986)1524 | g 9/2 single particle state in 28Si | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E049)->(E140r) | N | E | REACTION, ANG-SEC (001) modified/added (E140r). | |
1151 | JPJ/S55(1986)798 | A stretched (g9/2d-15/2)6+ state in 28Si studied through m=0 substate population | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
1150 | PR/C34(1986)1530 | Stretched states in 26Mg from the 25Mg(a,3He) reaction at 81 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | (E007) | N | E | |||
1149 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1148 | (Duplication of D1378) | N | E | |||||||
1147 | NP/A456(1986)298 | Measurements of evaporation residues to investigate lower limiting angular momenta in fusion reactions | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E049) | N | E | c.f. EXFOR A0381 | |
1146 | JPJ/S55(1986)634 | 24Mg(p,d)23Mg reaction to 2.36 MeV state (L=0, 1/2+) between 30 and 40 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
1145 | (Duplication of D1412) | (E059r) | N | E | See D1695 | |||||
1144 | (Duplication of D1379) | (E007) | N | E | See D1694 | |||||
1143 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1142 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1141 | NP/A457(1986)45 | Study on the 208Pb(a,6He)206Pb reaciton at E(a)=109 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | (E007) | N | E | |||
1140 | NP/A457(1986)461 | Highly excited high spin states in 28Si populated thruogh the 12C(20Ne,a) reaction | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E049)->(E140r) | N | E | REACTION, ANG-SEC (002-009) modified/added (E140r). | |
1139 | PR/C35(1987)1280 | Transverse polarization transfer Dnn(0 degree) measurements for the (p,n) reaction on 58Ni and 90Zr at E(p)=80 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E049) | N | E | ||
1138 | PL/B188(1987)21 | Measurement of the depolarization parameter K(y',y) in p-2H elastic scattering at E(p)=65 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E051) | N | E | MSK/A | |
1137 | PR/C35(1987)931 | Effect of inelastic excitation on the elastic scattering of alpha particles from 144, 148, 150, 152, 154Sm at 120 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | (E007) | N | E | |||
1136 | NP/A463(1987)429 | Continuum spectra of target breakup in the 6Li and 7Li(p,p) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
1135 | PL/B195(1987)316 | Isovector giant resonances in light nuclei observed by (7Li,7Be) reactio | 未定 | 未定 | (E054r) | N | E | |||
1134 | PR/C36(1987)573 | Fine structure of resonance at Ex=14MeV in 40Ca | 未定 | 未定 | (E007) | N | E | |||
1133 | NP/A473(1987)31 | Multiple scattering effect for quasifree scattering in the 3He(p,pp)2H reaction at 64.8 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E049)->(E140r) | N | E | REACTION, ANG-SEC (002-007) modified/added (E140r). | |
1132 | PR/C36(1987)2146 | Observatio of vector analyzing power in elastic scattering of 150-MeV 6Li on 12C | 未定 | 未定 | (E007) | N | E | |||
1131 | PR/C35(1987)1257 | Low energy octupole resonance in 46Ti studied by inelastic proton scattering at 65 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 生 | (E068r) | N | E | ||
1130 | ZP/A320(1985)531 | THe new neutron-rich nuclei 231Fr and 231Ra | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | European data (2ZZZCER) | ||
1129 | PR/C30(1984)1671 | Alpha decay of 198Rn | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | European data (2ZZZCER) | ||
1128 | PL/B147(1984)23 | Analyzing power for the inelastic continuum with 200 MeV protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANTMF) | |||
1127 | PR/C31(1985)292 | Inclusive pion production in 330, 400, and 500 MeV proton-nucleus collisions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANTMF) | |||
1126 | ZP/A320(1985)433 | Asymmetric fission of the pre-actinide nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Russian data (4RUS???) | |||
1125 | NP/A433(1985)159 | In-beam study of the odd-odd nuclei 134La and 136La | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | German data (2GERJUL) | ||
1124 | PR/C30(1984)1480 | Single particle effects in precompound reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALRL) → T0110 | |||
1123 | PR/C31(1985)656 | Multinucleon transfer in the reaction 12C(p,6Li)7Be at Ep=40.3 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Italian data (2ITYMIL) | |||
1122 | PR/C31(1985)17 | Microscopic and semimicroscopic analysis of the reaction 27Al(p,a)24Mg in the energy range between 20 and 45 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERMPH, 2GERJUL) | |||
1121 | PL/B146(1984)392 | A revised levelscheme for 158Tb | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMCN) | ||
1120 | JPJ53(1984)4158 | Fluctuations in the reaction 19F(p,a)16O in the range E(p)7.6-13.0 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | (E007) | N | E | |||
1119 | CJP62(1984)1139 | The branching ratio in the decay of 7Be | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | Canadian data (1CANKQU) | ||
1118 | PR/C31(1985)676 | Analyzing power as a probe for clarifying nuclear reaction mechanisms: Study of the two-step unbound channel contribution | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E049) | N | E | ||
1117 | PR/C31(1985)120 | Energy dependence of (p,t) analyzing powers arising from strong, sequential two-step processes with J dependence | 大塚(済) | 未定 | (E051r) | N | E | 飯田博士論文 | ||
1116 | PL/B146(1984)183 | Anomalous g-factor in odd-odd 174Lu | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTVIL) | |||
1115 | JP/G11(1985)59 | Proton analysing power and cross section measurement in the d(-p,2p)n reaction for a configuration favouring three-nucleon forces | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTVIL), c.f. EXFOR O1127 | |||
1114 | PR/C31(1985)360 | Measurement of the 158Tb electron-capture Q value | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | US data (1USAPTN) | ||
1113 | PL/B147(1984)253 | Cross sections and analyzing powers in the (p,d) reaction around 500 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
1112 | ZP/A319(1984)149 | Hal-life and cofiguration of the 1/2+ intruder state in 203Bi | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | Finnish data (2SF JYV) | ||
1111 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
1110 | NPA433(1985)649 | Spin-spin correlation and spin asymmetries for the reaction pp -> pnpi+ at intermediate energies | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANTMF) | |||
1109 | PR/C31(1985)758 | Proton excitation of 1+ states in 208Pb and a lower limit of the strength of the isoscalar spin-flip part of the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR PAR) | |||
1108 | PR/C31(1985)79 | Coulomb excitation of cadmium isotopes with protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Indian data (3INDPUC) | |||
1107 | ZP/A319(1984)315 | Statistical properties of 5/2+ resonances in 57Co | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATNL) | |||
1106 | PRL53(1984)1897 | Double gamma decay in 40Ca and 90Zr | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | German data (2GERMPH) | ||
1105 | PR/C31(1985)697 | Nucleon scattering from 34S and the relative sign of neutron and proton transition matrix elements for the (0->2+2) transition | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAOHO, 1USAPTN) → C0826 | |||
1104 | PL/B146(1984)397 | Observation of the second 4+ state in 28Si by means of proton inelastic scattering and analysis of the K-pi=0+(1) and 3-(1) bands | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Dutch data (2NEDFUL) | |||
1103 | PR/C30(1984)1976 | High spin states in 28Si and 58Ni | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) → O0147 | |||
1102 | NP/A432(1985)363 | Quantitative evidence of weak isospin mixing in the low-lying isobaric analog resonances in 209Bi | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERKLN) c.f. EXFOR O0598 | |||
1101 | PR/C31(1985)87 | Energy dependence of the absorptive potential for sub-Coulomb energy proton bombardment of zirconium and molybdenum isotopes | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAKTY) | |||
D1000 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
1100 | PR/C31(1985)787 | Evidence of a shape transition in even-A Ge isotopes | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USANOT) | |||
1099 | PR/C31(1985)49 | Channel cross correlation and intermediate resonance in the 55Mn(p,p)55Mn and 55Mn(p,a)52Cr | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Taiwanese data (3CHFSHI) | |||
1098 | PR/C31(1985)362 | COupled channel analysis of proton scattering from 40Ar | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Italy data (2ITYMIL) | |||
1097 | PR/C31(1985)736 | Coupled channeles analysis of proton scattering from 26Mg | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Italy data (2ITYMIL) | |||
1096 | JP/G10(1984)1747 | Proton resonances in 26Al | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATNL) | |||
1095 | PR/C31(1985)1 | Optical model analysis of 200 MeV p+16O elastic scattering data measured to large momentum transfers | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) → C0550 | |||
1094 | PRL54(1985)170 | Parity nonconservation in elastic p-a scattering and the determination of the weak meson-nucleon coupling constants | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWT?) | |||
1093 | PR/C31(1985)515 | Measurements of the spin-rotation parameters for pd->pd elastic scattering at 496, 647 and 800 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
1092 | PR/D31(1985)966 | Transverse-spin dependence of the p-p total cross section from 0.8 to 2.5 GeV/c | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAANL, 1USALAS) | |||
1091 | PR/C30(1984)1409 | Parity violation in proton-proton scattering at 45 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTVIL) | |||
1090 | PR/C33(1986)834 | Inelastic scattering of 65-MeV polarized protons from 178Hf, 180Hf, 182W, and 184W and multipole moments of the optical potential | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E065r) | N | E | 要再送信(all) | |
1089 | PR/C32(1985)830 | Inelastic proton scattering to the 3- and 1+ states in 50Ti, 52Cr, and 54Fe | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E065r) | N | E | 要修正(028 ヘッダ欠落) | |
1088 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1087 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1086 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1085 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1084 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1083 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1082 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1081 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1080 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1079 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1078 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1077 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1076 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1075 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1074 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1073 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1072 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1071 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1070 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1069 | NP/A431(1984)637 | Measurement of Delta-sigma-L in pp scattering between 200 and 583 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTVIL) | |||
1068 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1067 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1066 | NP/A422(1984)307 | Momentum transfer in light-ion-induced fission reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR SAC) | |||
1065 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1064 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1063 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1062 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1061 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1060 | PR/C30(1984)593 | (p,d) reaction at 800 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) → O0039 | |||
1059 | PR/C30(1984)709 | Excitation of E2 transitions in 40Ca by 334-MeV protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
1058 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1057 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1056 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1055 | PR/C30(1984)79 | 130Te(p,p1) and 130Te(p,p) reactions on analog resonances | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USANOT) → T0096 | |||
1054 | PR/C30(1984)270 | 13C(p,p)13C reaction at Tp=547 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USA???) | |||
1053 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1052 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1051 | PL/B145(1984)34 | The 24Mg(p,d) reaction to the 1/2+ state at 2.36 MeV at proton energies from 27 to 185 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
1050 | NP/A423(1984)350 | THe 93Nb(p,d)92Nb reaction at 26.3 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USACLU) | |||
1049 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1048 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1047 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1046 | NP/A422(1984)81 | Comparison of a nearly complete pd elastic scatteirng data set with Fadeev calculations | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTETH, 2SWTVIL) | |||
1045 | NP/A429(1984)218 | 15N(p,p)15N and the levels of 16O for Ex=14.8-18.6 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USANOT) → C0827 | |||
1044 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1043 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1042 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1041 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1040 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1039 | PR/C29(1984)1710 | Analysis of (p,p), (p,n) and (n,n) scattering of the ven tin isotopes using the lane coupled equations | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | PR/C29(1984)1710 | |||
1038 | PR/C30(1984)574 | Polarized-proton-induced exclusive pion production in 12C at 200, 216, 225, 237, and 250 MeV incident energies | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANTMF?) | |||
1037 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1036 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1035 | NP/A427(1984)332 | The 51V(p,n)51Cr reaction at Ep=160 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
1034 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1033 | NP/A417(1984)331 | Study of proton elastic and inelastic scattering from 74Se at the isobaric analogue resonances | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E049) | N | E | ||
1032 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1031 | NP/A417(1984)405 | Depolarization in proton enclusive inelastic scattering and in the (d,p) reaction on medium-weight nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAWAU?) | |||
1030 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1029 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1028 | NP/A423(1984)228 | The reaction 36S(p,g)37Cl (2) Life times, spins and parities of 37Cl levesls | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Dutch data (2NEDUTR) | |||
1027 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1026 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1025 | NP/A415(1984)93 | The abundance of 26Al in the Mg Al cycle | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERMST, 2GERIFS, 2GERBOC) | |||
1024 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1023 | NP/A415(1984)365 | Spin correlations and analyzing powers in pp -> pi+ d between 447 and 578 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTVIL) | |||
1022 | NP/A419(1984)557 | Excited states of the 70Ga nucleus | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Hungarian data (3HUNDEB) | |||
1021 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1020 | NP/A413(1984)255 | Microscopic and macroscopic aspects of 135 MeV proton scattering from 16O | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) → O0062 | |||
1019 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1018 | ZP/A316(1984)75 | In-beam study of excited states in 80Br | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (3DDRROS) | |||
1017 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1016 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1015 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1014 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1013 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1012 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1011 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1010 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
1009 | PR/C29(1984)2001 | 3He(p,p)3He scattering in the energy range 19 to 48 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMNA) → C0616 | |||
1008 | PR/C29(1984)2009 | Analyzing power measurements for 3He(p,p)3He elastic scattering between 20 and 50 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USABRK) → T0402 | |||
1007 | PR/C29(1984)2031 | Fusion-energy reaction 2H(t,a)n from E(t)=12.5 to 117 keV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) → C0319 | |||
1006 | PR/C29(1984)2118 | Mass and low-lying levels of 106, 108In from the 106,108Cd(p,n,g) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAANL) | |||
1005 | PR/C29(1984)2199 | Fission and spallation induced by 7-GeV prodons on U, Bi, Pb, Au, W, Ho, and Ag | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | British data (2UK NIN) | |||
1004 | PR/C29(1984)1806 | Inclusive production of isotopically resolved Li through Mg | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANTMF) | |||
1003 | PL/B138(1984)39 | Quasi-free scattering and excitation model analysis at 200 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR PAR) | |||
1002 | PL/B137(1984)311 | Comparison of the 3He(p,2p)d and 3He(p,pd) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANTMF) | |||
1001 | PRL52(1984)1872 | Concentrated particle-hole strength observed in 0hw stretched-state excitations | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
D900 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
1000 | PRL52(1984)1960 | Measurement of the transverse spin-transfer coefficient Dnn(0) for (p,n) reactions at 160 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0999 | PRL51(1983)2269 | Isospin and isobar components in light nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATNL) | |||
0998 | PR/C29(1984)2075 | Excitation of low-lying levels and giant multipole resonances in 92Zr, 120Sn, and 208Pb by inelastic scattering of 104 MeV polarized protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) → T0152 | |||
0997 | PL/B137(1984)315 | Analyzing powers in the np -> dg reaction at 180 and 270 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANTMF) | |||
0996 | PR/C29(1984)1656 | Proton resonances in 28Si from Ex=12.5 to 13.4 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATNL) → C0686 | |||
0995 | PL/B130(1983)144 | Determination of amplitudes and phases for resonance formation in the 39K(p,a0) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATNL) | |||
0994 | PL/B134(1984)157 | Inclusive (p,p) cross sections and analyzing powers for 1H and 12C in the Delta region | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0993 | PL/B135(1984)13 | The role of sequential transfer in unnatural-parity transitions in the 208Pb(p,t)206Pb reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Dutch data (2NEDGRN, 2NEDFUL) | |||
0992 | PL/B131(1983)285 | Identification of a complete particle-octupole multiplet in 143Nd | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data? | |||
0991 | PL/B131(1983)26 | DWIA predictions of (p,p) data using electgromagnetically constrained densities | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) → C0691 | |||
0990 | PRL52(1984)808 | Measurement of the p-p elastic-scattering spin parameter CLL at 11.75 GeV/c for theta(c.m.)=48-90 deg | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAANL) | |||
0989 | PL/B130(1983)246 | Compound elastic cross sections in the isobaric analog resonances 88Sr(p,p0) at 5.06 MeV and 86Sr(p,p0) at 6.02 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data? | |||
0988 | PRL52(1984)98 | Complete measurement of polarization-transfer observables for the reaction 12C(p,p)12C* at 500 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0987 | PL/B130(1983)152 | The (p,t) reaction to 48Ti and 49V in the (f7/2)n model | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMSU) → C0576 | |||
0986 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
0985 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
0984 | ZP/A314(1983)127 | A 45 ns 8+ isomer in the doubly odd 150Eu nucleus | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERJUL) | |||
0983 | ZP/A314(1983)1 | Small impact parameter K-shell ionisation probabilities and delta-electron spectra | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Dutch data (2NEDGRN) | |||
0982 | ZP/A313(1983)207 | Low-lying states of the 102Rh nucleus | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Hungarian data (3HUNDEB) | |||
0981 | PL/B119(1982)269 | Possible evidence for sensitivity to the two body tensor force in the reaction d+p -> p+p+n | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMNA) | |||
0980 | SNP37(1983)540 | Measurement of the cross sections for production of pion pairs in nucleon-nucleon collisions at energies below 1 GeV isospin analysis | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | USSR data (4CCPLIN) | |||
0979 | PR/C29(1984)204 | Proton + nucleus inclusive (p,p) scattering at 800 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) → T0156 | |||
0978 | PR/C29(1984)361 | Energy dependence of inelastic proton scattering to one-particle one-hole states in 28Si | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) → C0084 | |||
0977 | PR/C29(1984)553 | 3,4He(p,pip)4, 5He(g.s.) reactions at 800 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0976 | PR/C29(1984)64 | 130Te(p,p) reaction on analog resonances | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Brazilian data (3BZLUSP) | |||
0975 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
0974 | PR/C29(1984)49 | 144Sm(p,p) scattering through isobaric analog resonances and the structure of 145Sm | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Brazilian data (3BZLUSP) | |||
0973 | PR/C29(1984)676 | Wide angle deuteron emission in the 9Be(p,pd) reaction at 300 MeV mimics (p,2p) systematics | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANTMF) | |||
0972 | PR/C29(1984)660 | 10.23 MeV M1 transition in the 48Ca(p,p)48Ca reaction at 319 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) → T0109 | |||
0971 | PR/C29(1984)434 | Proton scattering on 100Mo and 112Cd and the interacting boson approximation | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Dutch data (2NEDGRN) | |||
0970 | PR/C29(1984)328 | Drastic changes of (p,t) analyzing powers for the isotopes 58,60,62,64Ni and marked incident-energy dependence of the analyzing powers as evidence for strong, sequential, two-step processes | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E051) | N | E | 飯田博士論文 c.f. EXFOR O0144 | |
0969 | PR/C29(1984)794 | Elastic and inelastic scattering of 100 MeV protons from the even-even titanium isotopes | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMRY) | |||
0968 | PR/C29(1984)764 | (p,n) reactions on 14C and 14N and the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMSU) | |||
0967 | PR/C28(1983)2551 | Analyzing power of the pp->pi+ d reaction at 375, 450, and 500 MeV incident proton energies | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANTMF) | |||
0966 | PR/C28(1983)2511 | Spin excitations 40Ca(p,n) | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0965 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
0964 | PR/C28(1983)2380 | Measurements of small angle elastic p-d scattering at 796 MeV using a recoil method | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) → C0642 | |||
0963 | ZP/A314(1983)181 | Production of Kr and Xe isotopes by interaction of 197Au with 0.15-24 GeV protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR PAR) | |||
0962 | JPJ51(1982)3098 | Measurement of a cross section for the 27Al(p,3pn)24Na reaction at 12 GeV | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | 無 | (E024) | N | E | O0541(TRANS.O012)からの移行に伴う再採録 | |
0961 | JPJ52(1983)1134 | Search for the second excited 11/2- state and weak-coupling scheme in 117Sn | 未定 | 未定 | (E004) | N | E | |||
0960 | PL/B124(1983)314 | Spin-spin correlations and spin-asymmetries for the reaction pp->pn pi+ at 510 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANTMF) | |||
0959 | NP/A410(1983)29 | Comparison of polarization and analyzing power for the 15N(p,n)15O reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATNL) → T0007 | |||
0958 | AUJ36(1983)463 | Absolute cross sections of proton induced reactions on 65Cu, 64Ni and 63Cu | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Australian data (3AULAML) | |||
0957 | NP/A408(1983)372 | Proton-induced direct capture on 21Ne and 22Ne | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERTHS) | |||
0956 | NP/A391(1982)413 | The energy dependence of the spectroscopic factors for the 208Pb(p,d)207Pb reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USACLU) | |||
0955 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
0954 | NP/A394(1983)118 | The 13C(p,d)12C and 208Pb(p,d)207Pb reactions at 123 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAANU) | |||
0953 | CJP62(1984)104 | Analogue-antianalogue transition for the 11.14 MeV level in 49V | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANLUQ) → C0603 | |||
0952 | NP/A411(1983)81 | The excited states of 34Cl | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | South African data (3SAFPOT) | |||
0951 | NP/A410(1983)173 | Two-body photodisintegration of 3He | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Italian data (2ITYMIL) | |||
0950 | NP/A412(1984)101 | Isoscalar E2 strengths in the A=34 mass triplet | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Finnish data (2SF HLS) | |||
0949 | NP/A410(1983)93 | Isospin mixing in 2- levels in 16O | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANKQU) → T0082 | |||
0948 | NP/A410(1983)180 | Density-dependent forces and large-basis structure models in the analyses of 12C(p,p) reactions at 135 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0947 | NP/A411(1983)1 | Diffusion des protons polarises sur 24Mg, 27Al et 32S et anomalies dans la region des resonances geantes de l'25Al, du 28Si et du 33Cl | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USABRK) | |||
0946 | NP/A410(1983)399 | Excitation of Delta L=0 spin-flip transitions in the N=28 isotones by 201 MeV proton inelastic scattering | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR PAR) | |||
0945 | NP/A414(1984)113 | Structure of low-lying states of 76,78,80,82Se deduced from (p,p) scattering at 16 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATNL) → C0781 | |||
0944 | NP/A411(1983)231 | States of 76Ge via (p,p) inelastic scattering at 22 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR PAR) | |||
0943 | (Recompiled as D1882) | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | See D1882 | ||||
0942 | NP/A408(1983)205 | The (p,t) and (p,3He) reactions on 10B at E(p)=52 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | (E004) | N | E | |||
0941 | NPA410(1983)371 | EXCITATION OF GIANT SPIN-ISOSPIN MULTIPOLE VIBRATIONS IN 54,56Fe AND 58,60Ni | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USANOT) | |||
0940 | JP/GL9(1983)261 | Measurement of the analysing power of elastic proton-proton scattering at 582 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTVIL) | |||
0939 | JP/G9(1983)1527 | Statiswtical properties of 5/2+ resonances in 51Mn | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data? | |||
0938 | NP/A395(1983)364 | The momentum distribution of the neutron in 2H and 3He as determined by quasi-elastic scattering | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USABRK) | |||
0937 | JEL37(1983)530 | Momentum distributions of backward-emitted protons in 1-GeV proton-nucleus interactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | USSR data (4CCPLIN) | |||
0936 | NCL40(1984)466 | Analysing power for quasi-elastic pp scattering in carbon and for elastic pp scattering on free protons | 未定 | 未定 | 無 | N | E | French data (2FR SAC) | ||
0935 | NCL41(1984)285 | Analysing power of reaction pC -> p'X from 0.52 to 2.8 GeV | 未定 | 未定 | 無 | N | E | French data (2FR SAC), CAJaD送付 | ||
0934 | NIM/A238(1985)453 | Analyzing power measurements for d-12C elastic scattering between 35-70 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E049) | N | E | ||
0933 | PR/C32(1985)425 | Fragmentation of the low-energy octupole resonance in 48Ca, 90Zr and 208Pb | 未定 | 未定 | (E007) | N | E | |||
0932 | JPR/C45(1984)C4-453 | Isoscalar character of the 5.845 MeV 1+ state in 208Pb | 未定 | 未定 | (E055r) | N | E | |||
0931 | NP/A435(1985)7 | High-resolution study of 49Cr through the (p,d) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | (E007) | N | E | |||
0930 | NP/A432(1985)378 | Elastic scatttering of 56 MeV polarized deuterons on 4He | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E049) | N | E | ||
0929 | PL/B149(1984)50 | Strength functions of deeply bound hole states in 115Sn | 未定 | 未定 | (E007) | N | E | |||
0928 | PR/C30(1984)746 | Excitation of 0- states by 16O(p,p)16O inelastic scattering | 未定 | 未定 | (E004) | N | E | |||
0927 | PL/B149(1984)55 | Inelastic proton scattering exciting the gamma-vibrational band in 168Er and the necessity of the hexadecapole degree of freedom in the gamma-motion | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E065r) | N | E | 要再送信(all) | |
0926 | PR/C31(1985)1616 | Inelastic scattering of 65 MeV protons from 12C, 24Mg, 28Si and 32S | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E049)->(E071r)->(E125r) | N | E | 要修正(From IAEA, 2011.9.27) (E-LVL: EV -> MEV) | |
0925 | PR/C28(1983)642 | 1f7/2 neutron hole strength in 59Ni with the 60Ni(p,d)59Ni reaction at 94 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) → O0171 | |||
0924 | JP/G9(1983)683 | Gamma radiation from 50Cr(p,p,g)50Cr at E=5.45-6.15 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Finnish data (2SF ABA) | |||
0923 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
0922 | PL/B124(1983)157 | Disproof of the alleged two-phonon character of the 02+ state in 64Zn | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Finnish data (2SF JYV) | |||
0921 | PL/B123(1983)37 | Low-momentum delta production in the 13C(p,d)12C reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0920 | PL/B117(1982)167 | Investigation of parity violation in 19F | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTETH) | |||
0919 | CJP60(1982)1751 | Direct evidence for mixing of two-quasiproton and two-quasineutron configurations in 172Yb | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMCM) | |||
0918 | PRL49(1982)1758 | Possible ground-state octupole deformation in 229Pa | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAANL) | |||
0917 | PRL50(1983)1741 | Study of two-nucleon wave functions in 3He | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANTMF) | |||
0916 | PRL51(1983)355 | Improved experimental test of detailed balance and time reversibility in the reactions 27Al+p -><- 24Mg + alpha | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERBOC) | |||
0915 | PR/C26(1982)2694 | Momentum transfer to the target in peripheral collisions of relativistic heavy ions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USABRK) | |||
0914 | PR/C26(1982)2668 | Q values for proton- and deuteron-induced reactions on selenium | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USANOT) | |||
0913 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
0912 | PR/C26(1982)1793 | 24Mg(p,d) analyzing-power measurements at 95 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0911 | PR/C27(1983)1339 | Production of positive pions by 800 MeV protons on carbon | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0910 | PR/C28(1983)294 | Neutron and proton transition matrix elements for 90Zr from a microscopic analysis of 0.8 GeV proton inelastic scattering | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0909 | PR/C28(1983)432 | Mean life of 10B (718 keV) and its role in determining the giant dipole resonance contribution to Coulomb excitation of 10B | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | New Zealand data (3NZLNZA) | |||
0908 | PR/C28(1983)2222 | Proton capture cross section of 7Be and the flux of high energy solar neutrinos | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAANL) → C0502 | |||
0907 | PR/C28(1983)123 | Multipole moments of 154Sm and 166Er by inelastic scattering of 134 MeV protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0906 | PR/C277(1983)1360 | Continuum spectrum in the quasifree (p,2p) scattering | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0905 | PR/C28(1983)1 | 12C(p,p)2C reaction at medium energies: Large momentum transfer and density dependent forces | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0904 | PR/C28(1983)120 | Anomaly in the optical potential for deformed nuclei | 大塚(済) | 未定 | (E065r) | N | E | 要再送信(001-043) | ||
0903 | PR/C28(1983)542 | Coupled channel effects in 26Mg(p,p) at 40 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMSU) | |||
0902 | JPR44(1983)579 | Niveaux du 10B excites dans la diffusion elastique 9Be+p 2<=Ep<=5 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Algerian data (3ALGALG) | |||
0901 | AUJ36(1983)1 | The 55Mn(p,g)56Fe and 55Mn(p,n)55Fe cross section | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Australian data (3AULAML) | |||
D800 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
0900 | JPJ52(1983)802 | High-resolution measurements of analogue states in 51Mn | 大塚(済) | 未定 | (E062r) | N | E | |||
0899 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
0898 | PR/C27(1983)1073 | Systematics of (p,d) analyzing powers at 94 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) → O0148 | |||
0897 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
0896 | PR/C27(1983)906 | Search for parity nonconservation in the reaction 19F(p,a)16O | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERJLU) | |||
0895 | PR/C27(1983)892 | Mass of 104Cd | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAPTN) | |||
0894 | PR/C27(1983)405 | Systematics of ground state (p,t) transitions in calcium isotopes | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMHG) → C0576 | |||
0893 | PR/C27(1983)98 | Band structure in 180Ta studied with transfer reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR STR) | |||
0892 | PR/C27(1983)1837 | Proton capture to excited states of 16O: M1, E1, and Gamow-Teller transitions and shell model calculations | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAWAU) | |||
0891 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
0890 | ZP/A308(1982)165 | A study of the 121, 123Sb(p,d) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USACLU) | |||
0889 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
0888 | ZP/A311(1983)173 | Elastic backsacttering cross sections of protons on oxygen | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swedish data (2SWDIPS) | |||
0887 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
0886 | ZP/A311(1983)363 | Measurement of the average neutrons yield from 250 MeV protons absorbed in a lead target | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | USSR data (4CCPITEI) | |||
0885 | ZP/A312(1983)89 | Analysis of the 27Al(p,g)28Si reaction at subbarrier energies in terms of the direct-semidirect model | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Polish data (3POLWWA) | |||
0884 | PR/C28(1983)483 | Absolute cross section for the reaction 3H(p,g)4He and a review of 4He(g,p)3H measurements | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USASTF) → T0050 | |||
0883 | NP/A369(1981)289 | Deuteron breakup with 3He at 89.4 and 118.9 MeV | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | ○ | (E033) | N | E | 数値欠損に伴う再採録 | |
0882 | PR/C27(1983)482 | Elastic and inelastic scattering of protons from 24Mg with coupled channels analysis for the energy range 17-185 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMNA) → C0623 | |||
0881 | PR/D27(1983)680 | Measurement of difference in pp total cross sections for pure parallel and antiparallel transverse-spin states | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0880 | ZP/A309(1983)267 | Intermediate width structures in the reaction 50Ti(p,n)50V | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Indian data (3INDTRM?) | |||
0879 | ZP/A30(1982)173 | A study of the 120Sn(p,n,g)120Sb reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USACLU) | |||
0878 | ZP/A310(1983)243 | Search for gamma-ray transitions within the 5Li groundstate | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERBOC) | |||
0877 | PL/B119(1982)61 | Excitation of Gamow-Teller resonances in A=58 nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0876 | PL/B119(1982)253 | Hadronic excitation of the octupole bands in deformed nuclei: Necessity of the isoscalar dipole degree of freedom? | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Dutch data (2NEDGRN) | |||
0875 | PL/B120(1983)309 | Analyzing power in the reaction pp->d pi p for beam momenta from 1.17 to 1.96 GeV/c | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAANL) | |||
0874 | PRL50(1983)412 | Measurement of the 7Be(p,g)8B reaction cross section at low energies | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAANL) | |||
0873 | PR/C26(1982)1800 | Analysis of the 12C(p,p)12C reaction at 200 MeV in the distorded-wave impulse approximation | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) → T0111 | |||
0872 | PR/C27(1983)1188 | 34Cl superallowed beta decay | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0871 | PR/C27(1983)1146 | Excitation functions of the 127I(pi,pi,xn) reactions in the region of the (3,3) resonance | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0870 | PR/C27(1983)930 | Proton resonances in 30P | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATNL) → C0819 | |||
0869 | PR/C27(1983)682 | FOrward-angle elastic and quasi-elastic proton-nucleon cross sections and analyzing powers at 0.8 GeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0868 | (Duplication of D835) | (E020r) | N | E | See D1691 | |||||
0867 | PR/C27(1983)459 | Proton scattering from 12C between 120 and 200 MeV and the optical potential | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) → C0055 | |||
0866 | PR/C27(1983)282 | Differential cross sections and analyzing powers for pp elastic scattering at 1.46 GeV/c in the Coulomb-nuclear inerference region | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) → C0613 | |||
0865 | PR/C26(1982)2073 | Inclusive pin production with 200 MeV protons: Radiochemical study of the 209Bi(p,pin,x*n)210-xAt reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USABNL) | |||
0864 | PR/C26(1982)2131 | Spin-flip probability in 12C(p,p)12C at 397 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0863 | JP/GL9(1983)43 | Proton + 40Ar reaction cross sectino at 1 GeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | USSR data (4CCPLIN) | |||
0862 | NP/A401(1983)415 | Microscopic model for the transfer reactions (n,a) and (a,n) using the isosopin formalism | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTVIL) | |||
0861 | NP/A393(1983)173 | High resolution investigatino of 90Zr with (p,p') scattering at 25 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Dutch data (2NEDFUL) | |||
0860 | ZP/A311(1983)323 | Doule differential cross sections for (p,x*n) reactions of 64Zn, 65Cu and 89Y with 26 MeV protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1ISALRL?) | |||
0859 | PR/C28(1983)42 | (p,a) reactions on 1p, 2s-1d shell nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Italian data (2ITYMIL) | |||
0858 | PR/C26(1982)1941 | Proton scattering on A=92-116 nuclei with extended optical models and the interacting boson approximation | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Italian data (2ITYMIL) | |||
0857 | ZP/A310(1983)347 | Mass distributions of fission fragments emitted by highly excited nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | USSR data (4CCPLIN) | |||
0856 | PR/C28(1983)276 | 190 MeV proton-induced symmetric and asymmetric fission | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) → T0116 | |||
0855 | PL/B124(1983)469 | Polarization in inclusive scattering of protons from nuclei at 1 GeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | USSR data (4CCPLIN) | |||
0854 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
0853 | PRL50(1983)1648 | ENergy deposition in intermediate-energy nucleon-nucleus collisions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0852 | SNP35(1982)301 | Study of the differential cross sections for the reactions 3H(p,n)3He and 3H(p,p)3H at a triton momentum 2.5 GeV/c | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | USSR data (4CCPITE) | |||
0851 | NP/A398(1983)203 | An investigation of 86Sr wave functions with the (p,a) reaction at E(p)=35 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTVIL) | |||
0850 | JP/G9(1983)91 | Study of low-lying levels in 59Ni | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Indian data (3INDPUC) | |||
0849 | NP/A392(1983)361 | A measurement of the Wolfenstein R-parameter in p-4He elastic scattering at 500 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANTMF) | |||
0848 | NP/A393(1983)283 | The 90,92Zr(p,p) reactino at E=800 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) → T0102 | |||
0847 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||
0846 | NP/A394(1983)405 | Proton direct capture on 40Ca | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Italian and German data (2ITYNAP,2GERBOC) | |||
0845 | NP/A393(1983)45 | The elastic scattering of polarised protons by 40Ar | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALBL) | |||
0844 | (Duplication of D942) | N | E | See D942 | ||||||
0843 | (Duplication of D1692) | (E061r) | N | E | See D1692 | |||||
0842 | NP/A388(1982)402 | Polarization of preequilibrium proton emission in the 93Nb+14N reaction | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E053) | N | E | ||
0841 | PRL51(1983)1328 | Observation of Gamow-Teller strength distribution in the reaction 71Ga(p,n)71Ge for application to solar-neutrino detection | 未定 | 未定 | (E004) | N | E | |||
0840 | PR/C21(1980)620 | Q-value dependence of inelastic scatttering and multinucleon transfer reactions 27Al+16O at 88 MeV: optimum Q values and Q-value dependence of angular distributions of reaction products | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E053) | N | E | ||
0839 | NP/A426(1984)77 | Measurements of analyzing powers A(y), A(xx), A(yy) and A(xz) in dp elastic scattering at E(d)=56 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | 無 | (E027r) | N | E | ||
0838 | PR/C27(1983)2029 | Correlations between the alpha particles and ejectiles in the 208 MeV 14N on 93Nb reaction at three different ejectile angles | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E053->(E122r) | N | E | ||
0837 | PR/C25(1982)2464 | Correlations between the alpha particles and ejectiles in the reaction 93Nb+14N at E(lab)=208 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E053) | N | E | ||
0836 | NP/A381(1982)277 | Excitation of giant monopole resonances in 144Sm and 208Pb by (a,a) reactions at E(a)=84-119 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | (E027r) | N | E | |||
0835 | (Duplication of D868) | (E020r) | N | E | See D1691 | |||||
0834 | JP/G7(1981)1691 | Hindered interband M1 transition in 49V and the deformation of hole states | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | |||
0833 | NP/A394(1983)413 | Elastic and inelastic scattering of polarized protons from the isotopes 104,106,108,110Pd | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E051r) | N | E | 長野博士論文 | |
0832 | PR/C28(1983)635 | Neutron-multiplicity distributions for (a,xn,g) reactions with E(a)=50-120 MeV and the pre-equilibrium neutron deexcitation processes | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E053)->(E122r) | N | E | ||
0831 | NP/A379(1982)160 | Energy and angular momentum transfers in equilibrium and pre-equilibrium 158Gd(a,x*n) reactions | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E053) | N | E | ||
0830 | PTP67(1982)353 | Effective interaction in low-energy (p,n) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | (E004) | N | E | |||
0829 | NP/A383(1982)298 | The T=1 isospin triplet states in A=30 nuclei | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E053) | N | E | 縦軸の単位? | |
0828 | NP/A413(1984)290 | Breakup process for 100 MeV 3He interacting with 165Ho and 166, 167Er nuclei | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E053) | N | E | 読取後横軸要修正(Data,29-60) | |
0827 | JP/GL9(1983)199 | Origin of the molecular-resonance-like structures in the 12C(16O,a) reaction studied by an alpha-HI correlatino measurement | 未定 | 未定 | △ | N | E | |||
0826 | PL/B104(1981)186 | The decay of the Tz=-1/2 nuclide 59Zn | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | |||
0825 | PR/C23(1981)1364 | Polarization transfer in the (p,p) reaction on light nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATAM?) | |||
0824 | JPJ48(1980)351 | Levels and electromagnetic transitions in 51Cr | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | |||
0823 | NIM212(1983)173 | Facility for the measurement of proton polarization in the range 50-70 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E053) | N | E | ||
0822 | PRL51(1983)1741 | Inelastic scattering of polarized protons and a possible hexadecapole-shape transition between the light 74,76,78Se and the heavy 80,82Se isotopes | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E053) | N | E | ||
0821 | NP/A377(1982)1 | Study of (d,a) reactions on 32S, 36Ar and 38Ar with vector- and tensor-polarized deuterons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATNL) | |||
0820 | ZP/A295(1980)251 | Low-lying states in 112In | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E053) | N | E | ||
0819 | HI15(1983)25 | Systematics of the nuclear spin polarization of 12B in 14N induced heavy ion reactions | 未定 | 未定 | △ | N | E | |||
0818 | PRL48(1982)1382 | Evidence for fast-neutron emission from the giant quadrupole resonance in 119Sn | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E053)->(E145r) | N | E | ||
0817 | PR/C26(1982)1440 | Analyzing powers for proton inelastic scattering to unnatural-parity states in 40Ca and 28Si | 未定 | 未定 | (E004) | N | E | |||
0816 | NP/A408(1983)99 | Tensor analyzing powers of the proton continuum spectra from deuteron breakup at 56 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E053) | N | E | ||
0815 | PL/B133(1983)375 | Analyzing power of the neutron continuum spectrum for the 93Nb(p,nX) reaction at 65 MeV and a DWBA analysis | 大塚(済) | 黒河(済) | ○ | (E024) | N | E | O0522(TRANS.O012)からの移行に伴う再採録 | |
0814 | NP/A391(1982)357 | Proton-neutron corrleation in the deuteron breakup at 56 MeV and prior-form DWBA analysis | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E053)->(E145r) | N | E | Svetlanakから照会あり | |
0813 | PR/C28(1983)1884 | 4He(d,p)n 4He reaction at 12 and 21 MeV deuteron energy | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E053) | N | E | ||
0812 | JPJ51(1982)1327 | Tensor analyzing powers for deuteron breakup reaction in d+a system | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E053) | N | E | ||
0811 | PR/C27(1983)1932 | Complete set of first-order polarization observables in nucleon-deuteron elastic scattering near 20 MeV deuteron energy | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E051)->(E071r) | N | E | 沢田博士論文 c.f. EXFOR A1283/要修正(From IAEA, 2011.10.24)(REFERENCE (NUMBER): (3) -> (5)) | |
0810 | PL/B197(1984)150 | Double-hole analog states in Ni isotopes | 未定 | 未定 | × | N | E | |||
0809 | PR/C29(1984)1228 | Multipole moments of 166Er, 168Er, 174Yb, and 176Yb from 65 MeV polarized proton inelastic scattering and density dependence of the effective interaction | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E065r)->(E071r) | N | E | 要再送信(all) | |
0808 | NP/A(1984)432 | Excitation functions of the 197Au(a,2p)199Au and 197Au(a,2n)199Tl reactions | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E053) | N | E | c.f. EXFOR A0288 | |
0807 | PL/B114(1982)107 | Final-state interaction and time information in 14N-induced reactions studied by alpha-alpha correlations | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E053) | N | E | ||
0806 | PL/B90(1980)233 | Strong evidence of alpha-partocle doorway states in 28Si observed in alpha-decays to low-lying states of 24Mg | 未定 | 未定 | △ | N | E | |||
0805 | PL/B130(1983)147 | Fragmentation of low-lying hexadecapole states in even 74-82Se and a RPA calculation | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E053) | N | E | ||
0804 | NP/A382(1982)242 | Analyzing powers and cross sections in elastic p-d scattering at 65 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | 無 | (E004) | N | E | ||
0803 | PRL49(1982)1624 | M1 strencth in 208Pb from (p,p) and (d,3He) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | (E027r) | N | E | |||
0802 | NP/A390(1982)19 | Energy spectra of deuterons and protons for the d+d reaction at 60 MeV | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E053) | N | E | ||
0801 | NP/A373(1982)377 | DWBA analysis of (3He,d) reactions at 90 MeV and contributions from the nuclear interior | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E065r) | N | E | 要修正(005,007,009-021 ヘッダ欠落) | |
D700 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
0800 | NP/A370(1981)1 | Level structure of 76Kr from the 78Kr(p,t)76Kr reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0799 | PR/C25(1982)2819 | Energy dependence of the zero-range normalization constant for the (p,t) reaction at incident energies of 34.9,45.1,54.7 and 65.0 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0798 | PR/C24(1981)1611 | Electric monopole transitions between 0+ states in 102Ru | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0797 | JPJ51(1982)3782 | Weak transition in the 42,44Ca(d,p)43,45Ca reaction above and below the coulomb barrier | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0796 | PR/C29(1984)13 | 24Mg(p,d)23Mg reaction at 65 and 80 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0795 | PR/C24(1981)2001 | Inelastic proton scattering to particle-hole states in 40Ca and spin-isospin excitation of pion symmetry states | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0794 | NP/A419(1984)530 | Systematic study of the (d,p) reaction with 56 MeV polarized deuterons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0793 | PR/C23(1981)772 | Projectile breakup reaction and evidence of a breakup-fusion mechanism | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATAM) | |||
0792 | (Duplication of D1416) | N | E | See D1416 | ||||||
0791 | JPJ50(1981)377 | In-beam alpha and gamma-ray spectroscopy for 214Rn | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0790 | (Duplication of D1396) | N | E | See D1396 | ||||||
0789 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0788 | NP/A382(1982)269 | Importance of the sequential two step transfer process in a delta s=1 and delta t=1 inelastic transition of the 14N(p,p)14N reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0787 | PL/B118(1982)307 | Breakup dominance at higher incident energy in the 40Ca(16O,12C) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0786 | (Duplication of D812) | N | E | See D812 | ||||||
0785 | NP/A336(1980)205 | A systematic study of the (p,d) strength for transitions to deeply bound hole states | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0784 | PL/B112(1982)323 | Resonant structures in the excitation functions of the 20Ne(16O,12C)24Mg reaction | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0783 | NIM217(1983)397 | Acceleration of protons and deuterons polarized in the horizontal plane by the rcnp cyclotron | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0782 | PL/B106(1981)51 | Neutron particle-hole multiplet states in 90Zr studied by proton inelastic scattering | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0781 | JP/GL10(1984)L139 | 12C(p,n)12N spin-transfer measurement at 0 deg. and the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0780 | (Duplication of D1696) | N | E | See D1696 | ||||||
0779 | MSK/A'1'36(1982)305 | Systematic study on the elastic scattering of 65 MeV polarized protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0778 | X'4'X(1984)437'4' | Spin flip 1+ strength in n=28 isotones by proton inelastic scattering at 65 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0777 | PL/B118(1982)283 | Excitation of giant gamow-teller resonances in the reaction 140Ce(p,n)140Pr | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0776 | (Duplication of D1697) | N | E | See D1697 | ||||||
0775 | NP/A339(1980)262 | Analyzing powers for the (p,alpha) reactions on 58,60,62Ni at ep=22MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0774 | PL/B123(1983)169 | Hexadecapole component in the giant quadrupole resonance region of 208Pb | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0773 | PR/C26(1982)944 | Elastic scattering of 65 MeV polarized protons | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E051) | N | E | MSK/A | |
0772 | PRL47(1981)301 | Observation of t=1 and t=0 gamow-teller states in the reaction 54Fe(p,n)54Co | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0771 | NP/A377(1982)148 | The 59Co(d,3He)58Fe reaction and 58Fe levels in the particle-vibration coupling model | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0770 | PL/B104(1981)265 | Allowed excitation of unnatural-parity states in the 208Pb(4He,6He) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0769 | (Duplication of D1699) | N | E | See D1699 | ||||||
0768 | (Duplication of D170) | N | E | See D170 | ||||||
0767 | PR/C28(1983)29 | 3He(p,pp)2H and 3He(p,pp)2H* at 136 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0766 | PR/C27(1983)2742 | Asymmetries and cross sections for the reaction p+p->p+pip+n at 800 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS'3') | |||
0765 | PR/C27(1983)2598 | Energy dependence of the 124Sn(p,t) reaction to the 3- - 10+ two-quasiparticle states of 122Sn at incident energies of 34.9, 45.1, 54.7, and 65.0 MeV | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0764 | PR/C27(1983)1887 | 6Li levels excited by the 9Be(p,alpha) reaction at ep=30 and 50 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Belgian data (2BLGLVN) | |||
0763 | PR/C27(1983)1876 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Belgian data (2BLGLVN) | ||||
0762 | (Duplication of D1434) | N | E | See D1434 | ||||||
0761 | PR/C28(1983)97 | 146Gd and 144Sm excited by the (p,t) reaction on radioactive targets | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0760 | PR/D28(1983)21 | Measurements of the spin-correlation parameters a00kk, a00ks, and a00ss in p-p elastic scattering between 400 and 600 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTVIL) | |||
0759 | PRL50(1983)1191 | Excited-state giant dipole resonances in (p,gamma): a new probe of single-particle strengths | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAWAU) | |||
0758 | NP/A396(1983)29C | The experimental determination of the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction for p-nucleus reactions at intermediate energies | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS'14') | |||
0757 | PR/C25(1982)2848 | Mass of 197Hg | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR PAR) | |||
0756 | PR/C25(1982)2100 | Excitation of the 10.212 MeV 1+ state in 48Ca(p,p) at e(p)=44.4 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERJUL) | |||
0755 | PR/C25(1982)1967 | Spin transfer measurements for pp->pp at 800 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0754 | PR/C25(1982)1751 | 30Si(p,alpha)27Al reaction from e(p)=4.90-6.08 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Chinese data (3CHFSHI) | |||
0753 | PR/C25(1982)1263 | Excitation of the giant resonance region in silicon by inelastic scattering of 115 MeV protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0752 | PR/C26(1982)107 | Proton partial decay widths from the intermediate structure in 41Sc | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAOSU) | |||
0751 | PR/C25(1982)1685 | Time reversal and charge symmetry studies in single nucleon transfer reactions in the a=5 system | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USABRK) | |||
0750 | PR/C25(1982)3035 | Excitation of low spin states in the 12C(p,p) reaction at 800 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0749 | PR/C25(1982)3011 | Fission fragment yields in the fission of 232Th by protons of energies 8 to 22 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Cumulativeの可能性があるものは全てCumulative | |||
0748 | PR/C25(1982)2563 | Large angle elastic and inelastic scattering of protons from 40Ca at 800 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0747 | PR/C25(1982)2550 | Scattering of 0.8 gev protons from 14N | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0746 | PR/C25(1982)2534 | Proton-induced fission of iridium | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMCG) | |||
0745 | PR/C25(1982)2353 | 181Ta(p,t)179Ta reaction: evidence for particle-core coupling | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMIN) | |||
0744 | PR/C25(1982)1168 | Test of the polarization-analyzing power equality in two (p,d) reactions and their inverses | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAUSA'2') | |||
0743 | PR/C26(1982)254 | 24Mg(p,p)24Mg and the 6.11 MeV state of 25Al | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USANOT) | |||
0742 | PR/C26(1982)87 | M1 strength in zirconium isotopes by proton inelastic scattering | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR PAR) | |||
0741 | PRL48(1982)918 | Proton-proton scattering at low energies | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAWIS) | |||
0740 | PRL48(1982)789 | Excitation of the giant-resonance continuum with intermediate-energy protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0739 | JEL34(1981)130 | Angular dependence of the spin-correlation parameter a(00nn) and of the asymmetry a(000n) in pp scattering at 950 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Soviet data (4CCPLIN) | |||
0738 | PRL49(1982)266 | Polarization and analyzing-power differences in the excitation of 1+ states in 12C at 150 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0737 | JEL36(1982)261 | Subthreshold k+ production in the interaction of 1 gev protons with be,c,al,cu,sn,and pb nuclei. | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Soviet data (4CCPLIN) | |||
0736 | NP/A378(1982)259 | High-resolution measurements of analogue states 57Co | Vidya&Aikawa(finished) | (Digitized by Vidya) | (E082) | N | E | |||
0735 | NP/A380(1982)111 | Polarization effects in the qfs region of the p-d breakup reaction at 65 MeV | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060)->(E145r) | N | E | ||
0734 | NP/A379(1982)93 | High resolution spectroscopy of 102Ru(d,p)103Ru and 104Ru(p,d)103Ru reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERJUL) | |||
0733 | NP/A379(1982)35 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Dutch data (2NEDGRN) | ||||
0732 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0731 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0730 | NP/A397(1983)469 | Pion production from hydrogen bombarded by polarized protons at intermediate energies | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANTMF) | |||
0729 | NP/A399(1983)66 | Proton capture by 11B above the giant resonance | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Italian data (2ITYGVA?) | |||
0728 | NP/A402(1983)179 | Threshold states in 26Al:(ii). extraction of resonance strengths | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAYAL) | |||
0727 | NP/A402(1983)205 | Low-energy states in the odd-odd 126I nucleus produced by the (p,n) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Israeli data (3ISLHEB) | |||
0726 | NP/A398(1983)476 | Investigation of isobaric analog resonance in 53Mn | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | East German and Hungarian data (3DDRROS,3HUNHUN) | |||
0725 | PR/C25(1982)2873 | Asymmetries from the 4He(p,2P)3H reaction at 250 and 500 MeV using polarized protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANTMF) | |||
0724 | NP/A398(1983)445 | Invsestigation of the three-nucleon system by pd elastic scattering with polarized protons and deuterons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTETH) | |||
0723 | PR/C26(1982)249 | Spin transfer measurements for pp->pp at 647 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0722 | PR/C26(1982)55 | Analyzing power of proton-nucleus elastic scattering between 80 and 180 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0721 | PR/C25(1982)2107 | Spin correlation a(nn) and analyzing power a in pp->pp at 643 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0720 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0719 | NP/A380(1982)72 | Improved nn interaction tested with p-d elastic scattering at er=10MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTETH) | |||
0718 | NP/A380(1982)42 | 201 MeV proton excitation of giant resonances in 208Pb macroscopic and microscopic analysis | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR PAR) | |||
0717 | NP/A398(1983)493 | Level structure of the doubly odd nucleus 112In from the (p,n,gamma) reaction | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0716 | PL/B110(1982)372 | Momentum transfer with light ions at energies from 70 MeV to 1000 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR SAC) | |||
0715 | PL/B110(1982)199 | A microscopic description of the (p,t) reaction to low-lying o+ states in the even ge isotopes | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Dutch data (2NEDUTR) | |||
0714 | PL/B110(1982)103 | Test of nucleon-nucleon interaction by p-d polarization transfe in the three-nucleon system | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTETH) | |||
0713 | PL/B113(1982)21 | Splitting of low-lying octupole vibrational strength in 76,78,80,82Kr | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0712 | PL/B113(1982)11 | A multi-detector coincidence study of the 12C(p,p) bremsstrahlung spectrum and the time delay | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0711 | JP/G8(1982)743 | Determination of partial decay widths for the 2-,8.87 MeV level in 16O | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | New Zealand data (3NZLNZA?) | |||
0710 | JP/G8(1982)643 | The differential cross section for elastic proton-proton scattering at 90 cm between 500 and 600 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTSWT'3') | |||
0709 | PL/B123(1983)383 | Excitation of the 6-particle-hole state with the 40Ca(p,n)40Sc reaction at 133.5 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0708 | PL/B126(1983)164 | Analyzing power for the p(p,d)pip reaction at 0.8 gev and effects of dibaryon admixtures | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0707 | PL/B126(1983)159 | Experimental test of the brink hypothesis | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Polish data (3POLWWA) | |||
0706 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0705 | CJP60(1982)815 | Gamma decay of d5/2 isobaric analogue resonances in the 64Zn(p,gamma) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANLUQ) | |||
0704 | CJP60(1982)428 | A 20 MeV (p,d) study of nuclear structure in the even and odd tin isotopes | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0703 | ZP/A305(1982)143 | Single-proton states of 159Ho studied with the (p,alpha) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMCM) | |||
0702 | PR/C27(1983)1387 | Gamow-teller strength in the 18O(p,n)18F reaction at 135 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0701 | (Duplication of D811) | N | E | See D811 | ||||||
D600 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
0700 | PR/C28(1983)105 | Energy and angular distributions of neutrons from 90 MeV proton and 140 MeV alpha-particle bombardment of neuclei | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMRY) | |||
0699 | NP/A396(1983)61C | Thedominace of high-spin two-particle one-hole transition in (p,pin) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0698 | NP/A402(1983)429 | The defferential cross section of the reaction pp pid for proton energies between 500 and 600 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTVIL'3') | |||
0697 | PL/B113(1982)137 | The isospin decomposition of mirror gamma-ray strengths | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Dutch data (2NEDUTR) | |||
0696 | PR/C25(1982)2309 | Decay scheme and transition probabilities of 85Rb | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Italian data (2ITYFIR) | |||
0695 | PR/C25(1982)2823 | Proton capture in the 19 MeV region of 12C | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATNL) | |||
0694 | PR/C25(1982)1715 | Analyzing power for the 16O(p,n)16F(4-,6.37 MeV) reaction at 134 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0693 | PR/C25(1982)2921 | Proton capture to bound and unbound states of 12C | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATNL) | |||
0692 | PR/C25(1982)1760 | Spectroscopy of 16F from the 16O(p,n)16F reaction at 99 and 135 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0691 | (Duplication of D1698) | N | E | See D1698 | ||||||
0690 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0689 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0688 | PR/C25(1982)1179 | High-lying 0+ and 3- levels in 12C | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USASTF) | |||
0687 | NP/A377(1982)15 | The excited states of 27Al | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | South African data (3SAFPOT) | |||
0686 | NP/A378(1982)349 | Thermonuclear reaction rates for proton induced reactions on 41K and neutron induced reactions on 41Ca | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Australian data (3AULAML) | |||
0685 | (Duplication of D1425) | N | E | See D1425 | ||||||
0684 | NP/A380(1982)318 | Cross sections and thermonuclear reaction rates for 42Ca(p,gamma)43Sc, 44Ca(p,gamma)45Sc, 44Ca(p,n)44Sc and 45Sc(p,n)45Ti | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Australian data (3AULAML) | |||
0683 | NP/A403(1983)109 | Elastic and inelastic scattering of vector polarized deuterons from even samarium isotopes at 56 MeV | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0682 | NP/A340(1980)93 | Elastic scattering of 56 MeV polarized deuterons from complex nuclei | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | 生 | (E032r) | N | E | IAEA RIPL | |
0681 | PRL46(1981)15 | Nuclear-shape effects in the inelastic scattering of polarized deuterons at 56MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0680 | PR/C25(1982)1644 | 3H(p,gamma)4He reaction below ep=30 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATNL) | |||
0679 | ZP/A303(1981)13 | L-shell vacancy production in ag, ta and au for incident ions z1<=10 in the energy range of 0.125-4 MeV/amu | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERFRK) | |||
0678 | ZP/A303(1981)227 | Comparative yields of alkali elements and thallium from uranium irradiated with gev protons, 3He and 12C | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Data of Internat.Inst. (2ZZZCER) | |||
0677 | PR/C24(1981)2401 | Ghost anomaly in 8Be studied with 9Be(p,d) at ep=14.3 and 26.2 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USACLU?) | |||
0676 | PR/C24(1981)2667 | Production of 38Ar and 39Ar in the interaction of gold and thorium with 1, 2.5, and 24 gev protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Data of Internat.Inst. (2ZZZCER) | |||
0675 | PR/C24(1981)2684 | Backward production of high energy protons in the (p,2P) reaction in 6Li | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USA???) | |||
0674 | PL/B107(1981)27 | Analyzing power for the (p,alpha,x) reaction in the continuum at ep=72 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTVIL) | |||
0673 | PL/B109(1982)8 | Pairing model predictions for (p,t) experiments on the cadmium isotopes | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMSU) | |||
0672 | PR/C25(1982)828 | Analyzing powers in inclusive ag(p,3He) and ag(p,4He) reactions at intermediate energies | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANUBC'2') | |||
0671 | (Duplication of D1390) | N | E | See D1390 | ||||||
0670 | PR/C25(1982)941 | Alpha spectroscopy of nuclides produced in the interaction of 5 gev protons with heavy element targets | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USABRK) | |||
0669 | (Duplication of D1426) | N | E | See D1426 | ||||||
0668 | PR/C25(1982)97 | Reaction mechanism for (p,t) and (p,3He) reactions on 13C | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0667 | PR/C25(1982)390 | 4He(p,2P) 3H reaction at intermediate energies | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANTMF'4') | |||
0666 | PR/C25(1982)466 | Production of kr and xe isotopes by interaction of 232Th with 0.15-24 gev protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR PAR,2ZZZCER,2FR SAC) | |||
0665 | PR/C24(1981)2727 | Production of 6.13 MeV gamma rays from the 16O(p,p,gamma)16O reaction at 23.7 and 44.6 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMSU) | |||
0664 | PR/C25(1982)478 | Target-a dependence of the angular distribution of sc fragments emitted in 400 gev proton interactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USANAL) | |||
0663 | NP/A372(1981)317 | Quasi-free scattering in 7Li(p,p,d)5He and 12C(p,p,d)10B reactions at 670 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Data of Internat.Inst. (4ZZZDUB) | |||
0662 | NP/A376(1982)513 | Observation of two-hole states at high excitation energy in (p,t) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0661 | NP/A376(1982)1 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Finnish data (2SF JYV) | ||||
0660 | NP/A376(1982)183 | Scattering of 21.1 MeV polarized protons from 89Y | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Dutch data (2NEDENT?) | |||
0659 | NP/A351(1981)238 | Low-energy excited states in 128I produced by the (p,n) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Israeli data (3ISLNEG?) | |||
0658 | PR/C25(1982)408 | Neutron-proton decomposition of transition matrix elements form a comparison of 800 MeV proton scattering with electromagnetic methods | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0657 | PRL47(1981)1823 | Test of data-to-data relations for the reactions 90,92Zr(p-pol,p) at 800 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS'2') | |||
0656 | (Duplication of D1406) | N | E | See D1406 | ||||||
0655 | AUJ34(1981)105 | 45Sc(p,p)45Sc* and the attainment of a thermal distribition of states in an astrophysical environment | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Australian data (3AULAML) | |||
0654 | PL/B106(1981)465 | P+3He elastic backward scattering at intermediate energies | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR SAC) | |||
0653 | PL/B106(1981)470 | Elastic scattering of 0.8 gev polarized protons from 46,48Ti | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS'3') | |||
0652 | PL/B107(1981)182 | Systematics of collective states in lead nuclei from inelastic proton scattering | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMSU,1USAPTN) | |||
0651 | PRL48(1982)308 | Bremsstrahlung from 12C+p near the 461 keV resonance | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USABLN) | |||
0650 | PRL48(1982)227 | Difference between polarization and analyzing power for 800-MeV n-p elastic scattering: test of time-reversal invariance | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS'2') | |||
0649 | ZP/A303(1981)147 | Decay of 0+2 states in 88,92,94Zr and e0 systematics of zr isotopes | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Finn data (2SF JYV?) | |||
0648 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0647 | PL/B107(1981)406 | Missing gamow-teller strength in mass 42 | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0646 | PRL48(1982)469 | 'stretched' 6- t=1 state in 24Al observed in the reaction 24Mg(p,n)24Al | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0645 | AUJ34(1981)25 | Cross section measurements for the reactions 53Cr(p,gamma)54Mn, 53Cr(p,n)53Mn and 53Cr(p,p)53Cr | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Australian data (3AULAML) | |||
0644 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0643 | PR/C25(1982)189 | Nuclear deformation in the actinide region by proton inelastic scattering | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALRL) | |||
0642 | PR/C25(1982)107 | Spin-flip probability in the inelastic scattering of 15-40 MeV protons on light nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Italian data (2ITYMIL) | |||
0641 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0640 | PRL47(1981)1811 | First measurement of the spin rotation parameter q for p-40Ca elastic scattering at 500 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0639 | (Duplication of D1440) | N | E | See D1440 | ||||||
0638 | PR/C25(1982)422 | Elastic and inelastic scattering of 0.8 gev protons from 24Mg and 26Mg | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0637 | PR/C24(1981)2443 | Parameters of the 9.17 MeV level in 14N | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | DUtch data (2NEDKVI?) | |||
0636 | PR/C25(1982)1082 | 9Be(p,pin)10C reaction in the 200-250 MeV proton energy range | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian or Australian data ? | |||
0635 | PR/C24(1981)2569 | Positive pion production by 149-166 MeV protons on 16O and 28Si | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0634 | PR/C25(1982)373 | Elastic p-p scattering at 796 MeV in the coulomb-nuclear interference region | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS'11') | |||
0633 | PR/C25(1981)1094 | Energy dependence of the ratio of isovector effective interaction strengths |j(sigma.tau)/j(tau)| from 0 degree (p,n) cross sections | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0632 | PR/C25(1982)762 | 1/e dependence of the 7Li(p,n)7Be(g.s.+0.43 MeV) total reaction cross section | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0631 | PR/C25(1982)1086 | Energy dependence of the analyzing power for the 12C(p, pi+)13C reaction with polarized protons of 200 to 250 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANCAN'6') | |||
0630 | PR/C25(1982)155 | Electromagnetic properties of states in 63Zn through the 63Cu(p,n,gamma)63Zn reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Greek data (X) | |||
0629 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0628 | PR/C25(1982)1054 | Spin and parity of the 6.699 MeV level in 17F | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAWIS) | |||
0627 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0626 | PRL45(1980)2102 | Experimental evidence for the influence of inner-shell ionization on resonant nuclear scattering | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | DUtch data (2NEDUTR) | |||
0625 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0624 | NP/A349(1980)165 | nuclear and astrophysical aspects of 18O (p,gamma)19F | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMCM) | |||
0623 | PR/C23(1981)828 | Proton elastic scattering from 40,42,44,48Ca at 800 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAUSA'99') | |||
0622 | PR/C22(1980)1826 | 12C(p,n)12N reaction at 99 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0621 | PR/C23(1981)616 | Elastic scattering of 200 MeV polarized protons from 12,13C and the optical potential | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0620 | PR/C22(1980)2287 | Proton-proton bremsstrahlung at 42 MeV: measurement of cross sections and comparison with a theoretical calculation | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMNA?) | |||
0619 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0618 | (Duplication of D557) | N | E | |||||||
0617 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0616 | PR/C23(1981)427 | Angular distributions and differential ranges of ba products from the interaction of 238U with 0.8-400 gev protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0615 | PR/C23(1981)194 | Gamma-ray spectroscopy of excited states in 143Eu | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMSU) | |||
0614 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0613 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0612 | CJP59(1981)238 | Hydrogen burning of 39K in explosive oxygen burning | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANKQU) | |||
0611 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0610 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0609 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0608 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0607 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0606 | PL/B93(1980)26 | The behavior of high-energy neutron pairing strength in the samarium isotopes | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAPTN) | |||
0605 | PL/B93(1980)254 | Possible mass instability of binary fission in ag by 1 gev protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Soviet data (4CCPLIN) | |||
0604 | PL/B93(1980)258 | Differential cross section and analyzing power for backward pions in 2H(p,pi+)3H | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANUBC) | |||
0603 | PL/B91(1980)23 | Inelastic excitation of normal parity levels in 208Pb by 135 MeV protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0602 | PL/B92(1980)67 | Intermediate structure in the giant e1 resonance in the 19F(p,gamma)20Ne reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USASTF) | |||
0601 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
D500 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
0600 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0599 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0598 | PRL44(1980)1755 | Gamow-teller matrix elements from 0deg(p,n)cross sections | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAORL) | |||
0597 | PRL44(1980)1751 | Observation of giant particle-hole resonances in 90Zr(p,n)90Nb | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0596 | PRL45(1980)168 | Measurement of p+d 3He+gamma and comparison with the inverse reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FRSAC) | |||
0595 | PRL45(1980)11 | Comparison of 24,25,26Mg(p,n)24,25,26Al cross sections with giant m1 strength | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMSU) | |||
0594 | PRL45(1980)243 | Evidence for a 2+ resonance in 4He at 40 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATNL) | |||
0593 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0592 | PR/C21(1980)2211 | Proton-nucleus charge exchange measurements at 144 MeV as a test of one-pion exchange and the partially conserved axial vector current | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAIN1) | |||
0591 | PR/C21(1980)2275 | W(p,t) reaction. i.even targets | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAYAL) | |||
0590 | PR/C21(1980)2288 | W(p,t) reactions. ii. odd target | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAYAL?) | |||
0589 | PR/C21(1980)2303 | Interaction of 80-164 MeV protons with nickel isotopes | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0588 | PR/C21(1980)2322 | Gamma-ray lifetimes for parity doublets in 41K, 41Ca | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANCRC) | |||
0587 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0586 | PR/C21(1980)2511 | Angular distributions of sc fragments from the interaction of 238U with 0.8-400 gev protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS'5') | |||
0585 | PR/C21(1980)2535 | Proton-deuteron elastic scattering at 800 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS'3') | |||
0584 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0583 | PR/C22(1980)316 | Deep hole states observed in (p,t) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0582 | PR/C22(1980)167 | Cross-section measurements of nuclides formed by the reaction of 0.20-6.0 gev protons with 197Au | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USABNL) | |||
0581 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0580 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0579 | PR/C21(1980)1196 | Analog e2 transitions in the a=30 nuclei; lifetime and branching ratio measurements of levels in 30P | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Finnish data (2SF HLS) | |||
0578 | PR/C21(1980)1232 | States in 193Pt using the (p,t) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR PAR) | |||
0577 | PR/C21(1980)1488 | 0.8 gev p+208Pb elastic scattering and the quantity delta-r-np | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0576 | PR/C21(1980)1646 | Axial blocking measurement of the 28Si 12.291 MeV level width | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Italian data (2ITYUBO) | |||
0575 | PR/C21(1980)1687 | 12C(p,alpha)9B reaction in the finite range microscopic distorted-wave born-approximation formalism | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMNA) | |||
0574 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0573 | SNP30(1979)310 | Determination of the absolute density of levels of nuclei from analysis of (p,n)-reaction spectra | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0572 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0571 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0570 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0569 | SNP30(1979)457 | Direct neutron decay of an analog resonance in 65Cu and gamma spectroscopy of the levels of 64Cu | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0568 | ZP/A295(1980)365 | Gamma-ray spectroscopy of 87Y | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USACLU) | |||
0567 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0566 | (Duplication of D820) | N | E | See D820 | ||||||
0565 | ZP/A295(1980)197 | The 235 micro sec 9+ isomer in 146Eu | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERJUL) | |||
0564 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0563 | ZP/A295(1980)107 | The structure and properties of 45Sc at low excitation energies | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Southafrican data (3SAFSTL?) | |||
0562 | ZP/A295(1980)55 | The pbar-si elastic scattering in the region of giant multipole resonances | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USABRK) | |||
0561 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0560 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0559 | PR/C21(1980)1321 | Spectra of p,d,and t from relativistic nuclear collisions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USABRK) | |||
0558 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0557 | PR/C23(1981)589 | Hole states in the tin isotopes observed by the (p,t) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMSU) | |||
0556 | NP/A355(1981)1 | The 15N(p,n)15O reaction below 9.3 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATNL) | |||
0555 | PR/C23(1981)606 | Energy levels in 23Mg from the 25Mg(p,t)23Mg reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMSU) | |||
0554 | NP/A351(1981)189 | Measurement and lane-model analysis of cross sections for the 13C(p,n)13N and 15N(p,n)15O reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATNL) | |||
0553 | NP/A355(1981)45 | A study of particle-vibrat1On multiplets in 203Tl using the 205Tl(p,t)203Tl,208Pb(p,t)206Pb and 206Pb(p,t)204Pb reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USACLU) | |||
0552 | PR/C23(1981)576 | Alpha-clustering systematics from the quasifree (p,p,alpha) knockout reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMRY) | |||
0551 | PL/B99(1981)311 | Analyzing power measurments for the 13C(p,d)12C reaction at 200 and 400 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANUBC'2') | |||
0550 | PR/C22(1980)2633 | Forward-angle proton spectra in the continuum from the 58Ni(p,xp) react ion at 100 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMRY?) | |||
0549 | NP/A355(1980)93 | Band structures in 98Ru and 99Ru | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Dutch data (2NEDGRN) | |||
0548 | PRL45(1980)1930 | Energy dissipation process for 100-MeV protons and the nucleon-nucleon interactions in nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMRY?) | |||
0547 | PL/B97(1980)33 | Elastic pp scattering at 1.463 gev/c in the coulomb interference region | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0546 | NCL30(1981)88 | Elastic scattering below 3 of 36.2 and 21 MeV protons by al, fe, ni and cu isotopes | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Italian data (2ITYMIL) | |||
0545 | PR/C22(1980)2512 | Proton-proton bremsstrahlung at 200 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US or Canadian data ?? | |||
0544 | PR/C20(1979)1831 | Fissionability of nuclides in the thorium region at excitation energies to 100 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMCG) | |||
0543 | NP/A312(1978)43 | The 9Be(p,p,n)8Be(g.5.) reaction between 10 and 24 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMON) | |||
0542 | NP/A326(1979)297 | Proton-nucleus interactions at 640 MeV accompanied by backward emission of energetic protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Data of Internat.Inst. (4ZZZDUB) | |||
0541 | NP/A352(1981)485 | Proton-inclusive cross sections from 600 MeV proton-nucleus reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAVIR) | |||
0540 | PRL46(1981)226 | Proton and neutron inclusive spectra and the importance of the single nucleon-nucleon scattering process | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMRY) | |||
0539 | CJP58(1980)1677 | Cross section and thermonuclear reaction rates for the 58Ni(p,gamma)59Cu reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMCM) | |||
0538 | NP/A356(1981)74 | High-resolution investigation of the 112Sn(p,d)111Sn reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Dutch data (2NEDFUL) | |||
0537 | PL/B99(1981)23 | Evidence for a strongly deformed prolate shape at n=87 from 154Eu and 152Eu(p,t) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (1GERMUU) | |||
0536 | PR/C22(1980)2248 | 92Zr(p,alpha)89Y reaction at 17 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMCM) | |||
0535 | NP/A344(1980)389 | Analyzing-power fluctuations in the 26Mg(p,p)26Mg reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USARUT) | |||
0534 | NP/A344(1980)75 | Measurement of the spin-correlation parameter ayy in elastic p-p scattering at 9.57 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERUEN) | |||
0533 | PR/C21(1980)2131 | Bremsstrahlung from 12C+p near the 1.7 MeV resonance | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USABLN) | |||
0532 | PR/C21(1980)2147 | Inelastic excitation of 12C and 14N by 122 MeV protons and implications for the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0531 | PR/C20(1979)2008 | Hole states excited by the 24Mg(p,d)23Mg reactions at 95 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0530 | PR/C20(1979)2031 | Two-particle two-hole configulations in 208Si and the 210Bi-m(p,t)208Bi reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAYAL) | |||
0529 | PR/C20(1979)2041 | Energy levels bilow 2 MeV in 121Sb and 123Sb | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANALA?) | |||
0528 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0527 | PR/C20(1979)2084 | Multipole moments of 154Sm, 176Yb, 232Th, and 238U from proton inelastic scattering | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMSU) | |||
0526 | PR/C20(1979)2257 | Backward production of light ions in the interaction of 400 gev protons with nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USANAL) | |||
0525 | PR/C20(1979)2308 | Total (p,pion+) cross sections on light nuclei near the pion coulomb barrier | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0524 | PR/C20(1979)2446 | Inclusive (p,pion+) cross sections near threshold | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0523 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0522 | PR/C21(1980)844 | Proton elastic scattering on light nuclei.2. nuclear structure effects | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Italian data (2ITY???) | |||
0521 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0520 | PR/C21(1980)896 | Systematics of proton absorption deduced from (p,p) and (p,n) cross sestions for 2.0- to 6.7-MeV protons on 107,109Ag and 115In | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAKTY) | |||
0519 | PR/C21(1980)902 | Isospin structure of the giant dipole resonance in 41Ca | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0518 | PR/C21(1980)1048 | Angular and energy distributions of 24Na fragments formed by the reacti on of 11.5-gev protons with 197Au | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAANL) | |||
0517 | NP/A349(1980)141 | Analysis of evaporation spectra from the reactions 64,66, 68Zn(p,alpha) induced by 15MeV protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERHEI) | |||
0516 | PRL46(1981)310 | Evidence for deuteron d-state effects on the polarization of the 2.58 MeV state in 57Ni excited in the (p,d) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0515 | ZP/A299(1981)41 | Excitation of the isoscalar e2 resonance in 12C by proton inelastic scattering | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Italian data (2ITYMIL) | |||
0514 | NP/A350(1980)61 | Magnetic moments of the isomeric 11/2- states in 145,147,149Eu | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERGER'1') | |||
0513 | ZET28(1978)45 | Study of the channels of the reaction of the splitting of 58Ni by 1-gev protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Soviet data (4CCPLIN) | |||
0512 | (Duplication of D293) | N | E | See D293 | ||||||
0511 | HPA51(1978)92 | Preequilibrium-alpha-emission in the 27Al(p, alpha,x)-reaction at e(p)=50 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTSWT) | |||
0510 | ZET27(1978)309 | Nucleons lost by uranium and bismuth nuclei in high-energy fission | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Soviet data (4CCPCCP'1') | |||
0509 | PR/C19(1979)1186 | Ratios of cross sections for elastic scattering of 30.3 MeV protons from 40,44,48Ca | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMSU) | |||
0508 | NP/A314(1979)101 | Levels of 209Po and 211Po populated in one-neutron stripping and pickup from 210Po | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAPUP) | |||
0507 | PR/C21(1980)116 | Isomeric transitions in 100Tc | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Italian data (2ITYPAD) | |||
0506 | PR/C21(1980)525 | Polarized proton capture on 13C | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATUN) | |||
0505 | PR/C21(1980)25 | Determination of the optical potential for elastic proton scattering on 6Li, 12C, and 14N at 144 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0504 | PR/C20(1979)861 | Octupole states in 63Cu and the weak-coupling picture | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMSU) | |||
0503 | PR/C21(1980)830 | Proton elastic scattering on light nuclei. i. energy dependence | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Italian data (2ITYMIL) | |||
0502 | PR/C21(1980)757 | 7Li and 13C(p,d) reactions at t(p)=800 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0501 | PR/C21(1980)675 | Some dynamical aspects of pick up reactions studied in 13C(p,d)12C at 200-500 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANBUC) | |||
D400 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
0500 | SNP29(1979)487 | Inclusive particle production in nuclei at angles of 62 and 188 mrad by protons at 3.95 - 9.7 gev/c | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0499 | SNP29(1979)734 | Study of the interaction of protons with the nuclei 102,104,106, 108,110Pd at e(p)=6 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Soviet data (4CCPLIN) | |||
0498 | SNP29(1979)639 | The search for events kinematically different from fission in the bombardment of 238U and 197Au nuclei by protons of energy 1 gev | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Soviet data (4CCPLIN) | |||
0497 | SNP29(1979)630 | Scattering of 6.9-MeV protons by 12C, 16O, 24Mg, 26Mg, and 28Si and the probability of spin flip | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Soviet data (4CCPIFU) | |||
0496 | ZP/A294(1980)153 | Inelastic proton amplitudes for f-wave resonances in 55Co | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATNL) | |||
0495 | SNP29(1979)740 | Neutrons from the (p,n) reactions in 90Zr,91Zr,94Zr | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Soviet data (4CCPFEI) | |||
0494 | ZP/A293(1979)261 | Search for low-energy resonances in 25Mg(p,gamma)26Al | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERMST) | |||
0493 | ZP/A293(1979)343 | Existence of mott-schwinger interaction by means of polarized p-12C elastic scattering | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERJLU) | |||
0492 | PR/C20(1979)1984 | Cross sections for the 6Li(p,3He)4He reaction at energies between 0.1 and 3.0 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAANL) | |||
0491 | PR/C20(1979)1993 | Inelastic proton scattering and particle-vibration coupling in 115Sn, 117Sn, and 119Sn | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Danish data (2DENNBI) | |||
0490 | ZP/A293(1979)123 | Alpha emission in proton induced reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Italian data (2ITYMIL) | |||
0489 | ZP/A293(1979)43 | Investigation of 65Cu by means of the averange raresonance proton capture method | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swedish data (2SWDLND) | |||
0488 | ZP/A293(1979)1 | Determination of the multipole deformation parameters of 238U by 22 MeV proton inelastic scattering | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR PAR) | |||
0487 | (Duplication of D1499) | N | E | See D1499 | ||||||
0486 | PL/B97(1980)25 | Evidence for near equality of neutron and proton radii in the n=82 isotones | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USACLU) | |||
0485 | NP/A352(1981)221 | Energy dependence in proton inelastic scattering | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMSU) | |||
0484 | PL/B97(1980)21 | The supersymmetry scheme and e2 transition rates in the pt region | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Dutch data (2NEDGRN) | |||
0483 | PL/B97(1980)58 | Excitation of high-spin unnatural parity states in 208Pb from the (p,p) reaction at 135 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0482 | NP/A357(1981)9 | Comparison of the 92Mo(p,p) and 90Zr(p,p) reactions at 61.2 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAORU) | |||
0481 | NP/A351(1981)77 | Multistep processes in the 26Mg(p,d)25Mg reaction at 24.0 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Belgian data (2BLGVUB) | |||
0480 | ZP/A295(1980)287 | A (p,p,gamma) angular correlation study of an intermediate structure in the 3- exit channel of 40Ca+p | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERMPH) | |||
0479 | PR/C22(1980)690 | Proton-proton bremsstrahlung at t(p)=730 MeV with photon energies up to 300 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALBL) | |||
0478 | (Duplication of D496) | N | E | See D496 | ||||||
0477 | ZP/A297(1980)215 | Non-statistical effects for inelastic proton amplitudes in 49V | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATNL) | |||
0476 | NP/A339(1980)13 | Investigation of the sn(p,p) and (p,n) reaction at sub-coulomb energies | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERUEN) | |||
0475 | NP/A341(1980)219 | On the excitation of isovector dipole strength by inelastic proton scattering in the giant resonance region in light nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAORL) | |||
0474 | (Duplication of D527) | N | E | See D527 | ||||||
0473 | CJP58(1980)472 | Study of negative parity levels in 63Cu | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Indian data (3INDTRM) | |||
0472 | JEL29(1979)87 | Measuring d and p polarization parameters for p-p scattering at 0.97 gev | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0471 | JEL29(1979)732 | Deep inelastic interactions of fast protons with 40Ar nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Soviet data (4CCPLIN) | |||
0470 | JEL30(1979)641 | Polarization effects produced as a result of inelastic scattering of protons near 20 MeV with excitation of the different 2+,4+, and 6+ states in 90,92Zr and 92,94Mo nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR SAC) | |||
0469 | JEL29(1979)80 | The quadrupole effect in the elastic scattering of 1-gev protons by p-shell nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0468 | HPA52(1979)420 | Messung der paritatsverletzung in proton-proton-streuung bei 50 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTSWT'3') | |||
0467 | PR/C21(1980)1014 | Proton spectra from 800 MeV protons on selected nuclides | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0466 | SNP31(1980)644 | Hadron yields from 67-gev/c protons on thick nuclear targets | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0465 | (Duplication of D522) | N | E | See D522 | ||||||
0464 | SNP30(1979)6 | Probability of spin flip in inelastic scattering of protons with energy near 6 MeV by 60Ni | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Soviet data (4CCP?) | |||
0463 | (Duplication of D499) | N | E | See D499 | ||||||
0462 | NP/A332(1979)22 | Search for electron-positron pair production by non-relativistic heavy charged partices | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERHAM) | |||
0461 | PRL45(1980)1315 | Shapes of measured (p-pol,p) analyzing powers at 160 MeV for proton states in 90Zr and neutron states in 92Zr | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0460 | NP/A334(1980)21 | Differential cross section, analyzing power and phase shifts for p-3He elastic scattering below 1.0 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERJLU) | |||
0459 | NP/A338(1980)451 | Charge-exchange p3H-n3He and elastic p3H-p3H differential cross sections at medium energy | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR SAC) | |||
0458 | NP/A345(1980)435 | Measurement of the spin correlation parameter a00nn and the polarization a00n0 in elastic p-p scattering between 400 and 600 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTWT'6') | |||
0457 | PL/B94(1980)310 | Measurement of the spin parameters a and ann in pp elastic scattering in the 1-3 gev/c region | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAANL) | |||
0456 | PR/C21(1980)1932 | Proton-4He elastic scattering at intermediate energies | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANCAN'7') | |||
0455 | PR/C21(1980)1158 | Effect of the tensor force on gamma-ray de-excitation angular distributions from dipole states populated in the 12C(p,p) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAL) | |||
0454 | PR/C21(1980)1153 | (p,p,gamma) spin-flip measurement for 1+ states in 12C at ep=23.5-27 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALRL) | |||
0453 | (Duplication of D585) | N | E | See D585 | ||||||
0452 | NP/A333(1980)116 | High-resolution investigation of the 112Sn(p,p)112Sn reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Dutch data (2NEDFUL) | |||
0451 | NP/A332(1979)269 | Fluctuations in polarized proton scattering from 28Si | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USARUT) | |||
0450 | (Duplication of D503) | N | E | See D503 | ||||||
0449 | PR/C22(1980)1168 | Proton scattering from 154Sm and 176Yb at 0.8 gev | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0448 | PR/C22(1980)65 | Properties of the 2P-1H intermediate structure in 41Sc | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAOSU) | |||
0447 | (Duplication of D520) | N | E | See D520 | ||||||
0446 | NP/A357(1981)228 | 26Gal production cross sections from the 26Mg(p,n)26Al reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAWAS) | |||
0445 | PRL45(1980)880 | Inelastic proton scattering at 800 MeV to the 12C 15.11 MeV state: a search for nuclear critical opalescence | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0444 | (Duplication of D505) | N | E | See D505 | ||||||
0443 | PR/C21(1980)2666 | Large absorption potential for the ag+p reaction at sub-coulomb energies | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERUEN) | |||
0442 | PR/C21(1980)2485 | 800-MeV inelastic proton scattering from 40Ca, 48Ca, and 54Fe | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0441 | PL/B91(1980)353 | Elastic and inelastic scattering of 800 MeV protons by 58Ni | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0440 | PRL45(1980)239 | Observation of the high-energy octupole giant resonance with 800-MeV protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0439 | (Duplication of D504) | N | E | See D504 | ||||||
0438 | PR/C20(1979)2449 | The two-step pickup-stripping process in the 24Mg(p,p)24Mg reaction at 40 MeV to some negative parity states in 24Mg | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMSU) | |||
0437 | PRL45(1980)703 | Atomic-excitation effects on nuclear reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATNL) | |||
0436 | PR/C21(1980)1133 | 14N(p,p)14N reaction between 25 and 40 MeV and the tensor part of the effective interaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMSU) | |||
0435 | (Duplication of D491) | N | E | See D491 | ||||||
0434 | PL/B90(1980)364 | Spin-orbit parameters from the polarization in 1 gev proton-nucleus scattering | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Soviet data (4CCPLIN) | |||
0433 | NP/A349(1980)154 | Resonance strength measurements and thermonuclear react10N rates for 25 mg(p,gamma)26Al | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Australian data (3AULAML) | |||
0432 | HPA53(1980)307 | Angular distribution and analyzing power of the (p,x)-reaction in the continuum | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTVIL) | |||
0431 | (Duplication of D497) | N | E | See D497 | ||||||
0430 | ZP/A293(1979)253 | Study of t> fluctuations in 94,96Zr(p,p) in the energy region from 11.2 to 13.4 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERJUL) | |||
0429 | (Duplication of D493) | N | E | See D493 | ||||||
0428 | (Duplication of D488) | N | E | See D488 | ||||||
0427 | (Duplication of D668) | N | E | See D668 | ||||||
0426 | NP/A372(1981)173 | The 12C(3He,a)11C reaction at 100-140 MeV | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | ○ | (E033) | N | E | 数値欠損に伴う再採録 | |
0425 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0424 | HPA53(1980)310 | Microscopic analysis of the three-nucleon transfer reaction 27Al(p,alpha)24Mg induced with polarized protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTVIL) | |||
0423 | HPA53(1980)294 | Measurement of the spin-correlation parameters a00kk,a00ks and a00ss in the p-p elastic scattering between 400 and 600 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0422 | HPA53(1980)317 | Isospin-verbotene t=3/2 analogresonanzen 1N 33Cl | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0421 | ZP/A298(1980)267 | Isomeric states in 134Ba | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERJUL) | |||
0420 | NC/A59(1980)101 | Energy dependence of optical-model parameters for the p+32S system between 15 and 35 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Italian data (2ITYMIL) | |||
0419 | NC/A58(1980)342 | Study of the 11B(p,n)11C reaction below the giant dipole resonance in 12C | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANLUQ) | |||
0418 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0417 | JEL31(1980)656 | Inclusive production of poins by protons in nuclei at low energies | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Data of Internat.Inst. (4ZZZDUB) | |||
0416 | NP/A338(1980)205 | Statistical analysis of the (d,p) and (d,d) reaction on 40Ca | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0415 | NP/A316(1979)317 | Proton total cross sections on 1H,2H, 4He, 9Be, c and o in the energy range 180 to 560 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTSWT'5') | |||
0414 | NP/A324(1979)109 | Measurement of the proton total reaction cross section for 159Tb, 181Ta and 197Au between 20 and 48 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMNA) | |||
0413 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0412 | NP/A322(1979)92 | The (p,t) reaction on 12C, 54Fe and 208Pb at 80 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0411 | NP/A322(1979)40 | Measurement and hybrid-model analysis of proton-induced reactions with v, fe and co | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERJUL) | |||
0410 | PR/C19(1979)2146 | (p,t) and (p,3He) reactions on 33S | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMSU) | |||
0409 | PR/C19(1979)2155 | Angular correlation measurements over the intermediate structure in 71As | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAOHO) | |||
0408 | (Duplication of D82) | N | E | See D82 | ||||||
0407 | PR/C20(1979)1279 | Proton inelastic scattering at 12 MeV on 154Eu | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALRL) | |||
0406 | PR/C20(1979)1479 | Pion production in the reaction d(p;d,pi)n at 800 MeV with a spectator neutron | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0405 | PR/C20(1979)1204 | Analyzing power for the 208Pb(p,t)206Pb(3+) reaction and (p,d)(d,t) sequential transfer processes | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0404 | CJP57(1979)505 | Use of 30Si(p,alpha)27Al analyzing power | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMCM) | |||
0403 | PR/C19(1979)1132 | Elastic and inelastic diffraction scattering of 0.8 gev protons by 89Y and 90Zr | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0402 | PR/C20(1979)1198 | 40Ca(p,3He)38K reaction and the low-lying 1+,t=0 states | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMNA) | |||
0401 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
D300 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
0400 | PR/C19(1979)962 | Spallation of aluminum by 300 gev protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USANAL) | |||
0399 | PR/C19(1979)1191 | 181Ta(p,n,n,gamma)180W reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALRL) | |||
0398 | PR/C19(1979)285 | Systematic nuclear-structure dependence of analyzing powers for (p,t) reactions on medium-mass vibrational nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0397 | PR/C20(1979)879 | Noncoplanar 2H(p,2P)n reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMNA) | |||
0396 | PR/C20(1979)927 | 194,196,198Pt(p,t) reactions at 35 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMSU) | |||
0395 | PR/C20(1979)1585 | Proton-deuteron breakup cross sections in collinear geometry at 28.6MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMNA) | |||
0394 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0393 | PR/C20(1979)397 | 119,117Sn(p,t)reactions at 52 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0392 | PR/C20(1979)693 | Excitation of the low-energy octupole resonance in 90Zr by 0.8Gev proton inelastic scattering | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0391 | PR/C19(1979)1606 | Lifetime of the 937- and 885-keV resonances in the 27Al(p,alpha) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Italian data (2ITYPAD) | |||
0390 | PR/C19(1979)1907 | Decays of the lowest t=2 states in a=4N nuclei from 8Be to 44Ti | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAPTN) | |||
0389 | PR/C18(1978)2506 | Multiplet structure in 203Pb | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAPTN) | |||
0388 | PR/C18(1978)2788 | Excitation of the giant isoscalar monopole resonance in 144Sm and 154Sm via inelastic proton scattering | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAORL) | |||
0387 | JP/G4(1978)1903 | Triton pick-up in the (p,alpha) reaction on 208Pb at 20 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Italian data (2ITYMIL) | |||
0386 | JP/G5(1979)981 | The 130Te(p,alpha)127Sb reaction and the role of the collective neutron excitations | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMNA) | |||
0385 | JP/G5(1979)697 | Study of 151Eu levels via the (p,2N,gamma) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Italian data (2ITYMIL) | |||
0384 | JP/G5(1979)827 | The level structure of 78Br | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USACLU) | |||
0383 | CJP57(1979)1940 | Investigation of level properties of 139La | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Indian data (3INDTRM) | |||
0382 | CJP57(1979)1949 | Possible structure dependence in the 30Si(p,alpha)27Al reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMCM) | |||
0381 | PRL43(1979)1300 | Nuclear lifetimes near 10.e-17S from x-ray spectrum in inelastic proton scattering on 112Sn | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERKLN) | |||
0380 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0379 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0378 | NP/A330(1979)29 | Excited states of 96Ru and 98Ru in the(p,p,gamma) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERBOC) | |||
0377 | NP/A318(1979)125 | Intermediate structure effects in the reaction 23Na(p,alpha)20Ne | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERBOC) | |||
0376 | NP/A309(1978)329 | Experimental displacement energies of isobaric analog states in the 1F7/2 shell | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAPTN) | |||
0375 | PL/B82(1979)353 | Analyzing power in (p,alpha) l=0 transfer reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0374 | PL/B85(1979)215 | Two neutron transfer in samarium isotopes and iba model predictions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Dutch data (2NEDKVI) | |||
0373 | PL/B80(1979)180 | The influence of deformations of the optical potential on analyzing power and p(1)-gamma angular correlation in the reaction 114Cd(p,p). | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERUEN) | |||
0372 | PL/B83(1979)39 | The second 2+ and first 4+ states of the even isotopes 78-86Kr excited in the inelastic scattering of 51.9MeV protons | 鈴木(済) | 牧永(済) | 芦澤(済) | (E065) | N | E | 要変換 | |
0371 | NP/A313(1979)141 | A study of the 54Fe(p,d)53Fe reaction at 40 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMSU) | |||
0370 | NP/A320(1979)404 | Remeasurement of the low-energy cross section for the 15N(p,alpha)12C reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USACAL) | |||
0369 | NP/A315(1979)291 | Excitation of low-lying levels and giant resonances in 90Zr via 57.5MeV polarized proton tnelastic scattering | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR GRE) | |||
0368 | NP/A317(1979)300 | Test of detailed balance at isolated resonances in the reactions 27Al+p --> <-- 24Mg+alpha and time reversibility | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERBOC) | |||
0367 | NP/A322(1979)285 | Medium-energy proton scattering from 58Ni : experimental results and coupled-channel calculations | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swedish data (2SWDUPP) | |||
0366 | NP/A322(1979)512 | Investigation of the (p,n,d) reaction on 6Li and 7Li at 670 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Data of Internat.Inst. (4ZZZDUB) | |||
0365 | NP/A319(1979)29 | The 58,60,62,64Ni(p,alpha)55,57,59,61Co reactions and their description by the semi-microscopic model for three-nucleon transfer | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Dutch data (2NEDGRN) | |||
0364 | NP/A331(1979)155 | The 17O(p,alpha)14N reaction: physics and astrophysics | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANTOR) | |||
0363 | NP/A311(1978)93 | A study of the 58Ni,90Zr and 208Pb(p,d) reactions at 121 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0362 | NP/A313(1979)346 | The 18O(p,alpha)15N reaction at stellar energies | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERMST) | |||
0361 | NP/A313(1979)191 | Levels of 191Ir excited in the (p,2*n) and (d,3*n) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR FR'2') | |||
0360 | NP/A323(1979)26 | Structure studies of 23Na from the 20Ne(alpha,p)23Na reaction at e-alpha=39.5MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Dutch data (2NEDGRN) | |||
0359 | NP/A323(1979)413 | Study of isobaric analog resonances in the elastic and inelastic scattering of polarized protons from 207Pb in the energy range 13.5-18MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | West German data (?) | |||
0358 | NP/A312(1978)97 | High resolution investigation of the 87Sr(p,p)reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Dutch data (2NEDFUL) | |||
0357 | NP/A317(1979)313 | Application of the crystal blocking technique to the study of the highly excited nuclear continuum | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USARUT) | |||
0356 | NP/A318(1979)352 | 18O(p,p)18O and 18O(p,p)18O* for e=6.1-16.6 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USANOT) | |||
0355 | NP/A327(1979)419 | The separation of proton and deuteron spin-dependent effects in the 116Sn(d,p)117Sn reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAWIS) | |||
0354 | NP/A327(1979)349 | Excitation function of giant resonances as doorway states in the 12C(p,p)12C reaction between 19 and 23 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR GRE) | |||
0353 | NP/A327(1979)477 | Levels in 74Se,78Kr,80Kr and 84Sr and systematics of quasi-gamma bands | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0352 | (Duplication of D352) | N | E | |||||||
0351 | NP/A329(1979)127 | Study of isobaric analogue states in 49Sc and core excited states in 49Ca | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Israeli data (3ISLHEB) | |||
0350 | NP/A319(1979)377 | Elastic and inelastic scattering of 185 MeV protons from 12C | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swedish data (2SWDUPP) | |||
0349 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0348 | PR/C19(1979)905 | Proton total reaction cross section measurements for 40,44,48Ca at 700MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0347 | PR/C19(1979)856 | Energy and angular correlation of he ions and heavy fragments in 11.5Gev proton bombardment of uranium | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAANL) | |||
0346 | PR/C20(1979)1498 | Cross sections and recoil properties of 83,84,86Rb formed by 0.6-21Gev 1H reactions with targets of y to u | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Data of Internat.Inst. (2ZZZCER) | |||
0345 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0344 | PL/B80(1979)319 | Absorption cross sections of pi+-,k+-,p and p-bar on nuclei between 60 and 280Gev/c | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USANAL) | |||
0343 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0342 | PR/C19(1979)698 | Charged-particle spectra:90 MeV protons on 27Al, 58Ni, 90Zr, and 209Bi | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMRY) | |||
0341 | PL/B80(1979)350 | Preequilibrium alpha-emission in the 197Au(p,alpha,x)-reaction at ep=72MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTVIL) | |||
0340 | PRL42(1979)82 | Nuclear fragment emission in high-energy p-xe and p-kr collisions and a description of their production mechanism | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USANAL) | |||
0339 | AUJ32(1979)187 | Partial wave analysis of the 18O(p,alpha)15N reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Australian data (3AULAML) | |||
0338 | PRL43(1979)1080 | Evidence for a new reaction mechanism in the bombardment of 238U with 11.5-gev protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAANL) | |||
0337 | PRL43(1979)918 | Unusual backward enhancement in the angular distribution of products from the interaction of 238U with 400-gev protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USACHI) | |||
0336 | AUJ32(1979)411 | 4-particle-hole states in 16O | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0335 | PR/C19(1979)2108 | Analyses of inelastic proton and electron scattering to the 2+(4.43MeV) state in 12C | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Australian data (3AULAML?) | |||
0334 | AUJ32(1979)323 | The 12C(p,2P)11B reaction at 100 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0333 | HPA'6'51(1978)97 | A microscopic analysis of the low lying levels in 86Sr with the reaction 89Y(p,alpha)86Sr | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTVIL) | |||
0332 | PR/C20(1979)88 | Excitation functions for radioactive isotopes produced by proton bombardment of fe, co, and w in the energy range from 10 to 60MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USADAV) | |||
0331 | PR/C20(1979)764 | Backward production of protons in nuclear reactions with 400Gev protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USANAL) | |||
0330 | PR/C19(1979)631 | Nucleosynthesis of li, be, and b : contributions from the p+16O reaction at 50-90MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMRY) | |||
0329 | PR/C20(1979)1467 | Formation of isobaric nuclides with a=131 in the interaction of 238U with 0.8-11.5Gev protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAANL,1USALAM) | |||
0328 | PR/C20(1979)1055 | Symmetric-to-asymmetric mass ratios for proton-induced fission of 232Th and 238U | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAFSU) | |||
0327 | PR/C19(1979)1832 | Differential ranges and angular distributions of ba fragments from the interaction of 238U with 11.5-gev protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAANL) | |||
0326 | PR/C20(1979)1517 | Production of argon isotopes by spallation of sc, ti, fe, co, ni, and cu | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Belgian data (3BLGBLG) | |||
0325 | ZP/A291(1979)319 | Half-life, g-factor and relaxation of the nuclear orientation of the isomeric 11/2- state in 139Pr | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Dutch data (2NEDFUL) | |||
0324 | ZP/A291(1979)397 | New neutron deficient lutetium isotopes | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Soviet data (4CCPLIN) | |||
0323 | PR/C20(1979)787 | 7Be production cross sections in n,c,11B,and 10B with 740 MeV protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USABRK) | |||
0322 | JPJ48(1980)1804 | Isobaric analogue resonances in 27Al studied with the 26Mg(p,p) and 26Mg(p,gamma) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0321 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0320 | NP/A346(1980)329 | Effects of inelastic multistep processes on (p,t) reactions in a transi tion region between rare-earth nuclei and double-magic 208Pb | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0319 | PR/C18(1978)2007 | Search for simple configurations in 18F. 2. the 17O(p,alpha)14N, 17O(p,p1 gamma)17O, and 17O(p,gamma)18F reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FRSTR) | |||
0318 | PRL40(1978)164 | Multinucleon removal in a quasifree process with a p-gamma coincidence experiment at 400MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FRSAC) | |||
0317 | PRL41(1978)1224 | Model-independent determination of the compound-elastic enhancement factor in a polarized-proton fluctuation experiment | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERUEN) | |||
0316 | NCL22(1978)257 | Investigation on the discrepancies from om predictions in the elastic scattering of protons by 12C and 16O | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0315 | ZP/A287(1978)229 | Study of isobaric analogue resonances in 65 cu by proton scattering from 64Ni | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Romanian data (3RUMRUM) | |||
0314 | ZP/A286(1978)307 | Fluctuations in inelastic proton scattering from 58Ni in the energy range 17.1 to 20.6MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Australian data (3AULCBR) | |||
0313 | JPJ44(1978)1 | Investigation of 9B and 9Be levels in a kinematically complete 9Be(p,pn)8Be experiment | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Chinese data (3CHFSHI) | |||
0312 | PR/C18(1978)1985 | Cross-section measurements and phase shift analysis of p-4He elastic scattering in the energy range 20-55MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMNA) | |||
0311 | NP/A307(1978)65 | The (p,n) threshold anomaly in proton elastic scattering on 23Na,27Al,31P,35Cl and 34S | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Romanian data (3RUMBUC) | |||
0310 | PRL41(1978)1632 | Proton-proton elastic scattering from 30 to 250 gev/c | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USANAL) | |||
0309 | PRL41(1978)148 | Analyzing power in inclusive proton-nucleus cross sections | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0308 | PL/B74(1978)170 | Analyzing power of inclusive nuclear reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANCAN'12') | |||
0307 | PR/C17(1978)872 | Inelastic scattering of 40 MeV protons from 24Mg. i. natural parity transitions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMHG) | |||
0306 | JPJ48(1980)720 | 26Mg(d,p)27Mg reactions at 3.1 and 3.5 MeV | 村上(済) | 大塚(済) | 無 | (E063) | N | E | ||
0305 | SNP27(1978)324 | Spin flip in the reaction 28Si(p,p' gamma)28Si in the energy interval 3.50-3.80MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Data of Internat.Inst. (4ZZZDUB) | |||
0304 | PL/B86(1979)18 | Observation of intermediate structure in inelastic proton amplitudes in 49V | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATNL) | |||
0303 | PR/C20(1979)52 | Phase relation for a common doorway state in 47V | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATNL) | |||
0302 | (Duplication of D1422) | N | E | See D1422 | ||||||
0301 | PR/C20(1979)13 | Two-step effects in 15-35 MeV proton scattering from 24Mg low-lying states | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Italian data (2ITYITY'5') | |||
D200 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
0300 | PR/C20(1979)1706 | Comparison of optical-model and lane-model analyses of sub-coulomb protons on 92,94Zr | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAKTY) | |||
0299 | PRL41(1978)1712 | Nuclear 'time-delay' and x-ray-proton coincidences near a nuclear scattering resonance | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAWAU?) | |||
0298 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0297 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0296 | PR/C19(1979)2396 | Spin of the 14.174 MeV t=3/2 level in 17F | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USANOT) | |||
0295 | ZP/A289(1979)211 | Study of inelastic proton amplitudes for a fragmented analogue state in 45Sc | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATNL) | |||
0294 | JP/G5(1979)1225 | Low-energy behaviour of the proton optical potential of sn | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Soviet data (4CCPFEI) | |||
0293 | PR/C20(1979)1583 | Gamma-ray excitation curves from 10B(p,alpha,gamma)7Be and 10B(p,p,gamma)10B reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR STR) | |||
0292 | CJP57(1979)1196 | Coulomb fxcitation of low-energy levels in 45Sc | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Indian data (3INDTRM) | |||
0291 | CJP57(1979)540 | Elastic and inelastic scattering of 40 MeV polarized protons from 90Zr and 92Zr. | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR FR) | |||
0290 | PL/B79(1978)376 | Elastic differential cross sections and analyzing powers for p+54Fe, 58,64Ni at 800 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0289 | PL/B87(1979)343 | Volume integrals for low-energy p+208Pb optical potentials | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERUEN) | |||
0288 | PL/B83(1979)34 | Coupled-channels analysis of proton inelastic scattering from 26Mg at 24MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Dutch data (2NEDFUL) | |||
0287 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0286 | PL/B81(1979)151 | Elastic differential cross sections and analyzing powers for p+40,42,44,48Ca at 0.8Gev | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0285 | PR/C17(1978)2053 | Analyzing power of 206Pb(p,p0) and 207Pb(p,p0) near the 3P1/2 isobaric analog resonance | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAWAU) | |||
0284 | PRL40(1978)1553 | P(pol)+d backscattering at 316 and 516 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANUBC) | |||
0283 | PL/B79(1978)47 | Inelastic scattering of 40 MeV polarized protons exciting the low-lying 2+ states in 90Zr and 92Zr | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FR GRE) | |||
0282 | NP/A302(1978)388 | Large angle cross section and analyzing power for proton-4He elastic scattering between 185 and 500MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANUBC) | |||
0281 | NP/A303(1978)111 | High resolution study of the 26Mg(p,p) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATNL) | |||
0280 | NP/A305(1978)333 | Elastic and inelastic proton scattering from 89Y | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swedish data (2SWDUPP) | |||
0279 | PL/B78(1978)205 | P-4He elastic scattering at 788 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0278 | PRL41(1978)930 | Retarded isoscalar m2 strength observed in the reaction 16O(p-pol,p-pol)16O(2-,8.88 MeV) at e-p=40MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATAM?) | |||
0277 | NP/A305(1978)151 | Isospin-forbidden particle decays in light nuclei (4) total width of the lowest t=2 level of 24Mg | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANCRC) | |||
0276 | PRL43(1979)421 | Microscopic description of 800-MeV polarized-proton scattering from 16O | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0275 | PR/C20(1979)145 | Structure and directional-correlation measurements in 97Tc from 97Mo(p,n)97Tc(gamma) spectrometry | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Greek data (2GRCATH) | |||
0274 | PR/C20(1979)1085 | Pion exchange effects in nuclear reactions at large momentum transfers | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | No new data? | |||
0273 | PRL43(1979)330 | Investigation of noncentral proton-proton interaction at low energy | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERUEN) | |||
0272 | PR/C20(1979)59 | (p,n) reaction to ground-and excited-state analogs on the samarium isotopes: importance of two-phonon coupling effects | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALRL) | |||
0271 | PL/B85(1979)43 | P-3He elastic scattering at 1 gev | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Soviet data (4CCPLIN) | |||
0270 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0269 | (Duplication of D77) | N | E | See D77 | ||||||
0268 | NP/A313(1979)269 | Analyzing power measurements for p-3He elastic scattering from 1.75 to 4.50 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAOHO) | |||
0267 | NP/A321(1979)1 | Analyzing power measurements in deutron-proton elastic scattering | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTETH) | |||
0266 | NP/A322(1979)308 | Measurements of p-p and p-4He analyzing powers at medium energies | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANCAN'1') | |||
0265 | NP/A311(1978)1 | Analyzing power and phase-shift analysis of 3He(p,p)3He between 19 and 30MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERHAM) | |||
0264 | NP/A311(1978)29 | Polarization transfer coefficients for 3He(p,p)3He elastic scatttering below 11MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTETH) | |||
0263 | NP/A312(1978)209 | P-4He elastic scattering at 2.68 gev | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USABRK) | |||
0262 | (Duplication of D137) | N | E | See D137 | ||||||
0261 | NP/A315(1978)317 | High-spin states of the doubly odd nucleus 178Ta | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | East German data (3DDRROS) | |||
0260 | PRL41(1978)934 | Properties of the intermediate structure in 71As | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAOSU) | |||
0259 | PRL41(1978)152 | Sharp backward peak in p-4He elastic scattering at 1.05Gev | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FRSAC) | |||
0258 | PR/C18(1978)331 | Polarization in elastic p-p and p-n scattering at 1.03 gev | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAANL) | |||
0257 | NP/A301(1978)349 | Elastic scattering of 100 MeV protons and systematic optical model analysis | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMRY) | |||
0256 | PR/C18(1978)1436 | Proton elastic and inelastic scattering at 0.8 gev from 12,13C and 208Pb | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0255 | NP/A334(1980)389 | The 40Ar(p,t)38Ar reaction at 52 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0254 | 77TOKYO(1977)17 | The break-up of the vector polarized deuterons on 4He | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0253 | PRL41(1978)454 | New probe of line broadening with resolvable fine structure: the 'off-diagonal strength function' | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USA???) | |||
0252 | NP/A303(1978)457 | Proton-ptoton scatering from 0.35 to 1.0 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTZUR) | |||
0251 | PL/B90(1980)197 | DWBA form factor for taree-particle transfer reaction | 村上(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E063) | N | E | ||
0250 | PRL41(1978)1638 | Energy dependence of 4He(p,d)3He | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANUBC) | |||
0249 | NP/A366(1981)189 | Isospin dependence of the 65 MeV proton optical potential in the f-p shell nuclei | 大塚(済) | 大塚(済) | 無 | (E051)->(E079r) | N | E | 野呂博士論文 | |
0248 | NP/A344(1980)41 | Analyzing powers of the continuum spectra : 65 MeV polarized protons on 12C, 28Si, 45Sc, 58Ni, 93Nb, 165Ho, 166Er and 209Bi | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0247 | NP/A343(1980)234 | A study of the (p,d) reactions on A=12-94 nuclei by 65 MeV polarized protons | 鈴木(済) | 大塚(済) | 生 | (E036) | N | E | c.f. EXFOR R0012 | |
0246 | NP/A294(1978)161 | Energy levels of 16O near 15 MeV excitation from 15N+p reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Australian data (3AULCBR) | |||
0245 | (Duplication of D775) | N | E | See D775 | ||||||
0244 | JPJ50(1981)1440 | Spectroscopic factors of particle-hole states in 28Si | 村上(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E063) | N | E | ||
0243 | NIM169(1980)589 | Polarization measurements for p-12C elastic scattering between 40-75MeV | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | 無 | (E060) | N | E | ||
0242 | PR/C18(1978)1120 | Elastic scattering of polarized protons from 13C for 9.1未定 |
未定 |
| N |
E |
Canadian data (1CANMCM) |
| |
0241 | PRL40(1978)1256 | Analyzing power in proton-nucleus elastic scattering at 0.8 gev | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0240 | PL/B74(1978)173 | Proton-deuteron elastic scattering | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTETH) | |||
0239 | NP/A303(1978)51 | Analyzing power of 3He(p,p)3He elastic scattering between 2.3 and 8.8MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swiss data (2SWTETH) | |||
0238 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0237 | SNP28(1978)589 | Features of nertron spectra of 115Sn | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0236 | SNP28(1978)310 | Neutron spectra in decay of isobaric analog resonances in the reactions 109Ag(p,n)109Cd and 115In(p,n)115Sn | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | East German data (3DDRROS) | |||
0235 | SNP27(1978)609 | Neutron spectra from the reaction 109Ag(p,n)109Cd in the proton-enegy region e(p)=6 and 7 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Soviet data (4CCPFEI) | |||
0234 | ZP/A290(1979)227 | Magnetic moments of the 11/2- states in 145,147,149Eu and paramagnetism in the system eusm | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERUEN) | |||
0233 | ZP/A291(1979)49 | The magnetic moment of the first excited state in 138La | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | German data (2GERUEN) | |||
0232 | SNP28(1978)660 | Measurement of polarization in elastic pp scattering at 2.1Gev/c in the region of small momentum transfers | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Soviet data (4CCPSCU) | |||
0231 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0230 | SNP26(1977)606 | Neutron spectra and angular distributions from the reactions 181Ta(p,n)181W and 181Ta(n,n)181Ta | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Soviet data (4CCPFEI) | |||
0229 | SNP27(1978)380 | Elastic small-angle he-p scattering in the energy interval 1.75 - 4.13Gev/nucleon | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Data of Internat.Inst. (4ZZZDUB) | |||
0228 | JEL27(1978)316 | Asymmetry in elastic scattering of protons by deuterons at 630MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Data of Internat.Inst. (4ZZZDUB) | |||
0227 | PR/C20(1979)1700 | Sub-coulomb proton absorption for isotopes of zirconium and molybdenum | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAKTY) | |||
0226 | NP/A331(1979)29 | Comparison of the 12C(p,n)12N and 12C(p,p) reactions at e(p)=62 and 120 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0225 | NP/A315(1979)157 | Isobaric analogue resonances in the 80Se(p,n)80Br reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Unknown INST-ACC | |||
0224 | JP/G5(1979)585 | Mean lifetimes of 85Sr levels | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Indian data (3INDSAH) | |||
0223 | AUJ32(1979)195 | Gamma-ray studies using a solid argon target : properties of states in 40K and 40Ar | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | New Zealander data (3NZLNZA) | |||
0222 | CJP57(1979)411 | The weak neutral current : search for a 0- isomer in 42Sc and 46V | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANCRC) | |||
0221 | CJP57(1979)286 | Cross sections for the 26Mg(p,n)26Al(ground,7.3E+5 year) and 26Mg(p,n)26Al(metastable,6.35 sec) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMCM) | |||
0220 | PR/C19(1979)1753 | 79Br and 81Br(p,xn) and (p,pxn) excitation functions in the energy range 10-85MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMCG) | |||
0219 | PRL42(1979)1461 | Energy dependence of pion production by protons on nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0218 | PRL43(1979)910 | Experimental test of one-pion exchange and partial conservation of axial-vector current in proton-nucleus charge-exchange reactions at 144MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0217 | PR/C20(1979)1627 | 14C(p,n)14N and the isovector tensor component of the effective two-nucleon interaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAMSU) | |||
0216 | NP/A323(1979)61 | Levels in 81Kr populated by the 81Br(p,n gamma) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0215 | PL/B79(1978)385 | Positive pion production on 90Zr and 208Pb by 180 MeV protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swedish data (2SWDUPP?) | |||
0214 | PL/B81(1979)156 | The p+p -> d+ pi+ reaction with a polarised proton beam | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANUBC) | |||
0213 | NP/A319(1979)409 | Experimental and theoretical studies of positive pion production on 10B and 40Ca by 163-186 MeV protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swedish data (2SWDUPP?) | |||
0212 | AUJ31(1978)253 | Threshold effects in proton-induced reactions on copper | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Australian data (3AULAML) | |||
0211 | (Duplication of D197) | N | E | See D197 | ||||||
0210 | CJP57(1979)733 | G9/2 isobaric analogue resonances in 64,66Zn(p,gamma) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANLUQ) | |||
0209 | NP/A320(1979)353 | Multipolarities of gamma-rays from 92,94Nb and 94,95,96,97,98Tc | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAKTY) | |||
0208 | NP/A326(1979)26 | Differential cross sections for radiative capture of energetic protons by 110Cd and 115In | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French data (2FRSTR) | |||
0207 | NP/A320(1979)385 | (p,gamma) reaction studies on 60Ni | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USANYU'1') | |||
0206 | NP/A323(1979)253 | Gamma-ray strength functions for a=70-90 nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Data of Internat.Inst. (4ZZZDUB?) | |||
0205 | NP/A324(1979)63 | High-resolution measurements of analogue states in 55Co | 大塚(済) | 能登(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0204 | PR/C19(1979)1762 | Gamma decay of g9/2 isobaric analog resonance in 57Co | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANLUQ) | |||
0203 | PR/C19(1979)38 | Fragmentation of a previously reported g9/2 analog state in 63Cu | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | French and German data (2FR STR,2GRCATH) | |||
0202 | AUJ32(1979)335 | Cross section measurements in the 54Cr(p,gamma)55Mn reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Australian data (3AULAML) | |||
0201 | PR/C22(1980)557 | Spin assignments for the resonant structures in the 12C+12C system through the reaction 12C(12C,16O-gs)8Be-gs at e-cm=6-11MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
D100 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
0200 | NP/A341(1980)199 | Continuum energy spectra of 3He scattered by 3He at 120 MeV | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | (E060) | N | E | |||
0199 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0198 | PRL44(1980)1193 | Analyzing powers of continuum spectra of reactions 28Si,58Ni, 209Bi (p,p,x) and (p,d,x) at 65MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0197 | JP/G5(1979)1267 | Fragmented g9/2 isobaric analogue resonances in the 52Cr(p,gamma)53Mn reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Hungarian data (3HUNKFI) | |||
0196 | NP/A329(1979)1 | Investigation of the gamma-ray strength function in 51V by means of the average resonance method | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Swedish data (2SWDLND) | |||
0195 | NP/A315(1979)430 | Cross section measurements and thermonuclear reaction rates for 48Ca(p,gamma)49Sc and 48Ca(p,n)48Sc | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USACAL) | |||
0194 | JP/G5(1979)399 | Yield measurements in the reactions 48Ca(p,gamma)49Sc and 48Ca(p,n)48Sc | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Australian data (3AULAML) | |||
0193 | JP/G5(1979)1261 | Cross sections for the 42Ca(p,gamma)43Sc, 42Ca(alpha,n)45Ti and 44Ca(p,n)44Sc reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANMCM) | |||
0192 | NP/A324(1979)1 | Proton resonant and direct capture on 28Si | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Italian data (2ITYPAD,2ITYNAP) | |||
0191 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0190 | NP/A318(1979)111 | A study of the 22Ne(p,gamma)23Na reaction in the energy region e(p)=1.1 to 2.0 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | South African data (3SAFPOT) | |||
0189 | NP/A327(1979)172 | The j-pi=3- doublet at ex=6241 keV in 18F: isospin mixing | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Canadian data (1CANTOR) | |||
0188 | NP/A322(1979)33 | Some studies of t=3/2 states in 17F | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | British data (2UK OXF) | |||
0187 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0186 | PRL42(1979)700 | Radiative capture of intermediate-energy protons to high-lying states in light nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAINU) | |||
0185 | PR/C20(1979)920 | Lifetimes of negative parity states in 11C | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Finnish data (2SF HLS) | |||
0184 | NP/A331(1979)50 | Cross section of the reaction 6Li(p,gamma)7Be | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | Australian data (3AULAML) | |||
0183 | PR/C19(1979)601 | 2H(p,gamma)3He reaction using polarized and unpolarized protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATNL) | |||
0182 | PR/C19(1979)877 | Differential cross section for proton-proton bremsstrahlung at 1.38 gev/c | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALBL) | |||
0181 | PRL43(1979)1787 | Energy dependence of charged pions produced at 180 degree in 0.8-4.89-gev proton-nucleus collisions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USABRK) | |||
0180 | PR/C19(1979)549 | Evidence for negative parity for the 7064-keV level in 208Pb | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USAPTN) | |||
0179 | PRL43(1979)487 | Measurement of the reactions 9Be(p,pion+-) at 800 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USALAS) | |||
0178 | PL/B85(1979)315 | 'backward' production of protons,deuterons,tritons,3He,4He and pions in the interaction of 400Gev protons with nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USANAL) | |||
0177 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0176 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0175 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0174 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0173 | PL/B98(1981)175 | Hexadecapole strength in the region of the low-energy octupole resonance in 90Zr | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0172 | NP/A337(1980)493 | Spin alignment of yrast levels populated by pre-equilibrium (alpha,x n gamma) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0171 | JPJ35(1973)633 | Electromagnetic property of low-lying levels in 143Pm | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0170 | PL/B90(1980)219 | The (d,6Li) reaction on 12C,16O,24Mg,40Ca and 58Ni at 54.25 MeV | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0169 | JPJ48(1980)687 | Reaction cross section measurement for 40Ca(16O,p)55Co | 村上(済) | 大塚(済) | 無 | (E063) | N | E | ||
0168 | (Duplication of D1423) | N | E | See D1423 | ||||||
0167 | (Duplication of D169) | N | E | See D169 | ||||||
0166 | PL/B89(1979)40 | 65 MeV polarized poroton elastic scattering and the effective two-body interaction range | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E051) | N | E | 坂口紀要論文 | |
0165 | PL/B61(1976)245 | Analog (p,t) and (p,tau) reactions on 14N induced by 52 MeV protons | 大塚(済) | 能登(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0164 | PRL38(1977)1015 | Inner-core neutron-hole state 1H11/2 in odd nd and sm isotopes | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0163 | NP/A278(1977)231 | Deeply bound hole states and isobaric analog states observed by neutron pickup reactions on even tin isotopes | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0162 | PL/B62(1976)153 | Study of 12C(p,6Li)7Be reaction and 5He-7Be cluster structure in 12C | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0161 | JPJ41(1976)1830 | A level-structure study of 108Ag and 110Ag with the (p,n gamma) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0160 | JPJ40(1976)307 | The magnetic moment of the second excited state in 26Al | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0159 | (Duplication of D1878) | N | E | |||||||
0158 | NP/A259(1976)452 | Low-lying states of the 16F nucleus | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0157 | (Duplication of D1494) | N | E | See D1494 | ||||||
0156 | (Duplication of D1399) | N | E | See D1399 | ||||||
0155 | JPJ39(1975)1407 | Angular distribution for the reaction 16O(p,t)14O*(6.27 MeV) and channel coupling effects | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0154 | PL/B51(1974)51 | Excitation of the deeply bound g9/2 neutron hole state in 117Sn by a neutron pickup reaction with 81.7MeV 3He particles | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0153 | JPJ36(1974)1266 | High resolution study of the g9/2 isobaric analogue state in 61Cu | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0152 | (Duplication of D1533) | N | E | |||||||
0151 | JPJ36(1974)623 | Low-lying states of 181Os | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0150 | NP/A220(1974)461 | Core-excited states of 54Fe from the 56Fe(p,t)54Fe reaction at 52MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0149 | JPJ35(1973)325 | The M1 transition strength from the 3/2- isobaric analogue state in 49Sc | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | ○ | (E033) | N | E | 数値欠損に伴う再採録 | |
0148 | JPJ34(1973)865 | Low-lying states of 62Zn studied in the 64Zn (p,t) 62Zn and 63Cu (p,2Ngamma) 62Zn reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0147 | NP/A208(1973)545 | Determination of 27Al(p,alpha)24Mg reaction times with the brocking effect | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0146 | JPJ46(1979)335 | Energy relaxation during the fusion process probed by preequilibrium alpha emission in heavy-ion reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0145 | PRL43(1979)111 | Prevalence of direct-reaction mechanism in a deeply inelastic reaction,197Au(19F,12B) | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0144 | PL/B84(1979)71 | Multiplicity of gamma-rays following fast alpha-particle emission in the 95MeV 14N+159Tb reaction | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0143 | JPJ46(1979)1067 | Decay of 189Re | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0142 | (Duplication of D372) | N | E | See D372 | ||||||
0141 | JPJ46(1979)707 | The d(d,d)d, d(d,p)t and d(d,3He)n reactions at 13.2 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0140 | (Duplication of D353) | N | E | See D353 | ||||||
0139 | NP/A325(1979)408 | High-spin states in 107,109,111Cd following (alpha,3N gamma) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0138 | (Duplication of D205) | N | E | See D205 | ||||||
0137 | NP/A314(1979)80 | Low-lying levels in 120Sb studied with the 120Sn(p,n gamma) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0136 | PR/C20(1979)464 | Pre-equilibrium neutron emission for the 164Dy(alpha,xn gamma) 168-x er reaction studied by n-gamma coincidence measurements | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0135 | NP/A326(1979)47 | Absolute cross sections for the 6Li(p,3He)4He reaction at energies below 1MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0134 | JPJ47(1979)33 | Decay of the 1+ isomer in 24 al | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0133 | JPJ47(1979)365 | Study of high spin states in 89Zr | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0132 | JPJ46(1979)361 | High spin states above the 8+ isomer in 88Zr | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0131 | PRL43(1979)605 | Massive transfer accompanying proton, deuteron, and triton emission in heavy-ion reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0130 | PRL43(1979)1480 | Reaction 12C(16O,alpha)24Mg leading to nuclear molecular resonances | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | US data (1USATAM) | |||
0129 | JPJ46(1979)1025 | Angular momentum transfers in equilibrium and pre-equilibrium dy(alpha,xn gamma) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0128 | (Duplication of D6) | N | E | |||||||
0127 | (Duplication of D216) | N | E | See D216 | ||||||
0126 | NP/A325(1979)389 | Inelastic proton scattering on doubly even selenium isotopes | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0125 | PL/B84(1979)67 | Energy spectra of neutrons induced by 0.75 gev/c negative pions on complex nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0124 | JPJ47(1979)673 | Excitation of 6+,8+,10+ and 9-states in 122Sn by reactions (p,t) and (p,p') | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0123 | JPJ46(1979)715 | The e5 transition in 117Snm | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0122 | NP/A341(1980)206 | Study of even-mass ba nuclei by the (p,t) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0121 | PL/B97(1980)192 | Vector analyzing power and polarization measurements for the 116Sn(d,p)117Sn reaction and deuteron d-state effects | 鈴木(済) | 牧永(済) | 芦澤(済) | (E065) | N | E | 要変換 | |
0120 | JPJ48(1980)1812 | Forbidden (p,d) transitions and their CCBA analysis | 大塚(済) | 鈴木(済) | ○ | (E035) | N | E | 数値欠損に伴う再採録, c.f. R0014 | |
0119 | NP/A213(1973)61 | A study of the level scheme of 74As by the 74Ge(p,ngamma)74 as reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0118 | NP/A272(1976)381 | An investigation of the level scheme of 72As through the 72Ge(p,ngamma)72As reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0117 | JPJ49(1980)435 | A detailed study of low-lying levels in 79Kr by the 79Br(p,n gamma)79Kr reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0116 | NP/A346(1980)93 | Levels in 87Y from a study of the (p,n gamma) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0115 | JPJ48(1980)1797 | Excited states of 4He, observed in the 4He(alpha,alphad) 2H reaction at 119MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0114 | JPJ48(1980)4 | Energy levels of 95Tc from the 95Mo(p,ngamma)95Tc reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0113 | NP/A257(1976)303 | Low-lying levels in 145Pm and the effective m2 transition moment | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0112 | NP/A336(1980)246 | The level structure of 76As by the 76Ge(p,ngamma)reaction | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0111 | NP/A333(1980)1 | Elastic scattering of 119MeV 3He particles and eneigy and mass- number dependence of optical potential parameters | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0110 | PL/B44(1973)447 | Effect of inelastic scattering processes on(p,t)reactions exciting the first 2+ states in te,sn and cd isotopes | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0109 | NP/A331(1979)193 | Alpha-transfer reactions between light nuclei | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | 生 | (E060)->(E140r) | N | E | INSTITUTE, REFERENCE (001), Heading (011) modified (E140r). | |
0108 | PR/C9(1974)266 | 6+ and 11- states excited by the (p,t) reaction on lead isotopes | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | EXFOR O0795削除合意済(2009-12-27, E.Dupont) | |
0107 | NP/A263(1976)1 | Magnetic substate populations of product nuclei in the 11B(d,p)12B reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0106 | JPJ37(1974)789 | Studies of (alpha,d)reactions on n=28 nuclei.ii. 52Cr(alpha,d)54Mn | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0105 | JPJ36(1974)929 | Studies of (a,d) reactions on N=28 nuclei. I. 51V(a,d)53Cr | 大塚(済) | 合川(済) | ○ | (E033) | N | E | 数値欠損に伴う再採録 | |
0104 | JPJ34(1973)1128 | 3He(d,p)4He reaction proton asymmetry with polarized 3He beam | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0103 | NP/A228(1974)513 | Study of (d,alpha) reactions on 94Zr and 96Zr | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0102 | PL/B95(1980)39 | Angular distribution of recoil 8Li in the reaction 9Be (pi-, pin) 8Li at 1.0gev/c | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (J008) | N | E | ||
0101 | NP/A321(1979)250 | The 12C+12C+alpha three-body final state induced by the 12C+16O entrance channel | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
D0 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] | ||||||||||
0100 | JPJ44(1978)704 | Deuteron break-up reaction on 4He | 大塚(済) | 未定 | ○ | (E035) | N | E | 数値欠損に伴う再採録, c.f. A1134 | |
0099 | JPJ45(1978)1783 | Breakup reaction of 3He by 3He at 120 MeV | 可東 | 松本 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0098 | NP/A311(1978)173 | Projectile break-up and the continuum spectra of the (3He,d) reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0097 | PR/C17(1978)2219 | Superallowed fermi beta transition of 62Ga | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0096 | PL/B78(1978)397 | Polarization of 12B in deep-inelastic heavy-ion reaction 100Mo(14N,12B) | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0095 | NP/A318(1979)145 | Study of high-spin states in odd sn isotopes | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0094 | JPJ44(1978)16 | An analysis of cross section fluctuations in the reaction 55Mn(p,p)55Mn | 井坂(済) | 古立(済) | 芦澤(済) | (E065) | N | E | 要変換 | |
0093 | NP/A311(1978)161 | Elastic scattering of 90-120 MeV 3He particles and an unambiguous optical potential | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0092 | (Duplication of D375) | N | E | See D375 | ||||||
0091 | NP/A322(1979)117 | Isospin non-conservation in the 14N(d,d')14N reaction | 吉田 | 古立 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0090 | JPJ44(1978)1405 | The 9Be(d,t)8Be and 9Be(d,alpha)7Li reaction in the energy range from 12.17 MeV to 14.43 MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0089 | (Duplication of D29) | N | E | See D29 | ||||||
0088 | (Duplication of D1388) | N | E | See D1388 | ||||||
0087 | NP/A311(1978)38 | Study of the (3He,t) reaction on 48Ca at 82MeV | 山本(済) | 松本(済) | 芦澤(済) | (E065)->(E109r) | N | E | 要変換 | |
0086 | (Duplication of D398) | N | E | See D398 | ||||||
0085 | (Duplication of D1422) | N | E | See D1422 | ||||||
0084 | PRL43(1979)1087 | Anomalous analyzing powers for strong (ppol,t) ground-state transitions and interference between direct and (p,d) (d,t) sequential process | 大塚(済) | 未定 | 無 | (E051) | N | E | 九里博士論文 | |
0083 | (Duplication of D405) | N | E | |||||||
0082 | PR/C19(1979)2420 | J dependence of the analyzing power for (p,alpha) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0081 | PRL38(1977)1341 | Sub-coulomb resonances in the 12C-12C system through the reaction 12C(12C,16O)8Be | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0080 | PL/B90(1980)214 | Line broadening and coulomb displacement energies of the hole-state analogs in the a=111-123 odd-mass sn isotopes | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0079 | (Duplication of D1413) | N | E | See D1413 | ||||||
0078 | NP/A299(1978)77 | Measurement and semi-phenomenological analysis of the 2H(alpha,p alpha)n reaction at 18MeV | 栗原/牧永(済) | 合川(済) | 芦澤(済) | (E119) | N | E | 要変換,再読み取りデータを使用する事(芦澤) | |
0077 | NP/A325(1979)397 | Polarization and cross section measurements for p-4He elastic scattering at 45,52,60 and 65MeV | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | 無 | (E060) | N | E | ||
0076 | NP/A329(1979)84 | Systematic observation of fine structure of the hole-state analogues in ni isotopes | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0075 | JPJ44(1978)7 | A study of the anomaly at ec.m.=13.7 MeV in the 12C+16O system | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0074 | NP/A303(1978)254 | Production of 59Ni from alpha-bombardment of iron | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0073 | (Duplication of D785) | N | E | See D785 | ||||||
0072 | NP/A301(1978)15 | Spectroscopic study of 75Se by the (d,p) reaction | 何東(済) | 松本(済) | 芦澤(済) | (E065)->(E140r) | N | E | AUTHOR (001) modified (E140r). | |
0071 | PRL41(1978)16 | Analyzing power for the (p,alpha) reaction induced with polarized protons | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0070 | NP/A288(1977)504 | Proton inelastic scattering from 110Cd and 112Cd at isobaric analog resonances and analysis with the quasiparticle random-phase approximation | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | 要変換 | |||
0069 | JPJ40(1976)1541 | The 55Mn(p.t)53Mn reaction at 52 MeV | 吉田(済) | 古立(済) | 芦澤(済) | (E065) | N | E | 要変換 | |
0068 | JPJ34(1973)304 | The(d,t)reactions on n=50 nuclei | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0067 | (Duplication of D1405) | N | E | See D1405 | ||||||
0066 | NP/A218(1974)201 | Energy levels of 92Nb from 92Zr(p,ngamma)92Nb | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0065 | JPJ35(1973)341 | The level structure of 69Ge | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0064 | NP/A203(1973)388 | Proton-proton bremsstrahlung and the 2H(p,2P)n reaction at 51.8MeV | Tada (finished) | All (finished) | (E123) | N | E | |||
0063 | JPJ39(1975)1152 | Excited states of 25Mg from the 27Al(d,alpha) 25Mg reaction and 2I+1 rule | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0062 | (Duplication of D1542) | N | E | See D1542 | ||||||
0061 | JPJ43(1977)17 | Two-step process in the 12C(d,p) 13C reaction | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0060 | NP/A201(1973)608 | Spin-parity assignments for the excited states of 91Nb from the 91Zr(p,n gamma) 91Nb reaction | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0059 | PL/B72(1978)319 | Systematics of low-lying octupole states in the doubly-even nuclei from ge to sr | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0058 | JPJ35(1973)953 | The cross section and the recoil range study of the 209Bi(p,n) and (p,2N) reactions | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0057 | JPJ34(1973)853 | The 7Be, 22Na and 24Na production cross sections with 22- to 52-MeV proton on 27Al | 何東(済) | 松本(済) | ○ | (E065)->(E144) | N | E | ||
0056 | NP/A230(1974)98 | Reactions of 209Bi induced by intermediate energy protons and the effect of direct reactions | 大塚(済) | 鈴木(済) | ○ | (E035) | N | E | 数値欠損に伴う再採録, c.f. B0035 | |
0055 | JPJ35(1973)1277 | The radiative proton capture cross sections in 209Bi with ep from 10 to 50 MeV | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0054 | JPJ45(1978)1071 | The (p,n) reaction on 209Bi and pre - compound process | 栗原(済) | 牧永(済) | 芦澤(済) | (E065) | N | E | ||
0053 | N | E | 欠番 | |||||||
0052 | NP/A293(1977)137 | Structure of the transitional nucleus 149Eu | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0051 | (Duplication of D1507) | N | E | See D1507 | ||||||
0050 | NP/A288(1977)251 | Isobaric analog resonances in the 82Se+p system investigated by (p,p'gamma) angular correlations and low-lying states in 83Se | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0049 | JPJ42(1977)725 | Continuous energy spectra of alpha-particles from 11B(p,alpha)8Be reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0048 | PL/B44(1973)159 | Splittings of the octupole strength in te isotopes | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0047 | PL/B45(1973)463 | Strong l=5 transition in te(p,p') reactions | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0046 | JPJ36(1974)1486 | Excitation of two quasi-particle 5- and 7- states in the 124, 126,128,130 te(p,t) reactions | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0045 | (Duplication of D1415) | N | E | See D1415 | ||||||
0044 | (Duplication of D1537) | N | E | |||||||
0043 | IPC53(1977)81 | Alpha-transfor reactions between 1P or 2S-1D shell nuclei | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0042 | (Duplication of D1394) | N | E | See D1394 | ||||||
0041 | PRL36(1976)390 | Anomalous angular distribution in the transition to the 2S1/2 state in 17O | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0040 | NP/A273(1976)493 | A study of the n-p final state interaction in the 2H(alpha,p alpha)n reaction at 18MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0039 | JPJ42(1977)732 | 4He(d,p alpha)n reaction at ed=8.9 MeV | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0038 | JPJ42(1977)367 | 12C(p,t)10C and 12C(p,3He)10B reactions at ep=51.9 MeV | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0037 | JPJ42(1977)382 | (p,d) reactions at 52 MeV.iii.28Si(p,d) and 18O(p,d) | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0036 | XX | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | |||||
0035 | 78FUKUOKAX | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | |||||
0034 | PR/C13(1976)556 | Features of the (t,p) reaction below the coulomb barrier of the entrance channel | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0033 | NCL15(1976)439 | Sensitivity of the (t,p) angular distribution below the coulomb barrier of the entrance channel to the radial two-neutron form factor | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0032 | JPJ34(1973)1115 | 100Mo(t,p)102Mo reaction at 15.8 MeV | 吉田(済) | 古立(済) | 芦澤(済) | (E065) | N | E | 要変換 | |
0031 | (Duplication of D1536) | N | E | See D1536 | ||||||
0030 | NP/A307(1978)425 | Elastic and inelastic deuteron scattering from even-mass isotopes of molybdenum | 山本(済) | 松本(済) | 芦澤(済) | (E065)->(E071r)->(E109r)->(E120r) | N | E | 要変換/要修正(From NEA, 2011.7.18)(REFERENCE (year): 19761121 -> 197809)/See J,SCP,72,41,1978(18-11-14) | |
0029 | JPJ45(1978)733 | Elastic and inelastic scattering of deuterons by 9Be in the energy range of 12.17MeV to 14.43MeV | 井坂(済) | 古立(済) | 芦澤(済) | (E065)->(E122r) | N | E | 要変換 | |
0028 | PR/C14(1976)1458 | Systematics of optimum q values in multinucleon transfer reactions induced by heavy ions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0027 | (Duplication of D1404) | N | E | See D1404 | ||||||
0026 | (Duplication of D1419) | N | E | See D1419 | ||||||
0025 | (Duplication of D1428) | N | E | See D1428 | ||||||
0024 | PL/B61(1976)437 | Study of isospin forbidden and allowed transitions in 14N(d,d')14N at ed=10.03 and 11.65MeV | 山本(済) | 松本(済) | 芦澤(済) | (E065) | N | E | 要変換 | |
0023 | PRL40(1978)1489 | Enhancement of the excitation function for the 0+, 6.049-MeV state of 16O in the reaction 12C(16O, 12C)16O | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0022 | (Duplication of D1388) | N | E | |||||||
0021 | PRL40(1978)161 | Difference in analyzing powers for (p,t) reactions due to a phase change of interference between direct and indirect processes in two-nucleon transfer reactions | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0020 | JPJ/S44(1978)249 | Sequential decay in the 12C+16O->12C+12C+alpha reaction | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0019 | JPJ/S44(1978)825 | Spin polarization of 12B in the heavy-ion reaction 100Mo(14N,12B)102Ru - spin polarization of light product and reaction mechanism of heavy ion collisions - | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0018 | PRL39(1977)323 | Spin polarization of 12B in the heavy-ion reaction 100Mo(14N, 12B)102Ru | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0017 | (Duplication of D1517) | N | E | See D1517 | ||||||
0016 | JPJ/S44(1978)557 | Asymmetry in the elastic and inelastic scattering of 65 MeV protons from 28Si, 29Si, 30Si, 31P, 89Y and 90Zr | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0015 | JPJ/S44(1978)289 | Measurements of the polarization in proton-proton scattering at 52.34 and 68.19MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0014 | PL/B78(1978)221 | Gross structure of deeply bound hole states in odd tin isotopes observed with the (3He, alpha) reaction | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0013 | PRL41(1978)621 | Observation of isospin dependence on analyzing powers in proton inelastic scattering | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0012 | XX | Differential cross sections for 12C(d,p)13C reaction at extreme forward angles | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0011 | XX | 58Ni(p,d)57Ni reaction with 30MeV polarized protons | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0010 | XX | Analyzing power for 30Si(p,d)29Si reaction at 30MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0009 | PL/B78(1978)192 | Difference between populations of the k-isomer in 182Os by (p, xngamma) reactions and (he, xngamma) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0008 | NP/A305(1978)167 | Gamma rays and neutrons following preequilibrium 165Ho(p,x*n,y*p,gamma) reactions at ep=60MeV | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0007 | PRL40(1978)1628 | Isoscalar multipole resonances in 40Ca | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0006 | JPJ46(1979)6 | Gamma deexcitation mechanism of rare-earth compound nuclei produced by (3He,xn) and (alpha,xn) reactions | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0005 | JPJ/S44(1978)655 | Preequilibrium and equilibrium deexcitation processes for dy(alpha, xngamma)er reactions at ealpha=90MeV and 165Ho(p, xnypgamma) reactions at ep=60MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0004 | SCP68(1974)38 | Elastic and inelastic scatterings of 14N and 12C projectiles by 12C, 27Al, 28Si and 58Ni | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0003 | JPJ27(1969)278 | Optical-model analysis of elastic scattering of 3He particles from 58Ni at 24.15, 27.64 and 34.14MeV | 未定 | 未定 | N | E | ||||
0002 | PL/B73(1978)145 | The 51V(p,d)50V reaction and symmetry energy | 能登(済) | 大塚(済) | ○ | (E060) | N | E | ||
0001 | PL/B74(1978)326 | Evidence for the fragmentation of hole-state analogues in 59Ni and 58Co | 未定 | 未定 | N | E |