
Jump: [TOP] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100] [D0]

■表の記号の意味 (Meaning of the table)
 1)採録・チェック・査読 (Compiler. Checker. Review)
 2)グラフ (Graph)
 3)変換 (Convert)
■表の色の意味(Meaning of the color)
Progress Urgent Delayed Prelim Converted Retroactive Duplication
D/EReference Title CompilerCheckerRead Data Convert Out Comments
D2800 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
2803 EPJ/CS239(2020)20006 Isotope-production cross sections of residual nuclei in proton- and deuteron-induced reactions on 93Zr at 50 MeV/u Obata All 52 N E [RIKEN]
2802 PR/C110(2024)064601 Investigation of entrance-channel barrier distribution and charged-particle emission in the 51V+159Tb reaction All 1 N E [RIKEN]
2801 PL/B858(2024)139081 Production of neutron-rich nuclei in the vicinity of 78Ni: Fragmentation reactions of unstable 81Ga and 82Ge beams All 3 N E [RIKEN]
D2700 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
2800 PR/C110(2024)044611 Inclusive 7Be production cross section in the 8B+208Pb system at the Coulomb barrier All 3 N E [RIKEN]
2799 PR/C110(2024)044314 Optical model potentials for deuteron scattering off 24Mg, 28Si, 58Ni, 90Zr, 116Sn, and 208Pb at ≈100 MeV/nucleon Suzuki All 3 N E
2798 NIM/B559(2025)165579 Activation cross sections of 7Li-induced reactions on natTi: Implications for monitor reactions Aikawa (finished) All (finished) No (E151) N E [RIKEN]
2797 PTEP2024(2024)093D03 Production Cross-Sections of Residual Nuclides from 93Zr + p at 27 MeV/nucleon Obata All 4 N E [RIKEN]
2796 PRL133(2024)012501 Precise Spectroscopy of the 3n and 3p Systems via the 3H(t,3He)3n and 3He(3He,t)3p Reactions at Intermediate Energies Suzuki (finished) All (finished) 6 N E
2795 PR/C110(2024)014619 Photoneutron cross section measurements on 208Pb in the giant dipole resonance region Obata (finished) All (finished) 6 N E [K entry]
2794 PR/C110(2024)014607 Investigation of total reaction cross sections for proton-dripline nuclei 17F and 17Ne on a proton target Suzuki (finished) All (finished) No (E151) N E
2793 RPC226(2025)112272 Activation cross-sections of proton-induced nuclear reactions on natural zinc in the energy range of 4–30 MeV Otsuka (finished) All (finished) No (E151) N E [RIKEN]
2792 ARI213(2024)111486 Activation cross sections of alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural rhenium up to 50 MeV Obata (finished) All (finished) No (E151) N E [RIKEN]
2791 PL/B827(2022)136953 A first glimpse at the shell structure beyond 54Ca: Spectroscopy of 55K, 55Ca, and 57Ca Suzuki (finished) All (finished) No (E151) N E [RIKEN]
2790 JRN333(2024)1479 Production and chemical separation of 229Pa toward observation of γ rays of 229mTh Obata (finished) All (finished) No (E151) N E [RIKEN]
2789 EPJ/A60(2024)195 Isomer production studied with simultaneous decay curve analysis for alpha-particle induced reactions on natural platinum up to 29 MeV Nikaido (finished) All (finished) No (E151) N E [RIKEN]
2788 PL/B855(2024)138828 Spectroscopy of deeply bound orbitals in neutron-rich Ca isotopes Suzuki (finished) All (finished) Obtained (E151) N E [RIKEN] Numerical data received on Dec. 25, 2024.
2787 PR/C109(2024)054302 10C + α elastic scattering: A study of the proton-rich 14O nucleus and α clustering Nikaido/Aikawa (finished) All (finished) Digitized (E151) N E [RIKEN] See erratum (PR/C110(2024)029903(E)).
2786 PR/C109(2024)044602 Giant dipole resonance photofission and photoneutron reactions in 238U and 232Th Obata (finished) All (finished) To be requested 9 N E [K entry]
2785 NIM/B554(2024)165441 Activation cross sections of 7Li-induced reactions on natCu for monitor reactions Aikawa (finished) All (finished) No (E150) N E [RIKEN]
2784 NIM/B549(2024)165299 Measurement of nuclide production cross sections for GeV-region proton-induced reactions on natMg, natSi, natFe, natCu, and natZn Suzuki (finished) All (finished) No (E151) N E
2783 PR/C109(2024)044313 Production of new neutron-rich isotopes near the N = 60 isotones 92Ge and 93As by in-flight fission of a 345 MeV/nucleon 238U beam Obata (finished) All (finished) Obtained (E151) N E [RIKEN] Numerical data received on June 19, 2024.
2782 NIM/B552(2024)165348 Excitation functions of the α-particle-induced reactions on natCr up to 50 MeV Suzuki/Obata (finished) All (finished) No (E148) N E [RIKEN]
2781 NIM/B550(2024)165315 Activation cross sections of α-particle-induced reactions on scandium in the energy range of 22–51 MeV Obata/Suzuki (finished) All (finished) No (E145) N E [RIKEN]
2780 PR/C109(2024)014617 Photoneutron emission cross sections for 13C Watanabe (finished) All (finished) Obtained 12 N E [K entry] Numerical data received on July 2, 2024.
2779 PRL131(2023)212501 Validation of the 10Be Ground-State Molecular Structure Using 10Be(p,pα)6He Triple Differential Reaction Cross-Section Measurements Suzuki/Obata (finished) All (finished) Obtained (E148) N E [RIKEN] Numerical data recieved on June 4, 2024.
2778 PRL131(2023)242501 Observation of the Exotic 0+2 Cluster State in 8He Suzuki/Obata (finished) All (finished) Obtained (E146) N E [RIKEN] Numerical data received on June 26, 2024, and to be replaced.
2777 JNST61(2024)261 Experimental study of photoneutron spectra from tantalum, tungsten, and bismuth targets for 16.6 MeV polarized photons Obata (finished) All (finished) To be requested 11 N E [K entry]
2776 JNST61(2024)230 Double-differential cross sections for charged particle emissions from α particle impinging on Al at 230 MeV/u Watanabe (finished) All (finished) Obtained (E146) N E Numerical data received on June 17, 2024.
2775 PL/B848(2024)138384 Search for the 6α condensed state in 24Mg using the 12C+12C scattering Watanabe (finished) All (finished) Obtained (E146) N E Numerical data recieved May 30, 2024. Additional data in the second reference (doctoral dissertation) should be compiled.
2774 PTEP2023(2023)121D01 Studying the impact of deuteron non-elastic breakup on 93Zr + d reaction cross sections measured at 28 MeV/nucleon Watanabe (finished) All (finished) Obtained (E142) N E [RIKEN] Data received on 2024/3/14.
2773 JAEA-C-2023-001(2024)80 Measurement of heavy nuclide production cross-section for natPb irradiated with several GeV protons Watanabe (finished) All (finished) Obtained (E142) N E Data received on 2024/2/25.
2772 ARI206(2024)111221 Alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural silver in the 10–50 MeV energy range: Production of 111In, 110mIn and 109Cd Watanabe (finished) All (finished) No (E142) N E [RIKEN]
2771 JPS/CP33(2021)011047 Measurement of Nuclide Production Cross-Sections of natFe for 0.4–3.0 GeV Protons in J-PARC Aikawa (finished) All Obtained (E141) N E
2770 EPJ/CS239(2020)06004 Measurement of nuclide production cross section for lead and bismuth with proton in energy range from 0.4 GeV to 3.0 GeV Aikawa (finished) All Obtained (E141) N E
2769 NIM/B545(2023)165153 Measurement of nuclide production cross sections for proton-induced reactions on natTi and 93Nb at 0.8 and 3.0 GeV Aikawa (finished) All Obtained (E141) N E
2768 JAEA-Research 2021-014 Measurement of Nuclide Production Cross-sections in High-energy Proton-induced Spallation Reactions at J-PARC Watanabe (finished) All (finished) No (E141) N E
2767 Varrenna(2003) Multifragmentation Induced by Light Heavy-Ions with GeV Energy Watanabe (finished) All (finished) To be digitized 229 N E See Memo CP-D/1095.
2766 EPJ/A49(2013)98 Fragmentation cross-section of 600 A MeV Si14+ ions in thick polyethylene target Watanabe (finished) All (finished) No (E142) N E See Memo CP-D/1095.
2765 NP/A334(1980)127 Preequilibrium α-particle emission in heavy-ion reactions Watanabe (finished) All (finished) Digitized (E142) N E See Memo CP-D/1095. Related data in D/E1389.
2764 PR/C83(2011)034909 Fragmentation of 14N, 16O, 20Ne, and 24Mg nuclei at 290 to 1000 MeV/nucleon Watanabe (finished) All (finished) No (E142) N E See Memo CP-D/1095.
2763 PR/C64(2001)024902 Fragmentation cross sections of 600 MeV/nucleon 20Ne on elemental targets Watanabe (finished) All (finished) No (E142) N E See Memo CP-D/1095.
2762 RM34(2001)297 Total charge-changing and partial cross-section measurements in the reaction of 110 MeV/u 12C with paraffin Watanabe (finished) All (finished) No (E142) N E See Memo CP-D/1095.
2761 NP/A853(2011)124 Measurement of the fragmentation of Carbon nuclei used in hadron-therapy Watanabe (finished) All (finished) No (E142) N E See Memo CP-D/1095.
2760 RCA111(2023)589 Incomplete fusion reaction producing Pa nuclides in the 232Th + 7Li reaction Watanabe (finished) All (finished) No (E141) N E [RIKEN]
2759 PR/C108(2023)025804 New experimental constraint on the 185W(n,γ)186W cross section Suzuki (finished) All (finished) Digitized/To be requested 17 N E [K entry]
2758 NIM/B544(2023)165107 Neutron-production double-differential cross sections of natPb and 209Bi in proton-induced reactions near 100 MeV Watanabe (finished) All (finished) Obtained (E141) N E
2757 PTEP2023(2023)093D01 Experimental study of (p, 2p) reactions at 197 MeV on 12C, 16O, 40,48Ca, and 90Zr nuclei leading to low-lying states of residual nuclei Aikawa (finished) All Obtained (E140)->(E141r) N E Numerical data updated (E141r).
2756 NIM/B543(2023)165093 Activation cross sections of deuteron-induced reactions on natural rhenium up to 23-MeV Watanabe (finished) All (finished) No (E139) N E [RIKEN]
2755 PR/C107(2023)064317 Photodisintegration cross section of 4He in the giant dipole resonance energy region Watanabe (finished) All (finished) No 19 N E [K entry]
2754 APJ839(2020)126 Astrophysical S(E) for the 9Be(p, d)8Be and 9Be(p, α)6Li Reactions by Direct Measurement Watanabe (finished) All (finished) Digitized (MA, 2023/10/4) (E139) N E
2753 PL/B843(2023)138025 Level structures of 56,58Ca cast doubt on a doubly magic 60Ca Watanabe (finished) All (finished) No (E139) N E [RIKEN]
2752 PL/B843(2023)138038 Intruder configurations in 29Ne at the transition into the island of inversion: Detailed structure study of 28Ne Watanabe (finished) All (finished) No (E139) N E [RIKEN] The uncertainty information was given by the author (2023/7/21).
2751 JRN318(2018)569 Measurement of the excitation function of 96Zr(α,n)99Mo for an alternative production source of medical radioisotopes Watanabe (finished) All (checked) Obtained (E138) N E
2750 PRL130(2023)172501 Multiple Mechanisms in Proton-Induced Nucleon Removal at ~100 MeV/Nucleon Watanabe (finished) All (finished) Digitized (E138) N E [RIKEN]
2749 EPJ/CS284(2023)01033 Nuclide production cross sections in proton-induced reactions on Bi at GeV energies Otsuka (finished) Watanabe (finished) Obtained (E138) N E
2748 NIM/B540(2023)210 Activation cross sections of proton-induced reactions on manganese up to 30 MeV Aikawa (finished) All No (E138) N E [RIKEN]
2747 JKPS73(2018)265 Study of 19F Levels with Ex = 6.7 - 7.7 MeV by the 15N+α Scattering Experiment Watanabe (finished) All (finished) Digitized (E138) N E [RIKEN]
2746 JNST60(2023)435 Measurement of 107-MeV proton-induced double-differential thick target neutron yields for Fe, Pb, and Bi using a fixed-field alternating gradient accelerator at Kyoto University Watanabe (finished) All (finished) Obtained (E139) N E
2745 PL/B836(2023)137629 Unbound states in 17C and p-sd shell-model interactions Watanabe (finished) All (finished) Digitized/Requesting (MA, 2023/10/4) (E139) N E [RIKEN]
2744 PR/C106(2022)054002 Spin correlation coefficient for proton-3He elastic scattering at 100 MeV Watanabe (finished) Aikawa (finished) Obtained (E138) N E
2743 PRL129(2022)212502 Discovery of 39Na Watanabe (finiched) Aikawa (finished) Obtained (E138) N E [RIKEN]
2742 NIM/B536(2023)11 Measurement and calculation of isomeric cross section ratios for the natW(3He, x)184m,gRe reactions Watanabe (finished) Aikawa (finished) No (E138) N E
2741 NIM/B539(2023)95 Activation cross sections of alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural tungsten for osmium and rhenium radionuclides Aikawa (finished) All No (E137) N E [RIKEN]
2740 NAT/C13(2022)7193 Breakup of the proton halo nucleus 8B near barrier energies Aikawa (finished) All Obtained (E137) N E [RIKEN]
2739 NIM/B536(2023)30 Production cross sections of terbium and gadolinium radioisotopes from the deuteron-induced reactions on natural gadolinium up to 24 MeV Watanabe All No (E136) N E [RIKEN]
2738 ARI192(2023)110621 Activation cross sections of proton-induced reactions on natural platinum up to 30 MeV Aikawa (finished) All (finished) No (E136) N E [RIKEN]
2737 CJP77(2022)1145 Measurement of cross sections for charge pickup by 40Ar on elemental targets at 500 MeV/n Watanabe All (E136) N E
2736 NP/A1025(2022)122493 The total and the partial charge-changing cross sections of 40Ar fragmentation on elemental targets at 500 A MeV Watanabe (finished) All (E136) N E
2735 NIM/B530(2022)23 Activation cross sections of deuteron-induced reactions on natural chromium up to 24 MeV Watanabe (finished) All (finished) No (E136) N E [RIKEN]
2734 NIM/B530(2022)18 Activation cross sections of alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural lanthanum up to 50 MeV Watanabe (finished) All (finished) No (E136) N E [RIKEN]
2733 PR/C106(2022)014617 Charge-changing cross sections for 42-51Ca and effect of charged-particle evaporation induced by neutron-removal reactions Shin (finished) All (finished) No (E136) N E [RIKEN]
2732 PR/C105(2022)034301 Border of the island of inversion: Unbound states in 29Ne Aikawa (finished) All (finished) Digitized (E150) N E [RIKEN]
2731 NIM/B527(2022)17 Measurement of nuclide production cross sections for proton-induced reactions on Ni and Zr at 0.4, 1.3, 2.2, and 3.0 GeV Otsuka (finished) All Obtained (E136)->(E140r)->(E141r) N E Numerical data (002) updated (E140r). Secondary reference added (E141r).
2730 PR/C104(2021)064610 Production of the most neutron-deficient Zn isotopes by projectile fragmentation of 78Kr Shin (finished) All (finished) No (E136) N E [RIKEN]
2729 ARI187(2022)110345 Production cross sections of samarium-153 and -145 via alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural neodymium Aikawa (finished) All (finished) No (E136) N E [RIKEN]
2728 ARI184(2022)110204 Production cross sections of 52Mn in alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural vanadium Aikawa (finished) All (finished) No (E136) N E [RIKEN]
2727 JRN305(2015)903 A windowless gas target for low-energy 4He (12C, 16O) gamma experiment: improvement to reduce 16O backgrounds Shin (finished) All (finished) (E136) N E
2726 JRN323(2020)921 Measurements of the excitation functions of radon and astatine isotopes from 7Li-induced reactions with 209Bi for development of a 211Rn–211At generator Aikawa (finished) All Obtained (E135) N E
2725 PR/C105(2022)L021602 Angular momentum transfer in multinucleon transfer channels of 18O + 237Np Shin (finished) All (finished) 35 N E To be merge of 2680?
2724 PRL127(2022)172701 Advancement of Photospheric Radius Expansion and Clocked Type-I X-Ray Burst Models with the New 22Mg(alpha,p)25Al Reaction Rate Determined at the Gamow Energy Shin (finished) All (finished) (E135) N E
2723 NIM/B512(2022)102 Measurement of neutron energy spectra of 345 MeV/u 238U incidence on a copper target Shin (finished) All (finished) (E135) N E
2722 NIM/B515(2022)1 Production cross sections of 47Sc via alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural calcium up to 29 MeV Aikawa (finished) All (E135) N E
2721 KPS59(2011)1916 Measurement of high energy neutron induced cross sections for chromium Shin (finished) All (finished) (E135) N E
2720 APP/B48(2017)473 Nuclear structure of 15,16C via reaction cross-section measurements Shin (finished) All (finished) Digitized (E138) N E
2719 NIM/B511(2022)30 Measurement of nuclide production cross sections for proton-induced reactions on Mn and Co at 1.3, 2.2, and 3.0 GeV Otsuka Otsuka (E135) N E
2718 NSTP4(2014)574 Shin All N E
2717 PTEP2021(2021)093D01 Search for alpha condensed states in 13C using alpha inelastic scattering Shin (finished) All (finished) (E134) N E
2716 NP/A1016(2021)122317 Measurement of cross sections for charge pickup by 12C on elemental targets at 400 MeV/n Shin (finihsed) All (finished) (E134) N E
2715 NIM/B508(2021)29 Activation cross sections of proton-induced reactions on praseodymium up to 30 MeV Aikawa (finished) All (finished) (E135) N E [RIKEN]
2714 RCA109(2021)453 Preparation of a carrier free 124Sb tracer produced in the Sn (p, n) reaction Shin (finished) All (finished) (E134) N E
2713 PRL126(2021)252501 Pairing Forces Govern Population of Doubly Magic 54Ca from Direct Reactions Shin (finished) All (finished) (E135) N E [RIKEN]
2712 NIM/B317(2013)756 Production cross section measurements of radioactive isotopes by BigRIPS separator at RIKEN RI Beam Factory Shin (finished) All (finished) No (E135)->(E139r) N E [RIKEN] Merged with E2554 for Xe data. Ca data is indepnedent of E2645. Data (uncertainty of Mg isotopes) received from T.Kubo.
2711 PR/C84(2011)051305 High-resolution (3He,t) reaction on the double-beta decaying nucleus 136Xe Shin (finished) All (finished) 158 N E
2710 NP/A834(2010)470c Distinction between proton-neutron density distribution of halo nuclei at the nuclear surface via reaction cross sections Shin (finished) All (E134) N E
2709 PR/C104(2021)014607 Investigation of the isoscalar response of 24Mg to 6Li scattering Shin (finished) All (finished) (E134) N E
2708 PL/B819(2021)136411 Candidates for the 5alpha condensed state in 20N Shin (finished) All (finished) (E134) N E
2707 APP/B48(2017)461 Reaction cross section for 13-15B and one-neutron halo in 14B* Shin (finished) All (finished) (E134) N E
2706 NST58(2021)252 Measurement of double-differential thick-target neutron yields of the C(d,n) reaction at 12, 20, and 30 MeV Shin (finished) All (finished) (E135) N E
2705 PR/C103(2021)064318 Spectroscopy of 33Mg with knockout reactions Shin (finished) All (finished) (E135) N E [RIKEN]
2704 PR/C103(2021)064308 First spectroscopic study of 63V at the N=40 island of inversion Zhao (finished) All (E135) N E [RIKEN]
2703 ARI176(2021)109826 Activation cross section measurement of alpha-particle induced reactions on natural neodymium Aikawa (finished) All (E135) N E [RIKEN]
2702 RM126(2019)106125 Fragmentation of 400 A MeV carbon ions on Cu target Zhao (finished) All (finished) (E134) N E
2701 PL/B810(2020)135804 Evolution of the dipole polarizability in the stable tin isotope chain Shin (finished) All (finished) 51 N E To be merged of E2677
D2600 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
2700 NIM/B499(2021)1 The formation of isomeric pair in the natTi(3He,x)44m,gSc reactions: Effect of spin cut-off parameter on the isomeric ratio Zhao (finished) All (finished) 42 N E To be merged with D/E2627 and to be removed.
2699 PL/B814(2021)136072 Three-body breakup of 6He and its halo structure Shin (finished) All (finished) Digitized (E150) N E [RIKEN]
2698 PL/B814(2021)136108 First spectroscopic study of 51Ar by the (p,2p) reaction Zhao (finished) All (finished) (E135) N E [RIKEN]
2697 NIM/B499(2021)46 Production cross sections of dysprosium, terbium and gadolinium radioisotopes from the alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural gadolinium up to 50 MeV Aikawa (finished) All (finished) (E135) N E [RIKEN]
2696 PR/C103(2021)044001 Proton-3He elastic scattering at intermediate energies Shin (finished) All (finished) (E134) N E
2695 NIM/B487(2021)38 Double differential cross sections of neutron production by 135 and 180 MeV protons on A-150 tissue-equivalent plastic Zhao (finished) All (finished) (E135) N E
2694 NIM/A989(2021)164965 Energy and angular distribution of photo-neutrons for 16.6 MeV polarized photon on medium–heavy targets Shin (finished) All (finished) (K021) N E [K entry]
2693 NIM/B498(2021)23 Activation cross sections of deuteron-induced reactions on praseodymium up to 24 MeV Aikawa (finished) All (finished) (E135) N E [RIKEN]
2692 PL/B816(2021)136210 The structure of low-lying 1-states in 90,94Z from (alpha,alpha'gamma) and (p,p'gamma) reactions Zhao (finished) All (finished) 45 N E
2691 PR/C103(2021)035809 Neutron transfer studies on 25Mg and its correlation to neutron radiative capture processes Shin (finished) All (finished) (E134) N E
2690 PR/C103(2021)031302 Observation of the near-threshold intruder 0− resonance in 12B Zhao (finished) All (finished) (E134) N E
2689 PR/L126(2021)082501 Quasifree Neutron Knockout Reaction Reveals a Small s-Orbital Component in the Borromean Nucleus 17B Shin (finished) All (finished) (E135) N E [RIKEN]
2688 PR/C103(2021)024309 Low-lying electric and magnetic dipole strengths in 207Pb Zhao (finished) All (finished) (K021) N E [K entry]
2687 PL/B813(2021)136045 Insight into the reaction dynamics of proton drip-line nuclear system 17F+58Ni at near-barrier energies Zhao (finished) All (finished) (E135) N E [RIKEN]
2686 PR/C103(2021)015801 Experimental study of the Γp1/Γp0 ratios of resonance states in 8Be for deducing the 7Be(n,p1)7Li∗ reaction rate relevant to the cosmological lithium problem Shin (finished) All (finished) 48 N E
2685 PR/C102(2021)064615 Experimental studies of the two-step scheme with an intense radioactive 132Sn beam for next-generation production of very neutron-rich nuclei Zhao (finished) All (finished) (E135) N E [RIKEN]
2684 EPJ/CS239(2020)20012 Study of the Li(d, xn) reaction for the development of accelerator-based neu-tron sources Otsuka All (E131)->(E133r) N E
2683 NDS163(2020)109 IAEA Photonuclear Data Library 2019 Shin (finished) All (finished) Obtained (K021)->(K022r) N E [K entry] The (g,nx) data received on 2023/10/26. References (1st: NDS, 2nd: PR/C) were updated.
2682 ARI168(2021)109448 Production cross sections of 45Ti in the deuteron-induced reaction on 45Sc up to 24 MeV Aikawa (finished) All (finished) (E135) N E [RIKEN]
2681 NIM/A983(2020)164582 Thick target neutron yields from LiF, C, Si, Ni, Mo, and Ta bombarded by 6.7 MeV/u deuterons Shin (finished) All (finished) (E132)->(E140r) N E METHOD, ANALYSIS (001) deleted/added (E140r).
2680 PR/C102(2020)054610 Measurement of fission-fragment mass distributions in the multinucleon transfer channels of the 18O + 237Np reaction Zhao (finished) All (finished) (E131) N E
2679 NIM/B483(2020)33 Measurement of thick target neutron yield at 180° for a mercury target induced by 3-GeV protons Shin (finished) All (finisshed) (E132) N E
2678 UTTAC50(1985)38 Measurement of analyzing powers and cross sections for the reaction 3He(d,p)4He in the forward angular region Otsuka (finisehd) (E131) N E
2677 PR/C102(2020)034327 Electric and magnetic dipole strength in 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 124Sn Zhao (finished) All (finisehd) 52 N E
2676 PR/C102(2020)024625 Production of 266Bh in the 248Cm(23Na,5n)266Bh reaction and its decay properties Shin (finished) All (finished) (E132) N E [RIKEN]
2675 PTEP2020(2020)093D02 Experimental study of (p, 2p) reactions at 392 MeV on 12C, 16O, 40Ca and 208Pb nuclei leading to low-lying states of residual nuclei Shin (finished) All (finished) (E132)->(E140r) N E ANG-SEC, Heading (002-057) added/modified (E140r).
2674 RPC224(2024)111999 Excitation functions of helion-induced nuclear reactions on natural copper up to 55 MeV Otsuka (finished) All (E131) N E Main reference (RPC224(2024)111999) published and to be replaced.
2673 PR/C101(2020)064609 Reexamination of isoscalar giant resonances in 12C and 93Nb through 6Li scattering Zhao (finished) All (finished) (E131) N E
2672 PRL124(2020)222504 Two-neutron halo is unveiled in 29F Shin (finished) All (finished) (E132) N E [RIKEN]
2671 PRL124(2020)212502 How different is the core of 25F from 24Og.s.? Zhao (finished) All (finished) (E131) N E [RIKEN]
2670 PRL124(2020)212503 Halo structure of the neutron-dripline nucleus 19B Shin (finished) All (finished) (E132) N E [RIKEN]
2669 NP/A994(2020)121663 Energy dependence of total reaction cross sections for 17Ne on a proton target Shin (finished) All (finished) (E132) N E
2668 ARI152(2019)11 Experimental study of fast-neutron production and moderation foraccelerator-based BNCT system Shin (finished) All (finished) (E132) N E
2667 NSTP6(2019)171 Measurement of activation cross sections of aluminum for protons with energies between 0.4 GeV and 3.0 GeV at J-PARC Zhao (finished) All (finished) (E131)->(E140r) N E Numerical data (003) updated (E140r).
2666 EPJ/A55(2019)87 MITA: A Multilayer Ionization-chamber Telescope Array for low-energy reactions with exotic nuclei Shin All 66 N E
2665 NST55(2018)955 Proton-induced activation cross section measurement for aluminum with proton energy range from 0.4 to 3 Zhao (finished) All (finished) (E131) N E
2664 ARI137(2018)250 Excitation functions of proton- and deuteron-induced nuclear reactions on natural iridium for the production of 191Pt Shin (finished) All (finished) (E132) N E
2663 NP/A970(2018)366 Measurement of the antiproton–nucleus annihilation cross-section at low energy Zhao (finished) All (finished) (J011) N E [J entry]
2662 JRN314(2017)1947 Production of iodine radionuclides using 7Li ion beams Shin (finished) All (finished) (E136) N E
2661 PRL119(2017)222501 Role of Multichance Fission in the Description of Fission-Fragment Mass Distributions at High Energies Zhao (finished) All (finished) (E131) N E
2660 JNM307-311(2002)1715 Experimental studies on the neutron emission spectrum and induced radioactivity of the 7Li(d,n) reaction in the 20–40 MeV region Tada (finished) All N E To be deleted
2659 PRL125(2020)012501 Sequential Nature of (p,3p) Two-Proton Knockout from Neutron-Rich Nuclei Zhao (finished) All (finished) (E135) N E The previously assigned paper was merged in D/E2616. The entry number is available.
2658 EPJ/A56(2020)51 Gamow–Teller strength distributions of 116Sb and 122Sb using the (3He, t) charge-exchange reaction Shin (finished) All (finished) Obtained (E128) N E
2657 NIM/B470(2020)15 Measurement of thick target neutron yields from 7 MeV/u alpha incidence on 209Bi Zhao (finished) All (finished) Obtained (E128) N E [RIKEN]
2656 PRL124(2020)102501 Swelling of Doubly Magic 48Ca Core in Ca Isotopes beyond N = 28 Zhao (finished) All (finished) (E130) N E [RIKEN]
2655 PR/C101(2020)034314 Shell structure of the neutron-rich isotopes 69,71,73Co Shin (finished) All (finished) No (E127) N E [RIKEN]
2654 NIM/B471(2020)13 Production cross sections of 169Yb by the proton-induced reaction on 169Tm Shin (finished) All (finished) No (E127) N E [RIKEN]
2653 NIM/B472(2020)59 Activation cross section measurement of the deuteron-induced reaction on yttrium-89 for zirconium-89 production Shin (finished) All (finished) No (E127) N E [RIKEN]
2652 NIM/B470(2020)1 Excitation functions of deuteron-induced nuclear reactions on erbium in the energy range of 4–24 MeV Otsuka (finished) All (E126) N E [RIKEN]
2651 NIM/A953(2020)163158 Low-energy-threshold detector for measuring proton spectra at several tens of MeV using Bragg curve spectroscopy Otsuka (finished) All (E126) N E
2650 NIM/B469(2020)42 Production cross sections of thulium radioisotopes for alpha-particle induced reactions on holmium Otsuka (finished) All (E126) N E
2649 2004SANTA(2004)884 Experimental studies on particle and radionuclide production cross sections for tens of MeV neutrons and protons Tada (finished) All N E
2648 ARI159(2020)109095 Production cross sections of 68Ga and radioactive by-products in deuteron-induced reactions on natural zinc Aikawa (finished) All (finished) No (E127) N E [RIKEN]
2647 JPJ14(1959)117 Yield and angular distributions of protons from 19F(d,p)20F and 19F(d,p)20F* Shin All To be digitized 791 N E
2646 PRL124(2020)022501 Fragmentation of single-particle strength around the doubly magic nucleus 132Sn and the position of the 0f 5/2 proton-hole state in 131In Shin (finished) All (finished) No (E128) N E [RIKEN]
2645 PRL123(2019)212501 Location of the neutron dripline at Fluorine and Neon Shin (finished) All (finished) Obtained (E126)->(E139r) N E [RIKEN]Data recieved from T.Kubo on 2020.04.23. Entry revised (DATA-ERR -> ERR-S) according to the author.
2644 PRL123(2019)142501 Quasifree neutron knockout from 54Ca corroborates arising N=34 neutron magic number Zhao (finished) All (finished) Obtained (E130) N E [RIKEN]
2643 PRL121(2018)242501 Dominance of tensor correlations in high-momentum nucleon pairs studied by (p,pd) reaction Zhao (finished) All (finished) No 74 N E
2642 PR/C100(2019)054322 Neutron quadrupole transition strength in 10C deduced from the 10C(alpha,alpha) measurement with the MAIKo active target Zhao (finished) All (finished) (E128) N E
2641 PR/C100(2019)044605 Isotope production in proton-, deuteron-, and carbon-induced reactions on 93Nb at 113 MeV/nucleon Aikawa (finished) All (finished) Obtained (E126) N E [RIKEN] Data recieved from Mr.Nakano on 2020.3.10.
2640 PR/C100(2019)034605 Gamma-ray strength function for barium isotopes Zhao (finished) All (finished) (K021) N E [K entry]
2639 PR/C100(2019)024615 Measurement of gamma rays from giant resonances excited by the 12C(p,p) reaction at 392 MeV and 0 degrees Shin (finished) All (finished) (E132) N E
2638 PR/C100(2019)024602 Elastic scattering for the 8B and 7Be + 208Pb systems at near-Coulomb barrier energies Zhao (finished) All (finished) (E131) N E
2637 PR/C98(2018)015804 The (6Li,6Li*[3.56MeV]) reaction at 100 MeV/u as a probe of Gamow-Teller transition strengths in the inelastic scattering channel Shin (finished) All (finished) (E132) N E
2636 PR/C97(2018)024607 Nuclear resonant scattering experiment with fast time response: Photonuclear excitation of 201Hg Shin All 83 N E [K entry]
2635 PR/C97(2018)014601 Systematic analysis of inelastic alpha scattering off self-conjugate A=4n nuclei Shin (finished) All (finished) (E129) N E
2634 PL/B800(2020)135071 Shell evolution of N = 40 isotones towards 60Ca: First spectroscopy of 62Ti Shin (finished) All (finished) No (E127) N E [RIKEN]
2633 PL/B797(2019)134843 Structure of 13Be probed via quasi-free scattering Shin (finished) All (finished) (E129) N E [RIKEN]
2632 NIM/B449(2019)62 Thick target neutron yields from 100- and 230-MeV/nucleon helium ions bombarding water, PMMA, and iron Zhao (finished) All (finished) N E
2631 JRPR41(2016)344 Measurement of neutron production double-differential cross-sections on carbon bombarded with 430 MeV/nucleon carbon ions Zhao (finished) All (finished) (E130) N E
2630 NIM157(1978)567 Activation yield curves of photonuclear reactions for multielement photon activation analysis Zhao (finished) All (finished) (K021) N E [K entry]
2629 NIM/B461(2019)15 Activation cross sections of dysprosium-157,159 and terbium-160 radioisotopes from the deuteron-induced reactions on terbium-159 up to 24 MeV Ichinkhorloo (finished) All (finished) (E124) N E
2628 NIM/B445(2019)26 Influence of light output calibration on neutron energy spectrum unfolding up to 300 MeV using liquid organic scintillator Zhao (finished) All (finished) Obtained (E128) N E
2627 NIM/B445(2019)69 Excitation functions of helion-induced nuclear reactions on natural titanium up to 55 MeV Zhao (finished) All (finished) (E130)->(E150r) N E Secondary reference (NIM/B499(2021)1) added.
2626 PRL122(2019)162503 Prominence of pairing in inclusive (p,2p) and (p,pn) cross sections from neutron-rich nuclei Shin (finished) All (finished) (E129) N E [RIKEN]
2625 PRL121(2018)132501 Extraction of the Landau-Migdal parameter from the Gamow-Teller giant resonance in 132Sn Zhao (finished) All Obtained (E128) N E [RIKEN]
2624 PR/C99(2019)034306 In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of 136Te at relativistic energies Zhao (finished) All (finished) 69 N E [RIKEN].Excluded from final TRANS.E124. Solve question on target excitation!
2623 PR/C99(2019)011302(R) Spectroscopy of strongly deformed 32Ne by proton knockout reactions Tada (finished) All (finished) (E124) N E [RIKEN]
2622 PR/C99(2019)014312 Nuclear structure of 76Ni from the (p,2p) reaction Tada All 72 N E [RIKEN]
2621 PL/B795(2019)356 Inclusive cross sections for one- and multi-nucleon removal from Sn, Sb, and Te projectiles beyond the N = 82 shell closure Tada (finished) All (finished) 67 N E [RIKEN] To be merged of 2557. E2557: Obtained. This data: To be requested.
2620 PL/B785(2018)441 Shape coexistence and isospin symmetry in A = 70 nuclei: Spectroscopy of the Tz = −1 nucleus 70Kr Tada (finished) All (finished) (E135) N E [RIKEN]
2619 NP/A734(2004)337 Two-proton halo in 17Ne Tada (finished) All (finished) (E124) N E [RIKEN]
2618 ARI154(2019)108874 Production cross sections of ytterbium and thulium radioisotopes in alpha-induced nuclear reactions on natural erbium Aikawa (finished) All (finished) (E124) N E [RIKEN]
2617 NIM/B458(2019)21 Excitation function measurement for zirconium-89 and niobium-90 production using alpha-induced reactions on yttrium-89 Aikawa (finished) All (finished) No (E124) N E [RIKEN]
2616 PR/C101(2020)064623 Spallation and fragmentation cross sections for 168 MeV/nucleon 136Xe ions on proton, deuteron, and carbon targets Aikawa (finished) All (finished) Obtained (E124)->(E129) N E [RIKEN] Numerical data received on 2019.7.11; Finalized data received on 2020.6.3.
2615 PR/C99(2019)024609 gamma-ray strength function for thallium isotopes relevant to the 205Pb-205Tl chronometry Otsuka (finished) All (finished) (K019) N E [K entry]
2614 PR/C98(2018)054619 Photoneutron cross sections for Ni isotopes: Toward understanding (n,g) cross sections relevant to weak s-process nucleosynthesis Otsuka (finished) All (finished) (K019) N E [K entry]
2613 PR/C98(2018)054310 Verification of detailed balance for gamma absorption and emission in Dy isotopes Otsuka (finished) All (finished) (K019) N E [K entry]
2612 PR/C93(2016)064302 Low-energy enhancement in the gamma-ray strength functions of 73,74Ge Otsuka (finished) All (finished) (K019) N E [K entry]
2611 RLE39(2011)445 Photonuclear Reaction of Iodine-129 with Laser-Compton Scattering Gamma-Rays Using Nd:YVO4 Laser and Electron Storage Ring Ichinkhorloo (finished) All (finished) Requsted (No response?) 163 N E [K entry]
2610 NIM/B453(2019)15 Activation cross sections of alpha-induced reactions on natural ytterbium up to 50 MeV Aikawa (finished) All (finished) No (E124) N E [RIKEN]
2609 NAT569(2019)53 78Ni revealed as a doubly magic stronghold against nuclear deformation Ichinkhorloo (finished) All (finished) (E124) N E
2608 NIM/B449(2019)99 Activation cross sections of alpha-particle induced nuclear reactions on natural palladium Aikawa (finished) All (finished) (E124) N E [RIKEN]
2607 A-INS-1994(1994)19 Effect of angular momentum in the low-energy fission of actinides Tada Fig.1: No data, Fig.2: To be digitized (E135) N E
2606 JMSJ23(1975)127 Production of 53Mn by 52Cr (d,n) reaction Tada (finished) Otsuka (finished) (E123) N E
2605 RCA29(1981)57 Yield of 14O for the reactions 14N(p,n)14O, 12C(3He,n)14O and 12C(a,2n)14O Tada (finished) Otsuka (finished) (E123) N E
2604 PR/C98(2018)014616 Low-lying states in 12Be using one-neutron transfer reaction Jagjit (finished) All (finished) (E124) N E
2603 INDC(JPN)47(1979)68 Mass yield curve of 232Th fission induced by 80 MeV alpha-particle Tada (finished) Otsuka (finished) (E123)->(E140r) N E REFERENCE (001) modified (E140r).
2602 RCA80(1998)171 Sudden Changes in the Characteristics of GDR Fission of 238U around the Critical Energy for Nuclear Phase Transition Tada (finisehd) Otsuka (finished) (K019) N E [K entry]
2601 JIN28(1966)679 650-MeV photofission yields for uranium Tada (finished) Otsuka (finished) (K019) N E [K entry]
D2500 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
2600 NSE111(1992)368 Product Yields of 235U, 238U, 237Np, and 239Pu by Photofission Reactions with 20-, 30-, and 60-MeV Bremsstrahlung Tada (finished) Otsuka (finished) (K019) N E [K entry]
2595 PTEP2019(2019)013D02 Coulomb breakup reactions of 93,94Zr in inverse kinematics Aikawa (finished) All (finished) No (E124) N E [RIKEN]
2594 NIM/A920(2019)22 Measurement of neutron-production double-differential cross sections of natC, 27Al, natFe, and natPb by 20, 34, 48, 63, and 78 MeV protons in the most-forward direction Tada (finished) Otsuka (finished) Obtained (E123) N E Asking author proof (2018/1/21).
2593 EPRC71(2015)197 Measurement of double differential neutron yields from thick aluminum target irradiated by 9 MeV deuteron Otsuka (finished) No (E120) N E
2592 ARI144(2019)47 Production cross sections of Mo, Nb and Zr radioisotopes from α-induced reaction on natZr Aikawa (finished) All (finished) No (E121) N E [RIKEN]
2591 NSTP4(2014)582 Measurement of double differential neutron yields from thick carbon target irradiated by 5-MeV and 9-MeV deuterons Otsuka (finished) No (E120) N E
2590 SCP69(1975)63 Studies of 14N-, 12C-, 11B-induced reactions on 90Zr and 92-100Mo at energies above the coulomb barrier Tada (finished) Otsuka (finished) (E121) N E [RIKEN]
2589 NIM/B436(2018)217 Activation cross sections of deuteron-induced reactions on niobium up to 24 MeV Aikawa (finished) All (finished) (E118)->(E137r) N E
2588 PTEP2018(2018)021D01 Exclusive quasi-free proton knockout from oxygen isotopes at intermediate energies Ichinkhorloo (finished) All (finished) (E124) N E [RIKEN]
2587 PTEP2016(2016)083D01 Asymmetry dependence of reduction factors from single-nucleon knockout of 30Ne at ∼ 230 MeV/nucleon Jagjit (finished) All (finished) (E124) N E [RIKEN] See E2530.
2586 PRL121(2018)022501 Discovery of 60Ca and implications for the stability of 70Ca Ichinkhorloo (finished) All (finished) No (E121) N E [RIKEN]
2585 PRL120(2018)172501 Excitation of the isovector spin monopole resonance via the exothermic 90Zr(12N,12C)reaction at 175MeV/u Jagjit (finished) All (finished) Obtained (E124) N E [RIKEN] Numerical data received from Dr. Noji (2019/1/11).
2584 PR/C97(2018)044315 Inelastic scattering of neutron-rich Ni and Zn isotopes off a proton target Ichinkhorloo (finished) All (finished) No (E121) N E [RIKEN]
2583 PR/C97(2018)015802 First measurement of 30S + α resonant elastic scattering for the 30S(α,p)reaction rate Jagjit (finished) All (finished) (E121) N E [RIKEN]
2582 PR/C96(2017)064001 Complete set of deuteron analyzing powers from d p elastic scattering at 190 MeV/nucleon Ichinkhorloo (finished) All (finished) Requested Exist? N E [RIKEN] See also 2nd ref., FBS58(2017)48. Numeridal data requested by Ichinkhorloo on 2018/11/9.
2581 ACCAPP17(2017) Cross section measurement in J-PARC for neutronics of the ADS Tada (finished) All (finished) (E117) N E
2580 PTEP2018(2018)053D01 Proton elastic scattering at 200 A MeV and high momentum transfers of 1.7-2.7 fm-1 as a probe of the nuclear matter density of 6He Jagjit (finished) All (finished) (E117) N E [RIKEN]
2579 RI26(1977)74 Production of 123I by bombarding a natural Tellurium target with alpha and 3He particles Tada (finished) All (finished) To be digitized 579 N E Duplication of EXFOR B0165(B0165 will be deleted)
2578 NIM/B427(2018)91 Activation cross sections of α-induced reactions on natZn for Ge and Ga production Tada (finished) All (finished) (E117) N E [RIKEN]
2577 RPR42(2017)16 Measurement of gamma-ray yield from thick Carbon target irradiated by 5 and 9 MeV deuterons Jagjit (finished) All (finished) (E124) N E
2576 PRL120(2018)152505 Spectroscopy of pionic atoms in 122Sn(d,3He) reaction and angular dependence of the formation cross sections Jagjit (finished) All (finished) (E117) N E [RIKEN]
2575 NIM/B426(2018)13 Production cross sections of deuteron-induced reactions on natural palladium for Ag isotopes Tada (finished) All (finished) No (E117) N E [RIKEN]
2574 NIM/B426(2018)18 Activation cross sections of alpha-induced reactions on natIn for 117mSn production Aikawa (finished) All (finished) No (E117) N E [RIKEN]
2573 NP/A119(1968)449 Elastic and inelastic scattering of 34.4 MeV alpha particles by 58Ni and 60Ni Baba (finished) All (finished) Digitized (E126) N E
2572 NP/A194(1972)259 Level structure of 54Mn from the 54Cr(p,n gamma) reaction Ichinkhorloo (finished) All (finished) (E124) N E
2571 PL/B502(2001)1 Structure of the 11/2- analog state in 91Nb populated by the 90Zr(alpha,t) reaction Jagjit (finished) All (finished) To be requested 286 N E 2nd Ref.: AHP/N13(2001)21
2570 NP/A349(1980)125 High-spin states of 1f-2p shell odd-odd nuclei excited by (alpha,d) reactions Tada (finished) All (finished) Digitized (E126) N E
2569 JPJ48(1980)1797 Excited states of 4He observed in the 4He(alpha,alpha d)2H reaction at 119 MeV Ichinkhorloo (finished) All (finished) (Digitized by Ichinkhorloo) (E124)->(E140r) N E Heading, ANG-SEC (003) modified/added (E140r).
2568 SCR8(2018)2570 Measurement of nuclear reaction cross sections by using Cherenkov radiation toward high-precision proton therapy Ichinkhorloo(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E115)->(E118r) N E To be revised (CP-Memo for a new journal code is required.)
2567 NP/A176(1971)178 The (alpha,t) reaction on medium-weight odd-mass nuclei (II). 59Co Tada (finished) All (E135) N E
2566 JPJ27(1969)1380 B11 + alpha →alpha + alph + Li7 reaction at 28.5 MeV Jagjit (finished) All (finished) (Digitized by Jagjit) (E135) N E RCM
2565 JPJ25(1968)901 Single particle strength of collective 3- state in medium mass nuclei Tada (finished) All (finished) (E135) N E
2564 JPJ25(1968)301 Inelastic alpha-particle scattering on copper 65 at 29 MeV Tada (finished) All (finished) (E118) N E
2563 JIN43(1981)1727 Production of 119mSn by alpha particle bombardment of 116Cd and its carrier-free separation Saito (finished) All (finished) (E113)->(E140r) N E Numerical data (002) updated (E140r).
2562 JPJ87(2018)014203 Observation of new neutron-rich isotopes among fission fragments from in-flight fission of 345 MeV/nucleon 238U: search for new isotopes conducted concurrently with decay measurement campaigns Jagjit (finished) All (finieshed) (E112) N E [RIKEN]
2561 JPJ87(2018)014202 Identification of new neutron-rich isotopes in the rare-earth region produced by 345 MeV/nucleon 238U Jagjit (finished) All (finished) (E112) N E [RIKEN]
2560 PTEP2017(2017)083D01 Neutron production cross sections for (d,n) reactions at 55 MeV Murata, Saito (finished) All (finished) Requested(No response?) 89 N E
2559 PRL119(2017)182503 Test of the Brink-Axel Hypothesis for the Pygmy Dipole Resonance Tada (finished) All (finished) To be requested 90 N E
2558 PRL118(2017)252501 Electric Dipole Polarizability of 48Ca and Implications for the Neutron Skin Ichinkhorloo (finished) All (finished) Requested(No response?) (E135) N E
2557 PRL118(2017)202502 Gamma Decay of Unbound Neutron-Hole States in 133Sn Jagjit (finished) All (finished) To be requested (E117)->(E126r) N E [RIKEN] Data to be replaced by the numerical data from the author. Data from PL/B795(2019)356 to be added.
2556 PR/C96(2017)044604 Photoneutron cross-section measurements in the 209Bi(g,xn) reaction with a new method of direct neutron-multiplicity sorting Jagjit (finished) All (finished) (K020)->(K021r) N E [K entry] REACTION should be revised manually.
2555 PR/C96(2017)044316 Low-lying dipole strength in 52Cr Tada (finished) All (finished) (K020) N E [K entry]
2554 PR/C96(2017)034604 Discovery of new isotopes 81,82Mo and 85,86Ru and a determination of the particle instability of 103Sb Jagjit (finished) All (finished) (E113) N E [RIKEN]
2553 PR/C96(2017)034328 In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of 35Mg via knockout reactions at intermediate energies Jagjit (finished) All (finished) (E118) N E [RIKEN]
2552 PR/C96(2017)024310 High-j neutron excitations outside 136Xe Ichinkhorloo (finished) All (finished) To be checked 89 N E
2551 PR/C96(2017)021303(R) Investigating neutron-proton pairing in sd-shell nuclei via (p,3He) and (3He,p) transfer reaction Jagjit (finished) All (finished) (E113) N E
2550 PR/C96(2017)014604 Cross sections and analyzing powers for (p->,np) reactions of 2H, 6Li and 12C at 296 MeV Ichinkhorloo(finished) All(finished) (E124) N E
2549 PR/C95(2017)051601(R) Observation of new neutron-rich Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu isotopes in the vicinity of 78Ni Jagjit (finished) All (finished) (E112) N E [RIKEN]
2548 PR/C95(2017)055805 New measurement of the 8Li(a,n)11B reaction in a lower-energy region below the Coulomb barrier Murata, Saito (finished) All (finished) (E113) N E
2547 PR/C95(2017)054316 Search for weak M1 transitions in 48Ca with inelastic proton scattering Ichinkhorloo (finished) All (finished) 92 N E Marge into E2503
2546 PR/C95(2017)044616 Repulsive three-body foce and channel-coupling effects via 12C+12C scattering at 100A MeV Ichinkhorloo (finished) All (finished) (E135) N E To be merged to E2494
2545 PR/C94(2016)054602 Astrophysical S factor for the 6Li(d,a)4He and 6Li(d,p0/p1)7Li reactions and their astrophysical implications Ichinkhorloo (finished) All (finished) (E118) N E
2544 PL/B772(2017)398 First measurement of coherent double neutral-pion photoproduction on the deuteron at incident energies below 0.9 GeV Ichinkhorloo (finished) All (finished) Obtained (K021) N E [K entry]
2543 PL/B769(2017)503 Single-neutron knockout from 20C and the structure of 19C Jagjit (finished) All (finished) (E116) N E [RIKEN]
2542 JPJ86(2017)085001 Decay Measurement of 283Cn Produced in the 238U(48Ca,3n) Reaction Using GARIS-II Ichinkhorloo (finished) All (finished) (E112) N E [RIKEN]
2541 CJP54(2016)314 Fragmentation cross sections of 788A MeV 28Si on carbon and polyethylene targets Jagjit (finished) All (finished) (E116) N E J,PPRC,80,46,2015
2540 EPJ/CS146(2017)11029 Investigation of the 27Al(d,x)24Na nuclear reaction for deuteron beam monitoring purpose Otsuka (finished) All (E124) N E
2539 PTEP2017(2017)093D03 Study of proton and deuteron induced spallation reactions on the long-lived fission product 93Zr at 105 MeV/nucleon in inverse kinematics Aikawa(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E109)->(E121r) N E [RIKEN] Numerical data received on 2017.1.30; Secondary reference EPJ/CS146(2017)03012 added
2538 JPJ86(2017)034201 Study of the Reaction 48Ca + 248Cm → 296Lv* at RIKEN-GARIS Jagjit (finished) All (finished) (E113) N E
2537 NIM/B403(2017)51 Study of deuteron-induced nuclear reactions on natural tungsten for the production of theranostic 186Re via AVF cyclotron up to 38 MeV Otsuka (finished) All (finished) (E113) N E
2536 NIM/B399(2017)34 Excitation functions of alpha particles induced nuclear reactions on natural titanium in the energy range of 10.4-50.2 MeV Otsuka (finished) All (finished) (E113) N E
2535 PRL118(2017)052701 Time-Reversal Measurement of the p-Wave Cross Sections of the 7Be(n,a)4He Reaction for the Cosmological Li Problem Jagjit (finished) All (finished) Obtained (E118) N E
2534 PR/C95(2017)044307 Effect of the nuclear medium on a-cluster excitation in 6Li Ichinkhorloo (finished) All (finished) (K020) N E
2533 ARI125(2017)23 Production cross sections of 169Yb and Tm isotopes in deuteron-induced reactions on 169Tm M.Saito (finished) All (finished) (E113)->(E137r) N E
2532 PL/B768(2017)387 Observation of isoscalar and isovector dipole excitations in neutron-rich 20O Jagjit (finished) All (finished) (E113) N E
2531 NP/A961(2017)142 Investigations of charge-changing processes for light proton-rich nuclei on carbon and solid-hydrogen targets Ichinkhorloo (finished) All (finished) (E113) N E
2530 PL/B767(2017)58 Intruder configurations in the ground state of 30Ne Jagjit (finished) All (finished) (E113) N E
2529 NST54(2017)529 Development of the high-energy neutron fluence rate standard field in Japan with a peak energy of 45 MeV using the 7Li(p,n)7Be reaction at TIARA Ichinkhorloo (finished) All (finished) (E113) N E
2528 PL/B766(2017)11 Experimental investigation of a linear-chain structure in the nucleus 14C Jagjit (finished) All (finished) (E113) N E
2527 PR/C94(2016)064620 Elastic scattering and breakup of 11Be on deuterons at 26.9A MeV Ichinkhorloo (finished) All (finished) Obtained (E126) N E
2526 PR/C94(2016)064604 Charge-changing cross-section measurements of 12–16C at around 45A MeV and development of a Glauber model for incident energies 10A–2100A MeV Jagjit (finished) All (finished) (E113) N E
2525 NST54(2016)253 Measurement of thick-target gamma-ray production yields of the 7Li(p, p')7Li and 7Li(p, g)Be reactions Ichinkhorloo (finished) All (finished) (E116) N E
2524 NIM/A842(2016)62 Systematic measurement of double-differential neutron production cross sections for deuteron-induced reactions at an incident energy of 102 MeV Jagjit (finished) All (finished) Obtained (E118) N E Secondary reference EPJ/CS146(2017)11027
2523 PR/C93(2016)064325 Effect of ground-state deformation on isoscalar giant resonances in 28Si Aiganym(finished) All(finished) Requesting(No response?) N E
2522 PL/B761(2016)412 Interaction cross section study of the two-neutron halo nucleus 22C Jagjit(finished) All(finished) (E107) N E [RIKEN]
2521 PL/B761(2016)125 Fission fragments mass distributions of nuclei populated by the multi nucleon transfer channels of the 18O+232Th reaction Ichinkhorloo(finished) All(finished) Obtained 101 N E
2520 PR/C94(2016)014614 High energy-resolution measurement of the 82Se(3He,t)82Br reaction for double-beta decay and for solar neutrinos Aiganym(finished) All(finished) Requesting (E116) N E
2519 PL/B760(2016)482 Are there nuclear structure effects on the isoscalar giant monopole resonance and nuclear incompressibility near A~90? Ichinkhorloo(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E114) N E
2518 PTEP2017(2017)021D01 Spallation reaction study for the long-lived fission product 107Pd Aikawa, Ebata(finished) All Obtained (E108) N E [RIKEN]
2517 RM50(2013)56 Projectile fragmentation of 471 A MeV 56Fe in polyethylene carbon and aluminum targets Jagjit, Ichinkholroo(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E114)->(E143r) N E Add J,APP/B,43,1769,2012
2516 PR/C93(2016)065802 First direct measurement of the 11C(a p)14N stellar reaction by an extended thick-target method Kimura(finished) All(finished) (E112) N E [RIKEN]
2515 PR/C93(2016)061301 New neutron-deficient isotopes from 78Kr fragmentation Aiganym(finished) All(finished) (E107) N E [RIKEN]
2514 PR/C93(2016)055803 Probing astrophysically important states in the 26Mg nucleus to study neutron sources for the s process Ichinkhorloo(finished) All(finished) To be requested (E124) N E
2513 PR/C93(2016)044324 Deformation effects on isoscalar giant resonances in 24Mg Aiganym(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E114) N E
2512 PRL116(2016)162501 New Isotopes and Proton Emitters–Crossing the Drip Line in the Vicinity of 100Sn Ichinkhorloo(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E114) N E
2511 ARI114(2016)104 Production cross-sections of radio nuclides from a-induced reactions on natural copper up to 50MeV Otsuka(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E107) N E [RIKEN]
2510 NSTP4(2014)657 Characterization of quasi-monoenergetic neutron source using 137, 200, 246 and 389 MeV 7Li(p,n) reactions Aiganym(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E114) N E 137, 200 MeV data only. See E2490. Numerical data received on 2015/11/30.
2509 PR/C92(2015)035205 Measurement of absorption and charge exchange of pi+ on carbon Kimura(finished) All(finished) Table (J011) N E [J entry]
2508 SCP52(1976)145 Detection and Identification of 8Be Nuclei with a Position Sensitive Detector and a Counter Telescope Saito(finished) Otsuka(finished) (E103) N E [RIKEN] Entry approved by T.Motobayashi.
2507 PRL116(2016)162501 New Isotopes and Proton Emitters-Crossing the Drip Line in the Vicinity of 100Sn Ebata/Aikawa(finished) All(finished) (E107) N E [RIKEN]
2506 PR/C92(2015)015805 First application of the Trojan horse method with a radioactive ion beam: Study of the 18F(p,a)15O reaction at astrophysical energies Ichinkhorloo(finished) All(finished) (E108) N E [RIKEN] See O2274, to be superseded.
2505 PR/C93(2016)044607 Experimental study of the knockout reaction mechanism using 14O at 60 MeV/nucleon Aiganym(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E114) N E
2504 PR/C93(2016)044306 Mapping the deformation in the "island of inversion": Inelastic scattering of 30Ne and 36Mg at intermediate energies Ichinkhorloo (finished) All(finished) (E106) N E [RIKEN]
2503 PR/C93(2016)041302 Electromagnetic M1 transition strengths from inelastic proton scattering: The cases of 48Ca and 208Pb Aiganym(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E124)->(E140r) N E See E2558. Digitized from Phys.Rev.C.95(2017)054316. (2019.04.04); Heading (Unit), ANG-SEC (009) modified/added (E140r).
2502 PR/C93(2016)034623 Elastic scattering and breakup of 11Be on protons at 26.9A MeV Ichinkhorloo(finished) All(finished) (E105)->(E135r) N E
2501 NP/A946(2016)104 Measurement of proton-induced target fragmentation cross sections in carbon Saito(finished) All(finished) (E105) N E
D2400 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
2500 PRL116(2016)052501 Candidate Resonant Tetraneutron State Populated by the 4He(8He,8Be) Reaction Aiganym(finished) All(finished) (E105) N E [RIKEN]
2499 PR/C92(2015)064323 Photodisintegration of 9Be through the 1/2+ state and cluster dipole resonance Ichinkhorloo(finished) All(finished) (K016) N E Numerical data received on 2016/4/22
2498 NST5(1968)22 Neutrons from Thick Target Beryllium (d,n) Reactions at 1.0 MeV to 3.0 MeV Saito(finished) Aikawa(finished) (E105) N E
2497 NST53(2016)475 Measurement of the 77Se(g,n) cross section and uncertainty evaluation of the 79Se(n,g) cross section Ebata(finished) All(finished) (K016) N E
2496 PR/C93(2016)025801 Proton capture cross sections on neutron-magic 144Sm at astrophysically relevant energies Saito/Aikawa(finished) All(finished) (E102) N E
2495 PR/C93(2016)014613 One-neutron removal from 29Ne: Defining the lower limits of the island of inversion Bo(finished) All(finished) (E102) N E [RIKEN] Numerical data received on 2016/3/10
2494 PLB751(2015)1 Effects of repulsive three-body force in 12C+12C scattering at 100AMeV Aiganym(finished) All(finished) Digitized/Requesting (E101)->(E108r) N E
2493 PLB754(2016)104 Spallation reaction study for fission products in nuclear waste: Cross section measurements for 137Cs and 90Sr on proton and deuteron Aikawa/Ebata(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E101)->(E120r) N E [RIKEN] Numerical data received on 2016/2/24; Secondary reference EPJ/CS146(2017)09022 added.
2492 NIM/B368(2016)112 Measurements of deuteron-induced reaction cross-sections on natural nickel up to 24 MeV Otsuka(finished) All(finished) No (E101) N E [RIKEN]
2491 PRL115(2015)102501 Nonquenched Isoscalar Spin-M1 Excitations in sd-Shell Nuclei Ichinkhorloo(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E101) N E Numerical data received on 2015/12/24
2490 NIM/A804(2015)50 Characterization of high-energy quasi-monoenergetic neutron energy spectra and ambient dose equivalents of 80-389 MeV 7Li(p,n) reactions using a time-of-flight method Aiganym(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E101) N E Numerical data received on 2015/11/30
2489 1996PRAHA(1998)465 Measurements of activation cross sections for the neutron dosimetry at an energy range from 17.5 to 30 MeV by using the 7Li(p,n) quasi-mono-energetic neutron source Aikawa(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E101) N E Numerical data received on 2015/11/4
2488 PR/C92(2015)041302 New findings on structure and production of 10He from 11Li with the (d,3He) reaction Ebata(finished) All(finished) Digitized/Requesting (E101) N E [RIKEN]
2487 PR/C92(2015)035801 Measurement of the 14O(a,p)17F cross section at Ecm = 2.1-5.3 MeV Bo(finished) All(finished) Digitized/Requesting (E101) N E [RIKEN]
2486 PR/C92(2015)024614 Energy-dependent fragmentation cross sections of relativistic 12C Ichinkhorloo(finished) All(finished) No (E105) N E
2485 NIM/B362(2015)151 Excitation functions of deuteron-induced nuclear reactions on natural platinum up to 24 MeV Otsuka(finished) All(finished) No (E101) N E [RIKEN]
2484 PL/B748(2015)343 Splitting of ISGMR strength in the light-mass nucleus 24Mg due toground-state deformation Aiganym(finished) All(finished) Requesting (E105) N E
2483 PR/C92(2015)014608 Relativistic Coulomb excitation in 32Mg near 200 MeV/nucleon with a thick target Aikawa(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E101) N E [RIKEN] Numerical data received on 2015/7/30
2482 PR/C91(2015)064315 gamma-ray spectroscopy of 19C via the single-neutron knock-out reaction Ebata(finished) All(finished) No (E099) N E [RIKEN]
2481 JRN304(2015)1077 Production and separation of astatine isotopes in the 7Li + natPb reaction Aiganym(finished) All(finished) No (E099) N E
2480 PLB744(2015)7 Low-energy electric dipole response in 120Sn Bo(finished) All(finished) Requesting/Digitized (E099) N E
2479 PR/C90(2014)044321 Structure of 8Li from a reaction cross-section measurement Imai(finished) All(finished) No (E097) N E Comments from Dr. M. Fukuda on data error received on 2015/5/30.
2478 PR/C91(2015)015808 Photoneutron cross sections for neodymium isotopes: Toward a unified understanding of (g,n) and (n,g) reactions in the rare earth region Ichinkhorloo(finished) All(finished) Obtained (K015) N E Numerical data received on 2015/4/21
2477 PR/C91(2015)014614 Density distribution of 8Li and 8B and capture reaction at low energy N E Theoretical paper. See D/E2479.
2476 ARI94(2014)363 Production of 211At by a vertical beam irradiation method Aikawa(finished) All(finished) Requesting (E098) N E
2475 JRN303(2015)1273 Measurement of evaporation-residue cross sections with light beams and deformed lanthanide target nuclei Ebata(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E105) N E Numerical data received on 2015/5/28
2474 NP/A929(2014)83 Density distribution of 14Be from reaction cross-section measurements Aiganym(finished) All(finished) No (E097) N E [RIKEN]
2473 NIM/B346(2015)8 Production cross-sections of long-lived radionuclides in deuteron-induced reactions on natural zinc up to 23 MeV Otsuka(finished) Aikawa(finished) (E096) N E [RIKEN]
2472 PR/C90(2014)064616 Photoneutron cross sections for samarium isotopes: Toward a unified understanding of (g,n) and (n,g) reactions in the rare earth region Ichinkhorloo(finished) All(finished) Obtained (K015) N E Numerical data received on 2015/4/21
2471 PR/C90(2014)061305 Evidence of halo structure in 37Mg observed via reaction cross sections and intruder orbitals beyond the island of inversion Bo(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E097) N E [RIKEN] Numerical data received on 2015/4/30
2470 PTEP2014(2014)101D03 Inclusive spectrum of the d(pi+,K+) reaction at 1.69 GeV/c Imai No 123 N E
2469 NIM/B343(2015)1 Cross-section measurements of alpha + 14N elastic scattering for He beam TOF-ERDA Aiganym(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E096) N E
2468 PL/B739(2014)19 Neutron occupancy of the 0d5/2 orbital and the N=16 shell closure in 24O Bo(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E097) N E [RIKEN] Numerical data obtained on 2014/12/22
2467 JRN302(2014)759 Deuteron-induced activation cross-sections on natural copper up to 24 MeV Otsuka(finished) All(finished) (E093) N E [RIKEN]
2466 ARI90(2014)149 Production cross sections of niobium and tantalum isotopes in proton-induced reactions on natZr and natHf up to 14 MeV Aikawa(finished) All(finished) (E096)->(E143r) N E [RIKEN]
2465 RCA102(2014)211 Production of 256Lr in the 249,250,251Cf + 11B, 243Am + 18O, and 248Cm + 14N reactions Ebata(finished) All(finished) (E096) N E [RIKEN]
2464 ARI26(1975)17 Production of 28Mg by triton and alpha-particle induced reactions Ichinkhorloo(finished) All(finished) Digitized (E097) N E
2463 PR/C90(2014)035805 Elastic scattering of 25Al+p to explore the resonance structure in 26Si Bo(finished) All(finished) (E093)->(E096r) N E [RIKEN]
2462 NDS119(2014)252 Activation Cross-sections of Deuteron-induced Nuclear Reactions on Natural Titanium Otsuka(finished) All(finished) (E093) N E [RIKEN]
2461 PR/C90(2014)025803 Examination of the role of the 14O(a,p)17F reaction rate in type-I x-ray bursts Imai(finished) All(finished) (E093)->(E096r) N E [RIKEN]
2460 NSE124(1996)228 Transmission Through Shields of Quasi-Monoenergetic Neutrons Generated by 43- and 68-MeV Protons -I: Concrete Shielding Experiment and Calculation for Practical Application Aiganym(finished) All(finished) (E093) N E
2459 PL/B735(2014)387 Excitation of giant monopole resonance in 208Pb and 116Sn using inelastic deuteron scattering Bo/Ichinkhorloo(finished) All(finished) Requesting (E105) N E
2458 PRL112(2014)242501 Observation of a p-Wave One-Neutron Halo Configuration in 37Mg Ichinkhorloo(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E093)->(E102r) N E [RIKEN] Numerical data received on 2016/3/10
2457 NIM/B335(2014)8 Investigation of (d,x) nuclear reactions on natural ytterbium up to 24 MeV Otsuka(finished) Aikawa(finished) No (E092) N E [RIKEN]
2456 PR/C89(2014)054307 Quadrupole collectivity in island-of-inversion nuclei 28,30Ne and 34,36Mg Furutachi(finished) All(finished) No (E092) N E [RIKEN]
2455 PR/C89(2014)044602 Charge-changing cross sections of 30Ne, 32,33Na with a proton target Furutachi(finished) All(finished) No (E091) N E [RIKEN] Superseded some data in E2170. See E2170.
2454 NIM151(1978)493 Spectral measurements of neutrons and photons from thick targets of C, Fe, Cu and Pb by 52 MeV protons Aiganym/Aikawa(finished) All(finished) Digitized (E092) N E
2453 NSE83(1983)444 Neutron Production from Thick Targets of Carbon, Iron, Copper, and Lead by 30- and 52-MeV Protons Aiganym/Aikawa(finished) Digitized (E093) N E See E2454 for 52-MeV data.
2452 PR/C89(2014)064007 Complete set of deuteron analyzing powers for dp elastic scattering at 250-294 MeV/nucleon and the three-nucleon force Ebata(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E093) N E [RIKEN] See D/E2346 and PPN45(2014)190.
2451 PRL112(2014)142501 Deformation-Driven p-Wave Halos at the Drip Line: 31Ne Ichinkhorloo(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E091)->(E093r) N E [RIKEN] Numerical data received on 2014/5/07
2450 PR/C89(2014)024618 Production of 262Db in the 248Cm(19F,5n)262Db reaction and decay properties of 262Db and 258Lr Ebata(finished) All(finished) No (E091) N E [RIKEN] Error info. was received from the author on 2014/4/25
2449 RM59(2013)262 Experimental study for the production cross sections of positron emitters induced from 12C and 16O nuclei by low-energy proton beams Aikawa(finished) All(finished) No (E086)->(E143r) N E
2448 PL/B728(2014)462 One-neutron knockout reaction of 17C on a hydrogen target at 70 MeV/nucleon Ebata(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E087) N E [RIKEN]
2447 PR/C88(2013)064313 Isoscalar giant resonance strengths in 32S and possible excitation of superdeformed and 28Si + alpha cluster bandheads Odsuren(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E087) N E
2446 Kakuri-report20(1987)299 Reexamination of Monitor Reactions for Photonuclear Reaction Study Makinaga No 445 N E
2445 PR/C88(2013)054329 Isospin mixing of the isobaric analog state studied in a high-resolution 56Fe(3He,t)56Co reaction Ichinkhorloo(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E085) N E
2444 PR/C88(2013)041602 Evaporation-cost dependence in heavy-ion fragmentation Makinaga(finished) All(finished) No (E085) N E [RIKEN]
2443 PHE30(2006)22 Elastic Transfer Reactions of 25 MeV/u 6He on 9Be Target Furutachi(finished) Aikawa(finished) Digitized (E084)->(E095r) N E [RIKEN]
2442 PHE28(2005)940 Experimental Study of the t+t Structure in 6He Furutachi(finished) Aikawa(finished) Digitized (E084) N E [RIKEN]
2441 PL/B726(2013)178 Testing the mutually enhanced magicity effect in nuclear incompressibility via the giant monopole resonance in the 204,206,208Pb isotopes Aikawa(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E081) N E
2440 PR/C88(2013)035801 Resonant scattering of 22Na+p studied by the thick-target inverse-kinematic method Makinaga(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E084) N E [RIKEN]
2439 NIM/B316(2013)33 Activation cross-sections of deuteron-induced nuclear reactions on natural iron up to 24 MeV Otsuka(finished) Aikawa/Makinaga(finished) Obtained (E084) N E [RIKEN]
2438 PR/C88(2013)024618 Excitation functions for production of Rf isotopes in the 248Cm+18O reaction Aikawa(finished) All(finished) No (E081)->(E143r) N E [RIKEN]
2437 PR/C88(2013)024610 Density distributions of 11Li deduced from reaction cross-section measurements Vidya(finished) All(finished) No (E081) N E
2436 PL/B725(2013)277 Probing effect of tensor interactions in 16O via (p,d) reaction Vidya(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E081->E086r) N E
2435 PNST3(2012)60 Measurement of Neutron Yields from Thick Al and SUS304 Targets Bombarded by 5-MeV and 9-MeV Deuterons Aikawa(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E080) N E
2434 PR/C89(2014)015804 Investigation of the thermonuclear 18Ne(a,p) 21Na reaction rate via resonant elastic scattering of 21Na + p Vidya(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E080)->(E092r)->(E118r)->(E122r)->(E143r) N E [RIKEN] Main paper was published and must be replaced (2014.02.06).
2433 PR/C88(2013)015805 Photoneutron cross sections for Mo isotopes: A step toward a unified understanding of (g,n) and (n,g) reactions Vidya(finished) Makinaga(finished) Obtained (K014) N E
2432 (Duplication of D2380) N E
2431 PR/C87(2013)034303 Alpha-resonance structure in 11C studied via resonant scattering of 7Be + alpha and with the 7Be(alpha,p) reaction Vidya(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E081) N E [RIKEN]
2430 PR/C87(2013)051001 Angular distributions of the vector Ay and tensor Ayy, Axx, Axz analyzing powers in the dd->3Hp reaction at 200 MeV Vidya(finished) Makinaga(finished) Obtained (E078)->(E120r) N E [RIKEN] / See PAN78(2015)918. /See J,PPN/L,8,1078,2011(2018-12-07)
2429 NIM/B270(2012)61 Activation cross-sections of deuteron induced reactions on natural palladium Obtained ATOMKI N E Only for NRDF.
2428 NIM/B269(2011)1878 Investigation of activation cross-sections of deuteron induced reactions on manganese up to 40 MeV Obtained ATOMKI N E Only for NRDF.
2427 NIM/B269(2011)1792 Investigation of activation cross-sections of deuteron induced reactions on vanadium up to 40 MeV Obtained ATOMKI N E Only for NRDF.
2426 NIM/B269(2011)1389 Activation cross-sections of deuteron induced nuclear reactions on gold up to 40 MeV Obtained ATOMKI N E Only for NRDF.
2425 NIM/B269(2011)405 Experimental study of the excitation functions of deuteron induced reactions on natSn up to 40 MeV Obtained ATOMKI N E Only for NRDF.
2424 NIM/B269(2010)263 A crossed photon-atom beam method for absolute measurement of total photoionization cross sections on isolated metal atoms:Measurements on Ba and Eu atoms ATOMKI N E Only for NRDF.
2423 NIM/B268(2010)2571 Investigation deuteron-induced reactions on cobalt Obtained ATOMKI N E Only for NRDF.
2422 NIM/B268(2010)440 Measurement of keV-neutron capture cross-sections and capture gamma-ray spectra of 56Fe and 57Fe ATOMKI N E Only for NRDF.
2421 NIM/B267(2009)3293 Excitation functions for som W, Ta and Hf radionuclides obtained by deuteron irradiation of 181Ta up to 40 MeV ATOMKI N E Only for NRDF.
2420 NIM/B267(2009)2789 Activation cross sections of proton induced nuclear reactions on ytterbium up to 70 MeV ATOMKI N E Only for NRDF.
2419 NIM/B267(2009)2802 Activation cross sections on the natY(p,xn)169Lu reaction for indirect production of the therapeutic radionuclide 169Yb ATOMKI N E Only for NRDF.
2418 NIM/B266(2008)5087 Study of proton induced reactions on niobium targets up to 70 MeV ATOMKI N E Only for NRDF.
2417 NIM/B266(2008)4872 Study of activation cross sections of proton induced reactions on erbium for practical applications ATOMKI N E Only for NRDF.
2416 CPL(2012)102301 Inelastic Scattering of 32Mg at 190 MeV/Nucleon from a Thick Proton Target Odsuren(finished) Makinaga(finished) Obtained (E077) N E [RIKEN]
2415 JKPS59(2011)1753 Neutron energy spectra at 180 degrees from 140 MeV proton incident reactions Redundant N E Ref. added to D/E2282.
2414 NIM/B294(2013)475 Measurements of cross sections for production of light nuclides by 300 MeV proton bombardment of Cu and Y Ebata(finished) All(finished) No (E081)->(E143r) N E
2413 PR/C86(2012)064602 Evidence for hindrance in fusion between sulfur and lead nuclei Vidya(finished) Ichinkorloo(finished) Obtained(Digitized by Vidya) (E086) N E See EPJ/A17(2011)05003.
2412 PR/C86(2012)054323 High-resolution 96Zr(3He,t)experiment and the matrix element for double-beta decay Ichinkhorloo(finished) Vidya(finished) Requesting(Digitized by Ichinkhorloo) (E105) N E
2411 PR/C86(2012)034608 Fusion probabilities in the reactions 40,48Ca+238U at energies around the Coulomb barrier Ebata(finished) Odsuren(finished) Obtained (E086) N E
2410 PR/C87(2013)034614 Elastic scattering of protons from 9C with a 290 MeV/nucleon 9C beam Ebata(finished) Makinaga(finished) No (E077) N E
2409 NIM/B300(2013)35 Analysis of fragmentation excitation functions of lead by carbon ions up to 400 MeV/u Vidya(finished) Makinaga(finished) Obtained (E077) N E
2408 PR/C87(2013)024301 Dipole strength distribution in 56Fe Vidya(finished) Ichinkhorloo(finished) No (K013) N E
2407 PR/C87(2013)021601(R) Shallow and diffuse spin-orbit potential for proton elastic scattering from neutron-rich helium isotopes at 71 MeV/nucleon Furutachi(finished) Makinaga(finished) Obtained (E076)->(E090r) N E [RIKEN]
2406 JPJ82(2013)024202 New result on the production of 277Cn by the 208Pb+70Zn reaction Furutachi(finished) Makinaga(finished) No (E075)->(E102r) N E [RIKEN]
2405 PR/C87(2013)015803 Determination of the astrophysical 12N(p,gamma)13O reaction rate from the 2H(12N,13O)n reaction and its astrophysical implications Ichinkhorloo(finished) All(finished) Obtained(Digitized by Furutachi) (E075)->(E077r) N E [RIKEN]
2404 NIM/B296(2013)14 Excitation functions of (d,x) nuclear reactions on natural titanium up to 24 MeV Otsuka(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E073)->(E095r) N E [RIKEN]
2403 PL/C86(2012)051302 Evidence for radiative coupling of the pygmy dipole resonance to excited states Odsuren(finished) Makinaga(finished) Obtained (K013) N E Contacting to NNDC
2402 PL/B718(2012)447 Giant monopole resonance in even-A Cd isotopes, the asymmetry term in nuclear incompressibility, and the "softness" of Sn and Cd nuclei Aikawa(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E076)->(E081r) N E
2401 PR/C86(2012)054604 One- and two-neutron removal reactions from the most neutron-rich Carbon isotopes Furutachi(finished) All(finished) Requesting(Digitized by Furutachi) (E075) N E [RIKEN]
D2300 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
2400 NSTS2(2002)393 Light charged-particle production in proton-induced reactions on 12C, 27Al, 58Ni, 90Zr, 197Au, and 209Bi at 42 and 68 MeV Otsuka(finished) Aikawa(finished) Obtained (E073) N E
2399 PR/C79(2009)011302 Persisitent decoupling of valence neutrons toward the dripline: Study of 20C by gamma spectroscopy Furutachi(finished) Vidya(finished) No (E092) N E [RIKEN]
2398 PR/C78(2008)024306 Large proton contribution to the 2+ excitation in 20Mg studied by intermediate energy inelastic scattering Ichinkhorloo(finished) Tsubakihara(finished) No (E092) N E [RIKEN]
2397 RI34(1985)537 55Mn(p,4n)52Fe反応による52Feとミルキングによる52mMnの生産 Furutachi(finished) Tsubakihara Digitizing(Digitized by Odsuren) (E098) N E
2396 ARI42(1991)297 Production of 95mTc with proton bombardment of 95Mo Ichinkhorloo(finished) Odsuren (Digitized by Ebata) (E098) N E
2395 RI27(1978)631 天然亜鉛のα,3He照射による67Ga, 68Gaの製造 Tsubakihara(finished) Digitizing(Digitized by Mererut) (E098) N E To be merged with B0135 (Appl. Radiat. Isot. 29 (1978) 615)
2394 PL23(1966)586 Excitation functions for the formation of 7Be in 3He particle induced reactions on C, N, O, F, Mg, Al and Si Vidya(finished) Aikawa(finished) Digitizing (E120)->(E144) N E
2393 JPJ16(1961)367 Angular distributions and excitation functions of the Be9(d,p)Be10 ground-state reaction Tsubakihara(finished) Ichinkhorloo(finished) Digitizing (E115) N E
2392 ARI41(1990)57 Production of 29Al by the 26Mg(alpha,p)29Al reaction and its tracer use Imai(finished) All(finished) Digitizing (E091)->(E125r) N E
2391 PRL109(2012)182501 Well developed deformation in 42Si Vidya(finished) All(finished) No (E073) N E [RIKEN]
2390 PR/C86(2012)044603 High resolution (3He,t) experiment on the double-beta decaying nuclei 128Te and 130Te Odsuren(finished) All(finished) Obtained (Digitization by Furutachi exists) (E115) N E
2389 PR/C86(2012)044309 High-resolution 100Mo(3He,t)100Tc charge-exchange experiment and the impact on double-beta decays and neutrino charged-current reactions Tsubakihara(finished) All(finished) Requesting(Digitized by Furutachi) (E076) N E
2388 JPJ81(2012)103201 New result in the production and decay of an isotope, 278 113, of the 113th element Aikawa(finished) All(finished) No (E073) -> (E110r) N E [RIKEN]
2387 NIM/A690(2012)10 Measurements and Monte Carlo calculations of forward-angle secondary-neutron-production cross-sections for 137 and 200 MeV proton-induced reactions in carbon Ichinkhorloo(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E115) N E
2386 NIM/B286(2012)238 Projectile fragmentation of 388 A MeV 20Ne in polyethylene, carbon and aluminum targets Furutachi(finished) All(finished) No (E115)->(E144) N E Add J,CPH/C,36,37,2012 and J,CNST,30,186,2019. See Memo CP-D/1095.
2385 PR/C86(2012)014316 Total and partial photoneutron cross sections for Pb isotopes Odsuren(finished) All(finished) Obtained (K013)->(K015r) N E
2384 PRL109(2012)022501 N=16 spherical shell closure in 24O Furutachi(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E073) N E [RIKEN]
2383 PR/C86(2012)014304 The (3He,t) reaction on 76Ge, and the double-beta-decay matrix element Tsubakihara(finished) All(finished) Obtained (Digitization by Furutachi exisits) (E115) N E
2382 PRL108(2012)262503 Identification of the beta+ Isovector Spin Monopole Resonance via the 208Pb and 90Zr(t,3He) Reactions at 300 MeV/u Aikawa(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E072)->(E083r) N E [RIKEN], ANG1-CM -> ANG-CM, corrected by hand
2381 PRL108(2012)262501 Separation of Pigmy Dipole and M1 Resonances in 90Zr by a High-Resolution Inelastic Proton Scattering Near 0 deg Furutachi(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E120) N E
2380 PR/C85(2012)064606 Complete sets of polarization transfer observables for the 208Pb(p,n) reactions at 296 MeV and Gamow-Teller and spin-dipole strengths for 208Pb Vidya(済) All(済) (E072) N E
2379 PR/C85(2012)061301(R) Gamow-Teller transition strengths in the intermediate nucleus of the 116Cd of the 116Cd double-beta decay by the 116Cd(p,n)116In and 116Sn(n,p)116In reactions at 300 MeV Tsubakihara(finished) All(finished) Obtained (E126) N E
2378 PRL108(2012)222501 Hindered proton collectivity in 28S: possible magic number at Z=16 Odsuren(済) All(済) (E072) N E [RIKEN]
2377 EPJ/A48(2012)65 Quasi-elastic scattering of the proton drip line nucleus 17F on 12C at 60 MeV 合川(済) All(済) (E070) N E
2376 JP/G39(2012)065102 Knockout reaction induced by 6He at 82.3 MeV/u Vidya(済) All(済) (E072) N E [RIKEN]
2375 PR/C85(2012)034313 Isobaric analog resonances of the N=21 nucleus 35Si 古立(済) All(済) (E070) N E [RIKEN]
2374 PR/C85(2012)041304R Pygmy dipole resonance in 208Pb Tsubakihara(finished) All(finished) No (E120) N E
2373 JPJ80(2011)094202 Resonant photonuclear reactions for isotope transmutation Makinaga(finished) All(finished) No (K016)->(K017r) N E
2372 PR/C85(2012)045802 Experimental study of resonant states in 27P via elastic scattering of 26Si+p 古立(済) Odsuren (E070) N E
2371 PR/C85(2012)024611 Production of 265Sg in the 248Cm(22Ne,5n)265Sg reaction and decay properties of two isomeric states in 265Sg 合川(済) All(済) (E069)->(E146r) N E [RIKEN]
2370 PL/B707(2012)46 Recoil proton tagged knockout reaction for 8He Vidya(済) 古立(済) (E069)->(E072r) N E
2369 PR/C85(2012)015805 Strong 25Al + p resonances via elastic proton scattering with a radioactive 25Al beam Odsuren(済) 椿原 請/読取 (E069)->(E090r) N E
2368 PL/B707(2012)357 Interaction cross sections for Ne isotopes towards the island of inversion and halo structures of 29Ne and 31Ne Vidya(済) 山本(済) (E069) N E
2367 KPS59(2011)1725 Measurement of Deuteron Induced Thick Target Neutron Yields at 9 MeV Vidya(済) 古立(済) (E070)->(E075r)->(E088r)->(E090r) N E 数値データ受領(2012.1.19)/数値データ追加受領(2014.2.25)
2366 KPS59(2011)1676 Measurement of Energy-angular Neutron Distribution for 7Li, 9Be(p,xn) Reaction at EP = 70 MeV and 11 MeV Odsuren(済) 椿原(済) (E070) N E
2365 PR/C84(2011)064617 Deuteron-production double-differential cross sections for 300- and 392-MeV proton-induced reactions deduced from experiment and model calculation Vidya(済) 古立(済) (E070) N E
2364 PR/C84(2011)064315 One- and two-neutron removal reactions from 19,20C with a proton target Vidya/Odsuren(済) 椿原(済) (E069) N E 数値データ提供依頼(2012.2.7)
2363 PR/C84(2011)055805 Photoneutron cross sections for 118-124Sn and the g-ray strength function method Ichinkhorloo(済) 牧永 (K012) N E
2362 PR/C84(2011)054308 Candidate for the 2+ excited Hoyle state at Ex ~ 10 MeV in 12C Redundant N E Data added to D/E2157.
2361 PL/B706(2011)134 The 71Ga(3He,t) reaction and the low-energy neutrino response Vidya/Odsuren(済) 古立 (E072)->(E077r) N E See Phys. Rev. C 91, 034608 (2015).
2360 JPJ80(2011)094201 Production and Decay Properties of 264Hs and 265Hs 椿原(済) 山本(済) (E069) N E
2359 PR/C84(2011)035808 Resonance states in 27P using Coulomb dissociation and their effect on the stellar reaction 26Si(p,gamma)27P 山本(済) 椿原(済) (E072) N E [RIKEN]
2358 JAERI-M91-170(1991)137 Measurements of neutrons generated by deuterons incident on thick Li targets 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E070) N E
2357 JPJ80(2011)084201 Screening Potential of 6Li(d,alpha)4He and 7Li(p,alpha)4He Reactions in Liquid Lithium Vidya/Odsuren(済) 古立 (E070) N E
2356 PR/C84(2011)024604 Analyzing power in elastic scattering of 6He from a polarized proton target at 71 MeV/nucleon Redundant N E Ref. added to D/E2287.
2355 PRL107(2011)062502 Complete Electric Dipole Response and the Neutron Skin in 208Pb Devi(済) 牧永(済) 請/読取済 (E069)->(E083r) N E 数値データ提供依頼(2011.11.14)
2354 PL8(1964)330 Elastic and inelastic p - alpha collisions at 55 MeV Devi(finished) Ichinkhorloo/All(finished) Digitized (E087)->(E144) N E
2353 RM45(2010)856 Fragmentation of 370 MeV/n 20Ne and 470 MeV/n 24Mg in light targets Odsuren(済) 椿原(済) 請/読取済 (E069) N E 20Ne(NIRS分)のみ採録(24Mg(JINR, Dubna)分はA0900として採録)/数値データ提供依頼(2011.11.29)
2352 PR/C84(2011)014614 Complete set of polarization transfer observables for the 16O(p,n)16F reaction at 296 MeV and 0 degrees Yamamoto(finished) Aikawa(finished) Obtained (E067)->(E074r) N E Numerical data received(2011.11.29)
2351 PR/C84(2011)014308 High-resolution study of the 9Be(3He,t)9B reaction up to the 9B triton threshold Makinaga(finished) Kato(finished) Obtained (E115) N E Data Obtained(2011.11.8)
2350 NP/A864(2011)1 Nuclear reactions of 19,20C on a liquid hydrogen target measured with the superconducting TOF spectrometer 古立(済) 片山(済) (E067) N E
2349 PRL107(2011)032502 Scaling of Charge-Changing Interaction Cross Sections and Point-Proton Radii of Neutron-Rich Carbon Isotopes 椿原(済) 合川(済) (E067) N E
2348 NST48(2011)1017 Measurement of 76Se and 78Se (g,n) Cross Sections 牧永(済) 合川(済) (K011) N E 著者校正済(2011.7.19)
2347 PR/C83(2011)064318 The 150Nd(3He,t) and 150Sm(t,3He) reactions with applications to double beta decay of 150Nd 合川(済) 古立(済) 芦澤(済)請 (E067) N E 150Nd(3He,t)のみ(RCNP実施分)採録/数値提供依頼(2011.10.21)
2346 PR/C83(2011)061001 Three nucleon force effects in intermediate-energy deuteron analyzing powers for dp elastic scattering Odsuren(済) 合川(済) (E067) N E 数値データ受領(2011.9.24)/著者校正済(2011.9.26)
2345 PR/C82(2010)027305 Nuclear structure study of 19,21N nuclei by gamma spectroscopy Ichinkhorloo(済) 松本(済) (E067) N E
2344 PR/C81(2010)044315 Spectroscopic factors and strength distributions for the deeply bound orbitals in 40Ca obtained from the (p,2p) reaction at 392 MeV Ichinkhorloo(finished) Aikawa(finished) Obtained (E115) N E
2343 PR/C29(1984)1307 Neutron and photon production from thick targets bombarded by 30-MeV p, 33-MeV d, 65-MeV 3He and 65-MeV alpha isons: Experiment and comparison with cascade Monte Carlo calculations Tsubakihara(20110615->20110702 finished) Matsumoto->Furutachi->Aikawa (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E085)->(E092r) N E Photon flux to be compiled.
2342 NST48(2011)834 Photoneutron Cross Section for Au Revisited: Measurements with Laser Comptopn Scattering gamma-Rays and Data Reduction by a Least-Squares Method 牧永(20110615->20110620 済) 松本(済) (K011) N E 著者校正済(2011.7.7)
2341 NIM/A644(2011)59 Measurement of neutron-production double-differential cross-sections on carbon bombarded with 290-MeV/nucleon carbon and oxygen ions 古立(20110615->20110620 済) 椿原(済) (E067) N E 数値データ取得(2011.7.22)/著者校正済(2011.9.2)
2340 KPS59(2011)2035 Spectrum measurement of neutrons and gamma-rays from thick H2O-18 target bombarded with 18 MeV protons 山本(済) 椿原(済) (E067) N E 数値データ受領(2011.10.4)
2339 KPS59(2011)1805 Fragment DDX measurement of proton induced reactions on light-medium nuclei for energy range from reaction threshold to a few hundred MeV 合川(済) 牧永(済) (E067)->(E071r) N E
2338 NSTP1(2011)102 Measurement of proton-production double differential cross section from 290 MeV/u 12C incidence on Carbon at Forward Angle 松本(済) 古立(済) 芦沢(済) (E066) N E
2337 EPJ/A47(2011)9 Nuclear-charge polarization at scission in proton-induced fission of 233U Odsuren(済) 牧永(済) (E066)->(E144) N E データ(一部)受領済(2011.5.6)/数値データ提供再依頼(2011.10.18)/要修正(From IAEA, 2011.10.31)(REACTION, MONITOR)
2336 JPJ47(1979)1747 Study of elastic(pi-,p) and coherent(pi-C) cross-section at 40 GeV/c usingpropane(C3H8) bubble chamber (Digitized by Ashizawa) 541 N E
2335 JPJ46(1979)1403 Photoproduction of positive and negative pions from protons in the energy range from 710 MeV to 950 MeV No 548 N E [K entry]
2334 JPJ45(1978)1085 Photoexcitation of the 7310-keV level in 120Sn and the 6517-keV level in 117Sn No 555 N E [K entry]
2333 JPJ45(1978)1 Photoproduction of negative pions from carbon in the energy range between 510 MeV and 750 MeV (Digitized by Ashizawa) [K entry] N E
2332 JPJ42(1977)1049 Experimental study of inclusive reaction 12C(g,pi-) at 44.2 degrees (Digitized by Ashizawa) 574 N E [K entry]
2331 JPJ41(1976)1445 12C(tau,d)13N reaction at 81.4 MeV 山本(済) 古立(済) 芦澤(済) (E066) N E
2330 JPJ41(1976)361 The (3He,3He),(3He,3He') and (3He,a) reactions on 12C at 82.1 MeV Aiganym(finished) All(finished) Digitized by Ashizawa/Nakagawa/Ebata (E103) N E
2329 JPJ40(1976)1537 Four-body breakup process through the (3He,3H) reaction on 9Be 山本(済) 合川(済) 芦澤(済) (E066) N E
2328 JPJ40(1976)1531 Photoproduction of charged pions from nuclei by 250-MeV bremsstrahlung Digitizing 583 N E [K entry]
2327 PR/C83(2011)034612 Quasielastic scattering of 6He from 12C at 82.3 MeV/nucleon 山本(済) 椿原/古立(済) 芦澤(済) (E066) N E
2326 PR/C83(2011)034306 Alpha resonance structure in 11B studied via resonant scattering of 7Li+alpha 椿原(済) 山本(済) (E069)->(E111r)->(E144) N E 数値データ取得(2012.1.13)
2325 PL/B697(2011)459 14Be(p,n)14B reaction 69 MeV in inverse kinematics 古立(済) 松本(済) (E066) N E
2324 PR/C83(2011)034602 Production and decay prpperties of the 1.9-s isomeric state in 261Rf 椿原(済) 古立(済) (E066)->(E146r) N E
2323 JNM417(2011)1267 Experimental studies of deuteron-induced activation reactions in IFMIF accelerator structural elements 合川(済) 山本(済) (E069)->(E144) N E
2322 JNM417(2011)1284 Experimental studies of neutron emission spectra in Li(d,xn) reactions for IFMIF 合川(済) 山本(済) (E069) N E
2321 JPJ38(1975)954 Elastic and inelastic scattering of 14N and 12C projectiles by 12C and 28Si Odsuren(finished) Tsubakihara(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E
2320 JPJ38(1975)299 Photoproton cross section for 19F Makinaga(finished) Vidya(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) 599 N E [K entry]再読取値と入替済。要再送信
2319 JPJ37(1974)1191 The multi-step process in the 12C(3He,a)11C reaction Vidya(finished) Furutachi(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E
2318 JPJ37(1974)17 Photoprotons from 27Al Odsuren(済) 牧永(済) 芦澤(済) (K012) N E
2317 JPJ36(1974)18 Recoil proton polarization and differential cross section in eta-meson photoproduction at 890 MeV No 612 N E
2316 JPJ35(1973)330 Photoprotons in giant resonance region for 31P Vidya(finished) Makinaga(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (K013) N E
2315 JPJ35(1973)315 Emission of photoneutrons from 29Si at photon energies up to 13 MeV Odsuren(済) 牧永(済) 芦澤(済) (K011) N E
2314 No N E
2313 JPJ33(1972)1482 One-Proton coupled L=0 and 2 transitions in the 141Pr(p,t) reaction Vidya(finished) Furutachi(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E
2312 JPJ33(1972)871 Measurement of the spin correlation parameters Ayy and Azz of proton-proton scattering at 47.5 MeV Ichinkhorloo(finished) All(finished) No (E092) N E
2311 N E
2310 JPJ33(1972)298 Elastic and inelastic scattering of alpha-particles from even mass molybdenum isotopes Vidya(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E
2309 JPJ32(1972)1466 The 54Fe(p,d) 53Fe reaction at 52 MeV Odsuren(finished) Ichinkhorloo(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E
2308 JPJ32(1972)1169 Experimental investigation of the 91Zr(p,t)89Zr reaction at 51.7 MeV Vidya(finished) Makinaga(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E Comment from Furutachi(Mar.27.2013)
2307 JPJ32(1972)886 A detailed study of low-lying levels of 184W by means of the (d,p) reactions Vidya(finished) Tsubakihara(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E
2306 JPJ32(1972)869 On the photonuclear reactions of 27Al (Digitized by Ashizawa) 633 N E
2305 N E
2304 JPJ31(1971)1589 91Zr(p,t)89Zr reaction at 51.7 MeV Vidya(finished) Aikawa(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) Redundant N E Ref. added to D/E2308.
2303 JPJ31(1971)12 Fission of U and Th by gamma rays from 200 MeV to 1150 MeV Vidya(済) 牧永(済) 芦澤(済) (K012) N E
2302 JPJ30(1971)1523 Study of (d,a) reactions on 40Ca and 40Ar Odsuren(finished) Tsubakihara(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E119) N E
2301 JPJ30(1971)1217 Elastic and inelastic scattering of protons on 14N in the energy region of 10 to 15 MeV. I. Experiment Ichinkhorloo(finished) Yamamoto(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E119) N E
D2200 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
2300 JPJ30(1971)910 Elastic scattering of carbon and nitrogen ions Odsuren(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E
2299 JPJ30(1971)595 Photoproduction of two neutral pions from hydrogen near threshold Ichinkhorloo(finished) Makinaga(finished) No (K013) N E
2298 NIM/A420(1999)218 Development of a quasi-monoenergetic neutron field using the 7Li(p,n)7Be reaction in the 70-210 MeV energy range at RIKEN Ichinkhorloo(済) 大塚(済) (E067) N E will replace EXFOR O0658 / 数値データ取得 (2011.7.15)
2297 NIM/A629(2011)43 Quasi-monoenergetic neutron energy spectra for 246 and 389 MeV 7Li(p,n) reactions at angles from 0 to 30 degrees Ichinkhorloo(finished) Otsuka(finished) Obtained (E066)->(E074r) N E
2296 NSE111(1992)391 Measurement of Neutron Activation Cross Sections of Energy up to 40MEV Using Semimonoenergetic p-Be neutrons Odsuren(済) 牧永(済) 芦澤(済) (E068r) N E
2295 PR/C82(2010)064610 g-ray strength function method and its application to 107Pd 牧永(済) 大塚(済) (K010) N E
2294 JPJ16(1961)1807 Photoprotons from Silicon and Phosphorus 牧永(済) 大塚(済) 芦澤(済) (K010) N E
2293 NST47(2010)618 Study on Effective Average (g,n) Cross Section for 89Y, 90Zr, 93Nb, and 133Cs and (g,3n) Cross Section for 99Tc 牧永(済) 大塚(済) (K010) N E
2292 EPJ/A46(2010)157 Proton resonance elastic scattering in inverse kinematics on the medium heavy nucleus 68Zn 牧永(済) 古立(済) (E066) N E
2291 PR/C82(2010)044611 Neutron density distribution of 204,206,208Pb deduced via proton elastic scattering at Ep=295MeV 牧永(済) 松本(済) (E066) N E
2290 PR/C82(2010)044309 Density distribution of 17Ne and possible shell-structure change in the proton-rich sd-shell nulei 松本(済) 牧永(済) (E066) N E
2289 PR/C82(2010)034604 Proton-production double-differential cross sections for 300-MeV and 392-MeV proton-induced reactions 椿原(済) 松本(済) (E066r) N E
2288 PR/C82(2010)025807 High-precision(p,t) reaction to determine 25Al(p,g)26Si reaction rates 古立(済) 牧永(済) (E065) N E
2287 PR/C82(2010)021602 Analyzing power for proton elastic scattering from the neutron-rich 6He nucleus Makinaga(finished) Furutachi(finished) Requesting(Digitized by Ashizawa) (E065)->(E076r) N E
2286 CPL27(2010)092501 Elastic Scattering of 6He+p at 82.3MeV/nucleon 椿原(済) 松本(済) (E065) N E
2285 CNPR26(2009)104 pi0 photoproduction on deuteron for photon energies from 0.6 to 1.15 GeV 大塚(済) 牧永(済) (K010) N E
2284 NP/A746(2004)113 Direct measurement of the astrophysical reaction 14C(a,p)17F 大塚(済) 椿原 (E065) N E Also NP/A738(2004)411
2283 PR/C82(2010)014609 Energy-dependent charge-changing cross sections and proton distribution of 28Si 椿原(済) 松本(済) (E064) N E
2282 NIM/A620(2010)484 Measurements and Monte Carlo calculations of neutron production cross-section at 180 degrees for the 140MeV proton incident reactions on carbon, iron, and gold 松本(済) 椿原(済) (E064)->(E076r) N E
2281 AIP-1238(2010)211 Direct measurement of 4He(12C,16O)g reaction at KUTL Ichinkhorloo(済) 大塚(済) (E065) N E
2280 PR/C81(2010)064606 Search for 7H in 2H+8He collisions 古立(済) 椿原(済) (E064) N E
2279 JPJ29(1970)815 The High Excited Levels of 27Al Furutachi(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E
2278 JPJ28(1970)1107 Excited States in 40Ar from Inelastic Alpha-Particle Scattering Tsubakihara(finished) Ichinkhorloo(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E119) N E
2277 JPJ28(1970)1101 Excited States in 27Al from the Reaction 26Mg(p,p)26Mg Vidya(finished) Aikawa(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E119) N E
2276 JPJ28(1970)291 A Nuclear Structure Study of 141Pr and 143Pm Using the (3He,d) Reaction on 140Ce and 142Nd Vidya(finished) Aikawa(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E119) N E
2275 JPJ27(1969)1087 The 91Zr(p,p') Reaction at 14.52 MeV Ichinkhorloo(finished) Aikawa(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E119) N E
2274 (Duplication of D3) No N E
2273 JPJ26(1969)1335 Triton-Induced Reactions on 12C Vidya(finished) Makinaga(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E078) N E
2272 JPJ26(1969)1078 Quasi-Free Scattering in the Reaction Be9(p,pa)He5 at 55MeV Furutachi(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E
2271 JPJ26(1969)853 Low-Lying States of 9Be Studied by the 7Li(3He,p)9Be Reaction Odsuren(finished) Ichinkhorloo(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E119) N E
2270 JPJ25(1968)953 A Study of the Nuclear Structure of 46Ti by the 45Sc(3He,d) Reaction Vidya(finished) Tsubakihara(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E119) N E
2269 PR/C91(2015)034608 Precision evaluation of the 71Ga(nue,e-) solar neutrino capture rate from the (3He,t) charge-exchange reaction Tada (finished) Otsuka (finished) (E120)->(E150r) N E
2268 JPJ25(1968)36 j-Forbidden(d,p) Stripping Reactions on C12, O16 and Mg24 Vidya(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E119) N E
2267 JPJ25(1968)21 Breakup of Deuteron by Impact of Alpha Particle and Deuteron Ichinkhorloo(finished) Aikawa(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E119) N E
2266 JPJ25(1968)14 Scattering of 34.4-MeV Alpha Particles by the Tin Isotopes Aikawa(finished) Tsubakihara(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E119) N E
2265 JPJ25(1968)1 Single- and Multi-Nucleon Transfer Reactions Induced by Oxygen Ions on Boron 10 and 11 Tsubakihara(finished) Odsuren(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E119) N E
2264 JPJ24(1968)1203 Disintegration of Li7 and Li6 by 29.4MeV Alpha-Particles Tada All (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E123)->(E143r) N E
2263 JPJ24(1968)1167 Level Structure of 118Sn from a 119Sn(p,d) Reaction Vidya(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E
2262 JPJ24(1968)677 Elastic Scattering of Oxygen Ions by Boron 10 and 11 Tsubakihara(finished) Ichinkhorloo(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E
2261 JPJ24(1968)667 Quasi-Free a-a Scattering in Be9 and C12 at 37MeV Odsuren(finished) Aikawa(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E
2260 JPJ24(1968)422 Elastic Scattering of Tritons by 16O Vidya(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E
2259 JPJ23(1967)911 Inelastic Scattering of Alpha Particles by Be9 at 28.5MeV Furutachi(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E
2258 JPJ23(1967)895 Compound-Nucleus Cross Sections Far below the Coulomb Barrier Tada (finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E121) N E
2257 JPJ23(1967)673 89Y(p,p') Reaction at 14.71MeV Odsuren(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E
2256 JPJ23(1967)147 Energy Spectra of Inelastic Scattering of 28.4-MeV Alpha Particles Tsubakihara(finished) Ichinkhorloo(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E
2255 JPJ22(1967)685 Excitation of Spin-Flip States of Light Nuclei in Inelastic Scattering of Alpha Particles Furutachi(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E
2254 JPJ21(1966)2462 Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of Deuterons from Be9, C12, N14 and O16 at 14MeV Ichinkhorloo(finished) Tsubakihara(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103)->(E145r) N E
2253 JPJ21(1966)2445 Two-Particle States Excited by The (a,d) Reactions on s-d Shell Nuclei Tada (finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E121) N E
2252 JPJ21(1966)2115 Low Energy (p,n) Reaction on 55Mn and the Low-Lying Excited States of 55Fe Furutachi(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E
2251 JPJ21(1966)2110 Proton Widths of Excited States in 29P by the 28Si(3He,d)29P Reaction Vidya(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E
2250 JPJ21(1966)413 Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of 28.4-MeV Alpha Particles by Sn, Cd, Ag, Cu and Ti* Vidya(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E
2249 JPJ20(1965)2118 An Experimental Survey of Nuclear Reactions Induced by 57MeV Protons Part II(p,d) Reactions Odsuren(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E
2248 JPJ20(1965)1967 (a,d) and (a,t) Reactions on Be9, F19, and Al27 at 28.6MeV Ichinkhorloo(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E
2247 JPJ20(1965)1544 Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of 22.2MeV Alpha Particles from Some Medium-Weight Nuclei Vidya(finished) Aikawa(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E
2246 JPJ20(1965)475 Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of 28.5MeV Alpha-Particles from O16, Ne20, Mg24 and Si28 Furutachi(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E
2245 JPJ20(1965)190 Symmetric and Asymmetric Fission of 238U Induced by Helium Ions Tsubakihara(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) No (E100) N E
2244 JPJ20(1965)1 Elastic and Inelastic Scatterings of Polarized Protons from Be9 and Al27 Odsuren(finished) Aikawa(finished) No (E103) N E
2243 JPJ19(1964)2004 Elastic and Inelastic Collisions of 55MeV Proton with 4He Ichinkhorloo(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100)->(E144) N E
2242 JPJ19(1964)1809 Fission of Uranium-238 Induced by 55MeV Proton Ichinkhorloo(finished) Odsuren(finished) (Digitized by Saito) (E103) N E
2241 JPJ19(1964)147 Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of 28.5MeV Alpha Particles by Medium-Weight Nuclei Vidya(finished) Ichinkhorloo(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E
2240 (Duplication of D2167) (Digitized by Ashizawa) N E
2239 JPJ18(1963)620 The (a,p) Reactions on Light and Medium-Weight Nuclei Vidya(finished) Odsuren(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E
2238 JPJ18(1963)477 Structure of Giant Resonance in the P31(p,g) Reaction Ebata(finished) Odsuren(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E J,JPJ,18,599,1963(Also exists Cross sections)
2237 JPJ17(1962)1817 An Experimental Survey of Nuclear Reactions Induced by 57MeV Protons, Part I Odsuren(finished) Ichinkhorloo(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E
2236 JPJ17(1962)1526 Protons from Several Elements Bombarded with 30-MeV Alpha Particles Ichinkhorloo(finished) Odsuren(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E119) N E pending (Q-value for natural target)
2235 JPJ17(1962)1319 Differential Excitation Functions for Alpha Particle and Proton Groups from the Deuteron Induced Reactions on F19 Ebata(finished) Vidya(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E
2234 JPJ17(1962)729 Scattering and Polarization of 57-MeV Protons Vidya(finished) Odsuren(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E
2233 JPJ17(1962)19 Angular Distributions of the Alpha Particles from the (p,a) Reactions on Na23 and K39 at 6.9~7.3MeV Ebata(finished) Odsuren(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E
2232 JPJ17(1962)9 Elastic Scattering of Protons from B11, Al, P, Co and Cu from 6 to 7.4MeV 松本(済) 古立(済) 芦澤(済) (E066) N E
2231 JPJ16(1961)2378 Angular Distributions of Alpha-particles from F19, Al27 and P31 bombarded with Protons Ebata(finished) Odsuren(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E
2230 JPJ16(1961)2118 (d,a) Reactions on O16, N14 and C12 by 14.7MeV Deuterons Meruert(finished) Vidya(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103)->(E143r) N E
2229 (Duplication of D2166) N E
2228 JPJ16(1961)1849 Angular Distribution for the N14(d,p)N15 Ground State Reaction Vidya(finished) Odsuren(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E
2227 JPJ16(1961)1529 The N14(d,a)C12 Ground-State Reaction in the Energy Range of Deuteron from 1.5 to 3.0MeV Meruert(finished) Vidya(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E
2226 JPJ16(1961)1091 Angular Distribution of (a,p) Reactions in Some Light Nuclei Ebata(finished) Vidya(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E
2225 JPJ16(1961)1077 He3-Alpha Scattering Vidya(finished) Odsuren(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E
2224 JPJ16(1961)1056 Inelastic Scattering of Deuterons from C12, Mg24 and Ni60 Ebata(finished) Vidya(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E
2223 JPJ16(1961)598 The Reaction Mg25(d,p)Mg26 in the Energy Range of Deuterons from 1.5MeV to 3.0MeV 松本(済) 牧永(済) 芦澤(済) (E064) N E
2222 JPJ16(1961)157 On the Protons from the N14(d,p)N15 Reaction Vidya(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E
2221 JPJ16(1961)133 Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of Protons from Carbon Nucleus from 6.5 to 16 MeV Tada All To be digitized for excitation function. 767 N E
2220 JPJ15(1960)1741 (d,a) Reactions on Some Light Nuclei Vidya(finished) Ichinkhorloo(finished) (digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E
2219 JPJ15(1960)930 On the Alpha-particles from the N14(d,a)C12 Ground State Reaction Meruert,Vidya(finished) Makinaga(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E
2218 JPJ15(1960)760 Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of Protons from N, Ne, Mg, Si, S and A in the Energy Range from 7.6MeV to 14.2MeV Vidya(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E119) N E
2217 JPJ15(1960)749 Protons from the p+d Breakup Reaction at Proton Energies at 14MeV and 10MeV Chiba/Hatakeyama(finished) Aikawa(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E085) N E Please use new read data set(Ashizawa)
2216 JPJ15(1960)741 The Reactions Li7(p,n)Be7, B11(p,n)C11 and Al27(p,n)Si27 at 8 to 14MeV 合川(済) 古立(済) Dunaeva(済) (E067) N E
2215 (Duplication of D2165) (Digitized by Ashizawa) N E
2214 JPJ15(1960)550 Differential Cross Sections for the Reaction C12(d,p)C13 in the Energy Range of Deuterons from 15- to 20-MeV Vidya(finished) Ebata(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E103) N E
2213 JPJ15(1960)361 Differential Cross Sections for the N14(d,p)N15 Ground State Reactioon at the Deuteron Energy of 16MeV Mikami/Kawamura(finished) Aikawa(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E085) N E
2212 (Duplication of D2038) No N E
2211 JPJ14(1959)1255 Scattering of Protons by Silicon and Sulphur Vidya(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E
2210 JPJ13(1958)777 Angular Distribution of Protons Inelastically Scattered from Si28 and Mg24 Furutachi(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E
2209 JPJ13(1958)771 Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of Protons from Neon Furutachi(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E Use new digitized data(by Ashizawa)
2208 JPJ13(1958)541 Gamma Rays from the Proton Bombardment of Silicon Ebata(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E
2207 JPJ13(1958)237 Angular Distribution of Protons Inelastically Scattered from Mg24 Furutachi(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E Use new digitized data (by Ashizawa)
2206 JPJ13(1958)231 Elastic Scattering of 5.7MeV Protons from Fe, Cr and Ti Furutachi(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E
2205 JPJ12(1957)561 Elastic Scattering of 5.7 MeV Protons from Ni and Cu Furutachi(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E
2204 JPJ11(1956)1 On the Neutrons from the N14(d,n)O15 Reaction Furutachi(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E
2203 JPJ9(1954)447 The Angular Distribution of Protons from the C12(d,p)C13 Reactions Furutachi(finished) Kawai/Otsuka(finished) (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E100) N E
2202 JPJ5(1953)571 Energy Spectra of Charged pi-mesons Produced in Carbon, Aluminum and Copper at 90 degrees to a 345MeV Proton Beam Tada All (Digitized by Ashizawa) (E123) N E
2201 NP/A122(1968)97 Mechanism of the reaction 24Mg(d,p)25Mg from 2 to 4 MeV Ichinkhorloo(済) 大塚(済) 芦澤(済) (E065) N E
D2100 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
2200 JPJ79(2010)073201 Identification of 45 New Neutron-Rich Isotopes Produced by In-Flight Fission of a 238U Beam at 345MeV/nucleon 牧永(済) 大塚(済) (E065) N E
2199 NST47(2010)367 Measurement of the 80Se(g,n) Cross Section Using Laser-Compton Scattering g-rays 牧永(済) 大塚(済) (K008) N E
2198 JPJ28(1970)537 Study of the Excited States in 4He through the 4He(g,p)3H Reaction 牧永(済) 大塚(済) 芦澤(済) (K009) N E
2197 JPJ26(1969)607 The Energy and the Angular Distributions of 16O(g,p)15N Reaction 牧永(済) 大塚(済) 芦澤(済) (K010) N E 再読み取りデータを使用する事(芦澤)
2196 JPJ25(1968)664 Photoprotons from 23Na, 31P, 32S, 40Ca, 55Mn and 56Fe 牧永(済) 大塚(済) 芦澤(済) (K010) N E 再読み取りデータを使用する事(芦澤)
2195 JPJ20(1965)1321 Photoreactions in 28Si Nucleus by Monochromatic Gamma-Rays 牧永(済) 大塚(済) 芦澤(済) (K010) N E
2194 JPJ20(1965)1313 Photoproduction of Deuterons from Carbon at Several Hundred MeV 牧永(済) 大塚(済) (K011) N E
2193 JPJ19(1964)1999 Photoprotons from Fluorine and Carbon 牧永(済) 大塚(済) 芦澤(済) (K009) N E
2192 JPJ19(1964)1800 Photoproduction of Positive Pions from Carbon Nuclei 牧永(済) 大塚(済) 芦澤(済) (K011)->(K012r) N E 再読み取りデータを使用する事(芦澤)
2191 JPJ19(1964)427 Investigation of Nuclear Reactions Induced by High Energy Bremsstrahlung 牧永(済) 大塚(済) 芦澤(済) (K010)->(K022r) N E
2190 JPJ18(1963)1353 Photo Neutron Cross Sections in 23Na and 28Si 牧永(済) 大塚(済) 芦澤(済) (K009) N E
2189 JPJ18(1963)599 Photoneutron Reaction of 32S 牧永(済) 大塚(済) 芦澤(済) (K009) N E
2188 JPJ18(1963)17 Nuclear Elastic Scattering of Photons near the Partial Threshold Energy (II) 牧永(済) 大塚(済) 芦澤(済) (K009) N E
2187 JPJ17(1962)1681 Cross Sections of 35Cl(g,n)34Cl and 32S(g,n)31S Reaction 牧永(済) 大塚(済) 芦澤(済) (K009) N E
2186 JPJ17(1962)1673 On the Study of 31P(g,n) and 32S(g,n) Reaction 牧永(済) 大塚(済) 芦澤(済) (K009) N E
2185 JPJ17(1962)1672 Structure of Giant Resonance in 27Al(g,p) Reaction 牧永(済) 大塚(済) 芦澤(済) (K009)->(K011r)->(K012r) N E 再読み取りデータを使用する事(芦澤)
2184 JPJ16(1961)1841 Reaction 16O(g,p)15N by 20.5 MeV 牧永(済) 大塚(済) 芦澤(済) (K009)->(K011r)->(K012r)->(K022r) N E 再読み取りデータを使用する事(芦澤)
2183 JPJ16(1961)1657 Nuclear Elastic Scattering of Photons near the Particle Threshold Energy (I) 牧永(済) 大塚(済) 芦澤(済) (K009) N E
2182 JPJ15(1960)1128 Structure of Giant Resonance in 27Al(p,g) Reaction Ichinkhorloo(済) 大塚(済) 芦澤(済) (E065) N E
2181 JPJ14(1959)1649 Photoneutron Cross Sections for 107Ag, 92Mo, and 90Zr 牧永(済) 大塚(済) 芦澤(済) (K009) N E
2180 JPJ6(1951)66 The Photo-disintegration of Be by the High Energy gamma-rays. 牧永(済) 大塚(済) (K009) N E
2179 PR/C81(2010)035801 Photoneutron cross sections for 96Zr: A systematic experimental study of photoneutron and radiative neutron capture cross sections for zirconium isotopes 牧永(済) 大塚(済) (K008) N E
2178 PR/C81(2010)034309 Isoscalar giant resonances in the Sn nuclei and implications for the asymmetry term in the nuclear-matter incompressibility 古立(済) 松本 芦澤(済) (E064)->(E081r) N E
2177 PR/C7(1973)1425 Mechanism of the reaction 28Si(d,p)29Si from 2.0 MeV to 4.2 MeV 松本(済) 古立(済) (E066) N E
2176 JPJ78(2009)064201 Decay Properties of 266Bh and 262Db Produced in the 248Cm + 23Na Reaction 浅野(済) 大塚(済) (E064) N E
2175 CJP61(1983)1579 Cross section of direct three-body breakup of 9Be for 1576-keV gamma rays 牧永(済) 大塚(済) (K007) N E
2174 PRL104(2010)062701 Observation of a Large Reaction Cross Section in the Drip-Line Nucleus 22C 牧永(済) 古立(済) (E063) N E
2173 PL/B690(2010)245 Low-lying intruder state of the unbound nucleus 13Be Ichinkhorloo(済) 松本(済) (E064) N E
2172 NST39(2002)329 Production of 147Eu for Gamma-Ray Emission Probability Measurement 牧永(済) 松本(済) (E064)->(E095r) N E
2171 PR/C80(2009)064613 alpha cluster states in 44,46,52Ti 未定 未定 N E EXFOR 採録対象外 NRDF 要検討
2170 PRL103(2009)262501 Halo Structure of the Island of Inversion Nucleus 31Ne 大塚(済) 椿原(済) (E062)->(E091r) N E
2169 PR/C80(2009)065802 E1 and E2 cross sections of the 12C(alpha,0)16O reaction using pulsed beams 大塚(済) 古立(済) (E062) N E
2168 PL8(1964)342 EXCITATION OF UNNATURAL-PARITY STATES IN (alpha,alpha') SCATTERINGS ON 016, Ne20, Mg24 AND Si28 AT 28.5 MeV 椿原(済) 大塚(済) (E064)->(E144) N E
2167 JPJ18(1963)747 (d,alpha) Reactions on 12C and 16O with Deuterons in the Energy Range from 15Mev to 20Mev 松本(済) 合川(済) (E067)->(E074r) N E McGowan Fileに一部数値あり - Figs.2-3, 5, 8-9 / 数値データ取得(J,BCR,43,68,1965)(2011.7.12)
2166 JPJ16(1961)1853 (alpha,p) Reactions near Z=26 Ichinkhorloo(済) 大塚(済) (E064) N E
2165 JPJ15(1960)557 Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of 11.2Mev Deuterons 松本(済) 大塚(済) (E063) N E McGowan Fileに一部数値あり - Figs.3-4,12-14
2164 PR/C80(2009)055806 gamma-ray strength function for 116,117Sn with the pygmy dipole resonance balanced in the photoneutron and neutron capture channels 牧永(済) 大塚(済) (K008r)->(K022r) N E
2163 NT168(2009)340 Measurement of angular-dependent Neutron production with 140-MeV Protons 古立(済) 浅野(済) (E061) N E
2162 PR/C80(2009)055804 High-precision (p,t) reaction measurement to determine 18Ne(alpha,p)21Na reaction rates 浅野(済) 椿原(済) (E062) N E
2161 PR/C80(2009)044317 Proton decay from the isoscalar giant dipole resonance in 58Ni 古立 浅野 (E062) N E
2160 PR/C81(2010)054604 Proton inelastic scattering to the dilute alpha-cluster condensed 02+ state at Ex=7.654MeV in 12C 古立(済) 椿原(済) (E064) N E
2159 2007TOKYO2(2007)458 Tensor Analyzing Powers of pd Radiative Capture 牧永(済) 大塚(済) (E063)->(E090r) N E 送付依頼済(2009-10-29)
2158 2007TOKYO2(2007)434 Excitation energy dependence of fragment mass and total kinetic energy distributions in proton-induced fission of uranium isotopes 牧永(済) 大塚(済) (E063) N E
2157 2007TOKYO2(2007)371 The second 2+ state at Ex~10MeV in 12C Ichinkhorloo(済) 浅野(済) (E063)->(E070r)->(E081r) N E See E2362.
2156 2007TOKYO2(2007)281 Medium effect and neutron density distribution of 16,18O observed via proton elastic scattering Ichinkhorloo(済) 浅野(済) (E063) N E 送付依頼済(2009-10-29)
2155 J,NP/A481(1988)207 Tensor analyzing power measurement of 1H(d,2He)n reaction at 70 MeV 牧永(済) 大塚(済) (E062) N E
2154 PRL103(2009)032501 Spectroscopy of 32Ne and the "Island of Inversion" 浅野(済) 牧永(済) (E063r) N E
2153 RI25(1976)315 アンチモンのα照射および3He照射による123Iの製造 牧永(済) 浅野(済) (E062)->(E125r)->(E141r) N E Reference corrected (E141r, See Memo CP-D/1098).
2152 PR/C80(2009)024319 Polarization transfer measurements for 12C(->p,-.n)12N(g.s., 1+) at 296MeV and nuclear correlation effects 牧永(済) 浅野(済) (E062) N E NNDC(no number), NNDCと合意済
2151 PRL103(2009)012503 Gamow-Teller Strength Distributions in 48Sc by the 48Cadp; nT and 48Tidn; pT Reactions and Two-Neutrino Double-Decay Nuclear Matrix Elements 松本(済) 浅野(済) (E063r)->(E144) N E
2150 NIM/A605(2009)326 Measurement of high energy resolution inelastic proton scattering at and close to zero degrees Ichiko(済) 浅野(済) (E063)->(E090r) N E
2149 PR/C79(2009)061601 Reaction cross sections at intermediate energies and Fermi-motion effect 古立(済) 浅野(済) (E063r)->(E137r) N E
2148 PR/C79(2009)054008 Three-nucleon force effects in the 1H(->d,->p p)n reaction at 135 MeV/nucleon 松本(済) 古立(済) (E064r) N E
2147 PR/C79(2009)054319 Low-lying states in 32Mg studied by proton inelastic scattering 松本(済) 浅野(済) (E063r) N E
2146 2008MACKIN(2008)#134 Determination of astrophysical nuclear reaction rates using light neutron-rich RNBs 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E064r) N E
2145 EPJ/ST150(2007)37 Elastic scattering for the system 11Be + 209Bi at Coulomb barrier energies 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
2144 JP/G31(2005)S1517 Coulomb dissociation experiment for explosive hydrogen burning: study of the 22Mg(p,gamma)23Al reaction 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
2143 NP/A722(2003)484c Production of neutron-rich isotopes by fragmentation of 80 MeV/nucleon 59Co beam 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E 著者校正済(2009-08-23)
2142 PRL102(2009)012502 Development of Large Deformation in 62Cr 松本(済) 浅野(済) (E063r) N E
2141 PL/B674(2009)281 Direct proton decay of the isoscalar giant dipole resonance in 208Pb 浅野(済) 松本(済) (E061) N E 請求済(2009-04-08)
2140 PL/B674(2009)276 A new measurement of the astrophysical 8Li(d, t)7Li reaction 牧永(済) 古立(済) (E064r)->(E074r) N E
2139 PR/C79(2009)035805 Neutron capture cross section of 14C of astrophysical interest studied by Coulomb breakup of 15C 古立(済) 松本(済) (E063r) N E
2138 JRN280(2009)199 Production of no-carrier-added 64Cu and applicationsProduction of no-carrier-added 64Cu and applications to molecular imaging by PET and PETIS as a biomedical tracer 牧永(済) 古立 (E061)->(E125r) N E
2137 JPJ78(2009)035003 Production and Decay Properties of 263Hs 浅野(済) 古立(済) (E059) N E 断面積のみ採録(21+10-8 pb, 1.6+3.7-1.3 pb)
2136 PL/B673(2009)179 First lifetime measurement of 2+1 state in 12Be 松本(済) 浅野(済) (E061) N E 断面積のみ採録(74.5+/-5.8 mb, 55.0 +/- 5.3 mb)
2135 PR/C79(2009)024602 Gamow-Teller unit cross sections of the (p,n) reaction at 198 and 297 MeV on medium-heavy nuclei 浅野(済) 古立(済) (E061r)->(E074r)->(E083r) N E NNDC(C1669)/要修正(From IAEA, 2011.11.1)(See CP-D/718)
2134 PR/C79(2009)024314 High resolution study of isovector negative parity states in the 16O(3He,t)16F reaction at 140 MeV/nucleon 古立(済) 浅野(済) (E063r) N E
2133 PL/B672(2009)230 Low-lying non-normal parity states in 8B measured by proton elastic scattering on 7Be Ichiko(済) Asano(済) (E059) N E
2132 PR/C79(2009)014602 One-neutron removal reactions of18 Cand 19C on a proton target 古立(済) 松本(済) (E063r) N E
2131 PR/C78(2008)067602 Measurements of projectile-like 8Be and 9B production in 200?400 MeV/nucleon 12C on water Ichiko(済) Asano(済) (E059) N E
2130 JRN276(2008)835 Investigation of excitation functions of deuteron induced nuclear reactions on lead 浅野(済) 牧永(済) ATOMKI N E Only for NRDF.
2129 NIM/A598(2009)687 Measurements of double-differential neutron-production cross-sections for the 9Be(p,xn) and 9Be(d,xn) reactions at 10MeV 大塚(済) 村上(済) (E057)->(E097r) N E Numerical data received for replacement on 2015/4/30
2128 PR/C76(2007)054307 (3He,t) reaction on the double β decay nucleus 48Ca and the importance of nuclear matrix elements 大塚(済) 水川(済) 請 (2008-12-12) (E057) N E 著者からの連絡待ち
2127 PRL101(2008)212503 Decay Pattern of Pygmy States Observed in Neutron-Rich 26Ne 大塚(済) 松宮(済) (E057)->(E090r) N E 著者データ紛失(一部受領)
2126 PR/C78(2008)054309 Observation of high-j quasiparticle states in 249 Cm by in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy using heavy-ion transfer reactions 吉田(済) 大塚(済) (E059r) N E
2125 PAN71(2008)1495 Status of the Investigation of the Spin Structure of d, 3H, and 3He at VBLHE Using Polarized and Unpolarized Deuteron Beam 浅野(済) 大塚(済) (E059r)->(E104r)->(E120r) N E See J,PPN/L,8,1078,2011(2018-12-07)
2124 PR/C78(2008)054313 Measurement of the reaction cross section of 18C and observations of fragments from 17 Cand 18 Cat80A MeV 古立(済) 大塚(済) (E057) N E
2123 PR/C78(2008)024607 Cross sections and analyzing powers for (p,n)reactions on 3He and 4He at 346MeV 古立(済) 大塚(済) (E057) N E
2122 PR/C78(2008)021304 Persistence of the N = 50 shell closure in the neutron-rich isotope 80Ge 古立(済) 大塚(済) (E057) N E 著者に検出効率の補正の有無を確認
2121 2007NICE(2007)1011 Deuteron induced activation cross section measurement for IFMIF Ichiko(済) 吉田(済) (E057)->(E072r)->(E075r)->(E079r)->(E106r)->(E137r) N E c.f.E1988, 送信時E1988.003, 005, 009も同時送付
2120 PL/B666(2008)311 Low-lying proton intruder state in 13B 古立(済) 浅野(済) (E057) N E
2119 PR/C78(2008)014314 Spectroscopy of 24Al and extraction of Gamow-Teller strengths with the 24Mg(3He,t) reaction at 420 MeV 大塚(済) 松宮(済) (E057) N E
2118 PR/C78(2008)014303 Analogs of the giant dipole and spin-dipole resonances in 4He and in alpha clusters of 6,7Li studied by the 4He,6,7Li(7Li,7Be r ) reactions Ichiko(済) 古立(済) (E066r) N E 11月25日再請求
2117 NIM/A593(2008)298 Measurement of thick target neutron yields at 01 bombarded with 140, 250 and 350MeV protons Ichiko(済) Yoshida(済) (E059r)->(E080r) N E 要修正(2011.7.22)(TITLE: yielts -> yields)
2116 JPJ77(2008)083201 Identification of New Isotopes 125Pd and 126Pd Produced by In-Flight Fission of 345 MeV/nucleon 238U First Results from the RIKEN RI Beam Factory 浅野(済) 古立(済) (E057) N E 著者に導出法を確認
2115 PRL100(2008)162502 M1 Strength for Zirconium Nuclei in the Photoneutron Channel 大塚(済) (光) (K011r) N E 要再送信(AIP-1120,p183追記)
2114 PL/B657(2007)32 Backward-angle photoproduction of mesons on the proton at Er=1.5-2.4 GeV 大塚(済) (光) (K005) N E
2113 PR/C78(2008)014001 Photoproduction of neutral kaons on a liquid deuterium target in the threshold region 大塚(済) (光) (K006r) N E
2112 NSE160(2008)363 Measurement of inclusive photonuclear (gamma,n) reaction cross section for 129I 大塚(済) (光) (K005) N E
2111 PR/C79(2009)025801 Photodisintegration of 80Se: Implications for the s-process branching at 79Se 大塚(済) (光) (K006r) N E
2110 NIM/A592(2008)73 Extension of energy acceptance of Bragg curve counter at the high-energy end Ichiko(済) Asano(済) (E056)->(E072r)->(E090r) N E 誤差は2%(電流)、立体角(5%)、標的厚(5%)を含む, PART-DET deleted by hand
2109 PR/C77(2008)054611 Complete set of polarization transfer coefficients for the 3He( p, n) reaction at 346 MeV and 0 degrees 古立(済) 吉田(済) (E065r) N E 要修正(004 ヘッダ欠落)
2108 PR/C77(2008)044604 Wolfenstein parameters for s1/2 proton knockout (p,2p) reactions 吉田(済) 古立(済) (E056) N E
2107 EPJ/A36(2008)1 A study of the proton resonant property in 22Mg by elastic scattering of 21Na + p and its astrophysical implication in the 18Ne(a,p)21Na reaction rate Ichiko(済) Furutachi(済 nrdf未) (E063r) N E
2106 NIM/A589(2008)193 A Bragg curve counter with an active cathode to improve the energy hreshold in fragment measurements Ichiko(済) Yoshida(済) (E056) N E Li, Beのデータは入れない。(c.f. D2110)
2105 PR/C77(2008)044004 Differential cross section and analyzing power of the op → ppπ0 reaction at a beam energy of 390 MeV 吉田(済) 浅野(済) (E056) N E
2104 PR/C77(2008)034605 Fragmentation cross sections of medium-energy 35Cl, 40Ar, and 48Ti beams on elemental targets 古立(済) 松宮(済) (E056) N E
2103 NIM/B266(2008)709 Measurement of thick target yields of the natS(a,x)34mCl nuclear reaction and estimation of its excitation function up to 70 MeV 古立(済 nrdf未) 浅野(済) (E056)->(E125r) N E
2102 RCA96(2008)67 Excitation functions for the formation of some short-lived products in proton-induced reactions on silver 古立(済nrdf未) 浅野(済) (E056) N E
2101 PAN71(2008)1 Study of Energy Dependence of Pion Production by Proton on Copper Target near 350 MeV 吉田(済) 松宮(済) (E056) N E
D2000 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
2100 JPJ77(2008)025004 Production of 186mRe by Proton Bombardment of Enriched 186W 浅野(済) 大塚(済) (E055) N E
2099 JPJ77(2008)014201 Complete Set of Polarization Transfer Observables for the 12Cdp; nT Reaction at 296MeV and 0゜ 大塚(済) 松宮(済) (E055) N E
2098 PR/C77(2008)024317 Proton elastic scattering from tin isotopes at 295 MeV and systematic change of neutron density distributions 大塚(済) 松宮(済) (E055) N E
2097 PR/C77(2008)024307 Gamow-Teller strength for the analog transitions to the first T = 1/2, Jπ = 3/2. states in 13C and 13N and the implications for type Ia supernovae 吉田(済) 大塚(済) (E055) N E
2096 PL/B660(2008)320 Unbound excited states in 19,17C 吉田(済) 大塚(済) (E061r) N E
2095 CPL24(2007)3103 Measurement of D(d,p)T Reaction Cross Sections in Sm Metal in Low Energy Region(10<-Ed<-20keV) 吉田(済) 大塚(済) (E065r)->(E071r) N E 要修正(003 ヘッダ欠落)
2094 KPI51(2007)1635 Elastic scattering of 120-MeV alpha particles by 28Si 大塚(済) 古立(済) (E055) N E
2093 ARI66(2008)208 Proton-induced activation cross-sections of the short-lived radionuclides formation on molybdenum 大塚(済) 松宮(済) (E055)->(E068r) N E Review, but new data/要修正(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(B,LEVKOVSKIJ,,,1991 -> B,LEVKOVSKIJ,,1991)
2092 PR/C62(2000)044609 Isovector part of optical potentials studied through analog transitions in the (p,n) reaction at 35 MeV 大塚(済) 松宮(済) (E055) N E Request from RIPL CRP
2091 JNRS8(2007)73 Measurement of evaporation residue and fission cross section of reaction 30Si+238U at subbarrier energies 大塚(済) 浅野(済) (E064r)->(E122r) N E
2090 ZP/A332(1989)71 Nucleon transfer in high-ly mass-asymmetric reaction systems between 197Au and relatively light projectiles in the energy region below 10 MeV/u 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E055) N E
2089 NST34(1997)871 Role of effective distance in the fission mechanism study by the double-energy measurement for uranium isotopes 大塚(済) 浅野(済) (E055)->(E122r) N E (n,f) data: EXFOR 23014
2088 PRL99(2007)202501 Extraction of weak transition strengths via the (3He,t) reaction at 420 MeV 大塚(済) 松宮(済) (E055) N E
2087 PR/C76(2007)055802 Investigation of structure in 23Al via resonant proton scattering of 22Mg+p and the 22Mg(p,g)23Al astrophysical reaction rate 大塚(済) 浅野(済) (E057r)->(E071r) N E 要再送信 (.008)/要修正(From IAEA, 2011.9.27) (E-LVL: KEV -> MEV)
2086 ARI65(2007)981 Remote control production of an aqueous solution of no-carrier-added 34mCl- viathe 32S(a,pn) nuclear reaction 大塚(済) 浅野(済) (E055)->(E125r) N E
2085 PR/C76(2007)044605 Projectile fragmentation reactions and production of nuclei near the neutron drip line 大塚(済) 古立(済) (E055) N E 再請求(2008.06.26)
2084 PR/C76(2007)044003 Spin correlation parameter C(yy) of p+3He elastic backward scattering 大塚(済) 古立(済) (E055) N E 学位論文
2083 NSTS2(2002)1334 Excitation functions of rhenium isotopes on the natW(d,xn) reactions and production of no-carrier-added 186Re 大塚(済) 浅野(済) (E055) -> (E110r) N E WP2007-20
2082 JRN205(1996)85 Production method of no-carrier-added 186Re 大塚(済) 浅野(済) (E055)->(E125r) N E WP2007-20
2081 PL/B656(2007)38 Study of nuclear correlation effects via 12C(p,n)12N(g.s., 1+) at 296 MeV 大塚(済) 浅野(済) (E055) N E
2080 PRL99(2007)162503 Isotopic dependence of the giant monopole resonance in the even-A 112-124Sn isotopes and the asymmetric term in nuclear incompressibility 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050)->(E081r) N E 著者校正済(2007.10.27)
2079 NIM/A583(2007)507 Reevaluation of secondary neutron spectra from thick targets upon heavy-ion bombardment 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050) N E 著者校正済(2007.10.29), COREL:E1756, E1759, E1810
2078 PR/C64(2001)034001 Measurement of analyzing powers of the 1H(d.3He)g reaction at 17.5 MeV 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050) N E
2077 MPL/A18(2003)322 Tensor anomaly in pd radiative catpture 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E062r) N E
2076 NIM/A257(1987)253 A multifoil carbon polarimeter for protons between 20 and 84 MeV 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050) N E c.f. EXFOR F0566
2075 Private Comm. Study of reaction mechanisms for (p,n) and (p,p') quasi elastic scattering 大塚(済) (E050) N E 学位論文
2074 RCA89(2001)703 Radiochemical study on the mechanism of target fragmentation of Cu, Nb, Pr and Au targets induced by 12C and 40Ar projectiles 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050)->(E122r) N E see also HIMAC-042
2073 CL5(1976)397 Production of 61Cu by alpha- and 3He bombardments on cobalt target 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050r)->(E125r) N E
2072 NP/B294(1987)961 Measurement of differential cross sections for the pi- p -> pi0 n charge exchange scattering from 1969 MeV/c to 2965 MeV/c 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (J007) N E
2071 NP/B175(1980)1 High-precision measurement of pi- p elastic scattering in a wide angular range at incident momenta between 2.06 and 3.48 GeV/c 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (J007) N E
2070 PR/C42(1990)837 Total cross section for the gd -> pi- pp reaction between 380 and 840 MeV 大塚(済) (光) (K004) N E
2069 NP/B247(1984)313 Proton compton scattering at backward angles in the energy range from 400 MeV to 1050 MeV 大塚(済) (光) (K004) N E
2068 NP/B165(1980)189 Differential cross sections of proton compton scattering in the resonance region 大塚(済) (光) (K004) N E
2067 NP/B141(1978)364 Differential cross sections of proton compton scattering in the energy range betwen 450 and 950 MeV 大塚(済) (光) (K004) N E
2066 JPJ36(1974)1499 The total absorption cross section of 250-550 MeV photons in carbon, aluminum and copper 大塚(済) (光) (K004) N E
2065 PR/C52(1995)1157 The 12C(g,K+) reaction in the threshold region 大塚(済) (光) (K004) N E
2064 PL/B651(2007)269 Photo-production of neutral kaons on 12C in the threshold region 大塚(済) (光) (K004) N E
2063 PL/B639(2006)429 Photoproduction of eta-mesons off C and Cu nuclei for photon energies below 1.1 GeV 大塚(済) (光) (K004) N E 数値紛失連絡(20067.07.19)
2062 NST44(2007)938 Measurement of the 152Sm(g,n) cross section with laser-compton scattering gamma rays and the photon difference method 大塚(済) (光) (K007r) N E 著者校正済(2007.08.10)
2061 PRL80(1998)33 High-resolution measurement of fine structure in the photoabsorption cross section of 18O 大塚(済) (光) (K007r) N E
2060 PL/B653(2007)173 New candidate for an alpha cluster condensde state in 16O(a,a') at 400 MeV 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E062r) N E
2059 PR/C76(2007)014609 Projectile fragmentation of 86Kr at 64 MeV/nucleon 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050) N E 櫻井氏にも照会(2007.08.21)
2058 PR/C76(2007)024610 Elastic and inelastic scattering of pi+ and pi- on 12C at 995 MeV/c 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (J007) N E
2057 PL/B650(2007)129 Single-particle resonance levels in 14O examined by 13N+p elastic resonance scattering 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E061r) N E
2056 NP/A791(2007)434 Test of weak and strong factorization in nucleus-nucleus collisions at several hundred MeV/nucleon 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050) N E
2055 JPJ76(2007)045001 Observation of second decay chain from 278-113 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050) -> (E110r) N E Need "-A" flag for not fully established nuclide?
2054 JPJ76(2007)043201 Experiment on synthesis of an isotope 277-112 by 208Pb+70Zn reaction 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050)->(E066r) N E
2053 PR/C75(2007)054606 Measurements of total and partial charge-changing cross sections for 200- to 400-MeV/nucleon 12C on water and polycarbonate 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E061r) N E
2052 EPJ/A31(2007)383 Precision measurement of vector and tensor analyzing powers in elastic deuteron-proton scattering 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050)->(E111r) N E
2051 RCA95(2007)187 Experimental determination of deuteron-induced activation cross sections of yttrium 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050) N E
2050 NSE157(2007)142 Secondary neutron-production cross sections from heavy-ion interactions between 230 and 600 MeV/nucleon 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050) N E 著者校正済 (2007.08.22)
2049 EPJ/A33(2007)39 Analyzing powers Ayy, Axx, Axz and Ay in the dd->3He n reaction at 270 MeV 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050)->(E120r) N E See J,PPN/L,8,1078,2011(2018-12-07)
2048 PL/B654(2007)160 The first 2+ state of 14Be 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050) N E
2047 PR/C76(2007)031601 Examining the exotic structure of the proton-rich nucleus 23Al 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E061r) N E
2046 PR/C61(2000)034309 alpha decay of 217Th populating excited states in 213Ra 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050) N E
2045 PL/B448(1999)180 Evidence for particle stability of 31F and particle instability of 25N and 28O 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050) N E
2044 PTP39(1968)1361 Phenomenological potential for d-d elastic scattering 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050) N E
2043 PR/C36(1987)1754 Inelastic proton scattering exciting the gamma-vibrational band in deformed nuclei (152 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E065r) N E 要再送信(all)
2042 MSK/A44(2003)1 Modification of nucleon-nucleon interactions in nuclear medium and neutron densities extracted via proton elastic scattering at intermediate energies 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050) N E
2041 NIM/A487(2002)565 Measuring system of proton total reaction cross-sections at tandem energy region 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050) N E
2040 JPJ15(1960)1726 Angular distributions of the reactions 59Co(p,a)56Fe at 7.7-14.1 MeV and 55Mn(p,a)52Cr at 7.6-12.9 MeV 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050) N E
2039 JPJ15(1960)1719 Energy dependence of angular distribution of the reaction 27Al(p,a)24Mg in the energy region between 10.5 and 14.5 MeV 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050) N E
2038 JPJ15(1960)9 Elastic scattering of 14 MeV protons by deuterons and by protons 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050) N E
2037 PR/C76(2007)021305 Analog of the giant dipole resonance in 4He 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050) N E
2036 ZP/A356(1996)61 Abrupt changes of the characteristics of the proton-induced fission of 238U around 14-MeV excitation 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050)->(E122r)->(E143r)->(E146r) N E c.f. EXFOR O0407
2035 JPJ15(1960)1164 Elastic and inelastic scattering of protons by oxygen in the energy region of 6.9 MeV to 15.6 MeV 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050) N E c.f.EXFOR O0445
2034 RCA68(1995)21 Cumulative yields of short-lived Ru isotopes in the 12C- and 19F-induced fission of 233U, 235U, 238U and 237Np 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050) N E
2033 EPJ/A4(1999)157 Elastic and inelastic scattering of 58Ni+90,94Zr 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E050) N E c.f. EXFOR O0926
2032 NP/A175(1971)177 Mass distribution and the total fission cross section in the fission of 238U with protons of energies ranging between 13 and 55 MeV 大塚(済) 石塚(済) (E050)->(E071r) N E c.f. EXFOR O0193/要修正(From NEA, 2011.2.18) (MB -> B)
2031 NST44(2007)1484 On the 24Mg(t,p) reaction in the incident energy range of 1.65-3.4 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E053r) N E 著者校正済(2006.12.09)
2030 NP/A501(1981)693 Chronium and titanium isotopes produced in photonuclear reactions of vanadium, revisited 大塚(済) (光) (K003) N E
2029 PR/C42(1990)1545 Barium and xenon isotope yields in photopion reactions of 133Cs 大塚(済) (光) (K003) N E
2028 PR/C35(1987)254 Photonuclear spallation reaction in Cu 大塚(済) (光) (K003)->(K014) N E
2027 RCA55(1991)113 Photospallation of complex nuclei at intermediate energies. I 大塚(済) (光) (K003)->(K017r)->(K022r) N E
2026 RCA68(1995)27 Rare gas isotope yields in Bremsstrahlung-induced nuclear reactions of 41K, 87Rb, 127I, 133Cs, and 139La 大塚(済) (光) (K005r) N E 著者校正済(2007.03.23)、要再送 (.012-016, .018-022)
2025 RCA80(1998)181 Yield measurements of 7Be and 10Be produced by photonuclear reactions at intermediate energies: Intercomparison of fragmentation processes between photon- and proton-induced reactions 大塚(済) (光) (K002) N E
2024 NIM/B223-224(2004)807 Yield measurements for 7Be and 10Be productions from natCu, natAg and 197Au by bremsstrahlung irradiation at E0=200 MeV 大塚(済) (光) (K002) N E 著者校正済(2007.05.17)
2023 RCA88(2000)313 Target-dependence of light fragment production in photonuclear reactions at intermediate energies 大塚(済) (光) 礼(K002) N E 著者校正済(2007.05.17)
2022 RCA90(2002)371 Photofission of 209Bi at intermediate energies 大塚(済) (光) 礼(K002)->(K020r)->(K021r) N E 著者校正済(2007.03.28)
2021 JNRS1(2000)53 Photofission of 197Au at intermediate energies 大塚(済) (光) (K007r)->(K020r) N E 著者校正済(2007.03.28)
2020 PRL98(2007)102502 Spectroscopic study of neutron shell closures via nucleon transfer in the near-dripline nucleus 23O 大塚(済) 吉田(済) (E045) N E
2019 NP/A578(1994)621 Heavy-ion reactions of Cu with 135 MeV/nucleon 12C 大塚(済) 椿原(済) (E045) N E c.f. EXFOR A0354
2018 PL/B608(2005)206 Excited states in neutron rich boron isotopes 大塚(済) 富樫(済) (E045) N E
2017 PRL83(1999)1112 Coulmb dissociation of 19C and its halo structure 大塚(済) 椿原(済) (E058r) N E
2016 NP/A609(1996)74 Interaction cross section and interaction radius of the 8B nucleus 大塚(済) 富樫(済) (E045) N E US data (1USABRK)
2015 NP/A608(1996)63 Interaction cross sections and radii of light nuclei 大塚(済) 椿原(済) (E045) N E US data (1USABRK)
2014 NP/A583(1995)807 Intearction cross-sections and radii of 11C and 12N and effective deformation parameters in light mirror nuclei 大塚(済) 富樫(済) (E045) N E US data (1USABRK)
2013 PL/B334(1994)18 Interaction cross sections and radii of the mass number A=17 isobar (17N, 17F, and 17Ne) 大塚(済) 富樫(済) (E045) N E US data (1USABRK)
2012 PL/B287(1992)307 Determination of the density distribution and the correlation of halo neutrons in 11Li 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E045) N E US data (1USABRK)
2011 PL/B160(1985)380 Measurement of interaction cross sections and radii of He isotopes 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E045) N E US data (1USABRK)
2010 NP/A784(2007)341 Fragmentation cross sections of 28Si at beam energies from 290 A to 1200 A MeV 大塚(済) 富樫(済) (E045) N E 一部US data, NNDCと調整済み (2007.02.11)
2009 PL/B645(2007)402 Isovector effective NN interaction in 28Si(p,n)28P(6-) at 198 MeV 大塚(済) 富樫(済) (E045) N E
2008 NIM/A572(2007)745 Absolute calibration of the deuteron beam polarization at intermediate energies via the 12C(d,a)10B[2+] reaction 富樫(済) 大塚(済) (E045) N E
2007 NIM/A571(2007)743 Magnitude factor systematics of Kalbach phenomenology for reactions emitteing helium and lithium ions 大塚(済) 富樫(済) (E056r)->(E090r)->(E122r) N E
2006 PR/C74(2006)064606 Analyzing powers of polarized deuterons in low-energy 6Li(d,a)4He and 6Li(d,p0)7Li reactions in a resonance region 富樫(済) 大塚(済) (E045) N E
2005 PR/C73(2006)034003 New data for total 3He(g,p)D and 3He(g,pp)n cross sections compared to current theory 大塚(済) (光) (K007r) N E 著者校正済(2010.03.26)
2004 NP/A709(2002)467 Astrophysical reaction rate for a(an,g)9Be by photodisintegration 大塚(済) (光) (K001) N E 著者校正済(2007.01.13)
2003 PR/C63(2001)018801 Photodisintegration of 9Be with laser-induced Compton backscattered gama-rays 大塚(済) (光) (K001)->(K022r) N E 著者校正済(2007.01.13)
2002 NST38(2001)465 Fine structure of giant resonance in the 28Si(g,abs) reaction 大塚(済) (光) (K007r) N E 著者校正済(2006.12.09)
2001 NST35(1998)733 Super high resolution measurement of fine structure in the total photonuclear cross section of 13C 大塚(済) (光) (K007r) N E
D1900 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
2000 PRL52(1984)731 Absorption and forward scattering of antiprotons by C, Al, and Cu nuclei in the region 470-880 MeV/c 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (J005) N E
1999 NIM/A257(1987)279 A neutron polarimeter for the (p,n) reaction at Ep=50-80 MeV 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E042) N E
1998 PL/B599(2004)17 Bound excited states in 27F 大塚(済) 富樫(済) (E042) N E
1997 PR/C74(2006)024309 The (t,3He) and (3He,t) reactions as probes of Gamow-Teller strength 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E048r) N E 請求済(2006.10.13 from NNDC)
1996 NIM/B184(2001)589 Alpha beam monitoring via natCu+alpha processes in the energy range from 40 to 60 MeV 大塚(済) 椿原(済) (E042)->(E068r) N E 要修正(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(B,LEVKOVSKIJ,,,1991 -> B,LEVKOVSKIJ,,1991)
1995 PRL97(2006)062502 Gamow-Teller strengths in the A-14 multiplet: A challenge to the shell model 大塚(済) 富樫(済) (E042) N E 請求済(2006.08.14)
1994 JNRS3(2002)85 Production cross sections of 261Rf and 262Db in bombardments of 248Cm with 18O and 19F ions 大塚(済) 椿原(済) (E042)->(E102r)->(E144) N E
1993 PR/C74(2006)014309 Excitation of dipole resonances in 4He and in the alpha clusters of 6Li and 7Li 大塚(済) 富樫(済) (E042) N E
1992 EPJ/A28(2006)295 Scattering of 11Be halo nucleus from 206Bi at Coulomb barrier 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E042)->(E068r) N E 要修正(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(A. De Rosa -> A.De Rosa (remove illegal blank))
1991 PRL96(2006)252502 Observation of strong low-lying E1 strength in the two-neutron halo nucleus 11Li 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E042) N E
1990 PL/B638(2006)146 Proton single-particle states in the neutron-rich 23F nucleus 大塚(済) 富樫(済) (E059r)->(E137r) N E
1989 NIM/A562(2006)789 Measurement of neutron spectra produced in the forward direction from thick graphite, Al, Fe and Pb targets bombarded by 350 MeV protons 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E059r) N E
1988 NIM/A562(2006)785 Measurements of deuteron-induced activation cross-sections for IFMIF accelerator structural materials 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E057r)->(E079r)->(E106r) N E 要再送信(003, 005, 009)
1987 EPJ/AS25(2005)255 First experiment of 6He with a polarized proton target 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E052r)->(E137r) N E
1986 FST48(2005)1320) Measurement of neutron emission spectra in Li(d,xn) reaction with thick and thin targets for 40-MeV deuterons 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E042)->(E074r)->(E149r) N E 著者校正済 (2006.05.31)/REL-REF: JMM -> JNM
1985 JNM329(2004)218 Experimental studies on the neutron emission spectrum and activation cross-section for 40 MeV deuterons in IFMIF accelerator structural elements 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E042)->(E074r)->(E125r) N E 著者校正済 (2006.05.31)/要修正(From NEA, 2011.7.18)(REFERENCE (vol.): 329 -> 329-333)
1984 NIM/B247(2006)155 Measurements of the interaction cross-sections for 14Be and 14,15B as projectiles with a new scheme at RIBLL 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E042) N E Chinese Data (3CPRIMP)
1983 PL/B637(2006)43 "Bi-modal" isoscalar giant dipole strength in 58Ni 大塚(済) 富樫(済) (E042) N E Data 6-8 読取(済)
1982 PR/C73(2006)044314 Proton inelastic scattering studies at the borders of the "island of inversion": The 30,31Na and 33,34Mg case 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E042) N E
1981 NSTS4(2004)160 Measurement of excitation functions of the proton-induced activation reactions on tantalum in the energy range 28-70 MeV 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E044r) N E
1980 PL/B100(1981)232 Strong sequential transfer processes in 0+ -> 0+ (p,t) reactions on Pb isotopes 大塚(済) 富樫(済) (E046r) N E 飯田学位論文
1979 PR/C73(2006)034609 Measurements of evaporation residue cross sections for the fusion reactions 86Kr+134Ba and 86Kr+138Ba 大塚(済) 富樫(済) (E041) N E
1978 PR/C73(2006)024603 Secondary neutron-production cross sections from heavy-ion interactions in composite targets 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E041) N E 著者校正済 (2006.03.14)
1977 JPJ17(1962)1189 90 deg - excitation functions for the 14N(d,a)12C ground-state and first excited state reactions 大塚(済) 一瀬(済) (E041)->(E071r) N E 要修正(From IAEA, 2011.9.27) (E-LVL: KEV -> MEV)
1976 JPJ17(1962)595 Experiment on elastic scattering of protons by 18O 富樫(済) 大塚(済) (E041) N E
1975 JRN263(2005)539 Production possibility of 61Cu using proton induced nuclear reactions on zinc for PET studies 大塚(済) 椿原(済) (E041)->(E068r) N E 著者校正済 (2006.06.14)/要修正(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(T.N. van der Walt -> T.N.van der Walt (remove illegal blank) and B,LEVKOVSKIJ,,,1991 -> B,LEVKOVSKIJ,,1991)
1974 JRN255(2003)67 Primary fragment mass-yield distributions for asymmetric fission path of heavy nuclei 富樫(済) 大塚(済) (E041)->(E122r) N E Proc.
1973 2004SANTA(2004)1568 Measurement of differential thick target neutron yields (TTY) from Fe, Cu(p,n) reactions at 35, 50, and 70 MeV 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E041) N E Proc.Activation(医療用)
1972 EPJ/A9(2000)213 Role of multi-step processes in 16O(11B,12C)15N at 41.25 MeV 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E063r) N E
1971 PL/B632(2006)485 Study of the pionic enhancement in 16O(p,p')16O(0-,T=1) at 295 MeV 黒河(済) 大塚(済) (E041) N E 著者連絡なし(2006.06.05)
1970 NP/A345(1980)1 Deuteron break-up in the fields of nuclei at 56 MeV 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E041) N E
1969 RCA93(2005)497 Target dependence of beryllium fragment production in neutron- and alpha-induced nuclear reactions at intermediate energies 黒河(済) 大塚(済) (E041) N E
1968 ARI34(1983)1531 Excitation functions of Ge(p,xnyp) reactions and production of 68Ge 椿原(済) 大塚(済) (E041)->(E125r) N E c.f. EXFOR R0036
1967 ARI30(1979)345 Excitation functions for the production of 81Rb- 81mKr via the 79Br(a,2n)81Rb and the 81Br(3He,3n)81Rb reactions 椿原(済) 大塚(済) (E041)->(E125r)->(E144) N E c.f. EXFOR R0029
1966 BCJ39(1966)2685 The radioactivation analysis of semiconductor graphite for nutrogen by the 14N(p,a)11C 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E041) N E c.f. EXFOR R0026
1965 JRN82(1984)135 Proton activation analysis of trace impurities in purified cobalt 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E041)->(E125r) N E c.f. EXFOR S0030
1964 JNM123(1984)972 Induced radioactivity of component materials by 16-MeV protons and 30-MeV alpha particles 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E052r)->(E111r)->(E137r) N E c.f. EXFOR S0032
1963 RRL44(1980)307 Excitation functions for 3He-induced reactinos on silver 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E041)->(E068r)->(E071r)->(E125r) N E c.f. EXFOR D4068 / 要修正(2011.8.2)(E1963.007-009, REACTION: DT -> PHY) / 要修正(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(B,LEDERER-7,,,1978 -> B,LEDERER-7,,1978)
1962 NP/A736(2004)3 Resonant structures in spin alignment in the 12C+16O inelastic scattering 大塚(済) 椿原(済) (E042) N E
1961 BCJ50(1977)1251 Production of 61Cu by alpha and 3He bombardment on cobalt target 大塚(了) 合川(了) (E050r)->(E125r)->(E144) N E
1960 PR/C73(2006)024610 Neutron-dominant quadrupole collective motion in 16C 大塚(了) 鈴木(了) (E041r)->(E137r) N E
1959 JPJ74(2005)1640 7Li-excitation of a resonance at Ex=15.5 MeV in 208Pb 黒河(了) 大塚(了) (E038) N E
1958 PRL95(2005)162301 Resolving the discrepancy of 135 MeV pd elastic scattering cross sections and relativistic effects 前川(了) 大塚(了) (E038) N E (帰国後送付 2005.11.20)
1957 CPL22(2005)1370 Measurement of the breakup cross sections in 6He+9Be reaction at 25 MeV/nucleon 黒河(了) 大塚(了) (E059r) N E 本論文公刊時に数値送付(2005.11.20)
1956 NIM/B239(2005)293 Activation cross sections of proton induced nuclear reactions on iridium 椿原(了) 大塚(了) × N E DebrecenにてIAEAに送信!
1955 NIM/B243(200l)20 Excitation functions of long lived products in deuteron induced nuclear reactions on platinum up to 40 MeV 椿原(了) 大塚(了) (E038) N E
1954 NIM/B240(2005)625 Investigation of the 66Zn(p,2pn)64Cu and 68Zn(p,x)64Cu nuclear processes up to 100 MeV: Production of 64Cu 椿原(了) 大塚(了) × N E CAJaDと重複 (O1342)
1953 JPJ16(1961)129 Excitation function for the reaction 16O(a,pn)F18 大塚(了) 鈴木(了) (E038)->(E144) N E McGowan file, c.f. EXFOR P0121
1952 PR/C28(1983)1840 (p,xn), (p,pxn), and (p,2pxn) reactions for medium-mass nuclei at 12 GeV 黒河(了) 大塚(了) (E054r) N E
1951 NIM/B240(2005)612 Measurement of the cross-section of 14N(16O,alpha)26Al with AMS 椿原(済) 大塚(済) (E041r)->(E143r) N E
1950 NP/A98(1967)209 Elastic and inelastic scattering of 14 MeV protons from 111Cd, 112Cd and 113Cd 黒河(了) 大塚(了) (E038) N E INSJ-103
1949 JPJ22(1967)949 The reaction 15N(p,alpha)12C in the energy range of protons from 6.70 to 15.16 MeV 黒河(了) 大塚(了) (E045r) N E
1948 JPJ21(1966)2103 Elastic and inelastic scattering of 55 MeV protons from 60Ni 黒河(了) 大塚(了) (E038) N E INSJ-74
1947 JPJ21(1966)14 The hole state by the reactions 40Ca(p,d)39Ca, 52Cr(p,d)51Cr and 60Ni(p,d)59Ni 黒河(了) 大塚(了) (E038) N E INSJ-72,73
1946 JPJ20(1965)679 Elastic scattering of protons from Cu63 and Cu65 in the energy range from 7.54 MeV to 14.64 MeV 黒河(了) 大塚(了) (E038) N E INSJ-68
1945 JPJ16(1961)1066 Anomalies in the scattering of alpha particles by carbon 黒河(了) 大塚(了) (E045r) N E INSJ-61
1944 JPJ15(1960)1158 Elastic and inelastic scattering of alpha particles by carbon 黒河(了) 大塚(了) (E045r) N E INSJ-60
1943 JPJ16(1961)583 Angular distributions of protons from the alpha particle bombardment of B10, N14, O16 and Ne20 黒河(了) 大塚(了) (E045r) N E INSJ-35
1942 JPJ14(1959)1260 Angular distributions of protons from the reaction 12C(alpha,p)15N 黒河(了) 大塚(了) (E045r) N E INSJ-34
1941 NP27(1961)1 The elastic and inelastic scattering of protons by magnesium in the energyrange from 7.3 MeV to 15.9 MeV 黒河(了) 大塚(了) (E038) N E INSJ-29, lab or c.m. ?
1940 JPJ14(1959)861 Elastic and inelastic scattering of protons from Ti, Cr, Ni, Zn and O at 8 to 14 MeV 黒河(済) 大塚(済) (E054r) N E INSJ-20, c.f. EXFOR O0444
1939 PR/C72(2005)041602 Analyzing powers for exclusive 1s1/2 proton knockout from light nuclei 黒河(了) 大塚(了) (E036) N E E(recoil)=0 => E(LAS)=E(lab)-E(GR)-S(p))
1938 NP/A758(2005)158c Study of proton resonances in 26Si and 27P by using the 25Al and 26Si radioactive ion beams 黒河(了) 大塚(了) (E054r) N E 会議録、縦軸はc.m.で定義?
1937 CPL20(2003)1034 Measurement of one- and two-neutron transfers in reaction of 6He+9Be at 25 MeV/u 黒河(了) 大塚(了) (E059r)->(E074r) N E
1936 PR/C72(2005)014606 Proton production cross sections for reactions by 300- and 392-MeV protons on carbon, aluminum, and niobium 一瀬(済) 大塚(済) (E039r) N E
1935 NIM/B234(2005)375 New cross-section data for the 66Zn(p,n)66Ga, 68Zn(p,3n)66Ga, natZn(p,x)66Ga, 68Zn(p,2n)67Ga and natZn(p,x)67Ga nuclear reactions up to 100 MeV 椿原(了) 大塚(了) (E036) N E
1934 ARI63(2005)367 Experimental studies on excitation functions of the proton-induced activation reactions on yttrium 椿原(了) 大塚(了) (E044r) N E
1933 NP/A746(2004)330c Measurement of the 8Li(alpha,n)11B reaction cross sections of astrophysical interest 黒河(了) 大塚(了) (E062r) N E
1932 PR/C71(2005)044611 In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of neutron-rich boron isotopes 15,17Bvia inelastic scattering on 12C 黒河(了) 大塚(了) (E054r) N E
1931 PR/C71(2005)014604 Quasielastic scattering of 6He on 9Be at 25 MeV/nucleon 黒河(済) 大塚(済) (E059r) N E
1930 AEJ2(1960)682 (alpha,n) cross sections for 48Ti and 51V 大塚(了) 合川(了) (E036) N E EXFOR D4079
1929 NIM/B222(2004)364 Formation of 60Cu and 61Cu via Co+3He reaction upto 70 MeV: production possiblity of 60Cu for PET studies 椿原(了) 大塚(了) (E036) N E
1928 NIM/B187(2002)153 Production possibility of 60,61,62Cu radioisotopes by alpha induced reactions on cobalt for PET studies 椿原(了) 大塚(了) (E036) N E EXFOR D4116
1927 ARI62(2005)533 Experimental studies on excitation functions of the proton-induced activation reactions on silver 椿原(了) 大塚(了) (E036) N E 著者校正済(2005.07.07)
1926 JP/G31(2005)39 Neutron removal reactions of 17C 黒河(了) 合川(了) (E054r)->(E074r) N E
1925 NP/A747(2005)3 Measurement of proton polarization in the 208Pb(d,p)209Pb reaction at an incident energy of 20 MeV 大塚(了) 黒河(了) (E054r) N E iT11はD1705のデータと同一(2004.12.16確認)
1924 PR/C70(2004)054320 Density distribution of 17B from a reaction cross-section measurement 黒河(了) 合川(了) (E036) N E
1923 NIM/B226(2004)243 Cross sections for the production of residual nuclides by high-energy heavy ions 合川(了) 大塚(了) (E036)->(E092r) N E c.f. D1829 数値ファイルあり/Delete 7Be production cross sections due to authors' request.
1922 NIM/B226(2004)473 Activation cross-sections of light ion induced nuclear reactions on platinum: proton induced reactions 椿原(了) 大塚(了) (E037r)->(E144) N E 著者校正済(2005.05.31)
1921 ARI62(2004)73 Activation cross-sections of long-lived products of proton-induced nuclear reactions on zinc 大塚(了) 椿原(了) (E036)->(E118r) N E Duplication to be withdrawn (see member935)
1920 JPJ73(2004)2593 Experiment of the synthesis of element 113 in the reaction 209Bi(70Zn,n)278-113 大塚(了) 黒河(了) (E033) -> (E110r) N E 超重元素のコード化については要議論->登録済み
1919 JPJ73(2004)1738 Production and decay properties of 272-111 and its daughter nuclei 大塚(了) 黒河(了) (E063r) N E
1918 EPJ/A21(2004)257 Production and decay of the isotope 271Ds (Z=110) 大塚(了) 黒河(了) (E039r) N E
1917 PL/B598(2004)47 Measurement of the tensor analyzing power T20 in the dd -> 3He n and dd->3H p at intermediate energies and at zero degree 大塚(了) 黒河(了) (E039r)->(E120r) N E
1916 PRL93(2004)162701 Evidence of complete fusion in the sub-barrier 16O+238U reaction 黒河(了) 鈴木(了) (E039r)->(E068r) N E 要修正(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(SF1: 92-U-0 -> 92-U-238)
1915 PR/C70(2004)054606 Coulomb and nuclear breakup of a halo nucleus 11Be 鈴木(了) 大塚(了) (E064r)->(E137r) N E
1914 PR/C70(2004)044613 Sigma-nucleus potential studied with the (pi-,K+) reaction on medium-to-heay nuclear targets 大塚(了) 合川(了) × N E
1913 PR/C70(2004)034612 The 96Mo(p,d)95Mo reaction at 50 MeV 黒河(了) 大塚(了) (E033) N E
1912 PR/C70(2004)034318 Isovector and isoscalar spin-flip M1 strengths in 11B 黒河(了) 大塚(了) (E033) N E
1911 PR/C58(1998)116 Nuclear structure of 17Ne by the three-neutron pickup (3He,6He) reaction 黒河(了) 鈴木(了) (E033) N E c.f. D1599
1910 RCA69(1995)65 Angular-momentum effect in the fusion reaction of 141Pr with 40Ar projectiles 大塚(了) 黒河(了) (E033)->(E122r) N E
1909 JPJ73(2004)1611 Total spin transfer in continuum for 90Zr(p,n) reaction at 295 MeV 黒河(了) 大塚(了) (E033) N E 再請求(2005.6.27)
1908 NST41(2004)953 Recoil cross-sections of proton and deuteron by 4He at a recoil angle of 0 deg in an energy range of 5-14 MeV 大塚(了) 黒河(了) (E033) N E
1907 PR/C70(2004)014001 Polarization transfer measurement for 1H(d,p)2H elastic scattering at 135 MeV/nucleon and three-nucleon force effects 黒河(了) 大塚(了) (E033) N E
1906 NP/A41(2004)29 Neutron removal studies on 19C 黒河(了) 鈴木(了) (E033) N E
1905 PR/C70(2004)014609 Partition of total excitation energy between fragment pairs in asymmetric and symmetric fission modes 大塚(了) 黒河(了) (E033)->(E095r)->(E149r) N E
1904 PR/C69(2004)064327 Nuclear structure of the spin-isospin excited states in 13N studied via (3He,t) and (3He,tp) reactions at 450 MeV 黒河(了) 大塚(了) (E033) N E
1903 NP/A656(1999)209 Density distribution of 8B studied via reaction cross sections 黒河(了) 鈴木(了) (E033) N E
1902 NPA739(2004)57 One- and two-proton removal from 15O 黒河(了) 合川(了) (E033) N E
1901 NP/A739(2004)3 Study of the density distribution of 17C from reaction cross section measurement 黒河(了) 合川(了) (E039r)->(E074r) N E
D1800 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
1900 PR/C69(2004)054609 Pionic enhancement in quasielastic (p,n) reactions at 345 MeV 黒河(了) 大塚(了) (E039r) N E 再請求(2005.6.27)
1899 PR/C69(2004)051301 Systematics of the bimodal isoscalar giant dipole resonance 黒河(了) 鈴木(了) (E061r) N E
1898 PR/C69(2004)044602 Polarization transfer and spin response functions of the 2H(p,n) reaction at 345 MeV 大塚(了) 黒河(了) (E039r) N E
1897 PR/C69(2004)044313 Excitations of the alpha cluster in A=6 and 7 nuclei 大塚(了) 石塚(了) (E032) N E
1896 PR/C69(2004)041304 Trinucleon cluster structures in 6Li 大塚(了) 鈴木(了) (E032) N E 著者連絡なし(2005.6.10)
1895 NP/A735(2004)329 Subbarrier fusion in the systems 11,10Be+209Bi 大塚(了) 石塚(了) (E032) N E
1894 ARI60(2004)911 Experimental studies on the proton-induced activation reactions of molybdenum in the energy range 22-67 MeV 大塚(了) 黒河(了) (E044r)->(E144) N E
1893 NST41(2004)399 Measurements of differentail thick target neutron yields and 7Be production in the Li, 9Be(d,n) reactions for 25 MeV deuterons 大塚(了) 黒河(了) (E032)->(E133r)->(E140r) N E 著者校正済(2004.5.10) c.f.D1856; REACTION (022) modified (E140r).
1892 NIM/A257(1987)189 Status of the CYRIC neutron TOF facilities upgrade 大塚(了) 石塚(了) (E032) N E c.f.EXFOR C0420
1891 PR/C60(1999)047303 Gamow-Teller transitions in the (7Li,7Be) reaction at 65A MeV 大塚(了) 鈴木(了) (E032) N E 著者連絡なし(2005.6.10)
1890 PR/C69(2004)015802 Precise measurement of the cross section of 3He(3He,2p)4He by using 3He doubly charged beam 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E053r) N E Data 1: Unit MB -> B
1889 PR/C69(2004)034613 One-neutron halo structure in 15C 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E065r) N E 要修正(006 ヘッダ欠落)
1888 PR/C69(2004)014308 alpha-decays of neutron-deficient americium isotopes 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E032) N E
1887 PR/C57(1998)2057 Half-life of the electron capture decaying isotope 236Am 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E032) N E
1886 PR/C68(2003)064602 Systematic study of L<=3 giant resonances in Sm isotopes via multipole decomposition analysis 黒河(済) 鈴木(済) (E046r) N E
1885 PR/C68(2003)064305 Half-life of 228Pu and alpha decay of 228Np 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E032) N E
1884 PR/C43(1991)1821 Spectroscopic tool for proton-rich nuclei: The (3He,6He) reaction 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E040r) N E Data 1-8:生、再読取了(DATA 9)
1883 PR/C21(1980)1387 Alpha-particle doorway states in 28Si 大塚(了) 石塚(了) 吉野(済) (E040r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-19)
1882 NP/A414(1984)385 Spallation of niobium by 12 GeV protons 大塚(了) 黒河(了) (E032) N E D943の再採録
1881 NP81(1966)322 Excitation functions for the reactions induced by deuterons on 142Ce up to 14.2 MeV 大塚(了) 石塚(了) (E032)->(E123r) N E
1880 NP/A352(1981)461 Cross sections of negative-pion-induced reactions in 9Be, 12C and 19F nuclei between 0.4 and 1.9 GeV 大塚(了) 黒河(了) (J003) N E
1879 NP/A129(1969)165 Excitation functions for the (d,p) reactions on 96Ru, 102Ru and 104Ru 大塚(了) 石塚(了) (E032) N E
1878 NP/A262(1976)52 Cross sections and reaction mechanisms of (p,pxn) reactions on 208Pb in the 24-52 MeV range 大塚(了) 鈴木(了) (E032) N E
1877 NP/A90(1967)253 Excitation functions for proton-induced reactions of 140Ce and 142Ce up to Ep=15 MeV 大塚(了) 黒河(了) (E032)->(E111r)->(E146r) N E 印刷されている巻"67"は"90"の間違い
1876 NP69(1965)273 Excitation functions for the reactions induced by alpha particles on 109Ag 大塚(了) 黒河(了) (E063) N E D4066と重複
1875 BCJ36(1963)1225 The production of high specific activities of tin 大塚(了) 黒河(了) (E030)->(E125r) N E
1874 NP41(1963)275 Excitation functions for the reactions induced by alpha particles on 107Ag 大塚(了) 黒河(了) (E030) N E
1873 JPJ17(1962)914 27Al(d,alpha)25Mg reaction at 14,7 MeV 大塚(了) 石塚(了) (E059r) N E IAEA医療用, 再読取了 (Data 1-8)
1872 JPJ17(1962)896 (d,alpha) reactions on 19F, 20Ne, 31P and 32S at 14.7 MeV 大塚(了) 石塚(了) (E040r) N E IAEA医療用, 再読取了 (Data 1-16)
1871 ARI25(1974)393 Yield of 18F for various reactions from oxygen and neon 大塚(了) 鈴木(了) (E040r) N E IAEA医療用, 線データ, 再読取了 (Data 1-4)
1870 JPJ12(1957)841 On the neutrons from the 14N(d,n)15O reaction - II 大塚(了) 鈴木(了) (E040r) N E IAEA医療用, 再読取了 (Data 1-2)/要修正(From IAEA, 2011.11.1)(See CP-D/718)
1869 JPJ15(1960)2170 The 14N(d,n)15O reaction in the energy range from 1.5- to 2.9-MeV 大塚(了) 鈴木(了) (E040r) N E IAEA医療用, 再読取了 (Data 1-8)/要修正(From IAEA, 2011.11.1)(See CP-D/718)
1868 RI35(1986)235 Production of pure 123I by the 127I(p,5n)123Xe -> 123I reaction 大塚(了) 鈴木(了) (E030)->(E137r) N E IAEA医療用
1867 ARI36(1985)481 Excitation functions for (p,xn) and (p,pxn) reactions on natural 79+81Br, 85+87Rb, 127I and 133Cs upto Ep=52MeV 大塚(了) 鈴木(了) (E040r)->(E144) N E IAEA医療用, 再読取了 (Data 1-22)
1866 NIM134(1976)93 Isotope separator on-line at INS FM cyclotron 大塚(了) 鈴木(了) (E040r) N E IAEA医療用, 再読取了 (Data 1-3)
1865 A-INS-1990(1991)35 Production of 59,63Ni from natural Ni irradiated with protons up to Ep=40 MeV and decay of 56Ni 大塚(了) 鈴木(了) (E040r)->(E068r) N E IAEA医療用, 再読取了 (Data 1-4)。要修正(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(B,LANDOLT,,,1994 -> B,LANDOLT,,1994)
1864 A-INS-1989(1990)32 Production of cosmic-ray induced radionuclides, 49V and 59,63Ni from Fe, Co and Ni irradiated with protons up to Ep=40 MeV 大塚(了) 鈴木(了) (E040r)->(E068r) N E IAEA医療用, 再読取了 (Data 1-4)。要修正(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(B,LANDOLT,,,1994 -> B,LANDOLT,,1994)
1863 NIM/B34(1988)465 Depth profiling of lithium by use of the nuclear reaction 7Li(p,alph)4He 大塚(済) セルゲイ(済) (E030) N E IAEA照射分析, 線データ, IBANDLデータ採用
1862 NIM/B6(1985)533 Depth resolution and recoil cross section for analyzing hydrogen in solids using elastic recoil detection with 4He beam 勝間(了) 鈴木(了) (E030)->(E146r) N E IAEA照射分析, IBANDLデータ採用
1861 NIM218(1983)598 Analysis of hydrogen in corrosion product films on amorphous alloy using the elastic recoil detection technique 鈴木(了) 石塚(了) (E040r)->(E146r) N E IAEA照射分析, 再読取了 (Data 1-3)
1860 JPJ20(1965)669 The Al27(p,p)Al27 Reaction 石塚(了) 黒河(了) (E040r) N E IAEA照射分析, 再読取了 (Data 1-5)
1859 NP7(1958)116 The Angular Distributions of the Long-Range Alpha Particles from the Reaction F19(p,alpha0)O16 黒河(了) 勝間(了) 椿原(済) (E040r) N E IAEA照射分析, 再読取了 (Data 1,4-16)/要修正(From IAEA, 2011.11.1)(See CP-D/718)
1858 NIM/A515(2003)733 Measurement of neutrons from thick Fe target bombarded by 210 MeV protons 大塚(了) 鈴木(了) (E030) N E 著者校正済(2003.12.20)
1857 PL/B426(1998)257 Strength observed in Gamow-Teller resonance plus continuum in the 27Al(p,n) reaction at 295 MeV 大塚(了) 石塚(了) (E068r) N E
1856 NSE146(2004)200 Measurement of differential thick-target neutron yields of C, Al, Ta, W(p,xn) reactions for 50-MeV protons 大塚(了) 鈴木(了) (E030)->(E149r) N E 著者校正済(2004.3.27) c.f.D1893
1855 ZP/A347(1993)53 Isomeric yield ratios of fission products in the system of 24 MeV proton-induced fission of 238U 大塚(済) 鈴木(済) (E025)->(E111r) N E O0539(TRANS.O012)からの移行に伴う再採録+比較チェック
1854 ARI42(1991)577 Production cross sections of tritium in high energy nuclear reactions with 12 GeV protons 大塚(済) 鈴木(済) (E025) N E O0538(TRANS.O012)からの移行に伴う再採録+比較チェック
1853 NIM/A374(1996)330 Mass separation of neutron-rich isotopes using a gas-jet coupled thermal ion source 大塚(済) 鈴木(済) (E054r) N E O0747(TRANS.O013)からの移行に伴う再採録
1852 RCA84(1999)115 Mass yield distributions in proton-induced fission of 248Cm 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E025)->(E111r) N E O0733(TRANS.O013)からの移行に伴う再採録+比較チェック
1851 JRN239(1999)113 Characteristics of binary scission configurations in proton-induced fission of actinides 大塚(済) 鈴木(済) (E025) N E O0699(TRANS.O013)からの移行に伴う再採録
1850 RCA76(1997)173 Highly asymmetric mass division in low-energy proton-induced fission of 232Th and 244Pu 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E025) N E O0667(TRANS.O013)からの移行に伴う再採録+比較チェック
1849 NP/A185(1972)273 Some evidence for neutron pick-up from the interior core through the (p,d) reaction 大塚(済) 鈴木(済) (E025) N E O0586(TRANS.O012)からの移行に伴う再採録
1848 JIN33(1971)2731 Nuclear charge distribution in proton-induced fission of 238U 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E025) N E O0571(TRANS.O012)からの移行に伴う再採録+比較チェック
1847 JIN38(1976)1425 Production of 7Be from proton bombardment of light elements 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E025) N E O0565(TRANS.O012)からの移行に伴う再採録+比較チェック
1846 NP/A121(1968)161 The single-hole states in the 50 < N <= 126 shell with (p,d) reactions 大塚(済) 鈴木(済) (E025)->(E122r) N E O0547(TRANS.O012)からの移行に伴う再採録
1845 PR/C51(1995)1891 Feshbach-Kerman-Koonin model analysis of preequilibrium (p,p') and (p,n) reactions at 12 to 26 MeV 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E025)->(E149r) N E O0558(TRANS.O012)とのマージ、とりあえずCAJaD数値利用
1844 ZP/A336(1990)63 Incident energy dependence of preequilibrium (p,p') spectra 大塚(済) 吉野(済) (E025) N E 著者データ(一部未着)による再採録再変換, 旧D/E1323
1843 PR/C38(1988)2531 Alpha-particle energy spectra from the (p,alpha) reaction.... 大塚(済) Arifin(済) (E025) N E 著者データによる再採録(O514), 旧D1321
1842 PR/C36(1987)1325 Preequilibrium (p,p') spectra for nuclei around neutron number 50 大塚(済) 阿部(済) (E025) N E 著者データ(一部未着)による再採録(O504), 旧D1320
1841 PR/C35(1987)467 Shell and odd-even effects on alpha-particle energy spectra .... 大塚(済) Arifin(済) (E025) N E 著者データによる再採録再変換, 旧D/E1303
1840 PRL51(1983)1838 Pion-Deuteron Elastic Scattering at Large Angles for Momenta from 460 to 1160 MeV/c 鈴木(了) 石塚(了) (J002) N E
1839 PRL50(1983)400 Confirmation of Dip-Bump Structure in Backward π- -d Elastic Scattering : Possible Evidence for Dibaryon Resonances 大塚(了) 石塚(了) (J002) N E
1838 PL/B149(1984)321 Measurement of the differential cross section for the reaction small pi, Greek+ + d rightwards arrow p + p at momenta between 0.48 and 1.16 GeV/c 鈴木(了) 黒河(了) (J002) N E
1837 JNRS3(2002)7 Most Probable Charge of Fission Products in Proton-Induced Fission of 238U and 232Th 黒河(了) 鈴木(了) (E031) N E
1836 ARI50(1999)389 Excitation function measurements of 40Ar(p,3n)38K, 40Ar(p,2pn)38Cl and 40Ar(p,2p)39Cl reactions 黒河(了) 鈴木(了) (E068r) N E
1835 PR/C67(2003)064312 Analogous Gamow-Teller and M1 transitions in 26Mg, 26Al, and 26Si 合川(済) 一瀬(済) × N E 構造論文
1834 PR/C66(2002)044313 M1 and Gamow-Teller transitions in T.1’2 nuclei 23Na and 23Mg 合川(済) 一瀬(済) × N E 構造論文
1833 NST40(2003)283 Neutron-Production Double-Differential Cross Sections of Iron and Lead by 0.8 and 1.5GeV protons in the Most-Forward Direction 一瀬(了) 大塚(了) (E062r) N E 著者校正済(2005.02.08)
1831 NIM/B168(2000)543 Detailed analysis of the resonant backscattering spectrum for deeply penetrating protons in carbon 大塚(了) Sergei(了) (E031) N E
1830 NIM/A457(2001)545 Active target-detector with scintillating "bers for hyperon}proton scattering 一瀬(了) 大塚(了) 吉野(済) (E031) N E 連絡無(2004.8.29)
1829 RCA91(2003)689 Measurement and calculation of radioactivities of spallation products by high-energy heavy ions 大塚(了) 石塚(了) (E031)->(E122r)->(E149r) N E 著者校正済(2004.04.13)
1828 NIM/A420(1999)380 A new method of accurate polarization measurement on isobaric analog resonance to detect parity non-conservation effect 黒河(了) 大塚(了) 阿部(済) (E040r) N E 連絡無(2003.12.18),再読取了(Data 1-2)
1827 NP/A724(2003)3 Momentum distribution of 14C and 15C fragments from 16C breakup 勝間(了) 合川(了) (E041r) N E
1826 NIM/A389(1997)463 High -energy p-Li neutron field for activation experiment 大塚(了) 黒河(了) (E065r)->(E071r) N E 要再送信(001+005)/要修正(From IAEA, 2011.9.27) (E-LVL: KEV -> MEV)
1825 PL/B560(2003)31 Isomeric 0+ state in 12Be 黒河(済) 鈴木(済) 阿部(済) × N E 再読取了(Data 1,3)
1824 PRL90(2003)202501 Excitation and Decay of the Isovector Giant Monopole Resonances via the 208Pb(3He,tp) Reaction at 410 MeV 大塚(了) 一色(了) (E039r) N E 後日送付(2004.1.7)
1823 PR/C67(2003)064612 Cross section and induced polarization in 3He elastic scattering at 443 MeV 富樫(了) 勝間(了) (E031) N E
1822 PR/C67(2003)064601 Structure of the unbound 11N nucleus by the (3He,6He) reaction 石塚(了) 須田(了) (E031) N E
1821 PR/C67(2003)064315 In-beam g spectroscopy of 34Si with deuteron inelastic scattering using reverse kinematics 須田(了) 大塚(了) 大倉(済) × N E 再読取了(Data 1)
1820 PL/B557(2003)12 Isoscalar giant dipole resonance in 208Pb via inelastic alpha scattering at 400 MeV and nuclear incompressibility 一瀬(了) 合川(了) 椿原(済) (E040r) N E Data 1-3は博論より入力, 再読取了(DATA 1,4-7)
1819 PL/B551(2003)255 Structure and decay of the s-hole state in 11B studied via the 12C(p,2p)11B reaction 大塚(了) 石塚(了) (E039r) N E
1818 PL/B571(2003)21 Possibility of a two-proton halo in 17Ne 大塚(了) 須田(了) (E029) N E
1817 PL/B549(2002)307 Three-body dN interaction in the analysis of the 12C(p,d) reaction at 270 MeV 富樫(了) 前川(了) (E029) N E
1816 NP/A714(2003)3 100Mo(p,d)99Mo reaction at 21 MeV and directreaction analysis of the low-lying continuumspectrum 大塚(了) 石塚(了) (E029) N E
1815 PRL90(2003)082501 Experimental Evidence for the Existence of 7H and for a Specific Structure of 8He 一色(了) 石塚(了) (E029) N E E1815 002-003 SF4=RSD.
1814 PR/C67(2003)014610 Search for 21B 鈴木(了) 一瀬(了) (E029) N E mass number of Ta?
1813 PR/C67(2003)014604 Fragment mass distribution of the 239Pu(d,pf) reaction via the superdeformed b-vibrational resonance 石塚(了) 須田(了) (E029)->(E146r) N E c.f.EXFOR21995,22650
1812 PR/C67(2003)014316 b-decay half-lives and b-delayed neutron multiplicities of the neutron drip-line nuclei 19B, 22C, and 23N 須田(済) 一色(済) × N E 再読取了(DATA 1-8)
1811 PR/C64(2001)011601 Possible contribution of a highly excited collective state to proton-nucleus multistep interactions at 300 MeV 大塚(了) 黒河(了) (E040r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-3)、本論文:1936 c.f.O0973
1810 NSE132(1999)30 Measurements of Secondary Neutrons Produced from Thick Targets Bombarded by High-Energy Helium and Carbon Ions 鈴木(了) 大塚(了) (E059r)->(E109r) N E 再読取了(Data 121-128), SPSDD E2079
1809 NIM/A430(1999)400 Spectral measurements of neutrons, protons, deuterons and tritons produced by 100 MeV/nucleon He bombardment 鈴木(了) 大塚(了) (E029) N E
1808 NIM/A428(1999)454 Characterization of a 40}90 MeV 7Li(p,n) neutron source at TIARA using a proton recoil telescope and a TOF method 石塚(了) 一瀬(了) (E066r) N E
1807 PL/B459(1999)61 Polarization transfer observables for proton inelastic scattering from 12C at 08 一瀬(了) 一色(了) (E046r) N E
1806 PL/B394(1997)11 Coulomb excitation of 11Be 大塚(済) 鈴木(済) (E029) N E D1657/D1669重複解消, RTY in NRDF
1805 PR/C66(2002)064313 Proton single-particle strength in 19F measured via the 18O(d,n) reaction 須田(了) 内藤(了) (E029) N E
1804 PR/C66(2002)054602 Model-independent spin-parity determination by the (d,2He) reaction and possible evidence for a 0. state in 12B 須田(了) 内藤(了) (E059r) N E
1803 PL/B556(2003)27 Study of resonance states in 12N using a radioactive ion beam of 11C 黒河(了) 須田(了) (E032r) N E
1802 PRL90(2003)062501 Determination of the Subth reshold State Contributjion in 13C(Alpha ,n)16O the Main Neutron-Sourece Reaction for the s Process 須田(了) 合川(了) (E039r) N E
1801 PR/C66(2002)044002 Cross section and complete set of proton spin observables in pd elastic scattering at 250 MeV 一瀬(了) 内藤(了) (E044r) N E
D1700 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
1800 EPJ/A13(2002)411 Gamow-Teller transitions from 58Ni to discrete states of 58Cu 黒河(了) 鈴木(了) × N E
1799 EPJ/A14(2002)275 Measurement of the 24Mg(p, t)22Mg reaction for the states near the 21Na + p threshold 須田(了) 合川(了) (E039r) N E
1798 PL/B499(2001)233 Deformation of 34Mg studied via in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy using radioactive-ion projectile fragmentation 黒河(了) 鈴木(了) × N E
1797 PL/B515(2002)255 Isobaric analog state of 14Be 鈴木(了) 黒河(了) (E028) N E E1797 002-003 SF4=RSD.
1796 PL/B549(2002)58 Compressional-mode giant resonances in deformed nuclei 合川(了) 一色(了) (E045r) N E Data 1-13のみ生 再読取了(DATA 15-23)
1795 PL/B546(2002)48 First measurement of the quadrupole moment in the 2+1 state of 84Kr 黒河(了) 石塚(了) × N E 留保(複数標的データ)
1793 PL/B539(2002)40 Gamow-Teller matrix elements in light nuclei and (p, n) cross sections at Ep = 35MeV 一色(済) 内藤(済) (E065r)->(E074r) N E 要修正(004 ヘッダ欠落)
1792 RCA88(2000)1 Isomeric yield rations of 134I and 136I in the proton, 12C- and 19F-induced fission of 235U, 237Np and 238U 石塚(了) 鈴木(了) (E028) N E EXFOR O0764(TRANS.O015)
1791 NP/A709(2002)103 Study of halo structure of 16C from reaction cross section measurement 鈴木(了) 黒河(了) (E039r) N E
1790 PRL89(2002)142501 Isovector Quadrupole Resonance Observed in the 60Ni(13C,13N)60Co Reaction at E/A=100Mev 大塚(了) 一瀬(了) (E028) N E
1789 PRL89(2002)072301 Sigma-Nucleus Potential in A=28 石塚(了) 鈴木(了) × N E
1788 NIM/A431(1999)521 Measurements of neutron spectra produced from a thick lead target bombarded with 0.5- and 1.5-GeV protons 大塚(了) 鈴木(了) (E028)->(E075r) N E c.f.O0976
1787 NST34(1997)109 Measurement of proton-induced helium production cross sections for aluminum and nickel below 16MeV 大塚(了) 黒河(了) (E028)->(E075) N E c.f.O0974
1786 PR/C66(2002)024609 Intermediate structures in 12C(16O,12C[2+])16O studied with the g-ray recoil method 大塚(了) 黒河(6)(了) (E037r) N E
1785 PL/B542(2002)49 New neutron-rich isotopes, 34Ne, 37Na and 43Si, produced by fragmentation of a 64A MeV 48Ca beam 黒河(了) 合川(了) (E068r) N E
1784 PTP104(2000)703 A model for the 3He(d,p)4He reactin at intermediate energies 合川(了) セルゲイ(了) (E028)->(E075r) N E
1783 PL/B533(2002)1 ^{3}He(d,p)^{4}He reaction at intermediate energies and impulse picture of the (d,p) reactions 合川(了) 大塚(了) (E028)->(E071r) N E 要修正(From IAEA, 2011.11.1)(See CP-D/718)
1782 PL/B522(2001)227 Large collectivity of ^{34}Mg 合川(了) セルゲイ(了) (E039r)->(E071r) N E 要修正(From IAEA, 2011.9.2) (E-LVL: MEV -> KEV)
1781 PL/B521(2001)153 Measurement of single and double spin-flip probabilities in inelastic deuteron scattering on ^{12}C at 270 MeV 合川(了) セルゲイ(了) (E028) N E
1780 PRL89(2002)012501 Momentum Distribution of ^{15}B Fragments from the Breakup of ^{17}B 石塚(了) 合川(了) (E028r) N E
1779 PRL88(2002)142502 Experimental Evidence of Core Modification in the Near Drip-Line Nucleus ^{23}O 石塚(了) 合川(了) (E028r) N E
1778 PRL88(2002)042503 Proton Energy Spectra in the Nonmesonic Weak Decay of ^{12}C and ^{28}Si Hypernuclei 合川(済) セルゲイ(済) × N E 再読取了(DATA 5-6)
1777 PR/C65(2001)054602 Effect of shell structure in the fusion reactions ^{82}Se+^{134}Ba and ^{82}Se+^{138}Ba 石塚(了) 合川(了) (E022) N E 再読取了(DATA 23-24)
1776 PR/C65(2001)064316 Polarization transfer in the ^{16}O(p,p^{'}) reaction at forward angles and structure of the spin-dipole resonances 合川(了) 内藤(了) (E029r) N E
1775 PR/C65(2001)054608 Effects of neutron number and nuclear deformation on complete fusion of ^{60,64}Ni+^{154}Sm near the Coulomb barrier 合川(了) 内藤(了) (E022) N E
1774 PR/C65(2001)047001 Search for narrow dibaryon resonances by the pd->pdX and pd->ppX reactions 合川(済) 内藤(済) × N E 再読取了(DATA 2-3)
1773 PR/C65(2001)034615 Cross sections and polarization observables for the ^{40}Ca(p,n) reaction at 345 MeV and multistep contributions in the continuum 合川(了) セルゲイ(了) (E022) N E
1772 PR/C65(2001)034003 Complete set of precise deuteron analyzing powers at intermediate energies: Comparison with modern nuclear force predictions 合川(了) 黒河(了) (E029r) N E
1771 PR/C(2001)024305 Half-life and internal conversion electron measurements in low-lying levels of ^{125,127}Ba 合川(済) 黒河(済) × N E
1770 PR/C65(2001)014609 12,13C(p, \pi^{-}^{13,14}Og.s. reactions in the D1232 resonance region 合川(了) 黒河(了) (E040r) N E 再読取了(DATA 5-18)
1769 PR/C64(2001)054609 Double-differential cross sections for the neutron production from heavy-ion reactions at energies E/A=290-600 MeV 合川(済) 鈴木(済) (E039r) N E
1768 PR/C64(2001)047601 Polarization transfer coefficient Kyy in the 2HNd,pO3H reaction at u.0° at very low energies 大塚(了) 黒河(了) (E023r) N E
1767 PR/C64(2001)044302 Spectroscopy of medium-heavy L hypernuclei via the N po,KoO reaction 合川(済) 黒河(済) × N E 再読取了(DATA 3-5,9)
1766 PR/C64(2001)041305 Evidence for a 3.8 MeV state in ^{9}B セルゲイ(了) 合川(了) (E022) N E
1765 NST38(2001)363 Measurement of Neutron-Production Double-Differential Cross Sections for Intermediate Energy Pion Incident Reaction 鈴木(了) 黒河(了) (J009r)->(E068r)->(E141r) N E 削除済(Informed from NEA, 2011.11.23)(Duplication of E1765 and J1765)
1764 NST35(1998)329 Measurement of Gamma-Ray Production Double-Differential Cross Sections for the Spallation Reaction Induced by 0.8,1.5 and 3.0 Gev Protons 鈴木(了) 黒河(了) (E022) N E
1763 NST34(1997)860 Experimental Neutron-Production Double-Differntial Cross Section for the Nuclear Reaction by 1.5-GeV \pi^{+}\pi Mesons Incident on Iron 鈴木(了) 石塚(了) (E029r)->(E068r)->(E141r) N E 削除済(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(Duplication of E1763 and J1763)
1762 NST34(1997)529 Measurement of Neutron-Production Double-Differential Cross Sections for Nuclear Spallation Reaction Induced by 0.8,1.5 and 3.0 GeV Protons 鈴木(了) 石塚(了) (E022) N E
1761 NST36(1999)313 The 12C(p,p3a) breakup reaction induced by 14,18 and 26 MeV protons 鈴木(了) 合川(了) (E048r) N E 再読取了
1760 NST32(1995)827 Spallation Neutron Measurement by the Time-of-Flight Method with a Short Flight Path 鈴木(了) 一瀬(了) (E022) N E
1759 NST36(1999)41 Measurements of Secondary Neutrons Produced from Thick Targets Bombarded by Hegh Energy Neon Ions 鈴木(了) セルゲイ(了) (E059r) N E 再読取了(DATA 13-16), SPSDD E2079
1758 EPJ/A9(2000)153 Yrast bands in N =91 isotones 鈴木(済) 黒河(済) × N E
1757 NP/A686(2001)591 Half-life of 44 Ti 大塚(済) 黒河(済) × N E
1756 PR/C62(2000)044615 Neutron yields from thick C,Al,Cu, and Pb targets bombarded by 400 MeV/nucleon Ar, Fe, Xe and 800MeV/nucleon Siions 鈴木(了) セルゲイ(了) (E065r)->(E109r) N E 要修正(043 ヘッダ欠落)
1755 PRL87(2001)122502 Dipole Excitation of a Clusters in 6 Li and 7 Li 鈴木(了) 伊藤(了) (E040r) N E 再読取了(Data 1-16)
1754 EPJ/A9(2000)293 DSA lifetime measurements and structure of positive-parity bands of 120 Xe 大塚(済) 黒河(済) × N E
1753 NP/A686(2001)29 Rotational bands of 156 Gd 内藤(済) 黒河(済) × N E
1752 PRL87(2001)212502 Observation of a 6(LambdaLambda)He Double hyper nucleus 黒河(了) 合川(了) × N E
1751 PR/C64(2001)034608 Quasielastic π-nucleus scattering at 950 MeV/c 内藤(了) 伊藤(了) (J005r)->(E068r)->(E141r) N E 再読取了(Data 1-30)。削除済(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(Duplication of E1751 and J1751)
1750 PR/C64(2001)034607 Measurements of double differential neutron production cross sections by 135 MeV/nucleon He, C, Ne and 95 MeV/nucleon Ar ions 鈴木(了) 大塚(了) (E059r) N E Data 17 deleted (CH2 data)
1749 PR/C63(2001)044610 Effects of nuclear deformation on fusion probability in the reactions of 82 Se + natCe and 76Ge + 150Nd near the Coulomb barrier 合川(了) 大塚(了) (E023r) N E
1748 PR/C63(2001)035801 Coulomb breakup of 7Li for nuclear astrophysics 伊藤(了) 大塚(了) (E029r)->(E122r)->(E143r)->(E149r) N E
1747 PR/C63(2000)017601 Isobaric analog states observed in the 58 Ni(p,d)57Ni reaction with 65 MeV polarized protons 鈴木(了) セルゲイ(了) (E040r) N E 再読取了(DATA 2-20)
1746 PR/C59(1999)90 Mirror-symmetry structure of A=27, T=1/2 nuclei studied through... 大塚(済) 合川(済) × N E
1745 PR/C63(2001)034618 Elastic proton scattering from 4He at 297MeV 合川(了) 大塚(了) (E044r) N E
1744 PL/B491(2000)8 Low-lying intruder 1- state in 12Be and the melting of the N=8 shell closure 黒河(了) 鈴木(了) (E032r) N E
1743 PR/C62(2000)055201 H-dibaryon and hypernucleus formation in the E-12C reaction at rest 大塚(済) 未定 × N E 再読取了(DATA 1-2)
1742 (Duplication of D1734) N E
1741 EPJ/A9(2000)303 New isotope 233 Am 大塚(済) 一瀬(済) × N E 再読取了(DATA 1)
1740 PR/C62(2000)014602 Fusion of deformed nuclei in the reactions of 76Ge+150Nd and 28Si+198Pt at the coulomb barrier region 合川(了) 大塚(了) (E040r) N E 再読取了(DATA 17-20)
1739 NP/A676(2000)371 Sigma p elastic scattering in the region of 40 合川(済) 明(済) × N E
1738 PR/C62(2000)054603 Sub-barrier fusion of deformed nuclei in 60Ni+154Sm and 32S+182W reactions 明(済) 大塚(済) (E040r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-19)
1737 PR/C62(2000)065801 Measurement of the 8Li(alpha,n)11B reaction and astrophysical implications 石塚(済) 鈴木(済) (E039r)->(E099) N E See addendum, PR/C91(2015)047602.
1736 PR/C62(2000)064604 Inclusive reaction 40Ca(p,p'x) at an incident energy of 392 MeV 合川(了) 大塚(了) (E040r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-6)
1735 PRL85(2000)262 Soft Dipole Resonance in the neutron-skin nucleus 6He 鈴木(了) 大塚(了) (E040r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-6)
1734 PR/C62(2000)054313 Nanosecond isomers in neutron-rich 67Cu and 64Co and a fast E3 transition in 67Cu 大塚(済) 未定 × N E
1733 PR/C62(2000)034001 Double-pion production induced by deutron-proton collision in the incident deuteron momentum range 2.1-3.8 GeV/c 大塚(済) 鈴木(済) (E021) N E 再読取了(DATA 4-9)
1732 (Duplication of D1740) (E021, E035r)->(E068r)->(E141r) N E See D1740. 削除済(From NEA, 2011.11.23)
1731 PRL84(2000)4052 Asymmetry in the nonmesonic weak decay of polarized 5(Lambda)He hypernuclei 大塚(済) 未定 × N E 再読取了(DATA 1-2)
1730 EPJ/A7(2000)491 Tensor polarization of 12C[2+1] in the 16O(13C,12C)17O reaction at 50 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E063r) N E
1729 PR/C61(2000)014303 Level structure in 143Nd 大塚(済) 未定 × N E
1728 PR/C61(2000)054004 Lifetime measurements of medium-heavy Lambda hypernuclei 合川(済) 未定 × N E
1727 PL/B465(1999)67 (6Li,6He) reaction at 100 MeV/nucleon as a probe of spin-excitation strengths 鈴木(済) 未定 (E040r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-6)
1726 PL/B467(1999)199 Polarization correlation coefficient for the 3He(d,p)4He reaction 大塚(済) 未定 (E021) N E
1725 EPJ/A7(2000)367 Reaction mechanism of 6Li scattering at 600 MeV 青木(済) 未定 (E040r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-10)
1724 PRL84(2000)39 Core-excited states in the doubly magic 68Ni and its neighbor 69Cu 青木(済) 未定 × N E 再読取了(DATA 1-4,8-9)
1723 PRL84(2000)5288 Precise measurement of dp elastic scattering at 270 MeV and three-nucleon force effects 青木(済) 未定 (E055r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-9)
1722 PR/C61(2000)024602 Reaction mechanism and characteristics of T20 in d+3He backward elastic scattering at intermediate energies 青木(済) 石塚(済) (E029r) N E
1721 PL/B481(2000)7 Quadrupole deformation of 12Be studied by proton inelastic scattering 青木(済) 未定 (E040r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-2,5-6)
1720 EPJ/A6(1999)119 Lifetime measurement of the first excitedl of 64Ga 青木(済) 未定 × N E 再読取了(DATA 1)
1719 NP/A648(1999)263 Sigma+ p elastic scattering in the region of 300 <=p(Sigma)<= 600 MeV/c with a scintillating fiber target 青木(済) 大塚(済) × N E
1718 PR/C59(1999)3177 Polarization transfer and spin response functions in quasielastic (p,n) reactions at 346 MeV 青木(済) 大塚(済) (E039r) N E
1717 NP/A644(1999)365 Quasifree p(K-,K+)Xi- reaction in nuclear emulsion 青木(済) 大塚(済) (J005r)->(E068r)->(E141r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-5)。削除済(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(Duplication of E1717 and J1717)
1716 PRL82(1999)4775 Measurement of proton-proton bremsstrahlung at 389 MeV 青木(済) 大塚(済) (E040r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-2)
1715 PRL82(1999)3581 Observation of an excited state in 7He with unusual structure 青木(済) 大塚(済) (E026r) N E
1714 PR/C53(1996)1210 Spectroscopic study of 10(Lambda)B, 12(Lambda)C, 29(Lambda)Si, 89(Lambda)Y, 139(Lambda)La and 208(Lambda)Pb by the (pi+,K+) reaction 青木(済) 大塚(済) × N E 再読取了(DATA 2-7)
1713 PR/C57(1998)1604 Low-lying states of 56Fe 平田(済) 大塚(済) (E065r)->(E074r) N E 要修正(007,021,025,029 ヘッダ欠落)
1712 PRL83(1999)690 Isovector electric monopole resonance in 60Ni 青木(済) 大塚(済) (E040r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-7,9-15)
1711 PR/C56(1997)1996 Azimuthal distribution, azimuthal correlation and reactionplane dispersion in the reaction 10.6 MeV/nucleon 84Kr on 27Al 青木(済) 大塚(済) (E040r)->(E145r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-23)
1710 PRL78(1997)2317 L=1 excitation in the halo nucleus 11Li 合川(済) 石塚(済) (E037r) N E
1709 PR/C57(1996)2429 High energy gamma-ray production from Be, C, and Al targets with 65 MeV 3He bombardment 青木(済) 合川(済) (E040r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-15)
1708 PL/B438(1998)27 Measurement of a complete set of analyzing powers for deuteron elastic scattering from 40Ca at 270 MeV and an investigation of tensor potentials 合川(済) 大塚(済) (E037r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-7)
1707 PR/C57(1998)3185 Rescattering in knowckout reactions as manifested in 40Ca(p,p'p'') at an incident energy of 392 MeV 青木(済) 合川(済) (E037r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-7)
1706 NP/A634(1998)115 Subthreshold antiproton production in pA, dA and alphaA reactions 大塚(済) 石塚(済) (E044r) N E
1705 NP/A628(1998)547 Deutron elastic scattering and (d,p) reactions on 208Pb at Ed=22 MeV and j-dependence of T20 in (d,p) reaction 青木(了) 合川(了) (E051r) N E 広田博士論文
1704 PR/C57(1998)1749 Elastic scattering of polarized protons from 58Ni Ep=192, 295, and 400 MeV 青木(済) 大塚(済) (E046r) N E MSK/A
1703 PR/C57(1998)3153 Particle decays from 12B and 12N mirror nuclei 青木(済) 合川(済) (E037r)) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-29)
1702 PR/C58(1998)2180 Mechanism of the forward-angle (d,pn) reacion at intermediate energies 青木(済) 大塚(済) (E061r) N E 要再規格化(弾性散乱データ)
1701 PR/C57(1998)178 Most probable charge of fission products in 24 MeV proton induced fission of 238U 青木(済) 鈴木(済) (E031r)->(E111r)->(E145r) N E 再読取了(DATA 4-5)
D1600 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
1700 NP/A641(1998)3 Alpha spectroscopic factors for 6Li, 7Li, 9Be and 12C from the (p,p,alpha) reaction at 296 MeV 青木(済) 鈴木(済) (E043r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-19)
1699 PL/B106(1981)171 Direct extraction of the isovector deformation parameter beta(1)2 from the (p,n) reaction of 56Fe 合川(済) 大塚(済) (E037r) N E
1698 PL/B112(1982)206 Excitation of the 6.41 MeV, T=1 4- state in 16F by the 16O(p,n)16F reaction 合川(済) 大塚(済) (E037r) N E
1697 PRL49(1982)1318 Isovector 0+ -> 0- transition observed in the reaction 16O(p,n)16F 合川(済) 大塚(済) (E037r) N E
1696 NP/A410(1983)137 M1 states in the 58Ni observed by proton inelastic scattering at 65 MeV 合川(済) 大塚(済) (E037r) N E
1695 NP/A456(1986)61 A comparative study of the 13C(p,p')13C and 13C(p,n)13N reactions at Ep=35 MeV 合川(済) 大塚(済) (E037r) N E
1694 NP/A448(1985)205 The 12C(d,p)13C reaction at E(d)=30 MeV and positive-parity states in 13C 合川(済) 大塚(済) (E037r) N E
1693 ZP/A331(1988)359 The p+19Ne s-wave resonant state in 20Na at stellar energies 合川(済) 大塚(済) (E037r) N E
1692 NP/A403(1983)317 Observation of isospin mixing for the isobaric analog state in 56Co through the 56Fe(p,n)56Co reaction 合川(済) 大塚(済) (E037r) N E
1691 PR/C27(1983)493 27Al(p,gamma)28Si and 27Al(3He,d)28Si to the stretched 11.58 MeV (6-,0) and 14.36 MeV (6-,1) levels 合川(済) 大塚(済) (E037r) N E → E1691
1690 PR/C50(1994)263 Shell-model study of 40Ca with the 56 MeV (d,p)reaction 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E026) N E
1689 JP/G18(1992)401 Dynamics of the projectile-like fragment emission in the 40Ar+209Bi reaction at 26 MeV U-1 大塚(済) 未定 × N E 再読取了(DATA 1-12)
1688 NP/A602(1996)327 Search for neutron-rich Lambda hypernuclei in the (K- stopped, pi+) reaction 大塚(済) 未定 × N E
1687 NP/A607(1996)85 Decay mechanism of a highly excited nucleus produced in the reaction 84Kr+27Al at 10.6 MeV/nucleon 未定 未定 N E
1686 PR/C53(1996)2718 Isospin character of low-lying states in 56Fe 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E065r)->(E071r) N E 要修正(023-024 ヘッダ欠落)
1685 PR/C53(1996)1792 (p,d) reaction on 62Ni at 65 MeV 合川(済) 大塚(済) (E043r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-98)
1684 PR/C53(1996)2142 Magnetic moments of 17N and 17B 合川(済) 未定 × N E
1683 NP/A617(1997)45 Scattering of radioactive nuclei 6he and 3H by protons effects of neutron skin and halo in 6He, 8He, and 11Li 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E026) N E
1682 NP/A625(1997)231 Scalar and vector meson production and two-step processes in the (K-,K+) reaction on 12C 未定 未定 × N E
1681 PRL78(1997)1014 Exclusive measurement of proton quasifree scattering anddensity dependence of the nucleon-nucleon interaction 黒河(済) 合川/大塚(済) (E043r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-6)
1680 (Duplication of D1665) N E See D1665
1679 PL/B394(1997)23 GT strengths studied by (3He,t) reactions and nuclear matrixelements for double beta decays 未定 未定 × N E
1678 NP/A614(1997)71 Quasifree processes in the 6Li breakup reactions by alpha particles 未定 未定 (E018)->(E147r) N E
1677 NP/A599(1996)417 A new approach to a "model-independent" optical potential and its application to proton elastic scattering near the (p,n) threshold energy region 未定 未定 (E018)->(E122r) N E
1676 ZP/A358(1997)15 Beta decays of 128Ce and 128La 未定 未定 × N E
1675 ZP/A357(1997)53 Rotational and vibrational states in 115Te 未定 未定 × N E
1674 NP/A503(1989)161 Joint momentum distribution of p+n in 6Li 黒河(済) 合川(済) × N E 論文に不明な点あり中断
1673 NP/A586(1995)20 The 17,18O(p,n)17,18F reaction at Ep=35 MeV 鈴木(済) 合川/大塚(済) (E043r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-8)
1672 PR/C52(1995)1193 Analysing powers of p+d scattering below the deuteron breakup threshold 未定 未定 (E018) N E
1671 PL/B405(1997)224 Neutron pre-emission at the fusion of 11Li halo nuclei with Si targets 未定 未定 × N E
1670 PL/B407(1997)110 Isobalic analog state of 11Li 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E032r) N E c.f. D1797
1669 (Duplication of D1657) (E068r)->(E122r) N E See D1806
1668 (Duplication of D1670) N E See D1670
1667 PR/C56(1997)900 Analog transitions in sd- and f-shell nuclei and the isovector part of optical potentials studied by the (p,n) reaction at 35 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E056r) N E
1666 PR/C55(1997)1555 Alpha-decay properties of the new neutron deficient isotope 212Pa 未定 未定 × N E
1665 PR/C55(1997)3152 Depletion of the 2f7/2 neutron hole state in 207Pb 勝間(済) 合川/大塚(済) (E043r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-12), 著者数値紛失(2003.08.19)
1664 PR/C55(1997)2909 Gamow-Teller strength of 90Nb in the continuum studied via multipole decomposition analysis of the 90Zr(p,n) reaction at 295 MeV 未定 未定 (E018) N E
1663 PR/C55(1997)1137 Isospin and spin-orbital structures of Jpi=1+ states excited in 28Si 未定 未定 × N E
1662 PR/C56(1997)891 Nuclear fission of neutron-deficient protactinium nuclides 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E026) N E
1661 PR/C55(1997)5 Elastic two-neutron transfer reactions of 58Ni+60Ni and 62Ni+64Ni around the coulomb barrier 鈴木(済) 合川/大塚(済) (E026) N E
1660 PR/C54(1996)2802 Production and identification of new neutron-rich nuclei, 31Ne and 37Mg in the reaction 80AMeV 50Ti+181Ta 未定 未定 × N E
1659 PL/B387(1996)26 The deformation paths in proton-induced fission of 232Th 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E024) N E O0383(TRANS.O014)からの移行に伴う再採録 、著者数値数値否
1658 PL/B389(1996)457 Fusion and breakup at the barrire with 11Be 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E043r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-9), A0564(draft)と照合済
1657 (Duplication of D1669) N E See D1806
1656 PL/B391(1997)261 Experimental determination of the E2 component in the coulomb dissociation of 8B 未定 未定 (E018) N E
1655 PL/B251(1990)488 New aspect of intermediate energy heavy ion reactions. Large spin polarization of fragments 未定 未定 × N E
1654 PR/C49(1994)3192 Cluster structures in 10Be from the 7Li(alpha,p)10Be reaction 未定 未定 (E016) N E
1653 PR/C51(1995)2542 pi-+12C elastic scattering above the Delta resonance 大塚(済) 未定 阿部(済) (J002r)->(E068r)->(E141r) N E 削除済(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(Duplication of E1653 and J1653)
1652 ZP/A342(1992)393 The beta decay of the new isotope 79Y 未定 未定 × N E
1651 PR/C45(1992)451 In-plane polarization transfer in the 6Li(p,p') reaction and the effective NN interaction 未定 未定 × N E 要修正(Data2は他人の結果)
1650 PR/C46(1992)1242 Spectroscopic study of oxygen and fluorine isotopes with the (alpha,3He) and (alpha,t) reactions on 16, 17, 18O 鈴木(済) 合川/大塚(済) (E043r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-79)、積分断面積は著者の実験か?
1649 JPJ60(1991)1553 Study of a broad bump in reaction particle spectrum observed for the one-neutron pickup reactions 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E043r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-4)
1648 PR/C46(1992)1922 Charged particle multiplicities in heavy-ion-induced fission 未定 未定 (E029r) N E
1647 PR/C48(1993)2617 Measurements of 10Be and 26Al production cross sections with 12 GeV protons by accelerator mass spectrometry 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E036)->(E143r) N E O0109で既採録
1646 PR/C46(1992)961 Neutron emission for the fusion of 40Ar+Ni, 92Mo, 122Sn reaction at E/A=26MeV 未定 未定 × N E
1645 PL/B235(1990)245 Analysis of deuteron spectra from hadron-nucleus reactions at several GeV/c with the coalescence model 勝間(済) 合川/大塚(済) (E043r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-4)
1644 PRL68(1992)1283 Measurement of the 8Li(alpha,n)11B reaction cross section at energies of astrophysical interest 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E043r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1)、著者データ紛失(2003.08.20)
1643 PR/C46(1992)1667 Evidence for isovector giant resonances at 2hw via the (7Li,7Be) reactions on 12C and 28SI 未定 未定 × N E
1642 PL/B259(1991)427 Strong mutual excitation of 148Nd+20Ne 黒河(済) 合川/大塚(済) (E043r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-5)
1641 NP/A534(1991)478 The (pi+,K+) reaction on 12C and 56Fe 未定 未定 × N E
1640 NP/A556(1993)307 Anomaly in the 15N, 16O, 19F+54Fe, 56Fe fusion cross sections around the coulomb barrier energy 勝間(済) 合川/大塚(済) (E068r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-8)
1639 NP/A536(1992)109 Core polarization in the 203 keV p1/2-wave neutron resonance capture by 32S 未定 未定 N E (n,g) data, EXFOR 22266
1638 NP/A537(1992)153 Level structure of 21Mg and the 20Na(p,gamma)21Mg stellar reaction rate 未定 未定 (E016) N E
1637 NP/A539(1992)441 The 9Be(d,n)10B reaction at 25 MeV 未定 未定 (E016) N E
1636 NP/A541(1992)443 Energy dependence of the analyzing power for the pp->pi+d reaction in the energy region 500-800 MeV 鈴木(済) 合川/大塚(済) (E026) N E
1635 NP/A559(1993)239 Quadrupole moment of the doubly-closed-shell-plus-one-nucleon nucleus 41Sc and its core deformation 未定 未定 × N E
1634 NP/A486(1988)669 Study of the n p -> p p pi- reaction in the incident neutron momentum range 1.0-1.9GeV/c 鈴木(済) 合川/大塚(済) (E026) N E
1633 NP/A485(1988)210 ft asymmetry in A=12 mirror decay to the 12C 4.4 MeV state 未定 未定 × N E
1632 NP/A481(1988)806 Search for proton-proton dibaryon resonances in the dp->(pp)n reaction 勝間(済) 合川/大塚(済) (E026) N E
1631 NP/A494(1989)203 Isomeric transitions of 211Po and 212Po and E4 effective charge 未定 未定 × N E
1630 NP/A496(1989)605 Level structure of 124Ba 未定 未定 N E
1629 NP/A500(1989)90 Alpha decay properties of light einstenium isotopes 未定 未定 N E
1628 PR/C53(1996)453 Levels in 17C above the 16C + neutron threshold 未定 未定 × N E
1627 PL/B367(1996)60 Measurement of the vector and tensor analyzing powers for the d-p elastic scattering at Ed=270 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E051r) N E 坂本博士論文
1626 PR/C53(1996)997 Binary decay fragment cross sections and prescission charge multiplicity in 84Kr+27Al at 10.6MeV per nucleon 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E043r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-9)
1625 NP/A464(1987)415 A detailed study of the 12C+16O fusion reaction at E(c.m.)=19 to 24 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E048r) N E c.f. EXFOR C0414
1624 NP/A474(1987)484 The states of 73Se populated by the beta decay of 73Br 未定 未定 × N E
1623 NP/A451(1986)233 Nuclear magnetic resonance on oriented 99m, 101m, 102Rh and 101Pd 未定 未定 × N E
1622 NP/A473(1987)317 Anomalous electron intensity ratio of the E0 internal conversion in the transitions of 154Gd 未定 未定 × N E
1621 (not assigned) N E
1620 NP/A456(1986)235 Strength functions of deeply bound hole states in 111, 115, 119, 123Sn 鈴木(済) 合川/大塚(済) (E043r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-6)、著者数値紛失(2003.08.19)
1619 (not assigned) N E
1618 PR/C31(1985)242 Medium energy gamma rays following radiative caputure of 50 MeVpolarized proton on 11B 鈴木(済) 合川/大塚(済) (E043r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-5,7-11)
1617 PR/C31(1985)1853 Reaction p-bar + 12C to n-bar + X at 590 MeV/c 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E035)->(J004) N E
1616 (not assigned) N E
1615 NP/A436(1985)221 Ground-state transition strengths of the (p,t) reactions for nuclei with A=23-238 鈴木(済) 合川/大塚(済) (E026) N E
1614 NP/A440(1985)13 High-resolution measurement of analogue states 未定 未定 × N E 数値読取不可
1613 PL/B365(1996)17 Airy minimum crossing thtc=90deg at E(lab)=124 MEV for the 16O+16O system 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E026) N E c.f. D1521
1612 PL/B307(1993)278 Magnetic moment of short-lived beta-emitter 23Mg 未定 未定 × N E
1611 PL/B323(1994)107 Microscopic structure of the Gamow-Teller resonance in 208Bi 未定 未定 × N E
1610 PL/B328(1994)264 Lambda hyperon production at backward angles in the reaction 6Li(pi-,Lambda)X at 4GeV/c 大塚(済) 合川(済) (J006r)->(E068r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-8)。要削除(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(Duplication of E1610 and J1610)
1609 PL/B335(1994)330 Two-nucleon pion absorption in 4He at 1 GeV/c 内藤(済) 合川/大塚(済) (J006r)->(E068r)->(E141r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-2)。削除済(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(Duplication of E1609 and J1609)
1608 PL/B336(1994)303 Search for parity nonconservation in the compound nucleus reaction via an isobaric analog resonance using a thick target 内藤(済) 合川/大塚(済) (E026) N E
1607 PL/B343(1995)53 Spectroscopy of 12Be and 13Be using a 12Be radioactive beam 未定 未定 (E026r) N E
1606 PL/B348(1995)29 Coulomb dissociation reaction and correlations of two halo neutrons in 11Li 大塚(済) 合川(済) N E 再読取了(DATA 1-3)
1605 PL/B351(1995)77 Entrance channel effect on the pre-scission time of binary decay for the medium mass nuclei (mass~110) 未定 未定 N E
1604 PL/B359(1995)39 Search for deeply-bound pionic states using (p,2He) reactions at 390.6 MeV 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E026) N E
1603 PL/B366(1996)51 Electric quadrupole moments of neutron-rich nuclei 14B and 15B 未定 未定 × N E
1602 PL/B365(1996)29 Isospin decompoistion of the Gamow-Teller strength in 58Cu 未定 未定 × N E
1601 PRL74(1995)224 Core-excited states of 12(Lambda)C hypernuclei formed in the (pi+,k+) reaction 大塚(済) 合川(済) (J004)->(J006r)->(E068r)->(J010r)->(E141r) N E 再読取了(DATA 1)。削除済(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(Duplication of E1601 and J1601)
D1500 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
1600 ZP/A353(1996)387 The competition between fusion-fission and deeply inelastic reactions in the medium mass systems 未定 未定 × N E
1599 ZP/A353(1995)117 Structure of 17Ne by the three-neutron pick-up (3He,6He) reaction 鈴木(済) 大塚(済) (E034) N E 連絡無(2005.08.31)、要再読取(ファクター,芦(済)), グラフチェック:鈴(済), c.f. D1911
1598 PR/C51(1995)2233 Lambda-nucleon in nuclei probed by the quasifree 12C(pi+,K+)I reaction 未定 未定 × N E
1597 PR/C53(1996)131 alpha-cluter states above threshold energy in 44Ti 未定 未定 (E016) N E
1596 PR/C52(1995)2936 Hypernuclear weak decay of 12(Lambda)C and 11(Lambda)B 未定 未定 × N E
1595 NP/A575(1994)72 Retardation of single-particle E1 transitions from the 622 keV broad d-wave neutron resonance in 9Be 未定 未定 N E (n,g) data
1594 NP/A589(1995)425 Elastic scattering of 3He particles at 450 MeV 鈴木(済) 大塚(済) (E034) N E Data,3-5 の誤差を対称誤差に変更(済)、Data1,2要再読取(済,芦澤),グラフチェック+修正 大倉/鈴木(済)
1593 NP/A592(1995)244 Study of beta-delayed neutron emission of 19C 未定 未定 × N E
1592 JPJ36(1974)10 Energy levels of 40Ca studied by 39K(p,alpha)36Ar reaction 未定 未定 × N E
1591 PR/C49(1994)1534 4He(4He,3He)5He(g.s.) reaction at 118 MeV, and its distoted wave Born approximation interpretation 鈴木(済) 大塚(済) (E034) N E Data.2,3,4要再読取(芦澤、済)、グラフチェック+修正(大倉、鈴木、済)
1590 PL/B345(1995)1 Tensor analyzing power of the (d,2He) reaction at 270 MeV 未定 未定 (E027r) N E
1589 N E 欠番
1588 NP/A588(1995)510 Breakup of 3He with 59.6 MeV vector-polarized deuterons at dp quasifree-scattering conditions 一瀬(済) 大塚(済)/鈴木(済) (E034) N E グラフチェック+修正 阿部/大塚/鈴木(済)
1587 NP/A573(1994)1 CDCC analysis of 22 MeV deuteron elastic scattering and (d,p) reactions on 52Cr and 206Pb 未定 未定 (E016) N E
1586 NP/A576(1994)387 Single-particle states in 59Ni with 58Ni(d,p)59Ni reaction at 56 MeV and neutron-bound-state complex potentials 鈴木(済) 大塚(済) (E068r) N E Data 7,9,11-13,17-19,22,23,38,39,41,42,47,61,65,67要再読取(済)、グラフチェック+修正:芦澤,黒河,鈴木(済)
1585 PR/C46(1992)361 Decay property of 20Na for the onset mechanizm of the rapid-proton process 未定 未定 × N E
1584 PR/C52(1995)604 Direct proton decay from the Gamow-Teller Resonance in 208Bi 未定 未定 × N E
1583 PR/C41(1990)180 Measurement of deuteron-deuteron total cross sections in the incident momentum range 1.5-4.0 GeV/c 鈴木(済) 大塚(済) (E034)->(E071r) N E Transmission method : c.f. D1567/要確認(From IAEA, 2008.9.15) (SF3: TOT should be changed)
1582 PR/C46(1992)616 Energy dependence of the 6Li(alpha,2alpha)pn reaction from 77 to 119 MeV 未定 未定 (E016) N E
1581 NP/A579(1994)13 Proton scattering off 9Be and the final-state interaction in the (e,ep) and (gamma,p) reactions on 11B 鈴木(済) 大塚(済) (E034) N E グラフチェック+修正:芦沢,鈴木(済), c.f. O0395
1580 NP/A569(1994)287c Spin-isospin resonances observed in the (d,2He) and (12C,12N) reactions at E/A=135 MeV 未定 未定 (E027r)->(E148r) N E
1579 NP/A579(1994)45 A study of 0 deg transverse polarization transfer in (p,n) reactions from 12C, 13C and 40Ca at 80 and 50 MeV 大塚(済) 鈴木(済) (E034) N E グラフチェック+修正:芦沢,鈴木(済), c.f. O0789
1578 JP/GL14(1988)137 Tensor analyzing power of the (d,2He) reaction on 12C at 70 MeV 富樫(済) 鈴木(済)/大塚(済) (E059) N E
1577 PR/C51(1995)2592 Coupling effects studied in the 13C(p,pn)12C and 13C(p,d)12C at Ep=35 MeV 未定 未定 (E027r) N E
1576 PRL73(1994)2680 Coulomb dissociation of 8B and the 7Be(p,gamma)8B reaction at low energies 黒河(済) 大塚(済)/鈴木(済) (E034) N E グラフチェック+修正:芦澤,鈴木(済)
1575 NP/A573(1994)154 Cluster structure in 40Ca via the alpha-transfer reaction 未定 未定 (E016)->(E071r)->(E074r) N E 要修正(From IAEA, 2011.9.27) (E-LVL: EV -> MEV)
1574 PL/B326(1994)31 Observation of 10He 未定 未定 × N E
1573 PL/B331(1994)296 Coulomb dissociation of a halo nucleis 11Be at 72A MeV 鈴木(済) 大塚(済) (E034) N E グラフチェック+修正:阿部,鈴木(済), c.f. D1915
1572 PL/B346(1995)9 Large deformation of the very neutron-rich nucleus 32Mg from intermediate-energy Coulomb excitation 未定 未定 × N E
1571 PL/B335(1994)29 Systematic behavior of ejectile spin polarization in the projectile fragmentation reaction 未定 未定 × N E
1570 NP/A443(1985)461 In-beam gamma-ray study of 212Po 未定 未定 × N E
1569 NP/A469(1987)507 Continuum spectra of neutrons following the 92Zr(alpha,alpha') reaction 未定 未定 × N E
1568 NP/A581(1995)21 Fragmentation of neutron-hole strengths in 59Ni observed in the 60Ni(p,d)59Ni reactino at 65 MeV 未定 未定 (E016) N E
1567 PR/C45(1992)2926 Measurement of d-C and d-Al total cross sections in the incident momentum range 2.0-4.0 GeV/c 大塚(済) 鈴木(済) (E055r)->(E071r) N E c.f. D1583/要確認(From IAEA, 2008.9.15) (SF3: TOT should be changed)
1566 N E 欠番
1565 (Duplication of D1131) (E041r)->(E068r)->(E141r) N E See D1131. 削除済(From NEA, 2011.11.23)
1564 N E 欠番
1563 NP/A577(1994)57 The (3He,t,p) reaction: A means to study the microscopic structure of spin-isospin modes 未定 未定 × N E
1562 NP/A569(1994)255 Microscopic structure of the Gamow-Teller resonance in 208Bi 未定 未定 × N E
1561 NP/A577(1994)43 Spin-isospin excitations in nuclei via (3He,t) reactions at 450 MeV 未定 未定 × N E
1560 NP/A569(1994)245 (3He,t) charge-exchange reactions at E(3He)=450 MeV, theta=0 deg 未定 未定 × N E
1559 NP/A577(1994)111 Measurement of quasi-elastic scattering and Dnn(0 deg) with (p,n) reactions 未定 未定 × N E
1558 N E 欠番
1557 PL/B325(1994)308 Strong evidence of the Coulomb breakup of the deuteron at 56 MeV 大塚(済) 鈴木(済) (E034) N E
1556 PR/C48(1993)95 40Ca(p,d)39Ca reaction at 65 MeV 未定 未定 (E016) N E
1555 PL/B297(1992)39 Measurements of 11Li+p and 9Li+p elastic scatterings at 60 MeV 大塚(済) 石塚 (E020) N E
1554 PL/B316(1993)38 Experimental study of 8He+p elastic and inelastic scattering 未定 未定 (E016)->(E071r) N E 要修正(From IAEA, 2011.11.1)(See CP-D/718)
1553 PL/B314(1993)279 Spin-flip measurements for isoscalar transitions via the 12C(d,d',gamma) reaction 冨樫(済) 鈴木(済) (E034) N E グラフチェック+修正:芦沢,鈴木(済)
1552 PL/B311(1993)22 Strong isomer production in fragmentation reactions 未定 未定 × N E
1551 PR/C47(1993)1586 Symmetric mass-division process in nuclei with mass numbers around A(cn)=100 未定 未定 × N E
1550 ZP/A345(1993)123 High-spin isomeric state in 144Pm 未定 未定 × N E
1549 NP/A568(1994)202 High-spin states in the odd-odd nucleus 82Y 未定 未定 × N E
1548 JPJ62(1993)3343 A new high-spin isomer in 145Sm 未定 未定 × N E
1547 PR/C48(1993)2775 Proton single-particle states in 21, 23Na through the (d,n) reaction 未定 未定 (E016) N E
1546 JPJ35(1973)1579 The 1g9/2 neutron state in nuclei with neutron numbers between 52 and 82 大塚(済) 鈴木(済) (E034) N E グラフチェック+修正:芦沢,鈴木(済)
1545 NP/A118(1968)207 (alpha,t) reaction on medium-weight odd-mass nuclei (I). 51V and 55Mn 未定 未定 (E027r) N E
1544 (Duplication of D1403) N E See D1403
1543 JPJ38(1975)1557 Study of the 58Ni(d,t)57Ni reaction at 24 MeV 未定 未定 (E016) N E
1542 JPJ36(1974)336 Ground state band members in 236U and 230Th studied with the (p,t) reaction 冨樫(済) 鈴木(済)/大塚(済) (E065r) N E 要修正(006 ヘッダ欠落)
1541 NP/A203(1973)97 Nuclear structure studies of the odd-N germanium isotopes with (d,p) reactions 大塚(済) 鈴木(済) (E034) N E グラフチェック+修正:芦澤,大塚,鈴木(済)
1540 JPJ38(1975)936 Energy levels of 60Co studied by the (d,p) reaction 冨樫(済) 鈴木(済) (E034) N E Data 2-7, 対称誤差に(済)、グラフチェック+修正 大倉/鈴木(済)
1539 JPJ38(1975)1563 Elastic scattering of 16O on 9Be 未定 未定 (E016) N E
1538 N E 欠番
1537 JPJ37(1974)1479 未定 未定 (E016) N E
1536 JPJ34(1973)5 The elastic and inelastic scatterings of 3He from 12C at 24.0, 29.2, 34.7 and 39.6 MeV 一瀬(済) 鈴木(済) (E034) N E グラフチェック+修正 大倉/鈴木(済)
1535 N E 欠番
1534 (Duplication of D153) N E See D153
1533 JPJ36(1974)1236 (p,d) reactions at 52 MeV. I. 58Ni(p,d)57Ni (experiment) 未定 未定 (E027r)->(E074r) N E 要修正(From IAEA, 2011.9.29)(REFERENCE (page): 5 -> 1236)/要再読取(Data 19)
1532 N E 欠番
1531 NP/A237(1975)382 Low-lying states in 95Tc studied with the 93Nb(alpha,2n gamma)95Tc reaction 未定 未定 × N E
1530 PR/C46(1992)1257 Electromagnetic transition probabilities in the natural-parity rotational band of 155, 157Gd 未定 未定 × N E
1529 NP/A530(1991)211 The level structure of 87Nb 未定 未定 × N E
1528 (Duplication of D98) N E See D98
1527 PR/C49(1994)968 Prescission and postscission charged particle emissions from the 19F+159Tb reaction 未定 未定 × N E
1526 ZP/A338(1991)7 Half-lives and Qbeta measurements for new nuclei of 89Tc and 89mTc 未定 未定 × N E
1525 N E 欠番
1524 ZP/A347(1993)41 High-spin states in 107Sn 未定 未定 × N E
1523 NP/A564(1993)227 Hole strengths and spreading widths observed in 92Mo(p,d)91Mo reaction at 65 MeV 黒河(済) 大塚(済)/鈴木(済) (E034) N E Data1-9要再読取,グラフチェック+修正:大塚,黒河,鈴木(済)
1522 NP/A217(1973)253 Ground-state alpha-decay of n=128 isotones 216Ra, 217Ac and 218Th 黒河(済) 大塚(済)/鈴木(済) (E034)->(E102r) N E グラフチェック+修正 大倉/鈴木(済)
1521 PL/B312(1993)35 Observation of Airy oscillation for the 16O+16O system at Elab=145MeV 大塚(了) 合川(了) (E026) N E c.f. D1613
1520 PR/C49(1994)3305 New approach to spin assignments of intermediate structures in 12C(16O,12C[2+1]16O 一瀬(済) 大塚(済)/鈴木(済) (E034) N E グラフチェック+修正:大倉,鈴木(済), c.f. D1786
1519 (Duplication of D1306) N E See D1306
1518 NP/A239(1975)233 Quasifree 5He+3He -> alpha+alpha reaction process in the 9Be(3He,alpha,alpha)4He reaction at E(3He)=4.0 MeV 黒河(済) 大塚(済)/鈴木(済) (E034) N E グラフチェック+修正:大倉,鈴木(済)
1517 NP/A246(1975)76 Measurements of proton-proton differential cross sections at 5, 7 and 8 MeV 黒河(済) 大塚(済)/鈴木(済) (E034) N E c.f. EXFOR A1013
1516 JPJ38(1975)308 The level structure of 71Ge by the 71Ga(p,n)71Ge reaction 未定 未定 × N E
1515 PL/B323(1994)278 Charge-exchange reaction 12C(12C,12N)12B at E/A=135 MeV 未定 未定 (E027r) N E
1514 PRL69(1992)1030 Bose-eistein correlations in Si+Al and Si+Au collisions at 14.6A GeV/c 未定 未定 × N E
1513 PL/B291(1992)341 Centrality dependence of K+ and pi+ multiplicities from Si+A collisions at 14.6A GeV/c 未定 未定 × N E
1512 PRL68(1992)2137 Polarization of Lambda hyperons produced by the quasifree (pi+, K+) reaction on 12C 鈴木(済) 大塚(済) N E Data 2要再読取(Sym)(芦,済), Data2(fig.4) 数値チェック(大倉(済))
1511 PR/C17(1978)2061 States in 197Pt populated by the (d,p), (d,t) and (n,gamma) reactions 未定 未定 (E016) N E → E1511
1510 PR/C9(1974)1168 alpha decay of 215Fr 未定 未定 × N E
1509 NP/A263(1976)173 Lifetimes of the firstand second excited 3/2- states in 55Co 未定 未定 × N E
1508 (Duplication of D137) N E See D137
1507 NP/A224(1974)199 Level structure of 75Se by the 75As(p,n,gamma)75Se reaction 未定 未定 × N E
1506 JPJ44(1978)1421 On the triaxial deformation in transition odd-A nuclei 未定 未定 × N E
1505 PL/B49(1974)37 Anomalous L=0 transition observed in the reaction 40Ca(p,t)38Ca 未定 未定 (E016) N E
1504 (Duplication of D100) N E See D100
1503 JPJ44(1978)1413 Excited states of 4He observed in the 6Li+d reaction 未定 未定 (E027r) N E
1502 NP/A551(1993)333 Components of collective flow and azimuthal distributions in 40Ar+27Al and 40Ar+58Ni collisions below 85 MeV/u 未定 未定 × N E
1501 JPJ38(1975)601 The h11/2 states in 90Y observed from the excitation functions for the (d,p) reaction 未定 未定 (E016)->(E148r) N E
D1400 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
1500 PRL34(1975)1533 beta-decay asymmetries in polarized 12B and 12N and the g-parity - nonconserving weak interaction 未定 未定 × N E
1499 PRL46(1981)810 Direct experimental evidence for strong, sequential, two step, transfer processes in allowed (p,t) reactions 未定 未定 (E016) N E
1498 PL/B264(1991)259 Determination of the astrophysical 13N(p,gamma)14O cross section through the Coulomb dissociation method 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E047) N E
1497 PL/B233(1989)69 Measurements of tensor analyzing powers in the 1H(d,2p)N 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR SAT)
1496 NP/A549(1992)1 Quasifree scattering in the 6Li(alpha,2alpha)2H reaction at E(alpha) between 77 and 119MeV/ 未定 未定 × N E 検出角度不明
1495 PL/B28(1969)408 Large-angle scattering of 3He particles by 58Ni 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E047) N E
1494 NP/A256(1976)127 High-resolution measurements of analogue states in 59, 61, 63Cu 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E047)->(E143r) N E
1493 PL/B283(1992)185 Complex fragment distributions in 84Kr+27Al at Elab=10.6 MeV/u 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E056r) N E
1492 PL/B249(1990)8 Disappearance of flow as a function of impact parmeter and energy in nucleus-nucleus collisions 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR GAN)
1491 PR/C45(1992)2933 Global transverse energy dstributions in relativistic nuclear collisions at 14.6A GeV/c 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABNL)
1490 ZP/A343(1992)373 Coulomb excitation of 154Sm 未定 未定 × N E
1489 PL/B271(1991)447 Antiproton production in 14.6A GeV/c Si+A collisions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABNL)
1488 PR/C44(1991)1611 Forward and transverse energies in relativistic heavy ion collisions at 14.6 GeV/c per nucleon 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABNL)
1487 PR/D45(1992)3906 Measurement of particle production in proton-induced reactions at 14.6 GeV/c 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABNL)
1486 PR/C45(1992)1220 14C(p,n)14N reaction at Ep=35 MeV 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E047) N E
1485 PR/C46(1992)1155 Analyzing powers for 2H(d,p)3H at incident energies of 30, 50, 70 and 90 keV 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E047) N E
1484 NP/A546(1992)588 (K-,K+) reaction on nuclear targets at p(K-)=1.65 GeV/c 大塚(済) 未定 (J007) N E
1483 (Duplication of D1304) N E See D1304
1482 NP/A542(1992)97 9Be(alpha,p)12B reaction and primordial nucleosynthesis 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E065r) N E 要修正(009 ヘッダ欠落)
1481 NP/A544(1992)445 Target rapidity proton distributions for Si+A collisions at the AGS 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABNL)
1480 NP/A511(1990)157 High-spin spectroscopic study of 167Lu 未定 未定 N E English data (2UK UK)
1479 NP/A549(1992)327 Gamow-Teller strength in beta-decay of 25Si 未定 未定 × N E
1478 NP/A436(1985)518 Multiple Coulomb excitation of 167Er 未定 未定 × N E
1477 JPJ25(1968)1207 Cross sections of the 12C(3He,p)14N reaction 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E047) N E
1476 PL/B240(1990)306 Elastic scattering of 58Ni+64Ni near the Coulomb barrier 未定 未定 N E Italy data (2ITYPAD)
1475 PR/C47(1993)648 (d,2He) reactions at E=260 MeV as a possible probe to nuclear spin-isospin excitation 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E047) N E
1474 PL/B306(1993)1 alpha-cluster bands in 40Ca observed via the (6Li,d) reaction 大塚(済) 未定 (E047) N E
1473 PL/B302(1993)7 Spectroscopy of neutorn halo of nucleus 11Be via the 11B(d,2He) reaciton at 70 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E047) N E
1472 PL/B150(1985)83 Spin polarization of residual nuclei in (14N,alpha) reactions at 115 MeV 未定 未定 N E
1471 (Duplication of D1210) N E
1470 ZP/A321(1985)353 Possible shape-change observed at high spin in 123Cs 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR ?)
1469 PL/B266(1991)264 THe 1H(d,2p)n reactions as basis for a deuteron tensor polarimeter at intermediate energies 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR GRE?)
1468 PL/B268(1991)339 Neutron halo in 11Be studied via reaction cross sections 大塚(済) 未定 (E047) N E
1467 PL/B257(1991)27 Negative pion production in subthreshold heavy ion collisions 未定 未定 × N E
1466 PR/C41(1990)1486 Asymmetry of spin-flip of polarized protons in the inelastic scattering to the first 2+ states of 48Ti and 50Ti 大塚(済) 未定 (E051) N E 富沢博士論文
1465 PR/C32(1985)1539 gamma-ray multiplicity distribution associated with massive transfer 未定 未定 × N E
1464 PR/C34(1986)2365 Analyzing power measurements of (d,2He) reactions on light nuclei 大塚(済) 未定 (E047) N E
1463 PRL66(1991)1567 Comparison of p+A and Si+Au collisions at 14.6 GeV/c 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABNL)
1462 PL/B155(1985)227 Polarization transfer in the deuteron break-up reaction at 56 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E047) N E
1461 ZP/A338(1991)459 Key resonant states in the 8Li(alpha,n)11B reaction in the inhomogeneous big bang models 未定 未定 × N E
1460 PRL67(1991)1982 Coincidence measurements of (p,n) reactios at 1.5 GeV/c on C and H in the Delta excitation region 大塚(済) 未定 (E047) N E
1459 PRL56(1986)1112 Spectroscopy with the singlet-deuteron reactino 12C(alpha,d(S=0))14N at 50 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E047) N E
1458 (Duplication of D769) (E015) N E See D1699
1457 (Duplication of D784) N E See D784
1456 (Duplication of D691) (E015) N E See D1698
1455 (Duplication of D812) N E See D812
1454 (Duplication of D776) (E015) N E See D1697
1453 JPJ49(1980)1 Ground state transition strength for the (p,t) reaction, A=54 through A=82 未定 未定 × N E
1452 PR/C2(1970)2181 Study of nuclear states in 40Ca by inelastic electron scattering 未定 未定 N E (e,e') data
1451 PRL25(1970)874 Excitation of the giant resonance in 12C by inelastic electron scattering 未定 未定 N E (e,e') data
1450 PR185(1969)1499 Study of nuclear states in 60Ni by inelastic electron scattering 未定 未定 N E (e,e') data
1449 PRL22(1969)544 Electroexcitation of the 10.8-MeV (1-:T=0) level of 12C and the 7.12-MeV (1-:T=0) level of 16O 未定 未定 N E (e,e') data
1448 PL/B28(1968)30 Isobaric analogue resonances in photoproton reactions 未定 未定 N E (g,p) data
1447 NP/A559(1993)317 The (gamma,p) and (gamma,alpha) reactions for 63, 65Cu in the giant dipole resonance region 未定 未定 N E (g,p) (g,a) data, Data 24-30数値未読
1446 PR/C37(1988)45 Nuclear structure of 48Ca 大塚(済) 未定 (E047) N E
1445 NP/A534(1991)367 Low-lying intrinsic states in 173Ta 未定 未定 × N E
1444 NP/A444(1985)349 Incomplete fusion of the 16O+27Al reaction 未定 未定 × N E
1443 N E 欠番
1442 PR/C40(1989)1595 Hexadecapole strength in the region of the low-energy octupole resonance 未定 未定 (E015) N E
1441 (Duplication of D780) (E015) N E See D1696
1440 PR/C25(1982)678 Observatino of 1+ state in 48Ca by hadron inelastic scattering 未定 未定 (E015) N E
1439 (Duplication of D28) N E See D28
1438 PR/C20(1979)569 Comparison of gamma-ray yield functions for the 12C+24Mg and 16O+28Si reactions 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR STR)
1437 PR/C30(1984)820 Nuclaer g factor of the 2972 keV isomeric state in 130Xe 未定 未定 × N E
1436 NP/A403(1983)1 Isovector deformation parameters from the (p,n) reactions on 54, 56Fe and 58, 60, 62, 64Ni at 35 MeV 未定 未定 (E011) N E
1435 PR/C33(1986)176 Effects of entrance channel and compound nucleus in the fusion cross sections for 28Si+28Si, 16O+40Ca, 32S+30Si, and 12C+50Cr 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E068r) N E c.f.C0415
1434 PR/C27(1983)1454 Nuclear structure of even lead isotopes by the (p,t) reaction 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E024r) N E O0685(TRANS.O013)からの移行に伴う再採録
1433 PR/C30(1984)2111 Observation of the decay of a new isotope 57Cu and its mirror transition 未定 未定 × N E
1432 N E 欠番
1431 N E 欠番
1430 N E 欠番
1429 NP/A462(1987)150 Coincidence measurements of light particles and evaporation residues in the 16O+27Al fusion reaction 未定 未定 N E
1428 PR/C15(1977)1178 Descructive interference between direct and indirect processes in (p,t) reactions on spherical vibrational nuclei and strong resemblance to that in (p,t) reactions on well-deformed nuclei 未定 未定 (E011) N E
1427 (Analysis of D1499) N E See D1499
1426 PR/C25(1982)1050 Marked changes in (p,t) analyzing powers for isotopes of Zr, Mo, Ru, and Pd strong, sequential, two-step transfer processes in both (p,t) and (t,p) reactions 大塚(済) 未定 (E065r) N E 要修正(018,020 ヘッダ欠落)
1425 NP/A377(1982)163 The (p,n) reaction on cadmium isotopes leading to the ground- and excited-state analogs 未定 未定 (E011) N E
1424 (Duplication of D1187) (E011) N E See D1692
1423 JPJ47(1979)1735 Excitation of the analog state in the 54Fe(p,alpha)51Mn reaction at 21 MeV 未定 未定 (E011) N E
1422 JPJ47(1979)329 Competition of two-steop process with spin-depedent interaction in the 14N(p,p)14N (2.31MeV) reaction at Ep=21.0 MeV 大塚(済) 鈴木(済) (E047) N E
1421 JPJ54(1985)3660 The 26Mg(3He,n)28Si reaction at 23.1 and 45.5 MeV 未定 未定 (E011) N E
1420 NP/A359(1981)76 Analyzing powers for (p,d) reactions on 208Pb and 142,144Nd exciting neutron-hole states at Ep=22.0 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E051r) N E 飯田博士論文
1419 NP/A261(1976)223 Excitation of 3-1, 5-1 and 7-1 states in Te isotopes A=120, 122, 124, 126, 128 with (p,t) reactions 未定 未定 (E011) N E
1418 NP/A267(1976)276 Structure of 74Se with the (p,t) reaction at 52 MeV 未定 未定 (E011) N E
1417 PL/B249(1990)13 Symmetric mass division process in the reactions 37Cl+68Zn and 16O+89Y 未定 未定 N E
1416 NP/A393(1983)52 Analyzing powers and cross sections for (p,d) reactions on nuclei of N=50-82 未定 未定 (E011) N E
1415 NP/A237(1975)260 Elastic and inelastic scattering of 51.9 MeV protons by doubly even tellunium nuclei 未定 未定 (E011)->(E143r) N E
1414 JPJ29(1970)1 Spin flip in the inelastic scattering of protons from 12C at energies around 13.1 MeV resonance 未定 未定 (E011) N E
1413 JPJ45(1978)367 Proton inelastic scattering on 28,29,30Si and blocking effect in the core-excitation of 29Si 未定 未定 (E011) N E
1412 (Duplication of D1412) (E011) N E See D1695
1411 PR/C44(1991)1405 Mass yield curves in low-energy proton-induced fission of 233U, 235U, 236U, 237Np, 239Pu,242Pu, 244Pu, 241Am, and 243Am 合川(済) 大塚(済) (E063r)->(E125r) N E O0590(TRANS.O012)からの移行に伴う再採録
1410 (Duplication of D1357) N E See D1357
1409 (Duplication of D1376) (E011)->(E068r)->(E141r) N E See D1376. 削除済(From NEA, 2011.11.23)
1408 PR/C42(1990)1187 Pre-scission 1H and 4He emissions in 16O+197Au reaction 未定 未定 × N E
1407 JPJ33(1972)881 Inelastic scattering of protons from 100Mo and 98Mo 未定 未定 (E011) N E
1406 JPJ50(1981)3198 Analyzing power-polarization inequality in the inelastic scattering of protons on 12C for incident energies from 22.0 to 29.0 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E051r)->(E109r) N E 藤沢博士論文
1405 JPJ43(1977)755 (3He,d) stripping to bound and unbound states in 29P 未定 未定 (E035r) N E
1404 JPJ42(1977)1 Single- and Multi-Nucleon Transfer Reactions Induced by 14N and 12C on fp-Shell Nuclei (E011) N E
1403 PR/C45(1992)1533 Inelastic scattering of protons, 3He, and 4He at 30 MeV/nucleon from 166Er and 176Yb and quadrupole moments of the optical potential 未定 未定 (E037r)->(E143r) N E REFERENCE should be added
1402 PRL67(1991)1082 Relative strength (Delta S=1)/(Delta S=0)+(Delta S=1)) of isovector spin excitations in the high-lying resonance region of 12C 未定 未定 × N E
1401 NP/A242(1975)13 Quasi-gamma bands in even-mass Xe and Ba nuclei 未定 未定 × N E
D1300 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
1400 NP/A243(1975)143 In-beam study of 136Ce and 138Nd isotones with N=78 未定 未定 × N E
1399 NP/A248(1975)237 Elastic and inelastic scattering of 52 MeV protons from 206Pd, 108Pd and 110Pd 未定 未定 (E019r)->(E122r) N E
1398 NP/A510(1990)173 The band structure and triaxial shape in 118Xe 未定 未定 × N E
1397 NP/A519(1990)221 Effects of sequential decay in nuclear element distributions of complex fragments for 86Kr+27Al at 10.6 MeV/u 未定 未定 N E
1396 PL/B105(1981)135 Angular-momentum transfer and alignment following preequilibrium alpha-particle emission in the reactino 209Bi+14N 大塚(済) 未定 芦澤(済) (E047) N E
1395 PL/B68(1977)51 Gamma-rays from an incomplete fusion reaction induced by 95 MeV 14N 未定 未定 × N E
1394 PL/B59(1975)42 Full recoil analysis of the elastic scattering of 16O on 19F by the core-exchange model 大塚(済) 未定 伊藤(済) (E047) N E
1393 PL/B45(1983)244 Alpha-particle decay of 218Th, a new isotope 未定 未定 × N E
1392 PL/B40(1972)543 In-beam alpha spectroscopy of N=128 isotones. Lifetimes of 216Ra and a new isotope 217Ac 未定 未定 × N E
1391 PL/B58(1975)273 In-beam alpha- and gmma- ray spectroscopy for 216Ra 未定 未定 × N E
1390 PR/C25(1982)909 Correlation between angular anisotropy and fragment mass in 15 MeV proton-induced fission of 232Th 大塚(済) 未定 伊藤(済) (E047) N E c.f. EXFOR O0766
1389 PRL40(1978)694 Statistical analysis of preequilibrium alpha-particle spectra and possible local heating 大塚(済) 未定 (E068r) N E
1388 PR/C18(1978)2457 Intermediate structures in 12C+16O system through alpha-induced reactions on 24Mg 未定 未定 (E013r) N E
1387 NP/A410(1983)156 Excited states in 216Ra 未定 未定 × N E
1386 NP/A327(1979)269 In-beam gamma-ray study of 189, 191, 193Au 未定 未定 × N E German data (2GERJUL)
1385 NP/A211(1973)381 Magnetic moments of the (p1 h9/2 2) 8+ satetes in Po isotopes and of the ((p1 h9/2 2)8+ x nu p1/2 -1) 17/2- states in 209Po 未定 未定 × N E
1384 (Preprint of D1555) 未定 未定 N E See D1555
1383 (Preprint of D1644) 未定 未定 N E See D1644
1382 Niigata Spectroscopy of the exotic nucleus 11Li via pion double charge exchange reaction 11B(pin,pip)11Li 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
1381 Niigata? Determination of the density distribution and the correlation of halo neutrons in 11Li 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALBL)
1380 Niigata On the momentum distributions of fragments of 11Li and 11Be 未定 未定 N E
1379 (Duplication of D1694) (E013r) N E See D1694
1378 NP/A458(1986)523 High spin states of 2s-1d shell nuclei excited by (alpha,d) reactions 大塚(済) 未定 芦澤(済) (E063r)->(E148r) N E
1377 PR/C34(1986)909 Actinides produced by 12C+242Pu and 16O+238U reactions 大塚(済) 未定 伊藤(済) (E047) N E c.f. EXFOR A0357
1376 PR/C45(1992)993 Observation of the low-energy octupole resonance in 208Pb by inelastic alpha scattering 大塚(済) 未定 伊藤(済) (E049r) N E
1375 PR/C45(1982)2328 7Li(alpha,2alpha)3H reaction from 77 to 119 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 伊藤(済) (E047) N E
1374 N E 欠番
1373 N E 欠番
1372 NP/A467(1987)61 12C(p,n)12N and 16O(p,n)16F reactions at Ep=35 and 40 MeV: Relaiablity of the information obtained from DWBA analysis of low-energy (p,n) data 未定 未定 (E012r)->(E148r) N E
1371 NP/A467(1987)79 The 31P(d,n)32S reaction at 25 MeV 未定 未定 (E012r) N E
1370 NP/A486(1988)77 Pre-equilibrium process in 3He-induced reactions on 59Co, 109Ag, 181Ta and 209Bi 大塚(済) 未定 伊藤(済) (E047)->(E147r) N E c.f. EXFOR A0464
1369 NP/A486(1988)261 Energy dependence of tensor analyzing powers in deuteron elastic scattering from 208Pb 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E065r) N E 要修正(027,032 ヘッダ欠落)
1368 NP/A472(1987)41 Tensor interaction in elastic scattering of polarized deuterons from medium-weight nuclei near Ed=22 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E051) N E 武井博士論文
1367 NP/A471(1987)520 Mechanism of (d,a) reaction: 208Pb(d,a)206Tl and 90Zr(d,a)88Y using vector- and tensor-polarized deuterons 大塚 未定 (E051r) N E 橋本博士論文
1366 NP/A462(1987)358 The reaction 26Mg(3He,n)28Si at 23 and 45 MeV 未定 未定 (E014r) N E
1365 NP/A470(1987)377 One- and two-step processes in natural- and unnatural-parity 208Pb(p,t)206Pb reaction at Ep=22 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E051r) N E 黒川博士論文
1364 NP/A466(1987)109 The reaction 12C(3He,n)14O at 45.5 MeV 未定 未定 (E012r) N E
1363 JPJ56(1987)1974 Analyzing powers for (p,t) transitions to the first-excited 2+ states of medium-mass nuclei and nuclear collective motion 大塚(済) 未定 (E051r)->(E143r) N E 長野博士論文、LVL-NUMB要
1362 PL/B187(1987)240 Isovector Delta-J-pty=0- transitions observed in the (p,n) reactions on 13C, 14, 15N and the tensor part of the effective n-n interaction 未定 未定 (E012r) N E
1361 PR/C36(1987)1686 34S(p,n)34Cl reaction at 35 MeV and its microscopic distorded-wave Born approximation analysis: Stringent test of the shell model 未定 未定 (E012r) N E
1360 PR/C41(1990)2414 0 hbar-omega stretched states observed in the (p,n) reactions on 22Ne and 26Mg 未定 未定 (E027r) N E
1359 (Duplication of D1693) (E020r) N E See D1693
1358 ZP/A331(1988)53 Evaporation residue formation competing with the fission process in the 197Au+16O, 12C reactions and fissino barriers at a specfied J window 大塚(済) 未定 伊藤(済) (E047) N E c.f. EXFOR A0474
1357 ZP/A330(1998)289 Mass distribution of fission fragments in the 19F+197Au reaction 未定 未定 (E019r) N E
1356 JPJ57(1988)2976 Low-lying excited states in 213Rn and 215Ra 未定 未定 × N E
1355 PR/C43(1991)510 Isospin forbidden (a,d) transitions to the low-lying states in 26Al 未定 未定 (E012r) N E
1354 PR/C42(1990)1918 Determination of 187Ir atomic mass by the 187Os(3He,t)187Ir reaction 未定 未定 (E012r)->(E148r) N E
1353 PR/C41(1990)2004 Determination of 200Pb, 204Po, 208Rn, 212Ra and 216Th atomic masses by the 204Pb(a,8He)200Pb reaction 大塚(済) 未定 (E047) N E
1352 PL/B243(1990)29 Analyzing power of C and Cu(p,2p) quasi-elastic scattering at 3.5 GeV 大塚(済) 未定 伊藤(済) (E047) N E
1351 JPR/C51(1990)C6-423 Quadrupole mixed-symmetry states in 56Fe 大塚(済) 未定 伊藤(済) (E055r) N E
1350 ZP/A355(1990)203 The effect of angular momentum coupling on the angular distribution of fission fragments 未定 未定 (E027r) N E
1349 N E 欠番
1348 N E 欠番
1347 ZP/A333(1989)379 Energy damping feature in light heavy-ion reactions 未定 未定 N E
1346 N E 欠番
1345 N E 欠番
1344 N E 欠番
1343 PR/C42(1990)1279 Spectroscopy of positive parity states in 26Mg and 26Al via the (alpha,3He) and (alpha,t) reactions 未定 未定 (E014r)->(E148r) N E
1342 N E 欠番
1341 N E 欠番
1340 N E 欠番
1339 ZP/A335(1990)113 High spin structure in the odd-odd nucleus 124Cs 未定 未定 × N E
1338 PRL64(1990)847 Kaon and pion production in central Si+Au collisions at 14.6 A GeV/c 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABNL)
1337 NP/A498(1989)67 Results from the BNL E802 spectrometer for 14.5 GeV/c per nucleon silicon beams 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABNL)
1336 NP/A484(1988)264 New neutron-deficient isotopes 83Nb and 85Nb 未定 未定 × N E
1335 NC/A102(1989)575 4-Lambda-H formation from K- absorption at rest on 4He, 7Li, 9Be, 12C, 16O and 40Ca targets 未定 未定 × N E
1334 PR/C40(1989)479 Formation of 4-Lambda-H hypernuclei from KN absorption at rest on light nuclei 未定 未定 × N E
1333 PRL63(1989)490 Polarizations and cross sections of Lambda hyperons produced at backward anlges in the reaction pi+12C -> Lambda+X 大塚(済) 未定 (J007) N E
1332 (Duplication of D1332) N E
1331 NC/A102(1989)437 Sigma hypernuclear bound state observed in stopped K- reaction on 4He 未定 未定 × N E
1330 PL/B231(1989)355 Evidence for a bound state of the 4-Sigma-He hypernucleus 未定 未定 × N E
1329 N E 欠番
1328 NP/A498(1989)415 Particle spectra near mid-rapidity sutied with Cherenkov-complex system in 14.5 AGeV Si+Au collisions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABNL)
1327 NP/A498(1989)409 Proton production from Si+Au collisions at 14.5 A*GeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABNL)
1326 ZP/A334(1989)511 The proton threshold states in 21Mg relevant to the rp-process 大塚(済) 未定 (E047) N E
1325 NP/A499(1989)339 Spectroscopy of 24Al through the 24Mg(p,n)24Al reactino at E(p)35 MeV 未定 未定 (E027r) N E
1324 N E 欠番
1323 (Recompiled as D1844) (E029r)->(E068r)->(E141r) N E See D1844. 削除済(From NEA, 2011.11.23)
1322 (Duplication of D1397) N E See D1397
1321 (Recompiled as D1843) N E See D1843
1320 (Recompiled as D1842) N E See D1842
1319 PL/B199(1987)331 Excitation of J-pi = 2+ resonances in 24Mg by the 23Na(p,12C)12C reaction 未定 未定 (E027r)->(E148r) N E
1318 NP/A510(1990)285 Systematic enhancement for the 14C(p,t)12C reaction leading to the T=0 states 未定 未定 (E012r)->(E148r) N E
1317 NP/A514(1990)273 The 16O(p,p') reaction at 35 MeV 未定 未定 (E014r)->(E147r) N E
1316 PR/C42(1990)457 Density dependent interaction applied to low-multipole (p,p') and (p,n) transitions in light nuclei 未定 未定 (E012r) N E
1315 NP/A504(1989)477 Polarization transfer measurements for the (d,p,X) reaction at E(d)=65 MeV and the reaction mechanism for the protons in the continuum 未定 未定 (E031r) N E
1314 PR/C42(1990)1935 Existence of alpha-cluster structure in 44Ti via the (6Li,d) reaction 未定 未定 (E012r)->(E147r) N E
1313 PR/C41(1990)2421 Experimental examination of the lowest alpha cluster states in 44Ti 未定 未定 (E012r) N E
1312 FBS7(1989)119 Break-up of deuteron by vector-polarized deuterons at 60 MeV 未定 未定 × N E
1311 PL/B246(1990)342 Dominance of the direct reaction process in the 12C(7Li,7Be)12B reaction at theta(lab)=0 deg. and E(lab) >=21 MeV/A 未定 未定 (E014r)->(E147r) N E
1310 PL/B247(1990)219 New high-spin stretched states in 208Pb observed by the (p,p') reaction 未定 未定 (E059r) N E
1309 PL/B240(1990)301 Depolarization in p-15N elastic scattering and large tensor spin-spin interaction 大塚(済) 未定 (E047) N E
1308 NP/A510(1990)417 Breakup of 3He by alpha particles at 119.2 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E047)->(E145r) N E
1307 NP/A509(1990)141 Structure of 14C studied by the 14C(p,d)13C reaction 未定 未定 (E027r)->(E147r) N E
1306 PR/C41(1990)889 Isomeric yield ratios in proton-, 3He-, and alpha-particle-induced reactions on 197Au 大塚(済) 未定 (E047)->(E068r)->(E147r) N E 要修正(From NEA, 2011.11.23)(B,LEDERER-7,,,1978 -> B,LEDERER-7,,1978)
1305 PR/C40(1989)2144 Systematic analysis of mass yield curves in low-energy fission of actinides 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E029) N E Ottoから問い合わせ(2004.03.24)
1304 NP/A510(1990)518 Statistical emission of complex fragments produced in the reactino 37Cl+68Zn 未定 未定 N E
1303 (Recompiled as D1841) (E029r)->(E068r)->(E141r) N E See D1841. 削除済(From NEA, 2011.11.23)
1302 PR/C31(1985)1691 Spectroscopy of the 5-, 6-, and 7- states in 68Zn via the (d,p) reaction 未定 未定 (E009)->(E071r) N E 要修正(From IAEA, 2011.11.1)(See CP-D/718)
1301 NP/A485(1988)304 The nuclear structure of 83Zr 未定 未定 × N E
D1200 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
1300 N E 欠番
1299 N E 欠番
1298 N E 欠番
1297 N E 欠番
1296 N E 欠番
1295 N E 欠番
1294 PRL62(1989)1727 Contribution of nucleon transfer to the elastic scatteirng of 28Si+58,64Ni near the Coulomb barrier 未定 未定 (E122r) N E
1293 (Duplication of D1333) N E See D1333
1292 N E 欠番
1291 N E 欠番
1290 N E 欠番
1289 N E 欠番
1288 N E 欠番
1287 N E 欠番
1286 PR/C39(1989)2268 Systematics of fusion-fission time scales 未定 未定 N E
1285 PR/C39(1989)818 Determination of 193Au and 193Hg atomic masses by the 197(a,8He)193Au reaction 大塚(済) 未定 (E049) N E
1284 NP/A501(1989)557 alpha decay of 221Pa and 218,219Ac 未定 未定 × N E
1283 PR/C40(1989)1933 7+ states in 26Al observed in the 24Mg(a,d) and 25Mg(3He,d) reactions 未定 未定 N E
1282 PR/C39(1989)2159 Deformed nature of the 6- states in 26Al observed by the (a,t) reaction 未定 未定 N E
1281 NP/A507(1990)515 Excitation of isovector states by the (7Li,7Be) reaction on 12C and 13C 未定 未定 N E
1280 PL/B227(1989)204 Excitation of spin- and isospin-flip states with the (d,d(S=0)) reaction 未定 未定 N E
1279 PL/B197(1987)285 Measurement of energy emission from O+A and p+A collisions at 14.5 GeV/c per nucleon with a leacd-glass array 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABNL)
1278 NP/A464(1987)717 Elastic scattering of polarized deuterons from 16O at 200, 400, and 700 MeV 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR SAT)
1277 (Duplication of D1229) (E141r) N E See D1229
1276 NP/A488(1988)89 The mechanism of the (12C,12N) charge exchange reaction on 12C between 30 and 100 MeV/u 未定 未定 N E German + French data (2GERBER, 2FR GAN)
1275 NP/A479(1988)161 Spectroscopy of hyper nuclei with stopped kaons - recent result of KEK experiment 未定 未定 × N E
1274 NP/B301(1988)525 A study of the K0s K0s system in the reaction K- p -> K0s K0s lambda at 11 GeV/c 未定 未定 N E US data (1USASTF)
1273 NP/B296(1988)493 A study of K-pi+ scattering in the reaction K- p -> K- pi+ n at 11 GeV/c 未定 未定 N E US data (1USASTF)
1272 N E 欠番
1271 N E 欠番
1270 PR/C35(1987)352 Measurement of the vector analyzing power in pi+-d elastic scattering at 0.74 GeV/c 大塚(済) 未定 (J007) N E
1269 PRL60(1988)780 Observation of a nonspherical pion source in relativistic heavy-ion collisions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALBL)
1268 JPJ56(1987)1248 Nonequilibrium light particle emission in the 140 MeV 3He and 110 MeV 4He induced reactions 未定 未定 N E
1267 N E 欠番
1266 N E 欠番
1265 PL/B201(1988)573 Evidence for two strangeonium resonances with Jpc=1++ and 1+- in K-p intearactions at 11 GeV/c 未定 未定 N E US data (1USASTF)
1264 NP/A484(1988)125 Coupled channel representation of the phase anomaly observed in elastic and inelastic scattering of 19F+12C 大塚(済) 未定 (E062r) N E
1263 PL/B208(1988)324 Spin-parity determination of the phi-J(1850) from K0 p interactions at 11 GeV/c 未定 未定 N E US data (1USASTF)
1262 PL/B206(1988)592 Measurement of interaction cross sections using isotope beams of Be and B and isospin dependence of the nuclear radii 大塚(済) 未定 (E045) N E US data (1USABRK)
1261 PL/B201(1988)169 Observation of the selective coupling of K* states to the K- eta channel 未定 未定 N E US data (1USASTF)
1260 PR/D37(1988)583 Search for structures in the p-bar p -> pi+ pi- and p-bar p -> K+ K- cross sections between 360 and 760 MeV/c 未定 未定 N E New analysis in another PR/D paper?
1259 PR/C38(1988)846 Observations of hyperon-nucleus systems produced on 12C and 7Li targets using the (K-,pi+) reaction at 715 MeV/c 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABNL)
1258 (Duplication of D1359) N E See D1693
1257 ZP/C38(1988)35 Measurement of energy and charged particle emission in the central rapidity region from O+A and p+A collisions at 14.5 GeV/c per nucleon and preliminary results from Si+A collisions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABNL)
1256 PRL60(2599)1988 Projectile fragmentation of the extemely neutron-rich nucleus 11Li at 0.79 GeV/nucleon 大塚(済) 未定 (E045) N E 再読取了(Data 1-2), US data (1USABRK)
1255 PR/C38(1988)2026 Forbidden (p,d) pickup to stretched states of 26Al 未定 未定 (E143r) N E
1254 PR/C38(1988)1229 Production of pions and light fragments in 0.8A GeV La+La collisions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALBL)
1253 PR/C38(1988)1130 25Mg(3He,d)26Al to high spin states 未定 未定 (E071r) N E 要修正(From IAEA, 2011.11.1)(See CP-D/718)
1252 N E 欠番
1251 JPJ60(1991)107 Nuclear reactions of Ti, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn by 500-MeV protons 大塚(済) 未定 (E051) N E c.f.EXFOR O0097
1250 N E 欠番
1249 N E 欠番
1248 RIKEN-AF-NP-82 Energy dependence of interaction cross sections 未定 未定 N E
1247 RIKEN-AF-NP-81 Measurement of reaction cross section using 11Be beam 未定 未定 N E
1246 N E 欠番
1245 N E 欠番
1244 RIKEN-AF-NP-89 Anomalous slope factor of inclusive pin spectrum in 41A MeV heavy ion collision 未定 未定 N E
1243 PR/C28(1983)1718 Target dependence of charge distributions in spallation reaction of medium-mass nuclei with 12 GeV protons 大塚(済) 未定 (E051) N E c.f.EXFOR O0074
1242 PR/C38(1988)1811 Nuclear reactions of 48Ti, 56Fe, 57Fe, 58Ni, 60Ni, 63Cu, and 65Cu by 12-GeV protons 大塚(済) 未定 (E051) N E c.f. EXFOR A0404
1241 JPJ54(1985)3734 Spallation and fission yields in the interactions of tantalum, tungsten, and gold with 500-MeV protons 大塚(済) 未定 (E051) N E c.f. EXFOR O0296
1240 JPJ57(1988)2995 Spallation of tantalum, tungsten and gold by 12-GeV protons 大塚(済) 未定 (E051) N E c.f. EXFOR A0434
1239 NIM/A281(1989)581 The 1H(11B,n)11C reaction as a practical low background monoenergetic neutron source in the 10 MeV region 大塚(済) 鈴木(済) (E033)->(E071r) N E 著者校正済(2005.06.08)/要修正(From IAEA, 2011.11.1)(See CP-D/718)
1238 (Duplication of D1446) N E See D1446
1237 PR/C40(1989)1108 Identification of the T=1,6- stretched state in 40Ca by inelastic proton and deuteron scattering 未定 未定 (E059r) N E
1236 PR/C34(1986)493 Quadrupole and hexadecapole moments of 232Th and 238U from inelastic scattering of 65 MeV polarized protons 大塚(済) 未定 (E065r)->(E143r) N E MSK/Aの数値は間違い。 EXFOR O0016の数値を挿入。(市原、2010-11-10)
1235 PR/C37(1988)2923 Pre-scission neutron multiplicity following the 16O+142Nd reaction 未定 未定 N E
1234 PR/C38(1988)2945 Spectral function of the p3/2 nucleons in 6Li 未定 未定 × N E
1233 PR/C39(1989)1286 Systematic behavior of octupole strengths in 46,48,50Ti 未定 未定 N E
1232 PR/C39(1989)873 Elastic scattering of the unstable nucleus 7Be on 12C at 140 MeV 未定 未定 N E
1231 ZP/A332(1989)61 Nucleon transfer in highly mass-asymmetric reaction systems between 197Au and relatively light projectiles in the energy region below 10 MeV/U I.target-like products 大塚(済) 未定 (E051) N E
1230 PR/C39(1989)1658 Strength function of the d5/2 hole state in 39Ca 未定 未定 N E
1229 NP/A480(1988)323 Breakup effects of 6,7Li on elastic and inelastic scattering from 12C at 18-28 MeV/nucleon 未定 未定 (E009) N E
1228 NP/A493(1989)1 Target breakup in the 6,7Li(p,p) reactions 大塚(済) 未定 (E049) N E
1227 N E 欠番
1226 N E 欠番
1225 NP/A452(1986)123 Various intermediate channels in the 12C+12C -> 12C(g.s.)+a;8Be(g.s.) reaction 未定 未定 N E
1224 PL/B99(1981)317 Anomalous behaviour of the differential cross section dsigma/dE/dtheta in the reaction 93Nb+14N at 113, 153 and 209 MeV 未定 未定 N E
1223 NP/A441(1985)445 The pre-equilibrium process of the 165Ho(a,x*n,y*p) reaction at E(a)=109 MeV studied by particle-gamma coincidence measurements 未定 未定 (E008) N E
1222 NP/A443(1985)435 Multiple scattering effects for quasifree scattering in 3He(d,dd)1H breakup reaction 大塚(済) 未定 (E049) N E
1221 PL/B160(1985)369 Excitation of Delta-L=1 resonances in the (p,n) reaction on 90Zr, 120Sn, 140Ce and 208Pb at Ep=41 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E049)->(E123r) N E c.f. EXFOR O0802
1220 NP/A455(1986)301 In-beam spectroscopic study of 107In 未定 未定 × N E
1219 (Duplication of D1459) N E See D1459
1218 (Duplication of D1464) N E See D1464
1217 PR/C34(1986)580 Polarization of 12B produced in 14N-induced reactions 未定 未定 N E
1216 PR/C33(1986)392 Level structure and electromagnetic properties in 212Ra 未定 未定 × N E
1215 (Duplication of D1435) N E See 1435
1214 PL/B177(1986)155 Measurements of Kyy at 0 degree for the 2H(p,n)2P reaction at 50, 65 and 80 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E049) N E
1213 PL/B176(1986)307 Enhanced E2 transitions between 9- and 8- states in 110Sn and 112Sn 未定 未定 × N E
1212 NP/A459(1986)427 Collective vibrations in 218Ra 未定 未定 × N E
1211 PR/C31(1985)1597 Asymmetric neutron emission in 14N+165Ho reactions at 35 MeV/nucleon 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMSU)
1210 PR/C31(1985)858 Neutron spectra and level density parameters from the 16O+12C fusion reaction 未定 未定 N E US data (1USANOT)
1209 (Duplication of D1472) N E See D1472
1208 PR/C37(1988)2885 Location of the low-energy isoscalar octupole resonance in 58Ni 大塚(済) 古立(済) (E066r) N E
1207 N E 欠番
1206 NP/A391(1982)377 Excitation of high-spin particle-hole states in A=28 nuclei by 27Al(a,t) and (a,3He) reactions 未定 未定 (E008)->(E140r) N E REFERENCE, HISTORY (001), E-LVL (010) REACTION, LEVEL-PROP (061-070) modified (E140r).
1205 N E 欠番
1204 PR/C32(1985)1789 Direct neutron decay of the giant quadrupole resonance in 92Zr and its particle-hole structure 未定 未定 N E
1203 NP/A456(1986)48 Brekup of 4He with polarized protons at 65 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E054r)->(E145r) N E Data 5要再送 (parity抜け)
1202 N E 欠番
1201 PL/B99(1981)92 Shell effects in the spin-orbit part of the optical potential 大塚(済) 未定 (E051r) N E MSK/A
D1100 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
1200 PR/C34(1986)2369 Examination of the vector analyzing powers in the reaction 12C, 16O(d(pol),6Li)8Be, 12C 大塚(済) 未定 (E065r) N E 要修正(006,010,012 ヘッダ欠落)
1199 PR/C34(1986)366 Excitation of isovector giant resonances in 27Al by heavy ion charge exchange reaction 未定 未定 (E008) N E
1198 PR/C23(1981)937 High energy component of giant octupole resonance in medium and heavy mass nuclei 大塚(済) 未定 (E049) N E
1197 N E 欠番
1196 N E 欠番
1195 NP/A454(1986)237 Excitation of M1 states in 58Ni and 60Ni by 65 MeV polarized proton inelastic scattering 未定 未定 (E008)->(E071r) N E 要修正(From IAEA, 2011.9.27) (E-LVL: EV -> MEV)
1194 NP/A455(1986)413 Optical model and folding model potentials for elastic scattering of 56 MeV polarized deuterons 大塚(済) 未定 (E049) N E
1193 PR/C33(1986)71 74,76,78,80,82Se by inelastic scattering of 64.8 MeV protons 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E035) N E 数値欠損に伴う再採録
1192 NP/A425(1984)548 Light-particle emission in the reactino of 93Nb+14N at 132, 159 and 208 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E049) N E
1191 NP/A394(1983)29 Deformation parameter of 12C via 12C(a,a) and 12C(a,a a) reactions 未定 未定 (E008) N E
1190 PR/C28(1983)1975 Breakup fusion of 7Li 未定 未定 N E
1189 NP/A399(1983)241 (6Li,d) reactions on 24Mg and 26Mg at 73 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E049) N E
1188 PL/B163(1985)75 3 alpha-breakup induced dynamical polarization potential of 12C at E/A>=10 MeV 未定 未定 (E008) N E
1187 (Duplication of D1424) (E007) N E See D1692
1186 NP/A401(1983)445 High-spin states in even-mass Xe nuclei and backbending phenomena 未定 未定 × N E
1185 PL/B127(1983)19 Back angle elastic scattering of 12C+12C at E/A >= 10 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E049) N E Data 1,2とも↓を読取後に要処理
1184 N E 欠番
1183 NP/A408(1983)21 High-spin states in the direct 12,13C(a,p)15,16N reactions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USACLU)
1182 (Duplication of D1437) N E See D1437
1181 NP/A429(1984)193 Linear momentum transfer in the reaction 232Th(14N,light particles) at 208 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E049) N E
1180 PL/B142(1984)130 Measurement of the total cross section difference Delta-sigma-L(pp) in the energy range from 0.52 to 2.8 GeV 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR SAC)
1179 PR/C29(1984)2173 Two-pion correlations in heavy ion collisions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABRK)
1178 PR/C30(1984)770 (a,d) reaction on 12C and 13C and weak coupling configurations 未定 未定 N E US data (1USACSU) → T0403
1177 (Duplication of D1264) (E062r)->(E141r) N E E1264と同測定
1176 N E 欠番
1175 N E 欠番
1174 PRL55(1985)2676 Measurement of interaction cross sections and nuclear radii in the light p-shell region 大塚(済) 未定 (E045) N E US data (1USABRK)
1173 N E 欠番
1172 PL/B161(1985)52 A spectroscopic study of 206,204Pb with the (a,6He) reaction 大塚(済) 未定 (E049) N E
1171 PL/B159(1985)90 Magnetic substate population in 12C+12C inelastic scattering 未定 未定 × N E
1170 JPJ54(1985)2829 Mean free paths of relativistic projectile fragments emitted from Fe-C and Fe-Pb interactions at 1.98 A-GeV 未定 未定 × N E US data (1USALBL)
1169 PL/B156(1985)185 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR SAT, 2FR LNS)
1168 NP/A445(1985)29 g-factors of the ground states of 95Nb and 96Nb 未定 未定 × N E
1167 N E 欠番
1166 PRL55(1985)185 Possible quasimolecular bands in 32S 大塚(済) 未定 (E049)->(E145r) N E
1165 PR/C31(1985)2168 Production mechanism of backward energetic protons studied from two-particle correlations in 800 MeV proton-nucleus collisions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALBL)
1164 JPJ/S55(1986)732 Vector analyzing power for two-step process in the reaction 12C(d,6Li)8Be 未定 未定 N E
1163 N E 欠番
1162 N E 欠番
1161 PR/C31(1985)2082 Elastic and inelastic scattering of 12C+12C at E/A>=10 MeV and the deformation parameters 大塚(済) 未定 (E049) N E Data 1,4は↓を読取後に要処理
1160 JPJ54(1985)2453 Measurement of gamma-ray multiplicity emitted in the alpha-induced fission of 232Th 未定 未定 N E
1159 PL/B150(1985)416 Measurements of high pt light fragments at cm 90 degrees in 800 A MeV C+C collisions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALBL)
1158 PR/C32(1985)975 Pion production near mid-rapidity in high-energy heavy-ion collisions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALBL)
1157 PL/B162(1985)77 A strong energy dependence of the analyzing power in the pp->dpi+ reaction and the question of an isovector dibaryon resonance 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR SAC)
1156 NP/A442(1985)361 g-factors of high-spin isomeric states in 216Ra 未定 未定 N E ×
1155 JPJ/S55(1986)730 Vector analyzing power of polarized deuterons in the (d,6Li) reaction 未定 未定 N E
1154 PL/B176(1986)302 Transfer cross sections for 28Si+58,62Ni 未定 未定 (E007)->(E122r)->(E143r) N E
1153 (Duplication of D1377) N E See D1377
1152 PR/C33(1986)1524 g 9/2 single particle state in 28Si 大塚(済) 未定 (E049)->(E140r) N E REACTION, ANG-SEC (001) modified/added (E140r).
1151 JPJ/S55(1986)798 A stretched (g9/2d-15/2)6+ state in 28Si studied through m=0 substate population 未定 未定 N E
1150 PR/C34(1986)1530 Stretched states in 26Mg from the 25Mg(a,3He) reaction at 81 MeV 未定 未定 (E007) N E
1149 N E 欠番
1148 (Duplication of D1378) N E
1147 NP/A456(1986)298 Measurements of evaporation residues to investigate lower limiting angular momenta in fusion reactions 大塚(済) 未定 (E049) N E c.f. EXFOR A0381
1146 JPJ/S55(1986)634 24Mg(p,d)23Mg reaction to 2.36 MeV state (L=0, 1/2+) between 30 and 40 MeV 未定 未定 N E
1145 (Duplication of D1412) (E059r) N E See D1695
1144 (Duplication of D1379) (E007) N E See D1694
1143 N E 欠番
1142 N E 欠番
1141 NP/A457(1986)45 Study on the 208Pb(a,6He)206Pb reaciton at E(a)=109 MeV 未定 未定 (E007) N E
1140 NP/A457(1986)461 Highly excited high spin states in 28Si populated thruogh the 12C(20Ne,a) reaction 大塚(済) 未定 (E049)->(E140r) N E REACTION, ANG-SEC (002-009) modified/added (E140r).
1139 PR/C35(1987)1280 Transverse polarization transfer Dnn(0 degree) measurements for the (p,n) reaction on 58Ni and 90Zr at E(p)=80 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E049) N E
1138 PL/B188(1987)21 Measurement of the depolarization parameter K(y',y) in p-2H elastic scattering at E(p)=65 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E051) N E MSK/A
1137 PR/C35(1987)931 Effect of inelastic excitation on the elastic scattering of alpha particles from 144, 148, 150, 152, 154Sm at 120 MeV 未定 未定 (E007) N E
1136 NP/A463(1987)429 Continuum spectra of target breakup in the 6Li and 7Li(p,p) reactions 未定 未定 N E
1135 PL/B195(1987)316 Isovector giant resonances in light nuclei observed by (7Li,7Be) reactio 未定 未定 (E054r) N E
1134 PR/C36(1987)573 Fine structure of resonance at Ex=14MeV in 40Ca 未定 未定 (E007) N E
1133 NP/A473(1987)31 Multiple scattering effect for quasifree scattering in the 3He(p,pp)2H reaction at 64.8 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E049)->(E140r) N E REACTION, ANG-SEC (002-007) modified/added (E140r).
1132 PR/C36(1987)2146 Observatio of vector analyzing power in elastic scattering of 150-MeV 6Li on 12C 未定 未定 (E007) N E
1131 PR/C35(1987)1257 Low energy octupole resonance in 46Ti studied by inelastic proton scattering at 65 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E068r) N E
1130 ZP/A320(1985)531 THe new neutron-rich nuclei 231Fr and 231Ra 未定 未定 × N E European data (2ZZZCER)
1129 PR/C30(1984)1671 Alpha decay of 198Rn 未定 未定 × N E European data (2ZZZCER)
1128 PL/B147(1984)23 Analyzing power for the inelastic continuum with 200 MeV protons 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANTMF)
1127 PR/C31(1985)292 Inclusive pion production in 330, 400, and 500 MeV proton-nucleus collisions 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANTMF)
1126 ZP/A320(1985)433 Asymmetric fission of the pre-actinide nuclei 未定 未定 N E Russian data (4RUS???)
1125 NP/A433(1985)159 In-beam study of the odd-odd nuclei 134La and 136La 未定 未定 × N E German data (2GERJUL)
1124 PR/C30(1984)1480 Single particle effects in precompound reactions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALRL) → T0110
1123 PR/C31(1985)656 Multinucleon transfer in the reaction 12C(p,6Li)7Be at Ep=40.3 MeV 未定 未定 N E Italian data (2ITYMIL)
1122 PR/C31(1985)17 Microscopic and semimicroscopic analysis of the reaction 27Al(p,a)24Mg in the energy range between 20 and 45 MeV 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERMPH, 2GERJUL)
1121 PL/B146(1984)392 A revised levelscheme for 158Tb 未定 未定 × N E Canadian data (1CANMCN)
1120 JPJ53(1984)4158 Fluctuations in the reaction 19F(p,a)16O in the range E(p)7.6-13.0 MeV 未定 未定 (E007) N E
1119 CJP62(1984)1139 The branching ratio in the decay of 7Be 未定 未定 × N E Canadian data (1CANKQU)
1118 PR/C31(1985)676 Analyzing power as a probe for clarifying nuclear reaction mechanisms: Study of the two-step unbound channel contribution 大塚(済) 未定 (E049) N E
1117 PR/C31(1985)120 Energy dependence of (p,t) analyzing powers arising from strong, sequential two-step processes with J dependence 大塚(済) 未定 (E051r) N E 飯田博士論文
1116 PL/B146(1984)183 Anomalous g-factor in odd-odd 174Lu 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTVIL)
1115 JP/G11(1985)59 Proton analysing power and cross section measurement in the d(-p,2p)n reaction for a configuration favouring three-nucleon forces 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTVIL), c.f. EXFOR O1127
1114 PR/C31(1985)360 Measurement of the 158Tb electron-capture Q value 未定 未定 × N E US data (1USAPTN)
1113 PL/B147(1984)253 Cross sections and analyzing powers in the (p,d) reaction around 500 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
1112 ZP/A319(1984)149 Hal-life and cofiguration of the 1/2+ intruder state in 203Bi 未定 未定 × N E Finnish data (2SF JYV)
1111 N E 欠番
1110 NPA433(1985)649 Spin-spin correlation and spin asymmetries for the reaction pp -> pnpi+ at intermediate energies 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANTMF)
1109 PR/C31(1985)758 Proton excitation of 1+ states in 208Pb and a lower limit of the strength of the isoscalar spin-flip part of the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR PAR)
1108 PR/C31(1985)79 Coulomb excitation of cadmium isotopes with protons 未定 未定 N E Indian data (3INDPUC)
1107 ZP/A319(1984)315 Statistical properties of 5/2+ resonances in 57Co 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATNL)
1106 PRL53(1984)1897 Double gamma decay in 40Ca and 90Zr 未定 未定 × N E German data (2GERMPH)
1105 PR/C31(1985)697 Nucleon scattering from 34S and the relative sign of neutron and proton transition matrix elements for the (0->2+2) transition 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAOHO, 1USAPTN) → C0826
1104 PL/B146(1984)397 Observation of the second 4+ state in 28Si by means of proton inelastic scattering and analysis of the K-pi=0+(1) and 3-(1) bands 未定 未定 N E Dutch data (2NEDFUL)
1103 PR/C30(1984)1976 High spin states in 28Si and 58Ni 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS) → O0147
1102 NP/A432(1985)363 Quantitative evidence of weak isospin mixing in the low-lying isobaric analog resonances in 209Bi 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERKLN) c.f. EXFOR O0598
1101 PR/C31(1985)87 Energy dependence of the absorptive potential for sub-Coulomb energy proton bombardment of zirconium and molybdenum isotopes 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAKTY)
D1000 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
1100 PR/C31(1985)787 Evidence of a shape transition in even-A Ge isotopes 未定 未定 N E US data (1USANOT)
1099 PR/C31(1985)49 Channel cross correlation and intermediate resonance in the 55Mn(p,p)55Mn and 55Mn(p,a)52Cr 未定 未定 N E Taiwanese data (3CHFSHI)
1098 PR/C31(1985)362 COupled channel analysis of proton scattering from 40Ar 未定 未定 N E Italy data (2ITYMIL)
1097 PR/C31(1985)736 Coupled channeles analysis of proton scattering from 26Mg 未定 未定 N E Italy data (2ITYMIL)
1096 JP/G10(1984)1747 Proton resonances in 26Al 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATNL)
1095 PR/C31(1985)1 Optical model analysis of 200 MeV p+16O elastic scattering data measured to large momentum transfers 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU) → C0550
1094 PRL54(1985)170 Parity nonconservation in elastic p-a scattering and the determination of the weak meson-nucleon coupling constants 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWT?)
1093 PR/C31(1985)515 Measurements of the spin-rotation parameters for pd->pd elastic scattering at 496, 647 and 800 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
1092 PR/D31(1985)966 Transverse-spin dependence of the p-p total cross section from 0.8 to 2.5 GeV/c 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAANL, 1USALAS)
1091 PR/C30(1984)1409 Parity violation in proton-proton scattering at 45 MeV 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTVIL)
1090 PR/C33(1986)834 Inelastic scattering of 65-MeV polarized protons from 178Hf, 180Hf, 182W, and 184W and multipole moments of the optical potential 大塚(済) 未定 (E065r) N E 要再送信(all)
1089 PR/C32(1985)830 Inelastic proton scattering to the 3- and 1+ states in 50Ti, 52Cr, and 54Fe 大塚(済) 未定 (E065r) N E 要修正(028 ヘッダ欠落)
1088 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1087 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1086 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1085 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1084 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1083 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1082 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1081 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1080 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1079 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1078 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1077 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1076 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1075 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1074 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1073 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1072 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1071 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1070 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1069 NP/A431(1984)637 Measurement of Delta-sigma-L in pp scattering between 200 and 583 MeV 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTVIL)
1068 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1067 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1066 NP/A422(1984)307 Momentum transfer in light-ion-induced fission reactions 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR SAC)
1065 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1064 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1063 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1062 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1061 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1060 PR/C30(1984)593 (p,d) reaction at 800 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS) → O0039
1059 PR/C30(1984)709 Excitation of E2 transitions in 40Ca by 334-MeV protons 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
1058 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1057 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1056 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1055 PR/C30(1984)79 130Te(p,p1) and 130Te(p,p) reactions on analog resonances 未定 未定 N E US data (1USANOT) → T0096
1054 PR/C30(1984)270 13C(p,p)13C reaction at Tp=547 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USA???)
1053 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1052 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1051 PL/B145(1984)34 The 24Mg(p,d) reaction to the 1/2+ state at 2.36 MeV at proton energies from 27 to 185 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
1050 NP/A423(1984)350 THe 93Nb(p,d)92Nb reaction at 26.3 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USACLU)
1049 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1048 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1047 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1046 NP/A422(1984)81 Comparison of a nearly complete pd elastic scatteirng data set with Fadeev calculations 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTETH, 2SWTVIL)
1045 NP/A429(1984)218 15N(p,p)15N and the levels of 16O for Ex=14.8-18.6 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USANOT) → C0827
1044 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1043 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1042 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1041 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1040 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1039 PR/C29(1984)1710 Analysis of (p,p), (p,n) and (n,n) scattering of the ven tin isotopes using the lane coupled equations 未定 未定 N E PR/C29(1984)1710
1038 PR/C30(1984)574 Polarized-proton-induced exclusive pion production in 12C at 200, 216, 225, 237, and 250 MeV incident energies 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANTMF?)
1037 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1036 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1035 NP/A427(1984)332 The 51V(p,n)51Cr reaction at Ep=160 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
1034 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1033 NP/A417(1984)331 Study of proton elastic and inelastic scattering from 74Se at the isobaric analogue resonances 大塚(済) 未定 (E049) N E
1032 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1031 NP/A417(1984)405 Depolarization in proton enclusive inelastic scattering and in the (d,p) reaction on medium-weight nuclei 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAWAU?)
1030 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1029 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1028 NP/A423(1984)228 The reaction 36S(p,g)37Cl (2) Life times, spins and parities of 37Cl levesls 未定 未定 N E Dutch data (2NEDUTR)
1027 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1026 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1025 NP/A415(1984)93 The abundance of 26Al in the Mg Al cycle 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERMST, 2GERIFS, 2GERBOC)
1024 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1023 NP/A415(1984)365 Spin correlations and analyzing powers in pp -> pi+ d between 447 and 578 MeV 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTVIL)
1022 NP/A419(1984)557 Excited states of the 70Ga nucleus 未定 未定 N E Hungarian data (3HUNDEB)
1021 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1020 NP/A413(1984)255 Microscopic and macroscopic aspects of 135 MeV proton scattering from 16O 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU) → O0062
1019 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1018 ZP/A316(1984)75 In-beam study of excited states in 80Br 未定 未定 N E German data (3DDRROS)
1017 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1016 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1015 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1014 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1013 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1012 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1011 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1010 未定 未定 N E 欠番
1009 PR/C29(1984)2001 3He(p,p)3He scattering in the energy range 19 to 48 MeV 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMNA) → C0616
1008 PR/C29(1984)2009 Analyzing power measurements for 3He(p,p)3He elastic scattering between 20 and 50 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABRK) → T0402
1007 PR/C29(1984)2031 Fusion-energy reaction 2H(t,a)n from E(t)=12.5 to 117 keV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS) → C0319
1006 PR/C29(1984)2118 Mass and low-lying levels of 106, 108In from the 106,108Cd(p,n,g) reactions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAANL)
1005 PR/C29(1984)2199 Fission and spallation induced by 7-GeV prodons on U, Bi, Pb, Au, W, Ho, and Ag 未定 未定 N E British data (2UK NIN)
1004 PR/C29(1984)1806 Inclusive production of isotopically resolved Li through Mg 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANTMF)
1003 PL/B138(1984)39 Quasi-free scattering and excitation model analysis at 200 MeV 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR PAR)
1002 PL/B137(1984)311 Comparison of the 3He(p,2p)d and 3He(p,pd) reactions 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANTMF)
1001 PRL52(1984)1872 Concentrated particle-hole strength observed in 0hw stretched-state excitations 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
D900 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
1000 PRL52(1984)1960 Measurement of the transverse spin-transfer coefficient Dnn(0) for (p,n) reactions at 160 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0999 PRL51(1983)2269 Isospin and isobar components in light nuclei 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATNL)
0998 PR/C29(1984)2075 Excitation of low-lying levels and giant multipole resonances in 92Zr, 120Sn, and 208Pb by inelastic scattering of 104 MeV polarized protons 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU) → T0152
0997 PL/B137(1984)315 Analyzing powers in the np -> dg reaction at 180 and 270 MeV 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANTMF)
0996 PR/C29(1984)1656 Proton resonances in 28Si from Ex=12.5 to 13.4 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATNL) → C0686
0995 PL/B130(1983)144 Determination of amplitudes and phases for resonance formation in the 39K(p,a0) reaction 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATNL)
0994 PL/B134(1984)157 Inclusive (p,p) cross sections and analyzing powers for 1H and 12C in the Delta region 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0993 PL/B135(1984)13 The role of sequential transfer in unnatural-parity transitions in the 208Pb(p,t)206Pb reaction 未定 未定 N E Dutch data (2NEDGRN, 2NEDFUL)
0992 PL/B131(1983)285 Identification of a complete particle-octupole multiplet in 143Nd 未定 未定 N E German data?
0991 PL/B131(1983)26 DWIA predictions of (p,p) data using electgromagnetically constrained densities 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS) → C0691
0990 PRL52(1984)808 Measurement of the p-p elastic-scattering spin parameter CLL at 11.75 GeV/c for theta(c.m.)=48-90 deg 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAANL)
0989 PL/B130(1983)246 Compound elastic cross sections in the isobaric analog resonances 88Sr(p,p0) at 5.06 MeV and 86Sr(p,p0) at 6.02 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data?
0988 PRL52(1984)98 Complete measurement of polarization-transfer observables for the reaction 12C(p,p)12C* at 500 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0987 PL/B130(1983)152 The (p,t) reaction to 48Ti and 49V in the (f7/2)n model 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMSU) → C0576
0986 未定 未定 N E 欠番
0985 未定 未定 N E 欠番
0984 ZP/A314(1983)127 A 45 ns 8+ isomer in the doubly odd 150Eu nucleus 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERJUL)
0983 ZP/A314(1983)1 Small impact parameter K-shell ionisation probabilities and delta-electron spectra 未定 未定 N E Dutch data (2NEDGRN)
0982 ZP/A313(1983)207 Low-lying states of the 102Rh nucleus 未定 未定 N E Hungarian data (3HUNDEB)
0981 PL/B119(1982)269 Possible evidence for sensitivity to the two body tensor force in the reaction d+p -> p+p+n 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMNA)
0980 SNP37(1983)540 Measurement of the cross sections for production of pion pairs in nucleon-nucleon collisions at energies below 1 GeV isospin analysis 未定 未定 N E USSR data (4CCPLIN)
0979 PR/C29(1984)204 Proton + nucleus inclusive (p,p) scattering at 800 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS) → T0156
0978 PR/C29(1984)361 Energy dependence of inelastic proton scattering to one-particle one-hole states in 28Si 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU) → C0084
0977 PR/C29(1984)553 3,4He(p,pip)4, 5He(g.s.) reactions at 800 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0976 PR/C29(1984)64 130Te(p,p) reaction on analog resonances 未定 未定 N E Brazilian data (3BZLUSP)
0975 未定 未定 N E 欠番
0974 PR/C29(1984)49 144Sm(p,p) scattering through isobaric analog resonances and the structure of 145Sm 未定 未定 N E Brazilian data (3BZLUSP)
0973 PR/C29(1984)676 Wide angle deuteron emission in the 9Be(p,pd) reaction at 300 MeV mimics (p,2p) systematics 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANTMF)
0972 PR/C29(1984)660 10.23 MeV M1 transition in the 48Ca(p,p)48Ca reaction at 319 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS) → T0109
0971 PR/C29(1984)434 Proton scattering on 100Mo and 112Cd and the interacting boson approximation 未定 未定 N E Dutch data (2NEDGRN)
0970 PR/C29(1984)328 Drastic changes of (p,t) analyzing powers for the isotopes 58,60,62,64Ni and marked incident-energy dependence of the analyzing powers as evidence for strong, sequential, two-step processes 大塚(済) 未定 (E051) N E 飯田博士論文 c.f. EXFOR O0144
0969 PR/C29(1984)794 Elastic and inelastic scattering of 100 MeV protons from the even-even titanium isotopes 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMRY)
0968 PR/C29(1984)764 (p,n) reactions on 14C and 14N and the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMSU)
0967 PR/C28(1983)2551 Analyzing power of the pp->pi+ d reaction at 375, 450, and 500 MeV incident proton energies 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANTMF)
0966 PR/C28(1983)2511 Spin excitations 40Ca(p,n) 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0965 未定 未定 N E 欠番
0964 PR/C28(1983)2380 Measurements of small angle elastic p-d scattering at 796 MeV using a recoil method 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS) → C0642
0963 ZP/A314(1983)181 Production of Kr and Xe isotopes by interaction of 197Au with 0.15-24 GeV protons 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR PAR)
0962 JPJ51(1982)3098 Measurement of a cross section for the 27Al(p,3pn)24Na reaction at 12 GeV 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E024) N E O0541(TRANS.O012)からの移行に伴う再採録
0961 JPJ52(1983)1134 Search for the second excited 11/2- state and weak-coupling scheme in 117Sn 未定 未定 (E004) N E
0960 PL/B124(1983)314 Spin-spin correlations and spin-asymmetries for the reaction pp->pn pi+ at 510 MeV 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANTMF)
0959 NP/A410(1983)29 Comparison of polarization and analyzing power for the 15N(p,n)15O reaction 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATNL) → T0007
0958 AUJ36(1983)463 Absolute cross sections of proton induced reactions on 65Cu, 64Ni and 63Cu 未定 未定 N E Australian data (3AULAML)
0957 NP/A408(1983)372 Proton-induced direct capture on 21Ne and 22Ne 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERTHS)
0956 NP/A391(1982)413 The energy dependence of the spectroscopic factors for the 208Pb(p,d)207Pb reaction 未定 未定 N E US data (1USACLU)
0955 未定 未定 N E 欠番
0954 NP/A394(1983)118 The 13C(p,d)12C and 208Pb(p,d)207Pb reactions at 123 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAANU)
0953 CJP62(1984)104 Analogue-antianalogue transition for the 11.14 MeV level in 49V 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANLUQ) → C0603
0952 NP/A411(1983)81 The excited states of 34Cl 未定 未定 N E South African data (3SAFPOT)
0951 NP/A410(1983)173 Two-body photodisintegration of 3He 未定 未定 N E Italian data (2ITYMIL)
0950 NP/A412(1984)101 Isoscalar E2 strengths in the A=34 mass triplet 未定 未定 N E Finnish data (2SF HLS)
0949 NP/A410(1983)93 Isospin mixing in 2- levels in 16O 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANKQU) → T0082
0948 NP/A410(1983)180 Density-dependent forces and large-basis structure models in the analyses of 12C(p,p) reactions at 135 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0947 NP/A411(1983)1 Diffusion des protons polarises sur 24Mg, 27Al et 32S et anomalies dans la region des resonances geantes de l'25Al, du 28Si et du 33Cl 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABRK)
0946 NP/A410(1983)399 Excitation of Delta L=0 spin-flip transitions in the N=28 isotones by 201 MeV proton inelastic scattering 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR PAR)
0945 NP/A414(1984)113 Structure of low-lying states of 76,78,80,82Se deduced from (p,p) scattering at 16 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATNL) → C0781
0944 NP/A411(1983)231 States of 76Ge via (p,p) inelastic scattering at 22 MeV 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR PAR)
0943 (Recompiled as D1882) 未定 未定 N E See D1882
0942 NP/A408(1983)205 The (p,t) and (p,3He) reactions on 10B at E(p)=52 MeV 未定 未定 (E004) N E
0940 JP/GL9(1983)261 Measurement of the analysing power of elastic proton-proton scattering at 582 MeV 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTVIL)
0939 JP/G9(1983)1527 Statiswtical properties of 5/2+ resonances in 51Mn 未定 未定 N E US data?
0938 NP/A395(1983)364 The momentum distribution of the neutron in 2H and 3He as determined by quasi-elastic scattering 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABRK)
0937 JEL37(1983)530 Momentum distributions of backward-emitted protons in 1-GeV proton-nucleus interactions 未定 未定 N E USSR data (4CCPLIN)
0936 NCL40(1984)466 Analysing power for quasi-elastic pp scattering in carbon and for elastic pp scattering on free protons 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR SAC)
0935 NCL41(1984)285 Analysing power of reaction pC -> p'X from 0.52 to 2.8 GeV 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR SAC), CAJaD送付
0934 NIM/A238(1985)453 Analyzing power measurements for d-12C elastic scattering between 35-70 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E049) N E
0933 PR/C32(1985)425 Fragmentation of the low-energy octupole resonance in 48Ca, 90Zr and 208Pb 未定 未定 (E007) N E
0932 JPR/C45(1984)C4-453 Isoscalar character of the 5.845 MeV 1+ state in 208Pb 未定 未定 (E055r) N E
0931 NP/A435(1985)7 High-resolution study of 49Cr through the (p,d) reaction 未定 未定 (E007) N E
0930 NP/A432(1985)378 Elastic scatttering of 56 MeV polarized deuterons on 4He 大塚(済) 未定 (E049) N E
0929 PL/B149(1984)50 Strength functions of deeply bound hole states in 115Sn 未定 未定 (E007) N E
0928 PR/C30(1984)746 Excitation of 0- states by 16O(p,p)16O inelastic scattering 未定 未定 (E004) N E
0927 PL/B149(1984)55 Inelastic proton scattering exciting the gamma-vibrational band in 168Er and the necessity of the hexadecapole degree of freedom in the gamma-motion 大塚(済) 未定 (E065r) N E 要再送信(all)
0926 PR/C31(1985)1616 Inelastic scattering of 65 MeV protons from 12C, 24Mg, 28Si and 32S 大塚(済) 未定 (E049)->(E071r)->(E125r) N E 要修正(From IAEA, 2011.9.27) (E-LVL: EV -> MEV)
0925 PR/C28(1983)642 1f7/2 neutron hole strength in 59Ni with the 60Ni(p,d)59Ni reaction at 94 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU) → O0171
0924 JP/G9(1983)683 Gamma radiation from 50Cr(p,p,g)50Cr at E=5.45-6.15 MeV 未定 未定 N E Finnish data (2SF ABA)
0923 未定 未定 N E 欠番
0922 PL/B124(1983)157 Disproof of the alleged two-phonon character of the 02+ state in 64Zn 未定 未定 N E Finnish data (2SF JYV)
0921 PL/B123(1983)37 Low-momentum delta production in the 13C(p,d)12C reaction 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0920 PL/B117(1982)167 Investigation of parity violation in 19F 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTETH)
0919 CJP60(1982)1751 Direct evidence for mixing of two-quasiproton and two-quasineutron configurations in 172Yb 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMCM)
0918 PRL49(1982)1758 Possible ground-state octupole deformation in 229Pa 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAANL)
0917 PRL50(1983)1741 Study of two-nucleon wave functions in 3He 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANTMF)
0916 PRL51(1983)355 Improved experimental test of detailed balance and time reversibility in the reactions 27Al+p -><- 24Mg + alpha 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERBOC)
0915 PR/C26(1982)2694 Momentum transfer to the target in peripheral collisions of relativistic heavy ions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABRK)
0914 PR/C26(1982)2668 Q values for proton- and deuteron-induced reactions on selenium 未定 未定 N E US data (1USANOT)
0913 未定 未定 N E 欠番
0912 PR/C26(1982)1793 24Mg(p,d) analyzing-power measurements at 95 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0911 PR/C27(1983)1339 Production of positive pions by 800 MeV protons on carbon 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0910 PR/C28(1983)294 Neutron and proton transition matrix elements for 90Zr from a microscopic analysis of 0.8 GeV proton inelastic scattering 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0909 PR/C28(1983)432 Mean life of 10B (718 keV) and its role in determining the giant dipole resonance contribution to Coulomb excitation of 10B 未定 未定 N E New Zealand data (3NZLNZA)
0908 PR/C28(1983)2222 Proton capture cross section of 7Be and the flux of high energy solar neutrinos 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAANL) → C0502
0907 PR/C28(1983)123 Multipole moments of 154Sm and 166Er by inelastic scattering of 134 MeV protons 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0906 PR/C277(1983)1360 Continuum spectrum in the quasifree (p,2p) scattering 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0905 PR/C28(1983)1 12C(p,p)2C reaction at medium energies: Large momentum transfer and density dependent forces 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0904 PR/C28(1983)120 Anomaly in the optical potential for deformed nuclei 大塚(済) 未定 (E065r) N E 要再送信(001-043)
0903 PR/C28(1983)542 Coupled channel effects in 26Mg(p,p) at 40 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMSU)
0902 JPR44(1983)579 Niveaux du 10B excites dans la diffusion elastique 9Be+p 2<=Ep<=5 MeV 未定 未定 N E Algerian data (3ALGALG)
0901 AUJ36(1983)1 The 55Mn(p,g)56Fe and 55Mn(p,n)55Fe cross section 未定 未定 N E Australian data (3AULAML)
D800 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
0900 JPJ52(1983)802 High-resolution measurements of analogue states in 51Mn 大塚(済) 未定 (E062r) N E
0899 未定 未定 N E 欠番
0898 PR/C27(1983)1073 Systematics of (p,d) analyzing powers at 94 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU) → O0148
0897 未定 未定 N E 欠番
0896 PR/C27(1983)906 Search for parity nonconservation in the reaction 19F(p,a)16O 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERJLU)
0895 PR/C27(1983)892 Mass of 104Cd 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAPTN)
0894 PR/C27(1983)405 Systematics of ground state (p,t) transitions in calcium isotopes 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMHG) → C0576
0893 PR/C27(1983)98 Band structure in 180Ta studied with transfer reactions 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR STR)
0892 PR/C27(1983)1837 Proton capture to excited states of 16O: M1, E1, and Gamow-Teller transitions and shell model calculations 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAWAU)
0891 未定 未定 N E 欠番
0890 ZP/A308(1982)165 A study of the 121, 123Sb(p,d) reactions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USACLU)
0889 未定 未定 N E 欠番
0888 ZP/A311(1983)173 Elastic backsacttering cross sections of protons on oxygen 未定 未定 N E Swedish data (2SWDIPS)
0887 未定 未定 N E 欠番
0886 ZP/A311(1983)363 Measurement of the average neutrons yield from 250 MeV protons absorbed in a lead target 未定 未定 N E USSR data (4CCPITEI)
0885 ZP/A312(1983)89 Analysis of the 27Al(p,g)28Si reaction at subbarrier energies in terms of the direct-semidirect model 未定 未定 N E Polish data (3POLWWA)
0884 PR/C28(1983)483 Absolute cross section for the reaction 3H(p,g)4He and a review of 4He(g,p)3H measurements 未定 未定 N E US data (1USASTF) → T0050
0883 NP/A369(1981)289 Deuteron breakup with 3He at 89.4 and 118.9 MeV 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E033) N E 数値欠損に伴う再採録
0882 PR/C27(1983)482 Elastic and inelastic scattering of protons from 24Mg with coupled channels analysis for the energy range 17-185 MeV 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMNA) → C0623
0881 PR/D27(1983)680 Measurement of difference in pp total cross sections for pure parallel and antiparallel transverse-spin states 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0880 ZP/A309(1983)267 Intermediate width structures in the reaction 50Ti(p,n)50V 未定 未定 N E Indian data (3INDTRM?)
0879 ZP/A30(1982)173 A study of the 120Sn(p,n,g)120Sb reaction 未定 未定 N E US data (1USACLU)
0878 ZP/A310(1983)243 Search for gamma-ray transitions within the 5Li groundstate 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERBOC)
0877 PL/B119(1982)61 Excitation of Gamow-Teller resonances in A=58 nuclei 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0876 PL/B119(1982)253 Hadronic excitation of the octupole bands in deformed nuclei: Necessity of the isoscalar dipole degree of freedom? 未定 未定 N E Dutch data (2NEDGRN)
0875 PL/B120(1983)309 Analyzing power in the reaction pp->d pi p for beam momenta from 1.17 to 1.96 GeV/c 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAANL)
0874 PRL50(1983)412 Measurement of the 7Be(p,g)8B reaction cross section at low energies 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAANL)
0873 PR/C26(1982)1800 Analysis of the 12C(p,p)12C reaction at 200 MeV in the distorded-wave impulse approximation 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU) → T0111
0872 PR/C27(1983)1188 34Cl superallowed beta decay 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0871 PR/C27(1983)1146 Excitation functions of the 127I(pi,pi,xn) reactions in the region of the (3,3) resonance 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0870 PR/C27(1983)930 Proton resonances in 30P 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATNL) → C0819
0869 PR/C27(1983)682 FOrward-angle elastic and quasi-elastic proton-nucleon cross sections and analyzing powers at 0.8 GeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0868 (Duplication of D835) (E020r) N E See D1691
0867 PR/C27(1983)459 Proton scattering from 12C between 120 and 200 MeV and the optical potential 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU) → C0055
0866 PR/C27(1983)282 Differential cross sections and analyzing powers for pp elastic scattering at 1.46 GeV/c in the Coulomb-nuclear inerference region 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS) → C0613
0865 PR/C26(1982)2073 Inclusive pin production with 200 MeV protons: Radiochemical study of the 209Bi(p,pin,x*n)210-xAt reactions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABNL)
0864 PR/C26(1982)2131 Spin-flip probability in 12C(p,p)12C at 397 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0863 JP/GL9(1983)43 Proton + 40Ar reaction cross sectino at 1 GeV 未定 未定 N E USSR data (4CCPLIN)
0862 NP/A401(1983)415 Microscopic model for the transfer reactions (n,a) and (a,n) using the isosopin formalism 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTVIL)
0861 NP/A393(1983)173 High resolution investigatino of 90Zr with (p,p') scattering at 25 MeV 未定 未定 N E Dutch data (2NEDFUL)
0860 ZP/A311(1983)323 Doule differential cross sections for (p,x*n) reactions of 64Zn, 65Cu and 89Y with 26 MeV protons 未定 未定 N E US data (1ISALRL?)
0859 PR/C28(1983)42 (p,a) reactions on 1p, 2s-1d shell nuclei 未定 未定 N E Italian data (2ITYMIL)
0858 PR/C26(1982)1941 Proton scattering on A=92-116 nuclei with extended optical models and the interacting boson approximation 未定 未定 N E Italian data (2ITYMIL)
0857 ZP/A310(1983)347 Mass distributions of fission fragments emitted by highly excited nuclei 未定 未定 N E USSR data (4CCPLIN)
0856 PR/C28(1983)276 190 MeV proton-induced symmetric and asymmetric fission 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU) → T0116
0855 PL/B124(1983)469 Polarization in inclusive scattering of protons from nuclei at 1 GeV 未定 未定 N E USSR data (4CCPLIN)
0854 未定 未定 N E 欠番
0853 PRL50(1983)1648 ENergy deposition in intermediate-energy nucleon-nucleus collisions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0852 SNP35(1982)301 Study of the differential cross sections for the reactions 3H(p,n)3He and 3H(p,p)3H at a triton momentum 2.5 GeV/c 未定 未定 N E USSR data (4CCPITE)
0851 NP/A398(1983)203 An investigation of 86Sr wave functions with the (p,a) reaction at E(p)=35 MeV 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTVIL)
0850 JP/G9(1983)91 Study of low-lying levels in 59Ni 未定 未定 N E Indian data (3INDPUC)
0849 NP/A392(1983)361 A measurement of the Wolfenstein R-parameter in p-4He elastic scattering at 500 MeV 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANTMF)
0848 NP/A393(1983)283 The 90,92Zr(p,p) reactino at E=800 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS) → T0102
0847 未定 未定 N E 欠番
0846 NP/A394(1983)405 Proton direct capture on 40Ca 未定 未定 N E Italian and German data (2ITYNAP,2GERBOC)
0845 NP/A393(1983)45 The elastic scattering of polarised protons by 40Ar 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALBL)
0844 (Duplication of D942) N E See D942
0843 (Duplication of D1692) (E061r) N E See D1692
0842 NP/A388(1982)402 Polarization of preequilibrium proton emission in the 93Nb+14N reaction 大塚(済) 未定 (E053) N E
0841 PRL51(1983)1328 Observation of Gamow-Teller strength distribution in the reaction 71Ga(p,n)71Ge for application to solar-neutrino detection 未定 未定 (E004) N E
0840 PR/C21(1980)620 Q-value dependence of inelastic scatttering and multinucleon transfer reactions 27Al+16O at 88 MeV: optimum Q values and Q-value dependence of angular distributions of reaction products 大塚(済) 未定 (E053) N E
0839 NP/A426(1984)77 Measurements of analyzing powers A(y), A(xx), A(yy) and A(xz) in dp elastic scattering at E(d)=56 MeV 未定 未定 (E027r) N E
0838 PR/C27(1983)2029 Correlations between the alpha particles and ejectiles in the 208 MeV 14N on 93Nb reaction at three different ejectile angles 大塚(済) 未定 (E053->(E122r) N E
0837 PR/C25(1982)2464 Correlations between the alpha particles and ejectiles in the reaction 93Nb+14N at E(lab)=208 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E053) N E
0836 NP/A381(1982)277 Excitation of giant monopole resonances in 144Sm and 208Pb by (a,a) reactions at E(a)=84-119 MeV 未定 未定 (E027r) N E
0835 (Duplication of D868) (E020r) N E See D1691
0834 JP/G7(1981)1691 Hindered interband M1 transition in 49V and the deformation of hole states 未定 未定 × N E
0833 NP/A394(1983)413 Elastic and inelastic scattering of polarized protons from the isotopes 104,106,108,110Pd 大塚(済) 未定 (E051r) N E 長野博士論文
0832 PR/C28(1983)635 Neutron-multiplicity distributions for (a,xn,g) reactions with E(a)=50-120 MeV and the pre-equilibrium neutron deexcitation processes 大塚(済) 未定 (E053)->(E122r) N E
0831 NP/A379(1982)160 Energy and angular momentum transfers in equilibrium and pre-equilibrium 158Gd(a,x*n) reactions 大塚(済) 未定 (E053) N E
0830 PTP67(1982)353 Effective interaction in low-energy (p,n) reactions 未定 未定 (E004) N E
0829 NP/A383(1982)298 The T=1 isospin triplet states in A=30 nuclei 大塚(済) 未定 (E053) N E 縦軸の単位?
0828 NP/A413(1984)290 Breakup process for 100 MeV 3He interacting with 165Ho and 166, 167Er nuclei 大塚(済) 未定 (E053) N E 読取後横軸要修正(Data,29-60)
0827 JP/GL9(1983)199 Origin of the molecular-resonance-like structures in the 12C(16O,a) reaction studied by an alpha-HI correlatino measurement 未定 未定 N E
0826 PL/B104(1981)186 The decay of the Tz=-1/2 nuclide 59Zn 未定 未定 × N E
0825 PR/C23(1981)1364 Polarization transfer in the (p,p) reaction on light nuclei 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATAM?)
0824 JPJ48(1980)351 Levels and electromagnetic transitions in 51Cr 未定 未定 × N E
0823 NIM212(1983)173 Facility for the measurement of proton polarization in the range 50-70 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E053) N E
0822 PRL51(1983)1741 Inelastic scattering of polarized protons and a possible hexadecapole-shape transition between the light 74,76,78Se and the heavy 80,82Se isotopes 大塚(済) 未定 (E053) N E
0821 NP/A377(1982)1 Study of (d,a) reactions on 32S, 36Ar and 38Ar with vector- and tensor-polarized deuterons 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATNL)
0820 ZP/A295(1980)251 Low-lying states in 112In 大塚(済) 未定 (E053) N E
0819 HI15(1983)25 Systematics of the nuclear spin polarization of 12B in 14N induced heavy ion reactions 未定 未定 N E
0818 PRL48(1982)1382 Evidence for fast-neutron emission from the giant quadrupole resonance in 119Sn 大塚(済) 未定 (E053)->(E145r) N E
0817 PR/C26(1982)1440 Analyzing powers for proton inelastic scattering to unnatural-parity states in 40Ca and 28Si 未定 未定 (E004) N E
0816 NP/A408(1983)99 Tensor analyzing powers of the proton continuum spectra from deuteron breakup at 56 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E053) N E
0815 PL/B133(1983)375 Analyzing power of the neutron continuum spectrum for the 93Nb(p,nX) reaction at 65 MeV and a DWBA analysis 大塚(済) 黒河(済) (E024) N E O0522(TRANS.O012)からの移行に伴う再採録
0814 NP/A391(1982)357 Proton-neutron corrleation in the deuteron breakup at 56 MeV and prior-form DWBA analysis 大塚(済) 未定 (E053)->(E145r) N E Svetlanakから照会あり
0813 PR/C28(1983)1884 4He(d,p)n 4He reaction at 12 and 21 MeV deuteron energy 大塚(済) 未定 (E053) N E
0812 JPJ51(1982)1327 Tensor analyzing powers for deuteron breakup reaction in d+a system 大塚(済) 未定 (E053) N E
0811 PR/C27(1983)1932 Complete set of first-order polarization observables in nucleon-deuteron elastic scattering near 20 MeV deuteron energy 大塚(済) 未定 (E051)->(E071r) N E 沢田博士論文 c.f. EXFOR A1283/要修正(From IAEA, 2011.10.24)(REFERENCE (NUMBER): (3) -> (5))
0810 PL/B197(1984)150 Double-hole analog states in Ni isotopes 未定 未定 × N E
0809 PR/C29(1984)1228 Multipole moments of 166Er, 168Er, 174Yb, and 176Yb from 65 MeV polarized proton inelastic scattering and density dependence of the effective interaction 大塚(済) 未定 (E065r)->(E071r) N E 要再送信(all)
0808 NP/A(1984)432 Excitation functions of the 197Au(a,2p)199Au and 197Au(a,2n)199Tl reactions 大塚(済) 未定 (E053) N E c.f. EXFOR A0288
0807 PL/B114(1982)107 Final-state interaction and time information in 14N-induced reactions studied by alpha-alpha correlations 大塚(済) 未定 (E053) N E
0806 PL/B90(1980)233 Strong evidence of alpha-partocle doorway states in 28Si observed in alpha-decays to low-lying states of 24Mg 未定 未定 N E
0805 PL/B130(1983)147 Fragmentation of low-lying hexadecapole states in even 74-82Se and a RPA calculation 大塚(済) 未定 (E053) N E
0804 NP/A382(1982)242 Analyzing powers and cross sections in elastic p-d scattering at 65 MeV 未定 未定 (E004) N E
0803 PRL49(1982)1624 M1 strencth in 208Pb from (p,p) and (d,3He) reactions 未定 未定 (E027r) N E
0802 NP/A390(1982)19 Energy spectra of deuterons and protons for the d+d reaction at 60 MeV 大塚(済) 未定 (E053) N E
0801 NP/A373(1982)377 DWBA analysis of (3He,d) reactions at 90 MeV and contributions from the nuclear interior 大塚(済) 未定 (E065r) N E 要修正(005,007,009-021 ヘッダ欠落)
D700 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
0800 NP/A370(1981)1 Level structure of 76Kr from the 78Kr(p,t)76Kr reaction 未定 未定 N E
0799 PR/C25(1982)2819 Energy dependence of the zero-range normalization constant for the (p,t) reaction at incident energies of 34.9,45.1,54.7 and 65.0 MeV 未定 未定 N E
0798 PR/C24(1981)1611 Electric monopole transitions between 0+ states in 102Ru 未定 未定 N E
0797 JPJ51(1982)3782 Weak transition in the 42,44Ca(d,p)43,45Ca reaction above and below the coulomb barrier 未定 未定 N E 要変換
0796 PR/C29(1984)13 24Mg(p,d)23Mg reaction at 65 and 80 MeV 未定 未定 N E
0795 PR/C24(1981)2001 Inelastic proton scattering to particle-hole states in 40Ca and spin-isospin excitation of pion symmetry states 未定 未定 N E
0794 NP/A419(1984)530 Systematic study of the (d,p) reaction with 56 MeV polarized deuterons 未定 未定 N E 要変換
0793 PR/C23(1981)772 Projectile breakup reaction and evidence of a breakup-fusion mechanism 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATAM)
0792 (Duplication of D1416) N E See D1416
0791 JPJ50(1981)377 In-beam alpha and gamma-ray spectroscopy for 214Rn 未定 未定 N E
0790 (Duplication of D1396) N E See D1396
0789 N E 欠番
0788 NP/A382(1982)269 Importance of the sequential two step transfer process in a delta s=1 and delta t=1 inelastic transition of the 14N(p,p)14N reaction 未定 未定 N E
0787 PL/B118(1982)307 Breakup dominance at higher incident energy in the 40Ca(16O,12C) reaction 未定 未定 N E
0786 (Duplication of D812) N E See D812
0785 NP/A336(1980)205 A systematic study of the (p,d) strength for transitions to deeply bound hole states 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0784 PL/B112(1982)323 Resonant structures in the excitation functions of the 20Ne(16O,12C)24Mg reaction 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0783 NIM217(1983)397 Acceleration of protons and deuterons polarized in the horizontal plane by the rcnp cyclotron 未定 未定 N E
0782 PL/B106(1981)51 Neutron particle-hole multiplet states in 90Zr studied by proton inelastic scattering 未定 未定 N E
0781 JP/GL10(1984)L139 12C(p,n)12N spin-transfer measurement at 0 deg. and the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0780 (Duplication of D1696) N E See D1696
0779 MSK/A'1'36(1982)305 Systematic study on the elastic scattering of 65 MeV polarized protons 未定 未定 N E
0778 X'4'X(1984)437'4' Spin flip 1+ strength in n=28 isotones by proton inelastic scattering at 65 MeV 未定 未定 N E
0777 PL/B118(1982)283 Excitation of giant gamow-teller resonances in the reaction 140Ce(p,n)140Pr 未定 未定 N E
0776 (Duplication of D1697) N E See D1697
0775 NP/A339(1980)262 Analyzing powers for the (p,alpha) reactions on 58,60,62Ni at ep=22MeV 未定 未定 N E
0774 PL/B123(1983)169 Hexadecapole component in the giant quadrupole resonance region of 208Pb 未定 未定 N E
0773 PR/C26(1982)944 Elastic scattering of 65 MeV polarized protons 大塚(済) 未定 (E051) N E MSK/A
0772 PRL47(1981)301 Observation of t=1 and t=0 gamow-teller states in the reaction 54Fe(p,n)54Co 未定 未定 N E
0771 NP/A377(1982)148 The 59Co(d,3He)58Fe reaction and 58Fe levels in the particle-vibration coupling model 未定 未定 N E
0770 PL/B104(1981)265 Allowed excitation of unnatural-parity states in the 208Pb(4He,6He) reaction 未定 未定 N E
0769 (Duplication of D1699) N E See D1699
0768 (Duplication of D170) N E See D170
0767 PR/C28(1983)29 3He(p,pp)2H and 3He(p,pp)2H* at 136 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0766 PR/C27(1983)2742 Asymmetries and cross sections for the reaction p+p->p+pip+n at 800 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS'3')
0765 PR/C27(1983)2598 Energy dependence of the 124Sn(p,t) reaction to the 3- - 10+ two-quasiparticle states of 122Sn at incident energies of 34.9, 45.1, 54.7, and 65.0 MeV 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0764 PR/C27(1983)1887 6Li levels excited by the 9Be(p,alpha) reaction at ep=30 and 50 MeV 未定 未定 N E Belgian data (2BLGLVN)
0763 PR/C27(1983)1876 未定 未定 N E Belgian data (2BLGLVN)
0762 (Duplication of D1434) N E See D1434
0761 PR/C28(1983)97 146Gd and 144Sm excited by the (p,t) reaction on radioactive targets 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0760 PR/D28(1983)21 Measurements of the spin-correlation parameters a00kk, a00ks, and a00ss in p-p elastic scattering between 400 and 600 MeV 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTVIL)
0759 PRL50(1983)1191 Excited-state giant dipole resonances in (p,gamma): a new probe of single-particle strengths 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAWAU)
0758 NP/A396(1983)29C The experimental determination of the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction for p-nucleus reactions at intermediate energies 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS'14')
0757 PR/C25(1982)2848 Mass of 197Hg 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR PAR)
0756 PR/C25(1982)2100 Excitation of the 10.212 MeV 1+ state in 48Ca(p,p) at e(p)=44.4 MeV 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERJUL)
0755 PR/C25(1982)1967 Spin transfer measurements for pp->pp at 800 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0754 PR/C25(1982)1751 30Si(p,alpha)27Al reaction from e(p)=4.90-6.08 MeV 未定 未定 N E Chinese data (3CHFSHI)
0753 PR/C25(1982)1263 Excitation of the giant resonance region in silicon by inelastic scattering of 115 MeV protons 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0752 PR/C26(1982)107 Proton partial decay widths from the intermediate structure in 41Sc 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAOSU)
0751 PR/C25(1982)1685 Time reversal and charge symmetry studies in single nucleon transfer reactions in the a=5 system 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABRK)
0750 PR/C25(1982)3035 Excitation of low spin states in the 12C(p,p) reaction at 800 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0749 PR/C25(1982)3011 Fission fragment yields in the fission of 232Th by protons of energies 8 to 22 MeV 未定 未定 N E Cumulativeの可能性があるものは全てCumulative
0748 PR/C25(1982)2563 Large angle elastic and inelastic scattering of protons from 40Ca at 800 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0747 PR/C25(1982)2550 Scattering of 0.8 gev protons from 14N 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0746 PR/C25(1982)2534 Proton-induced fission of iridium 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMCG)
0745 PR/C25(1982)2353 181Ta(p,t)179Ta reaction: evidence for particle-core coupling 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMIN)
0744 PR/C25(1982)1168 Test of the polarization-analyzing power equality in two (p,d) reactions and their inverses 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAUSA'2')
0743 PR/C26(1982)254 24Mg(p,p)24Mg and the 6.11 MeV state of 25Al 未定 未定 N E US data (1USANOT)
0742 PR/C26(1982)87 M1 strength in zirconium isotopes by proton inelastic scattering 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR PAR)
0741 PRL48(1982)918 Proton-proton scattering at low energies 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAWIS)
0740 PRL48(1982)789 Excitation of the giant-resonance continuum with intermediate-energy protons 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0739 JEL34(1981)130 Angular dependence of the spin-correlation parameter a(00nn) and of the asymmetry a(000n) in pp scattering at 950 MeV 未定 未定 N E Soviet data (4CCPLIN)
0738 PRL49(1982)266 Polarization and analyzing-power differences in the excitation of 1+ states in 12C at 150 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0737 JEL36(1982)261 Subthreshold k+ production in the interaction of 1 gev protons with be,c,al,cu,sn,and pb nuclei. 未定 未定 N E Soviet data (4CCPLIN)
0736 NP/A378(1982)259 High-resolution measurements of analogue states 57Co Vidya&Aikawa(finished) (Digitized by Vidya) (E082) N E
0735 NP/A380(1982)111 Polarization effects in the qfs region of the p-d breakup reaction at 65 MeV 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060)->(E145r) N E
0734 NP/A379(1982)93 High resolution spectroscopy of 102Ru(d,p)103Ru and 104Ru(p,d)103Ru reactions 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERJUL)
0733 NP/A379(1982)35 未定 未定 N E Dutch data (2NEDGRN)
0732 N E 欠番
0731 N E 欠番
0730 NP/A397(1983)469 Pion production from hydrogen bombarded by polarized protons at intermediate energies 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANTMF)
0729 NP/A399(1983)66 Proton capture by 11B above the giant resonance 未定 未定 N E Italian data (2ITYGVA?)
0728 NP/A402(1983)179 Threshold states in 26Al:(ii). extraction of resonance strengths 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAYAL)
0727 NP/A402(1983)205 Low-energy states in the odd-odd 126I nucleus produced by the (p,n) reaction 未定 未定 N E Israeli data (3ISLHEB)
0726 NP/A398(1983)476 Investigation of isobaric analog resonance in 53Mn 未定 未定 N E East German and Hungarian data (3DDRROS,3HUNHUN)
0725 PR/C25(1982)2873 Asymmetries from the 4He(p,2P)3H reaction at 250 and 500 MeV using polarized protons 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANTMF)
0724 NP/A398(1983)445 Invsestigation of the three-nucleon system by pd elastic scattering with polarized protons and deuterons 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTETH)
0723 PR/C26(1982)249 Spin transfer measurements for pp->pp at 647 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0722 PR/C26(1982)55 Analyzing power of proton-nucleus elastic scattering between 80 and 180 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0721 PR/C25(1982)2107 Spin correlation a(nn) and analyzing power a in pp->pp at 643 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0720 N E 欠番
0719 NP/A380(1982)72 Improved nn interaction tested with p-d elastic scattering at er=10MeV 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTETH)
0718 NP/A380(1982)42 201 MeV proton excitation of giant resonances in 208Pb macroscopic and microscopic analysis 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR PAR)
0717 NP/A398(1983)493 Level structure of the doubly odd nucleus 112In from the (p,n,gamma) reaction 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0716 PL/B110(1982)372 Momentum transfer with light ions at energies from 70 MeV to 1000 MeV 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR SAC)
0715 PL/B110(1982)199 A microscopic description of the (p,t) reaction to low-lying o+ states in the even ge isotopes 未定 未定 N E Dutch data (2NEDUTR)
0714 PL/B110(1982)103 Test of nucleon-nucleon interaction by p-d polarization transfe in the three-nucleon system 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTETH)
0713 PL/B113(1982)21 Splitting of low-lying octupole vibrational strength in 76,78,80,82Kr 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0712 PL/B113(1982)11 A multi-detector coincidence study of the 12C(p,p) bremsstrahlung spectrum and the time delay 未定 未定 N E
0711 JP/G8(1982)743 Determination of partial decay widths for the 2-,8.87 MeV level in 16O 未定 未定 N E New Zealand data (3NZLNZA?)
0710 JP/G8(1982)643 The differential cross section for elastic proton-proton scattering at 90 cm between 500 and 600 MeV 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTSWT'3')
0709 PL/B123(1983)383 Excitation of the 6-particle-hole state with the 40Ca(p,n)40Sc reaction at 133.5 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0708 PL/B126(1983)164 Analyzing power for the p(p,d)pip reaction at 0.8 gev and effects of dibaryon admixtures 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0707 PL/B126(1983)159 Experimental test of the brink hypothesis 未定 未定 N E Polish data (3POLWWA)
0706 N E 欠番
0705 CJP60(1982)815 Gamma decay of d5/2 isobaric analogue resonances in the 64Zn(p,gamma) reaction 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANLUQ)
0704 CJP60(1982)428 A 20 MeV (p,d) study of nuclear structure in the even and odd tin isotopes 未定 未定 N E
0703 ZP/A305(1982)143 Single-proton states of 159Ho studied with the (p,alpha) reaction 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMCM)
0702 PR/C27(1983)1387 Gamow-teller strength in the 18O(p,n)18F reaction at 135 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0701 (Duplication of D811) N E See D811
D600 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
0700 PR/C28(1983)105 Energy and angular distributions of neutrons from 90 MeV proton and 140 MeV alpha-particle bombardment of neuclei 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMRY)
0699 NP/A396(1983)61C Thedominace of high-spin two-particle one-hole transition in (p,pin) reactions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0698 NP/A402(1983)429 The defferential cross section of the reaction pp pid for proton energies between 500 and 600 MeV 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTVIL'3')
0697 PL/B113(1982)137 The isospin decomposition of mirror gamma-ray strengths 未定 未定 N E Dutch data (2NEDUTR)
0696 PR/C25(1982)2309 Decay scheme and transition probabilities of 85Rb 未定 未定 N E Italian data (2ITYFIR)
0695 PR/C25(1982)2823 Proton capture in the 19 MeV region of 12C 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATNL)
0694 PR/C25(1982)1715 Analyzing power for the 16O(p,n)16F(4-,6.37 MeV) reaction at 134 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0693 PR/C25(1982)2921 Proton capture to bound and unbound states of 12C 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATNL)
0692 PR/C25(1982)1760 Spectroscopy of 16F from the 16O(p,n)16F reaction at 99 and 135 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0691 (Duplication of D1698) N E See D1698
0690 N E 欠番
0689 N E 欠番
0688 PR/C25(1982)1179 High-lying 0+ and 3- levels in 12C 未定 未定 N E US data (1USASTF)
0687 NP/A377(1982)15 The excited states of 27Al 未定 未定 N E South African data (3SAFPOT)
0686 NP/A378(1982)349 Thermonuclear reaction rates for proton induced reactions on 41K and neutron induced reactions on 41Ca 未定 未定 N E Australian data (3AULAML)
0685 (Duplication of D1425) N E See D1425
0684 NP/A380(1982)318 Cross sections and thermonuclear reaction rates for 42Ca(p,gamma)43Sc, 44Ca(p,gamma)45Sc, 44Ca(p,n)44Sc and 45Sc(p,n)45Ti 未定 未定 N E Australian data (3AULAML)
0683 NP/A403(1983)109 Elastic and inelastic scattering of vector polarized deuterons from even samarium isotopes at 56 MeV 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0682 NP/A340(1980)93 Elastic scattering of 56 MeV polarized deuterons from complex nuclei 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E032r) N E IAEA RIPL
0681 PRL46(1981)15 Nuclear-shape effects in the inelastic scattering of polarized deuterons at 56MeV 未定 未定 N E 要変換
0680 PR/C25(1982)1644 3H(p,gamma)4He reaction below ep=30 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATNL)
0679 ZP/A303(1981)13 L-shell vacancy production in ag, ta and au for incident ions z1<=10 in the energy range of 0.125-4 MeV/amu 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERFRK)
0678 ZP/A303(1981)227 Comparative yields of alkali elements and thallium from uranium irradiated with gev protons, 3He and 12C 未定 未定 N E Data of Internat.Inst. (2ZZZCER)
0677 PR/C24(1981)2401 Ghost anomaly in 8Be studied with 9Be(p,d) at ep=14.3 and 26.2 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USACLU?)
0676 PR/C24(1981)2667 Production of 38Ar and 39Ar in the interaction of gold and thorium with 1, 2.5, and 24 gev protons 未定 未定 N E Data of Internat.Inst. (2ZZZCER)
0675 PR/C24(1981)2684 Backward production of high energy protons in the (p,2P) reaction in 6Li 未定 未定 N E US data (1USA???)
0674 PL/B107(1981)27 Analyzing power for the (p,alpha,x) reaction in the continuum at ep=72 MeV 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTVIL)
0673 PL/B109(1982)8 Pairing model predictions for (p,t) experiments on the cadmium isotopes 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMSU)
0672 PR/C25(1982)828 Analyzing powers in inclusive ag(p,3He) and ag(p,4He) reactions at intermediate energies 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANUBC'2')
0671 (Duplication of D1390) N E See D1390
0670 PR/C25(1982)941 Alpha spectroscopy of nuclides produced in the interaction of 5 gev protons with heavy element targets 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABRK)
0669 (Duplication of D1426) N E See D1426
0668 PR/C25(1982)97 Reaction mechanism for (p,t) and (p,3He) reactions on 13C 未定 未定 N E
0667 PR/C25(1982)390 4He(p,2P) 3H reaction at intermediate energies 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANTMF'4')
0666 PR/C25(1982)466 Production of kr and xe isotopes by interaction of 232Th with 0.15-24 gev protons 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR PAR,2ZZZCER,2FR SAC)
0665 PR/C24(1981)2727 Production of 6.13 MeV gamma rays from the 16O(p,p,gamma)16O reaction at 23.7 and 44.6 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMSU)
0664 PR/C25(1982)478 Target-a dependence of the angular distribution of sc fragments emitted in 400 gev proton interactions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USANAL)
0663 NP/A372(1981)317 Quasi-free scattering in 7Li(p,p,d)5He and 12C(p,p,d)10B reactions at 670 MeV 未定 未定 N E Data of Internat.Inst. (4ZZZDUB)
0662 NP/A376(1982)513 Observation of two-hole states at high excitation energy in (p,t) reactions 未定 未定 N E
0661 NP/A376(1982)1 未定 未定 N E Finnish data (2SF JYV)
0660 NP/A376(1982)183 Scattering of 21.1 MeV polarized protons from 89Y 未定 未定 N E Dutch data (2NEDENT?)
0659 NP/A351(1981)238 Low-energy excited states in 128I produced by the (p,n) reaction 未定 未定 N E Israeli data (3ISLNEG?)
0658 PR/C25(1982)408 Neutron-proton decomposition of transition matrix elements form a comparison of 800 MeV proton scattering with electromagnetic methods 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0657 PRL47(1981)1823 Test of data-to-data relations for the reactions 90,92Zr(p-pol,p) at 800 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS'2')
0656 (Duplication of D1406) N E See D1406
0655 AUJ34(1981)105 45Sc(p,p)45Sc* and the attainment of a thermal distribition of states in an astrophysical environment 未定 未定 N E Australian data (3AULAML)
0654 PL/B106(1981)465 P+3He elastic backward scattering at intermediate energies 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR SAC)
0653 PL/B106(1981)470 Elastic scattering of 0.8 gev polarized protons from 46,48Ti 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS'3')
0652 PL/B107(1981)182 Systematics of collective states in lead nuclei from inelastic proton scattering 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMSU,1USAPTN)
0651 PRL48(1982)308 Bremsstrahlung from 12C+p near the 461 keV resonance 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABLN)
0650 PRL48(1982)227 Difference between polarization and analyzing power for 800-MeV n-p elastic scattering: test of time-reversal invariance 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS'2')
0649 ZP/A303(1981)147 Decay of 0+2 states in 88,92,94Zr and e0 systematics of zr isotopes 未定 未定 N E Finn data (2SF JYV?)
0648 N E 欠番
0647 PL/B107(1981)406 Missing gamow-teller strength in mass 42 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0646 PRL48(1982)469 'stretched' 6- t=1 state in 24Al observed in the reaction 24Mg(p,n)24Al 未定 未定 N E
0645 AUJ34(1981)25 Cross section measurements for the reactions 53Cr(p,gamma)54Mn, 53Cr(p,n)53Mn and 53Cr(p,p)53Cr 未定 未定 N E Australian data (3AULAML)
0644 N E 欠番
0643 PR/C25(1982)189 Nuclear deformation in the actinide region by proton inelastic scattering 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALRL)
0642 PR/C25(1982)107 Spin-flip probability in the inelastic scattering of 15-40 MeV protons on light nuclei 未定 未定 N E Italian data (2ITYMIL)
0641 N E 欠番
0640 PRL47(1981)1811 First measurement of the spin rotation parameter q for p-40Ca elastic scattering at 500 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0639 (Duplication of D1440) N E See D1440
0638 PR/C25(1982)422 Elastic and inelastic scattering of 0.8 gev protons from 24Mg and 26Mg 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0637 PR/C24(1981)2443 Parameters of the 9.17 MeV level in 14N 未定 未定 N E DUtch data (2NEDKVI?)
0636 PR/C25(1982)1082 9Be(p,pin)10C reaction in the 200-250 MeV proton energy range 未定 未定 N E Canadian or Australian data ?
0635 PR/C24(1981)2569 Positive pion production by 149-166 MeV protons on 16O and 28Si 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0634 PR/C25(1982)373 Elastic p-p scattering at 796 MeV in the coulomb-nuclear interference region 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS'11')
0633 PR/C25(1981)1094 Energy dependence of the ratio of isovector effective interaction strengths |j(sigma.tau)/j(tau)| from 0 degree (p,n) cross sections 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0632 PR/C25(1982)762 1/e dependence of the 7Li(p,n)7Be(g.s.+0.43 MeV) total reaction cross section 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0631 PR/C25(1982)1086 Energy dependence of the analyzing power for the 12C(p, pi+)13C reaction with polarized protons of 200 to 250 MeV 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANCAN'6')
0630 PR/C25(1982)155 Electromagnetic properties of states in 63Zn through the 63Cu(p,n,gamma)63Zn reaction 未定 未定 N E Greek data (X)
0629 N E 欠番
0628 PR/C25(1982)1054 Spin and parity of the 6.699 MeV level in 17F 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAWIS)
0627 N E 欠番
0626 PRL45(1980)2102 Experimental evidence for the influence of inner-shell ionization on resonant nuclear scattering 未定 未定 N E DUtch data (2NEDUTR)
0625 N E 欠番
0624 NP/A349(1980)165 nuclear and astrophysical aspects of 18O (p,gamma)19F 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMCM)
0623 PR/C23(1981)828 Proton elastic scattering from 40,42,44,48Ca at 800 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAUSA'99')
0622 PR/C22(1980)1826 12C(p,n)12N reaction at 99 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0621 PR/C23(1981)616 Elastic scattering of 200 MeV polarized protons from 12,13C and the optical potential 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0620 PR/C22(1980)2287 Proton-proton bremsstrahlung at 42 MeV: measurement of cross sections and comparison with a theoretical calculation 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMNA?)
0619 N E 欠番
0618 (Duplication of D557) N E
0617 N E 欠番
0616 PR/C23(1981)427 Angular distributions and differential ranges of ba products from the interaction of 238U with 0.8-400 gev protons 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0615 PR/C23(1981)194 Gamma-ray spectroscopy of excited states in 143Eu 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMSU)
0614 N E 欠番
0613 N E 欠番
0612 CJP59(1981)238 Hydrogen burning of 39K in explosive oxygen burning 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANKQU)
0611 N E 欠番
0610 N E 欠番
0609 N E 欠番
0608 N E 欠番
0607 N E 欠番
0606 PL/B93(1980)26 The behavior of high-energy neutron pairing strength in the samarium isotopes 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAPTN)
0605 PL/B93(1980)254 Possible mass instability of binary fission in ag by 1 gev protons 未定 未定 N E Soviet data (4CCPLIN)
0604 PL/B93(1980)258 Differential cross section and analyzing power for backward pions in 2H(p,pi+)3H 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANUBC)
0603 PL/B91(1980)23 Inelastic excitation of normal parity levels in 208Pb by 135 MeV protons 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0602 PL/B92(1980)67 Intermediate structure in the giant e1 resonance in the 19F(p,gamma)20Ne reaction 未定 未定 N E US data (1USASTF)
0601 N E 欠番
D500 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
0600 N E 欠番
0599 N E 欠番
0598 PRL44(1980)1755 Gamow-teller matrix elements from 0deg(p,n)cross sections 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAORL)
0597 PRL44(1980)1751 Observation of giant particle-hole resonances in 90Zr(p,n)90Nb 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0596 PRL45(1980)168 Measurement of p+d 3He+gamma and comparison with the inverse reaction 未定 未定 N E French data (2FRSAC)
0595 PRL45(1980)11 Comparison of 24,25,26Mg(p,n)24,25,26Al cross sections with giant m1 strength 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMSU)
0594 PRL45(1980)243 Evidence for a 2+ resonance in 4He at 40 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATNL)
0593 N E 欠番
0592 PR/C21(1980)2211 Proton-nucleus charge exchange measurements at 144 MeV as a test of one-pion exchange and the partially conserved axial vector current 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAIN1)
0591 PR/C21(1980)2275 W(p,t) reaction. i.even targets 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAYAL)
0590 PR/C21(1980)2288 W(p,t) reactions. ii. odd target 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAYAL?)
0589 PR/C21(1980)2303 Interaction of 80-164 MeV protons with nickel isotopes 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0588 PR/C21(1980)2322 Gamma-ray lifetimes for parity doublets in 41K, 41Ca 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANCRC)
0587 N E 欠番
0586 PR/C21(1980)2511 Angular distributions of sc fragments from the interaction of 238U with 0.8-400 gev protons 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS'5')
0585 PR/C21(1980)2535 Proton-deuteron elastic scattering at 800 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS'3')
0584 N E 欠番
0583 PR/C22(1980)316 Deep hole states observed in (p,t) reactions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0582 PR/C22(1980)167 Cross-section measurements of nuclides formed by the reaction of 0.20-6.0 gev protons with 197Au 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABNL)
0581 N E 欠番
0580 N E 欠番
0579 PR/C21(1980)1196 Analog e2 transitions in the a=30 nuclei; lifetime and branching ratio measurements of levels in 30P 未定 未定 N E Finnish data (2SF HLS)
0578 PR/C21(1980)1232 States in 193Pt using the (p,t) reaction 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR PAR)
0577 PR/C21(1980)1488 0.8 gev p+208Pb elastic scattering and the quantity delta-r-np 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0576 PR/C21(1980)1646 Axial blocking measurement of the 28Si 12.291 MeV level width 未定 未定 N E Italian data (2ITYUBO)
0575 PR/C21(1980)1687 12C(p,alpha)9B reaction in the finite range microscopic distorted-wave born-approximation formalism 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMNA)
0574 N E 欠番
0573 SNP30(1979)310 Determination of the absolute density of levels of nuclei from analysis of (p,n)-reaction spectra 未定 未定 N E
0572 N E 欠番
0571 N E 欠番
0570 N E 欠番
0569 SNP30(1979)457 Direct neutron decay of an analog resonance in 65Cu and gamma spectroscopy of the levels of 64Cu 未定 未定 N E
0568 ZP/A295(1980)365 Gamma-ray spectroscopy of 87Y 未定 未定 N E US data (1USACLU)
0567 N E 欠番
0566 (Duplication of D820) N E See D820
0565 ZP/A295(1980)197 The 235 micro sec 9+ isomer in 146Eu 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERJUL)
0564 N E 欠番
0563 ZP/A295(1980)107 The structure and properties of 45Sc at low excitation energies 未定 未定 N E Southafrican data (3SAFSTL?)
0562 ZP/A295(1980)55 The pbar-si elastic scattering in the region of giant multipole resonances 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABRK)
0561 N E 欠番
0560 N E 欠番
0559 PR/C21(1980)1321 Spectra of p,d,and t from relativistic nuclear collisions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABRK)
0558 N E 欠番
0557 PR/C23(1981)589 Hole states in the tin isotopes observed by the (p,t) reaction 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMSU)
0556 NP/A355(1981)1 The 15N(p,n)15O reaction below 9.3 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATNL)
0555 PR/C23(1981)606 Energy levels in 23Mg from the 25Mg(p,t)23Mg reaction 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMSU)
0554 NP/A351(1981)189 Measurement and lane-model analysis of cross sections for the 13C(p,n)13N and 15N(p,n)15O reactions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATNL)
0553 NP/A355(1981)45 A study of particle-vibrat1On multiplets in 203Tl using the 205Tl(p,t)203Tl,208Pb(p,t)206Pb and 206Pb(p,t)204Pb reactions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USACLU)
0552 PR/C23(1981)576 Alpha-clustering systematics from the quasifree (p,p,alpha) knockout reaction 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMRY)
0551 PL/B99(1981)311 Analyzing power measurments for the 13C(p,d)12C reaction at 200 and 400 MeV 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANUBC'2')
0550 PR/C22(1980)2633 Forward-angle proton spectra in the continuum from the 58Ni(p,xp) react ion at 100 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMRY?)
0549 NP/A355(1980)93 Band structures in 98Ru and 99Ru 未定 未定 N E Dutch data (2NEDGRN)
0548 PRL45(1980)1930 Energy dissipation process for 100-MeV protons and the nucleon-nucleon interactions in nuclei 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMRY?)
0547 PL/B97(1980)33 Elastic pp scattering at 1.463 gev/c in the coulomb interference region 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0546 NCL30(1981)88 Elastic scattering below 3 of 36.2 and 21 MeV protons by al, fe, ni and cu isotopes 未定 未定 N E Italian data (2ITYMIL)
0545 PR/C22(1980)2512 Proton-proton bremsstrahlung at 200 MeV 未定 未定 N E US or Canadian data ??
0544 PR/C20(1979)1831 Fissionability of nuclides in the thorium region at excitation energies to 100 MeV 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMCG)
0543 NP/A312(1978)43 The 9Be(p,p,n)8Be(g.5.) reaction between 10 and 24 MeV 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMON)
0542 NP/A326(1979)297 Proton-nucleus interactions at 640 MeV accompanied by backward emission of energetic protons 未定 未定 N E Data of Internat.Inst. (4ZZZDUB)
0541 NP/A352(1981)485 Proton-inclusive cross sections from 600 MeV proton-nucleus reactions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAVIR)
0540 PRL46(1981)226 Proton and neutron inclusive spectra and the importance of the single nucleon-nucleon scattering process 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMRY)
0539 CJP58(1980)1677 Cross section and thermonuclear reaction rates for the 58Ni(p,gamma)59Cu reaction 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMCM)
0538 NP/A356(1981)74 High-resolution investigation of the 112Sn(p,d)111Sn reaction 未定 未定 N E Dutch data (2NEDFUL)
0537 PL/B99(1981)23 Evidence for a strongly deformed prolate shape at n=87 from 154Eu and 152Eu(p,t) reactions 未定 未定 N E German data (1GERMUU)
0536 PR/C22(1980)2248 92Zr(p,alpha)89Y reaction at 17 MeV 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMCM)
0535 NP/A344(1980)389 Analyzing-power fluctuations in the 26Mg(p,p)26Mg reaction 未定 未定 N E US data (1USARUT)
0534 NP/A344(1980)75 Measurement of the spin-correlation parameter ayy in elastic p-p scattering at 9.57 MeV 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERUEN)
0533 PR/C21(1980)2131 Bremsstrahlung from 12C+p near the 1.7 MeV resonance 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABLN)
0532 PR/C21(1980)2147 Inelastic excitation of 12C and 14N by 122 MeV protons and implications for the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0531 PR/C20(1979)2008 Hole states excited by the 24Mg(p,d)23Mg reactions at 95 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0530 PR/C20(1979)2031 Two-particle two-hole configulations in 208Si and the 210Bi-m(p,t)208Bi reaction 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAYAL)
0529 PR/C20(1979)2041 Energy levels bilow 2 MeV in 121Sb and 123Sb 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANALA?)
0528 N E 欠番
0527 PR/C20(1979)2084 Multipole moments of 154Sm, 176Yb, 232Th, and 238U from proton inelastic scattering 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMSU)
0526 PR/C20(1979)2257 Backward production of light ions in the interaction of 400 gev protons with nuclei 未定 未定 N E US data (1USANAL)
0525 PR/C20(1979)2308 Total (p,pion+) cross sections on light nuclei near the pion coulomb barrier 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0524 PR/C20(1979)2446 Inclusive (p,pion+) cross sections near threshold 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0523 N E 欠番
0522 PR/C21(1980)844 Proton elastic scattering on light nuclei.2. nuclear structure effects 未定 未定 N E Italian data (2ITY???)
0521 N E 欠番
0520 PR/C21(1980)896 Systematics of proton absorption deduced from (p,p) and (p,n) cross sestions for 2.0- to 6.7-MeV protons on 107,109Ag and 115In 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAKTY)
0519 PR/C21(1980)902 Isospin structure of the giant dipole resonance in 41Ca 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0518 PR/C21(1980)1048 Angular and energy distributions of 24Na fragments formed by the reacti on of 11.5-gev protons with 197Au 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAANL)
0517 NP/A349(1980)141 Analysis of evaporation spectra from the reactions 64,66, 68Zn(p,alpha) induced by 15MeV protons 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERHEI)
0516 PRL46(1981)310 Evidence for deuteron d-state effects on the polarization of the 2.58 MeV state in 57Ni excited in the (p,d) reaction 未定 未定 N E
0515 ZP/A299(1981)41 Excitation of the isoscalar e2 resonance in 12C by proton inelastic scattering 未定 未定 N E Italian data (2ITYMIL)
0514 NP/A350(1980)61 Magnetic moments of the isomeric 11/2- states in 145,147,149Eu 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERGER'1')
0513 ZET28(1978)45 Study of the channels of the reaction of the splitting of 58Ni by 1-gev protons 未定 未定 N E Soviet data (4CCPLIN)
0512 (Duplication of D293) N E See D293
0511 HPA51(1978)92 Preequilibrium-alpha-emission in the 27Al(p, alpha,x)-reaction at e(p)=50 MeV 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTSWT)
0510 ZET27(1978)309 Nucleons lost by uranium and bismuth nuclei in high-energy fission 未定 未定 N E Soviet data (4CCPCCP'1')
0509 PR/C19(1979)1186 Ratios of cross sections for elastic scattering of 30.3 MeV protons from 40,44,48Ca 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMSU)
0508 NP/A314(1979)101 Levels of 209Po and 211Po populated in one-neutron stripping and pickup from 210Po 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAPUP)
0507 PR/C21(1980)116 Isomeric transitions in 100Tc 未定 未定 N E Italian data (2ITYPAD)
0506 PR/C21(1980)525 Polarized proton capture on 13C 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATUN)
0505 PR/C21(1980)25 Determination of the optical potential for elastic proton scattering on 6Li, 12C, and 14N at 144 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0504 PR/C20(1979)861 Octupole states in 63Cu and the weak-coupling picture 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMSU)
0503 PR/C21(1980)830 Proton elastic scattering on light nuclei. i. energy dependence 未定 未定 N E Italian data (2ITYMIL)
0502 PR/C21(1980)757 7Li and 13C(p,d) reactions at t(p)=800 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0501 PR/C21(1980)675 Some dynamical aspects of pick up reactions studied in 13C(p,d)12C at 200-500 MeV 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANBUC)
D400 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
0500 SNP29(1979)487 Inclusive particle production in nuclei at angles of 62 and 188 mrad by protons at 3.95 - 9.7 gev/c 未定 未定 N E
0499 SNP29(1979)734 Study of the interaction of protons with the nuclei 102,104,106, 108,110Pd at e(p)=6 MeV 未定 未定 N E Soviet data (4CCPLIN)
0498 SNP29(1979)639 The search for events kinematically different from fission in the bombardment of 238U and 197Au nuclei by protons of energy 1 gev 未定 未定 N E Soviet data (4CCPLIN)
0497 SNP29(1979)630 Scattering of 6.9-MeV protons by 12C, 16O, 24Mg, 26Mg, and 28Si and the probability of spin flip 未定 未定 N E Soviet data (4CCPIFU)
0496 ZP/A294(1980)153 Inelastic proton amplitudes for f-wave resonances in 55Co 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATNL)
0495 SNP29(1979)740 Neutrons from the (p,n) reactions in 90Zr,91Zr,94Zr 未定 未定 N E Soviet data (4CCPFEI)
0494 ZP/A293(1979)261 Search for low-energy resonances in 25Mg(p,gamma)26Al 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERMST)
0493 ZP/A293(1979)343 Existence of mott-schwinger interaction by means of polarized p-12C elastic scattering 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERJLU)
0492 PR/C20(1979)1984 Cross sections for the 6Li(p,3He)4He reaction at energies between 0.1 and 3.0 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAANL)
0491 PR/C20(1979)1993 Inelastic proton scattering and particle-vibration coupling in 115Sn, 117Sn, and 119Sn 未定 未定 N E Danish data (2DENNBI)
0490 ZP/A293(1979)123 Alpha emission in proton induced reactions 未定 未定 N E Italian data (2ITYMIL)
0489 ZP/A293(1979)43 Investigation of 65Cu by means of the averange raresonance proton capture method 未定 未定 N E Swedish data (2SWDLND)
0488 ZP/A293(1979)1 Determination of the multipole deformation parameters of 238U by 22 MeV proton inelastic scattering 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR PAR)
0487 (Duplication of D1499) N E See D1499
0486 PL/B97(1980)25 Evidence for near equality of neutron and proton radii in the n=82 isotones 未定 未定 N E US data (1USACLU)
0485 NP/A352(1981)221 Energy dependence in proton inelastic scattering 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMSU)
0484 PL/B97(1980)21 The supersymmetry scheme and e2 transition rates in the pt region 未定 未定 N E Dutch data (2NEDGRN)
0483 PL/B97(1980)58 Excitation of high-spin unnatural parity states in 208Pb from the (p,p) reaction at 135 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0482 NP/A357(1981)9 Comparison of the 92Mo(p,p) and 90Zr(p,p) reactions at 61.2 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAORU)
0481 NP/A351(1981)77 Multistep processes in the 26Mg(p,d)25Mg reaction at 24.0 MeV 未定 未定 N E Belgian data (2BLGVUB)
0480 ZP/A295(1980)287 A (p,p,gamma) angular correlation study of an intermediate structure in the 3- exit channel of 40Ca+p 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERMPH)
0479 PR/C22(1980)690 Proton-proton bremsstrahlung at t(p)=730 MeV with photon energies up to 300 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALBL)
0478 (Duplication of D496) N E See D496
0477 ZP/A297(1980)215 Non-statistical effects for inelastic proton amplitudes in 49V 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATNL)
0476 NP/A339(1980)13 Investigation of the sn(p,p) and (p,n) reaction at sub-coulomb energies 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERUEN)
0475 NP/A341(1980)219 On the excitation of isovector dipole strength by inelastic proton scattering in the giant resonance region in light nuclei 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAORL)
0474 (Duplication of D527) N E See D527
0473 CJP58(1980)472 Study of negative parity levels in 63Cu 未定 未定 N E Indian data (3INDTRM)
0472 JEL29(1979)87 Measuring d and p polarization parameters for p-p scattering at 0.97 gev 未定 未定 N E
0471 JEL29(1979)732 Deep inelastic interactions of fast protons with 40Ar nuclei 未定 未定 N E Soviet data (4CCPLIN)
0470 JEL30(1979)641 Polarization effects produced as a result of inelastic scattering of protons near 20 MeV with excitation of the different 2+,4+, and 6+ states in 90,92Zr and 92,94Mo nuclei 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR SAC)
0469 JEL29(1979)80 The quadrupole effect in the elastic scattering of 1-gev protons by p-shell nuclei 未定 未定 N E
0468 HPA52(1979)420 Messung der paritatsverletzung in proton-proton-streuung bei 50 MeV 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTSWT'3')
0467 PR/C21(1980)1014 Proton spectra from 800 MeV protons on selected nuclides 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0466 SNP31(1980)644 Hadron yields from 67-gev/c protons on thick nuclear targets 未定 未定 N E
0465 (Duplication of D522) N E See D522
0464 SNP30(1979)6 Probability of spin flip in inelastic scattering of protons with energy near 6 MeV by 60Ni 未定 未定 N E Soviet data (4CCP?)
0463 (Duplication of D499) N E See D499
0462 NP/A332(1979)22 Search for electron-positron pair production by non-relativistic heavy charged partices 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERHAM)
0461 PRL45(1980)1315 Shapes of measured (p-pol,p) analyzing powers at 160 MeV for proton states in 90Zr and neutron states in 92Zr 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0460 NP/A334(1980)21 Differential cross section, analyzing power and phase shifts for p-3He elastic scattering below 1.0 MeV 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERJLU)
0459 NP/A338(1980)451 Charge-exchange p3H-n3He and elastic p3H-p3H differential cross sections at medium energy 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR SAC)
0458 NP/A345(1980)435 Measurement of the spin correlation parameter a00nn and the polarization a00n0 in elastic p-p scattering between 400 and 600 MeV 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTWT'6')
0457 PL/B94(1980)310 Measurement of the spin parameters a and ann in pp elastic scattering in the 1-3 gev/c region 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAANL)
0456 PR/C21(1980)1932 Proton-4He elastic scattering at intermediate energies 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANCAN'7')
0455 PR/C21(1980)1158 Effect of the tensor force on gamma-ray de-excitation angular distributions from dipole states populated in the 12C(p,p) reaction 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAL)
0454 PR/C21(1980)1153 (p,p,gamma) spin-flip measurement for 1+ states in 12C at ep=23.5-27 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALRL)
0453 (Duplication of D585) N E See D585
0452 NP/A333(1980)116 High-resolution investigation of the 112Sn(p,p)112Sn reaction 未定 未定 N E Dutch data (2NEDFUL)
0451 NP/A332(1979)269 Fluctuations in polarized proton scattering from 28Si 未定 未定 N E US data (1USARUT)
0450 (Duplication of D503) N E See D503
0449 PR/C22(1980)1168 Proton scattering from 154Sm and 176Yb at 0.8 gev 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0448 PR/C22(1980)65 Properties of the 2P-1H intermediate structure in 41Sc 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAOSU)
0447 (Duplication of D520) N E See D520
0446 NP/A357(1981)228 26Gal production cross sections from the 26Mg(p,n)26Al reaction 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAWAS)
0445 PRL45(1980)880 Inelastic proton scattering at 800 MeV to the 12C 15.11 MeV state: a search for nuclear critical opalescence 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0444 (Duplication of D505) N E See D505
0443 PR/C21(1980)2666 Large absorption potential for the ag+p reaction at sub-coulomb energies 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERUEN)
0442 PR/C21(1980)2485 800-MeV inelastic proton scattering from 40Ca, 48Ca, and 54Fe 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0441 PL/B91(1980)353 Elastic and inelastic scattering of 800 MeV protons by 58Ni 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0440 PRL45(1980)239 Observation of the high-energy octupole giant resonance with 800-MeV protons 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0439 (Duplication of D504) N E See D504
0438 PR/C20(1979)2449 The two-step pickup-stripping process in the 24Mg(p,p)24Mg reaction at 40 MeV to some negative parity states in 24Mg 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMSU)
0437 PRL45(1980)703 Atomic-excitation effects on nuclear reactions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATNL)
0436 PR/C21(1980)1133 14N(p,p)14N reaction between 25 and 40 MeV and the tensor part of the effective interaction 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMSU)
0435 (Duplication of D491) N E See D491
0434 PL/B90(1980)364 Spin-orbit parameters from the polarization in 1 gev proton-nucleus scattering 未定 未定 N E Soviet data (4CCPLIN)
0433 NP/A349(1980)154 Resonance strength measurements and thermonuclear react10N rates for 25 mg(p,gamma)26Al 未定 未定 N E Australian data (3AULAML)
0432 HPA53(1980)307 Angular distribution and analyzing power of the (p,x)-reaction in the continuum 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTVIL)
0431 (Duplication of D497) N E See D497
0430 ZP/A293(1979)253 Study of t> fluctuations in 94,96Zr(p,p) in the energy region from 11.2 to 13.4 MeV 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERJUL)
0429 (Duplication of D493) N E See D493
0428 (Duplication of D488) N E See D488
0427 (Duplication of D668) N E See D668
0426 NP/A372(1981)173 The 12C(3He,a)11C reaction at 100-140 MeV 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E033) N E 数値欠損に伴う再採録
0425 N E 欠番
0424 HPA53(1980)310 Microscopic analysis of the three-nucleon transfer reaction 27Al(p,alpha)24Mg induced with polarized protons 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTVIL)
0423 HPA53(1980)294 Measurement of the spin-correlation parameters a00kk,a00ks and a00ss in the p-p elastic scattering between 400 and 600 MeV 未定 未定 N E
0422 HPA53(1980)317 Isospin-verbotene t=3/2 analogresonanzen 1N 33Cl 未定 未定 N E
0421 ZP/A298(1980)267 Isomeric states in 134Ba 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERJUL)
0420 NC/A59(1980)101 Energy dependence of optical-model parameters for the p+32S system between 15 and 35 MeV 未定 未定 N E Italian data (2ITYMIL)
0419 NC/A58(1980)342 Study of the 11B(p,n)11C reaction below the giant dipole resonance in 12C 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANLUQ)
0418 N E 欠番
0417 JEL31(1980)656 Inclusive production of poins by protons in nuclei at low energies 未定 未定 N E Data of Internat.Inst. (4ZZZDUB)
0416 NP/A338(1980)205 Statistical analysis of the (d,p) and (d,d) reaction on 40Ca 未定 未定 N E 要変換
0415 NP/A316(1979)317 Proton total cross sections on 1H,2H, 4He, 9Be, c and o in the energy range 180 to 560 MeV 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTSWT'5')
0414 NP/A324(1979)109 Measurement of the proton total reaction cross section for 159Tb, 181Ta and 197Au between 20 and 48 MeV 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMNA)
0413 N E 欠番
0412 NP/A322(1979)92 The (p,t) reaction on 12C, 54Fe and 208Pb at 80 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0411 NP/A322(1979)40 Measurement and hybrid-model analysis of proton-induced reactions with v, fe and co 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERJUL)
0410 PR/C19(1979)2146 (p,t) and (p,3He) reactions on 33S 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMSU)
0409 PR/C19(1979)2155 Angular correlation measurements over the intermediate structure in 71As 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAOHO)
0408 (Duplication of D82) N E See D82
0407 PR/C20(1979)1279 Proton inelastic scattering at 12 MeV on 154Eu 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALRL)
0406 PR/C20(1979)1479 Pion production in the reaction d(p;d,pi)n at 800 MeV with a spectator neutron 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0405 PR/C20(1979)1204 Analyzing power for the 208Pb(p,t)206Pb(3+) reaction and (p,d)(d,t) sequential transfer processes 未定 未定 N E
0404 CJP57(1979)505 Use of 30Si(p,alpha)27Al analyzing power 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMCM)
0403 PR/C19(1979)1132 Elastic and inelastic diffraction scattering of 0.8 gev protons by 89Y and 90Zr 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0402 PR/C20(1979)1198 40Ca(p,3He)38K reaction and the low-lying 1+,t=0 states 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMNA)
0401 N E 欠番
D300 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
0400 PR/C19(1979)962 Spallation of aluminum by 300 gev protons 未定 未定 N E US data (1USANAL)
0399 PR/C19(1979)1191 181Ta(p,n,n,gamma)180W reaction 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALRL)
0398 PR/C19(1979)285 Systematic nuclear-structure dependence of analyzing powers for (p,t) reactions on medium-mass vibrational nuclei 未定 未定 N E 要変換
0397 PR/C20(1979)879 Noncoplanar 2H(p,2P)n reaction 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMNA)
0396 PR/C20(1979)927 194,196,198Pt(p,t) reactions at 35 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMSU)
0395 PR/C20(1979)1585 Proton-deuteron breakup cross sections in collinear geometry at 28.6MeV 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMNA)
0394 N E 欠番
0393 PR/C20(1979)397 119,117Sn(p,t)reactions at 52 MeV 未定 未定 N E 要変換
0392 PR/C20(1979)693 Excitation of the low-energy octupole resonance in 90Zr by 0.8Gev proton inelastic scattering 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0391 PR/C19(1979)1606 Lifetime of the 937- and 885-keV resonances in the 27Al(p,alpha) reaction 未定 未定 N E Italian data (2ITYPAD)
0390 PR/C19(1979)1907 Decays of the lowest t=2 states in a=4N nuclei from 8Be to 44Ti 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAPTN)
0389 PR/C18(1978)2506 Multiplet structure in 203Pb 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAPTN)
0388 PR/C18(1978)2788 Excitation of the giant isoscalar monopole resonance in 144Sm and 154Sm via inelastic proton scattering 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAORL)
0387 JP/G4(1978)1903 Triton pick-up in the (p,alpha) reaction on 208Pb at 20 MeV 未定 未定 N E Italian data (2ITYMIL)
0386 JP/G5(1979)981 The 130Te(p,alpha)127Sb reaction and the role of the collective neutron excitations 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMNA)
0385 JP/G5(1979)697 Study of 151Eu levels via the (p,2N,gamma) reaction 未定 未定 N E Italian data (2ITYMIL)
0384 JP/G5(1979)827 The level structure of 78Br 未定 未定 N E US data (1USACLU)
0383 CJP57(1979)1940 Investigation of level properties of 139La 未定 未定 N E Indian data (3INDTRM)
0382 CJP57(1979)1949 Possible structure dependence in the 30Si(p,alpha)27Al reaction 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMCM)
0381 PRL43(1979)1300 Nuclear lifetimes near 10.e-17S from x-ray spectrum in inelastic proton scattering on 112Sn 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERKLN)
0380 N E 欠番
0379 N E 欠番
0378 NP/A330(1979)29 Excited states of 96Ru and 98Ru in the(p,p,gamma) reaction 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERBOC)
0377 NP/A318(1979)125 Intermediate structure effects in the reaction 23Na(p,alpha)20Ne 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERBOC)
0376 NP/A309(1978)329 Experimental displacement energies of isobaric analog states in the 1F7/2 shell 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAPTN)
0375 PL/B82(1979)353 Analyzing power in (p,alpha) l=0 transfer reactions 未定 未定 N E
0374 PL/B85(1979)215 Two neutron transfer in samarium isotopes and iba model predictions 未定 未定 N E Dutch data (2NEDKVI)
0373 PL/B80(1979)180 The influence of deformations of the optical potential on analyzing power and p(1)-gamma angular correlation in the reaction 114Cd(p,p). 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERUEN)
0372 PL/B83(1979)39 The second 2+ and first 4+ states of the even isotopes 78-86Kr excited in the inelastic scattering of 51.9MeV protons 鈴木(済) 牧永(済) 芦澤(済) (E065) N E 要変換
0371 NP/A313(1979)141 A study of the 54Fe(p,d)53Fe reaction at 40 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMSU)
0370 NP/A320(1979)404 Remeasurement of the low-energy cross section for the 15N(p,alpha)12C reaction 未定 未定 N E US data (1USACAL)
0369 NP/A315(1979)291 Excitation of low-lying levels and giant resonances in 90Zr via 57.5MeV polarized proton tnelastic scattering 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR GRE)
0368 NP/A317(1979)300 Test of detailed balance at isolated resonances in the reactions 27Al+p --> <-- 24Mg+alpha and time reversibility 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERBOC)
0367 NP/A322(1979)285 Medium-energy proton scattering from 58Ni : experimental results and coupled-channel calculations 未定 未定 N E Swedish data (2SWDUPP)
0366 NP/A322(1979)512 Investigation of the (p,n,d) reaction on 6Li and 7Li at 670 MeV 未定 未定 N E Data of Internat.Inst. (4ZZZDUB)
0365 NP/A319(1979)29 The 58,60,62,64Ni(p,alpha)55,57,59,61Co reactions and their description by the semi-microscopic model for three-nucleon transfer 未定 未定 N E Dutch data (2NEDGRN)
0364 NP/A331(1979)155 The 17O(p,alpha)14N reaction: physics and astrophysics 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANTOR)
0363 NP/A311(1978)93 A study of the 58Ni,90Zr and 208Pb(p,d) reactions at 121 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0362 NP/A313(1979)346 The 18O(p,alpha)15N reaction at stellar energies 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERMST)
0361 NP/A313(1979)191 Levels of 191Ir excited in the (p,2*n) and (d,3*n) reactions 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR FR'2')
0360 NP/A323(1979)26 Structure studies of 23Na from the 20Ne(alpha,p)23Na reaction at e-alpha=39.5MeV 未定 未定 N E Dutch data (2NEDGRN)
0359 NP/A323(1979)413 Study of isobaric analog resonances in the elastic and inelastic scattering of polarized protons from 207Pb in the energy range 13.5-18MeV 未定 未定 N E West German data (?)
0358 NP/A312(1978)97 High resolution investigation of the 87Sr(p,p)reaction 未定 未定 N E Dutch data (2NEDFUL)
0357 NP/A317(1979)313 Application of the crystal blocking technique to the study of the highly excited nuclear continuum 未定 未定 N E US data (1USARUT)
0356 NP/A318(1979)352 18O(p,p)18O and 18O(p,p)18O* for e=6.1-16.6 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USANOT)
0355 NP/A327(1979)419 The separation of proton and deuteron spin-dependent effects in the 116Sn(d,p)117Sn reaction 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAWIS)
0354 NP/A327(1979)349 Excitation function of giant resonances as doorway states in the 12C(p,p)12C reaction between 19 and 23 MeV 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR GRE)
0353 NP/A327(1979)477 Levels in 74Se,78Kr,80Kr and 84Sr and systematics of quasi-gamma bands 未定 未定 N E
0352 (Duplication of D352) N E
0351 NP/A329(1979)127 Study of isobaric analogue states in 49Sc and core excited states in 49Ca 未定 未定 N E Israeli data (3ISLHEB)
0350 NP/A319(1979)377 Elastic and inelastic scattering of 185 MeV protons from 12C 未定 未定 N E Swedish data (2SWDUPP)
0349 N E 欠番
0348 PR/C19(1979)905 Proton total reaction cross section measurements for 40,44,48Ca at 700MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0347 PR/C19(1979)856 Energy and angular correlation of he ions and heavy fragments in 11.5Gev proton bombardment of uranium 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAANL)
0346 PR/C20(1979)1498 Cross sections and recoil properties of 83,84,86Rb formed by 0.6-21Gev 1H reactions with targets of y to u 未定 未定 N E Data of Internat.Inst. (2ZZZCER)
0345 N E 欠番
0344 PL/B80(1979)319 Absorption cross sections of pi+-,k+-,p and p-bar on nuclei between 60 and 280Gev/c 未定 未定 N E US data (1USANAL)
0343 N E 欠番
0342 PR/C19(1979)698 Charged-particle spectra:90 MeV protons on 27Al, 58Ni, 90Zr, and 209Bi 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMRY)
0341 PL/B80(1979)350 Preequilibrium alpha-emission in the 197Au(p,alpha,x)-reaction at ep=72MeV 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTVIL)
0340 PRL42(1979)82 Nuclear fragment emission in high-energy p-xe and p-kr collisions and a description of their production mechanism 未定 未定 N E US data (1USANAL)
0339 AUJ32(1979)187 Partial wave analysis of the 18O(p,alpha)15N reaction 未定 未定 N E Australian data (3AULAML)
0338 PRL43(1979)1080 Evidence for a new reaction mechanism in the bombardment of 238U with 11.5-gev protons 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAANL)
0337 PRL43(1979)918 Unusual backward enhancement in the angular distribution of products from the interaction of 238U with 400-gev protons 未定 未定 N E US data (1USACHI)
0336 AUJ32(1979)411 4-particle-hole states in 16O 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0335 PR/C19(1979)2108 Analyses of inelastic proton and electron scattering to the 2+(4.43MeV) state in 12C 未定 未定 N E Australian data (3AULAML?)
0334 AUJ32(1979)323 The 12C(p,2P)11B reaction at 100 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0333 HPA'6'51(1978)97 A microscopic analysis of the low lying levels in 86Sr with the reaction 89Y(p,alpha)86Sr 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTVIL)
0332 PR/C20(1979)88 Excitation functions for radioactive isotopes produced by proton bombardment of fe, co, and w in the energy range from 10 to 60MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USADAV)
0331 PR/C20(1979)764 Backward production of protons in nuclear reactions with 400Gev protons 未定 未定 N E US data (1USANAL)
0330 PR/C19(1979)631 Nucleosynthesis of li, be, and b : contributions from the p+16O reaction at 50-90MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMRY)
0329 PR/C20(1979)1467 Formation of isobaric nuclides with a=131 in the interaction of 238U with 0.8-11.5Gev protons 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAANL,1USALAM)
0328 PR/C20(1979)1055 Symmetric-to-asymmetric mass ratios for proton-induced fission of 232Th and 238U 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAFSU)
0327 PR/C19(1979)1832 Differential ranges and angular distributions of ba fragments from the interaction of 238U with 11.5-gev protons 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAANL)
0326 PR/C20(1979)1517 Production of argon isotopes by spallation of sc, ti, fe, co, ni, and cu 未定 未定 N E Belgian data (3BLGBLG)
0325 ZP/A291(1979)319 Half-life, g-factor and relaxation of the nuclear orientation of the isomeric 11/2- state in 139Pr 未定 未定 N E Dutch data (2NEDFUL)
0324 ZP/A291(1979)397 New neutron deficient lutetium isotopes 未定 未定 N E Soviet data (4CCPLIN)
0323 PR/C20(1979)787 7Be production cross sections in n,c,11B,and 10B with 740 MeV protons 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABRK)
0322 JPJ48(1980)1804 Isobaric analogue resonances in 27Al studied with the 26Mg(p,p) and 26Mg(p,gamma) reactions 未定 未定 N E 要変換
0321 N E 欠番
0320 NP/A346(1980)329 Effects of inelastic multistep processes on (p,t) reactions in a transi tion region between rare-earth nuclei and double-magic 208Pb 未定 未定 N E 要変換
0319 PR/C18(1978)2007 Search for simple configurations in 18F. 2. the 17O(p,alpha)14N, 17O(p,p1 gamma)17O, and 17O(p,gamma)18F reactions 未定 未定 N E French data (2FRSTR)
0318 PRL40(1978)164 Multinucleon removal in a quasifree process with a p-gamma coincidence experiment at 400MeV 未定 未定 N E French data (2FRSAC)
0317 PRL41(1978)1224 Model-independent determination of the compound-elastic enhancement factor in a polarized-proton fluctuation experiment 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERUEN)
0316 NCL22(1978)257 Investigation on the discrepancies from om predictions in the elastic scattering of protons by 12C and 16O 未定 未定 N E
0315 ZP/A287(1978)229 Study of isobaric analogue resonances in 65 cu by proton scattering from 64Ni 未定 未定 N E Romanian data (3RUMRUM)
0314 ZP/A286(1978)307 Fluctuations in inelastic proton scattering from 58Ni in the energy range 17.1 to 20.6MeV 未定 未定 N E Australian data (3AULCBR)
0313 JPJ44(1978)1 Investigation of 9B and 9Be levels in a kinematically complete 9Be(p,pn)8Be experiment 未定 未定 N E Chinese data (3CHFSHI)
0312 PR/C18(1978)1985 Cross-section measurements and phase shift analysis of p-4He elastic scattering in the energy range 20-55MeV 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMNA)
0311 NP/A307(1978)65 The (p,n) threshold anomaly in proton elastic scattering on 23Na,27Al,31P,35Cl and 34S 未定 未定 N E Romanian data (3RUMBUC)
0310 PRL41(1978)1632 Proton-proton elastic scattering from 30 to 250 gev/c 未定 未定 N E US data (1USANAL)
0309 PRL41(1978)148 Analyzing power in inclusive proton-nucleus cross sections 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0308 PL/B74(1978)170 Analyzing power of inclusive nuclear reactions 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANCAN'12')
0307 PR/C17(1978)872 Inelastic scattering of 40 MeV protons from 24Mg. i. natural parity transitions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMHG)
0306 JPJ48(1980)720 26Mg(d,p)27Mg reactions at 3.1 and 3.5 MeV 村上(済) 大塚(済) (E063) N E
0305 SNP27(1978)324 Spin flip in the reaction 28Si(p,p' gamma)28Si in the energy interval 3.50-3.80MeV 未定 未定 N E Data of Internat.Inst. (4ZZZDUB)
0304 PL/B86(1979)18 Observation of intermediate structure in inelastic proton amplitudes in 49V 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATNL)
0303 PR/C20(1979)52 Phase relation for a common doorway state in 47V 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATNL)
0302 (Duplication of D1422) N E See D1422
0301 PR/C20(1979)13 Two-step effects in 15-35 MeV proton scattering from 24Mg low-lying states 未定 未定 N E Italian data (2ITYITY'5')
D200 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
0300 PR/C20(1979)1706 Comparison of optical-model and lane-model analyses of sub-coulomb protons on 92,94Zr 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAKTY)
0299 PRL41(1978)1712 Nuclear 'time-delay' and x-ray-proton coincidences near a nuclear scattering resonance 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAWAU?)
0298 N E 欠番
0297 N E 欠番
0296 PR/C19(1979)2396 Spin of the 14.174 MeV t=3/2 level in 17F 未定 未定 N E US data (1USANOT)
0295 ZP/A289(1979)211 Study of inelastic proton amplitudes for a fragmented analogue state in 45Sc 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATNL)
0294 JP/G5(1979)1225 Low-energy behaviour of the proton optical potential of sn 未定 未定 N E Soviet data (4CCPFEI)
0293 PR/C20(1979)1583 Gamma-ray excitation curves from 10B(p,alpha,gamma)7Be and 10B(p,p,gamma)10B reactions 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR STR)
0292 CJP57(1979)1196 Coulomb fxcitation of low-energy levels in 45Sc 未定 未定 N E Indian data (3INDTRM)
0291 CJP57(1979)540 Elastic and inelastic scattering of 40 MeV polarized protons from 90Zr and 92Zr. 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR FR)
0290 PL/B79(1978)376 Elastic differential cross sections and analyzing powers for p+54Fe, 58,64Ni at 800 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0289 PL/B87(1979)343 Volume integrals for low-energy p+208Pb optical potentials 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERUEN)
0288 PL/B83(1979)34 Coupled-channels analysis of proton inelastic scattering from 26Mg at 24MeV 未定 未定 N E Dutch data (2NEDFUL)
0287 N E 欠番
0286 PL/B81(1979)151 Elastic differential cross sections and analyzing powers for p+40,42,44,48Ca at 0.8Gev 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0285 PR/C17(1978)2053 Analyzing power of 206Pb(p,p0) and 207Pb(p,p0) near the 3P1/2 isobaric analog resonance 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAWAU)
0284 PRL40(1978)1553 P(pol)+d backscattering at 316 and 516 MeV 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANUBC)
0283 PL/B79(1978)47 Inelastic scattering of 40 MeV polarized protons exciting the low-lying 2+ states in 90Zr and 92Zr 未定 未定 N E French data (2FR GRE)
0282 NP/A302(1978)388 Large angle cross section and analyzing power for proton-4He elastic scattering between 185 and 500MeV 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANUBC)
0281 NP/A303(1978)111 High resolution study of the 26Mg(p,p) reaction 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATNL)
0280 NP/A305(1978)333 Elastic and inelastic proton scattering from 89Y 未定 未定 N E Swedish data (2SWDUPP)
0279 PL/B78(1978)205 P-4He elastic scattering at 788 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0278 PRL41(1978)930 Retarded isoscalar m2 strength observed in the reaction 16O(p-pol,p-pol)16O(2-,8.88 MeV) at e-p=40MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATAM?)
0277 NP/A305(1978)151 Isospin-forbidden particle decays in light nuclei (4) total width of the lowest t=2 level of 24Mg 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANCRC)
0276 PRL43(1979)421 Microscopic description of 800-MeV polarized-proton scattering from 16O 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0275 PR/C20(1979)145 Structure and directional-correlation measurements in 97Tc from 97Mo(p,n)97Tc(gamma) spectrometry 未定 未定 N E Greek data (2GRCATH)
0274 PR/C20(1979)1085 Pion exchange effects in nuclear reactions at large momentum transfers 未定 未定 N E No new data?
0273 PRL43(1979)330 Investigation of noncentral proton-proton interaction at low energy 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERUEN)
0272 PR/C20(1979)59 (p,n) reaction to ground-and excited-state analogs on the samarium isotopes: importance of two-phonon coupling effects 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALRL)
0271 PL/B85(1979)43 P-3He elastic scattering at 1 gev 未定 未定 N E Soviet data (4CCPLIN)
0270 N E 欠番
0269 (Duplication of D77) N E See D77
0268 NP/A313(1979)269 Analyzing power measurements for p-3He elastic scattering from 1.75 to 4.50 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAOHO)
0267 NP/A321(1979)1 Analyzing power measurements in deutron-proton elastic scattering 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTETH)
0266 NP/A322(1979)308 Measurements of p-p and p-4He analyzing powers at medium energies 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANCAN'1')
0265 NP/A311(1978)1 Analyzing power and phase-shift analysis of 3He(p,p)3He between 19 and 30MeV 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERHAM)
0264 NP/A311(1978)29 Polarization transfer coefficients for 3He(p,p)3He elastic scatttering below 11MeV 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTETH)
0263 NP/A312(1978)209 P-4He elastic scattering at 2.68 gev 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABRK)
0262 (Duplication of D137) N E See D137
0261 NP/A315(1978)317 High-spin states of the doubly odd nucleus 178Ta 未定 未定 N E East German data (3DDRROS)
0260 PRL41(1978)934 Properties of the intermediate structure in 71As 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAOSU)
0259 PRL41(1978)152 Sharp backward peak in p-4He elastic scattering at 1.05Gev 未定 未定 N E French data (2FRSAC)
0258 PR/C18(1978)331 Polarization in elastic p-p and p-n scattering at 1.03 gev 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAANL)
0257 NP/A301(1978)349 Elastic scattering of 100 MeV protons and systematic optical model analysis 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMRY)
0256 PR/C18(1978)1436 Proton elastic and inelastic scattering at 0.8 gev from 12,13C and 208Pb 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0255 NP/A334(1980)389 The 40Ar(p,t)38Ar reaction at 52 MeV 未定 未定 N E 要変換
0254 77TOKYO(1977)17 The break-up of the vector polarized deuterons on 4He 未定 未定 N E
0253 PRL41(1978)454 New probe of line broadening with resolvable fine structure: the 'off-diagonal strength function' 未定 未定 N E US data (1USA???)
0252 NP/A303(1978)457 Proton-ptoton scatering from 0.35 to 1.0 MeV 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTZUR)
0251 PL/B90(1980)197 DWBA form factor for taree-particle transfer reaction 村上(済) 大塚(済) (E063) N E
0250 PRL41(1978)1638 Energy dependence of 4He(p,d)3He 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANUBC)
0249 NP/A366(1981)189 Isospin dependence of the 65 MeV proton optical potential in the f-p shell nuclei 大塚(済) 大塚(済) (E051)->(E079r) N E 野呂博士論文
0248 NP/A344(1980)41 Analyzing powers of the continuum spectra : 65 MeV polarized protons on 12C, 28Si, 45Sc, 58Ni, 93Nb, 165Ho, 166Er and 209Bi 未定 未定 N E
0247 NP/A343(1980)234 A study of the (p,d) reactions on A=12-94 nuclei by 65 MeV polarized protons 鈴木(済) 大塚(済) (E036) N E c.f. EXFOR R0012
0246 NP/A294(1978)161 Energy levels of 16O near 15 MeV excitation from 15N+p reactions 未定 未定 N E Australian data (3AULCBR)
0245 (Duplication of D775) N E See D775
0244 JPJ50(1981)1440 Spectroscopic factors of particle-hole states in 28Si 村上(済) 大塚(済) (E063) N E
0243 NIM169(1980)589 Polarization measurements for p-12C elastic scattering between 40-75MeV 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0242 PR/C18(1978)1120 Elastic scattering of polarized protons from 13C for 9.1 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMCM)
0241 PRL40(1978)1256 Analyzing power in proton-nucleus elastic scattering at 0.8 gev 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0240 PL/B74(1978)173 Proton-deuteron elastic scattering 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTETH)
0239 NP/A303(1978)51 Analyzing power of 3He(p,p)3He elastic scattering between 2.3 and 8.8MeV 未定 未定 N E Swiss data (2SWTETH)
0238 N E 欠番
0237 SNP28(1978)589 Features of nertron spectra of 115Sn 未定 未定 N E
0236 SNP28(1978)310 Neutron spectra in decay of isobaric analog resonances in the reactions 109Ag(p,n)109Cd and 115In(p,n)115Sn 未定 未定 N E East German data (3DDRROS)
0235 SNP27(1978)609 Neutron spectra from the reaction 109Ag(p,n)109Cd in the proton-enegy region e(p)=6 and 7 MeV 未定 未定 N E Soviet data (4CCPFEI)
0234 ZP/A290(1979)227 Magnetic moments of the 11/2- states in 145,147,149Eu and paramagnetism in the system eusm 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERUEN)
0233 ZP/A291(1979)49 The magnetic moment of the first excited state in 138La 未定 未定 N E German data (2GERUEN)
0232 SNP28(1978)660 Measurement of polarization in elastic pp scattering at 2.1Gev/c in the region of small momentum transfers 未定 未定 N E Soviet data (4CCPSCU)
0231 N E 欠番
0230 SNP26(1977)606 Neutron spectra and angular distributions from the reactions 181Ta(p,n)181W and 181Ta(n,n)181Ta 未定 未定 N E Soviet data (4CCPFEI)
0229 SNP27(1978)380 Elastic small-angle he-p scattering in the energy interval 1.75 - 4.13Gev/nucleon 未定 未定 N E Data of Internat.Inst. (4ZZZDUB)
0228 JEL27(1978)316 Asymmetry in elastic scattering of protons by deuterons at 630MeV 未定 未定 N E Data of Internat.Inst. (4ZZZDUB)
0227 PR/C20(1979)1700 Sub-coulomb proton absorption for isotopes of zirconium and molybdenum 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAKTY)
0226 NP/A331(1979)29 Comparison of the 12C(p,n)12N and 12C(p,p) reactions at e(p)=62 and 120 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0225 NP/A315(1979)157 Isobaric analogue resonances in the 80Se(p,n)80Br reaction 未定 未定 N E Unknown INST-ACC
0224 JP/G5(1979)585 Mean lifetimes of 85Sr levels 未定 未定 N E Indian data (3INDSAH)
0223 AUJ32(1979)195 Gamma-ray studies using a solid argon target : properties of states in 40K and 40Ar 未定 未定 N E New Zealander data (3NZLNZA)
0222 CJP57(1979)411 The weak neutral current : search for a 0- isomer in 42Sc and 46V 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANCRC)
0221 CJP57(1979)286 Cross sections for the 26Mg(p,n)26Al(ground,7.3E+5 year) and 26Mg(p,n)26Al(metastable,6.35 sec) reactions 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMCM)
0220 PR/C19(1979)1753 79Br and 81Br(p,xn) and (p,pxn) excitation functions in the energy range 10-85MeV 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMCG)
0219 PRL42(1979)1461 Energy dependence of pion production by protons on nuclei 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0218 PRL43(1979)910 Experimental test of one-pion exchange and partial conservation of axial-vector current in proton-nucleus charge-exchange reactions at 144MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0217 PR/C20(1979)1627 14C(p,n)14N and the isovector tensor component of the effective two-nucleon interaction 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAMSU)
0216 NP/A323(1979)61 Levels in 81Kr populated by the 81Br(p,n gamma) reaction 未定 未定 N E
0215 PL/B79(1978)385 Positive pion production on 90Zr and 208Pb by 180 MeV protons 未定 未定 N E Swedish data (2SWDUPP?)
0214 PL/B81(1979)156 The p+p -> d+ pi+ reaction with a polarised proton beam 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANUBC)
0213 NP/A319(1979)409 Experimental and theoretical studies of positive pion production on 10B and 40Ca by 163-186 MeV protons 未定 未定 N E Swedish data (2SWDUPP?)
0212 AUJ31(1978)253 Threshold effects in proton-induced reactions on copper 未定 未定 N E Australian data (3AULAML)
0211 (Duplication of D197) N E See D197
0210 CJP57(1979)733 G9/2 isobaric analogue resonances in 64,66Zn(p,gamma) reactions 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANLUQ)
0209 NP/A320(1979)353 Multipolarities of gamma-rays from 92,94Nb and 94,95,96,97,98Tc 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAKTY)
0208 NP/A326(1979)26 Differential cross sections for radiative capture of energetic protons by 110Cd and 115In 未定 未定 N E French data (2FRSTR)
0207 NP/A320(1979)385 (p,gamma) reaction studies on 60Ni 未定 未定 N E US data (1USANYU'1')
0206 NP/A323(1979)253 Gamma-ray strength functions for a=70-90 nuclei 未定 未定 N E Data of Internat.Inst. (4ZZZDUB?)
0205 NP/A324(1979)63 High-resolution measurements of analogue states in 55Co 大塚(済) 能登(済) (E060) N E
0204 PR/C19(1979)1762 Gamma decay of g9/2 isobaric analog resonance in 57Co 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANLUQ)
0203 PR/C19(1979)38 Fragmentation of a previously reported g9/2 analog state in 63Cu 未定 未定 N E French and German data (2FR STR,2GRCATH)
0202 AUJ32(1979)335 Cross section measurements in the 54Cr(p,gamma)55Mn reaction 未定 未定 N E Australian data (3AULAML)
0201 PR/C22(1980)557 Spin assignments for the resonant structures in the 12C+12C system through the reaction 12C(12C,16O-gs)8Be-gs at e-cm=6-11MeV 未定 未定 N E 要変換
D100 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
0200 NP/A341(1980)199 Continuum energy spectra of 3He scattered by 3He at 120 MeV 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0199 N E 欠番
0198 PRL44(1980)1193 Analyzing powers of continuum spectra of reactions 28Si,58Ni, 209Bi (p,p,x) and (p,d,x) at 65MeV 未定 未定 N E
0197 JP/G5(1979)1267 Fragmented g9/2 isobaric analogue resonances in the 52Cr(p,gamma)53Mn reaction 未定 未定 N E Hungarian data (3HUNKFI)
0196 NP/A329(1979)1 Investigation of the gamma-ray strength function in 51V by means of the average resonance method 未定 未定 N E Swedish data (2SWDLND)
0195 NP/A315(1979)430 Cross section measurements and thermonuclear reaction rates for 48Ca(p,gamma)49Sc and 48Ca(p,n)48Sc 未定 未定 N E US data (1USACAL)
0194 JP/G5(1979)399 Yield measurements in the reactions 48Ca(p,gamma)49Sc and 48Ca(p,n)48Sc 未定 未定 N E Australian data (3AULAML)
0193 JP/G5(1979)1261 Cross sections for the 42Ca(p,gamma)43Sc, 42Ca(alpha,n)45Ti and 44Ca(p,n)44Sc reactions 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANMCM)
0192 NP/A324(1979)1 Proton resonant and direct capture on 28Si 未定 未定 N E Italian data (2ITYPAD,2ITYNAP)
0191 N E 欠番
0190 NP/A318(1979)111 A study of the 22Ne(p,gamma)23Na reaction in the energy region e(p)=1.1 to 2.0 MeV 未定 未定 N E South African data (3SAFPOT)
0189 NP/A327(1979)172 The j-pi=3- doublet at ex=6241 keV in 18F: isospin mixing 未定 未定 N E Canadian data (1CANTOR)
0188 NP/A322(1979)33 Some studies of t=3/2 states in 17F 未定 未定 N E British data (2UK OXF)
0187 N E 欠番
0186 PRL42(1979)700 Radiative capture of intermediate-energy protons to high-lying states in light nuclei 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAINU)
0185 PR/C20(1979)920 Lifetimes of negative parity states in 11C 未定 未定 N E Finnish data (2SF HLS)
0184 NP/A331(1979)50 Cross section of the reaction 6Li(p,gamma)7Be 未定 未定 N E Australian data (3AULAML)
0183 PR/C19(1979)601 2H(p,gamma)3He reaction using polarized and unpolarized protons 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATNL)
0182 PR/C19(1979)877 Differential cross section for proton-proton bremsstrahlung at 1.38 gev/c 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALBL)
0181 PRL43(1979)1787 Energy dependence of charged pions produced at 180 degree in 0.8-4.89-gev proton-nucleus collisions 未定 未定 N E US data (1USABRK)
0180 PR/C19(1979)549 Evidence for negative parity for the 7064-keV level in 208Pb 未定 未定 N E US data (1USAPTN)
0179 PRL43(1979)487 Measurement of the reactions 9Be(p,pion+-) at 800 MeV 未定 未定 N E US data (1USALAS)
0178 PL/B85(1979)315 'backward' production of protons,deuterons,tritons,3He,4He and pions in the interaction of 400Gev protons with nuclei 未定 未定 N E US data (1USANAL)
0177 N E 欠番
0176 N E 欠番
0175 N E 欠番
0174 N E 欠番
0173 PL/B98(1981)175 Hexadecapole strength in the region of the low-energy octupole resonance in 90Zr 未定 未定 N E
0172 NP/A337(1980)493 Spin alignment of yrast levels populated by pre-equilibrium (alpha,x n gamma) reactions 未定 未定 N E
0171 JPJ35(1973)633 Electromagnetic property of low-lying levels in 143Pm 未定 未定 N E
0170 PL/B90(1980)219 The (d,6Li) reaction on 12C,16O,24Mg,40Ca and 58Ni at 54.25 MeV 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0169 JPJ48(1980)687 Reaction cross section measurement for 40Ca(16O,p)55Co 村上(済) 大塚(済) (E063) N E
0168 (Duplication of D1423) N E See D1423
0167 (Duplication of D169) N E See D169
0166 PL/B89(1979)40 65 MeV polarized poroton elastic scattering and the effective two-body interaction range 大塚(済) 未定 (E051) N E 坂口紀要論文
0165 PL/B61(1976)245 Analog (p,t) and (p,tau) reactions on 14N induced by 52 MeV protons 大塚(済) 能登(済) (E060) N E
0164 PRL38(1977)1015 Inner-core neutron-hole state 1H11/2 in odd nd and sm isotopes 未定 未定 N E
0163 NP/A278(1977)231 Deeply bound hole states and isobaric analog states observed by neutron pickup reactions on even tin isotopes 未定 未定 N E 要変換
0162 PL/B62(1976)153 Study of 12C(p,6Li)7Be reaction and 5He-7Be cluster structure in 12C 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0161 JPJ41(1976)1830 A level-structure study of 108Ag and 110Ag with the (p,n gamma) reactions 未定 未定 N E
0160 JPJ40(1976)307 The magnetic moment of the second excited state in 26Al 未定 未定 N E
0159 (Duplication of D1878) N E
0158 NP/A259(1976)452 Low-lying states of the 16F nucleus 未定 未定 N E
0157 (Duplication of D1494) N E See D1494
0156 (Duplication of D1399) N E See D1399
0155 JPJ39(1975)1407 Angular distribution for the reaction 16O(p,t)14O*(6.27 MeV) and channel coupling effects 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0154 PL/B51(1974)51 Excitation of the deeply bound g9/2 neutron hole state in 117Sn by a neutron pickup reaction with 81.7MeV 3He particles 未定 未定 N E
0153 JPJ36(1974)1266 High resolution study of the g9/2 isobaric analogue state in 61Cu 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0152 (Duplication of D1533) N E
0151 JPJ36(1974)623 Low-lying states of 181Os 未定 未定 N E 要変換
0150 NP/A220(1974)461 Core-excited states of 54Fe from the 56Fe(p,t)54Fe reaction at 52MeV 未定 未定 N E
0149 JPJ35(1973)325 The M1 transition strength from the 3/2- isobaric analogue state in 49Sc 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E033) N E 数値欠損に伴う再採録
0148 JPJ34(1973)865 Low-lying states of 62Zn studied in the 64Zn (p,t) 62Zn and 63Cu (p,2Ngamma) 62Zn reactions 未定 未定 N E
0147 NP/A208(1973)545 Determination of 27Al(p,alpha)24Mg reaction times with the brocking effect 未定 未定 N E 要変換
0146 JPJ46(1979)335 Energy relaxation during the fusion process probed by preequilibrium alpha emission in heavy-ion reactions 未定 未定 N E
0145 PRL43(1979)111 Prevalence of direct-reaction mechanism in a deeply inelastic reaction,197Au(19F,12B) 未定 未定 N E
0144 PL/B84(1979)71 Multiplicity of gamma-rays following fast alpha-particle emission in the 95MeV 14N+159Tb reaction 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0143 JPJ46(1979)1067 Decay of 189Re 未定 未定 N E
0142 (Duplication of D372) N E See D372
0141 JPJ46(1979)707 The d(d,d)d, d(d,p)t and d(d,3He)n reactions at 13.2 MeV 未定 未定 N E
0140 (Duplication of D353) N E See D353
0139 NP/A325(1979)408 High-spin states in 107,109,111Cd following (alpha,3N gamma) reactions 未定 未定 N E
0138 (Duplication of D205) N E See D205
0137 NP/A314(1979)80 Low-lying levels in 120Sb studied with the 120Sn(p,n gamma) reaction 未定 未定 N E 要変換
0136 PR/C20(1979)464 Pre-equilibrium neutron emission for the 164Dy(alpha,xn gamma) 168-x er reaction studied by n-gamma coincidence measurements 未定 未定 N E 要変換
0135 NP/A326(1979)47 Absolute cross sections for the 6Li(p,3He)4He reaction at energies below 1MeV 未定 未定 N E
0134 JPJ47(1979)33 Decay of the 1+ isomer in 24 al 未定 未定 N E
0133 JPJ47(1979)365 Study of high spin states in 89Zr 未定 未定 N E
0132 JPJ46(1979)361 High spin states above the 8+ isomer in 88Zr 未定 未定 N E
0131 PRL43(1979)605 Massive transfer accompanying proton, deuteron, and triton emission in heavy-ion reactions 未定 未定 N E
0130 PRL43(1979)1480 Reaction 12C(16O,alpha)24Mg leading to nuclear molecular resonances 未定 未定 N E US data (1USATAM)
0129 JPJ46(1979)1025 Angular momentum transfers in equilibrium and pre-equilibrium dy(alpha,xn gamma) reactions 未定 未定 N E
0128 (Duplication of D6) N E
0127 (Duplication of D216) N E See D216
0126 NP/A325(1979)389 Inelastic proton scattering on doubly even selenium isotopes 未定 未定 N E 要変換
0125 PL/B84(1979)67 Energy spectra of neutrons induced by 0.75 gev/c negative pions on complex nuclei 未定 未定 N E 要変換
0124 JPJ47(1979)673 Excitation of 6+,8+,10+ and 9-states in 122Sn by reactions (p,t) and (p,p') 未定 未定 N E 要変換
0123 JPJ46(1979)715 The e5 transition in 117Snm 未定 未定 N E
0122 NP/A341(1980)206 Study of even-mass ba nuclei by the (p,t) reaction 未定 未定 N E 要変換
0121 PL/B97(1980)192 Vector analyzing power and polarization measurements for the 116Sn(d,p)117Sn reaction and deuteron d-state effects 鈴木(済) 牧永(済) 芦澤(済) (E065) N E 要変換
0120 JPJ48(1980)1812 Forbidden (p,d) transitions and their CCBA analysis 大塚(済) 鈴木(済) (E035) N E 数値欠損に伴う再採録, c.f. R0014
0119 NP/A213(1973)61 A study of the level scheme of 74As by the 74Ge(p,ngamma)74 as reaction 未定 未定 N E 要変換
0118 NP/A272(1976)381 An investigation of the level scheme of 72As through the 72Ge(p,ngamma)72As reaction 未定 未定 N E 要変換
0117 JPJ49(1980)435 A detailed study of low-lying levels in 79Kr by the 79Br(p,n gamma)79Kr reaction 未定 未定 N E
0116 NP/A346(1980)93 Levels in 87Y from a study of the (p,n gamma) reaction 未定 未定 N E
0115 JPJ48(1980)1797 Excited states of 4He, observed in the 4He(alpha,alphad) 2H reaction at 119MeV 未定 未定 N E 要変換
0114 JPJ48(1980)4 Energy levels of 95Tc from the 95Mo(p,ngamma)95Tc reaction 未定 未定 N E
0113 NP/A257(1976)303 Low-lying levels in 145Pm and the effective m2 transition moment 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0112 NP/A336(1980)246 The level structure of 76As by the 76Ge(p,ngamma)reaction 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0111 NP/A333(1980)1 Elastic scattering of 119MeV 3He particles and eneigy and mass- number dependence of optical potential parameters 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0110 PL/B44(1973)447 Effect of inelastic scattering processes on(p,t)reactions exciting the first 2+ states in te,sn and cd isotopes 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0109 NP/A331(1979)193 Alpha-transfer reactions between light nuclei 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060)->(E140r) N E INSTITUTE, REFERENCE (001), Heading (011) modified (E140r).
0108 PR/C9(1974)266 6+ and 11- states excited by the (p,t) reaction on lead isotopes 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E EXFOR O0795削除合意済(2009-12-27, E.Dupont)
0107 NP/A263(1976)1 Magnetic substate populations of product nuclei in the 11B(d,p)12B reaction 未定 未定 N E
0106 JPJ37(1974)789 Studies of (alpha,d)reactions on n=28 nuclei.ii. 52Cr(alpha,d)54Mn 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0105 JPJ36(1974)929 Studies of (a,d) reactions on N=28 nuclei. I. 51V(a,d)53Cr 大塚(済) 合川(済) (E033) N E 数値欠損に伴う再採録
0104 JPJ34(1973)1128 3He(d,p)4He reaction proton asymmetry with polarized 3He beam 未定 未定 N E
0103 NP/A228(1974)513 Study of (d,alpha) reactions on 94Zr and 96Zr 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0102 PL/B95(1980)39 Angular distribution of recoil 8Li in the reaction 9Be (pi-, pin) 8Li at 1.0gev/c 能登(済) 大塚(済) (J008) N E
0101 NP/A321(1979)250 The 12C+12C+alpha three-body final state induced by the 12C+16O entrance channel 未定 未定 N E
D0 [TOP] [D2800] [D2700] [D2600] [D2500] [D2400] [D2300] [D2200] [D2100] [D2000] [D1900] [D1800] [D1700] [D1600] [D1500] [D1400] [D1300] [D1200] [D1100] [D1000] [D900] [D800] [D700] [D600] [D500] [D400] [D300] [D200] [D100]
0100 JPJ44(1978)704 Deuteron break-up reaction on 4He 大塚(済) 未定 (E035) N E 数値欠損に伴う再採録, c.f. A1134
0099 JPJ45(1978)1783 Breakup reaction of 3He by 3He at 120 MeV 可東 松本 N E 要変換
0098 NP/A311(1978)173 Projectile break-up and the continuum spectra of the (3He,d) reaction 未定 未定 N E 要変換
0097 PR/C17(1978)2219 Superallowed fermi beta transition of 62Ga 未定 未定 N E
0096 PL/B78(1978)397 Polarization of 12B in deep-inelastic heavy-ion reaction 100Mo(14N,12B) 未定 未定 N E
0095 NP/A318(1979)145 Study of high-spin states in odd sn isotopes 未定 未定 N E
0094 JPJ44(1978)16 An analysis of cross section fluctuations in the reaction 55Mn(p,p)55Mn 井坂(済) 古立(済) 芦澤(済) (E065) N E 要変換
0093 NP/A311(1978)161 Elastic scattering of 90-120 MeV 3He particles and an unambiguous optical potential 未定 未定 N E 要変換
0092 (Duplication of D375) N E See D375
0091 NP/A322(1979)117 Isospin non-conservation in the 14N(d,d')14N reaction 吉田 古立 N E 要変換
0090 JPJ44(1978)1405 The 9Be(d,t)8Be and 9Be(d,alpha)7Li reaction in the energy range from 12.17 MeV to 14.43 MeV 未定 未定 N E
0089 (Duplication of D29) N E See D29
0088 (Duplication of D1388) N E See D1388
0087 NP/A311(1978)38 Study of the (3He,t) reaction on 48Ca at 82MeV 山本(済) 松本(済) 芦澤(済) (E065)->(E109r) N E 要変換
0086 (Duplication of D398) N E See D398
0085 (Duplication of D1422) N E See D1422
0084 PRL43(1979)1087 Anomalous analyzing powers for strong (ppol,t) ground-state transitions and interference between direct and (p,d) (d,t) sequential process 大塚(済) 未定 (E051) N E 九里博士論文
0083 (Duplication of D405) N E
0082 PR/C19(1979)2420 J dependence of the analyzing power for (p,alpha) reactions 未定 未定 N E
0081 PRL38(1977)1341 Sub-coulomb resonances in the 12C-12C system through the reaction 12C(12C,16O)8Be 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0080 PL/B90(1980)214 Line broadening and coulomb displacement energies of the hole-state analogs in the a=111-123 odd-mass sn isotopes 未定 未定 N E
0079 (Duplication of D1413) N E See D1413
0078 NP/A299(1978)77 Measurement and semi-phenomenological analysis of the 2H(alpha,p alpha)n reaction at 18MeV 栗原/牧永(済) 合川(済) 芦澤(済) (E119) N E 要変換,再読み取りデータを使用する事(芦澤)
0077 NP/A325(1979)397 Polarization and cross section measurements for p-4He elastic scattering at 45,52,60 and 65MeV 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0076 NP/A329(1979)84 Systematic observation of fine structure of the hole-state analogues in ni isotopes 未定 未定 N E
0075 JPJ44(1978)7 A study of the anomaly at ec.m.=13.7 MeV in the 12C+16O system 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0074 NP/A303(1978)254 Production of 59Ni from alpha-bombardment of iron 未定 未定 N E
0073 (Duplication of D785) N E See D785
0072 NP/A301(1978)15 Spectroscopic study of 75Se by the (d,p) reaction 何東(済) 松本(済) 芦澤(済) (E065)->(E140r) N E AUTHOR (001) modified (E140r).
0071 PRL41(1978)16 Analyzing power for the (p,alpha) reaction induced with polarized protons 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0070 NP/A288(1977)504 Proton inelastic scattering from 110Cd and 112Cd at isobaric analog resonances and analysis with the quasiparticle random-phase approximation 未定 未定 N E 要変換
0069 JPJ40(1976)1541 The 55Mn(p.t)53Mn reaction at 52 MeV 吉田(済) 古立(済) 芦澤(済) (E065) N E 要変換
0068 JPJ34(1973)304 The(d,t)reactions on n=50 nuclei 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0067 (Duplication of D1405) N E See D1405
0066 NP/A218(1974)201 Energy levels of 92Nb from 92Zr(p,ngamma)92Nb 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0065 JPJ35(1973)341 The level structure of 69Ge 未定 未定 N E
0064 NP/A203(1973)388 Proton-proton bremsstrahlung and the 2H(p,2P)n reaction at 51.8MeV Tada (finished) All (finished) (E123) N E
0063 JPJ39(1975)1152 Excited states of 25Mg from the 27Al(d,alpha) 25Mg reaction and 2I+1 rule 未定 未定 N E
0062 (Duplication of D1542) N E See D1542
0061 JPJ43(1977)17 Two-step process in the 12C(d,p) 13C reaction 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0060 NP/A201(1973)608 Spin-parity assignments for the excited states of 91Nb from the 91Zr(p,n gamma) 91Nb reaction 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0059 PL/B72(1978)319 Systematics of low-lying octupole states in the doubly-even nuclei from ge to sr 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0058 JPJ35(1973)953 The cross section and the recoil range study of the 209Bi(p,n) and (p,2N) reactions 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0057 JPJ34(1973)853 The 7Be, 22Na and 24Na production cross sections with 22- to 52-MeV proton on 27Al 何東(済) 松本(済) (E065)->(E144) N E
0056 NP/A230(1974)98 Reactions of 209Bi induced by intermediate energy protons and the effect of direct reactions 大塚(済) 鈴木(済) (E035) N E 数値欠損に伴う再採録, c.f. B0035
0055 JPJ35(1973)1277 The radiative proton capture cross sections in 209Bi with ep from 10 to 50 MeV 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0054 JPJ45(1978)1071 The (p,n) reaction on 209Bi and pre - compound process 栗原(済) 牧永(済) 芦澤(済) (E065) N E
0053 N E 欠番
0052 NP/A293(1977)137 Structure of the transitional nucleus 149Eu 未定 未定 N E
0051 (Duplication of D1507) N E See D1507
0050 NP/A288(1977)251 Isobaric analog resonances in the 82Se+p system investigated by (p,p'gamma) angular correlations and low-lying states in 83Se 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0049 JPJ42(1977)725 Continuous energy spectra of alpha-particles from 11B(p,alpha)8Be reaction 未定 未定 N E
0048 PL/B44(1973)159 Splittings of the octupole strength in te isotopes 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0047 PL/B45(1973)463 Strong l=5 transition in te(p,p') reactions 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0046 JPJ36(1974)1486 Excitation of two quasi-particle 5- and 7- states in the 124, 126,128,130 te(p,t) reactions 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0045 (Duplication of D1415) N E See D1415
0044 (Duplication of D1537) N E
0043 IPC53(1977)81 Alpha-transfor reactions between 1P or 2S-1D shell nuclei 未定 未定 N E
0042 (Duplication of D1394) N E See D1394
0041 PRL36(1976)390 Anomalous angular distribution in the transition to the 2S1/2 state in 17O 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0040 NP/A273(1976)493 A study of the n-p final state interaction in the 2H(alpha,p alpha)n reaction at 18MeV 未定 未定 N E
0039 JPJ42(1977)732 4He(d,p alpha)n reaction at ed=8.9 MeV 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0038 JPJ42(1977)367 12C(p,t)10C and 12C(p,3He)10B reactions at ep=51.9 MeV 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0037 JPJ42(1977)382 (p,d) reactions at 52 MeV.iii.28Si(p,d) and 18O(p,d) 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0036 XX 未定 未定 N E
0035 78FUKUOKAX 未定 未定 N E
0034 PR/C13(1976)556 Features of the (t,p) reaction below the coulomb barrier of the entrance channel 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0033 NCL15(1976)439 Sensitivity of the (t,p) angular distribution below the coulomb barrier of the entrance channel to the radial two-neutron form factor 未定 未定 N E
0032 JPJ34(1973)1115 100Mo(t,p)102Mo reaction at 15.8 MeV 吉田(済) 古立(済) 芦澤(済) (E065) N E 要変換
0031 (Duplication of D1536) N E See D1536
0030 NP/A307(1978)425 Elastic and inelastic deuteron scattering from even-mass isotopes of molybdenum 山本(済) 松本(済) 芦澤(済) (E065)->(E071r)->(E109r)->(E120r) N E 要変換/要修正(From NEA, 2011.7.18)(REFERENCE (year): 19761121 -> 197809)/See J,SCP,72,41,1978(18-11-14)
0029 JPJ45(1978)733 Elastic and inelastic scattering of deuterons by 9Be in the energy range of 12.17MeV to 14.43MeV 井坂(済) 古立(済) 芦澤(済) (E065)->(E122r) N E 要変換
0028 PR/C14(1976)1458 Systematics of optimum q values in multinucleon transfer reactions induced by heavy ions 未定 未定 N E
0027 (Duplication of D1404) N E See D1404
0026 (Duplication of D1419) N E See D1419
0025 (Duplication of D1428) N E See D1428
0024 PL/B61(1976)437 Study of isospin forbidden and allowed transitions in 14N(d,d')14N at ed=10.03 and 11.65MeV 山本(済) 松本(済) 芦澤(済) (E065) N E 要変換
0023 PRL40(1978)1489 Enhancement of the excitation function for the 0+, 6.049-MeV state of 16O in the reaction 12C(16O, 12C)16O 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0022 (Duplication of D1388) N E
0021 PRL40(1978)161 Difference in analyzing powers for (p,t) reactions due to a phase change of interference between direct and indirect processes in two-nucleon transfer reactions 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0020 JPJ/S44(1978)249 Sequential decay in the 12C+16O->12C+12C+alpha reaction 未定 未定 N E
0019 JPJ/S44(1978)825 Spin polarization of 12B in the heavy-ion reaction 100Mo(14N,12B)102Ru - spin polarization of light product and reaction mechanism of heavy ion collisions - 未定 未定 N E
0018 PRL39(1977)323 Spin polarization of 12B in the heavy-ion reaction 100Mo(14N, 12B)102Ru 未定 未定 N E
0017 (Duplication of D1517) N E See D1517
0016 JPJ/S44(1978)557 Asymmetry in the elastic and inelastic scattering of 65 MeV protons from 28Si, 29Si, 30Si, 31P, 89Y and 90Zr 未定 未定 N E
0015 JPJ/S44(1978)289 Measurements of the polarization in proton-proton scattering at 52.34 and 68.19MeV 未定 未定 N E
0014 PL/B78(1978)221 Gross structure of deeply bound hole states in odd tin isotopes observed with the (3He, alpha) reaction 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0013 PRL41(1978)621 Observation of isospin dependence on analyzing powers in proton inelastic scattering 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0012 XX Differential cross sections for 12C(d,p)13C reaction at extreme forward angles 未定 未定 N E
0011 XX 58Ni(p,d)57Ni reaction with 30MeV polarized protons 未定 未定 N E
0010 XX Analyzing power for 30Si(p,d)29Si reaction at 30MeV 未定 未定 N E
0009 PL/B78(1978)192 Difference between populations of the k-isomer in 182Os by (p, xngamma) reactions and (he, xngamma) reactions 未定 未定 N E
0008 NP/A305(1978)167 Gamma rays and neutrons following preequilibrium 165Ho(p,x*n,y*p,gamma) reactions at ep=60MeV 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0007 PRL40(1978)1628 Isoscalar multipole resonances in 40Ca 未定 未定 N E
0006 JPJ46(1979)6 Gamma deexcitation mechanism of rare-earth compound nuclei produced by (3He,xn) and (alpha,xn) reactions 未定 未定 N E
0005 JPJ/S44(1978)655 Preequilibrium and equilibrium deexcitation processes for dy(alpha, xngamma)er reactions at ealpha=90MeV and 165Ho(p, xnypgamma) reactions at ep=60MeV 未定 未定 N E
0004 SCP68(1974)38 Elastic and inelastic scatterings of 14N and 12C projectiles by 12C, 27Al, 28Si and 58Ni 未定 未定 N E
0003 JPJ27(1969)278 Optical-model analysis of elastic scattering of 3He particles from 58Ni at 24.15, 27.64 and 34.14MeV 未定 未定 N E
0002 PL/B73(1978)145 The 51V(p,d)50V reaction and symmetry energy 能登(済) 大塚(済) (E060) N E
0001 PL/B74(1978)326 Evidence for the fragmentation of hole-state analogues in 59Ni and 58Co 未定 未定 N E
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